Ejemplo n.º 1
def imperviousness_raster():
    out_file_name = 'neigh_imp.tif'
    imp_rast = Raster('nor_imperv.tif')
    neighborhood = NbrRectangle(width=1500, height=1500, units="MAP")
    neigh_imp = FocalStatistics(imp_rast, neighborhood=neighborhood, statistics_type="SUM",
    return out_file_name
Ejemplo n.º 2
def surface_relief(elevation_input, relief_output):
    Description: calculates 32-bit float surface relief ratio
    Inputs: 'elevation_input' -- an input raster digital elevation model
            'relief_output' -- an output surface relief ratio raster
    Returned Value: Returns a raster dataset on disk
    Preconditions: requires an input elevation raster

    # Import packages
    import arcpy
    from arcpy.sa import Con
    from arcpy.sa import Float
    from arcpy.sa import FocalStatistics
    from arcpy.sa import NbrRectangle

    # Set overwrite option
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

    # Define a neighborhood variable
    neighborhood = NbrRectangle(5, 5, "CELL")

    # Calculate local minimum
    print('\t\tCalculating local minimum...')
    local_minimum = FocalStatistics(elevation_input, neighborhood, 'MINIMUM',

    # Calculate local maximum
    print('\t\tCalculating local maximum...')
    local_maximum = FocalStatistics(elevation_input, neighborhood, 'MAXIMUM',

    # Calculate local mean
    print('\t\tCalculating local mean...')
    local_mean = FocalStatistics(elevation_input, neighborhood, 'MEAN', 'DATA')

    # Calculate maximum drop
    print('\t\tCalculating maximum drop...')
    maximum_drop = Float(local_maximum - local_minimum)

    # Calculate standardized drop
    print('\t\tCalculating standardized drop...')
    standardized_drop = Float(local_mean - local_minimum) / maximum_drop

    # Calculate surface relief ratio
    print('\t\tCalculating surface relief ratio...')
    out_raster = Con(maximum_drop == 0, 0, standardized_drop)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main(bathy=None,
    Create a bathymetric position index (BPI) raster, which
    measures the average value in a 'donut' of locations, excluding
    cells too close to the origin point, and outside a set distance.
    arcpy.env.compression = "LZW"
    arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "STATISTICS"
        # Create the broad-scale Bathymetric Position Index (BPI) raster
        msg = ("Generating the {bpi_type}-scale Bathymetric"
               "Position Index (BPI) raster...".format(bpi_type=bpi_type))

        utils.msg("Calculating neighborhood...")
        neighborhood = NbrAnnulus(inner_radius, outer_radius, "CELL")
        utils.msg("Calculating FocalStatistics for {}...".format(bathy))
        out_focal_statistics = FocalStatistics(bathy, neighborhood, "MEAN")
        result_raster = Int(Plus(Minus(bathy, out_focal_statistics), 0.5))

        out_raster_path = utils.validate_path(out_raster)
        arcpy.CopyRaster_management(result_raster, out_raster_path)
        utils.msg("Saved output as {}".format(out_raster_path))
    except Exception as e:
        utils.msg(e, mtype='error')
def topographic_position(elevation_input, position_output):
    Description: calculates 32-bit float topographic position
    Inputs: 'elevation_input' -- an input raster digital elevation model
            'relief_output' -- an output surface relief ratio raster
    Returned Value: Returns a raster dataset on disk
    Preconditions: requires an input elevation raster

    # Import packages
    import arcpy
    from arcpy.sa import FocalStatistics
    from arcpy.sa import NbrRectangle
    from arcpy.sa import Raster

    # Set overwrite option
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

    # Define a neighborhood variable
    neighborhood = NbrRectangle(5, 5, "CELL")

    # Calculate local mean
    print('\t\tCalculating local mean...')
    local_mean = FocalStatistics(elevation_input, neighborhood, 'MEAN', 'DATA')

    # Calculate topographic position
    print('\t\tCalculating topographic position...')
    out_raster = Raster(elevation_input) - local_mean
Ejemplo n.º 5
def roughness(elevation_input, roughness_output):
    Description: calculates 32-bit float roughness
    Inputs: 'elevation_input' -- an input raster digital elevation model
            'roughness_output' -- an output roughness raster
    Returned Value: Returns a raster dataset on disk
    Preconditions: requires an input elevation raster

    # Import packages
    import arcpy
    from arcpy.sa import FocalStatistics
    from arcpy.sa import NbrRectangle
    from arcpy.sa import Raster
    from arcpy.sa import Square

    # Set overwrite option
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

    # Define a neighborhood variable
    neighborhood = NbrRectangle(5, 5, "CELL")

    # Calculate the elevation standard deviation
    print('\t\tCalculating standard deviation...')
    standard_deviation = FocalStatistics(Raster(elevation_input), neighborhood,
                                         'STD', 'DATA')

    # Calculate the square of standard deviation
    print('\t\tCalculating squared standard deviation...')
    out_raster = Square(standard_deviation)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def main(in_raster=None,
    Compute depth statisitcs, averaging values over a defined neighborhood
    of cells. Can compute mean, standard deviation, and variance.
    out_stats = out_stats_raw.replace("'", '').split(";")
    arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "STATISTICS"

    # convert our data to sets for easy comparison
    mean_set = set(['Mean Depth'])
    std_dev_set = set(['Standard Deviation', 'Variance'])

    # list stats to be computed
    utils.msg("The following stats will be computed: " + \

        # initialize our neighborhood
        utils.msg("Calculating neighborhood...")
        neighborhood = NbrRectangle(neighborhood_size, neighborhood_size,

        if mean_set.intersection(out_stats):
            utils.msg("Calculating mean depth...")
            mean_depth = FocalStatistics(in_raster, neighborhood, "MEAN",
            mean_raster = os.path.join(out_workspace, "meandepth")
            utils.msg("saving mean depth to {}".format(mean_raster))

        # compute stdev in ths case
        if std_dev_set.intersection(out_stats):
            utils.msg("Calculating depth standard deviation...")
            std_dev_depth = FocalStatistics(in_raster, neighborhood, "STD",
            std_dev_raster = os.path.join(out_workspace, "stdevdepth")
                "saving standard deviation depth to {}".format(std_dev_raster))

            # no direct variance focal stat, have to stdev^2
            if 'Variance' in out_stats:
                utils.msg("Calculating depth variance...")
                var_depth = Power(std_dev_depth, 2)
                var_raster = os.path.join(out_workspace, "vardepth")
                utils.msg("saving depth variance to {}".format(var_raster))

    except Exception as e:
        utils.msg(e, mtype='error')
Ejemplo n.º 7
def linear_aspect(raw_aspect, aspect_output):
    Description: calculates 32-bit float linear aspect
    Inputs: 'raw_aspect' -- an input raw aspect raster
            'aspect_output' -- an output linear aspect raster
    Returned Value: Returns a raster dataset on disk
    Preconditions: requires an input DEM

    # Import packages
    import arcpy
    from arcpy.sa import ATan2
    from arcpy.sa import Con
    from arcpy.sa import Cos
    from arcpy.sa import FocalStatistics
    from arcpy.sa import Mod
    from arcpy.sa import NbrRectangle
    from arcpy.sa import Raster
    from arcpy.sa import SetNull
    from arcpy.sa import Sin

    # Set overwrite option
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

    # Define a neighborhood variable
    neighborhood = NbrRectangle(3, 3, "CELL")

    # Calculate aspect transformations
    print('\t\tTransforming raw aspect to linear aspect...')
    setNull_aspect = SetNull(
        Raster(raw_aspect) < 0, (450.0 - Raster(raw_aspect)) / 57.296)
    sin_aspect = Sin(setNull_aspect)
    cos_aspect = Cos(setNull_aspect)
    sum_sin = FocalStatistics(sin_aspect, neighborhood, "SUM", "DATA")
    sum_cos = FocalStatistics(cos_aspect, neighborhood, "SUM", "DATA")
    mod_aspect = Mod(
        ((450 - (ATan2(sum_sin, sum_cos) * 57.296)) * 100), 36000
    ) / 100  # The *100 and 36000(360*100) / 100 allow for two decimal points since Fmod appears to be gone
    out_raster = Con((sum_sin == 0) & (sum_cos == 0), -1, mod_aspect)

    # Save output raster file
Ejemplo n.º 8
def calcConiferPost(coniferTreatmentArea, Conifer_Cover):
    arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating post-project conifer modifier")
    # Add field Conifer to use when converting to raster
    inTable = coniferTreatmentArea
    fieldName = "Conifer"
    fieldType = "SHORT"
    expression = 0
    arcpy.AddField_management(inTable, fieldName, fieldType)
    arcpy.CalculateField_management(inTable, fieldName, expression,
                                    "PYTHON_9.3", "")

    # Convert to raster
    in_features = coniferTreatmentArea
    value_field = "Conifer"
    out_rasterdataset = "Proposed_Conifer_Cover"
    cell_assignment = "MAXIMUM_AREA"
    priority_field = "Conifer"
    cellSize = 30

    coniferRaster = arcpy.PolygonToRaster_conversion(in_features,

    # Mask existing conifer cover
    coniferPost = Con(IsNull(coniferRaster), Conifer_Cover, coniferRaster)

    # Calculate neighborhood statistics
    in_raster = coniferPost
    radius = 400
    neighborhood = NbrCircle(radius, "MAP")
    statistics_type = "MEAN"

    coniferCover400 = FocalStatistics(in_raster, neighborhood, statistics_type)

    # Reclassify to get Post_Conifer_Modifier
    in_raster = coniferCover400
    reclass_field = "VALUE"
    remapTable = [[0, 1, 100], [1, 2, 28], [2, 3, 14], [3, 4, 9], [4, 5, 6],
                  [5, 7, 3], [7, 8, 2], [8, 9, 1], [9, 100, 0]]
    coniferModifierPost100 = Reclassify(in_raster, reclass_field,
    coniferModifierPost = Float(coniferModifierPost100) / 100

    return coniferModifierPost
Ejemplo n.º 9
def main(in_raster=None, neighborhood_size=None, out_workspace=None, out_stats_raw=None):
    out_stats = out_stats_raw.replace("'", '').split(";")
    arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "STATISTICS"

    # convert our data to sets for easy comparison
    mean_set = set(['Mean Depth'])
    std_dev_set = set(['Standard Deviation', 'Variance'])

    # list stats to be computed
    utils.msg("The following stats will be computed: {}".format(";".join(out_stats)))

        # initialize our neighborhood
        utils.msg("Calculating neighborhood...")
        neighborhood = NbrRectangle(neighborhood_size,
            neighborhood_size, "CELL")

        if mean_set.intersection(out_stats):
            utils.msg("Calculating mean depth...")
            mean_depth = FocalStatistics(in_raster, neighborhood, "MEAN", "NODATA")
            mean_raster = os.path.join(out_workspace, "meandepth")
            utils.msg("saving mean depth to {}".format(mean_raster))

        # compute stdev in ths case
        if std_dev_set.intersection(out_stats):
            utils.msg("Calculating depth standard deviation...")
            std_dev_depth = FocalStatistics(in_raster, neighborhood, "STD", "NODATA")
            std_dev_raster = os.path.join(out_workspace, "stdevdepth")
            utils.msg("saving standard deviation depth to {}".format(std_dev_raster))

            # no direct variance focal stat, have to stdev^2
            if 'Variance' in out_stats:
                utils.msg("Calculating depth variance...")
                var_depth = Power(std_dev_depth, 2)
                var_raster = os.path.join(out_workspace, "vardepth")
                utils.msg("saving depth variance to {}".format(var_raster))

    except Exception as e:
        utils.msg(e, mtype='error')
Ejemplo n.º 10
def main(in_raster=None, neighborhood_size=None, out_raster=None):
    Compute terrain ruggedness, using the vector ruggedness measure (VRM),
    as described in:

        Sappington et al., 2007. Quantifying Landscape Ruggedness for
        Animal Habitat Analysis: A Case Study Using Bighorn Sheep in the
        Mojave Desert. Journal of Wildlife Management. 71(5): 1419 -1426.
    hood_size = int(neighborhood_size)

    # FIXME: expose this as an option per #18
    w = utils.Workspace()
    if w.exists:
        out_workspace = w.path
        out_workspace = os.path.dirname(out_raster)
    # force temporary stats to be computed in our output workspace
    arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = out_workspace
    arcpy.env.workspace = out_workspace

    # TODO expose as config
    pyramid_orig = arcpy.env.pyramid
    arcpy.env.pyramid = "NONE"
    # TODO: currently set to automatically overwrite, expose this as option
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
    arcpy.env.compression = 'LZW'

        # Create Slope and Aspect rasters
        utils.msg("Calculating aspect...")
        out_aspect = Aspect(in_raster)
        utils.msg("Calculating slope...")
        out_slope = Slope(in_raster, "DEGREE")

        # Convert Slope and Aspect rasters to radians
        utils.msg("Converting slope and aspect to radians...")
        slope_rad = out_slope * (math.pi / 180)
        aspect_rad = out_aspect * (math.pi / 180)

        # Calculate x, y, and z rasters
        utils.msg("Calculating x, y, and z rasters...")
        xy_raster_calc = Sin(slope_rad)
        z_raster_calc = Cos(slope_rad)
        x_raster_calc = Con(out_aspect == -1, 0,
                            Sin(aspect_rad)) * xy_raster_calc
        y_raster_calc = Con(out_aspect == -1, 0,
                            Cos(aspect_rad)) * xy_raster_calc

        # Calculate sums of x, y, and z rasters for selected neighborhood size
        utils.msg("Calculating sums of x, y, and z rasters in neighborhood...")
        hood = NbrRectangle(hood_size, hood_size, "CELL")
        x_sum_calc = FocalStatistics(x_raster_calc, hood, "SUM", "NODATA")
        y_sum_calc = FocalStatistics(y_raster_calc, hood, "SUM", "NODATA")
        z_sum_calc = FocalStatistics(z_raster_calc, hood, "SUM", "NODATA")

        # Calculate the resultant vector
        utils.msg("Calculating the resultant vector...")
        result_vect = (x_sum_calc**2 + y_sum_calc**2 + z_sum_calc**2)**0.5

        arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "STATISTICS"
        arcpy.env.pyramid = pyramid_orig
        # Calculate the Ruggedness raster
        utils.msg("Calculating the final ruggedness raster...")
        ruggedness = 1 - (result_vect / hood_size**2)

        out_raster = utils.validate_path(out_raster)
        utils.msg("Saving ruggedness raster to to {}.".format(out_raster))
        arcpy.CopyRaster_management(ruggedness, out_raster)

    except Exception as e:
        utils.msg(e, mtype='error')
Ejemplo n.º 11
def main(in_raster=None, neighborhood_size=None, out_workspace=None,
         out_stats_raw=None, verbose=True, window_type='Rectangle'):
    Compute depth statisitcs, averaging values over a defined neighborhood
    of cells. Can compute mean, standard deviation, and variance.
    out_stats = out_stats_raw.replace("'", '').split(";")
    out_stats = list(set(out_stats) - set(['Terrain Ruggedness (VRM)']))
    arcpy.env.rasterStatistics = "STATISTICS"
    arcpy.env.compression = 'LZW'  # compress output rasters

    # neighborhood is integer
    n_size = int(neighborhood_size)

    # convert our data to sets for easy comparison
    mean_set = set(['Mean Depth', 'Difference to Mean'])
    std_dev_set = set(['Standard Deviation', 'Variance'])
    iqr_set = set(['Interquartile Range'])
    kurt_set = set(['Kurtosis'])

    # list stats to be computed
    if verbose:
        utils.msg("The following stats will be computed: " +

    # these two tools both use block processing which requires NetCDF4
    if 'Interquartile Range' in out_stats or 'Kurtosis' in out_stats:
        if not utils.NETCDF4_EXISTS:
            utils.msg("The interquartile range and kurtosis tools require "
                      "the NetCDF4 Python library is installed. NetCDF4 "
                      "is included in ArcGIS 10.3 and later.", "error")

        if 'Kurtosis' in out_stats and not utils.SCIPY_EXISTS:
            utils.msg("The kurtosis calculation requires the SciPy library "
                      "is installed. SciPy is included in ArcGIS 10.4 and "
                      "later versions.", "error")

    # get output name prefix and suffix
    parts = output_parts(in_raster, out_workspace, n_size)

    # set geoprocessing environments
    arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = out_workspace
    arcpy.env.workspace = out_workspace

    # validate nbr type
    if window_type not in ('Rectangle', 'Circle'):
        utils.msg("Unknown window type `{}`".format(window_type), "error")

        # initialize our neighborhood
        if verbose:
            utils.msg("Calculating neighborhood...")

        if window_type == 'Circle':
            neighborhood = arcpy.sa.NbrCircle(n_size, "CELL")
            neighborhood = arcpy.sa.NbrRectangle(n_size, n_size, "CELL")

        overlap = int((n_size / 2.0) - 0.5)

        if mean_set.intersection(out_stats):
            mean_requested = 'Mean Depth' in out_stats
            if verbose and mean_requested:
                utils.msg("Calculating mean depth...")
            mean_depth = FocalStatistics(in_raster, neighborhood,
                                         "MEAN", "NODATA")
            mean_raster = output_name(parts, 'mean')

            if verbose and mean_requested:
                utils.msg("saving mean depth to {}".format(mean_raster))
            arcpy.CopyRaster_management(mean_depth, mean_raster)

            if 'Difference to Mean' in out_stats:
                if verbose:
                    utils.msg("Calculating relative difference to mean...")
                range_depth = FocalStatistics(in_raster, neighborhood,
                                              "RANGE", "NODATA")

                mean_diff = -(mean_depth - in_raster) / range_depth
                mean_diff_raster = output_name(parts, 'mean_diff')

                if verbose:
                    utils.msg("saving relative different to mean to {}".format(
                arcpy.CopyRaster_management(mean_diff, mean_diff_raster)
                if not mean_requested:

        # compute stdev in ths case
        if std_dev_set.intersection(out_stats):
            std_dev_requested = 'Standard Deviation' in out_stats
            if verbose and std_dev_requested:
                utils.msg("Calculating depth standard deviation...")
            std_dev_depth = FocalStatistics(in_raster, neighborhood,
                                            "STD", "NODATA")
            std_dev_raster = output_name(parts, 'sdev')

            if verbose and std_dev_requested:
                utils.msg("saving standard deviation depth to \
            arcpy.CopyRaster_management(std_dev_depth, std_dev_raster)

            # no direct variance focal stat, have to stdev^2
            if 'Variance' in out_stats:
                if verbose:
                    utils.msg("Calculating depth variance...")
                var_depth = Power(std_dev_depth, 2)
                var_raster = output_name(parts, 'var')

                if verbose:
                    utils.msg("saving depth variance to {}".format(var_raster))
                arcpy.CopyRaster_management(var_depth, var_raster)
                if not std_dev_requested:

        # limit 3D blocksize to 10^8 elements (.4GB) on 32-bit, 10^10 on 64-bit
        if utils.ARCH == '32-bit':
            limit = 10**8
            limit = 10**10

        blocksize = int(np.sqrt((limit) / (n_size**2)) - overlap * 2)
        # define numpy-based calculations
        np_sets = ((iqr_set, "interquartile range", "iqr", iqr),
                   (kurt_set, "kurtosis", "kurt", kurtosis))

        for np_set in np_sets:
            (in_set, label, out_label, funct) = np_set
            if in_set.intersection(out_stats):
                if verbose:
                    utils.msg("Calculating depth {}...".format(label))

                out_raster = output_name(parts, out_label)
                bp = utils.BlockProcessor(in_raster)
                bp.computeBlockStatistics(funct, blocksize, out_raster, overlap)

    except Exception as e:
        utils.msg(e, mtype='error')