superf_kurowski.append(values) elif values <= ELA and values > kurowski: superf_en_ELA.append(values) elif values > ELA and values <= kurowski: superf_kurowski.append(values) else: pass # Get the maximum surface value within the list ela = max(superf_en_ELA) kur = max(superf_kurowski) #Get the altitude value that corresponds to the surface for altitudes, superficies in dictionary.iteritems(): if superficies == ela: elaok = altitudes + (interval / 2) outline = os.path.join(files, desc.baseName + "AAR.shp") arcpy.Contour_3d(dem, outline, 100000, elaok) arcpy.AddMessage("The ELA AAR is:") arcpy.AddMessage(elaok) break for altitudes, superficies in dictionary.iteritems(): if superficies == kur: elaok = altitudes + (interval / 2) outline = os.path.join(files, desc.baseName + "MGE.shp") arcpy.Contour_3d(dem, outline, 100000, elaok) arcpy.AddMessage("The ELA MGE is:") arcpy.AddMessage(elaok) break fo.close # Close the .txt file
try:#both treat comma and point decimals segundovalor.append(int(c.split('.')[0])) except: segundovalor.append(int(c.split(',')[0])) break except: pass # AA Calculation superf_total=max(segundovalor) resta=[int(x)-int(y) for (x,y) in zip(segundovalor[1:], segundovalor[0:])] multiplicacion=[int(x)*int (y) for (x,y) in zip (resta,list_altitudes)] finalmulti=sum(multiplicacion) resultAA=int(int(finalmulti)/int(superf_total)) outlineAA=os.path.join(files,desc.baseName+"AA.shp") arcpy.Contour_3d(dem,outlineAA,100000,resultAA) arcpy.AddMessage("The ELA AA is:") arcpy.AddMessage(resultAA) # AABR Calculation refinf=minalt valores_multi=[] valorAABR=[x*(y - refinf) for (x,y) in zip (resta, list_altitudes)] for valoracion in valorAABR: if valoracion<0: valores_multi.append(int (valoracion*br)) else: valores_multi.append(int (valoracion)) valorAABRfinal=sum (valores_multi) while valorAABRfinal > 0: refinf=refinf+interval
# Parámtetros de entrada cotaRio = 250 # cota del rio hCresta = 225 # altura de la cresta areaCol = 115800 # área parabólica velCol = 148 # m/s (532800 m/h) velocidad de la columna de agua según la Fórmula de Chezy-Manning (rugosidad, pendiente, radio hidráulico) zInt = 10 # ¿Cada cuánto se se generan las curvas? """Missión: Determinar el polígono/cota de inundación (altura alcanzada por el embalse) de acuerdo a las condiciones de llenado definidas por el caudal neto de entrada y el tiempo de simulación. """ # Se establecen los parámetros de la simulación cotaEmb = cotaRio + hCresta # 475 caudalNeto = velCol * areaCol # 17138400 m3/s caudal de la columna de agua m3/s # Generan las curvas de nivel a partir del DEM cNivel = arcpy.Contour_3d(dem, "curvasNivel", zInt, cotaEmb) # Añadir campo longitud arcpy.AddGeometryAttributes_management(cNivel, "LENGTH") # Crear una lista con las curvas de nivel listaCurvas = list( set([row[0] for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(cNivel, ["Contour"])])) listaCurvas.sort() # Realizar el análisis para cada curva i = 0 for cotaAnalisis in listaCurvas: if i < 15 and i > 10: # Generar poligono de inundacion whereClause = "Contour = %s" % cotaAnalisis
""" TIN to DEM The cell size of the new DEM is 50 meters, values are in the float type, and the methos used to raster the DEM is linear interpolation """ arcpy.TinRaster_3d(in_tin=r"chp12data.gdb/tin", out_raster="demFromTIN", \ data_type="FLOAT", method="LINEAR", \ sample_distance="CELLSIZE 50",z_factor="1") # Create contour lines ################################################################## """ The input is "dem" and the output is "contour". The contour is in 10 meter intervals and starts from 330 meters. """ arcpy.Contour_3d(in_raster="dem", out_polyline_features=" contour", \ contour_interval="10", base_contour="330", z_factor="1") # Create slope raster ################################################################### # the input is DEM, and slope is in the unit of degrees slopely ="dem", "DEGREE") # save the slope layer into geodatabase (path has been set above)"slope") # Create aspect raster ################################################################## aspectly ="dem")"aspect") # Create flow direction raster ########################################################## """ Create flow direction with "dem" as input. The "NORMAL" argument means edge cells are not forced outward, but follow normal flow rules.
value += n[k] if count > 0: c = abs(float(x)-float(value)/float(count)) c_max = max(c_max,c) copy_array[i, j] = c #Reclassification of TPI by choosen number at the start of the script print "Reclasification of TPI values" if number < c_max: for i in range(1, len(copy_array[:, 1])-1): for j in range(1, len(copy_array[1, :])-1): x = copy_array[i, j] x = min(x,number) copy_array[i, j] = x #Convert array to reclassified TPI raster TPI = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(copy_array, arcpy.Point(mx,my),raster.meanCellWidth,raster.meanCellHeight) TPI = SetNull(TPI, TPI, "VALUE = -9999") arcpy.DefineProjection_management(TPI, coord_sys) #Calculation of final raster result = TPI * raster_gaus_small + (1 - TPI) * raster_gaus_big arcpy.DefineProjection_management(result, coord_sys) #Exporting result raster arcpy.CopyRaster_management(result, output) #Creation of contours arcpy.Contour_3d(result, contour, interval, 0) print "Done!"
# -1 tif and tif>shp. # 0 shp and it includes name field. env.workspace = "F:/running/auto-zone/labs/hss/alps" # RE # 1 contours in_raster = "alps.tif" # RE contour_interval = 30 # RE base_contour = 0 out_contours = "xian1.shp" # xian 1 # Check out the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extensionlicense arcpy.CheckOutExtension("3D") t1 = time.time() #Exe Contours arcpy.Contour_3d(in_raster,out_contours,contour_interval,base_contour) elapsed1 = (time.time()-t1) print("finish part 1------------------") print("time:",elapsed1) time.sleep(2) # 2 cut clip_features = "alpst.shp" # mian 1 RE out_features = "xian2_identity.shp" # xian 2 xy_tolerance = "" t2 = time.time() # Execute Clip
if __name__ == "__main__": arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True # cale_raster = r"D:\Python\Test\Curs_DEM\dempm" # raster = arcpy.Raster(cale_raster) # print(raster) # matrice = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(raster, arcpy.Point(raster.extent.XMin, raster.extent.YMin),raster.width, raster.height, raster.noDataValue) # print(matrice) # print() arcpy.env.Overwrite = True # Contur env.workspace = r"D:\Python\Test\Curs_DEM" inRaster = "dempm" contourInterval = 10 baseContour = 0 outContours = "D:\Python\Test\Curs_DEM\contur1" arcpy.Contour_3d(inRaster, outContours, contourInterval, baseContour) # Dem # Name: # Description: Creates contours or isolines from a raster surface. # Requirements: Spatial Analyst Extension # Set local variables inPointElevations = "C:/data/spots.shp spot_meters PointElevation" inContours = "C:/data/contours.shp spot_meters Contour" inFeatures = (r"D:\Python\Test\Curs_DEM\contur1.shp") outRaster = r"D:\Python\Test\Curs_DEM\contur11.tif" # Execute TopoToRaster arcpy.TopoToRaster_3d(inFeatures, outRaster)
Slope_r = local_directory+"slope_r" Aspect_r = local_directory+"aspect_r" Final_r = local_directory+"final_r" Final_OK = local_directory+"final_ok" # Process: Mosaic To New Raster arcpy.MosaicToNewRaster_management(local_directory+"srtm_34_02.tif;U:\\GIS_demos\\srtm_latest\\srtm_35_01.tif;U:\\GIS_demos\\srtm_latest\\srtm_35_02.tif", srtm_latest, "srtm_combined", "GEOGCS['GCS_WGS_1984',DATUM['D_WGS_1984',SPHEROID['WGS_1984',6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]]", "16_BIT_SIGNED", "", "1", "LAST", "FIRST") # Process: Project Raster arcpy.ProjectRaster_management(srtm_combined, srtm_29902, "PROJCS['TM65_Irish_Grid',GEOGCS['GCS_TM65',DATUM['D_TM65',SPHEROID['Airy_Modified',6377340.189,299.3249646]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION['Transverse_Mercator'],PARAMETER['False_Easting',200000.0],PARAMETER['False_Northing',250000.0],PARAMETER['Central_Meridian',-8.0],PARAMETER['Scale_Factor',1.000035],PARAMETER['Latitude_Of_Origin',53.5],UNIT['Meter',1.0]]", "NEAREST", "", "", "", "") # Process: Clip arcpy.Clip_management(srtm_29902, "17491.1419994107 19589.9279998709 334558.590000137 466919.308999998", srtm_clipped, Census2011_Province_Modified_shp, "-32768", "NONE", "NO_MAINTAIN_EXTENT") # Process: Contour arcpy.Contour_3d(srtm_clipped, contour_50_shp, "100", "0", "1") # Process: Hillshade, hillshade__2_, "315", "45", "NO_SHADOWS", "1") # Process: Slope, slope__2_, "DEGREE", "1") # Process: Reclassify, "Value", "20 45 1", Slope_r, "NODATA") # Process: Aspect, Aspect__2_) # Process: Reclassify (2), "Value", "160 200 1", Aspect_r, "NODATA")