Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_fire(self):
        Bg = mark_util.MarkBg
        Fg = mark_util.MarkFg
        Width = 4
        Height = 5
        Area = area.make_empty(Width, Height, Bg)
        AreaDuplicated = area.duplicate(
            Area)  # later we modify Area with burning
        Burning = [(1, 1), (2, 3)]
        area.fire(Area, Burning, [Fg], ["Left"])

        Wanted = ("...." "FF.." "...." "FFF." "....")

        self.assertEqual(Wanted, area.to_string(Area, OneLine=True))

        # The duplicated Area is independent from burning Area, made with deepcopy
        # the duplicated area has to be emtpy, like a new empty area.
        # area is a complex struct, and we made a real duplication, not a shallow copy
        self.assertEqual(area.to_string(area.make_empty(Width, Height, Bg)),

        Area2 = area.make_empty(Width, Height, Bg)
        Area2[2][1] = "X"
        Burning = [(1, 1), (2, 3)]
        area.fire(Area2, Burning, [Fg, "X"], ["Up"])
        Wanted = (".F.." ".FX." "..F." "..F." "....")

        self.assertEqual(Wanted, area.to_string(Area2, OneLine=True))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_area_process_pixels(self):
        Bg = mark_util.MarkBg
        Fg = mark_util.MarkFg
        Width = 3
        Height = 2
        AreaA = area.make_empty(Width, Height, Bg)
        # P as point
        AreaA[0][0] = AreaA[0][1] = AreaA[1][0] = AreaA[1][1] = "P"

        AreaB = area.make_empty(Width, Height, Bg)
        AreaB[0][0] = AreaB[1][1] = Fg

        # the coordinate usage is important here, because process_pixels
        # loop over X,Y values and I want to test the fact of looping
        def processor_test(X, Y, _AreaA, _AreaB, AreaResult, _Fg, _Bg, Accumulator=None):
            AreaResult[X][Y] = X*10+Y

        AreaResult, _Acc = area.process_pixels(AreaA, AreaB, processor_test, Fg, Bg)
        Wanted = [ [0, 1], [10, 11], [20, 21] ]
        self.assertEqual(AreaResult, Wanted)

        # ========== TEST based on previous one's areas ===========
        AreaResult = area.mask_with_convex_shape(AreaA, AreaB, Fg, Bg)

        Wanted = [['P', '.'], ['.', 'P'], ['.', '.']]
        self.assertEqual(AreaResult, Wanted)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def mark_area_convex(Prg, Mark, PointsWanted=False):
    AreaConvex = area.make_empty(Mark["Width"], Mark["Height"], MarkBg)

    ConnectionPointLines = list()
    # naive implementation, it based on Mark's special attributes: there aren't gaps in marks.
    # I want to revise it later.
    # TODO: maybe if we have more time: Gift Wrapping Algorithm (Convex Hull)
    # maybe there is better solution
    # connect all points with each other
    PixelCoords = [P for P in Mark["Coords"].keys()]
    while PixelCoords:
        FromX, FromY = PixelCoords.pop(0)
        for ToX, ToY in PixelCoords:
            Points = util.coords_connect_fromA_toB_with_points(
                FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY)
            if PointsWanted:
            for ConnectionPointX, ConnectionPointY in Points:
                # -Xmin, -Ymin: A mark contains pixels with relative coords: the minimum is in the left/top corner
                AreaConvex[ConnectionPointX -
                           Mark["Xmin"]][ConnectionPointY -
                                         Mark["Ymin"]] = MarkFg

    if PointsWanted:
        return AreaConvex, ConnectionPointLines
    return AreaConvex
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_area_coord_insert(self):
     Bg = mark_util.MarkBg
     Fg = mark_util.MarkFg
     Area = area.make_empty(5, 6, Bg)
     Mark = {"Coords": {(1, 1): 1, (2, 2): 2, (3, 3): 3, (1, 3): 4}}
     area.coords_insert_from_mark(Area, Mark, Fg, Xshift=1, Yshift=1)
     Wanted = (".....\n" ".....\n" "..O..\n" "...O.\n" "..O.O\n" ".....")
     self.assertEqual(Wanted, area.to_string(Area))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def mark_to_area(Mark):
    Area = area.make_empty(Mark["Width"], Mark["Height"], MarkBg)
    # print(Mark)
    return Area
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_pattern_count(self):
        Bg = mark_util.MarkBg
        Width = 2
        Height = 3
        Area = area.make_empty(Width, Height, Bg)
        Area[1][2] = "X"

        CountedChars = area.pattern_count(Area, WantedPatterns=[Bg, "X"])
        WantedResult = {".": 5, "X":1, "Coords": {".": [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1)], "X":[(1,2)]}}
        self.assertEqual(CountedChars, WantedResult)

        CountedChars = area.pattern_count(Area, UnwantedPatterns=["Y"])
        self.assertEqual(CountedChars, WantedResult)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_pattern_position_find(self):
        Bg = mark_util.MarkBg
        Width = 6
        Height = 7
        Area = area.make_empty(Width, Height, Bg)
        Area[4][3] = "Y"
        Area[5][4] = "Y"

        Pos = area.pattern_position_find_first(Area, "Y")
        self.assertEqual(Pos, (4,3))

        Pos = area.pattern_position_find_first(Area, "U")
        self.assertEqual(Pos, None)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def spirals_display(Prg,
    SaveAsTxt = list()

    CharBg = "🔸"  #small orange diamond
    CharsetColorful = [
        "😎",  # smiling face with sunglasses
        "🔘",  #radio button,
        "🎃",  # jack-o-lantern
        "🐸",  # frog face
        "🎅",  # father christmas
        "🐨",  # koala
        "🎁",  # Wrapped present,
        "🌷",  # tulip
        "🏀",  # basketball and hoop
        "😈",  # smiling face with horns
        "🕐",  # clock face, one o'clock
        "🔴",  #large red circle
        "🔵",  #large blue circle,
        "🔆",  # high brightness symbol
        "💜",  #purple heart
        "🔅",  # low brightness symbol
        "🌑",  # new moon symbol
        "💡",  # electric light bulb

    Area = area.make_empty(Width, Height, CharBg)
                       BeforeString="\n" * 33))

    for Coords in Spirals.values():
        CharColorful = CharsetColorful.pop(0)
            CharColorful)  # shifting elements in Colorful chars

        for X, Y in Coords:
            Area[X][Y] = CharColorful
            AreaTxt = area.to_string(Area,
                                     BeforeString="\n" * 33)
            if SleepTime:

    if PauseAtEnd:

    if SaveAsFilename:
        util.file_write(Prg, os.path.join(Prg["DirTmpPath"], SaveAsFilename),
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_count_separated_blocks(self):
        Bg = mark_util.MarkBg
        Fg = mark_util.MarkFg
        Width = 6
        Height = 9

        Area = area.make_empty(Width, Height, Bg)

        # this is a '8' char
        Area[2][1] = Fg;    Area[3][1] = Fg;   Area[4][1] = Fg
        Area[2][2] = Fg;                       Area[4][2] = Fg
        Area[2][3] = Fg;    Area[3][3] = Fg;   Area[4][3] = Fg
        Area[2][4] = Fg;                       Area[4][4] = Fg
        Area[2][5] = Fg;    Area[3][5] = Fg;   Area[4][5] = Fg

        # the correct result is 3 because the there are an outside block
        # with Bg and two inside block

        CharsBlocking = [Fg]
        BlockVolume, FireInfo = area.count_separated_blocks(Area, Bg, CharsBlocking)
        self.assertEqual(3, BlockVolume)

        FireInfoWanted = {"total_size_of_closed_areas": 41,
                          (0, 0): {"AreaXmax": 5,
                                   "AreaXmin": 0,
                                   "AreaYmax": 8,
                                   "AreaYmin": 0,
                                   "BurntAreaSize": 39},
                          (3, 2): {"AreaXmax": 3,
                                   "AreaXmin": 3,
                                   "AreaYmax": 2,
                                   "AreaYmin": 2,
                                   "BurntAreaSize": 1},
                          (3, 4): {"AreaXmax": 3,
                                   "AreaXmin": 3,
                                   "AreaYmax": 4,
                                   "AreaYmin": 4,
                                   "BurntAreaSize": 1}}

        self.assertEqual( FireInfoWanted, FireInfo )

        # we erase the outside block
        FireInfo = area.fire(Area, [(0,0)], CharsBlocking)
        self.assertEqual(39, FireInfo["BurntAreaSize"])

        BlockVolume,  FireInfo = area.count_separated_blocks(Area, Bg, CharsBlocking)
        self.assertEqual(2, BlockVolume)

        FireInfoWanted = {"total_size_of_closed_areas": 2,
                          (3, 2): {"AreaXmax": 3,
                                   "AreaXmin": 3,
                                   "AreaYmax": 2,
                                   "AreaYmin": 2,
                                   "BurntAreaSize": 1},
                          (3, 4): {"AreaXmax": 3,
                                   "AreaXmin": 3,
                                   "AreaYmax": 4,
                                   "AreaYmin": 4,
                                   "BurntAreaSize": 1}}
        self.assertEqual(FireInfoWanted, FireInfo)

        # then we erase one of the inside blocks
        area.fire(Area, [(3,2)], CharsBlocking)
        BlockVolume, FireInfo = area.count_separated_blocks(Area, Bg, CharsBlocking)
        self.assertEqual(1, BlockVolume)

        FireInfoWanted = {"total_size_of_closed_areas": 1,
                          (3, 4): {"AreaXmax": 3,
                                   "AreaXmin": 3,
                                   "AreaYmax": 4,
                                   "AreaYmin": 4,
                                   "BurntAreaSize": 1}}
        self.assertEqual(FireInfoWanted, FireInfo)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_mark_area_empty_making(self):
     Bg = mark_util.MarkBg
     Result = area.make_empty(2, 3, Bg)
     WantedColumn = [Bg, Bg, Bg]
     WantedRows = [WantedColumn, WantedColumn]
     self.assertEqual(WantedRows, Result)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_width_height_get(self):
     Bg = mark_util.MarkBg
     Area = area.make_empty(5, 6, Bg)
     WidthHeight = area.width_height_get(Area)
     self.assertEqual(WidthHeight, (5,6))
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_fire_from_side(self):
        Bg = mark_util.MarkBg
        Fg = mark_util.MarkFg
        Width = 6
        Height = 5

        ########### Test from Right #############################
        Area = area.make_empty(Width, Height, Bg)

        # this is a ⊃  math sign, more or less :-)
        Area[2][1] = Fg;    Area[3][1] = Fg;   Area[4][1] = Fg
        pass;                                  Area[4][2] = Fg
        Area[2][3] = Fg;    Area[3][3] = Fg;   Area[4][3] = Fg

        FireInfo = area.fire_from_side(Area, "Right", [Fg])

        Wanted = ("FFFFFF"

        self.assertEqual(Wanted, area.to_string(Area, OneLine=True))
        self.assertEqual(21, FireInfo["BurntAreaSize"])

        ########### Test from Left#############################
        Area = area.make_empty(Width, Height, Bg)

        # stylized I sign
        Area[2][1] = Fg;    Area[3][1] = Fg;   Area[4][1] = Fg
        pass;               Area[3][2] = Fg
        Area[2][3] = Fg;    Area[3][3] = Fg;   Area[4][3] = Fg

        area.fire_from_side(Area, "Left", [Fg])

        Wanted = ("FFFFFF"

        self.assertEqual(Wanted, area.to_string(Area, OneLine=True))

        ########### Test from Top #############################
        Width = 5
        Height = 5

        Area = area.make_empty(Width, Height, Bg)
        Area[0][1] = Fg
        Area[1][1] = Fg
        Area[2][1] = Fg
        Area[3][1] = Fg
        Area[4][1] = Fg

        area.fire_from_side(Area, "Top", [Fg])

        Wanted = ("FFFFF"

        self.assertEqual(Wanted, area.to_string(Area, OneLine=True))

        ########### Test from Bottom #############################
        Width = 5
        Height = 5

        Area = area.make_empty(Width, Height, Bg)
        Area[0][1] = Fg
        Area[1][1] = Fg
        Area[2][1] = Fg
        Area[3][1] = Fg
        Area[4][1] = Fg

        area.fire_from_side(Area, "Bottom", [Fg])

        Wanted = ("....."

        self.assertEqual(Wanted, area.to_string(Area, OneLine=True))