Ejemplo n.º 1
def _autocomplete(root_parser, cwords, cword):

    def _collect_choices(parser, word):
        for a in parser._actions:
            if a.choices:
                for choice in a.choices:
                    if word:
                        if choice.startswith(word):
                            yield choice
                        yield choice

    choices = []

    # dig into the tree of parsers until we can yield no more choices

    # 1 ['']                      root parser  -> 'help fixtures'
    # 2 ['', 'fi']                root parser  -> 'fixtures'
    # 2 ['', 'fixtures']          subparser    -> 'load dump'
    # 3 ['', 'fixtures', 'lo']    subparser    -> 'load'
    # 3 ['', 'fixtures', 'load']  subparser    -> ''

    parser = root_parser
    choices = _collect_choices(parser, '')
    for word in cwords:
        # find the subparser and switch to it
        subparsers = get_subparsers(parser)
        if not subparsers:
        if word in subparsers.choices:
            parser = subparsers.choices[word]
            word = ''
        choices = _collect_choices(parser, word)

    return choices
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _autocomplete(root_parser, cwords, cword):
    def _collect_choices(parser, word):
        for a in parser._actions:
            if a.choices:
                for choice in a.choices:
                    if word:
                        if choice.startswith(word):
                            yield choice
                        yield choice

    choices = []

    # dig into the tree of parsers until we can yield no more choices

    # 1 ['']                      root parser  -> 'help fixtures'
    # 2 ['', 'fi']                root parser  -> 'fixtures'
    # 2 ['', 'fixtures']          subparser    -> 'load dump'
    # 3 ['', 'fixtures', 'lo']    subparser    -> 'load'
    # 3 ['', 'fixtures', 'load']  subparser    -> ''

    parser = root_parser
    choices = _collect_choices(parser, '')
    for word in cwords:
        # find the subparser and switch to it
        subparsers = get_subparsers(parser)
        if not subparsers:
        if word in subparsers.choices:
            parser = subparsers.choices[word]
            word = ''
        choices = _collect_choices(parser, word)

    return choices
Ejemplo n.º 3
def add_commands(parser, functions, namespace=None, title=None,
                 description=None, help=None):
    """Adds given functions as commands to given parser.

    :param parser:

        an :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` instance.

    :param functions:

        a list of functions. A subparser is created for each of them.
        If the function is decorated with :func:`~argh.decorators.arg`, the
        arguments are passed to :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument`.
        See also :func:`~argh.dispatching.dispatch` for requirements
        concerning function signatures. The command name is inferred from the
        function name. Note that the underscores in the name are replaced with
        hyphens, i.e. function name "foo_bar" becomes command name "foo-bar".

    :param namespace:

        an optional string representing the group of commands. For example, if
        a command named "hello" is added without the namespace, it will be
        available as "prog.py hello"; if the namespace if specified as "greet",
        then the command will be accessible as "prog.py greet hello". The
        namespace itself is not callable, so "prog.py greet" will fail and only
        display a help message.

    Help message for a namespace can be also tuned with these params (provided
    that you specify the `namespace`):

    :param title:

        passed to :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` as `title`.

    :param description:

        passed to :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` as

    :param help:

        passed to :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` as `help`.

    .. note::

        This function modifies the parser object. Generally side effects are
        bad practice but we don't seem to have any choice as ArgumentParser is
        pretty opaque.
        You may prefer :class:`~argh.helpers.ArghParser.add_commands` for a bit
        more predictable API.

    .. admonition:: Design flaw

        This function peeks into the parser object using its internal API.
        Unfortunately the public API does not allow to *get* the subparsers, it
        only lets you *add* them, and do that *once*. So you would have to toss
        the subparsers object around to add something later. That said, I doubt
        that argparse will change a lot in the future as it's already pretty
        stable. If some implementation details would change and break `argh`,
        we'll simply add a workaround a keep it compatibile.

    .. note::

       An attempt to add commands to a parser which already has a default
       function (e.g. added with :func:`~argh.assembling.set_default_command`)
       results in a `RuntimeError`.

    if 'function' in parser._defaults:
        raise RuntimeError('Cannot add commands to a single-command parser')

    subparsers = get_subparsers(parser, create=True)

    if namespace:
        # make a namespace placeholder and register the commands within it
        subsubparser = subparsers.add_parser(namespace, help=title)
        subparsers = subsubparser.add_subparsers(title=title,
        assert not any([title, description, help]), (
            'Arguments "title", "description" or "extra_help" only make sense '
            'if provided along with a namespace.')

    for func in functions:
        # use explicitly defined name; if none, use function name (a_b → a-b)
        cmd_name = getattr(func, ATTR_NAME,

        parser_kwargs = {

            # add command help from function's docstring
            'help': func.__doc__,

            # set default formatter
            'formatter_class': PARSER_FORMATTER,


        # try adding aliases for command name
            parser_kwargs['aliases'] = getattr(func, ATTR_ALIASES, [])

        # create and set up the parser for this command
        command_parser = subparsers.add_parser(cmd_name, **parser_kwargs)
        set_default_command(command_parser, func)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def add_commands(parser, functions, namespace=None, namespace_kwargs=None,
                 # deprecated args:
                 title=None, description=None, help=None):
    Adds given functions as commands to given parser.

    :param parser:

        an :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` instance.

    :param functions:

        a list of functions. A subparser is created for each of them.
        If the function is decorated with :func:`~argh.decorators.arg`, the
        arguments are passed to :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument`.
        See also :func:`~argh.dispatching.dispatch` for requirements
        concerning function signatures. The command name is inferred from the
        function name. Note that the underscores in the name are replaced with
        hyphens, i.e. function name "foo_bar" becomes command name "foo-bar".

    :param namespace:

        an optional string representing the group of commands. For example, if
        a command named "hello" is added without the namespace, it will be
        available as "prog.py hello"; if the namespace if specified as "greet",
        then the command will be accessible as "prog.py greet hello". The
        namespace itself is not callable, so "prog.py greet" will fail and only
        display a help message.

    :param func_kwargs:

        a `dict` of keyword arguments to be passed to each nested ArgumentParser
        instance created per command (i.e. per function).  Members of this
        dictionary have the highest priority, so a function's docstring is
        overridden by a `help` in `func_kwargs` (if present).

    :param namespace_kwargs:

        a `dict` of keyword arguments to be passed to the nested ArgumentParser
        instance under given `namespace`.

    Deprecated params that should be moved into `namespace_kwargs`:

    :param title:

        passed to :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` as `title`.

        .. deprecated:: 0.26.0

           Please use `namespace_kwargs` instead.

    :param description:

        passed to :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` as

        .. deprecated:: 0.26.0

           Please use `namespace_kwargs` instead.

    :param help:

        passed to :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` as `help`.

        .. deprecated:: 0.26.0

           Please use `namespace_kwargs` instead.

    .. note::

        This function modifies the parser object. Generally side effects are
        bad practice but we don't seem to have any choice as ArgumentParser is
        pretty opaque.
        You may prefer :class:`~argh.helpers.ArghParser.add_commands` for a bit
        more predictable API.

    .. note::

       An attempt to add commands to a parser which already has a default
       function (e.g. added with :func:`~argh.assembling.set_default_command`)
       results in `AssemblingError`.

    # FIXME "namespace" is a correct name but it clashes with the "namespace"
    # that represents arguments (argparse.Namespace and our ArghNamespace).
    # We should rename the argument here.

    if DEST_FUNCTION in parser._defaults:

    namespace_kwargs = namespace_kwargs or {}

    # FIXME remove this by 1.0
    if title:
        warnings.warn('argument `title` is deprecated in add_commands(),'
                      ' use `parser_kwargs` instead', DeprecationWarning)
        namespace_kwargs['description'] = title
    if help:
        warnings.warn('argument `help` is deprecated in add_commands(),'
                      ' use `parser_kwargs` instead', DeprecationWarning)
        namespace_kwargs['help'] = help
    if description:
        warnings.warn('argument `description` is deprecated in add_commands(),'
                      ' use `parser_kwargs` instead', DeprecationWarning)
        namespace_kwargs['description'] = description
    # /

    subparsers_action = get_subparsers(parser, create=True)

    if namespace:
        # Make a nested parser and init a deeper _SubParsersAction under it.

        # Create a named group of commands.  It will be listed along with
        # root-level commands in ``app.py --help``; in that context its `title`
        # can be used as a short description on the right side of its name.
        # Normally `title` is shown above the list of commands
        # in ``app.py my-namespace --help``.
        subsubparser_kw = {
            'help': namespace_kwargs.get('title'),
        subsubparser = subparsers_action.add_parser(namespace, **subsubparser_kw)
        subparsers_action = subsubparser.add_subparsers(**namespace_kwargs)
        assert not namespace_kwargs, ('`parser_kwargs` only makes sense '
                                      'with `namespace`.')

    for func in functions:
        cmd_name, func_parser_kwargs = _extract_command_meta_from_func(func)

        # override any computed kwargs by manually supplied ones
        if func_kwargs:

        # create and set up the parser for this command
        command_parser = subparsers_action.add_parser(cmd_name, **func_parser_kwargs)
        set_default_command(command_parser, func)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def add_commands(parser, functions, namespace=None, title=None,
                 description=None, help=None):
    """Adds given functions as commands to given parser.

    :param parser:

        an :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` instance.

    :param functions:

        a list of functions. A subparser is created for each of them. If the
        function is decorated with :func:`arg`, the arguments are passed to
        the :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument` method of the
        parser. See also :func:`dispatch` for requirements concerning function
        signatures. The command name is inferred from the function name. Note
        that the underscores in the name are replaced with hyphens, i.e.
        function name "foo_bar" becomes command name "foo-bar".

    :param namespace:

        an optional string representing the group of commands. For example, if
        a command named "hello" is added without the namespace, it will be
        available as "prog.py hello"; if the namespace if specified as "greet",
        then the command will be accessible as "prog.py greet hello". The
        namespace itself is not callable, so "prog.py greet" will fail and only
        display a help message.

    Help message for a namespace can be also tuned with these params (provided
    that you specify the `namespace`):

    :param title:

        passed to :meth:`argsparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` as `title`.

    :param description:

        passed to :meth:`argsparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` as

    :param help:

        passed to :meth:`argsparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` as `help`.

    .. note::

        This function modifies the parser object. Generally side effects are
        bad practice but we don't seem to have any choice as ArgumentParser is
        pretty opaque. You may prefer :class:`ArghParser.add_commands` for a
        bit more predictable API.

    .. admonition:: Design flaw

        This function peeks into the parser object using its internal API.
        Unfortunately the public API does not allow to *get* the subparsers, it
        only lets you *add* them, and do that *once*. So you would have to toss
        the subparsers object around to add something later. That said, I doubt
        that argparse will change a lot in the future as it's already pretty
        stable. If some implementation details would change and break `argh`,
        we'll simply add a workaround a keep it compatibile.

    subparsers = get_subparsers(parser, create=True)

    if namespace:
        # make a namespace placeholder and register the commands within it
        assert isinstance(namespace, string_types)
        subsubparser = subparsers.add_parser(namespace, help=title)
        subparsers = subsubparser.add_subparsers(title=title,
        assert not any([title, description, help]), (
            'Arguments "title", "description" or "extra_help" only make sense '
            'if provided along with a namespace.')

    for func in functions:
        # XXX we could add multiple aliases here but it's a bit of a hack
        cmd_name = getattr(func, ATTR_ALIAS, func.__name__.replace('_','-'))
        cmd_help = func.__doc__
        command_parser = subparsers.add_parser(cmd_name, help=cmd_help)
        for a_args, a_kwargs in getattr(func, ATTR_ARGS, []):
            command_parser.add_argument(*a_args, **a_kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def add_commands(
        # deprecated args:
    Adds given functions as commands to given parser.

    :param parser:

        an :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` instance.

    :param functions:

        a list of functions. A subparser is created for each of them.
        If the function is decorated with :func:`~argh.decorators.arg`, the
        arguments are passed to :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument`.
        See also :func:`~argh.dispatching.dispatch` for requirements
        concerning function signatures. The command name is inferred from the
        function name. Note that the underscores in the name are replaced with
        hyphens, i.e. function name "foo_bar" becomes command name "foo-bar".

    :param namespace:

        an optional string representing the group of commands. For example, if
        a command named "hello" is added without the namespace, it will be
        available as "prog.py hello"; if the namespace if specified as "greet",
        then the command will be accessible as "prog.py greet hello". The
        namespace itself is not callable, so "prog.py greet" will fail and only
        display a help message.

    :param func_kwargs:

        a `dict` of keyword arguments to be passed to each nested ArgumentParser
        instance created per command (i.e. per function).  Members of this
        dictionary have the highest priority, so a function's docstring is
        overridden by a `help` in `func_kwargs` (if present).

    :param namespace_kwargs:

        a `dict` of keyword arguments to be passed to the nested ArgumentParser
        instance under given `namespace`.

    Deprecated params that should be moved into `namespace_kwargs`:

    :param title:

        passed to :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` as `title`.

        .. deprecated:: 0.26.0

           Please use `namespace_kwargs` instead.

    :param description:

        passed to :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` as

        .. deprecated:: 0.26.0

           Please use `namespace_kwargs` instead.

    :param help:

        passed to :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` as `help`.

        .. deprecated:: 0.26.0

           Please use `namespace_kwargs` instead.

    .. note::

        This function modifies the parser object. Generally side effects are
        bad practice but we don't seem to have any choice as ArgumentParser is
        pretty opaque.
        You may prefer :class:`~argh.helpers.ArghParser.add_commands` for a bit
        more predictable API.

    .. note::

       An attempt to add commands to a parser which already has a default
       function (e.g. added with :func:`~argh.assembling.set_default_command`)
       results in `AssemblingError`.

    # FIXME "namespace" is a correct name but it clashes with the "namespace"
    # that represents arguments (argparse.Namespace and our ArghNamespace).
    # We should rename the argument here.

    if DEST_FUNCTION in parser._defaults:

    namespace_kwargs = namespace_kwargs or {}

    # FIXME remove this by 1.0
    if title:
            'argument `title` is deprecated in add_commands(),'
            ' use `parser_kwargs` instead', DeprecationWarning)
        namespace_kwargs['description'] = title
    if help:
            'argument `help` is deprecated in add_commands(),'
            ' use `parser_kwargs` instead', DeprecationWarning)
        namespace_kwargs['help'] = help
    if description:
            'argument `description` is deprecated in add_commands(),'
            ' use `parser_kwargs` instead', DeprecationWarning)
        namespace_kwargs['description'] = description
    # /

    subparsers_action = get_subparsers(parser, create=True)

    if namespace:
        # Make a nested parser and init a deeper _SubParsersAction under it.

        # Create a named group of commands.  It will be listed along with
        # root-level commands in ``app.py --help``; in that context its `title`
        # can be used as a short description on the right side of its name.
        # Normally `title` is shown above the list of commands
        # in ``app.py my-namespace --help``.
        subsubparser_kw = {
            'help': namespace_kwargs.get('title'),
        subsubparser = subparsers_action.add_parser(namespace,
        subparsers_action = subsubparser.add_subparsers(**namespace_kwargs)
        assert not namespace_kwargs, ('`parser_kwargs` only makes sense '
                                      'with `namespace`.')

    for func in functions:
        cmd_name, func_parser_kwargs = _extract_command_meta_from_func(func)

        # override any computed kwargs by manually supplied ones
        if func_kwargs:

        # create and set up the parser for this command
        command_parser = subparsers_action.add_parser(cmd_name,
        set_default_command(command_parser, func)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def add_commands(parser,
    """Adds given functions as commands to given parser.

    :param parser:

        an :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` instance.

    :param functions:

        a list of functions. A subparser is created for each of them.
        If the function is decorated with :func:`~argh.decorators.arg`, the
        arguments are passed to :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument`.
        See also :func:`~argh.dispatching.dispatch` for requirements
        concerning function signatures. The command name is inferred from the
        function name. Note that the underscores in the name are replaced with
        hyphens, i.e. function name "foo_bar" becomes command name "foo-bar".

    :param namespace:

        an optional string representing the group of commands. For example, if
        a command named "hello" is added without the namespace, it will be
        available as "prog.py hello"; if the namespace if specified as "greet",
        then the command will be accessible as "prog.py greet hello". The
        namespace itself is not callable, so "prog.py greet" will fail and only
        display a help message.

    Help message for a namespace can be also tuned with these params (provided
    that you specify the `namespace`):

    :param title:

        passed to :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` as `title`.

    :param description:

        passed to :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` as

    :param help:

        passed to :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` as `help`.

    .. note::

        This function modifies the parser object. Generally side effects are
        bad practice but we don't seem to have any choice as ArgumentParser is
        pretty opaque.
        You may prefer :class:`~argh.helpers.ArghParser.add_commands` for a bit
        more predictable API.

    .. admonition:: Design flaw

        This function peeks into the parser object using its internal API.
        Unfortunately the public API does not allow to *get* the subparsers, it
        only lets you *add* them, and do that *once*. So you would have to toss
        the subparsers object around to add something later. That said, I doubt
        that argparse will change a lot in the future as it's already pretty
        stable. If some implementation details would change and break `argh`,
        we'll simply add a workaround a keep it compatibile.

    .. note::

       An attempt to add commands to a parser which already has a default
       function (e.g. added with :func:`~argh.assembling.set_default_command`)
       results in a `RuntimeError`.

    if 'function' in parser._defaults:
        raise RuntimeError('Cannot add commands to a single-command parser')

    subparsers = get_subparsers(parser, create=True)

    if namespace:
        # make a namespace placeholder and register the commands within it
        subsubparser = subparsers.add_parser(namespace, help=title)
        subparsers = subsubparser.add_subparsers(title=title,
        assert not any([title, description, help]), (
            'Arguments "title", "description" or "extra_help" only make sense '
            'if provided along with a namespace.')

    for func in functions:
        # use explicitly defined name; if none, use function name (a_b → a-b)
        cmd_name = getattr(func, ATTR_NAME, func.__name__.replace('_', '-'))

        parser_kwargs = {

            # add command help from function's docstring
            'help': func.__doc__,

            # set default formatter
            'formatter_class': PARSER_FORMATTER,

        # try adding aliases for command name
            parser_kwargs['aliases'] = getattr(func, ATTR_ALIASES, [])

        # create and set up the parser for this command
        command_parser = subparsers.add_parser(cmd_name, **parser_kwargs)
        set_default_command(command_parser, func)