Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, xarray_obj):
        """ Init """
        self._obj = xarray_obj
        self._added = list()  # Will record all new variables added by argo
        # Variables present in the initial dataset
        self._vars = list(xarray_obj.variables.keys())
        # Store the initial list of dimensions
        self._dims = list(xarray_obj.dims.keys())
        self.encoding = xarray_obj.encoding
        self.attrs = xarray_obj.attrs

        if 'N_PROF' in self._dims:
            self._type = 'profile'
        elif 'N_POINTS' in self._dims:
            self._type = 'point'
            raise InvalidDatasetStructure(
                "Argo dataset structure not recognised")

        if 'PRES_ADJUSTED' in self._vars:
            self._mode = 'expert'
        elif 'PRES' in self._vars:
            self._mode = 'standard'
            raise InvalidDatasetStructure(
                "Argo dataset structure not recognised")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, xarray_obj):
        """ Init """
        self._obj = xarray_obj
        self._added = list()  # Will record all new variables added by argo
        # self._register = collections.OrderedDict() # Will register mutable instances of sub-modules like 'plot'
        # Variables present in the initial dataset
        self._vars = list(xarray_obj.variables.keys())
        # Store the initial list of dimensions
        self._dims = list(xarray_obj.dims.keys())
        self.encoding = xarray_obj.encoding
        self.attrs = xarray_obj.attrs

        if "N_PROF" in self._dims:
            self._type = "profile"
        elif "N_POINTS" in self._dims:
            self._type = "point"
            raise InvalidDatasetStructure(
                "Argo dataset structure not recognised")

        if "PRES_ADJUSTED" in self._vars:
            self._mode = "expert"
        elif "PRES" in self._vars:
            self._mode = "standard"
            raise InvalidDatasetStructure(
                "Argo dataset structure not recognised")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def filter_qc(self, QC_list=[1, 2], drop=True, mode="all", mask=False):
        """ Filter data set according to QC values

            Mask the dataset for points where 'all' or 'any' of the QC fields has a value in the list of
            integer QC flags.

            This method can return the filtered dataset or the filter mask.
        if self._type != "point":
            raise InvalidDatasetStructure(
                "Method only available to a collection of points")

        if mode not in ["all", "any"]:
            raise ValueError("Mode must 'all' or 'any'")

        this = self._obj

        # Extract QC fields:
        QC_fields = []
        for v in this.data_vars:
            if "QC" in v and "PROFILE" not in v:
        QC_fields = this[QC_fields]
        for v in QC_fields.data_vars:
            QC_fields[v] = QC_fields[v].astype(int)

        # Now apply filter
        this_mask = xr.DataArray(
            coords={"N_POINTS": QC_fields["N_POINTS"]},
        for v in QC_fields.data_vars:
            for qc in QC_list:
                this_mask += QC_fields[v] == qc
        if mode == "all":
            this_mask = this_mask == len(QC_fields)  # all
            this_mask = this_mask >= 1  # any

        if not mask:
            this = this.where(this_mask, drop=drop)
            for v in this.data_vars:
                if "QC" in v and "PROFILE" not in v:
                    this[v] = this[v].astype(int)
            this.argo._add_history("Variables selected according to QC")
            this = this.argo.cast_types()
            return this
            return this_mask
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, xarray_obj):
        self._obj = xarray_obj
        self._added = list()  # Will record all new variables added by argo
        self._dims = list(
            xarray_obj.dims.keys())  # Store the initial list of dimensions
        self.encoding = xarray_obj.encoding
        self.attrs = xarray_obj.attrs

        if 'N_PROF' in self._dims:
            self._type = 'profile'
        elif 'N_POINTS' in self._dims:
            self._type = 'point'
            raise InvalidDatasetStructure(
                "Argo dataset structure not recognised")
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def profile2point(self):
        """ Convert a collection of profiles to a collection of points """
        if self._type != 'profile':
            raise InvalidDatasetStructure(
                "Method only available for a collection of profiles (N_PROF dimemsion)"
        ds = self._obj

        # Remove all variables for which a dimension is length=0 (eg: N_HISTORY)
        dim_list = []
        for v in ds.data_vars:
            dims = ds[v].dims
            for d in dims:
                if len(ds[d]) == 0:
        ds = ds.drop_dims(
        )  # Drop dimensions and associated variables from this dataset

        # Remove any variable that is not with dimensions (N_PROF,) or (N_PROF, N_LEVELS)
        for v in ds:
            dims = list(ds[v].dims)
            dims = ".".join(dims)
            if dims not in ['N_PROF', 'N_PROF.N_LEVELS']:
                ds = ds.drop_vars(v)

        ds, = xr.broadcast(ds)
        ds = ds.stack({'N_POINTS': list(ds.dims)})
        ds = ds.reset_index('N_POINTS').drop_vars(['N_PROF', 'N_LEVELS'])
        possible_coords = ['LATITUDE', 'LONGITUDE', 'TIME', 'JULD', 'N_POINTS']
        for c in [c for c in possible_coords if c in ds.data_vars]:
            ds = ds.set_coords(c)

        ds = ds.where(~np.isnan(ds['PRES']),
                      drop=1)  # Remove index without data (useless points)
        ds = ds.sortby('TIME')
        ds['N_POINTS'] = np.arange(0, len(ds['N_POINTS']))
        ds = ds.argo.cast_types()
        ds = ds[np.sort(ds.data_vars)]
        ds.encoding = self.encoding  # Preserve low-level encoding information
        ds.attrs = self.attrs  # Preserve original attributes
        ds.argo._add_history('Transformed with profile2point')
        ds.argo._type = 'point'
        return ds
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def foobar():
     raise InvalidDatasetStructure()
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def point2profile(self):
        """ Transform a collection of points into a collection of profiles

        if self._type != 'point':
            raise InvalidDatasetStructure(
                "Method only available to a collection of points")
        this = self._obj  # Should not be modified

        def fillvalue(da):
            """ Return fillvalue for a dataarray """
            # https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.dtype.kind.html#numpy.dtype.kind
            if da.dtype.kind in ['U']:
                fillvalue = ' '
            elif da.dtype.kind == 'i':
                fillvalue = 99999
            elif da.dtype.kind == 'M':
                fillvalue = np.datetime64("NaT")
                fillvalue = np.nan
            return fillvalue

        # Find the number of profiles (N_PROF) and vertical levels (N_LEVELS):
        dummy_argo_uid = xr.DataArray(self.uid(this['PLATFORM_NUMBER'].values,
                                      coords={'N_POINTS': this['N_POINTS']},
        N_PROF = len(np.unique(dummy_argo_uid))
        that = this.groupby(dummy_argo_uid)

        N_LEVELS = int(
                             'N_POINTS': this['N_POINTS']
        assert N_PROF * N_LEVELS >= len(this['N_POINTS'])

        # Store the initial set of coordinates:
        coords_list = list(this.coords)
        this = this.reset_coords()

        # For each variables, determine if it has unique value by profile,
        # if yes: the transformed variable should be [N_PROF]
        # if no: the transformed variable should be [N_PROF, N_LEVELS]
        count = np.zeros((N_PROF, len(this.data_vars)), 'int')
        for i_prof, grp in enumerate(this.groupby(dummy_argo_uid)):
            i_uid, prof = grp
            for iv, vname in enumerate(this.data_vars):
                count[i_prof, iv] = len(np.unique(prof[vname]))
        # Variables with a unique value for each profiles:
        list_1d = list(
            np.array(this.data_vars)[count.sum(axis=0) == count.shape[0]])
        # Variables with more than 1 value for each profiles:
        list_2d = list(
            np.array(this.data_vars)[count.sum(axis=0) != count.shape[0]])

        # Create new empty dataset:
        new_ds = []
        for vname in list_2d:
                xr.DataArray(np.full((N_PROF, N_LEVELS),
                             dims=['N_PROF', 'N_LEVELS'],
                                 'N_PROF': np.arange(N_PROF),
                                 'N_LEVELS': np.arange(N_LEVELS)
        for vname in list_1d:
                xr.DataArray(np.full((N_PROF, ),
                             coords={'N_PROF': np.arange(N_PROF)},
        new_ds = xr.merge(new_ds)

        # Now fill in each profile values:
        for i_prof, grp in enumerate(this.groupby(dummy_argo_uid)):
            i_uid, prof = grp
            for iv, vname in enumerate(this.data_vars):
                if len(new_ds[vname].dims
                       ) == 2:  # ['N_PROF', 'N_LEVELS'] array:
                    y = new_ds[vname].values
                    x = prof[vname].values
                        y[i_prof, 0:len(x)] = x
                        print(vname, 'input', x.shape, 'output',
                              y[i_prof, :].shape)
                    new_ds[vname].values = y
                else:  # ['N_PROF', ] array:
                    y = new_ds[vname].values
                    x = prof[vname].values
                    y[i_prof] = np.unique(x)[0]

        # Restore coordinate variables:
        new_ds = new_ds.set_coords([c for c in coords_list if c in new_ds])

        # Misc formating
        new_ds = new_ds.sortby('TIME')
        new_ds = new_ds.argo.cast_types()
        new_ds = new_ds[np.sort(new_ds.data_vars)]
        new_ds.encoding = self.encoding  # Preserve low-level encoding information
        new_ds.attrs = self.attrs  # Preserve original attributes
        new_ds.argo._add_history('Transformed with point2profile')
        new_ds.argo._type = 'profile'
        return new_ds
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def filter_data_mode(self, keep_error: bool = True, errors: str = 'raise'):
        """ Filter variables according to their data mode

            This applies to <PARAM> and <PARAM_QC>

            For data mode 'R' and 'A': keep <PARAM> (eg: 'PRES', 'TEMP' and 'PSAL')
            For data mode 'D': keep <PARAM_ADJUSTED> (eg: 'PRES_ADJUSTED', 'TEMP_ADJUSTED' and 'PSAL_ADJUSTED')

        keep_error: bool, optional
            If true (default) keep the measurements error fields or not.

        errors: {'raise','ignore'}, optional
            If 'raise' (default), raises a InvalidDatasetStructure error if any of the expected dataset variables is
            not found. If 'ignore', fails silently and return unmodified dataset.

        if self._type != 'point':
            raise InvalidDatasetStructure(
                "Method only available to a collection of points")

        # Sub-functions
        def ds_split_datamode(xds):
            """ Create one dataset for each of the data_mode

                Split full dataset into 3 datasets
            # Real-time:
            argo_r = ds.where(ds['DATA_MODE'] == 'R', drop=True)
            for v in plist:
                vname = v.upper() + '_ADJUSTED'
                if vname in argo_r:
                    argo_r = argo_r.drop_vars(vname)
                vname = v.upper() + '_ADJUSTED_QC'
                if vname in argo_r:
                    argo_r = argo_r.drop_vars(vname)
                vname = v.upper() + '_ADJUSTED_ERROR'
                if vname in argo_r:
                    argo_r = argo_r.drop_vars(vname)
            # Real-time adjusted:
            argo_a = ds.where(ds['DATA_MODE'] == 'A', drop=True)
            for v in plist:
                vname = v.upper()
                if vname in argo_a:
                    argo_a = argo_a.drop_vars(vname)
                vname = v.upper() + '_QC'
                if vname in argo_a:
                    argo_a = argo_a.drop_vars(vname)
            # Delayed mode:
            argo_d = ds.where(ds['DATA_MODE'] == 'D', drop=True)
            return argo_r, argo_a, argo_d

        def fill_adjusted_nan(ds, vname):
            """Fill in the adjusted field with the non-adjusted wherever it is NaN

               Ensure to have values even for bad QC data in delayed mode
            ii = ds.where(np.isnan(ds[vname + '_ADJUSTED']),
            ds[vname + '_ADJUSTED'].loc[dict(
                N_POINTS=ii)] = ds[vname].loc[dict(N_POINTS=ii)]
            return ds

        def new_arrays(argo_r, argo_a, argo_d, vname):
            """ Merge the 3 datasets into a single one with the appropriate fields

                Homogeneise variable names.
                Based on xarray merge function with ’no_conflicts’: only values
                which are not null in both datasets must be equal. The returned
                dataset then contains the combination of all non-null values.

                Return a xarray.DataArray
            DS = xr.merge(
                (argo_r[vname], argo_a[vname + '_ADJUSTED'].rename(vname),
                 argo_d[vname + '_ADJUSTED'].rename(vname)))
            DS_QC = xr.merge(
                (argo_r[vname + '_QC'],
                 argo_a[vname + '_ADJUSTED_QC'].rename(vname + '_QC'),
                 argo_d[vname + '_ADJUSTED_QC'].rename(vname + '_QC')))
            if keep_error:
                DS_ERROR = xr.merge(
                    (argo_a[vname + '_ADJUSTED_ERROR'].rename(vname +
                     argo_d[vname + '_ADJUSTED_ERROR'].rename(vname +
                DS = xr.merge((DS, DS_QC, DS_ERROR))
                DS = xr.merge((DS, DS_QC))
            return DS

        # filter
        ds = self._obj
        if 'DATA_MODE' not in ds:
            if errors:
                raise InvalidDatasetStructure(
                    "Method only available for dataset with a 'DATA_MODE' variable "
                #todo should raise a warning instead ?
                return ds

        # Define variables to filter:
        possible_list = [
            'PRES', 'TEMP', 'PSAL', 'DOXY', 'CHLA', 'BBP532', 'BBP700',
        plist = [p for p in possible_list if p in ds.data_vars]

        # Create one dataset for each of the data_mode:
        argo_r, argo_a, argo_d = ds_split_datamode(ds)

        # Fill in the adjusted field with the non-adjusted wherever it is NaN
        for v in plist:
            argo_d = fill_adjusted_nan(argo_d, v.upper())

        # Drop QC fields in delayed mode dataset:
        for v in plist:
            vname = v.upper()
            if vname in argo_d:
                argo_d = argo_d.drop_vars(vname)
            vname = v.upper() + '_QC'
            if vname in argo_d:
                argo_d = argo_d.drop_vars(vname)

        # Create new arrays with the appropriate variables:
        vlist = [new_arrays(argo_r, argo_a, argo_d, v) for v in plist]

        # Create final dataset by merging all available variables
        final = xr.merge(vlist)

        # Merge with all other variables:
        other_variables = list(
            set([v for v in list(ds.data_vars) if 'ADJUSTED' not in v]) -
        # other_variables.remove('DATA_MODE')  # Not necessary anymore
        for p in other_variables:
            final = xr.merge((final, ds[p]))

        final.attrs = ds.attrs
        final.argo._add_history('Variables filtered according to DATA_MODE')
        final = final[np.sort(final.data_vars)]

        # Cast data types and add attributes:
        final = final.argo.cast_types()

        return final
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def interp_std_levels(self, std_lev):
        """ Returns a new dataset interpolated to new inputs levels                 
        list or np.array 
            Standard levels used for interpolation


        if self._type != 'profile':
            raise InvalidDatasetStructure(
                "Method only available for a collection of profiles")

        if (self._mode != 'standard'):
            raise InvalidDatasetStructure(
                "Method only available for the standard mode yet")

        if (type(std_lev) is np.ndarray) | (type(std_lev) is list):
            std_lev = np.array(std_lev)
            if (np.any(sorted(std_lev) != std_lev)) | (np.any(std_lev < 0)):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Standard levels must be a list or a numpy array of positive and sorted values'
            raise ValueError(
                'Standard levels must be a list or a numpy array of positive and sorted values'

        ds = self._obj

        # Selecting profiles that have a max(pressure) > max(std_lev) to avoid extrapolation in that direction
        # For levels < min(pressure), first level values of the profile are extended to surface.
        i1 = (ds['PRES'].max('N_LEVELS') >= std_lev[-1])
        dsp = ds.where(i1, drop=True)

        # check if any profile is left, ie if any profile match the requested depth
        if (len(dsp['N_PROF']) == 0):
            raise Warning(
                'None of the profiles can be interpolated (not reaching the requested depth range).'
            return None

        # add new vertical dimensions, this has to be in the datasets to apply ufunc later
        dsp['Z_LEVELS'] = xr.DataArray(std_lev, dims={'Z_LEVELS': std_lev})

        # init
        ds_out = xr.Dataset()

        # vars to interpolate
        datavars = [
            dv for dv in list(dsp.variables) if
            set(['N_LEVELS', 'N_PROF']) == set(dsp[dv].dims) and 'QC' not in dv
        # coords
        coords = [dv for dv in list(dsp.coords)]
        # vars depending on N_PROF only
        solovars = [
            dv for dv in list(dsp.variables)
            if dv not in datavars and dv not in coords and 'QC' not in dv

        for dv in datavars:
            ds_out[dv] = linear_interpolation_remap(dsp.PRES,
        ds_out = ds_out.rename({'remapped': 'PRES_INTERPOLATED'})

        for sv in solovars:
            ds_out[sv] = dsp[sv]

        for co in coords:
            ds_out.coords[co] = dsp[co]

        ds_out = ds_out.drop_vars(['N_LEVELS', 'Z_LEVELS'])
        ds_out = ds_out[np.sort(ds_out.data_vars)]
        ds_out.attrs = self.attrs  # Preserve original attributes
        ds_out.argo._add_history('Interpolated on standard levels')

        return ds_out
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def filter_data_mode(self, keep_error: bool = True, errors: str = "raise"):
        """ Filter variables according to their data mode

            This applies to <PARAM> and <PARAM_QC>

            For data mode 'R' and 'A': keep <PARAM> (eg: 'PRES', 'TEMP' and 'PSAL')
            For data mode 'D': keep <PARAM_ADJUSTED> (eg: 'PRES_ADJUSTED', 'TEMP_ADJUSTED' and 'PSAL_ADJUSTED')

        keep_error: bool, optional
            If true (default) keep the measurements error fields or not.

        errors: {'raise','ignore'}, optional
            If 'raise' (default), raises a InvalidDatasetStructure error if any of the expected dataset variables is
            not found. If 'ignore', fails silently and return unmodified dataset.

        if self._type != "point":
            raise InvalidDatasetStructure(
                "Method only available to a collection of points")

        # Sub-functions
        def safe_where_eq(xds, key, value):
            # xds.where(xds[key] == value, drop=True) is not safe to empty time variables, cf issue #64
                return xds.where(xds[key] == value, drop=True)
            except ValueError as v:
                if v.args[0] == ("zero-size array to reduction operation "
                                 "minimum which has no identity"):
                    # A bug in xarray will cause a ValueError if trying to
                    # decode the times in a NetCDF file with length 0.
                    # See:
                    # https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/1329
                    # https://github.com/euroargodev/argopy/issues/64
                    # Here, we just need to return an empty array
                    TIME = xds['TIME']
                    xds = xds.drop_vars('TIME')
                    xds = xds.where(xds[key] == value, drop=True)
                    xds['TIME'] = xr.DataArray(np.arange(len(xds['N_POINTS'])),
                    xds = xds.set_coords('TIME')
                    return xds

        def ds_split_datamode(xds):
            """ Create one dataset for each of the data_mode

                Split full dataset into 3 datasets
            # Real-time:
            argo_r = safe_where_eq(xds, 'DATA_MODE', 'R')
            for v in plist:
                vname = v.upper() + "_ADJUSTED"
                if vname in argo_r:
                    argo_r = argo_r.drop_vars(vname)
                vname = v.upper() + "_ADJUSTED_QC"
                if vname in argo_r:
                    argo_r = argo_r.drop_vars(vname)
                vname = v.upper() + "_ADJUSTED_ERROR"
                if vname in argo_r:
                    argo_r = argo_r.drop_vars(vname)
            # Real-time adjusted:
            argo_a = safe_where_eq(xds, 'DATA_MODE', 'A')
            for v in plist:
                vname = v.upper()
                if vname in argo_a:
                    argo_a = argo_a.drop_vars(vname)
                vname = v.upper() + "_QC"
                if vname in argo_a:
                    argo_a = argo_a.drop_vars(vname)
            # Delayed mode:
            argo_d = safe_where_eq(xds, 'DATA_MODE', 'D')

            return argo_r, argo_a, argo_d

        def fill_adjusted_nan(ds, vname):
            """Fill in the adjusted field with the non-adjusted wherever it is NaN

               Ensure to have values even for bad QC data in delayed mode
            ii = ds.where(np.isnan(ds[vname + "_ADJUSTED"]),
            ds[vname + "_ADJUSTED"].loc[dict(
                N_POINTS=ii)] = ds[vname].loc[dict(N_POINTS=ii)]
            return ds

        def new_arrays(argo_r, argo_a, argo_d, vname):
            """ Merge the 3 datasets into a single one with the appropriate fields

                Homogeneise variable names.
                Based on xarray merge function with ’no_conflicts’: only values
                which are not null in both datasets must be equal. The returned
                dataset then contains the combination of all non-null values.

                Return a xarray.DataArray
            DS = xr.merge((
                argo_a[vname + "_ADJUSTED"].rename(vname),
                argo_d[vname + "_ADJUSTED"].rename(vname),
            DS_QC = xr.merge((
                argo_r[vname + "_QC"],
                argo_a[vname + "_ADJUSTED_QC"].rename(vname + "_QC"),
                argo_d[vname + "_ADJUSTED_QC"].rename(vname + "_QC"),
            if keep_error:
                DS_ERROR = xr.merge((
                    argo_a[vname + "_ADJUSTED_ERROR"].rename(vname + "_ERROR"),
                    argo_d[vname + "_ADJUSTED_ERROR"].rename(vname + "_ERROR"),
                DS = xr.merge((DS, DS_QC, DS_ERROR))
                DS = xr.merge((DS, DS_QC))
            return DS

        # filter
        ds = self._obj
        if "DATA_MODE" not in ds:
            if errors:
                raise InvalidDatasetStructure(
                    "Method only available for dataset with a 'DATA_MODE' variable "
                # todo should raise a warning instead ?
                return ds

        # Define variables to filter:
        possible_list = [
        plist = [p for p in possible_list if p in ds.data_vars]

        # Create one dataset for each of the data_mode:
        argo_r, argo_a, argo_d = ds_split_datamode(ds)

        # Fill in the adjusted field with the non-adjusted wherever it is NaN
        for v in plist:
            argo_d = fill_adjusted_nan(argo_d, v.upper())

        # Drop QC fields in delayed mode dataset:
        for v in plist:
            vname = v.upper()
            if vname in argo_d:
                argo_d = argo_d.drop_vars(vname)
            vname = v.upper() + "_QC"
            if vname in argo_d:
                argo_d = argo_d.drop_vars(vname)

        # Create new arrays with the appropriate variables:
        vlist = [new_arrays(argo_r, argo_a, argo_d, v) for v in plist]

        # Create final dataset by merging all available variables
        final = xr.merge(vlist)

        # Merge with all other variables:
        other_variables = list(
            set([v for v in list(ds.data_vars) if "ADJUSTED" not in v]) -
        # other_variables.remove('DATA_MODE')  # Not necessary anymore
        for p in other_variables:
            final = xr.merge((final, ds[p]))

        final.attrs = ds.attrs
        final.argo._add_history("Variables filtered according to DATA_MODE")
        final = final[np.sort(final.data_vars)]

        # Cast data types and add attributes:
        final = final.argo.cast_types()

        return final