Ejemplo n.º 1
def parse_overlay_outstats(entry):
    if entry.source != "wifi_ol":
        return []

    # data format:
    # OUT-STATS host=[hostname] peer=[hostname] queued-pkts=X queued-ctrl=X
    #    queued-bytes=X drop-pkts=X drop-ctrl=X drop-bytes=X out-all=X send-bytes=X
    (head, _, tail) = entry.data.partition(" ")
    if head != "OUT-STATS":
        return []

    vals = dictify(tail)

    for field in ["host", "peer", "queued-pkts", "queued-ctrl", "queued-bytes",
                  "drop-pkts", "drop-ctrl", "drop-bytes", "out-all", "send-bytes"]:
        if field not in vals:
            print "bad line (no '%s' field): %s" % (field, entry)
            return []

    host = argosroutes.to_hostname(vals["host"])
    return [ (host, vals["peer"], int(vals["queued-pkts"]),
              int(vals["queued-ctrl"]), int(vals["queued-bytes"]),
              int(vals["drop-pkts"]), int(vals["drop-ctrl"]),
              int(vals["drop-bytes"]), int(vals["out-all"]),
              int(vals["send-bytes"]) ) ]                
Ejemplo n.º 2
def parse_overlay_instats(entry):
    if entry.source != "wifi_ol":
        return []

    # data format:
    # IN-STATS host=[hostname] peer=[hostname] in-pkts=X in-ctrl=X in-bytes=X
    (head, _, tail) = entry.data.partition(" ")
    if head != "IN-STATS":
        return []

    vals = dictify(tail)

    for field in ["host", "peer", "in-pkts", "in-ctrl", "in-bytes"]:
        if field not in vals:
            print "bad line (no '%s' field): %s" % (field, entry)
            return []

    host = argosroutes.to_hostname(vals["host"])
    return [ (host, vals["peer"], int(vals["in-pkts"]),
              int(vals["in-ctrl"]), int(vals["in-bytes"])) ]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def parse_server_traffic(entry):
    if entry.source not in ["net_proxy", "to_server"]:
        return []

    # data format:
    # STATS host=[hostname] port=[port] count=X bytes=X
    (head, _, tail) = entry.data.partition(" ")
    if head != "STATS":
        return []

    vals = dictify(tail)

    for field in ["host", "bytes", "count"]:
        if field not in vals:
            print "bad line (no '%s' field): %s" % (field, entry)
            return []

    bytes = estimate_network_bytes(int(vals["bytes"]), int(vals["count"]))

    host = argosroutes.to_hostname(vals["host"])
    return [(host, bytes)]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def parse_merge_rate(entry):
    if entry.source != "wifi_merge":
        return []
    # data format:
    # <FILTER> host=<hostname> <other fields>
    (head, _, tail) = entry.data.partition(" ")
    if head != "STATS":
        return []

    vals = dictify(tail)

    for field in ["host", "avg_merge", "out_merges"]:
        if field not in vals:
            print "bad line (no '%s' field): %s" % (field, entry)
            return []

    if int(vals["out_merges"]) == 0:
        return []

    host = argosroutes.to_hostname(vals["host"])
    return [(host, float(vals["avg_merge"]))]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def parse_basic_line(entry, source_filter, head_filter, key, typecast=int, strict=True):
    if source_filter is not None:
        # in old versions, the 'pcap' source was named 'script', so if
        # source_filter="pcap", then check for either one
        if source_filter == "pcap":
            if entry.source not in [source_filter, "script"]:
                return []
            # normal check
            if entry.source != source_filter:
                return []

    # data format:
    # <FILTER> host=<hostname> <other fields>
    (head, _, tail) = entry.data.partition(" ")
    if head != head_filter:
        return []

    vals = dictify(tail)

    # also support old-style names that used underscores instead of dashes
    for k, v in vals.iteritems():
        if "_" in k:
            vals[k.replace("_", "-")] = v
            del vals[k]

    for field in ["host", key]:
        if field not in vals:
            if strict:
                print "bad line (no '%s' field): %s" % (field, entry)
            return []

    val = typecast(vals[key])
    host = argosroutes.to_hostname(vals["host"])    
    return [(host, val)]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def parse_net_links_usage(entry):
    # list of (link, (overlay-bytes, mergestream-bytes, rawstream-bytes)) tuples
    data = []
    (head, _, tail) = entry.data.partition(" ")
    if entry.source in ["net_proxy", "to_server"]:
        # data format:
        # STATS host=[hostname] port=[port] count=X bytes=X
        if head == "STATS":
            # this tells us the number of bytes processed by the query running
            # on this node
            vals = dictify(tail)

            for field in ["host", "port", "bytes", "count"]:
                if field not in vals:
                    print "bad line (no '%s' field): %s" % (field, entry)
                    return []

            # the net_proxy logs multiple different lines, differentiated by the
            # 'port' field:
            # 'log' tracks log messages from the core system (not from queries)
            # 'stream' tracks packets streamed directly to the server
            # 'qX' tracks all NetworkProxy usage by query X
            # 'on_wire' tracks the (aggregate) data actually sent on the socket
            #  - note that this is post-compression whereas all of the other
            #  counts are pre-compression
            if vals["port"] != "on_wire":
                return []

            bytes = int(vals["bytes"])
            host = argosroutes.to_hostname(vals["host"])
            for link in argosroutes.walk_route(host, "citysense"):
                data.append((link, (0, bytes, 0)))
    elif entry.source == "script":
        # data format:
        # STATS host=[hostname] kern_recv=X kern_drop=X pre_capt_pkts=X pre_capt_bytes=X
        #                       post_capt_pkts=X post_capt_bytes=X filter_pkts=X filter_bytes=X
        if head == "STATS":
            vals = dictify(tail)
            for field in ["host", "post_capt_bytes", "post_capt_pkts"]:
                if field not in vals:
                    print "bad line (no '%s' field): %s" % (field, entry)
                    return []

            # 'post_capt_bytes' field is bytes of packets, not network bytes
            bytes = estimate_network_bytes(int(vals["post_capt_bytes"]),
            host = argosroutes.to_hostname(vals["host"])

            # 'link' is a (host,host) tuple
            for link in argosroutes.walk_route(host, "citysense"):
                data.append((link, (0, 0, bytes)))

    elif entry.source == "wifi_ol":        
        # data format:
        # NET-USAGE src=[ip] dst=[ip] capt_pkts=X capt_bytes=X | (repeat...)
        if head == "NET-USAGE":
            parts = tail.split("|")
            for part in parts:
                vals = dictify(part)

                for field in ["capt_bytes", "src", "dst"]:
                    if field not in vals:
                        print "bad line (no '%s' field): %s" % (field, entry)
                        return []
                # 'capt_bytes' field is actual network bytes, not just packet bytes
                bytes = int(vals["capt_bytes"])
                src = argosroutes.to_hostname(vals["src"])
                dst = argosroutes.to_hostname(vals["dst"])

                if src == dst:
                    # these are "self-routed" bytes which do not traverse the
                    # network at all
                if bytes == 0:

                if argosroutes.to_hostname(src) == "citysense":
                    # these should all be control messages, so we just ignore them

                # 'link' is a (host,host) tuple
                for link in argosroutes.walk_route(src, dst):
                    data.append((link, (bytes, 0, 0)))

    return data