Ejemplo n.º 1
def mongo_input_data(client):
    # get a db
    db = client['test1']

    # get a collection
    col = db['col1']

    print col
    print db

    # item1
    str0 = 'this is the first item. the world is a wonderful place.'
    str0 += 'it is amazing to be in this knowledge.'
    item0 = { 'name'  : 'ITEM0',
              'tdata' : str0 }

    rs = RandomSentence()
    # insert 20 elements
    for i in range(1,20):
        sent = rs.random_sentence()
        item = { 'name' : 'ITEM' + str(i),
                 'tdata' : sent }
    print db.collection_names(include_system_collections=False)

    i = 0
    p_dict = {}
    for item in col.find():        
        p_dict[i] = item
        i += 1


    # create a text index
    # col.create_index({"tdata" : "text"})
    col.ensure_index([('tdata' , 'text')], name='test_text_index')
    search_term = { "$text" : { "$search" : "Superman" } }
    x = col.find(search_term).limit(10)
    for item in x :
        print item
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def handle_knowledge_save(self):        
        # Make a UUID using the following INPUTs
        # Make a uuid_seed_string = str(date) + str(series)
        # Use the uuid_seed_string with uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS + string (see uuid5())
            # create a UUID and store it into the dictionary
            uuid_seed_string = self.req_params['d_series'] + self.req_params['d_date'] + self.req_params['d_sheetno']
            cur_uuid = uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, uuid_seed_string)
            debug_print(5, "cur_uuid: ", cur_uuid, uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS)
            self.req_params['d_uuid'] = str(cur_uuid)

            if global_args.debug_level >= 5:
                print_table_from_dict([ 'POST param', 'Value'], self.req_params)

            # make a file name
            # The filename is "SERIES_<series_string>_DATE_<date_string>_SEQ_<sheet_no>.json"
            file_name = ''
            file_name += 'SERIES_'
            file_name += self.req_params['d_series'].replace(' ','_')
            file_name += '_DATE_'
            file_name += self.req_params['d_date'].replace('/','_').replace('-','_')
            file_name += '_SEQ_'
            file_name += self.req_params['d_sheetno']
            file_name += ".json"

            debug_print(5, "JSON file_name: ", file_name)
            # now write to a file
            full_file_name = global_args.base_dir + 'data/files/' + file_name
            with open(full_file_name, 'w') as outfile:
                json.dump(self.req_params, outfile, sort_keys = True,
                          indent = 4, ensure_ascii=False)

            return "<p> HEE HEE: Your login information was correct.</p>"
