Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    import sys
    import os
    from arielapiclient import APIClient
    import json

    # Creates an instance of APIClient, which contain all API methods.
    api_client = APIClient()

    # Calls GET /databases in the Ariel API
    # Response body contains a JSON object of searchable databases.
    response = api_client.get_databases()

    # Each response contains an HTTP response code.
    #  - Response codes in the 200 range indicate that your request succeeded.
    #  - Response codes in the 400 range indicate that your request failed due
    #    to incorrect input.
    #  - Response codes in the 500 range indicate that there was an error on
    #    the server side.

    # When a JSON object is requested, the Body of the object is decoded into a
    # JSON object.

    response_json = (json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8')))

    # Prints the contents of the JSON object.
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    import sys, os
    from arielapiclient import APIClient
    import json

    # Creates an instance of APIClient, which contain all API methods.
    api_client = APIClient()

    # Calls GET /databases in the Ariel API
    # Response body contains a JSON object of searchable databases.
    print("Making GET request to /ariel/databases.\n")
    response = api_client.get_databases()

    # Each response contains an HTTP response code.
    # Response codes in the 200 range indicate that your request succeeded.
    # Response codes in the 400 range indicate that your request failed due to
    # incorrect input.
    # Response codes in the 500 range indicate that there was an error on the
    # server side.
    print("This is the response code of your request: " + str(response.code))

    # When a JSON oject is requested, the Body of the object is decoded into a
    # JSON object.

    print("\nThe response body is printed below: \n")
    response_json = (json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8')))
    # Prints the contents of the JSON object.
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    import sys, os
    import json
    from arielapiclient import APIClient

    # Creates an instance of APIClient, which contains all the API methods.
    api_client = APIClient()

    # The AQL expression that will be sent for the search.
    # It is faulty.
    query_expression = "SELECT foobar from events"
    # If no search_id is provided, one will be generated.

    # A method is called by using the query parameters above. This will
    # call POST /searches on the Ariel API. (See the ArielAPIClient for more
    # detail).
    # This method returns a response object created by urllib.request library.

    print("Making POST request to /ariel/searches.")

    response = api_client.create_search(query_expression, '2')

    # Each response contains an HTTP response code.
    # Response codes in the 200 range indicate that your request succeeded.
    # Response codes in the 400 range indicate that your request failed due to
    # incorrect input.
    # Response codes in the 500 range indicate that there was an error on the
    # server side.
    print("\nResponse code for this request is: " + str(response.code))

    # A response object is returned. It informs if the request is
    # successful or not successful. A searchID that is
    # necessary when retrieving the results of the search is returned.

    # The search is asynchronous. The response will not be the result of 
    # the search.

    # The two lines below parse the body of the response (a JSON object)
    # into a dictionary so that you can discern information, such as the
    # searchID.

    print("\nThe response body is printed below: \n")
    response_json = json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8'))
    print(json.dumps(response_json, indent=2, separators=(',', ':')))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():
    import sys
    import os
    import json
    from arielapiclient import APIClient

    # Creates an instance of APIClient, which contains all the API methods.
    api_client = APIClient()

    # The AQL expression that will be sent for the search.
    # It is faulty.
    query_expression = "SELECT foobar from events"
    # If no search_id is provided, one will be generated.

    # A method is called by using the query parameters above. This will
    # call POST /searches on the Ariel API. (See the ArielAPIClient for more
    # detail).
    # This method returns a response object created by urllib.request library.
    response = api_client.create_search(query_expression, '2')

    # Each response contains an HTTP response code.
    #  - Response codes in the 200 range indicate that your request succeeded.
    #  - Response codes in the 400 range indicate that your request failed due
    #    to incorrect input.
    #  - Response codes in the 500 range indicate that there was an error on
    #    the server side.

    # A response object is returned. It informs if the request is
    # successful or not successful. A searchID that is
    # necessary when retrieving the results of the search is returned.

    # The search is asynchronous. The response will not be the result of
    # the search.

    # The two lines below parse the body of the response (a JSON object)
    # into a dictionary so that you can discern information, such as the
    # searchID.
    response_json = json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8'))
    print(json.dumps(response_json, indent=2, separators=(',', ':')))
def main():
    import sys
    import os
    import json
    from arielapiclient import APIClient

    # Creates instance of APIClient. It contains all of the API methods.
    api_client = APIClient()

    # This is the AQL expression to send for the search.
    query_expression = "SELECT sourceIP from events"

    # Use the query parameters above to call a method. This will call
    # POST /searches on the Ariel API. (look at arielapiclient for more
    # detail).  A response object is returned. It contains
    # successful or not successful search information.
    # The search_id corresponding to this search is contained in
    # the JSON object.
    response = api_client.create_search(query_expression, '2')

    # Each response contains an HTTP response code.
    #  - Response codes in the 200 range indicate that your request succeeded.
    #  - Response codes in the 400 range indicate that your request failed due
    #    to incorrect input.
    #  - Response codes in the 500 range indicate that there was an error on
    #    the server side.

    # The search is asynchronous, so the response will not be the results of
    # the search.

    # The 2 lines below parse the body of the response (a JSON object)
    # into a dictionary, so we can discern information, such as the search_id.
    response_json = json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8'))

    # Prints the contents of the dictionary.

    # Retrieves the search_id of the query from the dictionary.
    search_id = response_json['search_id']

    # This block of code calls GET /searches/{search_id} on the Ariel API
    # to determine if the search is complete. This block of code will repeat
    # until the status of the search is 'COMPLETE' or there is an error.
    response = api_client.get_search(search_id)
    error = False
    while (response_json['status'] != 'COMPLETED') and not error:
        if (response_json['status'] == 'EXECUTE') | \
                (response_json['status'] == 'SORTING') | \
                (response_json['status'] == 'WAIT'):
            response = api_client.get_search(search_id)
            response_json = json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8'))
            error = True

    # After the search is complete, call the GET /searches/{search_id} to
    # obtain the result of the search.
    # Depending on whether the "application/json" or "application/csv"
    # method is given, return search results will be in JSON form or CSV form.
    response = api_client.get_search_results(search_id, 'application/json',
                                             '1', '11')

    body = response.read().decode('utf-8')
    body_json = json.loads(body)

    # This is for pretty printing the JSON object.
    print(json.dumps(body_json, indent=2, separators=(',', ':')))

    # This is the same call as before, but asks for a CSV object in return.
    response = api_client.get_search_results(search_id, "application/csv")
    print("\n" + response.read().decode('utf-8'))

    # This method calls POST /searches/{search_id}. It saves the result of a
    # search to a disk.
    query_params = {"saveResults": "true"}
    response = api_client.update_search(search_id, query_params)
def main():
    import sys
    import os
    import json
    from arielapiclient import APIClient

    # Creates instance of APIClient. It contains all of the API methods.
    api_client = APIClient()

    # This is the AQL expression to send for the search.
    query_expression = "SELECT sourceIP from events"

    # Use the query parameters above to call a method. This will call
    # POST /searches on the Ariel API. (look at arielapiclient for more
    # detail).  A response object is returned. It contains
    # successful or not successful search information.
    # The search_id corresponding to this search is contained in
    # the JSON object.
    response = api_client.create_search(query_expression)

    # Each response contains an HTTP response code.
    #  - Response codes in the 200 range indicate that your request succeeded.
    #  - Response codes in the 400 range indicate that your request failed due
    #    to incorrect input.
    #  - Response codes in the 500 range indicate that there was an error on
    #    the server side.

    # The search is asynchronous, so the response will not be the results of
    # the search.

    # The 2 lines below parse the body of the response (a JSON object)
    # into a dictionary, so we can discern information, such as the search_id.
    response_json = json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8'))

    # Prints the contents of the dictionary.

    # Retrieves the search_id of the query from the dictionary.
    search_id = response_json['search_id']

    # This block of code calls GET /searches/{search_id} on the Ariel API
    # to determine if the search is complete. This block of code will repeat
    # until the status of the search is 'COMPLETE' or there is an error.
    response = api_client.get_search(search_id)
    error = False
    while (response_json['status'] != 'COMPLETED') and not error:
        if (response_json['status'] == 'EXECUTE') | \
                (response_json['status'] == 'SORTING') | \
                (response_json['status'] == 'WAIT'):
            response = api_client.get_search(search_id)
            response_json = json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8'))
            error = True

    # After the search is complete, call the GET /searches/{search_id} to
    # obtain the result of the search.
    # Depending on whether the "application/json" or "application/csv"
    # method is given, return search results will be in JSON form or CSV form.
    response = api_client.get_search_results(
        search_id, 'application/json', '1', '11')

    body = response.read().decode('utf-8')
    body_json = json.loads(body)

    # This is for pretty printing the JSON object.
    print(json.dumps(body_json, indent=2, separators=(',', ':')))

    # This is the same call as before, but asks for a CSV object in return.
    response = api_client.get_search_results(search_id, "application/csv")
    print("\n" + response.read().decode('utf-8'))

    # This method calls POST /searches/{search_id}. It saves the result of a
    # search to a disk.
    query_params = {"saveResults": "true"}
    response = api_client.update_search(search_id, query_params)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def evento_interesse():
    api_client = APIClient()
    # This is the AQL expression to send for the search.
    query_expression = """SELECT domainid,LOGSOURCENAME(logsourceid) as "Log Source",\
SUM(eventcount) as "Event Count (SUM)", MIN(magnitude) as "Magnitude (MIN)",\
MIN(severity) as "Severity (MIN)" FROM events WHERE domainid=1 and severity > 6 and magnitude > 5 GROUP BY\
domainid ORDER BY "Event Count (SUM)" DESC LAST 1 DAYS"""

    # Use the query parameters above to call a method. This will call
    # POST /searches on the Ariel API. (look at arielapiclient for more
    # detail).  A response object is returned. It contains
    # successful or not successful search information.
    # The search_id corresponding to this search is contained in
    # the JSON object.
    response = api_client.create_search(query_expression)

    # Each response contains an HTTP response code.
    #  - Response codes in the 200 range indicate that your request succeeded.
    #  - Response codes in the 400 range indicate that your request failed due
    #    to incorrect input.
    #  - Response codes in the 500 range indicate that there was an error on
    #    the server side.

    # The search is asynchronous, so the response will not be the results of
    # the search.

    # The 2 lines below parse the body of the response (a JSON object)
    # into a dictionary, so we can discern information, such as the search_id.
    response_json = json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8'))

    # Prints the contents of the dictionary.

    # Retrieves the search_id of the query from the dictionary.
    search_id = response_json['search_id']
    #print("search id: "+search_id)
    # This block of code calls GET /searches/{search_id} on the Ariel API
    # to determine if the search is complete. This block of code will repeat
    # until the status of the search is 'COMPLETE' or there is an error.
    response = api_client.get_search(search_id)
    error = False
    while (response_json['status'] != 'COMPLETED') and not error:
        if (response_json['status'] == 'EXECUTE') | \
                (response_json['status'] == 'SORTING') | \
                (response_json['status'] == 'WAIT'):
            response = api_client.get_search(search_id)
            response_json = json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8'))
            error = True

    # After the search is complete, call the GET /searches/{search_id} to
    # obtain the result of the search.
    # Depending on whether the "application/json" or "application/csv"
    # method is given, return search results will be in JSON form or CSV form.
    response = api_client.get_search_results(search_id, 'application/json',
                                             '1', '11')

    body = response.read().decode('utf-8')
    body_json = json.loads(body)

    # This is for pretty printing the JSON object.
    #print(json.dumps(body_json, indent=2, separators=(',', ':')))

    # This is the same call as before, but asks for a CSV object in return.
    response = api_client.get_search_results(search_id, "application/csv")
    evento_interesse_count = response.read().decode('utf-8').split(
        ',')[2].split(':')[1].replace('"', '')
    return float(evento_interesse_count)