Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _expandElementMassFracs(self):
        Expand the custom isotopics input entries that are elementals to isotopics.

        This is necessary when the element name is not a elemental nuclide.
        Most everywhere else expects Nuclide objects (or nuclide names). This input allows a
        user to enter "U" which would expand to the naturally occurring uranium isotopics.

        This is different than the isotopic expansion done for meeting user-specified
        modeling options (such as an MC**2, or MCNP expecting elements or isotopes),
        because it translates the user input into something that can be used later on.
        elementsToExpand = []
        for nucName in self.massFracs:
            if nucName not in nuclideBases.byName:
                element = elements.bySymbol.get(nucName)
                if element is not None:
                        "Expanding custom isotopic `{}` element `{}` to natural isotopics"
                        .format(self.name, nucName))
                    # include all natural isotopes with None flag
                    elementsToExpand.append((element, None))
                    raise exceptions.InputError(
                        "Unrecognized nuclide/isotope/element in input: {}".

            self.massFracs, elementsToExpand)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _initializeMassFracs(self):
        self.massFracs = dict()  # defaults to 0.0, __init__ is not called

        if any(v < 0.0 for v in self.values()):
            raise ValueError(
                "Custom isotopic input for {} is negative".format(self.name)

        valSum = sum(self.values())
        if not abs(valSum - 1.0) < 1e-5 and "fractions" in self.inputFormat:
            raise ValueError(
                "Fractional custom isotopic input values must sum to 1.0 in: {}".format(

        if self.inputFormat == "number fractions":
            sumNjAj = 0.0

            for nuc, nj in self.items():
                if nj:
                    sumNjAj += nj * nucDir.getAtomicWeight(nuc)

            for nuc, value in self.items():
                massFrac = value * nucDir.getAtomicWeight(nuc) / sumNjAj
                self.massFracs[nuc] = massFrac

        elif self.inputFormat == "number densities":
            if self._density is not None:
                raise exceptions.InputError(
                    "Custom isotopic `{}` is over-specified. It was provided as number "
                    "densities, and but density ({}) was also provided. Is the input format "
                    "correct?".format(self.name, self.density)

            M = {
                nuc: Ni
                / units.MOLES_PER_CC_TO_ATOMS_PER_BARN_CM
                * nucDir.getAtomicWeight(nuc)
                for nuc, Ni in self.items()
            densityTotal = sum(M.values())
            if densityTotal < 0:
                raise ValueError("Computed density is negative")

            for nuc, Mi in M.items():
                self.massFracs[nuc] = Mi / densityTotal

            self._computedDensity = densityTotal

        elif self.inputFormat == "mass fractions":
            self.massFracs = dict(self)  # as input

            raise ValueError(
                "Unrecognized custom isotopics input format {}.".format(