Ejemplo n.º 1
def decode(pkt):
    decoded_pkt = []
    # EAPOL
    if pkt.haslayer(EAPOL):
        ether_frame = pkt.getlayer(Ether)
        decoded_pkt.append({'ip': '', 'mac': ether_frame.src, 'time': time.time(), 'acq': 'eapol', 'valid': 2})
        decoded_pkt.append({'ip': '', 'mac': ether_frame.dst, 'time': time.time(), 'acq': 'eapol', 'valid': 2}) 

    # DHCP
    if pkt.haslayer(DHCP):
        dhcp_frame = pkt.getlayer(DHCP)
        ether_frame = pkt.getlayer(Ether)

        if dhcp_frame.server_id != None:
            valid = arp.metric(dhcp_frame.requested_addr) 
            decoded_pkt.append({'ip': dhcp_frame.requested_addr, 'mac': ether_frame.src, 'time': time.time(), 'acq': 'dhcp', 'valid': valid})

    # IP
    if pkt.haslayer(IP):
        ip_frame = pkt.getlayer(IP)
        ether_frame = pkt.getlayer(Ether)
        valid = arp.metric(ip_frame.src)
        valid2 = arp.metric(ip_frame.dst)
        decoded_pkt.append({'ip': ip_frame.src, 'mac': ether_frame.src, 'time': time.time(), 'acq': 'ip', 'valid': valid})
        decoded_pkt.append({'ip': ip_frame.dst, 'mac': ether_frame.dst, 'time': time.time(), 'acq': 'ip', 'valid': valid2})

    # ARP
    if pkt.haslayer(ARP):
        arp_frame = pkt.getlayer(ARP)
        valid = arp.metric(arp_frame.psrc)
        decoded_pkt.append({'ip': arp_frame.psrc, 'mac': arp_frame.hwsrc, 'time': time.time(), 'acq': 'arp', 'valid': valid})

    return json.dumps(decoded_pkt[0])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def mitm(iface, data):
    log.default('Detecting MITM => ' + str(data['ip']) + ' = ' + str(data['mac']))
    db_data = data['res']
    i_data_ip = data['ip']
    i_data_mac = data['mac']
    i_data_acq = data['acq']
    i_data_metric = data['valid']
    i_data_time = data['time']

    db_data_ip = db_data['ip']
    db_data_mac = db_data['mac']
    db_data_acq = db_data['acq']
    db_data_metric = db_data['valid']
    db_data_time = db_data['last_seen']

    # both macs are the same
    exists, i_db_data = db.find_mac(i_data_mac) # asset exists is true
    # checking if host previous_ip is up
    arp_packet = ARP(pdst=db_data_ip)
    ans, un = sr(arp_packet)
    if len(ans.sessions()) >= 1:
        # host is alive
        db.add_detection_time(time.time() - i_data_time)
        log.error('MITM Detected => IP: ' + i_db_data['ip'] + ', MAC: ' + i_db_data['mac'] + ' ::: Spoofing Client ::: IP: ' + i_data_ip + ', MAC: ' + db_data_mac)
        # add mitigation
        # delete incoming arp entry and keep new one
        arp.delete_entry(iface, i_data_ip)
        arp.add_entry(iface, db_data_ip, db_data_mac)
        # possible DOS;
        metric = arp.metric(db_data_ip)
        if metric != 1:
            # authorized client has been blocked
            # checking last time seen
            if (i_data_time - db_data_time) < arp.ttl(iface):
                # add detection
                db.add_detection_time(time.time() - i_data_time)
                # confirmed dos
                arp.delete_entry(iface, i_data_ip)
                log.error('MITM Detected => IP: ' + i_db_data['ip'] + ', MAC: ' + i_db_data['mac'] + ' ::: Spoofing Client ::: IP: ' + i_data_ip + ', MAC: ' + db_data_mac)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def decide(iface, sio, data, log):
    metric = arp.metric(data['ip'])
    if data['res']['ip'] != data['ip']:
        previous_ip = data['res']['ip']
        if previous_ip == '':
            # capture through EAPOL
            ip = data['ip']
            mac = data['mac']
            seen = data['time']
            db.update_arp(seen, mac, metric)
            arp.add_entry(iface, ip, mac)
            # not eapol
            mitm.mitm(iface, data) 
            # checking if host is alive
            #arp_packet = ARP(pdst=previous_ip)
            #ans, un = sr(arp_packet)
            #if len(ans.sessions()) >= 1:
                #host is alive
                # mitm detected
               # mitm.mitm(data)
                #host not alive; new incoming arp request
                #if int(time.time() - data['res']['last_seen']) >= arp.ttl(iface):
                # new request ; add
                # delete previous ip from db and arp
               # arp.delete_entry(iface, previous_ip)
               # db.delete_entry(previous_ip, data['res']['mac'])
               # arp.add_entry(iface, data['ip'], data['mac'])
        # update time seen
        seen = data['time']
        mac = data['mac']
        ip = data['ip']
        db.update_arp(seen, mac, metric) 
        arp.update_entry(iface, ip, mac)  
Ejemplo n.º 4
def add_arp(iface, data):
    conn = init()
    metric = arp.metric(data['ip'])
    conn.cursor().execute('insert into arp(ip, mac, last_seen, acq, valid) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', (data['ip'], data['mac'], data['time'], data['acq'], metric)) 
    d.success('Added DB ARP entry => ' + data['ip'] + ' = ' + data['mac'])