def make_ro(r, raster_space, width, height): """Symbolically render rays starting with raster_space according to geometry e defined by """ nmatrices = r.shape[0] resolution = np.array([width, height], dtype=floatX()) # Normalise it to be bound between 0 1 norm_raster_space = raster_space / resolution # Put it in NDC space, -1, 1 screen_space = -1.0 + 2.0 * norm_raster_space # Make pixels square by mul by aspect ratio aspect_ratio = resolution[0] / resolution[1] ndc_space = screen_space * np.array([aspect_ratio, 1.0], dtype=floatX()) # Ray Direction # Position on z-plane ndc_xyz = stack(ndc_space, width, height, 1.0) * 0.5 # Change focal length # Put the origin farther along z-axis ro = np.array([0, 0, 1.5], dtype=floatX()) # Rotate both by same rotation matrix ro_t =, (1, 3)), r) ndc_t =, (1, width, height, 3)), r) print(ndc_t.shape, width, height, nmatrices) ndc_t = np.reshape(ndc_t, (width, height, nmatrices, 3)) ndc_t = np.transpose(ndc_t, (2, 0, 1, 3)) # Increment by 0.5 since voxels are in [0, 1] ro_t = ro_t + 0.5 ndc_t = ndc_t + 0.5 # Find normalise ray dirs from origin to image plane unnorm_rd = ndc_t - np.reshape(ro_t, (nmatrices, 1, 1, 3)) rd = unnorm_rd / np.reshape(norm(unnorm_rd), (nmatrices, width, height, 1)) return rd, ro_t
def gen_fragcoords(width: int, height: int): """Create a (width * height * 2) matrix, where element i,j is [i,j] This is used to generate ray directions based on an increment""" raster_space = np.zeros([width, height, 2], dtype=floatX()) for i in range(width): for j in range(height): raster_space[i, j] = np.array([i, j], dtype=floatX()) + 0.5 return raster_space
def tf_inputs(n_sources, batch_size, source_len, ndim): sources = [] positions = [] for i in range(n_sources): source = tf.placeholder(name="source", shape=(batch_size, source_len), dtype=floatX()) sources.append(source) position = tf.placeholder(name="pos", shape=(batch_size, ndim), dtype=floatX()) positions.append(position) return sources, positions
def tf_dist_inputs(n_sources, batch_size, source_len): sources = [] distances = [] for i in range(n_sources): source = tf.placeholder(name="source", shape=(batch_size, source_len), dtype=floatX()) sources.append(source) distance = tf.placeholder(name="dist", shape=(batch_size, 1), dtype=floatX()) distances.append(distance) return sources, distances
def __init__(self, n_inputs: int) -> None: super().__init__(name="VarFromMean") comp_arrow = self in_ports = [comp_arrow.add_port() for i in range(n_inputs + 1)] for in_port in in_ports: make_in_port(in_port) out_port = comp_arrow.add_port() make_out_port(out_port) sub_arrows = [SubArrow() for i in range(n_inputs)] squares = [SquareArrow() for i in range(n_inputs)] addn = AddNArrow(n_inputs) for i in range(n_inputs): comp_arrow.add_edge(in_ports[0], sub_arrows[i].in_ports()[1]) comp_arrow.add_edge(in_ports[i + 1], sub_arrows[i].in_ports()[0]) comp_arrow.add_edge(sub_arrows[i].out_ports()[0], squares[i].in_ports()[0]) comp_arrow.add_edge(squares[i].out_ports()[0], addn.in_ports()[i]) nn = SourceArrow(n_inputs) cast = CastArrow(floatX()) variance = DivArrow() comp_arrow.add_edge(nn.out_ports()[0], cast.in_ports()[0]) comp_arrow.add_edge(addn.out_ports()[0], variance.in_ports()[0]) comp_arrow.add_edge(cast.out_ports()[0], variance.in_ports()[1]) comp_arrow.add_edge(variance.out_ports()[0], out_port) assert comp_arrow.is_wired_correctly
def test_inv_twoxyplusx() -> CompositeArrow: """approximate parametric inverse of twoxyplusx""" inv_add = InvAddArrow() inv_mul = InvMulArrow() two_int = SourceArrow(2) two = CastArrow(floatX()) div = DivArrow() c = ApproxIdentityArrow(2) inv_dupl = InvDuplArrow() edges = Bimap() # type: EdgeMap edges.add(two_int.out_ports()[0], two.in_ports()[0]) edges.add(inv_add.out_ports()[0], c.in_ports()[0]) edges.add(inv_add.out_ports()[1], inv_mul.in_ports()[0]) edges.add(inv_mul.out_ports()[0], div.in_ports()[0]) edges.add(two.out_ports()[0], div.in_ports()[1]) edges.add(div.out_ports()[0], c.in_ports()[1]) edges.add(c.out_ports()[0], inv_dupl.in_ports()[0]) edges.add(c.out_ports()[1], inv_dupl.in_ports()[1]) param_inports = [inv_add.in_ports()[1], inv_mul.in_ports()[1]] op = CompositeArrow(in_ports=[inv_add.in_ports()[0]] + param_inports, out_ports=[ inv_dupl.out_ports()[0], inv_mul.out_ports()[1], c.out_ports()[2] ], edges=edges, name="InvTwoXYPlusY") make_param_port(op.in_ports()[1]) make_param_port(op.in_ports()[2]) make_error_port(op.out_ports()[2]) return op
def get_port_dtype(port: Port, default_to_floatX=True): """Set the dtype of a `port` to dtype""" port_attr = port.arrow.port_attr[port.index] if "dtype" in port_attr: return port_attr["dtype"] else: assert default_to_floatX, "no dtype and no default dtype" return floatX()
def robo_tensorflow(batch_size, n_links, **options): lengths = [1 for i in range(n_links)] with tf.name_scope("fwd_kinematics"): angles = [] for _ in range(n_links): angles.append( tf.placeholder(floatX(), name="theta", shape=(batch_size, 1))) x, y = gen_robot(lengths, angles) return {'inputs': angles, 'outputs': [x, y]}
def render_gen_graph(options): """Generate a graph for the rendering function""" res = options.get('res') batch_size = options.get('batch_size') phong = options.get('phong') nviews = options.get('nviews') nvoxels = res * res * res with tf.name_scope("fwd_g"): voxels = tf.placeholder(floatX(), name="voxels", shape=(batch_size, nvoxels)) if phong: gdotl_cube = tf.placeholder(floatX(), name="gdotl", shape=(batch_size, nvoxels)) else: gdotl_cube = None rotation_matrices = STD_ROTATION_MATRIX out_img = gen_img(voxels, gdotl_cube, rotation_matrices, options) return {'voxels': voxels, 'gdotl_cube': gdotl_cube, 'out_img': out_img}
def __init__(self, n_inputs: int) -> None: name = 'Mean' edges = Bimap() # type: EdgeMap addn_arrow = AddNArrow(n_inputs) nsource = SourceArrow(n_inputs) castarrow_nb = CastArrow(floatX()) castarrow = BroadcastArrow() div_arrow = DivArrow() edges.add(nsource.out_ports()[0], castarrow_nb.in_ports()[0]) edges.add(castarrow_nb.out_port(0), castarrow.in_port(0)) edges.add(addn_arrow.out_ports()[0], div_arrow.in_ports()[0]) edges.add(castarrow.out_ports()[0], div_arrow.in_ports()[1]) super().__init__(edges=edges, in_ports=addn_arrow.in_ports(), out_ports=div_arrow.out_ports(), name=name)
def stack(intensor, width: int, height: int, scalar): scalars = np.ones([width, height, 1], dtype=floatX()) * scalar return np.concatenate([intensor, scalars], axis=2)
def run(options): """Simple Example""" # x, y sampled from normal distribution batch_size = options['batch_size'] x_len = 1 # x_prior_gen = infinite_samples(lambda *shape: np.random.exponential(size=shape), # shape=(x_len,), # batch_size=batch_size, # add_batch=True) x_prior_gen = infinite_samples(lambda *shape: np.ones(shape=shape) * 0.5, shape=(x_len, ), batch_size=batch_size, add_batch=True) x_prior = tf.placeholder(dtype=floatX(), shape=(batch_size, x_len)) def f(x): """The model""" # return tf.reduce_sum(x, axis=1) return x z_len = 1 z = tf.placeholder(dtype=floatX(), shape=(batch_size, z_len)) # z_gen = infinite_samples(np.random.rand, # shape=(z_len,), # batch_size=batch_size, # add_batch=True) z_gen = infinite_samples(lambda *shape: np.ones(shape=shape) * 0.5, shape=(z_len, ), batch_size=batch_size, add_batch=True) def g(y, z): """Generator""" with tf.name_scope("generator"): with tf.variable_scope("generator"): # y = tf.expand_dims(y, 1) # inp = tf.concat([y, z], axis=1) inp = y inp = fully_connected(inp, 10, activation='elu') # inp = batch_normalization(inp) inp = fully_connected(inp, 10, activation='elu') # inp = batch_normalization(inp) inp = fully_connected(inp, x_len, activation='elu') # inp = batch_normalization(inp) return inp def g_pi(y, z): """Parametric Inverse Generator""" with tf.name_scope("generator"): with tf.variable_scope("generator"): theta_len = 1 # the neural network will take as input z, and output # the two parameters for inp = z inp = fully_connected(inp, 20, activation='elu') inp = batch_normalization(inp) inp = fully_connected(inp, 20, activation='elu') inp = batch_normalization(inp) theta = fully_connected(inp, theta_len, activation='elu') theta = batch_normalization(theta) x_1 = tf.expand_dims(y, 1) - theta x_2 = theta x = tf.concat([x_1, x_2], 1) return x def disc(x, y, reuse, use_y=False): """Discriminator""" with tf.name_scope("discriminator"): with tf.variable_scope("discriminator", reuse=reuse): if use_y: inp = tf.concat([x, tf.expand_dims(y, 1)], 1) else: inp = x # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # inp = fully_connected(inp, 3, activation='elu') out = fully_connected(inp, 1, activation='sigmoid') return out tf_cgan(x_prior, x_prior_gen, z, z_gen, f, g, disc, options)