Ejemplo n.º 1
def api_delete_by_params(request, model_type):
    """Process delete requests for /api/{object_type} route match. Iterates
       over passed parameters."""

    # FIXME: Should we enforce required parameters here?

    # Will be used for auditing
    au = get_authenticated_user(request)

    # FIXME: Should we allow this to be set on the client, or hard code it to true, requiring an # exact match? Might make sense since there is no confirmation, it just deletes.
    exact_get = True
    c = camel_to_underscore(model_type)

        payload = request.json_body

        s = ''
        q = DBSession.query(globals()[model_type])

        for k,v in payload.items():
            # FIXME: This is sub-par. Need a better way to distinguish
            # meta params from search params without having to
            # pre-define everything.
            if k == 'exact_get':

            s+='{0}={1},'.format(k, v)
            if exact_get:
                log.debug('Exact filtering on {0}={1}'.format(k, v))
                q = q.filter(getattr(globals()[model_type] ,k)==v)
                log.debug('Loose filtering on {0}={1}'.format(k, v))
                q = q.filter(getattr(globals()[model_type] ,k).like('%{0}%'.format(v)))
        log.debug('Searching for {0} with params: {1}'.format(c, s.rstrip(',')))

        q = q.one()

        # FIXME: Need auditing
        log.info('Deleting {0} with params: {1}'.format(c, s.rstrip(',')))

        return True

    except NoResultFound:
        return Response(content_type='application/json', status_int=404)

    except Exception as e:
        log.error('Error deleting {0} with params: {1} exception: {2}'.format(c, s.rstrip(','), e))
        return Response(str(e), content_type='application/json', status_int=500)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def api_delete_by_id(request, model_type):
    """Process delete requests for /api/{object_type}/{id} route match."""

    # FIXME: Will be used for auditing eventually. Would be nice to use 
    # request.authenticated_userid, but I think this gets ugly when it's
    # an AD user. Need to test.
    au = get_authenticated_user(request)

    resource_id = request.matchdict['id']
    c = camel_to_underscore(model_type)
    c_id = c + '_id'
    c_name = c + '_name'

        log.debug('Checking for {0}={1}'.format(c_id, resource_id))

        # FIXME: Something better here than globals?
        q = DBSession.query(globals()[model_type])
        q = q.filter(getattr(globals()[model_type], c_id) == resource_id)
        q = q.one()

        object_name = getattr(q, c_name)

        # FIXME: Need auditing
        # FIXME: What about orphaned assigments? Should we clean them up?
        log.info('Deleting {0}={1},{2}={3}'.format(c_name, object_name, c_id, resource_id))

        return True

    except NoResultFound:
        return Response(content_type='application/json', status_int=404)

    except Exception as e:
        log.error('Error deleting {0}={1},exception={2}'.format(c_id, resource_id, e))
        return Response(str(e), content_type='application/json', status_int=500)