Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_sprites_color(self):
        (x, _), (_, _), _, _ = load_cifar10(raw=True)
        n = 500
        x = x[:n]

        sprite = create_sprite(x)
        f_name = "test_cifar.jpg"
        path = os.path.join(ART_DATA_PATH, f_name)
        save_image(sprite, path)

        os.remove(path)  # Remove data added
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_sprites_gray(self):
        # Get MNIST
        (x, _), (_, _), _, _ = load_mnist(raw=True)
        n = 100
        x = x[:n]

        sprite = create_sprite(x)
        f_name = "test_sprite_mnist.png"
        path = os.path.join(ART_DATA_PATH, f_name)
        save_image(sprite, path)

        os.remove(path)  # Remove data added
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def visualize_clusters(self,
                           x_raw: np.ndarray,
                           save: bool = True,
                           folder: str = ".",
                           **kwargs) -> List[List[np.ndarray]]:
        This function creates the sprite/mosaic visualization for clusters. When save=True,
        it also stores a sprite (mosaic) per cluster in art.config.ART_DATA_PATH.

        :param x_raw: Images used to train the classifier (before pre-processing).
        :param save: Boolean specifying if image should be saved.
        :param folder: Directory where the sprites will be saved inside art.config.ART_DATA_PATH folder.
        :param kwargs: a dictionary of cluster-analysis-specific parameters.
        :return: Array with sprite images sprites_by_class, where sprites_by_class[i][j] contains the
                                  sprite of class i cluster j.

        if not self.clusters_by_class:

        x_raw_by_class = self._segment_by_class(x_raw, self.y_train)
        x_raw_by_cluster: List[List[np.ndarray]] = [  # type: ignore
            [[] for _ in range(self.nb_clusters)]
            for _ in range(self.classifier.nb_classes)  # type: ignore

        # Get all data in x_raw in the right cluster
        for n_class, cluster in enumerate(self.clusters_by_class):
            for j, assigned_cluster in enumerate(cluster):

        # Now create sprites:
        sprites_by_class: List[List[np.ndarray]] = [  # type: ignore
            [[] for _ in range(self.nb_clusters)]
            for _ in range(self.classifier.nb_classes)  # type: ignore
        for i, class_i in enumerate(x_raw_by_cluster):
            for j, images_cluster in enumerate(class_i):
                title = "Class_" + str(i) + "_cluster_" + str(
                    j) + "_clusterSize_" + str(len(images_cluster))
                f_name = title + ".png"
                f_name = os.path.join(folder, f_name)
                sprite = create_sprite(np.array(images_cluster))
                if save:
                    save_image(sprite, f_name)
                sprites_by_class[i][j] = sprite

        return sprites_by_class
    def visualize_clusters(self, x_raw, save=True, folder='.', **kwargs):
        This function creates the sprite/mosaic visualization for clusters. When save=True,
        it also stores a sprite (mosaic) per cluster in DATA_PATH.

        :param x_raw: Images used to train the classifier (before pre-processing)
        :type x_raw: `np.darray`
        :param save: Boolean specifying if image should be saved
        :type  save: `bool`
        :param folder: Directory where the sprites will be saved inside DATA_PATH folder
        :type folder: `str`
        :param kwargs: a dictionary of cluster-analysis-specific parameters
        :type kwargs: `dict`
        :return: sprites_by_class: Array with sprite images sprites_by_class, where sprites_by_class[i][j] contains the
                 sprite of class i cluster j.
        :rtype: sprites_by_class: `np.ndarray`

        if not self.clusters_by_class:

        x_raw_by_class = self._segment_by_class(x_raw, self.y_train)
        x_raw_by_cluster = [[[] for x in range(self.nb_clusters)]
                            for y in range(self.classifier.nb_classes)]

        # Get all data in x_raw in the right cluster
        for n_class, cluster in enumerate(self.clusters_by_class):
            for j, assigned_cluster in enumerate(cluster):

        # Now create sprites:
        sprites_by_class = [[[] for x in range(self.nb_clusters)]
                            for y in range(self.classifier.nb_classes)]
        for i, class_i in enumerate(x_raw_by_cluster):
            for j, images_cluster in enumerate(class_i):
                title = 'Class_' + str(i) + '_cluster_' + str(
                    j) + '_clusterSize_' + str(len(images_cluster))
                f_name = title + '.png'
                f_name = os.path.join(folder, f_name)
                sprite = create_sprite(images_cluster)
                if save:
                    save_image(sprite, f_name)
                sprites_by_class[i][j] = sprite

        return sprites_by_class