def handle(self, *args, **options): print('DB command!') # проверили работу, все ли правильно #выведем все статьи, которые есть на данный момент articles = Article.objects.all() print(articles) # сделаем запрос на конкретную статью art_ = Article.objects.get(article_name='Адаптогены') print(art_) # возвращает все теги, кроме указанного tags = Tag.objects.exclude(tag_name='адаптогены') print(tags) # возвращает указанный тег tag1 = Tag.objects.get(tag_name__icontains='фитотерапия') print(tag1) # Показывает статью, созданную последней по времени last_art = Article.objects.latest('article_data') print(last_art) # Выводит статьи, начиная с пятой art2 = Article.objects.all()[4:] print(art2) # сортируем статьи по алфавиту art_sort = Article.objects.order_by('article_name') print(art_sort) # выводит все названия статей по указанному тегу art2_ = Article.objects.filter(article_tag__tag_name="фитотерапия") print(art2_) # добавляем в базу данных #новый тег Tag.objects.create(tag_name='статьи') tags = Tag.objects.all() print(tags) t = Tag(tag_name='седативные') tags3 = Tag.objects.all() print(tags3) # новая статья (другие добавляются аналогично) a = Article.objects.create( article_name='Седативные', article_text='Описание, что это такое и список трав со ссылками', a.article_tag.add(t) articles = Article.objects.all() print(articles)
def readContent(self): with open(staticfiles_storage.path('content_api.json'), encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) for article in data['results']: if not Article.objects.filter(uuid=article['uuid']).exists(): newArticle = Article() newArticle.authorByLine = article['byline'] newArticle.body = article['body'] newArticle.publishDate = article['publish_at'].split('T')[0] newArticle.headline = article['headline'] = article['promo'] newArticle.disclosure = article['disclosure'] newArticle.uuid = article['uuid'] newArticle.slug = slugify(article['headline']) for img in article['images']: if img['featured']: newArticle.featuredImage = img['url'] for ins in article['instruments']: if Instrument.objects.filter( instrumentId=ins['instrument_id']).exists(): newArticle.relatedInstruments.add( Instrument.objects.get( instrumentId=ins['instrument_id'])) else: i = Instrument() i.instrumentId = ins['instrument_id'] i.companyName = ins['company_name'] i.symbol = ins['symbol'] = ins['exchange'] newArticle.relatedInstruments.add(i) for tag in article['tags']: if Tag.objects.filter(uuid=tag['uuid']).exists(): newArticle.tags.add(Tag.objects.get(uuid=tag['uuid'])) else: t = Tag() t.uuid = tag['uuid'] t.tagName = tag['name'] t.tagSlug = tag['slug'] t.tagTypeName = tag['tag_type']['name'] t.tagTypeSlug = tag['tag_type']['slug'] newArticle.tags.add(t) for tag in article['tags']: if self.first == '' and tag['slug'] == '10-promise': self.first = Article.objects.get(uuid=article['uuid'])
def handle(self, *args, **options): Tag.objects.bulk_create([Tag(tag=t[0], slug=t[1]) for t in tags], ignore_conflicts=True) names = generate_username(int(options["num_users"])) User = get_user_model() users = [ User.objects.create_user(username=n, password=self.password) for n in names ] print(users) gen = DocumentGenerator() gen.init_word_cache(5000) gen.init_sentence_cache(5000) for user in users: user = User.objects.get(username=user.username) = gen.sentence() articles = Article.objects.bulk_create([ Article( slug=make_slug(gen.sentence()), title=gen.sentence(), description=gen.sentence(), body=gen.paragraph(), author=user.profile, ) # Make sure every user has at least 1 article for _ in range(random.randrange(1, self.article_upper_bound)) ]) print(articles) # Make sure every article has 1 tag, could add more later for article in articles: article.tags.add(Tag.objects.get(slug=random.choice(tags)[1])) self.stdout.write("Created {len(users)} users"))
def _articles(request, articles): paginator = Paginator(articles, 10) page = request.GET.get('page') try: articles = except PageNotAnInteger: articles = except EmptyPage: articles = popular_tags = Tag.get_popular_tags() return render(request, 'articles/articles.html', {'articles': articles, 'popular_tags': popular_tags})
def handleTag(tagStr, newEssay): tagEssayRelation.objects.filter(essayId = tag_id = 0 final_tag = Tag() tagList = tagStr.split(',') for item in tagList: essay_tag = item.strip().lower() try: old_tag = Tag.objects.get(tag_name = essay_tag) except ObjectDoesNotExist: new_tag = Tag( tag_name = essay_tag, category = 0, ) final_tag = new_tag else: final_tag = old_tag tagessay_relation = tagEssayRelation( essayId = newEssay, tagId = final_tag, )
def handleTag(tagStr, newEssay): tagEssayRelation.objects.filter( tag_id = 0 final_tag = Tag() tagList = tagStr.split(',') for item in tagList: essay_tag = item.strip().lower() try: old_tag = Tag.objects.get(tag_name=essay_tag) except ObjectDoesNotExist: new_tag = Tag( tag_name=essay_tag, category=0, ) final_tag = new_tag else: final_tag = old_tag tagessay_relation = tagEssayRelation( essayId=newEssay, tagId=final_tag, )
def tag(name): """Returns a Tag object for the given name""" slug = Tag.clean_tag(name) log.debug('Looking for Tag with slug "%s"...' % (slug,)) t, created = Tag.objects.get_or_create(slug=slug, defaults={'name': name}) log.debug('Found Tag %s. Name: %s Slug: %s Created: %s' % (,, t.slug, created)) if not = name return t
def article_tags(tagstr): """ Convert a space-delimited list of tags to their :class:`Tag` equivalients. TODO: Improve tags to support multiple words (make ``django-articles`` use ``django-taggit``!) :param tagstr: Tags in the form, ``one two three``. """ from publish.conf import DB from articles.models import Tag tag = lambda n: Tag.objects.using(DB).get_or_create(name=Tag.clean_tag(n))[0] return [tag(t) for t in tagstr.split()]
def handle(self, *args, **options): articles = Article.objects.filter(article_url__isnull=False) for i, article in enumerate(articles): try: prediction_input = article.prediction_input if prediction_input is None: raise Exception("No prediction_input") # Make tag predictions prediction_input = prediction_input.encode('utf-8') predicted_tags = text_tagger.text_to_tags(prediction_input) except Exception as e: self.stdout.write('Failed to tag article %s. Error: %s.' % (article.hn_id, e))) continue # Make tag predictions prediction_input = prediction_input.decode('utf-8') predicted_tags = text_tagger.text_to_tags(prediction_input) # Add tags to db (only matters if there's a previously unseen tag) existing_tags = Tag.objects.filter(name__in=predicted_tags) new_tags = set(predicted_tags) - set( [ for t in existing_tags]) new_tags = Tag.objects.bulk_create( [Tag(name=t, lowercase_name=t.lower()) for t in new_tags]) # Associate tags with article (many-to-many) article_tags = list(existing_tags) + new_tags article_tags = Tag.objects.filter( id__in=[ for t in article_tags]) article.tags.add(*article_tags) article.tagged = True self.stdout.write('Tagged article %s (%s of %s)\n%s\n%s' % (article.hn_id, i + 1, articles.count(), article.title, article_tags)))
def test_get_absolute_url(self): name = 'Hi There' t = Tag.objects.create(name=name) self.assertEqual(t.get_absolute_url(), reverse('articles_display_tag', args=[Tag.clean_tag(name)]))