def test_sprite(self): """ Check that Sprites work. """ # Check that we can move a Sprite around the screen. screen = MagicMock(spec=Screen, colours=8) canvas = Canvas(screen, 10, 40, 0, 0) path = Path() path.jump_to(10, 5) path.move_straight_to(20, 10, 5) path.move_straight_to(30, 5, 5) path.move_straight_to(20, 0, 5) path.move_straight_to(10, 5, 5) effect = Sam(canvas, path) effect.reset() self.assert_blank(canvas) buffer = [[(32, 7, 0, 0) for _ in range(40)] for _ in range(10)] for i in range(30): effect.update(i) self.assertEqual(self.check_canvas( canvas, buffer, lambda value: self.assertLess(value[0], 129)), i % 2 == 0, "Bad update on frame %d" % i) # Check there is no stop frame by default. self.assertEqual(effect.stop_frame, 0)
def test_sprite(self): """ Check that Sprites work. """ # Check that we can move a Sprite around the screen. screen = MagicMock(spec=Screen, colours=8, unicode_aware=False) canvas = Canvas(screen, 10, 40, 0, 0) path = Path() path.jump_to(10, 5) path.move_straight_to(20, 10, 5) path.move_straight_to(30, 5, 5) path.move_straight_to(20, 0, 5) path.move_straight_to(10, 5, 5) effect = Sam(canvas, path) effect.reset() self.assert_blank(canvas) my_buffer = [[(32, 7, 0, 0) for _ in range(40)] for _ in range(10)] for i in range(30): effect.update(i) self.assertEqual( self.check_canvas( canvas, my_buffer, lambda value: self.assertLess(value[0], 129)), i % 2 == 0, "Bad update on frame %d" % i) # Check there is no stop frame by default. self.assertEqual(effect.stop_frame, 0) # Static paths should pay no attention to events. event = object() self.assertEqual(event, effect.process_event(event))
def test_sprite(self): """ Check that Sprites work. """ # Check that we can move a Sprite around the screen. screen = MagicMock(spec=Screen, colours=8, unicode_aware=False) canvas = Canvas(screen, 10, 40, 0, 0) path = Path() path.jump_to(10, 5) path.move_straight_to(20, 10, 5) path.move_straight_to(30, 5, 5) path.move_straight_to(20, 0, 5) path.move_straight_to(10, 5, 5) effect = Sam(canvas, path) effect.reset() self.assert_blank(canvas) my_buffer = [[(32, 7, 0, 0) for _ in range(40)] for _ in range(10)] for i in range(30): effect.update(i) self.assertEqual(self.check_canvas( canvas, my_buffer, lambda value: self.assertLess(value[0], 129)), i % 2 == 0, "Bad update on frame %d" % i) # Check there is no stop frame by default. self.assertEqual(effect.stop_frame, 0) # Static paths should pay no attention to events. event = object() self.assertEqual(event, effect.process_event(event))
def test_sprite(self): """ Check that Sprites work. """ # Check that we can move a Sprite around the screen. screen = MagicMock(spec=Screen, colours=8) canvas = Canvas(screen, 10, 40, 0, 0) path = Path() path.jump_to(10, 5) path.move_straight_to(20, 10, 5) path.move_straight_to(30, 5, 5) path.move_straight_to(20, 0, 5) path.move_straight_to(10, 5, 5) effect = Sam(canvas, path) effect.reset() self.assert_blank(canvas) buffer = [[(32, 7, 0, 0) for _ in range(40)] for _ in range(10)] for i in range(30): effect.update(i) self.assertEqual( self.check_canvas( canvas, buffer, lambda value: self.assertLess(value[0], 129)), i % 2 == 0, "Bad update on frame %d" % i) # Check there is no stop frame by default. self.assertEqual(effect.stop_frame, 0)
def test_sprite_overlap(self): """ Check that Sprites detect overlap. """ screen = MagicMock(spec=Screen, colours=8, unicode_aware=False) canvas = Canvas(screen, 10, 40, 0, 0) path = Path() path.jump_to(10, 5) effect1 = Sam(canvas, path) effect2 = Sam(canvas, path) # These 2 sprites should overlap! effect1.reset() effect1.update(0) effect2.reset() effect2.update(0) self.assertTrue(effect1.overlaps(effect2)) # Now create a sprite that shouldn't quite overlap width = effect1.last_position()[2] path = Path() path.jump_to(10 + width, 5) effect2 = Sam(canvas, path) effect2.reset() effect2.update(0) self.assertFalse(effect1.overlaps(effect2))
def _credits(screen): scenes = [] centre = (screen.width // 2, screen.height // 2) curve_path = [] for i in range(0, 11): curve_path.append( (centre[0] + (screen.width / 3 * math.sin(i * math.pi / 5)), centre[1] - (screen.height / 3 * math.cos(i * math.pi / 5)))) path = Path() path.jump_to(-20, centre[1] - screen.height // 3) path.move_straight_to(centre[0], centre[1] - screen.height // 3, 10), path.wait(30) path.move_round_to(curve_path, 80) path.wait(30) path.move_straight_to(7, 4, 10) path.wait(300) effects = [ Sam(screen, path), Print(screen, SpeechBubble("WELCOME TO ASCIIMATICS", "L"), x=centre[0] + 12, y=(centre[1] - screen.height // 3) - 4, colour=Screen.COLOUR_CYAN, clear=True, start_frame=20, stop_frame=50), Print(screen, SpeechBubble("Wheeeeeee!"), y=centre[1], colour=Screen.COLOUR_CYAN, clear=True, start_frame=100, stop_frame=250), Print(screen, SpeechBubble("A world of possibilities awaits you...", "L"), x=18, y=0, colour=Screen.COLOUR_CYAN, clear=True, start_frame=350, stop_frame=400), Print(screen, ImageFile("globe.gif", colours=screen.colours), 0, start_frame=400), ] scenes.append(Scene(effects, 600)) effects = [ Matrix(screen, stop_frame=200), Mirage(screen, FigletText("Asciimatics"), screen.height // 2 - 3, Screen.COLOUR_GREEN, start_frame=100, stop_frame=200), Wipe(screen, start_frame=150), Cycle(screen, FigletText("Asciimatics"), screen.height // 2 - 3, start_frame=200) ] scenes.append(Scene(effects, 250, clear=False)) effects = [ BannerText( screen, Rainbow( screen, FigletText("Reliving the 80s in glorious ASCII text...", font='slant')), screen.height // 2 - 3, Screen.COLOUR_GREEN) ] scenes.append(Scene(effects)) effects = [ Mirage(screen, FigletText("Conceived and"), screen.height, Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), Mirage(screen, FigletText("written by:"), screen.height + 8, Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), Mirage(screen, FigletText("Peter Brittain"), screen.height + 16, Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), Scroll(screen, 3) ] scenes.append(Scene(effects, (screen.height + 24) * 3)) effects = [ Cycle(screen, FigletText("ASCIIMATICS", font='big'), screen.height // 2 - 8), Cycle(screen, FigletText("ROCKS!", font='big'), screen.height // 2 + 3), Stars(screen, (screen.width + screen.height) // 2) ] scenes.append(Scene(effects, 200)), stop_on_resize=True)
def demo(screen): scenes = [] centre = (screen.width // 2, screen.height // 2) podium = (8, 5) # Scene 1. path = Path() path.jump_to(-20, centre[1]) path.move_straight_to(centre[0], centre[1], 10) path.wait(30) path.move_straight_to(podium[0], podium[1], 10) path.wait(100) effects = [ Arrow(screen, path, colour=Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), _speak(screen, "WELCOME TO ASCIIMATICS", centre, 30), _speak(screen, "My name is Aristotle Arrow.", podium, 110), _speak(screen, "I'm here to help you learn ASCIImatics.", podium, 180), ] scenes.append(Scene(effects)) # Scene 2. path = Path() path.jump_to(podium[0], podium[1]) effects = [ Arrow(screen, path, colour=Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), _speak(screen, "Let's start with the Screen...", podium, 10), _speak(screen, "This is your Screen object.", podium, 80), Print(screen, Box(screen.width, screen.height, uni=screen.unicode_aware), 0, 0, start_frame=90), _speak(screen, "It lets you play a Scene like this one I'm in.", podium, 150), _speak(screen, "A Scene contains one or more Effects.", podium, 220), _speak(screen, "Like me - I'm a Sprite!", podium, 290), _speak(screen, "Or these Stars.", podium, 360), _speak(screen, "As you can see, the Screen handles them both at once.", podium, 430), _speak(screen, "It can handle as many Effects as you like.", podium, 500), _speak(screen, "Please press <SPACE> now.", podium, 570), Stars(screen, (screen.width + screen.height) // 2, start_frame=360) ] scenes.append(Scene(effects, -1)) # Scene 3. path = Path() path.jump_to(podium[0], podium[1]) effects = [ Arrow(screen, path, colour=Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), _speak(screen, "This is a new Scene.", podium, 10), _speak( screen, "The Screen stops all Effects and clears itself between " "Scenes.", podium, 70), _speak(screen, "That's why you can't see the Stars now.", podium, 130), _speak(screen, "(Though you can override that if you need to.)", podium, 200), _speak(screen, "Please press <SPACE> now.", podium, 270), ] scenes.append(Scene(effects, -1)) # Scene 4. path = Path() path.jump_to(podium[0], podium[1]) effects = [ Arrow(screen, path, colour=Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), _speak(screen, "So, how do you design your animation?", podium, 10), _speak(screen, "1) Decide on your cinematic flow of Scenes.", podium, 80), _speak(screen, "2) Create the Effects in each Scene.", podium, 150), _speak(screen, "3) Pass the Scenes to the Screen to play.", podium, 220), _speak(screen, "It really is that easy!", podium, 290), _speak(screen, "Just look at this sample code.", podium, 360), _speak(screen, "Please press <SPACE> now.", podium, 430), ] scenes.append(Scene(effects, -1)) # Scene 5. path = Path() path.jump_to(podium[0], podium[1]) effects = [ Arrow(screen, path, colour=Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), _speak(screen, "There are various effects you can use. For " "example...", podium, 10), Cycle(screen, FigletText("Colour cycling"), centre[1] - 5, start_frame=100), Cycle(screen, FigletText("using Figlet"), centre[1] + 1, start_frame=100), _speak(screen, "Look in the effects module for more...", podium, 290), _speak(screen, "Please press <SPACE> now.", podium, 360), ] scenes.append(Scene(effects, -1)) # Scene 6. path = Path() path.jump_to(podium[0], podium[1]) curve_path = [] for i in range(0, 11): curve_path.append( (centre[0] + (screen.width / 4 * math.sin(i * math.pi / 5)), centre[1] - (screen.height / 4 * math.cos(i * math.pi / 5)))) path2 = Path() path2.jump_to(centre[0], centre[1] - screen.height // 4) path2.move_round_to(curve_path, 60) effects = [ Arrow(screen, path, colour=Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), _speak(screen, "Sprites (like me) are also an Effect.", podium, 10), _speak(screen, "We take a pre-defined Path to follow.", podium, 80), _speak(screen, "Like this one...", podium, 150), Plot(screen, path2, colour=Screen.COLOUR_BLUE, start_frame=160, stop_frame=300), _speak(screen, "My friend Sam will now follow it...", podium, 320), Sam(screen, copy.copy(path2), start_frame=380), _speak(screen, "Please press <SPACE> now.", podium, 420), ] scenes.append(Scene(effects, -1)) # Scene 7. path = Path() path.jump_to(podium[0], podium[1]) path.wait(60) path.move_straight_to(-5, podium[1], 20) path.wait(300) effects = [ Arrow(screen, path, colour=Screen.COLOUR_GREEN), _speak(screen, "Goodbye!", podium, 10), Cycle(screen, FigletText("THE END!"), centre[1] - 4, start_frame=100), Print(screen, SpeechBubble("Press X to exit"), centre[1] + 6, start_frame=150) ] scenes.append(Scene(effects, 500)), stop_on_resize=True)
def test_init(self): # Most of the function in these classes is actually in the Sprite # base Effect - so just check we can build these classes self.assertIsNotNone(Sam(None, Path())) self.assertIsNotNone(Arrow(None, Path())) self.assertIsNotNone(Plot(None, Path()))