Ejemplo n.º 1
def test():
    ax = plt.gca()

    for i, lat in enumerate(all_variants()):
        if lat.ndim == 2:
        xid = '{:02d}.{}'.format(i, lat.variant)
        path = lat.bandpath(density=10)
        atoms = Atoms(cell=lat.tocell(), pbc=True)
        atoms.calc = FreeElectrons(nvalence=0, kpts=path.kpts)
        bs = calculate_band_structure(atoms, path)
        bs.plot(ax=ax, emin=0, emax=20, filename='fig.{}.png'.format(xid))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_bravais_lattices():
    import numpy as np
    from ase.lattice import (bravais_lattices, all_variants,

    for name in bravais_lattices:
        latcls = bravais_lattices[name]
        assert latcls.name == name
        assert latcls.longname is not None
        for par in latcls.parameters:
            assert par in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']

    for lat in all_variants():
        for par in lat.parameters:
            print(par, getattr(lat, par))

        print('cell', lat.tocell())
        cell = lat.tocell()
        if lat.name in ['TRI']:
            # Automatic check not implemented for these cell types, but we
            # can still recognize the canonical form:
            lat1 = get_lattice_from_canonical_cell(cell)
            lat1 = cell.get_bravais_lattice()
        assert lat1.name == lat.name, (lat1.name, lat.name)
        assert lat1.variant == lat.variant
        assert np.abs(cell - lat1.tocell()).max() < 1e-13
        print('cellpar', lat.cellpar())
        print('special path', lat.special_path)
        arr = lat.get_special_points_array()
        assert arr.shape == (len(lat.special_point_names), 3)

        dct = lat.get_special_points()
        assert len(dct) == len(lat.special_point_names)
Ejemplo n.º 3
import pytest
from ase.calculators.test import FreeElectrons
from ase.lattice import all_variants
from ase.spectrum.band_structure import calculate_band_structure
from ase import Atoms

@pytest.mark.parametrize("i, lat",
                         [pytest.param(i, lat, id=lat.variant)
                          for i, lat in enumerate(all_variants())
                          if lat.ndim == 3])
def test_lattice_bandstructure(testdir, i, lat, figure):
    xid = '{:02d}.{}'.format(i, lat.variant)
    path = lat.bandpath(density=10)
    atoms = Atoms(cell=lat.tocell(), pbc=True)
    atoms.calc = FreeElectrons(nvalence=0, kpts=path.kpts)
    bs = calculate_band_structure(atoms, path)

    ax = figure.gca()
    bs.plot(ax=ax, emin=0, emax=20, filename='fig.{}.png'.format(xid))
import pytest
from ase.calculators.test import FreeElectrons
from ase.lattice import all_variants
from ase.dft.band_structure import calculate_band_structure
from ase import Atoms

@pytest.mark.parametrize("i, lat", [
    pytest.param(i, lat, id=lat.variant)
    for i, lat in enumerate(all_variants()) if lat.ndim == 3
def test_lattice_bandstructure(i, lat, figure):
    xid = '{:02d}.{}'.format(i, lat.variant)
    path = lat.bandpath(density=10)
    atoms = Atoms(cell=lat.tocell(), pbc=True)
    atoms.calc = FreeElectrons(nvalence=0, kpts=path.kpts)
    bs = calculate_band_structure(atoms, path)

    ax = figure.gca()
    bs.plot(ax=ax, emin=0, emax=20, filename='fig.{}.png'.format(xid))
Ejemplo n.º 5
Brillouin zone data

.. list-table::
    :widths: 10 15 45

entry = """\
    * - {name} ({longname})
      - {bandpath}
      - .. image:: {fname}
            :width: 40 %

with open('bztable.rst', 'w') as fd:
    print(header, file=fd)

    for i, lat in enumerate(all_variants(include_blunt_angles=False)):
        id = '{:02d}.{}'.format(i, lat.variant)
        imagefname = '{}.svg'.format(id)
        txt = entry.format(name=lat.variant,
        print(txt, file=fd)
        ax = lat.plot_bz()
        fig = ax.get_figure()
        fig.savefig(imagefname, bbox_inches='tight')
Ejemplo n.º 6
import pytest
from ase import Atoms
from ase.lattice import all_variants
from ase.build.supercells import make_supercell
from ase.calculators.emt import EMT

def emt_energy_per_atom(atoms):
    atoms = atoms.copy()
    atoms.calc = EMT()
    return atoms.get_potential_energy() / len(atoms)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('lat', [var for var in all_variants()
                                 if var.ndim == 3])
def test_conventional_map(lat):
    if not hasattr(lat, 'conventional_cellmap'):

    conv_lat = lat.conventional()
    prim_atoms = Atoms('Au', cell=lat.tocell(), pbc=1)
    conv_atoms = make_supercell(prim_atoms, lat.conventional_cellmap)

    e1 = emt_energy_per_atom(prim_atoms)
    e2 = emt_energy_per_atom(conv_atoms)

    assert e1 == pytest.approx(e2)
    assert conv_lat.cellpar() == pytest.approx(conv_atoms.cell.cellpar())

    # Rule out also that cells could differ by a rotation:
    assert conv_lat.tocell()[:] == pytest.approx(conv_atoms.cell[:])
Ejemplo n.º 7
"""Bravais lattice type check.

1) For each Bravais variant, check that we recognize the
standard cell correctly.

2) For those Bravais lattices that we can recognize in non-standard form,
   Niggli-reduce them and recognize them as well."""
import numpy as np
from ase.lattice import (get_lattice_from_canonical_cell, all_variants,

for lat in all_variants():
    if lat.ndim == 2:

    cell = lat.tocell()

    def check(lat1):
        print('check', repr(lat), '-->', repr(lat1))
        err = np.abs(cell.cellpar() - lat1.cellpar()).max()
        assert err < 1e-5, err


    if lat.name == 'TRI':
        # The TRI lattices generally permute (the ones we produce as
        # all_variants() are reduced to a form with smaller
        # orthogonality defect) which might be desirable but would
        # trigger an error in this test.
Ejemplo n.º 8
"""Bravais lattice type check.

1) For each Bravais variant, check that we recognize the
standard cell correctly.

2) For those Bravais lattices that we can recognize in non-standard form,
   Niggli-reduce them and recognize them as well."""

import pytest
import numpy as np

from ase.lattice import (get_lattice_from_canonical_cell, all_variants,

variants = [lat for lat in all_variants() if lat.ndim == 3]

@pytest.mark.parametrize('lat', variants)
def test_lattice(lat):
    cell = lat.tocell()

    def check(lat1):
        print('check', repr(lat), '-->', repr(lat1))
        err = np.abs(cell.cellpar() - lat1.cellpar()).max()
        assert err < 1e-5, err


    if lat.name == 'TRI':
        # The TRI lattices generally permute (the ones we produce as
Ejemplo n.º 9
import pytest
from ase.calculators.calculator import kpts2kpts
from ase.lattice import all_variants
from ase import Atoms

# This function tests whether giving a bandpath
# and an atoms object with a completed cell to
# kpts2kpts actually produces a band path with
# the same special points in the end. If this
# isn't fulfilled then it means that something
# has gone wrong (most likely that the bravais
# lattice wasn't correctly identified).
@pytest.mark.parametrize('lat', all_variants())
def test_kpts2kpts(lat):
    bandpath = lat.bandpath()
    a = Atoms()
    a.cell = lat.tocell().complete()
    a.pbc[:lat.ndim] = True
    path = {'path': bandpath.path}
    bandpath2 = kpts2kpts(path, atoms=a)
    print('cell', a.cell)
    print('Original', bandpath)
    print('path', path)
    print('Produced by kpts2kpts', bandpath2)
    sp = set(bandpath.special_points)
    sp2 = set(bandpath2.special_points)
    msg = ('Input and output bandpath from kpts2kpts dont agree!\n'
           'Input: {}\n Output: {}'.format(bandpath, bandpath2))