Ejemplo n.º 1
    def ase_et(self, scatter_hamil):

        # Set up options if we want to call ASE with special cases
        if self.input.dict['orthonormal_overlap'] != 'False':
            scatter_hamil['s'] = None
            scatter_hamil['s1'] = None
            scatter_hamil['s2'] = None
        # initialize the calculator
        ETran = TCalc(h=scatter_hamil['h'],

        # Disable reading in the off diagonal matrices
        if (self.input.dict['exclude_coupling'] == 'False'):
        # either calculate the electron transport at the Fermi level or a
        # range of values relative to the Fermi level
        if (self.input.dict['energy_levels_ET'] is None):
            temp_form = [(0.0)]
            temp_form = self.input.dict['energy_levels_ET']
                energies=np.arange(temp_form[0], temp_form[1], temp_form[2]))

        # ase has some warnings that we can't do anything about,
        # so suppress the warnings
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning)
            T = ETran.get_transmission()
        # print results
        if (self.input.dict['energy_levels_ET'] is not None):
            j = 0
            for i in np.arange(temp_form[0], temp_form[1], temp_form[2]):
                printx("Energy = {0:.3f} Transmission = {1}".format(i, T[j]),
                j += 1
            self.print_conductance(T, temp_form[2], temp_form[0], temp_form[1])
            printx("Energy = 0.0  Transmission = {0}".format(T[0]), self.file)
        printx("\n", self.file)

Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_transport_calculator():
    H_lead = np.zeros([4, 4])

    # On-site energies are zero
    for i in range(4):
        H_lead[i, i] = 0.0

    # Nearest neighbor hopping is -1.0
    for i in range(3):
        H_lead[i, i + 1] = -1.0
        H_lead[i + 1, i] = -1.0

    # Next-nearest neighbor hopping is 0.2
    for i in range(2):
        H_lead[i, i + 2] = 0.2
        H_lead[i + 2, i] = 0.2

    H_scat = np.zeros([6, 6])
    # Principal layers on either side of S
    H_scat[:2, :2] = H_lead[:2, :2]
    H_scat[-2:, -2:] = H_lead[:2, :2]

    # Scattering region
    H_scat[2, 2] = 0.0
    H_scat[3, 3] = 0.0
    H_scat[2, 3] = -0.8
    H_scat[3, 2] = -0.8

    # External coupling
    H_scat[1, 2] = 0.2
    H_scat[2, 1] = 0.2
    H_scat[3, 4] = 0.2
    H_scat[4, 3] = 0.2

    energies = np.arange(-3, 3, 0.02)
    tcalc = TransportCalculator(h=H_scat,

    T = tcalc.get_transmission()
    tcalc.set(pdos=[2, 3])
    pdos = tcalc.get_pdos()

    dos = tcalc.get_dos()

    write('T.dat', tcalc.energies, T)
    write('pdos0.dat', tcalc.energies, pdos[0])
    write('pdos1.dat', tcalc.energies, pdos[1])

    h_rot, s_rot, eps, u = tcalc.subdiagonalize_bfs([2, 3], apply=True)
    T_rot = tcalc.get_transmission()
    dos_rot = tcalc.get_dos()
    pdos_rot = tcalc.get_pdos()

    write('T_rot.dat', tcalc.energies, T_rot)
    write('pdos0_rot.dat', tcalc.energies, pdos_rot[0])
    write('pdos1_rot.dat', tcalc.energies, pdos_rot[1])

    print('Subspace eigenvalues:', eps)
    assert sum(abs(eps - (-0.8, 0.8))) < 2.0e-15, 'Subdiagonalization. error'
    print('Max deviation of T after the rotation:', np.abs(T - T_rot).max())
    assert max(abs(T - T_rot)) < 2.0e-15, 'Subdiagonalization. error'

    #remove coupling
    h_cut, s_cut = tcalc.cutcoupling_bfs([2], apply=True)
    T_cut = tcalc.get_transmission()
    dos_cut = tcalc.get_dos()
    pdos_cut = tcalc.get_pdos()

    write('T_cut.dat', tcalc.energies, T_cut)
    write('pdos0_cut.dat', tcalc.energies, pdos_cut[0])
    write('pdos1_cut.dat', tcalc.energies, pdos_cut[1])
Ejemplo n.º 3
H_scat[2, 2] = 0.0
H_scat[3, 3] = 0.0
H_scat[2, 3] = -0.8
H_scat[3, 2] = -0.8

# External coupling
H_scat[1, 2] = 0.2
H_scat[2, 1] = 0.2
H_scat[3, 4] = 0.2
H_scat[4, 3] = 0.2

energies = np.arange(-3, 3, 0.02)
tcalc = TransportCalculator(h=H_scat, h1=H_lead, eta=0.02, energies=energies)

T = tcalc.get_transmission()
tcalc.set(pdos=[2, 3])
pdos = tcalc.get_pdos()

dos = tcalc.get_dos()

write('T.dat', tcalc.energies, T)
write('pdos0.dat', tcalc.energies, pdos[0])
write('pdos1.dat', tcalc.energies, pdos[1])

h_rot, s_rot, eps, u = tcalc.subdiagonalize_bfs([2, 3], apply=True)
T_rot = tcalc.get_transmission()
dos_rot = tcalc.get_dos()
pdos_rot = tcalc.get_pdos()
Ejemplo n.º 4
# coupling to the leads - nearest neighbor only
H_scat[1, 2] = H_scat[2, 1] = H_scat[3, 4] = H_scat[4, 3] = 0.2

tcalc = TransportCalculator(
    h=H_scat,  # Scattering Hamiltonian
    h1=H_lead,  # Lead 1 (left)
    h2=H_lead,  # Lead 2  (right)
    energies=np.arange(-3, 3, 0.02))

T_e = tcalc.get_transmission()
pylab.plot(tcalc.energies, T_e)
pylab.title('Transmission function')

tcalc.set(pdos=[2, 3])
pdos_ne = tcalc.get_pdos()
pylab.plot(tcalc.energies, pdos_ne[0], ':')
pylab.plot(tcalc.energies, pdos_ne[1], '--')
pylab.title('Projected density of states')

h_rot, s_rot, eps_n, vec_nn = tcalc.subdiagonalize_bfs([2, 3])
tcalc.set(h=h_rot, s=s_rot)  # Set the rotated matrices
for n in range(2):
    print("eigenvalue, eigenvector:", eps_n[n], ',', vec_nn[:, n])

pdos_rot_ne = tcalc.get_pdos()
pylab.plot(tcalc.energies, pdos_rot_ne[0], ':')
pylab.plot(tcalc.energies, pdos_rot_ne[1], '--')
pylab.title('Projected density of states (rotated)')
Ejemplo n.º 5
# Uncomment this line if going back to gpawtransport again
# h, s = h[pl:-pl, pl:-pl], s[pl:-pl, pl:-pl]
h1, s1 = pickle.load(open('lead1_hs.pickle', 'rb'))
h2, s2 = pickle.load(open('lead2_hs.pickle', 'rb'))

tcalc = TransportCalculator(
    h2=h2,  # hamiltonian matrices
    s2=s2,  # overlap matrices
    align_bf=1)  # align the Fermi levels

# Calculate the conductance (the energy zero corresponds to the Fermi level)
G = tcalc.get_transmission()[0]
print('Conductance: %.2f 2e^2/h' % G)

# Determine the basis functions of the two Hydrogen atoms and subdiagonalize
Pt_N = 5  # Number of Pt atoms on each side in the scattering region
Pt_nbf = 15  # number of bf per Pt atom (basis=szp)
H_nbf = 4  # number of bf per H atom (basis=szp)
bf_H1 = Pt_nbf * Pt_N
bfs = range(bf_H1, bf_H1 + 2 * H_nbf)
h_rot, s_rot, eps_n, vec_jn = tcalc.subdiagonalize_bfs(bfs)
for n in range(len(eps_n)):
    print("bf %i corresponds to the eigenvalue %.2f eV" % (bfs[n], eps_n[n]))

# Switch to the rotated basis set
tcalc.set(h=h_rot, s=s_rot)
H_scat[2:4, 2:4] = [[0.0, -0.8], [-0.8, 0.0]]

# coupling to the leads - nearest neighbor only
H_scat[1, 2] = H_scat[2, 1] = H_scat[3, 4] = H_scat[4, 3] = 0.2

tcalc = TransportCalculator(h=H_scat,  # Scattering Hamiltonian
                            h1=H_lead,  # Lead 1 (left)
                            h2=H_lead,  # Lead 2  (right)
                            energies=np.arange(-3, 3, 0.02))

T_e = tcalc.get_transmission()
pylab.plot(tcalc.energies, T_e)
pylab.title('Transmission function')

tcalc.set(pdos=[2, 3])
pdos_ne = tcalc.get_pdos()
pylab.plot(tcalc.energies, pdos_ne[0], ':')
pylab.plot(tcalc.energies, pdos_ne[1], '--')
pylab.title('Projected density of states')

h_rot, s_rot, eps_n, vec_nn = tcalc.subdiagonalize_bfs([2, 3])
tcalc.set(h=h_rot, s=s_rot)  # Set the rotated matrices
for n in range(2):
    print("eigenvalue, eigenvector:", eps_n[n], ',', vec_nn[:, n])

pdos_rot_ne = tcalc.get_pdos()
pylab.plot(tcalc.energies, pdos_rot_ne[0], ':')
pylab.plot(tcalc.energies, pdos_rot_ne[1], '--')
pylab.title('Projected density of states (rotated)')
H_scat[3,2] = -0.8

# External coupling
H_scat[1,2] = 0.2
H_scat[2,1] = 0.2
H_scat[3,4] = 0.2
H_scat[4,3] = 0.2

energies = np.arange(-3,3,0.02)
tcalc = TransportCalculator(h=H_scat,

T = tcalc.get_transmission()
tcalc.set(pdos=[2, 3])
pdos = tcalc.get_pdos()

dos = tcalc.get_dos()

write('pdos0.dat', tcalc.energies,pdos[0])
write('pdos1.dat', tcalc.energies,pdos[1])

h_rot, s_rot, eps, u = tcalc.subdiagonalize_bfs([2, 3])
T_rot = tcalc.get_transmission()
dos_rot = tcalc.get_dos()
pdos_rot = tcalc.get_pdos()
H_scat[3,2] = -0.8

# External coupling
H_scat[1,2] = 0.2
H_scat[2,1] = 0.2
H_scat[3,4] = 0.2
H_scat[4,3] = 0.2

energies = np.arange(-3,3,0.02)
tcalc = TransportCalculator(h=H_scat,

T = tcalc.get_transmission()
tcalc.set(pdos=[2, 3])
pdos = tcalc.get_pdos()

dos = tcalc.get_dos()

write('pdos0.dat', tcalc.energies,pdos[0])
write('pdos1.dat', tcalc.energies,pdos[1])

h_rot, s_rot, eps, u = tcalc.subdiagonalize_bfs([2, 3], apply=True)
T_rot = tcalc.get_transmission()
dos_rot = tcalc.get_dos()
pdos_rot = tcalc.get_pdos()
# Uncomment this line if going back to gpawtransport again
# pl = 4 * 9 # 9 is the number of bf per Pt atom (basis=szp), see below

# Read in the hamiltonians
h, s = pickle.load(file('scat_hs.pickle'))
# Uncomment this line if going back to gpawtransport again
# h, s = h[pl:-pl, pl:-pl], s[pl:-pl, pl:-pl]
h1, s1 = pickle.load(file('lead1_hs.pickle'))
h2, s2 = pickle.load(file('lead2_hs.pickle'))

tcalc = TransportCalculator(h=h, h1=h1, h2=h2,  # hamiltonian matrices
                            s=s, s1=s1, s2=s2,  # overlap matrices
                            align_bf=1)        # align the Fermi levels

# Calculate the conductance (the energy zero corresponds to the Fermi level)
G = tcalc.get_transmission()[0]
print('Conductance: %.2f 2e^2/h' % G)

# Determine the basis functions of the two Hydrogen atoms and subdiagonalize
Pt_N = 5    # Number of Pt atoms on each side in the scattering region
Pt_nbf = 9  # number of bf per Pt atom (basis=szp)
H_nbf = 4   # number of bf per H atom (basis=szp)
bf_H1 = Pt_nbf * Pt_N
bfs = range(bf_H1, bf_H1 + 2 * H_nbf)
h_rot, s_rot, eps_n, vec_jn = tcalc.subdiagonalize_bfs(bfs)
for n in range(len(eps_n)):
    print("bf %i corresponds to the eigenvalue %.2f eV" % (bfs[n], eps_n[n]))

# Switch to the rotated basis set
tcalc.set(h=h_rot, s=s_rot)