Ejemplo n.º 1
def Test():
    "Private: Unit test"

    sgs = deployAppTgz("exapp.tgz")
    print sgs
    s = aspAmf.Session()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def extendSg(sg, nodes, basename=None, index=None, amfSession=None):
    """Extend a SG by adding SUs with all the components defined in the SG
  @param sg           Service group name (string) or entity (aspAmfEntity.ServiceGroup) to extend
  @param nodes        A list of strings or entities (aspAmfEntity.Node) onto which you want to extend the SG
  @param basename     (optional) The name prefix for the new SUs & other created entities.  If None, the SG's basename will be used
  @param index        (optional) What number to start the SU name with (eg N in: mySUiN).  If None, the number of current SUs will be used
  @param amfSession   (optional) aspAmf.Session object used to install the new work into the AMF -- if not passed a temporary session will be created

  @returns (newEntities,modifiedEntities) a tuple of 2 lists containing the new and modified entities

    # Translate the incoming variables into a canonical format
    if type(sg) in StringTypes:
        sg = ci.entities[sg]
    if type(nodes) is not ListType:
        nodes = [nodes]
    nl = []
    for n in nodes:
        if type(n) in StringTypes:
    nodes = nl

    csiTypes = calcCompToCsiType(sg)

    appCfg = sg.appVer.cfg.values(
    )[0]  # GAS TODO: Right now, just picking the first defined application in the bundle

    comps = appCfg.programNames.values()

    # Note: We do not verify that a new SU is not created on the same node as an existing one... should we do so?

    if index is None:
        index = len(flatten([x.comp for x in sg.su]))
    if basename is None:
        basename = sg.name[0:sg.name.find("SG")]

    (newEntities, modifiedEntities,
     appInstLut) = CreateServiceUnits(sg, nodes, comps, appCfg, basename,
                                      csiTypes, index)

    # Always extend by adding actives
    # GAS TODO: Add the same logic in Create to recalculate the best values for these fields.
    sg.activeServiceUnits = sg.cconfig.numPrefActiveSUs + len(nodes)
    sg.instantiatedServiceUnits = sg.cconfig.numPrefInserviceSUs + len(nodes)

    # Create all the new SUs et al.

    if not amfSession:
        amfSession = aspAmf.Session()

    amfSession.InstallApp(newEntities, modifiedEntities)
    return (newEntities, modifiedEntities)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def installModel(appname, appver, entities, amfSession=None):

    notes = []
    errors = []
    # Commit these entities into the AMF
    if amfSession is None:
        amfSession = aspAmf.Session()

    #log.debug("Entities: %s" % entities)
    for e in entities:
        log.debug("%s" % e.name)

    except aspAmf.AmfError, e:
            T("Error committing the configuration.  Application may be partially deployed: $err",
Ejemplo n.º 4
def updateSgCfg(sg, cfgDict, amfSession=None):
    """Modify the SG's configuration by the values in cfgDict

  @param sg           Service group name (string) or entity (aspAmfEntity.ServiceGroup) to modify
  @param cfgDict      A Dot() object or other entity with SG configuration parameters expressed as member variables.  The SG configuration parameters are exactly as written in ClAmsSGConfigT C structure located in clAmsEntities.h
  @param amfSession   (optional) aspAmf.Session object used to install the new work into the AMF -- if not passed a temporary session will be created

  @returns Nothing
    # Translate the incoming variables into a canonical format
    if type(sg) in StringTypes:
        sg = ci.entities[sg]

    print "CFGDICT: ", str(cfgDict)

    Modifiers2Sg(cfgDict, sg)
    Log("Modified SG: %s" % str(sg.__dict__))
    if not amfSession: amfSession = aspAmf.Session()

Ejemplo n.º 5
def addWork(sg, workName, kvdict, amfSession=None):
    """Extend a SG by adding SUs with all the components defined in the SG
  @param sg           Service group name (string) or entity (aspAmfEntity.ServiceGroup) to add the SI to
  @param workName     Name of the work (SAF SI) to be created
  @param kvdict       Dictionary of name/value pairs to put in all of the CSIs
  @param amfSession   (optional) aspAmf.Session object used to install the new work into the AMF -- if not passed a temporary session will be created

  @returns (newEntities,modifiedEntities) a tuple of 2 lists containing the new and modified entities

    # Translate the incoming variables into a canonical format
    if type(sg) in StringTypes:
        sg = ci.entities[sg]

     modifiedEntities) = CreateServiceInstance(sg, workName, kvdict)

    if not amfSession:
        amfSession = aspAmf.Session()

    amfSession.InstallApp(newEntities, modifiedEntities)
    return (newEntities, modifiedEntities)
Ejemplo n.º 6
# Boilerplate ASP setup code

# Connect to ASP  *MUST BE DONE FIRST*
import amfpy

# Import Python ASP class layers
import clusterinfo
import aspApp
import aspAmf
import upgrade
import appdeploy

# Hook into the various services
ci = clusterinfo.ci  # The clusterinfo.ci objects reflect the entire state of the cluster
amf = aspAmf.Session(
)  # The aspAmf.Session class lets you modify the cluster state
appDb = aspApp.AppDb(os.getenv("ASP_DIR", "/tmp") +
                     "/apps")  # application database
umgr = upgrade.UpgradeMgr()  # Upgrade manager

ci.setAppDb(appDb)  # connect clusterinfo to application versions

# Optional add some application bundles
if 0:
    )  # Of course these would need to be changed to valid locations in your system

# Refresh the clusterinfo database periodically.
def clone(sgName, newName, index, numClones=1, _nodeList=None):
    created = []
    modified = []
    xlat = {}  # Conversion from the old to the new objects
    idx = 0
    if 1:  # try:
        error = []
        ci = clusterinfo.ci  # The clusterinfo.ci objects reflect the entire state of the cluster
        amf = aspAmf.Session(
        )  # The aspAmf.Session class lets you modify the cluster state
        namesTaken = NameMgr(ci.d.entities.keys())

            osg = ci.sgs[sgName]
        except KeyError:
            error.append("SG %s does not exist" % sgName)

        if _nodeList:
            # Convert an integer (slot number) or string (node name) to the node object
            nodeList = []
            for n in _nodeList:
                if type(n) in StringTypes or type(n) is IntType:

            if len(osg.su) != len(nodeList):
                error.append("Number of deployment nodes != number of SUs" %
        else:  # Deploy onto the same nodes
            nodeList = [None] * len(osg.su)

        # Try to split the name based on our standard nomenclature to figure out the base and index.  If it does not work, that's ok, just use the raw name.
        #namespl = osg.name.split("SG")
        #basename = osg.name.split("SG")[0]
        #if len(namespl)>1:
        #  try:
        #    index = int(namespl[1][1:])+1
        #  except:
        #    index = 0
        #else: index = 0
        basename = newName

        # create the service group
        nsg = AmfServiceGroup(
            namesTaken.fix(basename + "SG" + "i" + str(index)))
        nsg.cconfig = copy.copy(osg.cconfig)

        # create the service units & components
        nsu = []
        for (osu, dstNode) in zip(osg.su, nodeList):
            if dstNode is None:
                dstNode = osu.node
            su = AmfServiceUnit(
                namesTaken.fix(basename + "SU" + "i" + str(index) + "_on_" +
                               osu.node.name), nsg, dstNode)
            su.cconfig = copy.copy(osu.cconfig)
            dstNode.su.append(su)  # Add this SU into the node
            nsg.su.append(su)  # Add this SU into the SG
            #      ncomp = []
            for ocomp in osu.comp:
                app = str(ocomp.cconfig.instantiateCommand)
                comp = AmfComponent(
                    namesTaken.fix(basename + "Ci" + str(index) + "_" + app +
                                   "_on_" + dstNode.name))
                comp.cconfig = copy.copy(ocomp.cconfig)
                comp.su = su  # Hook the SU up to the comp
                su.comp.append(comp)  # Hook the comp up to the SU
                #        ncomp.append(comp)

        # create the service instances & component service instances
        for osi in osg.si:
            siname = osi.name.split("SI")[0]
            svcInst = AmfServiceInstance(
                namesTaken.fix(basename + "SIi" + str(index)))
            # si has no cconfig... svcInst.cconfig = copy.copy(svcInst.cconfig)
            nsg.si.append(svcInst)  # Add this SI into the SG
            for ocsi in osi.csi:
                csiname = ocsi.name.split("CSI")[0]
                d = dict(ocsi.kvdict)
                csiType = str(ocsi.csiType)
                print "CSI type: ", csiType
                csi = AmfComponentServiceInstance(
                    namesTaken.fix(csiname + "CSIi" + str(index) +
                                   ocsi.csiType), d, csiType)
                #csi.cconfig = copy.copy(csi.cconfig)

        amf.InstallApp(created, modified)

    if 0:  # except:

    return (created, modified, {})