Ejemplo n.º 1
    def backproject(self, rot_matrices):
        Backproject images along rotation
        :param im: An Image (stack) to backproject.
        :param rot_matrices: An n-by-3-by-3 array of rotation matrices \
        corresponding to viewing directions.

        :return: Volume instance corresonding to the backprojected images.

        L = self.res

            self.n_images == rot_matrices.shape[0],
            "Number of rotation matrices must match the number of images",

        # TODO: rotated_grids might as well give us correctly shaped array in the first place
        pts_rot = aspire.volume.rotated_grids(L, rot_matrices)
        pts_rot = np.moveaxis(pts_rot, 1, 2)
        pts_rot = m_reshape(pts_rot, (3, -1))

        im_f = xp.asnumpy(fft.centered_fft2(xp.asarray(self.data))) / (L**2)
        if L % 2 == 0:
            im_f[:, 0, :] = 0
            im_f[:, :, 0] = 0

        im_f = im_f.flatten()

        vol = anufft(im_f, pts_rot, (L, L, L), real=True) / L

        return aspire.volume.Volume(vol)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def estimate_noise_psd(self):
        :return: The estimated noise variance of the images in the Source used to create this estimator.
        TODO: How's this initial estimate of variance different from the 'estimate' method?
        # Run estimate using saved parameters
        g2d = grid_2d(self.L)
        mask = g2d["r"] >= self.bgRadius

        mean_est = 0
        noise_psd_est = np.zeros((self.L, self.L)).astype(self.src.dtype)
        for i in range(0, self.n, self.batchSize):
            images = self.src.images(i, self.batchSize).asnumpy()
            images_masked = images * mask

            _denominator = self.n * np.sum(mask)
            mean_est += np.sum(images_masked) / _denominator
            im_masked_f = xp.asnumpy(
            noise_psd_est += np.sum(np.abs(im_masked_f**2),
                                    axis=0) / _denominator

        mid = self.L // 2
        noise_psd_est[mid, mid] -= mean_est**2

        return noise_psd_est
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def downsample(self, ds_res):
        Downsample Image to a specific resolution. This method returns a new Image.

        :param ds_res: int - new resolution, should be <= the current resolution
            of this Image
        :return: The downsampled Image object.
        grid = grid_2d(self.res)
        grid_ds = grid_2d(ds_res)

        im_ds = np.zeros((self.n_images, ds_res, ds_res), dtype=self.dtype)

        # x, y values corresponding to 'grid'. This is what scipy interpolator needs to function.
        res_by_2 = self.res / 2
        x = y = np.ceil(np.arange(-res_by_2, res_by_2)) / res_by_2

        mask = (np.abs(grid["x"]) < ds_res / self.res) & (np.abs(grid["y"]) <
                                                          ds_res / self.res)
        im_shifted = fft.centered_ifft2(
            fft.centered_fft2(xp.asarray(self.data)) * xp.asarray(mask))
        im = np.real(xp.asnumpy(im_shifted))

        for s in range(im_ds.shape[0]):
            interpolator = RegularGridInterpolator((x, y),
            im_ds[s] = interpolator(np.dstack([grid_ds["x"], grid_ds["y"]]))

        return Image(im_ds)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def filter(self, filter):
        Apply a `Filter` object to the Image and returns a new Image.

        :param filter: An object of type `Filter`.
        :return: A new filtered `Image` object.
        filter_values = filter.evaluate_grid(self.res)

        im_f = xp.asnumpy(fft.centered_fft2(xp.asarray(self.data)))

        if im_f.ndim > filter_values.ndim:
            im_f *= filter_values
            im_f = filter_values * im_f
        im = xp.asnumpy(fft.centered_ifft2(xp.asarray(im_f)))
        im = np.real(im)

        return Image(im)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def adaptive_support(img_src, energy_threshold=0.99):
    Determine size of the compact support in both real and Fourier Space.

    Returns c_limit (support radius in Fourier space),
    and R_limit (support radius in real space).

    Fourier c_limit is scaled in range [0, 0.5].
    R_limit is in pixels [0, Image.res/2].

    :param img_src: Input `Source` of images.
    :param energy_threshold: [0, 1] threshold limit
    :return: (c_limit, R_limit)

    if not isinstance(img_src, ImageSource):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "adaptive_support expects `Source` instance or subclass.")

    # Sanity Check Threshold is in range
    if energy_threshold <= 0 or energy_threshold > 1:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Given energy_threshold {energy_threshold} outside sane range [0,1]"

    L = img_src.L
    N = L // 2

    r = grid_2d(L, shifted=False, normalized=False, dtype=img_src.dtype)["r"]

    # Estimate noise
    noise_est = WhiteNoiseEstimator(img_src)
    noise_var = noise_est.estimate()

    # Transform to Fourier space
    img = img_src.images(0, img_src.n).asnumpy()
    imgf = fft.centered_fft2(img)

    # Compute the Variance and Power Spectrum
    #   Mean along image stack.
    variance_map = np.mean(np.abs(img)**2, axis=0)
    pspec = np.mean(np.abs(imgf)**2, axis=0)

    # Compute the Radial Variance and Radial Power Spectrum
    radial_var = np.zeros(N)
    radial_pspec = np.zeros(N)
    for i in range(N):
        mask = (r >= i) & (r < i + 1)
        # Mean along radial track defined by mask
        radial_var[i] = np.mean(variance_map[mask])
        radial_pspec[i] = np.mean(pspec[mask])

    # Subtract the noise variance
    radial_pspec -= noise_var
    radial_var -= noise_var

    # Lower bound variance and power by 0
    np.clip(radial_pspec, 0, a_max=None, out=radial_pspec)
    np.clip(radial_var, 0, a_max=None, out=radial_var)

    # Construct range of Fourier limits. We need a half-sample correction
    # since each ring is centered between two integer radii. Same for spatial
    # domain (R).
    c = (np.arange(N) + 0.5) / (2 * N)
    R = np.arange(N) + 0.5

    # Calculate cumulative energy
    cum_pspec = np.cumsum(radial_pspec * c)
    cum_var = np.cumsum(radial_var * R)

    # Normalize energies [0,1]
    #  Multiply threshold to avoid unstable division
    c_energy_threshold = energy_threshold * cum_pspec[-1]
    R_energy_threshold = energy_threshold * cum_var[-1]

    # First note legacy code *=L for Fourier limit,
    #   but then only uses divided by L... so just removed here.
    #   This makes it consistent with Nyquist, ie [0, .5]
    # Second note, we attempt to find the cutoff,
    #   but when a search fails returns the last (-1) element,
    #   essentially the maximal radius.
    # Third note, to increase accuracy, we take a weighted average of the two
    #   points around the cutoff. This mostly affects c since R is rounded.

    ind = np.argmax(cum_pspec > c_energy_threshold)
    if ind > 0:
        c_limit = (cum_pspec[ind - 1] * c[ind - 1] + cum_pspec[ind] *
                   c[ind]) / (cum_pspec[ind - 1] + cum_pspec[ind])
        c_limit = c[-1]

    ind = np.argmax(cum_var > R_energy_threshold)
    if ind > 0:
        R_limit = round(
            (cum_var[ind - 1] * R[ind - 1] + cum_var[ind] * R[ind]) /
            (cum_var[ind - 1] + cum_var[ind]))
        R_limit = R[-1]

    return c_limit, R_limit