Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_run_no_answer_sets(self):
     facts = [
             literal.Literal("person", ["patrick"]),
             literal.Literal("person", ["patrick"], positive=False)
     result = self.solver.run(self.ontology, facts)
     self.assertEqual([], result)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_run_multiple_answer_sets(self):
     facts = [literal.Literal("person", ["patrick"])]
     target_1 = answer_set.AnswerSet(facts, [literal.Literal("hero", ["patrick"])])
     target_2 = answer_set.AnswerSet(facts, [literal.Literal("hero", ["patrick"], positive=False)])
     result = self.solver.run(self.ontology, facts)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(result))
             (target_1 == result[0] and target_2 == result[1]) or
             (target_1 == result[1] and target_2 == result[0])
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_eq(self):
     # CHECK: equality checks work as expected
             answer_set.AnswerSet([literal.Literal("fact-1"), literal.Literal("fact-2")], []) ==
             answer_set.AnswerSet([literal.Literal("fact-2"), literal.Literal("fact-1")], [])
             answer_set.AnswerSet([literal.Literal("fact-1")], [literal.Literal("fact-2")]) ==
             answer_set.AnswerSet([literal.Literal("fact-2")], [literal.Literal("fact-1")])
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def run(
        self, path: str, facts: typing.Iterable[literal.Literal]
    ) -> typing.List[answer_set.AnswerSet]:
        # sanitize args
        path = str(path)
        if not os.path.isfile(path):
            raise ValueError(
                "The provided <path> does not refer to an existing file: '{}'!"
        insanity.sanitize_type("facts", facts, collections.Iterable)
        facts = set(facts)

        # prepare facts as single string to provide to DLV
        str_facts = ". ".join(str(f) for f in facts)
        if str_facts:
            str_facts += "."

        # run DLV
        cmd = "echo \"{}\" | {} -silent -- {}".format(str_facts,
                                                      self._dlv_path, path)
        result = str(
            subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True,

        # check if any answer set has been provided at all
        if result == "":
            return []

        # split result into parts representing single answer sets
        result = [r.strip()[1:-1] for r in result.split("\n")]

        # create answer sets
        result_sets = []
        for r in result:  # iterate over all answer sets (i.e., string representations of them)

            # collect inferences
            inferences = set()
            if r != "":
                for x in r.split(", "):
                    m = re.match(self.LITERAL_PATTERN, x)
                    lit = literal.Literal(m.group("predicate"),
                                          positive=m.group("sign") == "")
                    if lit not in facts:

            # create answer set
            result_sets.append(answer_set.AnswerSet(facts, inferences))

        return result_sets
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_eq(self):
     # CHECK: equality checks work as expected
         literal.Literal("person", ["patrick"]) == literal.Literal(
             "person", ["patrick"]))
         literal.Literal("person", positive=False) == literal.Literal(
             "person", positive=False))
         literal.Literal("person", ["patrick"]) == literal.Literal(
         literal.Literal("person", positive=False) == literal.Literal(
             "person", positive=True))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_run(self):
     # CHECK: providing a non-existing ontology path causes a ValueError
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         self.solver.run("/not/a/valid/path", [])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         self.solver.run(None, [])
     # CHECK: providing a non-iterable as facts causes a TypeError
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         self.solver.run(self.ontology, "no facts")
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         self.solver.run(self.ontology, None)
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         self.solver.run(self.ontology, 123)
     # CHECK: if facts contains instances of a type other than Literal, then a TypeError is raised
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         self.solver.run(self.ontology, [literal.Literal("person", ["patrick"]), 0])
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         self.solver.run(self.ontology, [None, literal.Literal("person", ["patrick"])])
     # CHECK: correct invocations of run do not causes any issues
     self.solver.run(self.ontology, [])
     self.solver.run(self.ontology, (literal.Literal("person", ["patrick"]), literal.Literal("hero", ["patrick"])))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_iter(self):
     # CHECK: iterating over an answer sets covers all facts and inferences
     ans = answer_set.AnswerSet(
             [literal.Literal("fact-1"), literal.Literal("fact-2")],
             {literal.Literal("fact-1"), literal.Literal("fact-2"), literal.Literal("fact-3")},
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_init(self):
        # CHECK: the predicate symbol must not be the empty string
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

        # CHECK: none of the terms can be the empty string
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            literal.Literal("pred", [""])
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            literal.Literal("pred", ["abc", "def", "", "jkl"])

        # CHECK: legal args do not cause any issues
        literal.Literal("person", [], positive=False)
        literal.Literal("person", ["patrick"])
        literal.Literal(1)  # -> translated to "1"
        literal.Literal(None)  # -> translated to "None"

        # CHECK: attributes are created correctly
        lit = literal.Literal("pred", ["a", "b", "c"], positive=False)
        self.assertEqual("pred", lit.predicate)
        self.assertEqual(("a", "b", "c"), lit.terms)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _generate_sample(
            spec_countries: typing.List[str],
            inf_countries: typing.List[str]=None,
            minimal: bool=False
    ) -> kg.KnowledgeGraph:
        """Generates a single training samples based on the provided data.
        The arg ``spec_countries`` contains the names of all countries that are supposed to be specified, i.e., fully
        known, in the dataset to create, and ``inf_countries`` indicates the names of those whose regions are to be
        inferred. If ``inf_countries`` is not provided, however, then the prediction targets are chosen randomly from
            spec_countries (list[str]): All countries whose regions are specified.
            inf_countries (list[str], optional): Those countries, whose regions are to be inferred.
            minimal (bool, optional): Specifies whether to generate a minimal sample, i.e., one that contains inferences
                and predictions for target countries only. This is ``False``, by default.
            kg.KnowledgeGraph: The created training sample.
        # randomly shuffle countries
        countries = spec_countries[:]
        if inf_countries:
            countries += inf_countries
        # (randomly) choose prediction targets if not provided
        if inf_countries:
            inf_countries = set(inf_countries)
            inf_countries = set(countries[-self.NUM_EVAL_COUNTRIES:])
        # determine all countries that are neighbors of a prediction target (but not targets by themselves)
        inf_neighbors = set()
        for c in inf_countries:
            inf_neighbors |= set(self._data[c].neighbors)
        inf_neighbors -= set(inf_countries)
        # create new knowledge graph and add vocabulary
        sample = kg.KnowledgeGraph()
        # a dict that maps names to individual objects
        individuals = {}

        # create variables for storing facts
        class_facts = set()     # all (positive) class memberships (negative ones are inferred from these)
        neighbor_facts = set()  # all facts about (positive) neighbor-of relations (negative ones are inferred)
        location_facts = set()  # the part of the (positive) located-in facts to infer the remaining ones from
        all_locations = set()   # all (positive) located-in relations (negatives ones are inferred from these)
        # create individuals for all regions/subregions
        for region in itertools.chain(*((r, *s) for r, s in self._regions.items())):
            individuals[region] = ind_fac.IndividualFactory.create_individual(region)

        # create literals that describe the existing regions and subregions as well as the relations among them
        for r, subregions in self._regions.items():
            class_facts.add(literal.Literal(voc.CLASS_REGION, [r]))
            for s in subregions:
                class_facts.add(literal.Literal(voc.CLASS_SUBREGION, [s]))
                loc_lit = literal.Literal(voc.RELATION_LOCATED_IN, [s, r])
        # create individuals for all countries
        for c in countries:
            individuals[c] = ind_fac.IndividualFactory.create_individual(c)
        # create literals for (countries') located-in and neighbor-of relationships
        for cou_name in countries:
            # fetch the current country's region and subregion
            r = self._data[cou_name].region
            s = self._data[cou_name].subregion
            # create literals that describe the country as well as the relation to its region/subregion
            cou_lit = literal.Literal(voc.CLASS_COUNTRY, [cou_name])
            reg_lit = literal.Literal(voc.RELATION_LOCATED_IN, [cou_name, r])
            sub_lit = None if s is None else literal.Literal(voc.RELATION_LOCATED_IN, [cou_name, s])
            if sub_lit is not None:
            # determine whether the located-in predicates should be added to the list of provided facts
            if self._problem_setting == self.PROBLEM_S1:
                if sub_lit is not None:            # subregion is provided for all countries
                if cou_name not in inf_countries:  # region is not provided for target countries
            elif self._problem_setting == self.PROBLEM_S2:
                if cou_name not in inf_countries:  # neither region nor subregion are provided for target countries
                    if sub_lit is not None:
                if cou_name not in inf_countries and cou_name not in inf_neighbors:  # region is neither provided for
                    location_facts.add(reg_lit)                                      # for targets nor their neighbors
                if cou_name not in inf_countries and sub_lit is not None:            # subregion is not provided for
                    location_facts.add(sub_lit)                                      # target countries
            # iterate over all neighbors of the current country, and add according neighbor-of literals
            for n in self._data[cou_name].neighbors:
                if n in countries:  # -> important, because not all of the countries in self._data might be used
                    neighbor_facts.add(literal.Literal(self.NEIGHBOR_OF_PREDICATE, [cou_name, n]))
                    neighbor_facts.add(literal.Literal(self.NEIGHBOR_OF_PREDICATE, [n, cou_name]))
        # compute all inferences that are possible based on the restricted data
        input_facts = list(itertools.chain(neighbor_facts, location_facts))
        if self._class_facts:
            input_facts += class_facts
        answer_set = self._solver.run(self._ontology_path, input_facts)[0]
        # add all facts to the sample
        for f in list(sorted(answer_set.facts, key=lambda x: str(x))):
            self._add_literal_to_kg(sample, individuals, f)
        # add all inferences ot the sample
        for i in list(sorted(answer_set.inferences, key=lambda x: str(x))):
            if (
                    not minimal or
                    i.predicate == "region" or
                    i.predicate == "subregion" or
                    (len(i.terms) == 1 and i.terms[0] in inf_countries) or
                    (len(i.terms) == 2 and (i.terms[0] in inf_countries or i.terms[1] in inf_countries))
                self._add_literal_to_kg(sample, individuals, i, inferred=True)
        # compute perfect knowledge
        perfect_knowledge = set(
                        itertools.chain(class_facts, neighbor_facts, all_locations)
        # determine all information that was neither provided nor inferred
        missing_knowledge = list(sorted(perfect_knowledge - set(answer_set), key=lambda x: str(x)))

        # add missing knowledge as prediction targets to the sample
        for p in missing_knowledge:
            if (
                    not minimal or
                    p.predicate == "region" or
                    p.predicate == "subregion" or
                    (len(p.terms) == 1 and p.terms[0] in inf_countries) or
                    (len(p.terms) == 2 and (p.terms[0] in inf_countries or p.terms[1] in inf_countries))
                self._add_literal_to_kg(sample, individuals, p, prediction=True)
        # provide the created sample
        return sample
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_sanitize_literals(self):
     # CHECK: illegal predicate of term symbols cause a ValueError
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         self.solver._sanitize_literals([literal.Literal("Person", ["patrick"])])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         self.solver._sanitize_literals([literal.Literal("1person", ["patrick"])])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         self.solver._sanitize_literals([literal.Literal("per-son", ["patrick"])])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         self.solver._sanitize_literals([literal.Literal("_person", ["patrick"])])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         self.solver._sanitize_literals([literal.Literal("person", ["Patrick"])])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         self.solver._sanitize_literals([literal.Literal("person", ["1patrick"])])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         self.solver._sanitize_literals([literal.Literal("person", ["pat-rick"])])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         self.solver._sanitize_literals([literal.Literal("person", ["_patrick"])])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         self.solver._sanitize_literals([literal.Literal("person", ["patrick", "Patrick"])])
     # CHECK: legal literals do not cause any issues
     self.solver._sanitize_literals([literal.Literal("person", ["patrick"])])
     self.solver._sanitize_literals([literal.Literal("person1", ["patrick1"])])
     self.solver._sanitize_literals([literal.Literal("per_son", ["pat_rick"])])
     self.solver._sanitize_literals([literal.Literal("personPerson", ["patrickPatrick"])])
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_run_single_answer_sets(self):
     facts = [literal.Literal("hero", ["patrick"])]
     target = answer_set.AnswerSet(facts, [literal.Literal("person", ["patrick"])])
     result = self.solver.run(self.ontology, facts)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(result))
     self.assertEqual(target, result[0])
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_init(self):
        # CHECK: facts has to be an iterable of literals -> otherwise a TypeError is raised
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            answer_set.AnswerSet("facts", [])
            answer_set.AnswerSet(literal.Literal("fact"), [])
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            answer_set.AnswerSet(["fact"], [])
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            answer_set.AnswerSet((literal.Literal("test"), "fact"), [])

        # CHECK: inferences has to be an iterable of literals -> otherwise a TypeError is raised
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            answer_set.AnswerSet([], "facts")
            answer_set.AnswerSet([], literal.Literal("fact"))
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            answer_set.AnswerSet([], ["fact"])
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            answer_set.AnswerSet([], (literal.Literal("test"), "fact"))
        # CHECK: providing legal values causes no issues
        answer_set.AnswerSet([], [])
        answer_set.AnswerSet([literal.Literal("fact-1")], [])
        answer_set.AnswerSet({literal.Literal("fact-1"), literal.Literal("fact-2")}, [])
        answer_set.AnswerSet([], [literal.Literal("fact-1")])
        answer_set.AnswerSet([], (literal.Literal("fact-1"), literal.Literal("fact-2")))
        answer_set.AnswerSet([literal.Literal("fact-1")], [literal.Literal("fact-2")])
        # CHECK: attributes are defined correctly
        ans = answer_set.AnswerSet(
                [literal.Literal("fact-1"), literal.Literal("fact-2")],
                (literal.Literal("fact-3"), literal.Literal("fact-4"), literal.Literal("fact-5"))
                {literal.Literal("fact-1"), literal.Literal("fact-2")},
                {literal.Literal("fact-3"), literal.Literal("fact-4"), literal.Literal("fact-5")},