Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_module_utils_basic_assible_module_find_mount_point(self):
        from assible.module_utils import basic
        basic._ASSIBLE_ARGS = None

        am = basic.AssibleModule(argument_spec=dict(), )

        def _mock_ismount(path):
            if path == b'/':
                return True
            return False

        with patch('os.path.ismount', side_effect=_mock_ismount):

        def _mock_ismount(path):
            if path == b'/subdir/mount':
                return True
            if path == b'/':
                return True
            return False

        with patch('os.path.ismount', side_effect=_mock_ismount):
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_validate_basic_auth_arg(mocker, stdin):
    kwargs = dict(argument_spec=basic_auth_argument_spec())
    am = basic.AssibleModule(**kwargs)
    assert isinstance(am.params['api_username'], string_types)
    assert isinstance(am.params['api_password'], string_types)
    assert isinstance(am.params['api_url'], string_types)
    assert isinstance(am.params['validate_certs'], bool)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_tmpdir_property(self, monkeypatch, args, expected, stat_exists):
        makedirs = {'called': False}

        def mock_mkdtemp(prefix, dir):
            return os.path.join(dir, prefix)

        def mock_makedirs(path, mode):
            makedirs['called'] = True
            makedirs['path'] = path
            makedirs['mode'] = mode

        monkeypatch.setattr(tempfile, 'mkdtemp', mock_mkdtemp)
        monkeypatch.setattr(os.path, 'exists', lambda x: stat_exists)
        monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'makedirs', mock_makedirs)
        monkeypatch.setattr(shutil, 'rmtree', lambda x: None)
            basic, '_ASSIBLE_ARGS',
            to_bytes(json.dumps({'ASSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS': args})))

        with patch('time.time', return_value=42):
            am = basic.AssibleModule(argument_spec={})
            actual_tmpdir = am.tmpdir

        assert actual_tmpdir == expected

        # verify subsequent calls always produces the same tmpdir
        assert am.tmpdir == actual_tmpdir

        if not stat_exists:
            assert makedirs['called']
            expected = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(am._remote_tmp))
            assert makedirs['path'] == expected
            assert makedirs['mode'] == 0o700
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_options_type_list(self, stdin, options_argspec_list, expected):
        """Test that a basic creation with required and required_if works"""
        # should test ok, tests basic foo requirement and required_if
        am = basic.AssibleModule(**options_argspec_list)

        assert isinstance(am.params['foobar'], list)
        assert am.params['foobar'] == expected
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_set_cwd_unreadable_use_home(self, monkeypatch):
        '''cwd and instance tmpdir are unreadable, use home'''
        def mock_getcwd():
            return '/tmp'

        def mock_access(path, perm):
            if path in ['/tmp', '/tmp2'] and perm == 4:
                return False
            return True

        def mock_expandvars(var):
            if var == '$HOME':
                return '/home/foobar'
            return var

        def mock_gettempdir():
            return '/tmp/testdir'

        def mock_chdir(path):
            if path == '/tmp':
                raise Exception()

        monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'getcwd', mock_getcwd)
        monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'chdir', mock_chdir)
        monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'access', mock_access)
        monkeypatch.setattr(os.path, 'expandvars', mock_expandvars)
        monkeypatch.setattr(basic, '_ASSIBLE_ARGS',
                            to_bytes(json.dumps({'ASSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS': {}})))
        with patch('time.time', return_value=42):
            am = basic.AssibleModule(argument_spec={})

        am._tmpdir = '/tmp2'
        result = am._set_cwd()
        assert result == '/home/foobar'
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_deprecated_alias(self, capfd, mocker, stdin, complex_argspec):
        """Test a deprecated alias"""
        am = basic.AssibleModule(**complex_argspec)

        assert "Alias 'zodraz' is deprecated." in get_deprecation_messages(
        assert get_deprecation_messages()[0]['version'] == '9.99'
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_complex_duplicate_warning(self, stdin, complex_argspec):
     """Test that the complex argspec issues a warning if we specify an option both with its canonical name and its alias"""
     am = basic.AssibleModule(**complex_argspec)
     assert isinstance(am.params['foo'], str)
     assert 'Both option foo and its alias dup are set.' in get_warning_messages(
     assert am.params['foo'] == 'hello2'
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_list_with_elements_path(self, capfd, mocker, stdin,
     """Test choices with list"""
     am = basic.AssibleModule(**complex_argspec)
     assert isinstance(am.params['bar3'], list)
     assert am.params['bar3'][0].startswith('/')
     assert am.params['bar3'][1] == 'test/'
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_validator_string_type(mocker, stdin):
    # Custom callable that is 'str'
    argspec = {'arg': {'type': str}}
    am = basic.AssibleModule(argspec)

    assert isinstance(am.params['arg'], string_types)
    assert am.params['arg'] == '123'
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_elements_path_in_option(self, mocker, stdin,
        """Test that the complex argspec works with elements path type"""

        am = basic.AssibleModule(**options_argspec_dict)

        assert isinstance(am.params['foobar']['bar4'][0], str)
        assert am.params['foobar']['bar4'][0].startswith('/')
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_no_log_true(stdin, capfd):
    """Explicitly mask an argument (no_log=True)."""
    arg_spec = {"arg_pass": {"no_log": True}}
    am = basic.AssibleModule(arg_spec)
    # no_log=True is picked up by both am._log_invocation and list_no_log_values
    # (called by am._handle_no_log_values). As a result, we can check for the
    # value in am.no_log_values.
    assert "testing" in am.no_log_values
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_validator_fail(stdin, capfd, argspec, expected):
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

    out, err = capfd.readouterr()
    assert not err
    assert expected in json.loads(out)['msg']
    assert json.loads(out)['failed']
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_validator_function(mocker, stdin):
    # Type is a callable
    MOCK_VALIDATOR_SUCCESS = mocker.MagicMock(return_value=27)
    argspec = {'arg': {'type': MOCK_VALIDATOR_SUCCESS}}
    am = basic.AssibleModule(argspec)

    assert isinstance(am.params['arg'], integer_types)
    assert am.params['arg'] == 27
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_list_with_elements_callable_str(self, capfd, mocker, stdin,
     """Test choices with list"""
     am = basic.AssibleModule(**complex_argspec)
     assert isinstance(am.params['bar_str'], list)
     assert isinstance(am.params['bar_str'][0], string_types)
     assert isinstance(am.params['bar_str'][1], string_types)
     assert am.params['bar_str'][0] == '867'
     assert am.params['bar_str'][1] == '5309'
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_no_log_none(stdin, capfd):
    """Allow Assible to make the decision by matching the argument name
    against PASSWORD_MATCH."""
    arg_spec = {"arg_pass": {}}
    am = basic.AssibleModule(arg_spec)
    # Omitting no_log is only picked up by _log_invocation, so the value never
    # makes it into am.no_log_values. Instead we can check for the warning
    # emitted by am._log_invocation.
    assert len(get_warning_messages()) > 0
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_complex_type_fallback(self, mocker, stdin, complex_argspec):
        """Test that the complex argspec works if we get a required parameter via fallback"""
        environ = os.environ.copy()
        environ['BAZ'] = 'test data'
        mocker.patch('assible.module_utils.basic.os.environ', environ)

        am = basic.AssibleModule(**complex_argspec)

        assert isinstance(am.params['baz'], str)
        assert am.params['baz'] == 'test data'
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_fail_required_together(self, capfd, stdin, complex_argspec):
        """Fail because only one of a required_together pair of parameters was specified"""
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
            am = basic.AssibleModule(**complex_argspec)

        out, err = capfd.readouterr()
        results = json.loads(out)

        assert results['failed']
        assert results['msg'] == "parameters are required together: bam, baz"
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_fallback_in_option(self, mocker, stdin, options_argspec_dict):
        """Test that the complex argspec works if we get a required parameter via fallback"""
        environ = os.environ.copy()
        environ['BAZ'] = 'test data'
        mocker.patch('assible.module_utils.basic.os.environ', environ)

        am = basic.AssibleModule(**options_argspec_dict)

        assert isinstance(am.params['foobar']['baz'], str)
        assert am.params['foobar']['baz'] == 'test data'
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def test_fail_validate_options_list(self, capfd, stdin,
                                        options_argspec_list, expected):
        """Fail because one of a required_together pair of parameters has a default and the other was not specified"""
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
            am = basic.AssibleModule(**options_argspec_list)

        out, err = capfd.readouterr()
        results = json.loads(out)

        assert results['failed']
        assert expected in results['msg']
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def test_fail_mutually_exclusive(self, capfd, stdin, complex_argspec):
        """Fail because of mutually exclusive parameters"""
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
            am = basic.AssibleModule(**complex_argspec)

        out, err = capfd.readouterr()
        results = json.loads(out)

        assert results['failed']
        assert results[
            'msg'] == "parameters are mutually exclusive: bar|bam, bing|bang|bong"
Ejemplo n.º 21
def validate_config(spec, data):
    Validate if the input data against the AssibleModule spec format
    :param spec: Assible argument spec
    :param data: Data to be validated
    params = basic._ASSIBLE_ARGS
    basic._ASSIBLE_ARGS = to_bytes(json.dumps({'ASSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS': data}))
    validated_data = basic.AssibleModule(spec).params
    basic._ASSIBLE_ARGS = params
    return validated_data
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def test_fail_list_with_choices(self, capfd, mocker, stdin,
        """Fail because one of the items is not in the choice"""
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):

        out, err = capfd.readouterr()
        results = json.loads(out)

        assert results['failed']
        assert results[
            'msg'] == "value of zardoz2 must be one or more of: one, two, three. Got no match for: four, five"
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_module_utils_basic_assible_module_user_and_group(self):
        from assible.module_utils import basic
        basic._ASSIBLE_ARGS = None

        am = basic.AssibleModule(argument_spec=dict(), )

        mock_stat = MagicMock()
        mock_stat.st_uid = 0
        mock_stat.st_gid = 0

        with patch('os.lstat', return_value=mock_stat):
            self.assertEqual(am.user_and_group('/path/to/file'), (0, 0))
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def test_fail_required_together_and_default(self, capfd, stdin,
        """Fail because one of a required_together pair of parameters has a default and the other was not specified"""
        complex_argspec['argument_spec']['baz'] = {'default': 42}
        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
            am = basic.AssibleModule(**complex_argspec)

        out, err = capfd.readouterr()
        results = json.loads(out)

        assert results['failed']
        assert results['msg'] == "parameters are required together: bam, baz"
Ejemplo n.º 25
def test_validator_basic_types(argspec, expected, stdin):

    am = basic.AssibleModule(argspec)

    if 'type' in argspec['arg']:
        if argspec['arg']['type'] == 'int':
            type_ = integer_types
            type_ = getattr(builtins, argspec['arg']['type'])
        type_ = str

    assert isinstance(am.params['arg'], type_)
    assert am.params['arg'] == expected
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def test_fail_required_together_and_fallback(self, capfd, mocker, stdin,
        """Fail because one of a required_together pair of parameters has a fallback and the other was not specified"""
        environ = os.environ.copy()
        environ['BAZ'] = 'test data'
        mocker.patch('assible.module_utils.basic.os.environ', environ)

        with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
            am = basic.AssibleModule(**complex_argspec)

        out, err = capfd.readouterr()
        results = json.loads(out)

        assert results['failed']
        assert results['msg'] == "parameters are required together: bam, baz"
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def test_module_utils_basic_assible_module_set_owner_if_different(self):
        from assible.module_utils import basic
        basic._ASSIBLE_ARGS = None

        am = basic.AssibleModule(argument_spec=dict(), )

            am.set_owner_if_different('/path/to/file', None, True), True)
            am.set_owner_if_different('/path/to/file', None, False), False)

        am.user_and_group = MagicMock(return_value=(500, 500))

        with patch('os.lchown', return_value=None) as m:
                am.set_owner_if_different('/path/to/file', 0, False), True)
            m.assert_called_with(b'/path/to/file', 0, -1)

            def _mock_getpwnam(*args, **kwargs):
                mock_pw = MagicMock()
                mock_pw.pw_uid = 0
                return mock_pw

            with patch('pwd.getpwnam', side_effect=_mock_getpwnam):
                    am.set_owner_if_different('/path/to/file', 'root', False),
                m.assert_called_with(b'/path/to/file', 0, -1)

            with patch('pwd.getpwnam', side_effect=KeyError):
                self.assertRaises(SystemExit, am.set_owner_if_different,
                                  '/path/to/file', 'root', False)

            am.check_mode = True
                am.set_owner_if_different('/path/to/file', 0, False), True)
            self.assertEqual(m.called, False)
            am.check_mode = False

        with patch('os.lchown', side_effect=OSError) as m:
            self.assertRaises(SystemExit, am.set_owner_if_different,
                              '/path/to/file', 'root', False)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def test_set_cwd(self, monkeypatch):
        '''make sure /tmp is used'''
        def mock_getcwd():
            return '/tmp'

        def mock_access(path, perm):
            return True

        def mock_chdir(path):

        monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'getcwd', mock_getcwd)
        monkeypatch.setattr(os, 'access', mock_access)
        monkeypatch.setattr(basic, '_ASSIBLE_ARGS',
                            to_bytes(json.dumps({'ASSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS': {}})))
        with patch('time.time', return_value=42):
            am = basic.AssibleModule(argument_spec={})

        result = am._set_cwd()
        assert result == '/tmp'
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def test_list_with_choices(self, capfd, mocker, stdin, complex_argspec):
     """Test choices with list"""
     am = basic.AssibleModule(**complex_argspec)
     assert isinstance(am.params['zardoz2'], list)
     assert am.params['zardoz2'] == ['one', 'three']
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def test_complex_required(self, stdin, complex_argspec):
     """Test that the complex argspec works if we give it its required param as either the canonical or aliased name"""
     am = basic.AssibleModule(**complex_argspec)
     assert isinstance(am.params['foo'], str)
     assert am.params['foo'] == 'hello'