Ejemplo n.º 1
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

var_1 = function_2c(1000,10,1000,-50)['add']

var_2 = function_2b('Seminars','Borrel')['C']

var_3 = str(function_2c(1000,10,1000,-50)['multiply']) + function_2b('cls','cls')['L']

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":
Ejemplo n.º 2
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c

Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

var_1 = ((function_2c(1000,5,10,-50)["add"]))

var_2 = ((function_2b("Seminars","Borrel")["C"]))

Final comment:
 The only mistake why var_3 didn't give the right result was because of an extra parenthesis ( after function_2b.
 By bringing the ( forward the mistake was fixed:
 function_2b(("CLS","cLs")["L"]) --> (function_2b("CLS","cLs")["L"])

var_3 = str((function_2c(5,10,1000,100)["multiply"])) + (function_2b("CLS","cLs")["L"])

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")
Ejemplo n.º 3
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

var_1 = function_2c(1000, 10, 5, 50)['subtract']

var_2 = function_2b('Seminars', 'Borrel')['C']

var_3 = str(function_2c(5,10,1000,-50)['multiply']) \
        + function_2b("CLS","cls")['L']

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":
Ejemplo n.º 4
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

var_1 = function_2c(x=5, y=100, w=1000, z=50)["subtract"]

var_2 = function_2b("Seminars", "Borrel")["C"]

var_3 = str(function_2c(x=1000, y=10, z=5, w=-50)["multiply"]) + function_2b(
    "cLs", "")["L"]

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":
Ejemplo n.º 5
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

var_1 = function_2c(1000, 10, 5, -50)['add']

var_2 = function_2b('Seminars', 'Borrel')['C']

var_3 = str(function_2c(5, 10, 1000, 100)['multiply']) + function_2b(
    'CLS', 'seminars')['L']

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":
Ejemplo n.º 6
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

var_1 = function_2c(x=5, y=5, w=1000, z=50)
var_1 = var_1['subtract']

var_2 = function_2b('Seminars', 'Borrel')
var_2 = var_2['C']

var_3 = str((function_2c(x=10, y=1000, w=5, z=5))['multiply']) + function_2b('cls', 'CLS')['L']

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":
Ejemplo n.º 7
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

var_1 = function_2c(1000, 1000, -50, -50)["add"]

var_2 = function_2b("Seminars", "Borrel")["C"]

var_3 = (str(function_2c(1000, 1000, 10, 1000)["multiply"]) +
         function_2b("CLS", "cls")["L"])

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":
Ejemplo n.º 8
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

var_1_temp = function_2c(1,10,100,1)["multiply"]
var_1 = function_2c(var_1_temp, 1, 1, 50)["subtract"]

var_2 = function_2b("Seminars", "Borrel")["C"]

var_3 = str(function_2c(1,100,100,1)["multiply"]) + function_2b("CLS", "nothing")["L"]

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":
Ejemplo n.º 9
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

var_1 = function_2b(1000, -50)["C"]

var_2 = function_2c("Seminars", 0, 0, "Borrel")["add"]

var_3 = str(function_2c(0, 1000, 10, 0)["multiply"]) + function_2b("CLS")["L"]

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":
Ejemplo n.º 10

w, x, y, z -- floats or integers, y != 0

results -- dictionary of:
            -- multiply, x * y
            -- divide, x / y
            -- add, w + z
            -- subtract, w - z

var_2 = function_2b("","s")['U'] + function_2b("eminars","B")['C'] + function_2b("orrel","")['L']

var_1 = function_2c(5,95,10,1)['multiply']

var_3 = str(function_2c(10,100,100,10)['multiply']) + function_2b("cls","")['L']

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":
Ejemplo n.º 11
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

var_1 = function_2c(1000,5,10,-50).get("add")

var_2 = function_2b("Seminars","Borrel").get("C")

var_3 = str(function_2c(5,1000,10,-50).get("multiply")) + function_2b("CLS","cls").get("L")

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":
Ejemplo n.º 12
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

var_1 = function_2c(1000, 5, 5, -50)["add"]

var_2 = function_2b('Seminars', 'Borrel')["C"]

var_3 = str(function_2c(5, 1000, 10, 5)['multiply']) + function_2b(
    'CLS', 'CLS')["L"]

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":
Ejemplo n.º 13
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

var_2 = function_2b("Seminars", "Borrel")['C']

var_1 = function_2c(1000, 100, 10, -50)['add']

var_3 = str(function_2c(5, 1000, 10, 10)['multiply']) + function_2b(
    "cLs", "CLS")['L']

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":
Ejemplo n.º 14
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

var_1 = function_2b(...)

var_2 = function_2c(...)

var_3 = str(function_2b(...)) + function_2c(...)

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":
Ejemplo n.º 15
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

var_1 = function_2c(1000, 1, 1, 50)['subtract']

var_2 = function_2b("Seminars", "Borrel")['C']

var_3 = str(function_2c(10000, 1, 1, 0)['subtract']) + function_2b('cls',

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":
Ejemplo n.º 16
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

var_1 = function_2c(1000, 5, 10, -50)
var_1 = var_1["add"]

var_2 = function_2b("Seminars", "Borrel")
var_2 = var_2["C"]

var_3 = str(function_2c(10, 10, 1000, 10)["multiply"]) + function_2b(
    "CLS", "CLS")["L"]

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":
Ejemplo n.º 17
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

var_1 = function_2c(1000, 50, 50, 50)["subtract"]

var_2 = function_2b("Seminars", "Borrel")["C"]

var_3 = str(function_2c(9950, 20, 20, 50)["add"]) + function_2b(
    'cls', "not used")["L"]

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":
Ejemplo n.º 18
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

var_1 = function_2c(1000, 1000, 1000, -50)["add"]

var_2 = function_2b('Seminars', 'Borrel')['C']

var_3 = str(function_2c(100, 100, 100, 100)["multiply"]) + function_2b(
    "cLs", "CLS")["L"]

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":
Ejemplo n.º 19
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.
function_2b(string1, string2):
	Takes in 2 strings as arguments.

	Returns a dict with 3 strings as values. 
		Transforms string1 into lowercase strings.
		Transforms string2 into uppercase strings
		Combines String 1 and 2 together.
		Puts them in a dict with keys "L" for lower, "U" for upper and "C" for combined

function_2c(w, x, y, z):
	takes in 4 integer arguments, w, x, y, z.
	Returns a dict with 4 integers as values.:
		the keyse are: "multiply", mulltiplies x with y.
		"divide", divides x by y.
		"add", Add z to w.
		"subtract", Subtracts z from w.

Ejemplo n.º 20
from assignment_2b import function_2b
from assignment_2c import function_2c
Used the imported functions (function_2b and function_2c) and the documentation
provided by your teammates to generate the correct answers below. You can use
the following numbers and strings as input for the 2 functions:
[5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']
Run the script to see if you succeeded! PS: Multiple combinations are possible,
just give a correct one.

input = [5, 10, 100, 1000, -50, 'seminars', 'Seminars', 'CLS', 'cLs', 'Borrel']

var_1 = function_2c(1000, 10, 10, -50)["add"]

var_2 = function_2b('Seminars', 'Borrel')["C"]

var_3 = str(function_2c(-50, 10, 1000, -50)["multiply"]) + function_2b(
    'CLS', 'Borrel')["L"]

if var_1 == 950:
    print("Good job!")

if var_2 == "SeminarsBorrel":
    print("Well done!")

if var_3 == "10000cls":