Ejemplo n.º 1
    def simulate(self, tmax, nout=500, maxsteps=5000, rtol=1e-8, verbose=False, test_jac_args=None):
        if not hasattr(self, 't0'):
        if test_jac_args is not None:
        sim = IDA(self)
        flag, _, _ = sim.make_consistent('IDA_YA_YDP_INIT')
        translation = {0:'SUCCESS', 1:'TSTOP_RETURN', 2:'ROOT_RETURN',
            99:'WARNING', -1 :'TOO_MUCH_WORK', -2 :'TOO_MUCH_ACC',
            -3 :'ERR_FAIL', -4 :'CONV_FAIL', -5 :'LINIT_FAIL',
            -6 :'LSETUP_FAIL', -7 :'LSOLVE_FAIL', -8 :'RES_FAIL',
            -9 :'REP_RES_ERR', -10:'RTFUNC_FAIL', -11:'CONSTR_FAIL',
            -12:'FIRST_RES_FAIL', -13:'LINESEARCH_FAIL', -14:'NO_RECOVERY',
            -20:'MEM_NULL', -21:'MEM_FAIL', -22:'ILL_INPUT', -23:'NO_MALLOC',
            -24:'BAD_EWT', -25:'BAD_K', -26:'BAD_T', -27:'BAD_DKY'}
        if flag < 0:
            raise ArithmeticError('make_consistent failed with flag = IDA_%s' % translation[flag])
        if flag != 0:
            warn('make_consistent returned IDA_%s' % translation[flag])
        sim.rtol = rtol
        sim.maxsteps = maxsteps
        T,Y,Yd = sim.simulate(tmax, nout)
        ncnt  = len(self.nodes)
        nterm = len(self.terminals)

        self.T = T
        Vs    = Y [:, :ncnt]
        dVsdt = Yd[:, :ncnt]
        Is    = Y [:, ncnt:(ncnt+nterm)]
        dIsdt = Yd[:, ncnt:(ncnt+nterm)]
        Qs    = Y [:, (ncnt+nterm):]
        dQsdt = Yd[:, (ncnt+nterm):]

        for i,node in enumerate(self.nodes):
            for term in node:
                term.V    = Vs[:, i]
                term.dVdt = dVsdt[:, i]

        for i,term in enumerate(self.terminals):
            term.I    = Is[:, i]
            term.dIdt = dIsdt[:, i]

        for i,state in enumerate(self.states):
            state.val = Qs[:, i]
            state.der = dQsdt[:, i]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    #Defines the residual
    def f(t,y,yd):
        res_0 = yd[0]-y[2]
        res_1 = yd[1]-y[3]
        res_2 = yd[2]+y[4]*y[0]
        res_3 = yd[3]+y[4]*y[1]+9.82
        #res_4 = y[0]**2+y[1]**2-1
        res_4 = y[2]**2+y[3]**2-y[4]*(y[0]**2+y[1]**2)-y[1]*9.82

        return N.array([res_0,res_1,res_2,res_3,res_4])
    #Defines the jacobian
    def jac(c,t,y,yd):
        jacobian = N.zeros([len(y),len(y)])
        jacobian[0,0] = 1*c
        jacobian[1,1] = 1*c
        jacobian[2,2] = 1*c
        jacobian[3,3] = 1*c
        jacobian[0,2] = -1
        jacobian[1,3] = -1
        jacobian[2,0] = y[4]
        jacobian[3,1] = y[4]
        jacobian[4,0] = y[0]*2*y[4]*-1
        jacobian[4,1] = y[1]*2*y[4]*-1-9.82
        jacobian[4,2] = y[2]*2
        jacobian[4,3] = y[3]*2
        jacobian[2,4] = y[0]
        jacobian[3,4] = y[1]
        jacobian[4,4] = -(y[0]**2+y[1]**2)
        return jacobian
    #The initial conditons
    y0 = [1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,5] #Initial conditions
    yd0 = [0.0,0.0,0.0,-9.82,0.0] #Initial conditions
    #Create an Assimulo implicit problem
    imp_mod = Implicit_Problem(f,y0,yd0)
    #Sets the options to the problem
    imp_mod.jac = jac #Sets the jacobian
    imp_mod.algvar = [1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.0] #Set the algebraic components
    imp_mod.name = 'Test Jacobian'
    #Create an Assimulo implicit solver (IDA)
    imp_sim = IDA(imp_mod) #Create a IDA solver
    #Sets the paramters
    imp_sim.atol = 1e-6 #Default 1e-6
    imp_sim.rtol = 1e-6 #Default 1e-6
    imp_sim.suppress_alg = True #Suppres the algebraic variables on the error test
    #Let Sundials find consistent initial conditions by use of 'IDA_YA_YDP_INIT'
    t, y, yd = imp_sim.simulate(5,1000) #Simulate 5 seconds with 1000 communication points
    #Basic tests
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][0],0.9401995, places=4)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][1],-0.34095124, places=4)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(yd[-1][0], -0.88198927, places=4)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(yd[-1][1], -2.43227069, places=4)
    if with_plots:
Ejemplo n.º 3
def simulate(model, init_cond, start_time=0., final_time=1., input=(lambda t: []), ncp=500, blt=True,
             causalization_options=sp.CausalizationOptions(), expand_to_sx=True, suppress_alg=False,
             tol=1e-8, solver="IDA"):
    Simulate model from CasADi Interface using CasADi.

    init_cond is a dictionary containing initial conditions for all variables.
    if blt:
        t_0 = timing.time()
        blt_model = sp.BLTModel(model, causalization_options)
        blt_time = timing.time() - t_0
        print("BLT analysis time: %.3f s" % blt_time)
        blt_model._model = model
        model = blt_model
    if causalization_options['closed_form']:
        solved_vars = model._solved_vars
        solved_expr = model._solved_expr
        #~ for (var, expr) in itertools.izip(solved_vars, solved_expr):
            #~ print('%s := %s' % (var.getName(), expr))
        return model
        dh() # This is not a debug statement!

    # Extract model variables
    model_states = [var for var in model.getVariables(model.DIFFERENTIATED) if not var.isAlias()]
    model_derivatives = [var for var in model.getVariables(model.DERIVATIVE) if not var.isAlias()]
    model_algs = [var for var in model.getVariables(model.REAL_ALGEBRAIC) if not var.isAlias()]
    model_inputs = [var for var in model.getVariables(model.REAL_INPUT) if not var.isAlias()]
    states = [var.getVar() for var in model_states]
    derivatives = [var.getMyDerivativeVariable().getVar() for var in model_states]
    algebraics = [var.getVar() for var in model_algs]
    inputs = [var.getVar() for var in model_inputs]
    n_x = len(states)
    n_y = len(states) + len(algebraics)
    n_w = len(algebraics)
    n_u = len(inputs)

    # Create vectorized model variables
    t = model.getTimeVariable()
    y = MX.sym("y", n_y)
    yd = MX.sym("yd", n_y)
    u = MX.sym("u", n_u)

    # Extract the residuals and substitute the (x,z) variables for the old variables
    scalar_vars = states + algebraics + derivatives + inputs
    vector_vars = [y[k] for k in range(n_y)] + [yd[k] for k in range(n_x)] + [u[k] for k in range(n_u)]
    [dae] = substitute([model.getDaeResidual()], scalar_vars, vector_vars)

    # Fix parameters
    if not blt:
        # Sort parameters
        par_kinds = [model.BOOLEAN_CONSTANT,
        pars = reduce(list.__add__, [list(model.getVariables(par_kind)) for
                                     par_kind in par_kinds])

        # Get parameter values
        par_vars = [par.getVar() for par in pars]
        par_vals = [model.get_attr(par, "_value") for par in pars]

        # Eliminate parameters
        [dae] = casadi.substitute([dae], par_vars, par_vals)

    # Extract initial conditions
    y0 = [init_cond[var.getName()] for var in model_states] + [init_cond[var.getName()] for var in model_algs]
    yd0 = [init_cond[var.getName()] for var in model_derivatives] + n_w * [0.]

    # Create residual CasADi functions
    dae_res = MXFunction([t, y, yd, u], [dae])
    dae_res.setOption("name", "complete_dae_residual")

    #~ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    #~ h = MX.sym("h")
    #~ iter_matrix_expr = dae_res.jac(2)/h + dae_res.jac(1)
    #~ iter_matrix = MXFunction([t, y, yd, u, h], [iter_matrix_expr])
    #~ iter_matrix.init()
    #~ n = 100;
    #~ hs = np.logspace(-8, 1, n);
    #~ conds = [np.linalg.cond(iter_matrix.call([0, y0, yd0, input(0), hval])[0].toArray()) for hval in hs]
    #~ plt.close(1)
    #~ plt.figure(1)
    #~ plt.loglog(hs, conds, 'b-')
    #~ #plt.gca().invert_xaxis()
    #~ plt.grid('on')

    #~ didx = range(4, 12) + range(30, 33)
    #~ aidx = [i for i in range(33) if i not in didx]
    #~ didx = range(10)
    #~ aidx = []
    #~ F = MXFunction([t, y, yd, u], [dae[didx]])
    #~ F.init()
    #~ G = MXFunction([t, y, yd, u], [dae[aidx]])
    #~ G.init()
    #~ dFddx = F.jac(2)[:, :n_x]
    #~ dFdx = F.jac(1)[:, :n_x]
    #~ dFdy = F.jac(1)[:, n_x:]
    #~ dGdx = G.jac(1)[:, :n_x]
    #~ dGdy = G.jac(1)[:, n_x:]
    #~ E_matrix = MXFunction([t, y, yd, u, h], [dFddx])
    #~ E_matrix.init()
    #~ E_cond = np.linalg.cond(E_matrix.call([0, y0, yd0, input(0), hval])[0].toArray())
    #~ iter_matrix_expr = vertcat([horzcat([dFddx + h*dFdx, h*dFdy]), horzcat([dGdx, dGdy])])
    #~ iter_matrix = MXFunction([t, y, yd, u, h], [iter_matrix_expr])
    #~ iter_matrix.init()
    #~ n = 100
    #~ hs = np.logspace(-8, 1, n)
    #~ conds = [np.linalg.cond(iter_matrix.call([0, y0, yd0, input(0), hval])[0].toArray()) for hval in hs]
    #~ plt.loglog(hs, conds, 'b--')
    #~ plt.gca().invert_xaxis()
    #~ plt.grid('on')
    #~ plt.xlabel('$h$')
    #~ plt.ylabel('$\kappa$')
    #~ plt.show()
    #~ dh()

    # Expand to SX
    if expand_to_sx:
        dae_res = SXFunction(dae_res)

    # Create DAE residual Assimulo function
    def dae_residual(t, y, yd):
        dae_res.setInput(t, 0)
        dae_res.setInput(y, 1)
        dae_res.setInput(yd, 2)
        dae_res.setInput(input(t), 3)
        return dae_res.getOutput(0).toArray().reshape(-1)

    # Set up simulator
    problem = Implicit_Problem(dae_residual, y0, yd0, start_time)
    if solver == "IDA":
        simulator = IDA(problem)
    elif solver == "Radau5DAE":
        simulator = Radau5DAE(problem)
        raise ValueError("Unknown solver %s" % solver)
    simulator.rtol = tol
    simulator.atol = 1e-4 * np.array([model.get_attr(var, "nominal") for var in model_states + model_algs])
    #~ simulator.atol = tol * np.ones([n_y, 1])
    simulator.report_continuously = True

    # Log method order
    if solver == "IDA":
        global order
        order = []
        def handle_result(solver, t, y, yd):
            global order
        problem.handle_result = handle_result

    # Suppress algebraic variables
    if suppress_alg:
        if isinstance(suppress_alg, bool):
            simulator.algvar = n_x * [True] + (n_y - n_x) * [False]
            simulator.algvar = n_x * [True] + suppress_alg
        simulator.suppress_alg = True

    # Simulate
    t_0 = timing.time()
    (t, y, yd) = simulator.simulate(final_time, ncp)
    simul_time = timing.time() - t_0
    stats = {'time': simul_time, 'steps': simulator.statistics['nsteps']}
    if solver == "IDA":
        stats['order'] = order

    # Generate result for time and inputs
    class SimulationResult(dict):
    res = SimulationResult()
    res.stats = stats
    res['time'] = t
    if u.numel() > 0:
        input_names = [var.getName() for var in model_inputs]
        for name in input_names:
            res[name] = []
        for time in t:
            input_val = input(time)
            for (name, val) in itertools.izip(input_names, input_val):

    # Create results for everything else
    if blt:
        # Iteration variables
        i = 0
        for var in model_states:
            res[var.getName()] = y[:, i]
            res[var.getMyDerivativeVariable().getName()] = yd[:, i]
            i += 1
        for var in model_algs:
            res[var.getName()] = y[:, i]
            i += 1

        # Create function for computing solved algebraics
        for (_, sol_alg) in model._explicit_solved_algebraics:
            res[sol_alg.name] = []
        alg_sol_f = casadi.MXFunction(model._known_vars + model._explicit_unsolved_vars, model._solved_expr)
        if expand_to_sx:
            alg_sol_f = casadi.SXFunction(alg_sol_f)

        # Compute solved algebraics
        for k in xrange(len(t)):
            for (i, var) in enumerate(model._known_vars + model._explicit_unsolved_vars):
                alg_sol_f.setInput(res[var.getName()][k], i)
            for (j, sol_alg) in model._explicit_solved_algebraics:
        res_vars = model_states + model_algs
        for (i, var) in enumerate(res_vars):
            res[var.getName()] = y[:, i]
            der_var = var.getMyDerivativeVariable()
            if der_var is not None:
                res[der_var.getName()] = yd[:, i]

    # Add results for all alias variables (only treat time-continuous variables) and convert to array
    if blt:
        res_model = model._model
        res_model = model
    for var in res_model.getAllVariables():
        if var.getVariability() == var.CONTINUOUS:
            res[var.getName()] = np.array(res[var.getModelVariable().getName()])
    res["time"] = np.array(res["time"])
    res._blt_model = blt_model
    return res
			yp[2] = -yp[2]
	solver.yd = yp
	solver.y = y	
t0 = 0
tfinal = 1
ncp = 500
y0 = [0., -0.10344, -0.65, 0. ,0. , 0., -0.6911, -0.14161]
yp0 = [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.40059e2, 0., 0.]
switches0 = [False, True, False]
mod = Implicit_Problem(woodpeckertoy, y0, yp0, t0, sw0 = switches0)
mod.state_events = state_events
mod.handle_event = handle_event

sim = IDA(mod)
sim.suppress_alg = True
sim.atol[3:8] = 1e6
sim.algvar[3:8] = 0.
t, y, yp = sim.simulate(tfinal, ncp)

P.legend(["z","phiS", "phiB", "z vel", "phiS vel", "phiB vel"])
fontlabel_size = 20
tick_size = 14
params = {'lines.markersize' : 0, 'axes.labelsize': fontlabel_size, 'text.fontsize': fontlabel_size, 'legend.fontsize': fontlabel_size, 'xtick.labelsize': tick_size, 'ytick.labelsize': tick_size}
Ejemplo n.º 5
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    This example show how to use Assimulo and IDA for simulating sensitivities
    for initial conditions.::
        0 = dy1/dt - -(k01+k21+k31)*y1 - k12*y2 - k13*y3 - b1
        0 = dy2/dt - k21*y1 + (k02+k12)*y2
        0 = dy3/dt - k31*y1 + k13*y3
        y1(0) = p1, y2(0) = p2, y3(0) = p3
        p1=p2=p3 = 0 
    See http://sundials.2283335.n4.nabble.com/Forward-sensitivities-for-initial-conditions-td3239724.html
    def f(t, y, yd,p):
        y1,y2,y3 = y
        yd1,yd2,yd3 = yd
        k01 = 0.0211
        k02 = 0.0162
        k21 = 0.0111
        k12 = 0.0124
        k31 = 0.0039
        k13 = 0.000035
        b1 = 49.3
        res_0 = -yd1 -(k01+k21+k31)*y1+k12*y2+k13*y3+b1
        res_1 = -yd2 + k21*y1-(k02+k12)*y2
        res_2 = -yd3 + k31*y1-k13*y3
        return N.array([res_0,res_1,res_2])
    #The initial conditions
    y0 = [0.0,0.0,0.0]          #Initial conditions for y
    yd0 = [49.3,0.,0.]
    p0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  #Initial conditions for parameters
    yS0 = N.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1.]])
    #Create an Assimulo implicit problem
    imp_mod = Implicit_Problem(f,y0,yd0,p0=p0)
    #Sets the options to the problem

    #Create an Assimulo explicit solver (IDA)
    imp_sim = IDA(imp_mod)
    #Sets the paramters
    imp_sim.rtol = 1e-7
    imp_sim.atol = 1e-6
    imp_sim.pbar = [1,1,1] #pbar is used to estimate the tolerances for the parameters
    imp_sim.continuous_output = True #Need to be able to store the result using the interpolate methods
    imp_sim.sensmethod = 'SIMULTANEOUS' #Defines the sensitvity method used
    imp_sim.suppress_sens = False            #Dont suppress the sensitivity variables in the error test.

    t, y, yd = imp_sim.simulate(400) #Simulate 400 seconds
    #Basic test
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][0], 1577.6552477,3)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][1], 611.9574565, 3)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][2], 2215.88563217, 3)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(imp_sim.p_sol[0][1][0], 1.0)
    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t, N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[0])[:,0],
               t, N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[0])[:,1],
               t, N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[0])[:,2])
        P.title("Parameter p1")
        P.plot(t, N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[1])[:,0],
               t, N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[1])[:,1],
               t, N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[1])[:,2])
        P.title("Parameter p2")
        P.plot(t, N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[2])[:,0],
               t, N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[2])[:,1],
               t, N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[2])[:,2])
        P.title("Parameter p3")
Ejemplo n.º 6
def run_example(with_plots=True):
    This example show how to use Assimulo and IDA for simulating sensitivities
    for initial conditions.::
        0 = dy1/dt - -(k01+k21+k31)*y1 - k12*y2 - k13*y3 - b1
        0 = dy2/dt - k21*y1 + (k02+k12)*y2
        0 = dy3/dt - k31*y1 + k13*y3
        y1(0) = p1, y2(0) = p2, y3(0) = p3
        p1=p2=p3 = 0 
    See http://sundials.2283335.n4.nabble.com/Forward-sensitivities-for-initial-conditions-td3239724.html
    def f(t, y, yd, p):
        y1, y2, y3 = y
        yd1, yd2, yd3 = yd
        k01 = 0.0211
        k02 = 0.0162
        k21 = 0.0111
        k12 = 0.0124
        k31 = 0.0039
        k13 = 0.000035
        b1 = 49.3

        res_0 = -yd1 - (k01 + k21 + k31) * y1 + k12 * y2 + k13 * y3 + b1
        res_1 = -yd2 + k21 * y1 - (k02 + k12) * y2
        res_2 = -yd3 + k31 * y1 - k13 * y3

        return N.array([res_0, res_1, res_2])

    #The initial conditions
    y0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  #Initial conditions for y
    yd0 = [49.3, 0., 0.]
    p0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]  #Initial conditions for parameters
    yS0 = N.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1.]])

    #Create an Assimulo implicit problem
    imp_mod = Implicit_Problem(f, y0, yd0, p0=p0)

    #Sets the options to the problem
    imp_mod.yS0 = yS0

    #Create an Assimulo explicit solver (IDA)
    imp_sim = IDA(imp_mod)

    #Sets the paramters
    imp_sim.rtol = 1e-7
    imp_sim.atol = 1e-6
    imp_sim.pbar = [
        1, 1, 1
    ]  #pbar is used to estimate the tolerances for the parameters
    imp_sim.continuous_output = True  #Need to be able to store the result using the interpolate methods
    imp_sim.sensmethod = 'SIMULTANEOUS'  #Defines the sensitvity method used
    imp_sim.suppress_sens = False  #Dont suppress the sensitivity variables in the error test.

    t, y, yd = imp_sim.simulate(400)  #Simulate 400 seconds

    #Basic test
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][0], 1577.6552477, 3)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][1], 611.9574565, 3)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][2], 2215.88563217, 3)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(imp_sim.p_sol[0][1][0], 1.0)

    if with_plots:
               N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[0])[:, 0], t,
               N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[0])[:, 1], t,
               N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[0])[:, 2])
        P.title("Parameter p1")
        P.legend(("p1/dy1", "p1/dy2", "p1/dy3"))
               N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[1])[:, 0], t,
               N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[1])[:, 1], t,
               N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[1])[:, 2])
        P.title("Parameter p2")
        P.legend(("p2/dy1", "p2/dy2", "p2/dy3"))
               N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[2])[:, 0], t,
               N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[2])[:, 1], t,
               N.array(imp_sim.p_sol[2])[:, 2])
        P.title("Parameter p3")
        P.legend(("p3/dy1", "p3/dy2", "p3/dy3"))
        P.plot(t, y)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def run_example(with_plots=True):

    #Defines the residual
    def f(t, y, yd):

        res_0 = yd[0] - y[2]
        res_1 = yd[1] - y[3]
        res_2 = yd[2] + y[4] * y[0]
        res_3 = yd[3] + y[4] * y[1] + 9.82
        #res_4 = y[0]**2+y[1]**2-1
        res_4 = y[2]**2 + y[3]**2 - y[4] * (y[0]**2 + y[1]**2) - y[1] * 9.82

        return N.array([res_0, res_1, res_2, res_3, res_4])

    #Defines the jacobian
    def jac(c, t, y, yd):
        jacobian = N.zeros([len(y), len(y)])

        jacobian[0, 0] = 1 * c
        jacobian[1, 1] = 1 * c
        jacobian[2, 2] = 1 * c
        jacobian[3, 3] = 1 * c

        jacobian[0, 2] = -1
        jacobian[1, 3] = -1
        jacobian[2, 0] = y[4]
        jacobian[3, 1] = y[4]
        jacobian[4, 0] = y[0] * 2 * y[4] * -1
        jacobian[4, 1] = y[1] * 2 * y[4] * -1 - 9.82
        jacobian[4, 2] = y[2] * 2
        jacobian[4, 3] = y[3] * 2

        jacobian[2, 4] = y[0]
        jacobian[3, 4] = y[1]
        jacobian[4, 4] = -(y[0]**2 + y[1]**2)

        return jacobian

    #The initial conditons
    y0 = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5]  #Initial conditions
    yd0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -9.82, 0.0]  #Initial conditions

    #Create an Assimulo implicit problem
    imp_mod = Implicit_Problem(f, y0, yd0)

    #Sets the options to the problem
    imp_mod.jac = jac  #Sets the jacobian
    imp_mod.algvar = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]  #Set the algebraic components
    imp_mod.name = 'Test Jacobian'

    #Create an Assimulo implicit solver (IDA)
    imp_sim = IDA(imp_mod)  #Create a IDA solver

    #Sets the paramters
    imp_sim.atol = 1e-6  #Default 1e-6
    imp_sim.rtol = 1e-6  #Default 1e-6
    imp_sim.suppress_alg = True  #Suppres the algebraic variables on the error test

    #Let Sundials find consistent initial conditions by use of 'IDA_YA_YDP_INIT'

    t, y, yd = imp_sim.simulate(
        5, 1000)  #Simulate 5 seconds with 1000 communication points

    #Basic tests
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][0], 0.9401995, places=4)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(y[-1][1], -0.34095124, places=4)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(yd[-1][0], -0.88198927, places=4)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(yd[-1][1], -2.43227069, places=4)

    if with_plots:
        P.plot(t, y)