Ejemplo n.º 1
    def initialize_ode_solver(self, y_0, yd_0, t_0):
        model = Implicit_Problem(self.residual, y_0, yd_0, t_0)
        model.handle_result = self.handle_result
        solver = IDA(model)
        solver.rtol = self.solver_rtol
        solver.atol = self.solver_atol  # * np.array([100, 10, 1e-4, 1e-4])
        solver.inith = 0.1  # self.wind.R_g / const.C
        solver.maxh = self.dt * self.wind.R_g / const.C
        solver.report_continuously = True
        solver.display_progress = False
        solver.verbosity = 50  # 50 = quiet
        solver.num_threads = 3

        # solver.display_progress = True
        return solver
def main():

    res_class = eval(inputs.test_type)

    #    plt.close('all')
    t_count = time.time()

    SV_0 = sol_init.SV_0
    SV_dot_0 = np.zeros_like(SV_0)
    t_0 = 0.
    t_f = 3600. / inputs.C_rate  #63006.69900049 93633
    algvar = sol_init.algvar
    atol = np.ones_like(SV_0) * 1e-6
    atol[cat.ptr_vec['eps_S8']] = 1e-15
    atol[cat.ptr_vec['eps_Li2S']] = 1e-15
    atol[cat.ptr_vec['rho_k_el']] = 1e-16  # 1e-16 for Bessler
    rtol = 1e-6
    sim_output = 50

    rtol_ch = 1e-6
    atol_ch = np.ones_like(SV_0) * 1e-6

    atol_ch[cat.ptr_vec['eps_S8']] = 1e-15
    atol_ch[cat.ptr_vec['eps_Li2S']] = 1e-15
    atol_ch[cat.ptr_vec['rho_k_el']] = 1e-30

    rate_tag = str(inputs.C_rate) + "C"
    #    if 'cascade' in inputs.ctifile:
    #        ncols = 2 + inputs.flag_req
    #    else:
    ncols = 1 + inputs.flag_req
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(sharey="row",
                             figsize=(9, 12),
                             ncols=(ncols) * inputs.n_cycles,
    plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.15, hspace=0.4)
             bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5))

    # Set up user function to build figures based on inputs



    # Set external current to 0 for equilibration
    #    cat.nucleation_flag = 1

    # Create problem object
    bat_eq = res_class(res_class.res_fun, SV_0, SV_dot_0, t_0)
    bat_eq.external_event_detection = True
    bat_eq.algvar = algvar

    # Create simulation object
    sim_eq = IDA(bat_eq)
    sim_eq.atol = atol
    sim_eq.rtol = rtol
    sim_eq.verbosity = sim_output

    t_eq, SV_eq, SV_dot_eq = sim_eq.simulate(t_f)

    # Put solution into pandas dataframe with labeled columns
    SV_eq_df = label_columns(t_eq, SV_eq, an.npoints, sep.npoints, cat.npoints)

    # Obtain tag strings for dataframe columns
    tags = tag_strings(SV_eq_df)
    #    plot_sim(tags, SV_eq_df, 'Equilibrating', 0, fig, axes)

    t_equilibrate = time.time() - t_count
    print("Equilibration time = ", t_equilibrate, '\n')

    print('Done equilibrating\n')

    for cycle_num in np.arange(0, inputs.n_cycles):

        #        cat.np_L = inputs.np_Li2S_init
        cat.nucleation_flag = np.zeros((inputs.npoints_cathode, 1))
        # New initial conditions from previous simulation
        if cycle_num == 0:
            #            SV_0 = SV_0
            SV_0 = SV_eq[-1, :]
            #            SV_dot_0 = SV_dot_0
            SV_dot_0 = SV_dot_eq[-1, :]
            SV_0 = SV_0_cycle
            SV_dot_0 = SV_dot_0_cycle

        # Set external current

        # Update problem instance initial conditions
        bat_dch = res_class(res_class.res_fun, SV_0, SV_dot_0, t_0)
        bat_dch.external_event_detection = True
        bat_dch.algvar = algvar

        # Re-initialize simulation object
        sim_dch = IDA(bat_dch)
        sim_dch.atol = atol
        sim_dch.rtol = rtol
        #        sim_dch.maxh = 57
        sim_dch.verbosity = sim_output

        t_dch, SV_dch, SV_dot_dch = sim_dch.simulate(131865.32)

        SV_dch_df = label_columns(t_dch, SV_dch, an.npoints, sep.npoints,

        # Obtain tag strings for dataframe columns
        tags = tag_strings(SV_dch_df)
        plot_sim(tags, SV_dch_df, 'Discharging', 0 + 2 * cycle_num, fig, axes)
        #        plot_meanPS(SV_dch_df, tags, 'Discharging')

        print('Done Discharging\n')


        if inputs.flag_req == 1:


            # New initial conditions from previous simulation
            SV_0 = SV_dch[-1, :]
            SV_dot_0 = SV_dot_dch[-1, :]

            # Set external current

            # Update problem instance initial conditions
            bat_req = res_class(res_class.res_fun, SV_0, SV_dot_0, t_0)
            bat_req.external_event_detection = True
            bat_req.algvar = algvar

            # Re-initialize simulation object
            sim_req = IDA(bat_req)
            sim_req.atol = atol
            sim_req.rtol = rtol
            sim_req.verbosity = sim_output

            t_req, SV_req, SV_dot_req = sim_req.simulate(t_f)

            SV_req_df = label_columns(t_req, SV_req, an.npoints, sep.npoints,

            #            plot_sim(tags, SV_req_df, 'Re-Equilibrating', 1, fig, axes)

            print('Done re-equilibrating\n')
            SV_req = SV_dch
            SV_dot_req = SV_dot_dch

        if 'dog' in inputs.ctifile:

            SV_0 = SV_req[-1, :]
            SV_dot_0 = SV_dot_req[-1, :]

            SV_0[cat.ptr_vec['eps_S8']] = cat.eps_cutoff


            # Update problem instance initial conditions
            bat_ch = res_class(res_class.res_fun, SV_0, SV_dot_0, t_0)
            bat_ch.external_event_detection = True
            bat_ch.algvar = algvar

            # Re-initialize simulation object
            sim_ch = IDA(bat_ch)
            sim_ch.atol = atol_ch
            sim_ch.rtol = rtol_ch
            if cycle_num > 0:
                sim_ch.maxh = 0.1
            sim_ch.verbosity = sim_output

            t_ch, SV_ch, SV_dot_ch = sim_ch.simulate(t_f)

            SV_ch_df = label_columns(t_ch, SV_ch, an.npoints, sep.npoints,

            plot_sim(tags, SV_ch_df, 'Charging',
                     1 + inputs.flag_req + 2 * cycle_num, fig, axes)

            plot_meanPS(SV_ch_df, tags, 'Charging')
        SV_ch_df = 0
        #        print('Max S_8(e) concentration = ', max(SV_ch[:, 6]))
        #        SV_0_cycle = SV_ch[-1, :]
        #        SV_dot_0_cycle = SV_ch[-1, :]

        print('Done Charging\n')

    exp_data_01C = pd.read_csv(r'0.1C Data.csv', header=None)
    exp_data_05C = pd.read_csv(r'0.5C Data.csv', header=None)
    exp_data_1C = pd.read_csv(r'1C Data.csv', header=None)
    Bessler = pd.read_csv(r'Bessler Dennis Data.csv', header=None)
    SV_copy = SV_dch_df.copy()
    SV_copy.loc[:, 'Time'] *= -cat.i_ext_amp * inputs.A_cat / 3600 / (
    "Set up your figure"
    fig = plt.figure(3)
    ax = fig.add_axes([0.2, 0.2, 0.6, 0.75])
    fig.set_size_inches((10., 5.0))
    #    ax2 = ax.twinx()
    "Formatting for the figure:"
    fs = 20  #font size for plots
    lw = 3.0  #line width for plots
    #    font = plt.matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(family='Times New Roman',size=fs-1)

    for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
        tick.label1.set_fontname('Times New Roman')
    for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
        tick.label1.set_fontname('Times New Roman')
    color = matplotlib.cm.plasma(inputs.C_rate)
    p1, = plt.plot(SV_copy.loc[:, 'Time'],
                   SV_copy.loc[:, 'Phi_ed1'],
    #    p2, = plt.plot(exp_data_01C.iloc[:,0], exp_data_01C.iloc[:,1], 'ro')
    #    p3, = plt.plot(exp_data_05C.iloc[:,0], exp_data_05C.iloc[:,1], 'co')
    #    p4, = plt.plot(exp_data_1C.iloc[:,0], exp_data_1C.iloc[:,1], 'ko')
    p5, = plt.plot(Bessler.iloc[:, 0], Bessler.iloc[:, 1], 'mo', ms=4)
    plt.xlim((0, 1700))
    plt.xticks([0, 400, 800, 1200, 1600])
    plt.ylim((1.8, 2.6))
    plt.ylabel(r'Cell Voltage $[\mathrm{V}]$',
               fontname='Times new Roman',
               fontsize=fs + 2,
        r'Capacity $[\mathrm{Ah} \hspace{0.5} \mathrm{kg}^{-1}_{\mathrm{sulfur}}]$',
        fontname='Times new Roman',
        fontsize=fs + 2,
    #        plt.legend(["Discharge", "Charge"])

    file_name_dch = 'dch' + str(inputs.C_rate) + "C_" + inputs.mech + '.csv'
    SV_dch = SV_dch_df.copy()
               'Time'] *= -cat.i_ext_amp * inputs.A_cat / 3600 / (cat.m_S_0 +
    SV_dch.to_csv(file_name_dch, index=False, header=True)

    t_elapsed = time.time() - t_count
    print('t_cpu=', t_elapsed, '\n')

    return SV_eq_df, SV_dch_df, SV_ch_df, tags
Ejemplo n.º 3
    # Volume fraction of SEI per cell
    res[-1] = SV_dot[-1]  
    return res


# Set up problem instance
SEI_1D = Implicit_Problem(residual, SV_0, SV_dot_0, t_0)

# Define simulation parameters
simulation = IDA(SEI_1D)                # Create simulation instance
simulation.atol = 1e-6                  # Solver absolute tolerance
simulation.rtol = 1e-6                  # Solver relative tolerance
simulation.maxh = 0.1                   # Solver max step size

# Set simulation end time, slope flag (for anode voltage cycle), and run simulation

t_f = ((phi_bounds[1] - phi_anode_0)/R)*5

#ncp_list = np.arange(0, t_f, 0.15)
#ncp = 10000
# Run simulation
t, SV, SV_dot = simulation.simulate(t_f)
# %% Organize data and plot

SV_df = pd.DataFrame(SV)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():

    res_class = eval(inputs.test_type)

    #    plt.close('all')
    t_count = time.time()

    SV_0 = sol_init.SV_0
    SV_dot_0 = np.zeros_like(SV_0)
    t_0 = 0.
    t_f = 3600. / inputs.C_rate
    algvar = sol_init.algvar
    atol = np.ones_like(SV_0) * 1e-5
    atol[cat.ptr_vec['eps_S8']] = 1e-25
    atol[cat.ptr_vec['eps_Li2S']] = 1e-25
    atol[cat.ptr_vec['rho_k_el']] = 1e-25
    #    atol = 1e-30;
    rtol = 1e-4
    sim_output = 50

    rate_tag = str(inputs.C_rate) + "C"

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(sharey="row", figsize=(9, 12), nrows=3, ncols=1)
    plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.15, hspace=0.4)
             bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5))

    # Set up user function to build figures based on inputs



    # Set external current to 0 for equilibration

    # Create problem object
    bat_eq = res_class(res_class.res_fun, SV_0, SV_dot_0, t_0)
    bat_eq.external_event_detection = True
    bat_eq.algvar = algvar

    # Create simulation object
    sim_eq = IDA(bat_eq)
    sim_eq.atol = atol
    sim_eq.rtol = rtol
    sim_eq.verbosity = sim_output

    t_eq, SV_eq, SV_dot_eq = sim_eq.simulate(t_f)

    # Put solution into pandas dataframe with labeled columns
    SV_eq_df = label_columns(t_eq, SV_eq, an.npoints, sep.npoints, cat.npoints)
    #    SV_eq_df = []

    # Obtain tag strings for dataframe columns
    tags = tag_strings(SV_eq_df)

    #    plot_sim(tags, SV_eq_df, 'Equilibrating', 0, fig, axes)
    #    print(SV_eq_df[tags['rho_el'][4:10]].iloc[-1])

    print('Done equilibrating\n')



    # New initial conditions from previous simulation
    SV_0 = SV_eq[-1, :]
    SV_dot_0 = SV_dot_eq[-1, :]

    # Set external current

    # Update problem instance initial conditions
    bat_dch = res_class(res_class.res_fun, SV_0, SV_dot_0, t_0)
    bat_dch.external_event_detection = True
    bat_dch.algvar = algvar

    # Re-initialize simulation object
    sim_dch = IDA(bat_dch)
    sim_dch.atol = atol
    sim_dch.rtol = rtol
    sim_dch.maxh = 5
    sim_dch.verbosity = sim_output

    t_dch, SV_dch, SV_dot_dch = sim_dch.simulate(t_f)

    #    if hasattr(cathode, 'get_tflag'):
    #        t_flag_ch = cathode.get_tflag

    SV_dch_df = label_columns(t_dch, SV_dch, an.npoints, sep.npoints,
    #    SV_dch_df = []
    # Obtain tag strings for dataframe columns
    #    tags = tag_strings(SV_ch_df)

    plot_sim(tags, SV_dch_df, 'Discharging', 1, fig, axes)

    plot_meanPS(SV_dch_df, tags)

    print('Done Discharging\n')


    #    if inputs.flag_req == 1:
    #        print('Re-equilibrating...')
    #        # New initial conditions from previous simulation
    #        SV_0 = SV_ch[-1, :]
    #        SV_dot_0 = SV_dot_ch[-1, :]
    #        # Set external current
    #        cat.set_i_ext(0)
    #        # Update problem instance initial conditions
    #        bat_req = res_class(res_class.res_fun, SV_0, SV_dot_0, t_0)
    #        bat_req.external_event_detection = True
    #        bat_req.algvar = algvar
    #        # Re-initialize simulation object
    #        sim_req = IDA(bat_req)
    #        sim_req.atol = atol
    #        sim_req.rtol = rtol
    #        sim_req.verbosity = sim_output
    #        sim_req.make_consistent('IDA_YA_YDP_INIT')
    #        t_req, SV_req, SV_dot_req = sim_req.simulate(t_f)
    #        SV_req_df = label_columns(t_req, SV_req, an.npoints, sep.npoints, cat.npoints)
    ##        plot_sim(tags, SV_req_df, 'Re-Equilibrating', 2-1, fig, axes)
    #        print('Done re-equilibrating\n')
    #    else:
    #        SV_req = SV_ch
    #        SV_dot_req = SV_dot_ch


    #    print('Charging...')
    #    SV_0 = SV_req[-1, :]
    #    SV_dot_0 = SV_dot_req[-1, :]
    #    cat.set_i_ext(-cat.i_ext_amp)
    #    # Update problem instance initial conditions
    #    bat_dch = res_class(res_class.res_fun, SV_0, SV_dot_0, t_0)
    #    bat_dch.external_event_detection = True
    #    bat_dch.algvar = algvar
    #    # Re-initialize simulation object
    #    sim_dch = IDA(bat_dch)
    #    sim_dch.atol = atol
    #    sim_dch.rtol = rtol
    #    sim_dch.verbosity = sim_output
    #    sim_dch.make_consistent('IDA_YA_YDP_INIT')
    #    t_dch, SV_dch, SV_dot_dch = sim_dch.simulate(t_f)
    ##    if hasattr(cathode, 'get_tflag'):
    ##        t_flag_dch = cathode.get_tflag
    #    SV_dch_df = label_columns(t_dch, SV_dch, an.npoints, sep.npoints, cat.npoints)
    #    plot_sim(tags, SV_dch_df, 'Charging', 3, fig, axes)
    #    print('Done Charging\n')

    t_elapsed = time.time() - t_count
    print('t_cpu=', t_elapsed, '\n')

    return SV_eq_df, SV_dch_df, tags  #SV_eq_df, SV_req_df #, SV_dch_df