def p_exec_stmt2(self, p): ''' exec_stmt : EXEC expr IN test ''' exec_stmt = ast.Exec() exec_stmt.body = p[2] exec_stmt.globals = p[4] exec_stmt.locals = None p[0] = exec_stmt
def p_exec_stmt1(self, p): ''' exec_stmt : EXEC expr ''' exec_stmt = ast.Exec() exec_stmt.body = p[2] exec_stmt.globals = None exec_stmt.locals = None p[0] = exec_stmt
def visitExec(self, node): # ('body', 'globals', 'locals') if node.globals is not None: raise cast.CError(node, NotImplementedError, ("exec globals is not allowed in openCL")) if node.locals is not None: raise cast.CError(node, NotImplementedError, "exec locals is not allowed in openCL") body = self.visit(node.body) return ast.Exec(body, None, None)
def as_ast(dct): """See""" if dct['ast_type'] == "Module": return ast.Module(dct["body"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Interactive": return ast.Interactive(dct["body"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Expression": return ast.Expression(dct["body"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Suite": return ast.Suite(dct["body"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "FunctionDef": return ast.FunctionDef(dct["name"], dct["args"], dct["body"], dct["decorator_list"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "ClassDef": return ast.ClassDef(dct["name"], dct["bases"], dct["body"], dct["decorator_list"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Return": return ast.Return(dct["value"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Delete": return ast.Delete(dct["targets"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Assign": return ast.Assign(dct["targets"], dct["value"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "AugAssign": return ast.AugAssign(dct["target"], dct["op"], dct["value"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Print": return ast.Print(dct["dest"], dct["values"], dct["nl"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "For": return ast.For(dct["target"], dct["iter"], dct["body"], dct["orelse"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "While": return ast.While(dct["test"], dct["body"], dct["orelse"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "If": return ast.If(dct["test"], dct["body"], dct["orelse"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "With": return ast.With(dct["context_expr"], dct["optional_vars"], dct["body"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Raise": return ast.Raise(dct["type"], dct["inst"], dct["tback"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "TryExcept": return ast.TryExcept(dct["body"], dct["handlers"], dct["orelse"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "TryFinally": return ast.TryFinally(dct["body"], dct["finalbody"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Assert": return ast.Assert(dct["test"], dct["msg"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Import": return ast.Import(dct["names"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "ImportFrom": return ast.ImportFrom(dct["module"], dct["names"], dct["level"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Exec": return ast.Exec(dct["body"], dct["globals"], dct["locals"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Global": return ast.Global(dct["names"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Expr": return ast.Expr(dct["value"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Pass": return ast.Pass() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Break": return ast.Break() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Continue": return ast.Continue() elif dct['ast_type'] == "BoolOp": return ast.BoolOp(dct["op"], dct["values"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "BinOp": return ast.BinOp(dct["left"], dct["op"], dct["right"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "UnaryOp": return ast.UnaryOp(dct["op"], dct["operand"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Lambda": return ast.Lambda(dct["args"], dct["body"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "IfExp": return ast.IfExp(dct["test"], dct["body"], dct["orelse"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Dict": return ast.Dict(dct["keys"], dct["values"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Set": return ast.Set(dct["elts"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "ListComp": return ast.ListComp(dct["elt"], dct["generators"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "SetComp": return ast.SetComp(dct["elt"], dct["generators"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "DictComp": return ast.DictComp(dct["key"], dct["value"], dct["generators"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "GeneratorExp": return ast.GeneratorExp(dct["elt"], dct["generators"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Yield": return ast.Yield(dct["value"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Compare": return ast.Compare(dct["left"], dct["ops"], dct["comparators"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Call": return ast.Call(dct["func"], dct["args"], dct["keywords"], dct["starargs"], dct["kwargs"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Repr": return ast.Repr(dct["value"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Num": return ast.Num(dct["n"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Str": # Converting to ASCII return ast.Str(dct["s"].encode('ascii', 'ignore')) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Attribute": return ast.Attribute(dct["value"], dct["attr"], dct["ctx"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Subscript": return ast.Subscript(dct["value"], dct["slice"], dct["ctx"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Name": return ast.Name(dct["id"], dct["ctx"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "List": return ast.List(dct["elts"], dct["ctx"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Tuple": return ast.Tuple(dct["elts"], dct["ctx"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Load": return ast.Load() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Store": return ast.Store() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Del": return ast.Del() elif dct['ast_type'] == "AugLoad": return ast.AugLoad() elif dct['ast_type'] == "AugStore": return ast.AugStore() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Param": return ast.Param() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Ellipsis": return ast.Ellipsis() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Slice": return ast.Slice(dct["lower"], dct["upper"], dct["step"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "ExtSlice": return ast.ExtSlice(dct["dims"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "Index": return ast.Index(dct["value"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "And": return ast.And() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Or": return ast.Or() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Add": return ast.Add() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Sub": return ast.Sub() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Mult": return ast.Mult() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Div": return ast.Div() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Mod": return ast.Mod() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Pow": return ast.Pow() elif dct['ast_type'] == "LShift": return ast.LShift() elif dct['ast_type'] == "RShift": return ast.RShift() elif dct['ast_type'] == "BitOr": return ast.BitOr() elif dct['ast_type'] == "BitXor": return ast.BitXor() elif dct['ast_type'] == "BitAnd": return ast.BitAnd() elif dct['ast_type'] == "FloorDiv": return ast.FloorDiv() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Invert": return ast.Invert() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Not": return ast.Not() elif dct['ast_type'] == "UAdd": return ast.UAdd() elif dct['ast_type'] == "USub": return ast.USub() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Eq": return ast.Eq() elif dct['ast_type'] == "NotEq": return ast.NotEq() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Lt": return ast.Lt() elif dct['ast_type'] == "LtE": return ast.LtE() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Gt": return ast.Gt() elif dct['ast_type'] == "GtE": return ast.GtE() elif dct['ast_type'] == "Is": return ast.Is() elif dct['ast_type'] == "IsNot": return ast.IsNot() elif dct['ast_type'] == "In": return ast.In() elif dct['ast_type'] == "NotIn": return ast.NotIn() elif dct['ast_type'] == "comprehension": return ast.comprehension(dct["target"], dct["iter"], dct["ifs"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "ExceptHandler": return ast.ExceptHandler(dct["type"], dct["name"], dct["body"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "arguments": return ast.arguments(dct["args"], dct["vararg"], dct["kwarg"], dct["defaults"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "keyword": return ast.keyword(dct["arg"], dct["value"]) elif dct['ast_type'] == "alias": return ast.alias(dct["name"], dct["asname"]) else: return dct
def visitExec(self, n, *args): body = self.dispatch(n.body, *args) globals = self.dispatch(n.globals, *args) if n.globals else None locals = self.dispatch(n.locals, *args) if n.locals else None return ast.Exec(body=body, globals=globals, locals=locals)
def test_empty_init(self): # Jython 2.5.0 did not allow empty constructors for many ast node types # but CPython ast nodes do allow this. For the moment, I don't see a # reason to allow construction of the super types (like ast.AST and # ast.stmt) as well as the op types that are implemented as enums in # Jython (like boolop), but I've left them in but commented out for # now. We may need them in the future since CPython allows this, but # it may fall under implementation detail. #ast.AST() ast.Add() ast.And() ast.Assert() ast.Assign() ast.Attribute() ast.AugAssign() ast.AugLoad() ast.AugStore() ast.BinOp() ast.BitAnd() ast.BitOr() ast.BitXor() ast.BoolOp() ast.Break() ast.Call() ast.ClassDef() ast.Compare() ast.Continue() ast.Del() ast.Delete() ast.Dict() ast.Div() ast.Ellipsis() ast.Eq() ast.Exec() ast.Expr() ast.Expression() ast.ExtSlice() ast.FloorDiv() ast.For() ast.FunctionDef() ast.GeneratorExp() ast.Global() ast.Gt() ast.GtE() ast.If() ast.IfExp() ast.Import() ast.ImportFrom() ast.In() ast.Index() ast.Interactive() ast.Invert() ast.Is() ast.IsNot() ast.LShift() ast.Lambda() ast.List() ast.ListComp() ast.Load() ast.Lt() ast.LtE() ast.Mod() ast.Module() ast.Mult() ast.Name() ast.Not() ast.NotEq() ast.NotIn() ast.Num() ast.Or() ast.Param() ast.Pass() ast.Pow() ast.Print() ast.RShift() ast.Raise() ast.Repr() ast.Return() ast.Slice() ast.Store() ast.Str() ast.Sub() ast.Subscript() ast.Suite() ast.TryExcept() ast.TryFinally() ast.Tuple() ast.UAdd() ast.USub() ast.UnaryOp() ast.While() ast.With() ast.Yield() ast.alias() ast.arguments() #ast.boolop() #ast.cmpop() ast.comprehension() #ast.excepthandler() #ast.expr() #ast.expr_context() ast.keyword()