def translateStmt(n): if n.type == 's-if': return translateStmtIf(n) elif n.type == 's-return': return translateStmtReturn(n) elif n.type == 's-assert': return translateStmtAssert(n) elif n.type == 's-assign': return translateStmtAssign(n) elif n.type == 's-case': return translateStmtCase(n) elif n.type == 's-decls': return translateStmtDecls(n) elif n.type == 's-for-up': return ast.Pass() elif n.type == 's-for-down': return ast.Pass() elif n.type == 's-expr': return translateStmtExpr(n) elif n.type == 's-constant': return translateStmtConstant(n) elif n.type == 's-repeat': return ast.Pass() elif n.type == 's-while': return ast.Pass() elif n.type == 's-undefined': return ast.Expr(ast.Call(ast.NameConstant('UNDEFINED'), [], [])) elif n.type == 's-implementation-defined': return ast.Expr( ast.Call(ast.NameConstant('IMPLEMENTATION_DEFINED'), [], [])) else: raise Exception('unknown node type: %s' % (n, ))
def generic_visit(self, node): import ast import sys ast.NodeTransformer.generic_visit(self, node) if isinstance(node, ast.stmt) and not isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef): if sys.version_info[0] == 3: new_node = ast.Try(body=[node], handlers=[ ast.ExceptHandler(type=None, name=None, body=[ast.Pass()]) ], orelse=[], finalbody=[ast.Pass()]) else: new_node = ast.TryExcept(body=[node], handlers=[ ast.ExceptHandler( type=None, name=None, body=[ast.Pass()]) ], orelse=[]) return ast.copy_location(new_node, node) return node
def test_empty_If(self): if_ = ast.If(ast.Num(2), [], []) self._test_empty_body(if_) # An empty 'else' clause should be eliminated. if_else = ast.If(ast.Num(42), [ast.Pass()], [ast.Pass()]) expect = ast.If(ast.Num(42), [ast.Pass()], []) self.check_transform(if_else, expect)
def emit_if(cond, ifb, elseb, scope): cond = resolve_value(cond, scope) if ifb.v: ifb = list(eat(iter(ifb.v), [], scope)) lastv = ifb.pop() if isinstance(lastv, ast.Expr): lastv = lastv.value if isinstance(lastv, ast.Assign): lastv.targets.append(ast.Name(id=',', ctx=ast.Store())) ifb.append(lastv) elif isinstance(lastv, ast.If): ifb.append(lastv) else: ifb.extend(emit_set(EId(None, ','), lastv, scope)) else: ifb = [ast.Pass()] if elseb.v: elseb = list(eat(iter(elseb.v), [], scope)) lastv = elseb.pop() if isinstance(lastv, ast.Expr): lastv = lastv.value if isinstance(lastv, ast.Assign): lastv.targets.append(ast.Name(id=',', ctx=ast.Store())) elseb.append(lastv) elif isinstance(lastv, ast.If): elseb.append(lastv) else: elseb.extend(emit_set(EId(None, ','), lastv, scope)) else: elseb = [ast.Pass()] yield ast.fix_missing_locations(ast.If(cond, ifb, elseb))
def test_Try(self): # try/except where 'except' is only dead code. exc_clause = ast.ExceptHandler(None, None, [ast.Expr(ast.Str('dead code'))]) try_exc = ast.Try([ast.Pass()], [exc_clause], [], []) expect = ast.Try([ast.Pass()], [ast.ExceptHandler(None, None, [ast.Pass()])], [], []) self.check_transform(try_exc, expect)
def test_empty_While(self): while_ = ast.While(ast.Num(42), [], []) self._test_empty_body(while_) # An empty 'else' clause should be eliminated. while_else = ast.While(ast.Num(42), [ast.Pass()], [ast.Pass()]) expect = ast.While(ast.Num(42), [ast.Pass()], []) self.check_transform(while_else, expect)
def test_deeply_nested(self): with_C = ast.With([self.C_clause], [ast.Pass()]) with_B = ast.With([self.B_clause], [with_C]) with_A = ast.With([self.A_clause], [with_B]) new_ast = self.transform.visit(with_A) expect = ast.With([self.A_clause, self.B_clause, self.C_clause], [ast.Pass()]) self.assertEqual(ast.dump(new_ast), ast.dump(expect))
def test_empty_For(self): for_ = ast.For(ast.Name('X', ast.Store()), ast.Str('a'), [], []) self._test_empty_body(for_) # An empty 'else' clause should just go away for_else = ast.For(ast.Name('X', ast.Store()), ast.Str('a'), [ast.Pass()], [ast.Pass()]) expect = ast.For(ast.Name('X', ast.Store()), ast.Str('a'), [ast.Pass()], []) self.check_transform(for_else, expect)
def translateBlock(n): items = [] if n is None: return [ast.Pass()] for x in n.children: s = translateStmt(x) if not isinstance(s, list): s = [s] items += s if len(items) == 0: return [ast.Pass()] return items
def get_import_code(self, node, fname='<string>'): """Get compiled code of all top-level import statements found in the AST of node.""" self._import_nodes = [] self.visit(node) body = [] for imp_node in self._import_nodes: if isinstance(imp_node, ast.ImportFrom) and \ imp_node.module == '__future__': # 'SyntaxError: from __future__ imports must occur at the # beginning of the file' is raised if a 'from __future__ import' # is wrapped in try-except, so use only the import statement. body.append(imp_node) else: body.append( ast.TryExcept(body=[imp_node], handlers=[ ast.ExceptHandler(type=None, name=None, body=[ast.Pass()]) ], orelse=[])) node = ast.Module(body=body) ast.fix_missing_locations(node) code = compile(node, fname, 'exec') return code
def visit(self, node): # perform analysis on whole AST as a first phase # (only called once) if self.analysis is None: self.analysis = AnalyzeGeneratorFunction() self.analysis.visit(node) if is None: raise Exception( "Analysis did not find an iterable input to " "the Generator. Conversion to a Coroutine cannot be done.") self.loopsToBeWrapped = copy.copy(self.analysis.loopsToBeConverted) self.moreValuesAvailableId = "moreValuesAvailable" while self.moreValuesAvailableId in self.analysis.loadedNames: self.moreValuesAvailableId += str(random.randint(0, 1000000)) if node in self.analysis.nodesToBeDeleted: return ast.Pass() if node in self.analysis.nextCallsToBeConverted: return ast.Yield(value=None) if node in self.analysis.stopIterationsToBeConverted: return ast.Name(id='GeneratorExit', ctx=ast.Load()) return super(InvertGenerator, self).visit(node)
def astForCFor(funcEnv, stmnt): assert isinstance(stmnt, CForStatement) assert len(stmnt.args) == 3 assert isinstance( stmnt.args[1], CStatement ) # second arg is the check; we must be able to evaluate that # introduce dummy 'if' AST so that we have a scope for the for-loop (esp. the first statement) ifAst = ast.If(body=[], orelse=[], test=ast.Name(id="True", ctx=ast.Load())) funcEnv.pushScope(ifAst.body) cStatementToPyAst(funcEnv, stmnt.args[0]) whileAst = ast.While(body=[], orelse=[], test=ast.Name(id="True", ctx=ast.Load())) ifAst.body.append(whileAst) ifTestAst = ast.If(body=[ast.Pass()], orelse=[ast.Break()]) ifTestAst.test = getAstNode_valueFromObj( funcEnv.globalScope.stateStruct, *astAndTypeForCStatement(funcEnv, stmnt.args[1])) whileAst.body.append(ifTestAst) funcEnv.pushScope(whileAst.body) if stmnt.body is not None: cCodeToPyAstList(funcEnv, stmnt.body) cStatementToPyAst(funcEnv, stmnt.args[2]) funcEnv.popScope() # whileAst / main for-body funcEnv.popScope() # ifAst return ifAst
def make(cls, node: ast.AST) -> ast.AST: if isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef): ann_assigns = [ each for each in node.body if isinstance(each, ast.AnnAssign) and isinstance(, ast.Name) ] cons = ast.FunctionDef( name='__init__', args=ast.arguments( args=[ ast.arg('self', None), *[ ast.arg(, each.annotation) for each in ann_assigns ] ], vararg=None, kwonlyargs=[], kwarg=None, defaults=[]), body=[ast.Pass()], decorator_list=[], returns=None, ) node = copy.copy(node) lst = node.decorator_list lst = [ each for each in lst if not check_decorator(each, cls.__name__) ] node.body.insert(0, cons) node.decorator_list = lst return node return node