def __init__(self): Astar.__init__(self) Bfs.__init__(self) pygame.init() self.display_width = 1020+2+200 self.display_height = 570+2+300-210 self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.display_width,self.display_height)) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.display.set_caption(u'Path Finding Visualizer') self.width = 34 self.height =22 self.walls = list() self.maze = [[]] self.white = (255,255,255) = (255,0,0) self.less_red = (150,0,0) = (0,255,0) self.less_blue = (0,150,0) = (0,0,255) self.less_green = (0,0,150) = (0,0,0) self.grid_color = (0,150,255)
def initialize(self): ''' Initializes, and runs the initial domain filtering loop. ''' self.gac.initialize(, self.constraints) = self.gac.domain_filtering_loop() self.astar = Astar(self)
def publish_astar(self): obj = Astar() obj.astar_func(self.path_array) for i in range(len(self.path_array)): rospy.sleep(1) msg = AStarPath() = self.path_array[i] self.astar_pub.publish(msg)
def initialize(self): ''' Initializes by running the first domain filtering loop. ''' self.gac.initialize(, self.constraints) = self.gac.domain_filtering_loop() self.astar = Astar(self)
def __init__(self, app, pos): = app self.grid_pos = pos self.pix_pos = self.get_pix_pos() self.step = 0 self.index = 0 self.flag = True self.astar = Astar() self.bfs = 0
def generate_paths(self, algo="a-star"): if algo == "a-star": for robot in self.robots: astar = Astar(robot.pose, robot.goal, self.obstacles) robot.path = astar.generate_path() elif algo == "rrt": for robot in self.robots: rrt = RRT(robot.pose, robot.goal, self.obstacles) robot.path = rrt.generate_path() else: print "No such algo currently exists." return
def getPathFromAstar(self): self.gettingAstarPath = True if self.astarPath == None or self.getNextAstarPath: self.astarPath = Astar(self.head.pos(),, self.getBodyPositions(), self.grid) self.getNextAstarPath = False try: self.toward(self.astarPath[self.astarPath.index(self.head.pos()) + 1]) except: ValueError return self.astarPath
def run(n, a, display): # s = ( (1,2,4,7,5,3,0,8,6),(2,0) ) # t = ( (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,0),(2,2) ) for i in range(n * n): if a[i] == 0: idx = i s = (tuple(a), (idx // n, idx % n)) a = [] for i in range(1, n * n): a.append(i) a.append(0) t = (tuple(a), (n - 1, n - 1)) algo = Astar(n, s, t) while True: if not algo.found: idx = drawBoard(n, idx[0], display) if idx == t: path = algo.createPath() time.sleep(3) for idx in path: drawBoard(n, idx[0], display) time.sleep(2) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: exit()
def initialize(self): """ Initializes, and runs the initial domain filtering loop. """ self.gac.initialize(, self.constraints) = self.gac.domain_filtering_loop() self.astar = Astar(self)
def test_astar1(self): nodes1 = { "A": [("B", 2), ("D", 3)], "B": [("A", 2), ("D", 5), ("C", 2)], "C": [("B", 2), ("F", 1)], "D": [("A", 3), ("B", 5), ("E", 8), ("G", 7)], "E": [("D", 8), ("G", 5)], "F": [("C", 1), ("H", 3)], "G": [("E", 5), ("D", 7), ("H", 2)], "H": [("G", 2), ("F", 3)] } astar1 = Astar(nodes1, "A", "H") result1 = self.assertEqual(result1, ['A', 'B', 'C', 'F', 'H'])
def search_exe(self): Astar() #self.path_pub.publish(path) MDP() QL() self.finish_pub.publish(True) rospy.sleep(10) rospy.signal_shutdown("Finish Simulation")
def analysis(): aFile = open("analysis.csv","w+") aFile.write("algo, totLengthOfSolution, avgLenghtOfSolution, totNoSolution, avgNoSolution, totExec, avgExec, optimality") file = open(inputPath,"r") pNum = 0 for line in file: algoAnalysis(Astar(puzzleNumber=pNum, input=line, heuristic="h1")) aFile.close()
def openBoard(self): ''' Opens the file system, allowing you to select a board from a text file. It then builds a board based on what is selected. ''' filename = askopenfilename(parent=root) self.board = Board(filename) self.gui.clear() gui.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand="false") self.astar = Astar(self.board.startnode)
def draw_random_graph(n): """ vytvoří náhdný graf o n nodech a přetvoří ho do datové struktury grafu pomocí slovníku a nalezne v něm cestu""" try: p = 0.15 if n < 80 else 0.05 G = ER(n, p) a = nx.convert.to_dict_of_lists(G) dict_values = a.items() new_a = {str(key): value for key, value in dict_values} dict_values2 = new_a.items() for key, value in dict_values2: new_a[key] = [(str(v), random.randint(1, 2)) for v in value] astar = Astar(new_a, str(random.randint(0, n)), str(random.randint(0, n))) #print( shortest_path = [int(i) for i in] print(shortest_path) node_colors = [ "blue" if n in shortest_path else "red" for n in G.nodes() ] pos = nx.spring_layout(G) nx.draw_networkx(G, pos, node_color=node_colors) for i in range(0, len(shortest_path)): if i + 1 == len(shortest_path): break nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, edgelist=[(shortest_path[i], shortest_path[i + 1])], edge_color="blue", width=2) except: print("cesta neexistuje")
def main(args): # Astar Module if args.model == "astar": model = Astar() # Reinforcement Learning module elif args.model == "rl": model = Rl() # Dummy test elif args.model == "dummy": model = Dummy() # Create an environment env = gym.make('voilier-v2').unwrapped state = env.reset() # TODO Get range from argument for step in range(0, 200, 1): action = model.step(state) state, _, _, _ = env.step(action) env.render()
def __init__(self, n_features, n_actions): self.n_features = n_features self.n_actions = n_actions # env, simulate observations env = open('env_hole.pkl', 'rb') self.observe_env = pickle.load(env) env.close() env = open('env_hole_vol.pkl', 'rb') self.observe_vol = pickle.load(env) env.close() # current position self.pos_x = None self.pos_y = 1.0 self.pos_z = None # 8 action dim self.action_labels = [ '0', '45', '90', '135', '180', '225', '270', '315' ] = Actor(self.n_features, self.n_actions, lr=0.004)"save/multiple/hole/save100.ckpt") # fixme, first define critic before load : will report bug for not found in checkpoint self.critic = Critic(self.n_features, self.n_actions, lr=0.003, gamma=0.95) # fixme, use trained model to predict self.bin_graph = tf.Graph() with self.bin_graph.as_default(): self.bin_classfic = BinSupervisor(366, 2) # fixme, avoid obstacles, env defined in A star self.astar = Astar()
def test_astar2(self): nodes2 = { "A": [("B", 2), ("E", 2)], "B": [("A", 2), ("C", 2)], "C": [("B", 2), ("D", 2)], "D": [("C", 2), ("G", 2)], "E": [("A", 2), ("J", 3)], "F": [("B", 2), ("K", 2), ("G", 2)], "G": [("F", 2), ("D", 2), ("L", 4), ("H", 3)], "H": [("G", 3), ("I", 2)], "I": [("H", 2), ("M", 3)], "J": [("E", 3), ("O", 4)], "K": [("F", 2), ("O", 2)], "L": [("G", 4), ("M", 1), ("P", 5)], "M": [("I", 3), ("L", 1)], "O": [("K", 2), ("J", 4)], "P": [("L", 5)] } astar2 = Astar(nodes2, "A", "P") result2 = self.assertEqual(result2, ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'G', 'L', 'P'])
def run(self): while not self.exit: self.screen.fill((255, 255, 255)) self.draw_grid(self.screen, self.grid, self.grid_size, self.margin) algorithm = Astar(self.grid, self.start, self.end) path = algorithm.astar() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.exit = True if path == 'failure': print('failure') else: for path_node in path: self.show_node(self.screen, (52, 158, 235), path_node.x, path_node.y, self.margin) pygame.display.flip() self.clock.tick(self.ticks) pygame.quit()
def main_1(): dim = 3 goal = Puzzle( np.insert(np.arange(1, dim * dim), dim * dim - 1, 0).reshape(dim, dim)) time1 = [] time2 = [] space1 = [] space2 = [] for i in range(15): while True: start = Puzzle( np.random.permutation(np.arange(dim * dim)).reshape( (dim, dim))) if start.solvable(): break t_1 = time.time() p1 = Astar('manhattan', start, goal) h1 = t_2 = time.time() t_f = t_2 - t_1 time1.append(t_f) space1.append(np.mean([j for i, j in h1])) t_11 = time.time() p2 = Astar('hamming', start, goal) h2 = t_22 = time.time() t_ff = t_22 - t_11 time2.append(t_ff) space2.append(np.mean([j for i, j in h2])) a = plt.plot(time1, 'blue') b = plt.plot(time2, 'red') plt.legend(['Manhattan', 'Hamming']) plt.xlabel('puzzle') plt.ylabel('tiempo') plt.title('Tiempo A*') a = plt.plot(space1, 'blue') b = plt.plot(space2, 'red') plt.legend(['Manhattan', 'Hamming']) plt.xlabel('puzzle') plt.ylabel('espacio') plt.title('Espacio A*') print(time1) print(space1) print(time2) print(space2)
def animate_astar(self): a,path,self.maze,1,self.start_node,self.end_node) for a in a: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen,self.less_red,(a.position[0]*30,a.position[1]*30,29,29)) pygame.display.update() self.clock.tick(60) draw = [] for i,j in enumerate(path): for k,l in enumerate(j): if l is not -1: draw.append((i,k)) for i in draw[::-1]: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen,,(i[0]*30,i[1]*30,29,29)) self.clock.tick(200) pygame.display.update()
class Probleminstance: """ Class holding a state of the problem, with domains and constraints. Also used to represent a node in astar. """ def __init__(self, domains, constraint_list): """ Initializes information, and sets the constraint formula. """ # A* INFO self.h = 0 self.g = 0 self.f = 0 self.predecessor = None self.neighbours = [] # GAC INFO self.constraints = Constraints( "column[y_index] == row[x_index]", ["column", "row", "x_index", "y_index"], constraint_list ) = domains # init gac self.gac = Gac_nonogram() def initialize(self): """ Initializes, and runs the initial domain filtering loop. """ self.gac.initialize(, self.constraints) = self.gac.domain_filtering_loop() self.astar = Astar(self) def solve(self): """ Iteratively ran to find new states. """ self.current = self.astar.solve("A*") return [self.current, self.astar.prev_current] def is_solution(self): """ Returns true if this state is a solution state, false if not. """ for domain in if len([domain]) != 1: return False return True def get_neighbours(self): """ Returns the neighbours of this state. """ minlen = float("inf") current_domain = None neighbours = list() for domain in if len([domain]) == 1: continue if (len([domain])) < minlen: minlen = len([domain]) current_domain = domain for variation in[current_domain]: copy_domains = copy.deepcopy( copy_domains[current_domain] = [variation] copy_domains = self.gac.rerun(copy_domains, current_domain, self.constraints) pi = Probleminstance(copy_domains, self.constraints.involved) neighbours.append(pi) self.neighbours = neighbours return neighbours def get_arc_cost(self): """ Returns the cost of moving from this state. Always 1 in this problem. """ return 1 def get_h(self): """ Returns the h value, based on the amount of possible values for each row and column. """ h = 0 for domain in h += len([domain]) self.h = h return h def is_illegal(self): """ Returns true if this is a legal state, false if not. """ for node in if[node] == []: return True for constraint_node in self.constraints.involved[node]: legal = False for x_domain in[node]: for y_domain in[constraint_node]: x_index = node[1] y_index = constraint_node[1] if self.constraints.expression(x_domain, y_domain, x_index, y_index): legal = True if legal == False: return True return False def __lt__(self, other): """ Less than comparison, compares on f primarily, h secondarily. Used by astar. """ if self.f == other.f: return self.h < other.h return self.f < other.f def __eq__(self, other): """ Equals operator, checks if the domains are equal. """ return == def __str__(self): """ String representation of this state's domains. """ return str(
if __name__ == "__main__": Game = CreateGame() game = Game.create_game(int(sys.argv[1]),int(sys.argv[2])) #game = [['D'],['E','F','I','J'],['B','G'],['C','H'],['A']] #game = [['F', 'C', 'B', 'G', 'I', 'J','K', 'L','M', 'N', 'O','P', 'Q', 'A'], ['D', 'H'], ['E']] target_game = Game.create_target(int(sys.argv[1]),int(sys.argv[2])) #target_game = Game.create_target(3,10) start = Node(game) target = Node(target_game) #heurstics = {"default":"Default (blocks out of place)","M":"Matching Rows","De":"Euclidean Distance","Dm":"Manhattan Distance"} #heurstics = {"M":"matching rows"} #heurstics = {"default":"default heur"} heurstics = {"default":"default heur(out of place blocks)","M":"Matching rows"} for h in heurstics.keys(): mode = h A = Astar() ans,iter_count,front_len,visited = A.a_star(start,target,mode) print "____Some Statistics____" print "Heuristic :",heurstics[h] print "Max frontier length",front_len print "Length of path",len(ans) print "Number of iterations",iter_count print "Visited States",visited print "Solutio path:" Game.print_moves(ans[::-1]) #if ans: # print_moves(ans[::-1]) #else: # print "No Solution exists" #print_moves(start.successor()) #print_moves(successor(game))
def execute_algo(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.running = False # BFS if self.algorithm_state == 'bfs': self.bfs = BreadthFirst(self, self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y, self.end_node_x, self.end_node_y, self.wall_pos) if self.start_node_x or self.end_node_x is not None: self.bfs.bfs_execute() if self.bfs.route_found: self.draw_path = VisualizePath(self.screen, self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y, self.bfs.route, []) self.draw_path.get_path_coords() self.draw_path.draw_path() else: self.draw_text('NO ROUTE FOUND!', self.screen, [768, 384], 50, RED, FONT, center=True) # DFS elif self.algorithm_state == 'dfs': self.dfs = DepthFirst(self, self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y, self.end_node_x, self.end_node_y, self.wall_pos) if self.start_node_x or self.end_node_x is not None: self.dfs.dfs_execute() if self.dfs.route_found: self.draw_path = VisualizePath(self.screen, self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y, self.dfs.route, []) self.draw_path.get_path_coords() self.draw_path.draw_path() else: self.draw_text('NO ROUTE FOUND!', self.screen, [768, 384], 50, RED, FONT, center=True) # ASTAR elif self.algorithm_state == 'astar': self.astar = Astar(self, self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y, self.end_node_x, self.end_node_y, self.wall_pos) if self.start_node_x or self.end_node_x is not None: self.astar.astar_execute() if self.astar.route_found: self.draw_path = VisualizePath(self.screen, self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y, None, self.astar.route) self.draw_path.draw_path() else: self.draw_text('NO ROUTE FOUND!', self.screen, [768, 384], 50, RED, FONT, center=True) # DIJKSTRA elif self.algorithm_state == 'dijkstra': self.dijkstra = Dijkstra(self, self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y, self.end_node_x, self.end_node_y, self.wall_pos) if self.start_node_x or self.end_node_x is not None: self.dijkstra.dijkstra_execute() if self.dijkstra.route_found: self.draw_path = VisualizePath(self.screen, self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y, None, self.dijkstra.route) self.draw_path.draw_path() else: self.draw_text('NO ROUTE FOUND!', self.screen, [768, 384], 50, RED, FONT, center=True) pygame.display.update() self.state = 'aftermath'
class App: def __init__(self): self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.running = True self.state = 'main menu' self.algorithm_state = '' self.grid_square_length = 24 # self.load() self.start_end_checker = 0 self.mouse_drag = 0 # start and end nodes coordinates self.start_node_x = None self.start_node_y = None self.end_node_x = None self.end_node_y = None # wall nodes list self.wall_pos = wall_nodes_coords_list.copy() # main menu buttons self.bfs_button = Button(self, WHITE, 338, MAIN_BUTTON_Y_POS, MAIN_BUTTON_LENGTH, MAIN_BUTTON_HEIGHT, 'BFS') self.dfs_button = Button(self, WHITE, 558, MAIN_BUTTON_Y_POS, MAIN_BUTTON_LENGTH, MAIN_BUTTON_HEIGHT, 'DFS') self.astar_button = Button(self, WHITE, 778, MAIN_BUTTON_Y_POS, MAIN_BUTTON_LENGTH, MAIN_BUTTON_HEIGHT, 'Astar') self.dijkstra_button = Button(self, WHITE, 998, MAIN_BUTTON_Y_POS, MAIN_BUTTON_LENGTH, MAIN_BUTTON_HEIGHT, 'Dijkstra') # grid menu options self.start_end_node_button = Button(self, AQUAMARINE, 20, START_END_BUTTON_HEIGHT, GRID_BUTTON_LENGTH, GRID_BUTTON_HEIGHT, 'Start/End Node') self.wall_node_button = Button( self, AQUAMARINE, 20, START_END_BUTTON_HEIGHT + GRID_BUTTON_HEIGHT + BUTTON_SPACER, GRID_BUTTON_LENGTH, GRID_BUTTON_HEIGHT, 'Wall Node') self.reset_button = Button( self, AQUAMARINE, 20, START_END_BUTTON_HEIGHT + GRID_BUTTON_HEIGHT * 2 + BUTTON_SPACER * 2, GRID_BUTTON_LENGTH, GRID_BUTTON_HEIGHT, 'RESET') self.start_button = Button( self, AQUAMARINE, 20, START_END_BUTTON_HEIGHT + GRID_BUTTON_HEIGHT * 3 + BUTTON_SPACER * 3, GRID_BUTTON_LENGTH, GRID_BUTTON_HEIGHT, 'Visualize') self.main_menu_button = Button( self, AQUAMARINE, 20, START_END_BUTTON_HEIGHT + GRID_BUTTON_HEIGHT * 4 + BUTTON_SPACER * 4, GRID_BUTTON_LENGTH, GRID_BUTTON_HEIGHT, 'Main Menu') def run(self): while self.running: if self.state == 'main menu': self.main_menu_events() if self.state == 'grid window': self.grid_events() if self.state == 'draw S/E' or self.state == 'draw walls': self.draw_nodes() if self.state == 'start visualizing': self.execute_algo() if self.state == 'aftermath': self.reset_or_main_menu() pygame.quit() sys.exit() def load(self): # self.main_menu_background = pygame.image.load('background.png') # self.grid_background = pygame.image.load('grid.png') pass @staticmethod def draw_text(words, screen, pos, size, color, font_name, center=False): font = pygame.font.SysFont(font_name, size) text = font.render(words, False, color) text_size = text.get_size() if center: pos[0] = pos[0] - text_size[0] // 2 pos[1] = pos[1] - text_size[1] // 2 screen.blit(text, pos) def sketch_main_menu(self): # draw background # self.screen.blit(self.main_menu_background, (0, 0)) self.bfs_button.draw_button(AQUAMARINE) self.dfs_button.draw_button(AQUAMARINE) self.astar_button.draw_button(AQUAMARINE) self.dijkstra_button.draw_button(AQUAMARINE) def sketch_hotbar(self): self.screen.fill(BLACK) pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, WHITE, (0, 0, 240, 768), 0) # draw grid background # self.screen.blit(self.grid_background, (0, 0)) def sketch_grid(self): # add borders pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, ALICE, (240, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT), 0) pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, AQUAMARINE, (264, 24, GRID_WIDTH, GRID_HEIGHT), 0) # draw grid with size 52, 30 for x in range(52): pygame.draw.line(self.screen, ALICE, (GS_X + x * self.grid_square_length, GS_Y), (GS_X + x * self.grid_square_length, GE_Y)) for y in range(30): pygame.draw.line(self.screen, ALICE, (GS_X, GS_Y + y * self.grid_square_length), (GE_X, GS_Y + y * self.grid_square_length)) def sketch_grid_buttons(self): # draw buttons self.start_end_node_button.draw_button(STEELBLUE) self.wall_node_button.draw_button(STEELBLUE) self.reset_button.draw_button(STEELBLUE) self.start_button.draw_button(STEELBLUE) self.main_menu_button.draw_button(STEELBLUE) def set_menu_buttons_color(self, color): self.start_end_node_button.color = color self.wall_node_button.color = color self.reset_button.color = color self.start_button.color = color self.main_menu_button.color = color def grid_window_buttons(self, pos, event): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if self.start_end_node_button.isOver(pos): self.state = 'draw S/E' elif self.wall_node_button.isOver(pos): self.state = 'draw walls' elif self.reset_button.isOver(pos): self.execute_reset() elif self.start_button.isOver(pos): self.state = 'start visualizing' elif self.main_menu_button.isOver(pos): self.back_to_menu() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: if self.start_end_node_button.isOver(pos): self.start_end_node_button.color = MINT elif self.wall_node_button.isOver(pos): self.wall_node_button.color = MINT elif self.reset_button.isOver(pos): self.reset_button.color = MINT elif self.start_button.isOver(pos): self.start_button.color = MINT elif self.main_menu_button.isOver(pos): self.main_menu_button.color = MINT else: self.set_menu_buttons_color(STEELBLUE) def grid_button_keep_color(self): if self.state == 'draw S/E': self.start_end_node_button.color = MINT elif self.state == 'draw walls': self.wall_node_button.color = MINT def execute_reset(self): self.start_end_checker = 0 # reset start and end nodes coordinates self.start_node_x = None self.start_node_y = None self.end_node_x = None self.end_node_y = None # reset wall nodes list self.wall_pos = wall_nodes_coords_list.copy() # reset state self.state = 'grid window' def back_to_menu(self): self.start_end_checker = 0 # reset start and end nodes coordinates self.start_node_x = None self.start_node_y = None self.end_node_x = None self.end_node_y = None # reset wall nodes list self.wall_pos = wall_nodes_coords_list.copy() # switch state self.state = 'main menu' def set_algo_buttons_color(self, color): self.bfs_button.color = color self.dfs_button.color = color self.astar_button.color = color self.dijkstra_button.color = color def main_menu_events(self): # draw background pygame.display.update() self.sketch_main_menu() self.draw_text('Path Finding', self.screen, [1200, 720], 28, WHITE, FONT, center=False) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.running = False pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if self.bfs_button.isOver(pos): self.algorithm_state = 'bfs' self.state = 'grid window' if self.dfs_button.isOver(pos): self.algorithm_state = 'dfs' self.state = 'grid window' if self.astar_button.isOver(pos): self.algorithm_state = 'astar' self.state = 'grid window' if self.dijkstra_button.isOver(pos): self.algorithm_state = 'dijkstra' self.state = 'grid window' if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: if self.bfs_button.isOver(pos): self.bfs_button.color = AQUAMARINE elif self.dfs_button.isOver(pos): self.dfs_button.color = AQUAMARINE elif self.astar_button.isOver(pos): self.astar_button.color = AQUAMARINE elif self.dijkstra_button.isOver(pos): self.dijkstra_button.color = AQUAMARINE else: self.set_algo_buttons_color(WHITE) def grid_events(self): self.sketch_hotbar() self.sketch_grid() self.sketch_grid_buttons() pygame.display.update() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.running = False pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() self.grid_window_buttons(pos, event) def draw_nodes(self): self.grid_button_keep_color() self.sketch_grid_buttons() pygame.display.update() pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.running = False self.grid_window_buttons(pos, event) if 264 < pos[0] < 1512 and 24 < pos[1] < 744: x_grid_pos = (pos[0] - 264) // 24 y_grid_pos = (pos[1] - 24) // 24 if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self.mouse_drag = 1 if self.state == 'draw S/E' and self.start_end_checker < 2: # color and coordinates for start node if self.start_end_checker == 0: node_color = TOMATO self.start_node_x = x_grid_pos + 1 self.start_node_y = y_grid_pos + 1 self.start_end_checker += 1 # color and coordinates for end node, making sure it's different from start node elif self.start_end_checker == 1 \ and (x_grid_pos + 1, y_grid_pos + 1) != (self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y): node_color = ROYALBLUE self.end_node_x = x_grid_pos + 1 self.end_node_y = y_grid_pos + 1 self.start_end_checker += 1 else: continue # draw on the grid pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, node_color, (264 + x_grid_pos * 24, 24 + y_grid_pos * 24, 24, 24), 0) elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: self.mouse_drag = 0 # check to see if mouse drag is available to draw wall nodes if self.mouse_drag == 1: # draw wall nodes and append them accordingly # check for duplicates in the list and if they are overlapping start/end nodes if self.state == 'draw walls': if (x_grid_pos + 1, y_grid_pos + 1) not in self.wall_pos \ and (x_grid_pos + 1, y_grid_pos + 1) != (self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y) \ and (x_grid_pos + 1, y_grid_pos + 1) != (self.end_node_x, self.end_node_y): pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, BLACK, (264 + x_grid_pos * 24, 24 + y_grid_pos * 24, 24, 24), 0) self.wall_pos.append( (x_grid_pos + 1, y_grid_pos + 1)) for x in range(52): pygame.draw.line( self.screen, ALICE, (GS_X + x * self.grid_square_length, GS_Y), (GS_X + x * self.grid_square_length, GE_Y)) for y in range(30): pygame.draw.line( self.screen, ALICE, (GS_X, GS_Y + y * self.grid_square_length), (GE_X, GS_Y + y * self.grid_square_length)) def execute_algo(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.running = False # BFS if self.algorithm_state == 'bfs': self.bfs = BreadthFirst(self, self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y, self.end_node_x, self.end_node_y, self.wall_pos) if self.start_node_x or self.end_node_x is not None: self.bfs.bfs_execute() if self.bfs.route_found: self.draw_path = VisualizePath(self.screen, self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y, self.bfs.route, []) self.draw_path.get_path_coords() self.draw_path.draw_path() else: self.draw_text('NO ROUTE FOUND!', self.screen, [768, 384], 50, RED, FONT, center=True) # DFS elif self.algorithm_state == 'dfs': self.dfs = DepthFirst(self, self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y, self.end_node_x, self.end_node_y, self.wall_pos) if self.start_node_x or self.end_node_x is not None: self.dfs.dfs_execute() if self.dfs.route_found: self.draw_path = VisualizePath(self.screen, self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y, self.dfs.route, []) self.draw_path.get_path_coords() self.draw_path.draw_path() else: self.draw_text('NO ROUTE FOUND!', self.screen, [768, 384], 50, RED, FONT, center=True) # ASTAR elif self.algorithm_state == 'astar': self.astar = Astar(self, self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y, self.end_node_x, self.end_node_y, self.wall_pos) if self.start_node_x or self.end_node_x is not None: self.astar.astar_execute() if self.astar.route_found: self.draw_path = VisualizePath(self.screen, self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y, None, self.astar.route) self.draw_path.draw_path() else: self.draw_text('NO ROUTE FOUND!', self.screen, [768, 384], 50, RED, FONT, center=True) # DIJKSTRA elif self.algorithm_state == 'dijkstra': self.dijkstra = Dijkstra(self, self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y, self.end_node_x, self.end_node_y, self.wall_pos) if self.start_node_x or self.end_node_x is not None: self.dijkstra.dijkstra_execute() if self.dijkstra.route_found: self.draw_path = VisualizePath(self.screen, self.start_node_x, self.start_node_y, None, self.dijkstra.route) self.draw_path.draw_path() else: self.draw_text('NO ROUTE FOUND!', self.screen, [768, 384], 50, RED, FONT, center=True) pygame.display.update() self.state = 'aftermath' def reset_or_main_menu(self): self.sketch_grid_buttons() pygame.display.update() pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.running = False if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: if self.start_end_node_button.isOver(pos): self.start_end_node_button.color = MINT elif self.wall_node_button.isOver(pos): self.wall_node_button.color = MINT elif self.reset_button.isOver(pos): self.reset_button.color = MINT elif self.start_button.isOver(pos): self.start_button.color = MINT elif self.main_menu_button.isOver(pos): self.main_menu_button.color = MINT else: self.set_menu_buttons_color(STEELBLUE) if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if self.reset_button.isOver(pos): self.execute_reset() elif self.main_menu_button.isOver(pos): self.back_to_menu()
def runAlgorithm(algo): file = open(inputPath,"r") afile = open("analysis.csv","a") afile.write("\nAlgorithm, Puzzle, Cost, Length Of Solution, Length Of Search, Execution, No Solution, Optimality\n") goalstate1 = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0" goalstate2 = "1 3 5 7 2 4 6 0" totalLengthOfSolution = 0 totalLengthOfSearch = 0 totalNoSolution = 0 totalCost = 0 totalExecutionTime = 0 counter = 0 averageCost = averageExecutionTime = averageLengthOfSearch = averageLengthOfSolution = averageNoSolution = 0 i = 0 for line in file: lengthOfSolution = 0 lengthOfSearch = 0 duration = 0 cost = 0 analysis = None if algo == ucs: analysis = algoAnalysis(UniformCostSearch(puzzleNumber = i, initial = line.strip(), goal_state1 = goalstate1,goal_state2 = goalstate2)) elif algo == gbfsH0: analysis = algoAnalysis(GBFS(num = i, input = line.strip(), heuristic="h0", openList = [], closedList = [], goalState1=goalstate1, goalState2=goalstate2)) elif algo == gbfsH1: analysis = algoAnalysis(GBFS(num = i, input = line.strip(), heuristic="h1", openList = [], closedList = [], goalState1=goalstate1, goalState2=goalstate2)) elif algo == gbfsH2: analysis = algoAnalysis(GBFS(num = i, input = line.strip(), heuristic="h2", openList = [], closedList = [], goalState1=goalstate1, goalState2=goalstate2)) elif algo == gbfsH3: analysis = algoAnalysis(GBFS(num = i, input = line.strip(), heuristic="h3", openList = [], closedList = [], goalState1=goalstate1, goalState2=goalstate2)) elif algo == astarH0: analysis = algoAnalysis(Astar(puzzleNumber = i, input = line.strip(), heuristic="h0", goalState1=goalstate1, goalState2=goalstate2, monotonic=False)) elif algo == astarH1: analysis = algoAnalysis(Astar(puzzleNumber = i, input = line.strip(), heuristic="h1", goalState1=goalstate1, goalState2=goalstate2, monotonic = False)) elif algo == astarH2: analysis = algoAnalysis(Astar(puzzleNumber = i, input = line.strip(), heuristic="h2", goalState1=goalstate1, goalState2=goalstate2, monotonic=True)) elif algo == astarH3: analysis = algoAnalysis(Astar(puzzleNumber = i, input = line.strip(), heuristic="h3", goalState1=goalstate1, goalState2=goalstate2, monotonic=False)) duration = analysis[5] lengthOfSolution = analysis[1] lengthOfSearch = analysis[2] if analysis[3] == 0: cost = analysis[4] counter = counter + 1 totalCost = totalCost+cost totalExecutionTime = totalExecutionTime + duration totalLengthOfSearch = totalLengthOfSearch + lengthOfSearch if lengthOfSolution != 0: totalLengthOfSolution = totalLengthOfSolution + lengthOfSolution else: totalNoSolution = totalNoSolution + 1 afile.write(algo +", "+ str(i)+", "+str(cost)+", "+str(lengthOfSolution)+", "+str(lengthOfSearch)+", "+str(duration)+","+str(analysis[3])+",,"+line.strip()+"\n") i = i + 1 afile.write("Total-"+algo+", , "+str(totalCost)+","+str(totalLengthOfSolution)+", "+str(totalLengthOfSearch)+", "+str(totalExecutionTime)+","+str(totalNoSolution)+"\n") if(i != 0 and counter != 0): averageCost = totalCost/counter averageExecutionTime = totalExecutionTime/counter averageLengthOfSearch = totalLengthOfSearch/i averageLengthOfSolution = totalLengthOfSolution/counter averageNoSolution = totalNoSolution/i afile.write("Average-"+algo+", , "+str(averageCost)+","+str(averageLengthOfSolution)+", "+str(averageLengthOfSearch)+", "+str(averageExecutionTime)+","+str(averageNoSolution)+"\n") file.close() afile.close()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from environment import Environment from dijkstra import Dijkstra from astar import Astar if __name__ == "__main__": resolution = 0.1 botRadius = 0 env = Environment(resolution, botRadius) env.render() alg = Dijkstra(env) alg.executeAlg() env.reset() alg1 = Astar(env) alg1.executeAlg()
class Snake: # Initializing Snake def __init__(self, grid: Grid): # Variables self.body = [] self.body_positions = [] self.dead = False self.won = False self.speed = grid.scl # Environment Variables self.grid = grid self.cycle = grid.hCycle self.cyclePath = None # A* Variables self.getNextAstarPath = False self.astarPath = None self.gettingAstarPath = False # Internal Measurements self.frame = 0 self.gainFromFood = 4 # Growth Measurements self.growthLength = self.gainFromFood self.drawnLength = 0 # Snake Head self.directions = ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right'] self.head = turtle.Turtle() self.head.pu() self.head.shape('scaled-square') self.color = '#009600' self.head.color(self.color) self.head.width(self.speed - (self.grid.bord * 2) + 1) self.head.origin = self.head.goto(self.head.origin) self.head.dir = 'right' # Snake Food = turtle.Turtle()'scaled-square')'red') self.setFoodPos() # Snake Movement def up(self): if self.head.dir != 'down': self.head.dir = 'up' def down(self): if self.head.dir != 'up': self.head.dir = 'down' def left(self): if self.head.dir != 'right': self.head.dir = 'left' def right(self): if self.head.dir != 'left': self.head.dir = 'right' # Moving Snake Head and Checking Food def update(self): # Snake Border self.head.clear() if len(self.body) > 0: self.head.pd() # Snake Directional Movement if self.head.dir == 'up': self.head.sety(self.head.ycor() + self.speed) elif self.head.dir == 'down': self.head.sety(self.head.ycor() - self.speed) elif self.head.dir == 'left': self.head.setx(self.head.xcor() - self.speed) elif self.head.dir == 'right': self.head.setx(self.head.xcor() + self.speed) # Checking Wall Hits if self.head.pos() not in self.grid.cells: self.die() # Getting all Snake Body Positions self.getBodyPositions() if len(self.body) >= self.grid.size - 2: self.won = True # Checking if Snake got to Food if self.head.pos() == self.setFoodPos() self.growthLength += self.gainFromFood if self.gettingAstarPath: self.getNextAstarPath = True # Adding Body Segments from gain variable if self.growthLength > 0: if len(self.body) > 0: self.body[-1].pd() self.addSegment() self.growthLength -= 1 self.drawnLength += 1 # Snake internal clock self.frame += 1 # Set Food Position to a Spot that the body is not on def setFoodPos(self): position = self.grid.randomPos() # Repeating until a viable spot is found while position in self.getBodyPositions() or position == self.head.pos( ): position = self.grid.randomPos() # Setting Food Position # Moving Snake Body Segments def move(self): # Running through Snake Body Backwards for index in range(len(self.body) - 1, 0, -1): self.body[index].clear() self.body[index].st() # Moving body segment x = self.body[index - 1].xcor() y = self.body[index - 1].ycor() self.body[index].goto(x, y) if index != len(self.body) - 1: self.body[index].pd() # Moving First body Segment if len(self.body) > 0: self.body[0].clear() self.body[0].st() # Moving to head positions x = self.head.xcor() y = self.head.ycor() self.body[0].goto(x, y) if len(self.body) > 1: self.body[0].pd() # Adding a Segment def addSegment(self): # Generating new segment new_segment = turtle.Turtle() new_segment.speed(0) new_segment.width(self.speed - (self.grid.bord * 2) + 1) new_segment.shape('scaled-square') new_segment.color(self.color) new_segment.pu() new_segment.goto(self.head.pos()) # Adding the new segment to the body self.body.append(new_segment) # Checking if the head collides with any part of the tail def checkCollisionWithBody(self): if self.head.pos() in self.body_positions: self.die() # Checking Collision with position in predicted walls def checkCollision(self, pos, walls): if pos in walls or pos not in self.grid.cells: return True return False # Getting All positions of snake body def getBodyPositions(self): positions = [] for seg in self.body: positions.append(seg.pos()) self.body_positions = positions return positions # Compiling all functions into one run function def run(self): # Only Move if the game is not won or lost if not self.won and not self.dead: self.move() # Moving Body Segments self.update() # Moving Head self.checkCollisionWithBody() # Checking if Dead # Hiding Snake def hide(self): self.head.clear() for seg in self.body: seg.clear() # Showing Snake def show(self): for seg in self.body: # Destroying Snake def die(self): self.dead = True self.hide() del self # ALGORITHMS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Moving to a node def toward(self, pos): x, y = pos if x == self.head.xcor() and y > self.head.ycor(): self.up() elif x == self.head.xcor() and y < self.head.ycor(): self.down() elif x > self.head.xcor() and y == self.head.ycor(): self.right() elif x < self.head.xcor() and y == self.head.ycor(): self.left() # A* Compiling Algorithm def getPathFromAstar(self): self.gettingAstarPath = True if self.astarPath == None or self.getNextAstarPath: self.astarPath = Astar(self.head.pos(),, self.getBodyPositions(), self.grid) self.getNextAstarPath = False try: self.toward(self.astarPath[self.astarPath.index(self.head.pos()) + 1]) except: ValueError return self.astarPath # Path Distance from nodes def pathDistance(self, pos1, pos2): if pos1 < pos2: return pos2 - pos1 - 1 return pos2 - pos1 - 1 + self.grid.size # Calculating Path From Head to food def getPathFromShortcutHamilton(self): layer = 0 path = [self.getNextMoveFromShortcut(self.head.pos())] while path[-1] != layer += 1 nextNode = self.getNextMoveFromShortcut(path[-1], layer, path) path.append(nextNode) return path # Main Movement Function for Shortcut Algorithm def pathShortcutHamilton(self): self.cyclePath = self.getPathFromShortcutHamilton() self.toward(self.cyclePath[0]) return self.cyclePath # Only Calculating One Block Ahead def shortcutHamilton(self): node = self.getNextMoveFromShortcut(self.head.pos()) self.toward(node) return [node] def getNextMoveFromShortcut(self, pos, layer=1, pathSoFar=[]): # Predicting Body Movement with shortcut walls = self.getBodyPositions() x, y = pos if len(walls) - layer > 0: for _ in range(layer): walls.remove(walls[-1]) else: walls.clear() walls = [pos] + pathSoFar + walls # Getting Main Distances pathNumber = self.cycle.index(pos) distanceToFood = self.pathDistance(pathNumber, self.cycle.index( if len(self.body) > 0: distanceToTail = self.pathDistance(pathNumber, self.cycle.index(walls[-1])) else: distanceToTail = float('inf') # Calculating Available Cutting Amounts cuttingAmountAvailable = distanceToTail - self.drawnLength - self.gainFromFood - self.growthLength emptySquaresOnBoard = self.grid.size - self.drawnLength - self.growthLength - 1 if self.drawnLength >= self.grid.size * 0.5: cuttingAmountAvailable = 0 # Disabling Shortcuts elif distanceToFood < distanceToTail: cuttingAmountAvailable -= (self.gainFromFood + self.growthLength) if (distanceToTail - distanceToFood) * 4 > emptySquaresOnBoard: cuttingAmountAvailable -= (self.gainFromFood + self.growthLength) # Normalizing Cutting Amounts cuttingAmountDesired = distanceToFood if cuttingAmountDesired < cuttingAmountAvailable: cuttingAmountAvailable = cuttingAmountDesired if cuttingAmountAvailable < 0: cuttingAmountAvailable = 0 # Directions above = (x, y + self.speed) below = (x, y - self.speed) onleft = (x - self.speed, y) onright = (x + self.speed, y) # Checking if Direction is safe canGoRight = not self.checkCollision(onright, walls) canGoLeft = not self.checkCollision(onleft, walls) canGoUp = not self.checkCollision(above, walls) canGoDown = not self.checkCollision(below, walls) # Safety Lookup Table canGo = { above: canGoUp, below: canGoDown, onright: canGoRight, onleft: canGoLeft } # Main Comparison Items bestDir = () bestDist = -1 # Possible Directions goList = [above, below, onleft, onright] # Looking for optimal node to travel to for node in goList: if canGo[node]: dist = self.pathDistance(pathNumber, self.cycle.index(node)) if dist <= cuttingAmountAvailable and dist > bestDist: bestDir = node bestDist = dist # Return Best Direction if bestDist >= 0: return bestDir # Should not reach here ------------------- print(random.random()) # Returning viable node for node in goList: if canGo[node]: return node return above
def run_astar(episode): MAX_RUNS = 2000000 TURN_ANGLE = 30 FORWARD_STEP_SIZE = 0.25 AGENT_HEIGHT = 0.88 AGENT_RADIUS = 0.18 house_floor_threshold = { '2azQ1b91cZZ': [1.5], '8194nk5LbLH': [1.2], 'EU6Fwq7SyZv': [-1.3, 2.0], 'oLBMNvg9in8': [-0.8, 1.8, 4.6], 'pLe4wQe7qrG': [], 'QUCTc6BB5sX': [-1.5], 'TbHJrupSAjP': [-1.5, 1.7], 'X7HyMhZNoso': [1.8], 'x8F5xyUWy9e': [], 'Z6MFQCViBuw': [], 'zsNo4HB9uLZ': [], } # -- folders data_dir = '../data/ObjectNav/objectnav_mp3d_v1/val/' folder_pred = '../data/ObjectNav/semmap/' floormap_dir = '../data/ObjectNav/freespace_map/' info = json.load(open('../data/ObjectNav/semmap_objnav_info.json', 'r')) # -- setup naming bindings read_tsv = csv.reader(open("mpcat40.tsv"), delimiter="\t") mpcat40 = {line[0]: line[1] for line in read_tsv} jsonfile = json.load(open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'val.json'), 'r')) category_to_mp3d_category_id = jsonfile['category_to_mp3d_category_id'] house = episode['scene_id'].split('/')[1] # -- sample object category target obj_semantic_id = category_to_mp3d_category_id[episode['object_category']] obj_semantic_name = mpcat40[str(obj_semantic_id)] if obj_semantic_name in object_whitelist: sid = object_whitelist.index(obj_semantic_name) + 1 else: return (episode['episode_id'], [], []) # -- select floor -> env if house_floor_threshold[house]: level = bisect.bisect(house_floor_threshold[house], episode['start_position'][1]) else: level = 0 env = house + '_' + str(level) map_world_shift = np.array(info[env]['map_world_shift']) # -- load maps floormap = imread(os.path.join(floormap_dir, env + '.png')) floormap = floormap.astype(np.float) floormap /= 255 floormap = floormap.astype(np.bool) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder_pred, env + '.h5')): return (episode['episode_id'], [], []) h5file = h5py.File(os.path.join(folder_pred, env + '.h5'), 'r') map_semantic = np.array(h5file['semmap']) observed_map = np.array(h5file['observed_map']) observed_map = observed_map.astype(np.float) h5file.close() map_semantic = np.multiply(map_semantic, observed_map) map_semantic = map_semantic.astype( #goals = None goals = all_goals[house][episode['episode_id']] goals = np.array(goals) goals -= map_world_shift goals = goals[:, [0, 2]] # -- get init position start_pos = episode['start_position'] start_pos -= map_world_shift start_x = start_pos[0] start_y = start_pos[2] start_row = int(np.round(start_y / resolution)) start_col = int(np.round(start_x / resolution)) start_rot = np.array(episode['start_rotation']) r = R.from_quat(start_rot) _, start_heading, _ = r.as_rotvec() start_heading = (start_heading * 180 / np.pi) start_heading = -(start_heading + 90) start = Node(x=start_x, y=start_y, heading=start_heading, row=start_row, col=start_col) # -- get maps for Astar goal_mask = map_semantic == sid goal_mask = binary_opening(goal_mask.astype(int), structure=np.ones((3, 3))).astype(np.bool) floormap = binary_closing(floormap.astype(int), structure=np.ones((10, 10))).astype(np.bool) navmap = floormap & (map_semantic == 0) # compute Heuristic # -- Euclidean distance non_object_mask = ~goal_mask non_object_mask = non_object_mask.astype(np.uint8) distance_map = cv2.distanceTransform(non_object_mask.copy(), cv2.DIST_L2, 3) # -- Geodesic distance #os.system('pip install scikit-fmm') #import skfmm #import as ma #mask = ~navmap&~goal_mask #mask = ~mask #mask = binary_dilation(mask.astype(int), structure=np.ones((10,10))).astype(np.bool) #mask = ~mask #map = np.ones(navmap.shape) #map = map - 2*goal_mask.astype(np.float) #map = ma.masked_array(map, mask) #distance_map = skfmm.distance(map) pathfinder = Astar(navmap, observed_map, heuristic=distance_map, init_heading=start_heading, goals=goals) path, runs =, goal_mask, max_runs=MAX_RUNS) if len(path) == 0: actions = [] else: path = path[::-1] # -- convert path to actions actions = [] prev_p = path[0] for p in path[1:]: # -- rotate pre_h = prev_p[2] new_h = p[2] delta_h = (new_h - pre_h + 360) % 360 if delta_h == 0: pass elif delta_h <= 180: #trun right num_rotations = int(delta_h / TURN_ANGLE) actions += [3] * abs(num_rotations) elif delta_h > 180: #trun left delta_h = 360 - delta_h num_rotations = int(delta_h / TURN_ANGLE) actions += [2] * abs(num_rotations) # move forward actions.append(1) prev_p = p actions.append(0) return (episode['episode_id'], actions, path)
def initialize(self, specs): # Create start end goal states start = NodeState(specs.get('start'), None, specs.get('board'), specs.get('goal')) # Set the algorithm, with start and goal self.algorithm = Astar(start_state=start, sorting=self.algorithm_choice)
class Run: # Constructor def __init__(self, gui): self.gui = gui # Algorithm to use, default = 0 -> astar self.algorithm_choice = 0 self.algorithm = None # Set algorithm def set_algorithm(self, type): self.algorithm_choice = type if self.algorithm: self.algorithm.sorting = self.algorithm_choice def open_file(self, level): self.initialize(self.generate_board(level)) def initialize(self, specs): # Create start end goal states start = NodeState(specs.get('start'), None, specs.get('board'), specs.get('goal')) # Set the algorithm, with start and goal self.algorithm = Astar(start_state=start, sorting=self.algorithm_choice) def __delete__(self, instance): print 'del run' del self.algorithm # Run algorithm def run(self): # Calculate scores self.algorithm.do_next(self.gui) ## ---------------------------------- ## File and Directory operations ## ---------------------------------- # Read all avaliable boards def list_files(self): levels = [] os.chdir("boards") for file in glob.glob("*.txt"): if file: levels.append(file) return levels # Read specific file def read_file(self, filename): with open(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/boards/" + filename, "r") as myfile: data = return data # Save a new level file def save_file(self, filename, string_file): text_file = open("boards/" + filename, "w") text_file.write(string_file) text_file.close() # Create a board from text def generate_board(self, filename=None, str_level=None): board = None if str_level is not None: raw_board = str_level else: raw_board = self.read_file(filename) board_config = raw_board.split('\n') # Initialize board board_size = board_config[0].split(' ') board = [[' ' for y in range(int(board_size[1]))] for x in range(int(board_size[0]))] # Start and Goal board_start = [int(board_config[1].split(' ')[0]), int(board_config[1].split(' ')[1])] board_goal = [int(board_config[1].split(' ')[2]), int(board_config[1].split(' ')[3])] board[board_start[0]][board_start[1]] = 'S' board[board_goal[0]][board_goal[1]] = 'G' # Constraints, 2 first lines are size and start, goal for i in range(2, len(board_config)): constraint_line = board_config[i].split(' ') constraint_origo = [int(constraint_line[0]), int(constraint_line[1])] constraint_dimen = [int(constraint_line[2]), int(constraint_line[3])] for cx in range(constraint_origo[0], constraint_dimen[0] + constraint_origo[0]): for cy in range(constraint_origo[1], constraint_dimen[1] + constraint_origo[1]): board[cx][cy] = '#' board_specs = {'board': board, 'start': board_start, 'goal': board_goal} return board_specs
use_astar = True elif op in ("-d", "--dstar"): use_dstar = True if use_astar is None and use_dstar is None: print("Error: You need to select one algorithm to plan path: Astar or Dstar!") sys.exit() else: print('Space: ', space_boundary) print('Agents number: ', agents_num) print('Safe Radius: ', safe_R) print('Seed: ', seed) env = Env(space_boundary = space_boundary, agents_num=agents_num, seed = seed, safe_R = safe_R) if use_astar: print('Algorithm: Astar') astar = Astar(env.agents_pos[:, 0], env.agents_targ[:, 0], env.agents_pos, env.space_boundary, env.walk_dirs) pathData = pathsData = {"Plan Path": pathData} draw_path(env.space_boundary ,env.agents_pos, pathsData, env.agents_targ, title = "Path Plan with A*") elif use_dstar: print('Algorithm: Dstar') space_map = Map(env.space_boundary, env.walk_dirs) dstar = Dstar(space_map, env.space_boundary) paths = env.agents_pos[:, 0], env.agents_targ[:, 0], env.agents_pos) pathsData = {"Path Without Obstacle": paths[0], "Path With Obstacle": paths[1]} draw_path(env.space_boundary ,env.agents_pos, pathsData, env.agents_targ, title = "Path Plan with D*") print("Finish!") sys.exit()
altitude, safe_distance = 5, 3 self.grid = create_grid(data, altitude, safe_distance) def get_grid(self): return self.grid def show(self, x_values, y_values): skeleton = medial_axis(invert(self.grid)) plt.imshow(self.grid, origin='lower') plt.imshow(skeleton, cmap='Greys', origin='lower', alpha=0.7) plt.xlabel('EAST') plt.ylabel('NORTH') plt.plot(x_values, y_values, 'g') start_ne = (25, 100) goal_ne = (750., 370.) medial = Medial('colliders.csv') grid = medial.get_grid() astar = Astar(grid) found, paths =, goal_ne) path = astar.trace_back(paths) if found else exit("Couldn't find a path") xpoints, ypoints = astar.axis_points(path), ypoints)
numlist = line.split(' ') if len(numlist) < 15: return problems.append(Puzzle([int(x) for x in numlist[1:]])) print('%5s%10s%10s%10s%10s' % ('#prob', '#exp', '#gen', '|sol|', 'tiempo')) problems = [] load_problems(problems) total_time = 0 total_cost = 0 total_expansions = 0 total_problems = len(problems) # cambiar si quieres menos problemas for prob in range(0, total_problems): init = problems[prob] # problema aleatorio s = Astar(init, heuristic, 1) result = print('%5d%10d%10d%10d%10.2f' % (prob + 1, s.expansions, len( s.generated), result.g, s.end_time - s.start_time)) total_time += s.end_time - s.start_time total_expansions += s.expansions total_cost += result.g if show_solutions: print(result.trace()) print('Total time: %.3f' % (total_time)) print('Expansiones totales: %d' % (total_expansions)) print('Total cost: %.3d' % (total_cost))
def setUp(self): self.searcher1 = Astar((0, 0), (10, 10), 10) self.searcher2 = Astar((-5, -5), (5, 5), 10) self.searcher3 = Astar((0, 0), (10, 10), 100)
import sys from map import Map from astar import Astar if __name__ == '__main__': size = len(sys.argv) if size == 2: try: _file = open(sys.argv[1], "r") content = _file.close() map = Map(content) except: print("The file is unknown") if map.getStepNumber() >= 2: Astar(map) else: print("The map must have 2 steps at least") else: print("The path of the file is required")
class Probleminstance(): ''' ''' def __init__(self, domains, constraint_list): ''' Initializes the values used by astar and gac. ''' #A* INFO self.h = 0 self.g = 0 self.f = 0 self.predecessor = None self.neighbours = [] #GAC INFO self.constraints = Constraints("x!=y", ["x", "y"], constraint_list) = domains #init gac self.gac = GAC() def initialize(self): ''' Initializes by running the first domain filtering loop. ''' self.gac.initialize(, self.constraints) = self.gac.domain_filtering_loop() self.astar = Astar(self) def solve(self): ''' Runs one iteration of the astar algorithm ''' self.current = self.astar.solve("A*") return [self, self.current, self.astar.prev_current] def is_solution(self): ''' Returns True if this is a solution state, False if not. ''' for domain in if len([domain]) != 1: return False return True def get_neighbours(self): ''' Returns the neighbours of this node. ''' minlen = float("inf") current_domain = None neighbours = list() for domain in range(len( if len([domain]) == 1: continue if (len([domain])) < minlen: minlen = len([domain]) current_domain = domain for color in[current_domain]: copy_domains = copy.deepcopy( copy_domains[current_domain] = [color] copy_domains = self.gac.rerun(copy_domains, current_domain, self.constraints) pi = Probleminstance(copy_domains, self.constraints.involved) neighbours.append(pi) self.neighbours = neighbours return neighbours def get_arc_cost(self): ''' Returns the cost of moving from this node. ''' return 1 def get_h(self): ''' Sets and returns the h value ''' h = 0 for domain in h += len([domain]) - 1 self.h = h return self.h def is_illegal(self): ''' Returns True if any constraints are broken in this state, False otherwise. ''' for node in self.constraints.involved: for edge in self.constraints.involved[node]: if (len([node]) == 1) and (len([edge]) == 1) and ([node][0] ==[edge][0]): return True return False def __lt__(self, other): ''' Less than comparison method. Compares on f-value primarily, h value if f are equal. ''' if self.f == other.f: return self.h < other.h return self.f < other.f def __eq__(self, other): ''' Equality comparison method. Compares on the equality of domains. ''' return == def __str__(self): ''' Print method for this object, returns its domains. ''' return str(