Ejemplo n.º 1
    def init(self, boot_spec):
        ExpSwitcher.init(self, boot_spec)
        # TODO: check float
        if len(boot_spec.get_observations().shape()) != 1:
            raise UnsupportedSpec('I assume 2D signals.')

        self.yy = Expectation()
        self.ylogy = Expectation()
        self.einvy = Expectation()
        self.ey = Expectation()
        self.elogy = Expectation()

        self.covy = MeanCovariance()
        self.covfy = MeanCovariance()
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, label_a="a", label_b="b"):
     self.label_a = label_a
     self.label_b = label_b
     self.Ea = MeanVariance()
     self.Eb = MeanVariance()
     self.Edadb = Expectation()
     self.R = None
     self.R_needs_update = True
     self.num_samples = 0
     self.last_a = None
     self.last_b = None
Ejemplo n.º 3
class PredictionStats:
    @contract(label_a="str", label_b="str")
    def __init__(self, label_a="a", label_b="b"):
        self.label_a = label_a
        self.label_b = label_b
        self.Ea = MeanVariance()
        self.Eb = MeanVariance()
        self.Edadb = Expectation()
        self.R = None
        self.R_needs_update = True
        self.num_samples = 0
        self.last_a = None
        self.last_b = None

    @contract(a="array,shape(x)", b="array,shape(x)", dt="float,>0")
    def update(self, a, b, dt=1.0):
        self.Ea.update(a, dt)
        self.Eb.update(b, dt)
        da = a - self.Ea.get_mean()
        db = b - self.Eb.get_mean()
        self.Edadb.update(da * db, dt)
        self.num_samples += dt

        self.R_needs_update = True
        self.last_a = a
        self.last_b = b

    def get_correlation(self):
        """ Returns the correlation between the two streams. """
        if self.R_needs_update:
            std_a = self.Ea.get_std_dev()
            std_b = self.Eb.get_std_dev()
            p = std_a * std_b
            zeros = p == 0
            p[zeros] = 1
            R = self.Edadb() / p
            R[zeros] = np.NAN
            self.R = R
        self.R_needs_update = False
        return self.R
Ejemplo n.º 4
class EstStatsTh(ExpSwitcher):


    def init(self, boot_spec):
        ExpSwitcher.init(self, boot_spec)
        # TODO: check float
        if len(boot_spec.get_observations().shape()) != 1:
            raise UnsupportedSpec('I assume 2D signals.')

        self.yy = Expectation()
        self.ylogy = Expectation()
        self.einvy = Expectation()
        self.ey = Expectation()
        self.elogy = Expectation()

        self.covy = MeanCovariance()
        self.covfy = MeanCovariance()
    def merge(self, other):
    def process_observations(self, obs):
        y = obs['observations']
        n = y.size
#         # XXX
#         which = np.array(range(y.size)) < 100
#         y[which] = (y * y)[which]
        dt = obs['dt'].item()
        z = y == 0
        y[z] = 0.5
        yy = outer(y, y)
        dt = 1
        logy = np.log(y)
        # TMP 
        logy = y * y 
#         logy[:int(n / 4)] = y[:int(n / 4)] 

        ylogy = outer(logy, y)
        self.yy.update(yy, dt)
        self.ylogy.update(ylogy, dt)

        invy = 1.0 / y
        self.einvy.update(invy, dt)
        self.ey.update(y, dt)
        self.elogy.update(logy, dt)

        self.covy.update(y, dt)
        self.covfy.update(logy, dt)

    def publish(self, pub):
#         pub.text('warn', 'using y^3')
        yy = self.yy.get_value()
        ylogy = self.ylogy.get_value()
        def symmetrize(x):
            return 0.5 * (x + x.T)
        yy = symmetrize(yy)
        ylogy = symmetrize(ylogy)
        with pub.subsection('yy') as sub:
            sub.array_as_image('val', yy)
            pub_svd_decomp(sub, yy)
            pub_eig_decomp(sub, yy)
        with pub.subsection('ylogy') as sub:
            sub.array_as_image('ylogy', ylogy)
            pub_svd_decomp(sub, ylogy)
            pub_eig_decomp(sub, ylogy)
        f = pub.figure()
        with f.plot('both') as pylab:
            pylab.plot(yy.flat, ylogy.flat, '.')
        D = get_deriv_matrix(yy.shape[0])
        inv = np.linalg.inv(yy)
        x = np.dot(ylogy, inv)
        f.array_as_image('inv', inv)
        f.array_as_image('ylogy_times_inverse', x)
        f.array_as_image('D', D)
        f.array_as_image('Dlog', np.dot(D, x))
        diag = np.diag(x)
        einvy = self.einvy.get_value()
        elogy = self.elogy.get_value()
        ey = self.ey.get_value()
        f = pub.figure()
        with f.plot('einvy', caption='E{1/y}') as pylab:
            pylab.plot(einvy, 's')
            y_axis_set_min(pylab, 0)
        with f.plot('elogy', caption='E{logy}') as pylab:
            pylab.plot(elogy, 's')
            # y_axis_set_min(pylab, 0)
        with f.plot('ey', caption='E{y}') as pylab:
            pylab.plot(ey, 's')
            y_axis_set_min(pylab, 0)
        with f.plot('diag', caption='diagonal of x') as pylab:
            pylab.plot(diag, 's')
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, max_window=None):
     self.mean_accum = Expectation(max_window)
     self.covariance_accum = Expectation(max_window)
     self.minimum = None
     self.maximum = None  # TODO: use class
     self.num_samples = 0
Ejemplo n.º 6
class MeanCovariance(object):
    ''' Computes mean and covariance of a quantity '''

    def __init__(self, max_window=None):
        self.mean_accum = Expectation(max_window)
        self.covariance_accum = Expectation(max_window)
        self.minimum = None
        self.maximum = None  # TODO: use class
        self.num_samples = 0
    def merge(self, other):
        warnings.warn('To test')
        assert isinstance(other, MeanCovariance)
        self.num_samples += other.num_samples
        warnings.warn('minimum/maximum missing')

    def get_num_samples(self):
        return self.num_samples

    def update(self, value, dt=1.0):
        self.num_samples += dt

        n = value.size
        if  self.maximum is None:
            self.maximum = value.copy()
            self.minimum = value.copy()
            self.P_t = np.zeros(shape=(n, n), dtype=value.dtype)
            # TODO: check dimensions
            if not (value.shape == self.maximum.shape):
                raise ValueError('Value shape changed: %s -> %s' % 
                                 (self.maximum.shape, value.shape))
            self.maximum = np.maximum(value, self.maximum)
            self.minimum = np.minimum(value, self.minimum)

        self.mean_accum.update(value, dt)
        mean = self.mean_accum.get_value()
        value_norm = value - mean

        P = outer(value_norm, value_norm)
        self.covariance_accum.update(P, dt)
        self.last_value = value

    def assert_some_data(self):
        if self.num_samples == 0:
            raise Exception('Never updated')

    def get_mean(self):
        return self.mean_accum.get_value()

    def get_maximum(self):
        return self.maximum

    def get_minimum(self):
        return self.minimum

    def get_covariance(self):
        return self.covariance_accum.get_value()

    def get_correlation(self):
        corr = cov2corr(self.covariance_accum.get_value())
        np.fill_diagonal(corr, 1)
        return corr

    def get_information(self, rcond=1e-2):
            P = self.get_covariance()
            return pinv(P, rcond=rcond)
        except LinAlgError:
            filename = 'pinv-failure'
            import pickle
            with  open(filename + '.pickle', 'w') as f:
                pickle.dump(self, f)