def main(): import argparse import dis try: from astpretty import pprint except ImportError: pprint = ast.dump parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--dis', '-d', default=False, action="store_true", help="disassemble bytecode") parser.add_argument('--ast', '-a', default=False, action="store_true", help="dump AST") parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+') args = parser.parse_args() for fn in args.files: with open(fn, 'rb') as fp: buf = tree = parse(buf, fn) if args.ast: pprint(tree) if args.dis: co = compile(tree, fn, 'exec') dis.dis(co)
def get_td(self, expr, debug=False): tree = ast.parse(expr) if debug: astpretty.pprint(tree) tds = TypeDeducerState({}) td = TypeDeducer(tds) td.visit(tree) return td
def myprint(x, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(x, ast.AST): try: astpretty.pprint(x, *args, **kwargs) except: print("Failed pretty printing AST") _print(x, *args, **kwargs) else: _print(x, *args, **kwargs)
def mod_ast(func): src, line_num = inspect.getsourcelines(func) src_file = inspect.getabsfile(func) # print(src_file) # remove global indent indent = len(mod_ast_re_indent.match(src[0]).group(1)) src = [l[indent:] for l in src] src = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, src) # print('\nsources of {}'.format(func.__name__)) # for l in src: print(l, end='') # pad with empty lines to match line numbering src = '\n'*(line_num-1) + src # get ast a = ast.parse(src) # remove the first decorator applied, presumably this one a.body[0].decorator_list = a.body[0].decorator_list[:-1] # # inherit caller locals callback # mod_ast_inherit_locals(a.body[0]) print('='*10+'ast before') print(astpretty.pprint(a)) for mod in mod_ast_modifiers: a = mod.visit(a) print('='*10+'ast after') print(astpretty.pprint(a)) # compile and exec code in previous global env c = compile(a, src_file, mode='exec') caller_globals = inspect.stack()[1][0].f_globals caller_locals = inspect.stack()[1][0].f_locals global mod_ast_last_caller_locals mod_ast_last_caller_locals = caller_locals for (v, k) in mod_ast_global_modifiers: caller_globals[k] = v # pour locals in global # allow sub-funcs to refer to funcs / class declared in the parent func caller_globals = dict(caller_globals, **caller_locals) # print('in mod, locals', caller_locals) # print('in mod, global', caller_globals) exec(c, caller_globals, caller_locals) modfunc = caller_locals[func.__name__] return modfunc
def func(*args, **kw): code_str = inspect.getsource(method) print(code_str) code_ast = ast.parse(code_str) func_def = code_ast.body[0] func_name = func_args = func_def.args.args func_body = func_def.body cuda = OPPU_REGISTRY.get(func_name) if cuda: cuda.exec_cython() cuda = Cuda(func_name) astpretty.pprint(code_ast) for func_arg in func_args: arg_name = func_arg.arg arg_type = func_arg.annotation parse_ast_arg(arg_name, arg_type, cuda) kernel_depth = 0 for statement in func_body: if type(statement) == ast.AnnAssign: arg_name = arg_type = statement.annotation parse_ast_arg(arg_name, arg_type, cuda) elif type(statement) == ast.For: if kernel_depth == 0: kernel_depth = cuda.get_dim_min() print("kernel_depth: {}".format(kernel_depth)) targets = [] iters = [] st = statement for _ in range(kernel_depth): targets.append( iters.append(st.iter.args[-1].id) st = st.body[0] targets.append( iters.append(st.iter.args[-1].id) # for s in st.body: print("inputs: {}".format(len(cuda.inputs))) for arg in cuda.inputs: print(, arg.get_full_type()) print("outputs: {}".format(len(cuda.outputs))) for arg in cuda.outputs: print(, arg.get_full_type()) print("params: {}".format(len(cuda.params))) for arg in cuda.params: print(, arg.get_full_type()) print("dims: {}".format(len(cuda.dims))) for arg in cuda.dims: print(, arg.get_full_type()) render("cuda_h.j2", cuda)
def pp(src: str): """ Pretty print of AST """ try: import astpretty astpretty.pprint(ast.parse(src), show_offsets=False) except ImportError: print( "Warning: couldn't find module 'astpretty'; falling back to ast.dump()" ) ast.dump(ast.parse(src))
def get_tree(source_data, ext): is_script = has_main(source_data) if ext in [".dart", ".kt", ".rs"] and not is_script: source_data = f"if __name__ == '__main__':\n {source_data}" print(f">{source_data}<") tree = ast.parse(source_data) astpretty.pprint(tree) proc = run([sys.executable, "-c", source_data], capture_output=True) if proc.returncode: raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid case {source_data}:\n{proc.stdout}{proc.stderr}") return tree
def main(): # input_stream = FileStream('./sql_stmt.sql') # lexer = sqlLexer(input_stream) # stream = CommonTokenStream(lexer) # parser = sqlParser(stream) # tree = parser.root() # # t = Trees.Trees.toStringTree(tree, parser.ruleNames) # print(t) ast_tree = parse(read_file('./sql_stmt.sql')) astpretty.pprint(ast_tree)
def visitProgram(self, ir): python_nodes = [element.accept(self) for element in ir.body] body = [self._ensureStmt(node) for node in python_nodes if node] module = ast.Module() module.body = [ self.import_('torch'), self.import_('pyro'), self.import_('pyro.distributions', 'dist') ] module.body.append(self.buildModel([x for x in body])) ast.fix_missing_locations(module) astpretty.pprint(module) print(astor.to_source(module)) return module
def eval_attribute (a): if isinstance(a.value, ast.Name): receiver = ret = receiver + '.' + a.attr elif isinstance(a.value, ast.Attribute): prefix = eval_attribute(a.value) ret = prefix + '.' + a.attr else: import astpretty astpretty.pprint(a) print (f'{type(a.value)}') raise NotImplementedError return ret
def get_expression_part_info(node: ast.AST) -> Mapping[str, Any]: node_type_sid = None for types, node_type_name in TYPES_MAP: if isinstance(node, types): # type: ignore node_type_sid = node_type_name break else: pprint(node) # noqa raise AssertionError('should always get node type') return { 'type': node_type_sid, 'subnodes': _get_sub_nodes(node, node_type_sid), }
def optimize_comprehensions(func): source = inspect.getsource(func) in_node = parse(source) astpretty.pprint(in_node) out_node = OptimizeComprehensions().visit(in_node) print("Modified AST") astpretty.pprint(out_node) new_func_name = out_node.body[0].name func_scope = func.__globals__ # Compile the new method in the old methods scope exec(compile(out_node, '<string>', 'exec'), func_scope) return func_scope[new_func_name]
def main(argv): with open(argv[1], 'r') as f: start = time.time() tree = ast.parse( end = time.time() print(end - start) if (argv[0] == "pprint"): astpretty.pprint(tree) elif (argv[0] == "json"): json_str = serialize(tree) with open(argv[2], 'w') as output_f: output_f.write(json_str)
def exitProgram(self, ctx): ctx.ast = Module() ctx.ast.body = [ Import(names=[alias(name='torch', asname=None)]), ImportFrom(module='torch.distributions', names=[alias(name='*', asname=None)], level=0) ] ctx.ast.body += gatherChildrenASTList(ctx) ast.fix_missing_locations(ctx.ast) astpretty.pprint(ctx.ast) print('\n-----------------\n') print(astor.to_source(ctx.ast)) print('\n-----------------\n') exec(compile(ctx.ast, filename="<ast>", mode="exec"))
def easy_debug(code: str, should_exec=False, ctx=None): res = to_tagged_ast(parse(code).result) c = py_compile(res) print("-----------code") print(code) print("-----------Python") print(dis.dis(code)) print("-----------YaPyPy") print(dis.dis(c)) print("-----------astpretty") astpretty.pprint(ast.parse(code)) print("----------- Python exec result") exec(code, ctx or {}) print("-----------YaPyPy exec result") if should_exec: exec(c, ctx or {}) else: print("\t(skip)")
def test_fstring(self): xml = Parser(self.get_xml("dict.xml")) module = xml.parse() code = compile(module, "<ast>", "exec") mymodule = ast.Module([ ast.Assign([ast.Name('name', ast.Store())], ast.Str('Batuhan')), ast.Assign([ast.Name('age', ast.Store())], ast.Num(15)), ast.Expr( ast.Call(ast.Name('print', ast.Load()), [ ast.JoinedStr(values=[ ast.Str(s='Benim adım'), ast.FormattedValue( value=ast.Name(id='name', ctx=ast.Load()), conversion=-1, format_spec=None, ), ast.Str(s=', yaşım'), ast.FormattedValue( value=ast.Name(id='age', ctx=ast.Load()), conversion=-1, format_spec=None, ), ast.Str(s='. Hakkımda geri kalan bilgi:'), ast.FormattedValue( value=ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id='str', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Num(n=235)], keywords=[], ), conversion=-1, format_spec=None, ), ast.Str(s=''), ]) ], [])) ]) ast.fix_missing_locations(mymodule) pprint(module) mycode = compile(mymodule, "<ast>", "exec") self.assertEqual(code, mycode)
def pprint_ast_expr(exp: Union[str, ast3.AST, ast.AST], only_expr: bool = True, fix_missing_locations: bool = False) -> None: if isinstance(exp, str): exp = ast3.parse(exp) if only_expr: exp = exp.body[0] # type: ignore if isinstance(exp, ast3.AST): exp = typed_ast3_to_ast(exp) if not isinstance(exp, ast.AST): raise Exception( "I cannot print the type {}, it isn't a type of an AST I know". format(exp)) if fix_missing_locations: exp = ast.fix_missing_locations(exp) import astpretty astpretty.pprint(exp)
def test_simple_types(self): # string, integer, float, force casting xml = Parser(self.get_xml("basic_types.xml")) module = xml.parse() code = compile(module, "<ast>", "exec") mymodule = ast.Module([ ast.Expr(ast.Str("batuhan")), ast.Expr(ast.Num(15)), ast.Expr(ast.Num(15.5)), ast.Expr(ast.Str("13")), ast.Expr(ast.Ellipsis()), ast.Expr(ast.Bytes(bytes("a", "ASCII"))), ast.Expr(ast.Bytes(bytes("ş", "utf-8"))), ]) ast.fix_missing_locations(mymodule) mycode = compile(mymodule, "<ast>", "exec") pprint(mymodule) self.assertEqual(code, mycode)
def print_tree(tree,message,verbose,buildKeyStep=False): ''' Helper function to print trees mid-optimization. We can only do buildKeyStep is verbose is true as well. ''' # print('print_tree') # print(f'{verbose} is verbose') if verbose: print('*'*30) print(message) astpretty.pprint(tree) print('*'*30) else: buildKeyStep=False build_key_step(message,buildKeyStep)
def print_obj(obj,message,verbose): ''' Pretty-prints the object. ''' if verbose: print(message) # We print out individual trees. if is_list(obj): for t in obj: print('='*30) if isinstance(t,AST): print('printing fArg tree') try: astpretty.pprint(t) except Exception as e: print(ast.dump(t)) else: print('printing fArg') pp.pprint(t) elif is_string(obj) or is_int(obj) or is_float(obj): print(obj) else: pp.pprint(obj)
class GlobalVariable: __name__ = "GlobalVariable" class Arg: __name__ = "Arg" class Kwarg: __name__ = "Kwarg" class Base: __name__ = "Base" if __name__ == '__main__': import astpretty import ast s = """ async def run(): conn = await asyncpg.connect(user='******', password='******', database='database', host='') values = await conn.fetch('''SELECT * FROM mytable''') await conn.close() """ print(astpretty.pprint(ast.parse(s).body[0]))
import ast import astor import codegen import astpretty import sys import pprint # parse the target program to ast target_path = "./" source = open(target_path).read() tree = ast.parse(source, target_path) astpretty.pprint(tree) #print(ast.dump(tree)) print (astor.to_source(tree)) #astpretty.pprint(tree) #pprint.pprint(ast.dump(tree))
# moshmosh? # +template-python @quote def f(x): x + 1 x = y + 1 from moshmosh.ast_compat import ast from astpretty import pprint stmts = f(ast.Name("a")) pprint(ast.fix_missing_locations(stmts[0])) pprint(ast.fix_missing_locations(stmts[1]))
import ast import astpretty source=""" def functionsample(a,b): c = a d = b return c,d """ node_structure = ast.parse(source) print(node_structure) astpretty.pprint(node_structure)
import ast content = open("").read() #print ast.dump( ast.parse(content) ) import astpretty astpretty.pprint(ast.parse(content))
#!/usr/bin/python3 # This script outputs the AST of its first argument import sys import astpretty import ast if __name__ == '__main__': tree = ast.parse(sys.argv[1]) astpretty.pprint(tree, show_offsets=False, indent=' ')
def optimized(*args): ''' If we've already compiled this function, then just grab it from the function cache and evaluate it. ''' if originalFuncName in FUNCTION_CACHE: return FUNCTION_CACHE[originalFuncName](*args) ''' First, we get a tree from the source code. ''' tree=parse(src) if verbose: print('*'*30) print('parse tree before') astpretty.pprint(tree) print('*'*30) ''' Now, we check if the function has 1 argument and no return, in which case we build a return around the argument. ''' ''' tree,recompiled_pype_func=apply_tree_transformation(tree, NoReturnReplacer(), originalFuncName, glbls) if verbose: print('*'*30) print('after no return replacer tree is') astpretty.pprint(tree) ''' ''' Now, we want to replace any name, either in the global variables or the function body, that appears in the function body with NameBookmark. We recompile the function into the recompiledReplacedNamespace, and extract the fArgs. ''' callNameReplacer=CallNameReplacer(aliases) tree,recompiled_pype_func=apply_tree_transformation(tree, callNameReplacer, originalFuncName, glbls) accumNode=callNameReplacer.accumNode if verbose: print('*'*30) print('after call name replacer tree is') astpretty.pprint(tree) tree,recompiled_pype_func=apply_tree_transformation(tree, PypeValReplacer(), originalFuncName, glbls, ) if verbose: print('*'*30) print('after operator replacer tree is') astpretty.pprint(tree) fArgs=recompiled_pype_func(*args) if verbose: print('*'*30) print('printing fArgs') pp.pprint(fArgs) ''' Now, we run the optimizations and convert the fArgs into a list of trees. ''' fArgTrees=optimize_f_args(fArgs,accumNode) #if verbose: # print('*'*30) # print('printing replacedTree') # for fArgTree in fArgTrees: # print(f'{str(ast.dump(fArgTree))[:100]}') recompiledReplacerNamespace={} tree=parse(src) fArgReplacer=FArgReplacer(fArgTrees,aliases) fArgReplacer.visit(tree) if verbose: print('*'*30) print('parse tree after') astpretty.pprint(tree) print('*'*30) #pp.pprint(astunparse.dump(tree)) exec(compile(tree, filename='<ast>', mode='exec'), glbls, recompiledReplacerNamespace) recompiled_pype_func=recompiledReplacerNamespace[originalFuncName] ''' This is extremely dangerous, but the alternative is to add a flag to the function, checking if it's been compiled. What we are doing here is taking the global namespace of pype_func, and replacing that pype_func with recompiled_pype_func, so that any calls to pype_func will automatically call recompiled_pype_func. ''' FUNCTION_CACHE[originalFuncName]=recompiled_pype_func #glbls[originalFuncName]=recompiled_pype_func #setattr(mod,originalFuncName,recompiled_pype_func) #print(f'successfully recompiled {recompiled_pype_func}') #print(f'recomiled {originalFuncName} in globals: {glbls[originalFuncName]}') #print(f'{pype_func.__module__} is module') #print('*'*30) return FUNCTION_CACHE[originalFuncName](*args)
def test_pprint(capsys): astpretty.pprint(_to_expr_value('x')) out, _ = capsys.readouterr() assert out == "Name(lineno=1, col_offset=0, id='x', ctx=Load())\n"
class CodeGeneratorTests(unittest.TestCase): LANGS = list(_get_all_settings(Mock(indent=4)).keys()) maxDiff = None def setUp(self): os.chdir(TESTS_DIR) @foreach(sorted(LANGS)) @foreach(sorted(TEST_CASES.keys())) def test_snippet(self, case, lang): env = os.environ.copy() if ENV.get(lang): env.update(ENV.get(lang)) settings = _get_all_settings(Mock(indent=4), env=env)[lang] ext = settings.ext source_data = TEST_CASES[case] is_script = has_main(source_data) if ext in [".dart", ".kt", ".rs"] and not is_script: source_data = f"def main():\n {source_data}" print(f">{source_data}<") tree = ast.parse(source_data) astpretty.pprint(tree) proc = run([sys.executable, "-c", source_data], capture_output=True) if proc.returncode: raise RuntimeError( f"Invalid case {case}:\n{proc.stdout}{proc.stderr}") try: result = transpile( "stdin", tree, settings.transpiler, settings.rewriters, settings.transformers, settings.post_rewriters, ) except NotImplementedError as e: raise unittest.SkipTest(str(e)) if settings.formatter: if not spawn.find_executable(settings.formatter[0]): raise unittest.SkipTest( f"{settings.formatter[0]} not available") if ext == ".kt": class_name = str(case.title()) + "Kt" exe = TESTS_DIR / (class_name + ".class") elif ext == ".cpp": exe = TESTS_DIR / "a.out" elif ext == ".dart" or (ext == ".nim" and sys.platform == "win32"): exe = TESTS_DIR / "cases" / f"{case}.exe" else: exe = TESTS_DIR / "cases" / f"{case}" exe.unlink(missing_ok=True) case_output = TESTS_DIR / "cases" / f"{case}{ext}" expect_success = f"{case}{ext}" in EXPECTED_SUCCESSES with open(case_output, "w") as f: f.write(result) if settings.formatter: if settings.ext == ".kt" and case_output.is_absolute(): # KtLint does not support absolute path in globs case_output = case_output.relative_to(Path.cwd()) proc = run([*settings.formatter, case_output], env=env, capture_output=True) if proc.returncode: raise unittest.SkipTest( f"Error: Could not reformat using {settings.formatter}:\n{proc.stdout}{proc.stderr}" ) try: compiler = COMPILERS[lang] if compiler: if not spawn.find_executable(compiler[0]): raise unittest.SkipTest(f"{compiler[0]} not available") proc = run([*compiler, case_output], env=env, capture_output=True) if proc.returncode and not expect_success: raise unittest.SkipTest( f"{case}{ext} doesnt compile:\n{proc.stdout}{proc.stderr}" ) if exe.exists() and os.access(exe, os.X_OK): if not expect_success: raise AssertionError(f"{case}{ext} compiled") elif INVOKER.get(lang): invoker = INVOKER.get(lang) if not spawn.find_executable(invoker[0]): raise unittest.SkipTest(f"{invoker[0]} not available") proc = run([*invoker, case_output], env=env, capture_output=True) if proc.returncode and not expect_success: raise unittest.SkipTest( f"Execution of {case}{ext} failed:\n{proc.stdout}{proc.stderr}" ) if not expect_success: raise AssertionError(f"{case}{ext} invoked") else: return finally: if not KEEP_GENERATED: case_output.unlink(missing_ok=True) exe.unlink(missing_ok=True) if not expect_success: assert False
def get_expression_part_info(node: ast.AST) -> Mapping[str, Any]: types_map = [ (ast.UnaryOp, 'unary_op'), ( ( ast.Expr, ast.Return, ast.Starred, ast.Index, ast.Yield, ast.YieldFrom, ast.FormattedValue, ), 'item_with_value', ), (ast.Assert, 'assert'), (ast.Delete, 'delete'), (ast.Assign, 'assign'), ((ast.AugAssign, ast.AnnAssign), 'featured_assign'), (ast.Call, 'call'), (ast.Await, 'await'), ((ast.List, ast.Set, ast.Tuple), 'sized'), (ast.Dict, 'dict'), (ast.DictComp, 'dict_comprehension'), ((ast.ListComp, ast.GeneratorExp, ast.SetComp), 'simple_comprehensions'), (ast.comprehension, 'base_comprehension'), (ast.Compare, 'compare'), (ast.Subscript, 'subscript'), (ast.Slice, 'slice'), (ast.ExtSlice, 'ext_slice'), (ast.BinOp, 'binary_op'), (ast.Lambda, 'lambda'), (ast.IfExp, 'if_expr'), (ast.BoolOp, 'bool_op'), (ast.Attribute, 'attribute'), (ast.JoinedStr, 'fstring'), (ast.ClassDef, 'classdef'), ( ( ast.Name, ast.Import, ast.Str, ast.Num, ast.NameConstant, ast.Bytes, ast.Nonlocal, ast.ImportFrom, ast.Pass, ast.Raise, ast.Break, ast.Continue, type(None), ast.Ellipsis, ), 'simple_type', ), ] node_type_sid = None for types, node_type_name in types_map: if isinstance(node, types): # type: ignore node_type_sid = node_type_name break else: pprint(node) # noqa raise AssertionError('should always get node type') return { 'type': node_type_sid, 'subnodes': _get_sub_nodes(node, node_type_sid), }