Ejemplo n.º 1
def build_site(jd_span, site_lat, site_lon, site_alt):
    r"""Create the site dictionary

    site = build_site(jd_span, site_lat, site_lon, site_alt)

    jd_span : array
        Array of Julian date times for teh window
    site_lat : float
        site latitude in radians
    site_lon : float
        site longitude in radians
    site_alt : float
        site altitude in kilometers

    site : dictionary
        site dicitonary holding data on the observation site

    Shankar Kulumani		GWU		[email protected]
    site_ecef = geodetic.lla2ecef(site_lat, site_lon, site_alt)

    # loop over jd span
    site = defaultdict(list)
    site['lat'] = site_lat
    site['lon'] = site_lon
    site['alt'] = site_alt
    site['ecef'] = site_ecef

    for jd in jd_span:
        gst, lst = time.gstlst(jd, site_lon)
        # site_eci = geodetic.site2eci(site_lat, site_alt, lst)
        # site_eci = attitude.rot3(gst).dot(site_ecef)
        site_eci = transform.dcm_ecef2eci(jd).dot(site_ecef)

        # test if site is in the dark
        sun_eci, _, _ = planets.sun_earth_eci(jd)

        # append site information to list

    # turn into numpy arrays
    for key, item in site.items():
        site[key] = np.squeeze(np.array(item))

    return site
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_sun_eci_vallado():
    jd, mjd = time.date2jd(1994, 4, 2, 0, 0, 0)
    jd_vallado = 2449444.5
    rsun_vallado = np.array([146241097,
    ra_vallado, dec_vallado = np.deg2rad(11.056071), np.deg2rad(4.7529393)
    rsun, ra, dec = planets.sun_earth_eci(jd)

    np.testing.assert_allclose(jd, jd_vallado)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rsun, rsun_vallado, rtol=1e-4)
    np.testing.assert_allclose((ra, dec), (ra_vallado, dec_vallado), rtol=1e-4)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_sun_earth_eci_usafa():
    jd = 2453905.50000000
    expected_rsun = [6371243.918400, 139340081.269385, 60407749.811252]
    rsun, ra, dec = planets.sun_earth_eci(jd)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(rsun, expected_rsun, rtol=1e-4)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def generate_solution(ifile='./data/example_tle.txt', ofile='./data/SAT_OUT_EXAMPLE.txt'):
    ifile = os.path.abspath(ifile)
    ofile = os.path.abspath(ofile)

    site_lat = np.deg2rad(float(input("Site Latitude (38.925) : ") or "38.925"))
    site_lon = np.deg2rad(float(input("Site Longitude (-77.057) : ") or "-77.057"))
    site_alt = float(input("Site Altitude (0.054) : ") or "0.054")

    site_ecef = geodetic.lla2ecef(site_lat, site_lon, site_alt)
    # timespan
    date_start = [float(i) for i in (input('Start Date UTC (2017 12 1 0 0 0) : ') or "2017 12 1 0 0 0").split()]
    date_end = [float(i) for i in (input('End Date UTC (2017 12 5 0 0 0) : ') or "2017 12 5 0 0 0").split()]

    jd_start, _ = time.date2jd(date_start[0], date_start[1], date_start[2], date_start[3],
                               date_start[4], date_start[5])
    jd_end, _ = time.date2jd(date_end[0], date_end[1], date_end[2], date_end[3],
                               date_end[4], date_end[5])

    jd_step = 2 / (24 * 60) # step size in minutes
    jd_span = np.arange(jd_start, jd_end, jd_step)
    # echo check some data
    with open(ofile, 'w') as f:
        f.write('PREDICT EXAMPLE RESULTS : Shankar Kulumani\n\n')
        f.write('Check Input Data : \n\n')
        f.write('Site Latitude    = {:9.6f} rad = {:9.6f} deg\n'.format(site_lat, np.rad2deg(site_lat)))
        f.write('Site Longitude   = {:9.6f} rad = {:9.6f} deg\n'.format(site_lon, np.rad2deg(site_lon)))
        f.write('Site Altitude    = {:9.6f} km  = {:9.6f} m\n'.format(site_alt, site_alt * 1000))
        f.write('\nObservation Window :\n\n')
        f.write('Start Date : {} UTC\n'.format(datetime.datetime(int(date_start[0]), int(date_start[1]), int(date_start[2]), int(date_start[3]), int(date_start[4]), int(date_start[5])).isoformat()))
        f.write('End Date   : {} UTC\n\n'.format(datetime.datetime(int(date_end[0]),int(date_end[1]),int(date_end[2]),int(date_end[3]),int(date_end[4]),int(date_end[5])).isoformat()))
        f.write('Start Julian Date   = {}\n'.format(jd_start))
        f.write('End Julian Date     = {}\n\n'.format(jd_end))

    # loop over jd span
    site = defaultdict(list)
    site['lat'] = site_lat
    site['lon'] = site_lon
    site['alt'] = site_alt
    site['ecef'] = site_ecef

    for jd in jd_span:
        gst, lst = time.gstlst(jd, site_lon)
        # site_eci = geodetic.site2eci(site_lat, site_alt, lst)
        # site_eci = attitude.rot3(gst).dot(site_ecef)
        site_eci = transform.dcm_ecef2eci(jd).dot(site_ecef)

        # test if site is in the dark
        sun_eci, _, _ = planets.sun_earth_eci(jd)

        # append site information to list
    with open(ofile, 'a') as f:
        f.write('Site Data:\n\n')
        f.write('Start GST : {:9.6f} rad\n'.format(site['gst'][0]))
        f.write('Start LST : {:9.4f} rad\n'.format(site['lst'][0]))
        f.write('Site ECEF : {:9.6f} x {:9.6f} y {:9.6f} z km\n'.format(site['ecef'][0], site['ecef'][1], site['ecef'][2]))
        f.write('Sun ECI_0 : {:9.6f} x {:9.6f} y {:9.6f} z km\n\n'.format(site['sun_eci'][0][0], site['sun_eci'][0][1], site['sun_eci'][0][2]))

    # turn into numpy arrays
    for key, item in site.items():
        site[key] = np.squeeze(np.array(item))

    # update the downloaded TLEs if necessary
    # now we have to read the TLE
    sats = tle.get_tle(ifile)

    # now propogate and the check if each satellite is visible
    for sat in sats:
Ejemplo n.º 5
def generate_data(tle_file='./data/COMFIX_tle.txt',
    # define a time span
    jd_start, _ = time.date2jd(2017, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0)  # time in UTC
    jd_end, _ = time.date2jd(2017, 12, 11, 0, 0, 0)
    jd_step = 1 / (24 * 60)
    jd_span = np.arange(jd_start, jd_end, jd_step)

    # define the observing site
    site_lat = np.deg2rad(38.8999),
    site_lon = np.deg2rad(-77.0490)
    site_alt = 0.020
    site_ecef = geodetic.lla2ecef(site_lat, site_lon, site_alt)

    # loop over jd span
    site = defaultdict(list)
    site['lat'] = site_lat
    site['lon'] = site_lon
    site['alt'] = site_alt
    site['ecef'] = site_ecef

    for jd in jd_span:
        gst, lst = time.gstlst(jd, site_lon)
        # site_eci = geodetic.site2eci(site_lat, site_alt, lst)
        # site_eci = attitude.rot3(gst).dot(site_ecef)
        site_eci = geodetic.eci2ecef(jd).T.dot(site_ecef)

        # test if site is in the dark
        sun_eci, _, _ = planets.sun_earth_eci(jd)

        # append site information to list

    # turn into numpy arrays
    for key, item in site.items():
        site[key] = np.squeeze(np.array(item))

    # read some TLEs and get the state vector and write to a file
    sats = tle.get_tle(tle_file)

    f = open(outfile, 'w')
    for sat in sats:
        # propogate for several time periods and get the r, v vectors

        jd_vis = sat.jd_vis
        rho_vis = sat.rho_vis
        az_vis = sat.az_vis
        el_vis = sat.el_vis
        drho_vis = sat.drho_vis
        daz_vis = sat.daz_vis
        dele_vis = sat.dele_vis

        # write first line - site latgd, lon, alt (meters), JD obs time
        f.write('{:9.6f} {:9.6f} {:9.6f} {:16.6f}\n'.format(
            np.rad2deg(site['lat']), np.rad2deg(site['lon']),
            site['alt'] * 1e3, jd_vis[0]))

        # write second line rho, az, el, drho, daz, dele
            '{:5g} {:16.6f} {:16.6f} {:16.6f} {:16.6f} {:16.6f} {:16.6f}\n'.
            format(sat.satnum, rho_vis[0], np.rad2deg(az_vis[0][0]),
                   np.rad2deg(el_vis[0]), drho_vis[0], np.rad2deg(daz_vis[0]),

Ejemplo n.º 6
def visible(r_sat_eci, r_site_eci, lat, lon, GST, JD):
    r"""Checks if visibility constraints are valid for satellite information

    r_sat_eci :(vector) Given in ECI frame with units km
    r_site_eci :(vector) Given in ECI frame with units km
    lat :(angle) Given in units of radians
    LST :(angle) Given in units of radians
    JD :(time) Given as Julian Date

    flag :(scalar) Given as unitless, 0 = Not Visible, 1 = Visible

    Author: Thomas J Susi       GWU         [email protected]

    flag = 0

    r_sun = planets.sun_earth_eci(JD)[0]
    """Range and Angle"""
    p_eci = r_sat_eci - r_site_eci

    ecef2eci = ecef2eci = np.array([[np.cos(GST), -np.sin(GST), 0],
                                    [np.sin(GST), np.cos(GST), 0], [0, 0, 1]])

    p_ecef = np.dot(np.transpose(ecef2eci), p_eci)

    b2ecef = np.array([[np.cos(lon), -np.sin(lon), 0],
                       [np.sin(lon), np.cos(lon), 0], [0, 0, 1]])

    sez2b = np.array([[np.cos(np.pi / 2 - lat), 0,
                       np.sin(np.pi / 2 - lat)], [0, 1, 0],
                      [-np.sin(np.pi / 2 - lat), 0,
                       np.cos(np.pi / 2 - lat)]])

    sez2ecef = b2ecef.dot(sez2b)

    p_sez = np.dot(np.transpose(sez2ecef), p_ecef)

    rang = np.linalg.norm(p_sez)

    elev = np.arcsin(p_sez[2] / rang)

    elev_num = abs(float(elev))

    p_mag = np.linalg.norm(p_eci)
    dark = np.dot(r_sun, r_site_eci)
    """In Sunlight"""
    sin_angle = np.dot(
        r_sun, r_sat_eci) / (np.linalg.norm(r_sun) * np.linalg.norm(r_sat_eci))

    cos_angle = np.dot(
        r_sun, r_sat_eci) / (np.linalg.norm(r_sun) * np.linalg.norm(r_sat_eci))

    angle = np.dot(r_sun, r_sat_eci) / (np.linalg.norm(r_sun) *
                                        np.linalg.norm(r_sat_eci)) + 2 * np.pi

    dist = np.linalg.norm(r_sat_eci) * angle

    dist_num = float(dist)
    import pdb
    """If Statement"""
    if (elev_num > np.deg2rad(10) and p_mag < 1500 and dark < 0
            and dist_num > 6378.137):
        flag = 1

    return flag