Ejemplo n.º 1
def generate_data(tle_file='./data/PROPAGATE_tle.txt',
    """Generate big text file for students to be graded on

    Uses a saved TLE  file - get more using tle.get_tle_spacetrack(outfile, 'rv2coe')
    jd_start, _ = time.date2jd(2018, 11, 14, 0, 0, 0)
    jd_end, _ = time.date2jd(2018, 11, 27, 0, 0, 0)
    jd_step = 100 / (24 * 60)
    jd_span = np.arange(jd_start, jd_end, jd_step)

    # read the tles
    sats = tle.get_tle(tle_file)

    with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
        for sat in sats:
            r_arr = sat.r_eci
            v_arr = sat.v_eci
            # just write the position and velocity vector to a text file
            for r, v in zip(r_arr[0::10], v_arr[0::10]):
                    '{:16.6f} {:16.6f} {:16.6f} {:16.6f} {:16.6f} {:16.6f} {:16.6f}\n'
                    .format(r[0], r[1], r[2], v[0], v[1], v[2],
                            np.random.randint(1, 86400)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run_sim():
    start_jd, _ = time.date2jd(2017, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0)
    end_jd, _ = time.date2jd(2017, 10, 2, 0, 0, 0)
    num_sec = (end_jd - start_jd) * 86400
    num_steps = 1e4
    t_step = num_sec / num_steps  # time step in Julian days

    RelTol = 1e-6
    AbsTol = 1e-6

    sat = satellite.Satellite()

    # define the initial state as the ISS
    download = False
    if download:
        from spacetrack import SpaceTrackClient
        password = input('Enter SpaceTrack password: '******'shanks.k', password)
        iss_tle = st.tle_latest(norad_cat_id=[25544], format='3le', ordinal=1)

        with open('./data/iss.txt', 'w') as f:

    sats = tle.get_tle('./data/iss.txt')
    iss = sats[0]
    # propogate to start JD

    iss.tle_update(np.array([start_jd, end_jd]))

    # get r,v vectors
    initial_pos = iss.r_eci[0, :]
    initial_vel = iss.v_eci[0, :]
    initial_R = np.eye(3, 3)
    initial_w = np.zeros(3)

    initial_state = np.concatenate(
        (initial_pos, initial_vel, initial_R.reshape(9), initial_w))

    # setup the integrator
    system = integrate.ode(sat.eoms_inertial_ode)
    system.set_integrator('lsoda', atol=AbsTol, rtol=RelTol, nsteps=num_steps)
    system.set_initial_value(initial_state, 0)

    jd_sim = np.zeros(int(num_steps + 1))
    i_state = np.zeros((int(num_steps + 1), 18))

    i_state[0, :] = initial_state
    jd_sim[0] = start_jd

    ii = 1
    while system.successful() and system.t < (num_sec - t_step):
        jd_sim[ii] = (system.t + t_step) / 86400 + start_jd
        i_state[ii, :] = system.integrate(system.t + t_step)
        ii += 1

    # output state and variables
    return jd_sim, i_state
Ejemplo n.º 3

import numpy as np
from astro import time, tle, constants, kepler

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pdb

# open the output file
ofile = open('./prob7_rv.txt', 'w')
answer_file = open('./prob7_solution.txt', 'w')

# get TLE
epoch, _ = time.date2jd(2017, 9, 19, 19, 0, 0)
sats = tle.get_tle('prob7_tle.txt')
for sat in sats:
    # get RV vector
    sat.tle_update(epoch, mu=constants.earth.mu)

    (a, h, period, sme, fpa, r_per, r_apo, r_ijk, v_ijk, r_pqw, v_pqw, r_lvlh,
     v_lvlh, r, v, v_circ, v_esc, E, M,
     n) = kepler.elp_orbit_el(sat.coe.p, sat.coe.ecc, sat.coe.inc,
                              sat.coe.raan, sat.coe.argp, sat.coe.nu,

        '{:10.6f} {:10.6f} {:10.6f} {:10.6f} {:10.6f} {:10.6f}\n'.format(
            r_lvlh[0], r_lvlh[1], r_lvlh[2], v_lvlh[0], v_lvlh[1], v_lvlh[2]))

    # get orbital paramters
Ejemplo n.º 4
class TestISSUSAFA():

    l0 = "0 ISS (ZARYA)             "
    l1 = "1 25544U 98067A   06164.43693594  .00014277  00000-0  10780-3 0  6795"
    l2 = "2 25544  51.6455 280.1294 0004346 245.9311 226.9658 15.72751720375095"
    ifile = 'Predict.dat'

    # define site location

    lat = 39.006
    lon = -104.883
    alt = 2.184

    site_location = (lat, lon, alt)
    start_date = (2006, 6, 19, 0, 0, 0)
    end_date = (2006, 6, 29, 0, 0, 0)

    jd_start, _ = time.date2jd(start_date[0], start_date[1], start_date[2],
                               start_date[3], start_date[4], start_date[5])
    jd_end, _ = time.date2jd(end_date[0], end_date[1], end_date[2],
                             end_date[3], end_date[4], end_date[5])

    jd_step = 2 / (24 * 60)
    jd_span = np.arange(jd_start, jd_end, jd_step)

    site = predict.build_site(jd_span, np.deg2rad(site_location[0]),
                              np.deg2rad(site_location[1]), site_location[2])

    sats = tle.get_tle(os.path.join(cwd, ifile))
    sat = sats[0]


    r_eci = satellite.tle_update(sat, jd_span)
    all_passes = satellite.visible(sat.r_eci, site, jd_span)
    all_passes_parallel = satellite.parallel_predict(sat, jd_span, site)

    # output using the two functions
    class_output_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'output_class.txt')
    fcn_output_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'output_fcn.txt')

    # remove if they exist
    if os.path.isfile(class_output_file):
    if os.path.isfile(fcn_output_file):

    satellite.output(sat, all_passes, fcn_output_file)


    def test_validtle(self):
        np.testing.assert_equal(tle.validtle(self.l0, self.l1, self.l2), True)

    def test_line1_checksum(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(tle.checksum(self.l1), 5)

    def test_line2_checksum(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(tle.checksum(self.l2), 5)

    def test_epoch_year(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.epoch_year, 2006)

    def test_epoch_day(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.epoch_day, 164.43693594)

    def test_ndot2_revperdaysquared(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.tle.ndot_over_2, 0.00014277)

    def test_inclination_deg(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.tle.inc, 51.64550000)

    def test_raan_deg(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.tle.raan, 280.12940000)

    def test_ecc_deg(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.tle.ecc, 0.00043460)

    def test_argp_deg(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.tle.argp, 245.93110000)

    def test_mean_anomaly_deg(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.tle.ma, 226.9658000)

    def test_mean_motion_deg(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.tle.mean_motion, 15.72751720)

    def test_mean_motion_rad(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.n0, 0.00114373733)

    def test_ecc(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.ecc0, 0.00043460000)

    def test_inc_rad(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.inc0, 0.90138401884)

    def test_raan_rad(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.raan0, 4.88918036164)

    def test_argp_rad(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.argp0, 4.29230742805)

    def test_ndot2_radpersecsquared(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.ndot2, 1.20168141063e-013)

    def test_eccdot_persecond(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.eccdot, -1.40011545218e-10)

    def test_mean_anomaly_rad(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.mean0, 3.96130049942e0)

    def test_raandot_radpersecond(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.raandot, -1.03554877709e-6)

    def test_argpdot_radpersecond(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.sat.argpdot, 7.72047261206e-7)

    def test_tle_update_r_eci_initial(self):
        np.testing.assert_allclose(self.r_eci, self.sat.r_eci)

    def test_first_visible_pass_jd(self):

    def test_first_visible_pass_jd_parallel_predict(self):

    def test_output_file(self):
            filecmp.cmp(self.fcn_output_file, self.class_output_file), True)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def generate_solution(ifile='./data/example_tle.txt', ofile='./data/SAT_OUT_EXAMPLE.txt'):
    ifile = os.path.abspath(ifile)
    ofile = os.path.abspath(ofile)

    site_lat = np.deg2rad(float(input("Site Latitude (38.925) : ") or "38.925"))
    site_lon = np.deg2rad(float(input("Site Longitude (-77.057) : ") or "-77.057"))
    site_alt = float(input("Site Altitude (0.054) : ") or "0.054")

    site_ecef = geodetic.lla2ecef(site_lat, site_lon, site_alt)
    # timespan
    date_start = [float(i) for i in (input('Start Date UTC (2017 12 1 0 0 0) : ') or "2017 12 1 0 0 0").split()]
    date_end = [float(i) for i in (input('End Date UTC (2017 12 5 0 0 0) : ') or "2017 12 5 0 0 0").split()]

    jd_start, _ = time.date2jd(date_start[0], date_start[1], date_start[2], date_start[3],
                               date_start[4], date_start[5])
    jd_end, _ = time.date2jd(date_end[0], date_end[1], date_end[2], date_end[3],
                               date_end[4], date_end[5])

    jd_step = 2 / (24 * 60) # step size in minutes
    jd_span = np.arange(jd_start, jd_end, jd_step)
    # echo check some data
    with open(ofile, 'w') as f:
        f.write('PREDICT EXAMPLE RESULTS : Shankar Kulumani\n\n')
        f.write('Check Input Data : \n\n')
        f.write('Site Latitude    = {:9.6f} rad = {:9.6f} deg\n'.format(site_lat, np.rad2deg(site_lat)))
        f.write('Site Longitude   = {:9.6f} rad = {:9.6f} deg\n'.format(site_lon, np.rad2deg(site_lon)))
        f.write('Site Altitude    = {:9.6f} km  = {:9.6f} m\n'.format(site_alt, site_alt * 1000))
        f.write('\nObservation Window :\n\n')
        f.write('Start Date : {} UTC\n'.format(datetime.datetime(int(date_start[0]), int(date_start[1]), int(date_start[2]), int(date_start[3]), int(date_start[4]), int(date_start[5])).isoformat()))
        f.write('End Date   : {} UTC\n\n'.format(datetime.datetime(int(date_end[0]),int(date_end[1]),int(date_end[2]),int(date_end[3]),int(date_end[4]),int(date_end[5])).isoformat()))
        f.write('Start Julian Date   = {}\n'.format(jd_start))
        f.write('End Julian Date     = {}\n\n'.format(jd_end))

    # loop over jd span
    site = defaultdict(list)
    site['lat'] = site_lat
    site['lon'] = site_lon
    site['alt'] = site_alt
    site['ecef'] = site_ecef

    for jd in jd_span:
        gst, lst = time.gstlst(jd, site_lon)
        # site_eci = geodetic.site2eci(site_lat, site_alt, lst)
        # site_eci = attitude.rot3(gst).dot(site_ecef)
        site_eci = transform.dcm_ecef2eci(jd).dot(site_ecef)

        # test if site is in the dark
        sun_eci, _, _ = planets.sun_earth_eci(jd)

        # append site information to list
    with open(ofile, 'a') as f:
        f.write('Site Data:\n\n')
        f.write('Start GST : {:9.6f} rad\n'.format(site['gst'][0]))
        f.write('Start LST : {:9.4f} rad\n'.format(site['lst'][0]))
        f.write('Site ECEF : {:9.6f} x {:9.6f} y {:9.6f} z km\n'.format(site['ecef'][0], site['ecef'][1], site['ecef'][2]))
        f.write('Sun ECI_0 : {:9.6f} x {:9.6f} y {:9.6f} z km\n\n'.format(site['sun_eci'][0][0], site['sun_eci'][0][1], site['sun_eci'][0][2]))

    # turn into numpy arrays
    for key, item in site.items():
        site[key] = np.squeeze(np.array(item))

    # update the downloaded TLEs if necessary
    # now we have to read the TLE
    sats = tle.get_tle(ifile)

    # now propogate and the check if each satellite is visible
    for sat in sats:
Ejemplo n.º 6
def generate_data(tle_file='./data/COMFIX_tle.txt',
    # define a time span
    jd_start, _ = time.date2jd(2017, 12, 1, 0, 0, 0)  # time in UTC
    jd_end, _ = time.date2jd(2017, 12, 11, 0, 0, 0)
    jd_step = 1 / (24 * 60)
    jd_span = np.arange(jd_start, jd_end, jd_step)

    # define the observing site
    site_lat = np.deg2rad(38.8999),
    site_lon = np.deg2rad(-77.0490)
    site_alt = 0.020
    site_ecef = geodetic.lla2ecef(site_lat, site_lon, site_alt)

    # loop over jd span
    site = defaultdict(list)
    site['lat'] = site_lat
    site['lon'] = site_lon
    site['alt'] = site_alt
    site['ecef'] = site_ecef

    for jd in jd_span:
        gst, lst = time.gstlst(jd, site_lon)
        # site_eci = geodetic.site2eci(site_lat, site_alt, lst)
        # site_eci = attitude.rot3(gst).dot(site_ecef)
        site_eci = geodetic.eci2ecef(jd).T.dot(site_ecef)

        # test if site is in the dark
        sun_eci, _, _ = planets.sun_earth_eci(jd)

        # append site information to list

    # turn into numpy arrays
    for key, item in site.items():
        site[key] = np.squeeze(np.array(item))

    # read some TLEs and get the state vector and write to a file
    sats = tle.get_tle(tle_file)

    f = open(outfile, 'w')
    for sat in sats:
        # propogate for several time periods and get the r, v vectors

        jd_vis = sat.jd_vis
        rho_vis = sat.rho_vis
        az_vis = sat.az_vis
        el_vis = sat.el_vis
        drho_vis = sat.drho_vis
        daz_vis = sat.daz_vis
        dele_vis = sat.dele_vis

        # write first line - site latgd, lon, alt (meters), JD obs time
        f.write('{:9.6f} {:9.6f} {:9.6f} {:16.6f}\n'.format(
            np.rad2deg(site['lat']), np.rad2deg(site['lon']),
            site['alt'] * 1e3, jd_vis[0]))

        # write second line rho, az, el, drho, daz, dele
            '{:5g} {:16.6f} {:16.6f} {:16.6f} {:16.6f} {:16.6f} {:16.6f}\n'.
            format(sat.satnum, rho_vis[0], np.rad2deg(az_vis[0][0]),
                   np.rad2deg(el_vis[0]), drho_vis[0], np.rad2deg(daz_vis[0]),

Ejemplo n.º 7
s"""Example script which reads TLEs from a given file and prints out some data


from astro import tle

# input file with all of the TLE data
filename = './data/example_tle.txt'

# if there are multiple TLEs, each TLE object is stored in a Python List
sats = tle.get_tle(filename)

# since it's a list we can iterate through the list and output some of the data
for sat in sats:
    print('\nsatname : {}, satnum : {}'.format(sat.satname, sat.satnum))

    print('\nYear is two digits, and a day with fraction. There is a function already to change this.')
    print('epoch_year : {}, epoch_day : {}'.format(sat.epoch_year, sat.epoch_day))

    print('\nNow print out some of the orbital elements')
    print('\nThese units are in rev/day. You will need to convert!')
    print('ndot_over_2 : {}, nddot_over_6 : {}'.format(sat.ndot_over_2, sat.nddot_over_6))

    print('\nMake sure you check the units! Degrees!')
    print('inc : {}, raan : {}, ecc : {}'.format(sat.inc, sat.raan, sat.ecc))
    print('M : {}, n : {}'.format(sat.ma, sat.mean_motion))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def predict(site_location, date_start, date_end, step_sec=60,
            ifile='./tle.txt', ofile='./output.txt'):
    r"""PREDICT satellite passes for a given Earth location

    sats, all_passes, site = predict(site_location, date_start, date_end, 
                                        ifile, ofile)

    site_location : array_like
        latitude (deg), longitude (deg), altitude (km) of obs site
    date_start : array_like
        yr, month, day, hr, min, sec for window start
    date_end : array_like
        yr, month, day, hr, min, sec for window end
    step_sec : float
        Step size in seconds for prediction window
    ifile : str
        path to input TLE file
    ofile : str
        path to output file

    sats : array of Satellite objects
        Holds the data from TLE and updating functions
    all_passes : array of Pass objects
        holds the data for each visible pass
    site : dictionary
        dictionary holding the site information

    See Also
    see the Satellite module which holds much of the required functions

    Shankar Kulumani		GWU		[email protected]

    Look at Astro 321 or MAE3145 or Vallado
    ____________ ___________ _____ _____ _____ 
    | ___ \ ___ \  ___|  _  \_   _/  __ \_   _|
    | |_/ / |_/ / |__ | | | | | | | /  \/ | |
    |  __/|    /|  __|| | | | | | | |     | |
    | |   | |\ \| |___| |/ / _| |_| \__/\ | |
    \_|   \_| \_\____/|___/  \___/ \____/ \_/

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    ifile = os.path.abspath(ifile)
    ofile = os.path.abspath(ofile)

    site_lat = np.deg2rad(site_location[0])
    site_lon = np.deg2rad(site_location[1])
    site_alt = site_location[2]

    jd_start, _ = time.date2jd(date_start[0], date_start[1], date_start[2], date_start[3],
                               date_start[4], date_start[5])
    jd_end, _ = time.date2jd(date_end[0], date_end[1], date_end[2], date_end[3],
                             date_end[4], date_end[5])
    jd_step = step_sec / 86400
    jd_span = np.arange(jd_start, jd_end, jd_step)

    # build the site dictionary
    logger.info('Starting to create site dicitonary')
    site = build_site(jd_span, np.deg2rad(site_location[0]),
                      np.deg2rad(site_location[1]), float(site_location[2]))

    # echo check some data
    logger.info('Write some input data to the output file {}'.format(ofile))
    with open(ofile, 'w') as f:
        f.write('PREDICT RESULTS : Shankar Kulumani\n\n')
        f.write('Check Input Data : \n\n')
        f.write('Site Latitude    = {:9.6f} rad = {:9.6f} deg\n'.format(site_lat,
        f.write('Site Longitude   = {:9.6f} rad = {:9.6f} deg\n'.format(site_lon,
        f.write('Site Altitude    = {:9.6f} km  = {:9.6f} m\n'.format(site_alt,
                                                                      site_alt * 1000))

        f.write('\nObservation Window :\n\n')
        f.write('Start Date : {} UTC\n'.format(datetime.datetime(int(date_start[0]),
        f.write('End Date   : {} UTC\n\n'.format(datetime.datetime(int(date_end[0]),

        f.write('Start Julian Date   = {}\n'.format(jd_start))
        f.write('End Julian Date     = {}\n\n'.format(jd_end))

    # now we have to read the TLE
    logger.info('Read TLEs from {}'.format(ifile))
    sats = tle.get_tle(ifile)
    logger.debug('Read {} sats'.format(len(sats)))

    parallel_predict = functools.partial(
        satellite.parallel_predict, jd_span=jd_span, site=site)

    logger.info('Starting parallel processing for satellites')

    with multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1) as p:
        sats_passes = p.map(parallel_predict, sats)

    logger.info('Now outputting visible data to textfile')

    for sat, pass_vis in zip(sats, sats_passes):
        satellite.output(sat, pass_vis, ofile)

    # for sat in sats:
    #     sat.tle_update(jd_span)
    #     sat.visible(site)
    #     sat.output(ofile)

    print("Output saved to : \n{}".format(ofile))

    return sats, sats_passes, site