Ejemplo n.º 1
def load_synthetic_obs_data(n0: int,
                            n1: int,
                            dt0: datetime = datetime(2000, 1, 1),
                            dt1: datetime = datetime(2019, 10, 1)):
    Load synthetic observation data
        n0: First asteroid number
        n1: Last asteroid number
        dt0: Start date; defaults to 2000-01-01
        dt1: End date; defaults to 2010-10-01
    # File name for this data set
    fname: str = f'../data/observations/synthetic_n_{n0:06}_{n1:06}.npz'

    # Load numpy data and unpack into variables
    data = np.load(fname)
    t = data['t']
    u = data['u']
    ast_num = data['ast_num']

    # Convert dates to mjd for filtering
    t0 = datetime_to_mjd(dt0)
    t1 = datetime_to_mjd(dt1)
    mask = (t0 <= t) & (t < t1)

    return t[mask], u[mask], ast_num[mask]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_earth_pos_file():
    """Get the position of earth consistent with the asteroid data; look up from data file"""
    # selected data type for TF tensors
    dtype = np.float32

    # Name of the numpy archive
    n0, n1 = 0, 1000
    fname_np: str = f'../data/asteroids/sim_asteroids_n_{n0:06}_{n1:06}.npz'

    # The full array of positions and velocities
    q, v, elts, catalog = load_sim_np(fname_np=fname_np)

    # The object names
    object_names = catalog['object_names']

    # The snapshot times; offset to start time t0=0
    ts = catalog['ts'].astype(dtype)
    # Convert ts from relative time vs. t0 to MJD
    dt0 = datetime(2000, 1, 1)
    t_offset = datetime_to_mjd(dt0)
    ts += t_offset

    # Extract position of sun and earth in Barycentric coordinates
    sun_idx = object_names.index('Sun')
    earth_idx = object_names.index('Earth')
    q_sun_bc = q[:, sun_idx, :]
    q_earth_bc = q[:, earth_idx, :]
    # Compute earth position in heliocentric coordinates
    q_earth = q_earth_bc - q_sun_bc
    # Convert to selected data type
    return q_earth.astype(dtype), ts
Ejemplo n.º 3
def make_synthetic_obs_data(n0: int, n1: int, dt0: datetime, dt1: datetime,
                            p0: float, p1: float, noise: float,
                            frac_real: float):
    Genereate synthetic data of asteroid observations.
        n0: asteroid number of first asteroid to consider; inclusive
        n1: asteroid number of last asteroid to consider; exclusive
        dt0: starting date range for observations
        dt1: ending date range for observations
        p0: probability of an observation for asteroid n0
        p1: probability of an observation for asteroid n1 (interpolates from p0 to p1)
        noise: standard deviation of noise applied to observations
        frac_real: the fraction of the observations that are real; rest are uniformly distributed bogus observations
        t: mjd of this observation
        u: asteroid direction (ux, uy, uz)
        ast_num: asteroid number; 0 for bogus observations
    # Seed RNG for reproducible results

    # Data type for floating point
    dtype = np.float32

    # Range of MJDs
    t0: float = datetime_to_mjd(dt0)
    t1: float = datetime_to_mjd(dt1)

    # Preallocate storage
    num_obs_max: int = int((n1 - n0) * (t1 - t0) / (1.0 - frac_real))
    t: np.array = np.zeros(num_obs_max, dtype=dtype)
    u: np.array = np.zeros((num_obs_max, space_dims), dtype=dtype)
    ast_num_obs: np.array = np.zeros(num_obs_max, dtype=np.int32)

    # Load data pages for selected asteroids
    page_size: int = 1000
    page0: int = n0 // page_size
    page1: int = (n1 - 1) // page_size
    # Initialize counter for number of observations
    num_obs: int = 0
    # Iterate through pages of asteroid data
    page: int
    for page in tqdm(range_inc(page0, page1)):
        # Load file for this page
        n0_file: int = page * page_size
        n1_file: int = n0_file + page_size
        inputs, outputs = make_data_one_file(n0=n0_file, n1=n1_file)
        # print(f'Loaded file for asteroids {n0_file} to {n1_file}.')

        # Asteroid numbers on this page
        mask_page: np.array = (n0_file < ast_num_all) & (ast_num_all < n1_file)
        ast_num_page: np.array = ast_num_all[mask_page]
        # print(f'ast_num_page={ast_num_page}')

        # Extract positions; times of asteroid positions synchronized to those for earth
        q: np.array = outputs['q']

        # Iterate through asteroids in this page
        idx: int
        ast_num_i: int
        # print(f'n0={n0}, n1={n1}')
        for idx, ast_num_i in enumerate(ast_num_page):
            # Only process asteroids in [n0, n1)
            if not (n0 <= ast_num_i and ast_num_i < n1):
            # Interpolate the observation acceptance probability
            p: float = np.interp(ast_num_i, [n0, n1], [p0, p1])
            # print(f'ast_num_i={ast_num_i}, p={p}')
            # Direction and observation times for this asteroid
            ts_obs, u_obs = get_synthetic_data_one_asteroid(idx=idx,
            # Number of observations generated; end index of this data slice
            ni: int = len(ts_obs)
            slice_end = num_obs + ni
            # print(f'ni={ni}')
            # Copy this page into t and u
            t[num_obs:slice_end] = ts_obs
            u[num_obs:slice_end] = u_obs
            # The observed asteroid number is the same
            ast_num_obs[num_obs:slice_end] = ast_num_i
            # Update num_obs for this asteroid
            num_obs += ni

    # Add bogus data points
    num_real: int = num_obs
    num_total: int = int(np.round(num_real / frac_real))
    num_bogus: int = num_total - num_real
    ts_bogus = np.arange(t0, t1)
    t[num_real:num_total] = np.random.choice(ts_bogus, size=num_bogus)
    u[num_real:num_total] = random_direction(num_bogus)
    # Use placeholder asteroid number = 0 for bogus observations
    ast_num_obs[num_real:num_total] = 0

    # Prune array size down and sort it by time t
    idx = np.argsort(t[0:num_total])
    t = t[idx]
    u = u[idx]
    ast_num_obs = ast_num_obs[idx]

    return t, u, ast_num_obs
Ejemplo n.º 4
def make_data_one_file(n0: int, n1: int) -> tf.data.Dataset:
    Wrap the data in one file of asteroid trajectory data into a TF Dataset
        n0: the first asteroid in the file, e.g. 0
        n1: the last asteroid in the file (exclusive), e.g. 1000
        inputs: a dict of numpy arrays
        outputs: a dict of numpy arrays
    # selected data type for TF tensors
    dtype = np.float32

    # Name of the numpy archive
    fname_np: str = f'../data/asteroids/sim_asteroids_n_{n0:06}_{n1:06}.npz'

    # The full array of positions and velocities
    q, v, elts, catalog = load_sim_np(fname_np=fname_np)

    # The object names
    object_names = catalog['object_names']

    # The snapshot times; offset to start time t0=0
    ts = catalog['ts'].astype(dtype)
    # Convert ts from relative time vs. t0 to MJD
    dt0 = datetime(2000, 1, 1)
    t_offset = datetime_to_mjd(dt0)
    ts += t_offset

    # mask for selected asteroids
    mask = (n0 <= ast_elt.Num) & (ast_elt.Num < n1)

    # count of selected asteroids
    # asteroid_names = list(ast_elt.Name[mask].to_numpy())
    N_ast: int = np.sum(mask)
    # offset for indexing into asteroids; the first [10] objects are sun and planets
    ast_offset: int = len(object_names) - N_ast

    # Extract position of the sun
    sun_idx = 0
    q_sun = q[:, sun_idx, :]
    v_sun = q[:, sun_idx, :]
    # Compute position of the earth in Heliocentric coordinates
    earth_idx = 3
    q_earth = q[:, earth_idx, :] - q_sun
    # v_earth = v[:, earth_idx :] - v_sun

    # shrink down q and v to slice with asteroid data only;
    q = q[:, ast_offset:, :]
    v = v[:, ast_offset:, :]

    # swap axes for time step and body number; TF needs inputs and outputs to have same number of samples
    # this means that inputs and outputs must first be indexed by asteroid number, then time time step
    # also convert to heliocentric coordinates
    q = np.swapaxes(q, 0, 1) - q_sun
    v = np.swapaxes(v, 0, 1) - v_sun

    # Compute relative displacement to earth
    q_rel = q - q_earth
    # Distance to earth
    r_earth = np.linalg.norm(q_rel, axis=2, keepdims=True)
    # Direction from earth to asteroid as unit vectors u = (ux, uy, uz)
    u = q_rel / r_earth

    # dict with inputs
    inputs = {
        'a': ast_elt.a[mask].to_numpy().astype(dtype),
        'e': ast_elt.e[mask].to_numpy().astype(dtype),
        'inc': ast_elt.inc[mask].to_numpy().astype(dtype),
        'Omega': ast_elt.Omega[mask].to_numpy().astype(dtype),
        'omega': ast_elt.omega[mask].to_numpy().astype(dtype),
        'f': ast_elt.f[mask].to_numpy().astype(dtype),
        'epoch': ast_elt.epoch_mjd[mask].to_numpy().astype(dtype),
        'ts': np.tile(ts, reps=(

    # dict with outputs
    outputs = {
        'q': q.astype(dtype),
        'v': v.astype(dtype),
        'u': u.astype(dtype),

    return inputs, outputs
Ejemplo n.º 5
def make_archive_impl(fname_archive: str, sim_epoch: rebound.Simulation,
                      object_names: List[str], epoch: datetime, dt0: datetime,
                      dt1: datetime, time_step: int, save_step: int,
                      save_elements: bool, progbar: bool) -> None:
    Create a rebound simulation archive and save it to disk.
        fname_archive: the file name to save the archive to
        sim_epoch: rebound simulation object as of the epoch time; to be integrated in both directions
        object_names: the user names of all the objects in the simulation
        epoch: a datetime corresponding to sim_epoch
        dt0: the earliest datetime to simulate back to
        dt1: the latest datetime to simulate forward to
        time_step: the time step in days for the simulation
        save_step: the interval for saving snapshots to the simulation archive
        save_elements: flag indiciting whether to save orbital elements
        progbar: flag - whether to display a progress bar

    # Convert epoch, start and end times relative to a base date of the simulation start
    # This way, time is indexed from t0=0 to t1 = (dt1-dt0)
    epoch_t: float = datetime_to_mjd(epoch, dt0)
    t0: float = datetime_to_mjd(dt0, dt0)
    t1: float = datetime_to_mjd(dt1, dt0)

    # Create copies of the simulation to integrate forward and backward
    sim_fwd: rebound.Simulation = sim_epoch.copy()
    sim_back: rebound.Simulation = sim_epoch.copy()

    # Set the time counter on both simulation copies to the epoch time
    sim_fwd.t = epoch_t
    sim_back.t = epoch_t

    # Set the times for snapshots in both directions;
    ts: np.array = np.arange(t0, t1 + time_step, time_step)
    idx: int = np.searchsorted(ts, epoch_t, side='left')
    ts_fwd: np.array = ts[idx:]
    ts_back: np.array = ts[:idx][::-1]
    # The epochs corresponding to the times in ts
    epochs: List[datetime] = [dt0 + timedelta(t) for t in ts]

    # File names for forward and backward integrations
    fname_fwd: str = fname_archive.replace('.bin', '_fwd.bin')
    fname_back: str = fname_archive.replace('.bin', '_back.bin')

    # Number of snapshots
    M_back: int = len(ts_back)
    M_fwd: int = len(ts_fwd)
    M: int = M_back + M_fwd
    # Number of particles
    N: int = sim_epoch.N

    # Initialize arrays for the position and velocity
    shape_qv: Tuple[int] = (M, N, 3)
    q: np.array = np.zeros(shape_qv, dtype=np.float64)
    v: np.array = np.zeros(shape_qv, dtype=np.float64)

    # Initialize arrays for orbital elements if applicable

    if save_elements:
        # Arrays for a, e, inc, Omega, omega, f
        shape_elt: Tuple[int] = (M, N)
        orb_a: np.array = np.zeros(shape_elt, dtype=np.float64)
        orb_e: np.array = np.zeros(shape_elt, dtype=np.float64)
        orb_inc: np.array = np.zeros(shape_elt, dtype=np.float64)
        orb_Omega: np.array = np.zeros(shape_elt, dtype=np.float64)
        orb_omega: np.array = np.zeros(shape_elt, dtype=np.float64)
        orb_f: np.array = np.zeros(shape_elt, dtype=np.float64)

        # Wrap these into a named tuple
        elts: OrbitalElement = \
            OrbitalElement(a=orb_a, e=orb_e, inc=orb_inc,
                           Omega=orb_Omega, omega=orb_omega, f=orb_f)
        elts = OrbitalElement()

    # Subfunction: process one row of the loop
    def process_row(sim: rebound.Simulation, fname: str, t: float, row: int):
        # Integrate to the current time step with an exact finish time
        sim.integrate(t, exact_finish_time=1)

        # Serialize the position and velocity

        # Save a snapshot on multiples of save_step or the first / last row
        if (i % save_step == 0) or (row in (0, M - 1)):

        # Save the orbital elements if applicable
        if save_elements:
            # Compute the orbital elements vs. the sun as primary
            primary = sim.particles['Sun']
            orbits = sim.calculate_orbits(primary=primary, jacobi_masses=False)
            # Save the elements on this date as an Nx6 array
            # This approach only traverses the (slow) Python list orbits one time
            elt_array = np.array([[orb.a, orb.e, orb.inc, orb.Omega, orb.omega, orb.f] \
                                  for orb in orbits])
            # Save the elements into the current row of the named orbital elements arrays
            # The LHS row mask starts at 1 b/c orbital elements are not computed for the first object (Sun)
            orb_a[row, 1:] = elt_array[:, 0]
            orb_e[row, 1:] = elt_array[:, 1]
            orb_inc[row, 1:] = elt_array[:, 2]
            orb_Omega[row, 1:] = elt_array[:, 3]
            orb_omega[row, 1:] = elt_array[:, 4]
            orb_f[row, 1:] = elt_array[:, 5]

    # Integrate the simulation forward in time
    idx_fwd: List[Tuple[int, float]] = list(enumerate(ts_fwd))
    if progbar:
        idx_fwd = tqdm_console(idx_fwd)
    for i, t in idx_fwd:
        # Row index for position data
        row: int = M_back + i
        # Process this row
        process_row(sim=sim_fwd, fname=fname_fwd, t=t, row=row)

    # Integrate the simulation backward in time
    idx_back: List[Tuple[int, float]] = list(enumerate(ts_back))
    if progbar:
        idx_back = tqdm_console(idx_back)
    for i, t in idx_back:
        # Row index for position data
        row: int = M_back - (i + 1)
        # Process this row
        process_row(sim=sim_back, fname=fname_back, t=t, row=row)

    # Load the archives with the forward and backward snapshots
    sa_fwd: rebound.SimulationArchive = rebound.SimulationArchive(fname_fwd)
    sa_back: rebound.SimulationArchive = rebound.SimulationArchive(fname_back)

    # Filename for numpy arrays of position and velocity
    fname_np: str = fname_archive.replace('.bin', '.npz')

    # Save the epochs as a numpy array
    epochs_np: np.array = np.array(epochs)
    # Save the object names as a numpy array of strings
    object_names_np: np.array = np.array(object_names)

    # Save the object name hashes
    hashes: np.array = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.uint32)

    # Combine the forward and backward archives in forward order from t0 to t1
    sims = chain(reversed(sa_back), sa_fwd)
    # Process each simulation snapshot in turn
    for i, sim in enumerate(sims):
        # Save a snapshot on multiples of save_step

    # Save the numpy arrays with the object hashes, position and velocity

    # Delete the forward and backward archives