Ejemplo n.º 1
def fake_class(name_or_class_obj, members=()):
    if isinstance(name_or_class_obj, scoped_nodes.Class):
        cl = name_or_class_obj
        cl = scoped_nodes.Class(name_or_class_obj, None)

    for m in members:
        if isinstance(m, str):
            if m in cl.locals:
                _warning_already_exists(cl, m)
                cl.locals[m] = [scoped_nodes.Class(m, None)]
        elif isinstance(m, dict):
            for key, val in m.items():
                assert isinstance(key, str), "key must be string"
                if key in cl.locals:
                    _warning_already_exists(cl, key)
                    fake_class(cl.locals[key], val)
                    cl.locals[key] = [fake_class(key, val)]
            # here can be used any astroid type
            if m.name in cl.locals:
                _warning_already_exists(cl, m.name)
                cl.locals[m.name] = [copy.copy(m)]
    return cl
def transform(modu):
    if modu.name == 'google.appengine.ext.ndb':
        for f in [f for f in ndb.__dict__.keys() if 'Property' in f]:
            modu.locals[f] = [scoped_nodes.Class(f, None)]

    if modu.name == 'google.appengine.api.memcache':
        for f in memcache.__dict__.keys():
            modu.locals[f] = [scoped_nodes.Class(f, None)]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def transform(cls):
    if cls.name in CLASS_NAME_BLACKLIST:

    if cls.name.endswith('DB'):
        # mongoengine explicitly declared "id" field on each class so we teach pylint about that
        property_name = 'id'
        node = scoped_nodes.Class(property_name, None)
        cls.locals[property_name] = [node]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def transform(cls):
    pylint fails to "inherit" the attributes from the OrderedDict class when
    using multiple inheritance. So we need this fix for some special cases

    :param cls: The class, with name, etc.
    :return: None
    if cls.name in NEED_FIX:
        for f in FIX_MEMBERS:
            cls.locals[f] = [scoped_nodes.Class(f, None)]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def transform(cls, constants=None, functions=None):
    Transforms class objects from pylint so they're aware of extra
    attributes that are not present when being statically analyzed.
    assert isinstance(constants, set)
    assert isinstance(functions, set)

    for value in constants:
        cls.locals[value] = [scoped_nodes.Class(value, None)]

    for value in functions:
        cls.locals[value] = [scoped_nodes.Function(value, None)]
Ejemplo n.º 6
def transform(cls):
    if cls.name in CLASS_NAME_BLACKLIST:

    if cls.name == 'StormFoundationDB':
        # _fields get added automagically by mongoengine
        if '_fields' not in cls.locals:
            cls.locals['_fields'] = [nodes.Dict()]

    if cls.name.endswith('DB'):
        # mongoengine explicitly declared "id" field on each class so we teach pylint about that
        property_name = 'id'
        node = scoped_nodes.Class(property_name, None)
        cls.locals[property_name] = [node]
Ejemplo n.º 7
def transform(cls):
    if cls.name in CLASS_NAME_BLACKLIST:

    if cls.name.endswith('API') or 'schema' in cls.locals:
        # This is a class which defines attributes in "schema" variable using json schema.
        # Those attributes are then assigned during run time inside the constructor
        fqdn = cls.qname()
        module_name, class_name = fqdn.rsplit('.', 1)

        module = __import__(module_name, fromlist=[class_name])
        actual_cls = getattr(module, class_name)

        schema = actual_cls.schema

        if not isinstance(schema, dict):
            # Not a class we are interested in

        properties = schema.get('properties', {})
        for property_name, property_data in six.iteritems(properties):
            property_name = property_name.replace(
                '-', '_')  # Note: We do the same in Python code
            property_type = property_data.get('type', None)

            if isinstance(property_type, (list, tuple)):
                # Hack for attributes with multiple types (e.g. string, null)
                property_type = property_type[0]

            if property_type == 'object':
                node = nodes.Dict()
            elif property_type == 'array':
                node = nodes.List()
            elif property_type == 'integer':
                node = scoped_nodes.builtin_lookup('int')[1][0]
            elif property_type == 'number':
                node = scoped_nodes.builtin_lookup('float')[1][0]
            elif property_type == 'string':
                node = scoped_nodes.builtin_lookup('str')[1][0]
            elif property_type == 'boolean':
                node = scoped_nodes.builtin_lookup('bool')[1][0]
            elif property_type == 'null':
                node = scoped_nodes.builtin_lookup('None')[1][0]
                # Unknown type
                node = scoped_nodes.Class(property_name, None)

            cls.locals[property_name] = [node]
Ejemplo n.º 8
def transform(cls):
    if cls.name.endswith('API') or 'schema' in cls.locals:
        # This is a class which defines attributes in "schema" variable using json schema.
        # Those attributes are then assigned during run time inside the constructor

        fqdn = cls.qname()
        module_name, class_name = fqdn.rsplit('.', 1)

        module = __import__(module_name, fromlist=[class_name])
        actual_cls = getattr(module, class_name)

        schema = actual_cls.schema

        if not isinstance(schema, dict):
            # Not a class we are interested in

        properties = schema.get('properties', {}).keys()

        for property_name in properties:
            cls.locals[property_name] = [scoped_nodes.Class(property_name, None)]
Ejemplo n.º 9
def transform(cls):
    missing_members = CLASS_NO_MEMBERS.get(cls.name, [])
    for f in missing_members:
        cls.locals[f] = [scoped_nodes.Class(f, None)]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def transform(cls):
    """ Stop pylint from complaining about cs50.SQL """

    if cls.name == 'cs50':
        import cs50
        cls.locals["SQL"] = [scoped_nodes.Class("SQL", None)]