Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_lonlatalt(self, utc_time):
        """Calculate sublon, sublat and altitude of satellite.
        (pos_x, pos_y, pos_z), (vel_x, vel_y, vel_z) = self.get_position(
            utc_time, normalize=True)

        lon = ((np.arctan2(pos_y * XKMPER, pos_x * XKMPER) - astronomy.gmst(utc_time))
               % (2 * np.pi))

        lon = np.where(lon > np.pi, lon - np.pi * 2, lon)
        lon = np.where(lon <= -np.pi, lon + np.pi * 2, lon)

        r = np.sqrt(pos_x ** 2 + pos_y ** 2)
        lat = np.arctan2(pos_z, r)
        e2 = F * (2 - F)
        while True:
            lat2 = lat
            c = 1 / (np.sqrt(1 - e2 * (np.sin(lat2) ** 2)))
            lat = np.arctan2(pos_z + c * e2 * np.sin(lat2), r)
            if np.all(abs(lat - lat2) < 1e-10):
        alt = r / np.cos(lat) - c
        alt *= A
        return np.rad2deg(lon), np.rad2deg(lat), alt
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, tle):
        self.epoch = tle.epoch
        self.excentricity = tle.excentricity
        self.inclination = np.deg2rad(tle.inclination)
        self.right_ascension = np.deg2rad(tle.right_ascension)
        self.arg_perigee = np.deg2rad(tle.arg_perigee)
        self.mean_anomaly = np.deg2rad(tle.mean_anomaly)

        self.mean_motion = tle.mean_motion * (np.pi * 2 / XMNPDA)
        self.mean_motion_derivative = tle.mean_motion_derivative * \
            np.pi * 2 / XMNPDA ** 2
        self.mean_motion_sec_derivative = tle.mean_motion_sec_derivative * \
            np.pi * 2 / XMNPDA ** 3
        self.bstar = tle.bstar * AE

        n_0 = self.mean_motion
        k_e = XKE
        k_2 = CK2
        i_0 = self.inclination
        e_0 = self.excentricity

        a_1 = (k_e / n_0) ** (2.0 / 3)
        delta_1 = ((3 / 2.0) * (k_2 / a_1**2) * ((3 * np.cos(i_0)**2 - 1) /
                                                 (1 - e_0**2)**(2.0 / 3)))

        a_0 = a_1 * (1 - delta_1 / 3 - delta_1**2 - (134.0 / 81) * delta_1**3)

        delta_0 = ((3 / 2.0) * (k_2 / a_0**2) * ((3 * np.cos(i_0)**2 - 1) /
                                                 (1 - e_0**2)**(2.0 / 3)))

        # original mean motion
        n_0pp = n_0 / (1 + delta_0)
        self.original_mean_motion = n_0pp

        # semi major axis
        a_0pp = a_0 / (1 - delta_0)
        self.semi_major_axis = a_0pp

        self.period = np.pi * 2 / n_0pp

        self.perigee = (a_0pp * (1 - e_0) / AE - AE) * XKMPER

        self.right_ascension_lon = (self.right_ascension
                                    - astronomy.gmst(self.epoch))

        if self.right_ascension_lon > np.pi:
            self.right_ascension_lon -= 2 * np.pi
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_observer_look(self, utc_time, lon, lat, alt):
        """Calculate observers look angle to a satellite.

        utc_time: Observation time (datetime object)
        lon: Longitude of observer position on ground
        lat: Latitude of observer position on ground
        alt: Altitude above sea-level (geoid) of observer position on ground

        Return: (Azimuth, Elevation)
        (pos_x, pos_y, pos_z), (vel_x, vel_y, vel_z) = self.get_position(
            utc_time, normalize=False)
        (opos_x, opos_y, opos_z), (ovel_x, ovel_y, ovel_z) = \
            astronomy.observer_position(utc_time, lon, lat, alt)

        lon = np.deg2rad(lon)
        lat = np.deg2rad(lat)

        theta = (astronomy.gmst(utc_time) + lon) % (2 * np.pi)

        rx = pos_x - opos_x
        ry = pos_y - opos_y
        rz = pos_z - opos_z

        sin_lat = np.sin(lat)
        cos_lat = np.cos(lat)
        sin_theta = np.sin(theta)
        cos_theta = np.cos(theta)

        top_s = sin_lat * cos_theta * rx + \
            sin_lat * sin_theta * ry - cos_lat * rz
        top_e = -sin_theta * rx + cos_theta * ry
        top_z = cos_lat * cos_theta * rx + \
            cos_lat * sin_theta * ry + sin_lat * rz

        az_ = np.arctan(-top_e / top_s)

        az_ = np.where(top_s > 0, az_ + np.pi, az_)
        az_ = np.where(az_ < 0, az_ + 2 * np.pi, az_)

        rg_ = np.sqrt(rx * rx + ry * ry + rz * rz)
        el_ = np.arcsin(top_z / rg_)

        return np.rad2deg(az_), np.rad2deg(el_)