Ejemplo n.º 1
def _get_matrix_vectors(gal_frame, inverse=False):
    Utility function: use the ``inverse`` argument to get the inverse transformation, matrix and
    offsets to go from external galaxy frame to ICRS.
    # this is based on the astropy Galactocentric class code
    # shorthand
    gcf = gal_frame

    # rotation matrix to align x(ICRS) with the vector to the galaxy center
    mat0 = np.array([[0., 1., 0.],
                     [0., 0., 1.],
                     [1., 0., 0.]])   # relabel axes so x points in RA, y in dec, z away from us
    mat1 = rotation_matrix(-gcf.gal_coord.dec, 'y')
    mat2 = rotation_matrix(gcf.gal_coord.ra, 'z')

    # construct transformation matrix and use it
    R = matrix_product(mat0, mat1, mat2)

    # Now define translation by distance to galaxy center - best defined in current sky coord system defined by R
    translation = r.CartesianRepresentation(gcf.gal_distance * [0., 0., 1.])

    # Now rotate galaxy to right orientation
    pa_rot = rotation_matrix(-gcf.PA, 'z')
    inc_rot = rotation_matrix(gcf.inclination, 'y')
    H = matrix_product(inc_rot, pa_rot)

    # compute total matrices
    A = matrix_product(H, R)

    # Now we transform the translation vector between sky-aligned and galaxy-aligned frames
    offset = -translation.transform(H)

    if inverse:
        # the inverse of a rotation matrix is a transpose, which is much faster
        #   and more stable to compute
        A = matrix_transpose(A)
        offset = (-offset).transform(A)
        # galvel is given in sky-aligned coords, need to transform to ICRS, so use R transpose
        R = matrix_transpose(R)
        offset_v = r.CartesianDifferential.from_cartesian(
        offset = offset.with_differentials(offset_v)

        # galvel is given in sky-aligned coords, need to transform to gal frame, so use H
        offset_v = r.CartesianDifferential.from_cartesian(
        offset = offset.with_differentials(offset_v)

    return A, offset
Ejemplo n.º 2
def greatcircle_to_reference(greatcircle_coord, reference_frame):
    """Convert an great circle frame coordinate to the reference frame"""

    # use the forward transform, but just invert it
    R = reference_to_greatcircle(reference_frame, greatcircle_coord)
    # transpose is the inverse because R is a rotation matrix
    return matrix_transpose(R)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def hpc_to_hcc(heliopcoord, heliocframe):
    Convert from Helioprojective Cartesian to Heliocentric Cartesian.

    heliopcoord = heliopcoord.make_3d()

    # Permute/swap axes from HPC equivalent Cartesian to HCC
    newrepr = heliopcoord.cartesian.transform(

    # Transform the HPC observer (in HGS) to the HPC obstime in case it's different
    observer = _transform_obstime(heliopcoord.observer, heliopcoord.obstime)

    # Shift the origin from the observer to the Sun
    distance = observer.radius
    newrepr += CartesianRepresentation(0 * u.m, 0 * u.m, distance)

    # Complete the conversion of HPC to HCC at the obstime and observer of the HPC coord
    int_coord = Heliocentric(newrepr,

    # Loopback transform HCC as needed
    return int_coord.transform_to(heliocframe)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def geoecliptic_to_gcrs(from_coo, gcrs_frame):
    rmat = _ecliptic_rotation_matrix(from_coo.equinox)
    newrepr = from_coo.cartesian.transform(matrix_transpose(rmat))
    gcrs = GCRS(newrepr, obstime=from_coo.equinox)

    # now do any needed offsets (no-op if same obstime and 0 pos/vel)
    return gcrs.transform_to(gcrs_frame)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def skyoffset_to_reference(skyoffset_coord, reference_frame):
    '''Convert an sky offset frame coordinate to the reference frame'''

    # use the forward transform, but just invert it
    mat = reference_to_skyoffset(reference_frame, skyoffset_coord)
    # transpose is the inverse because mat is a rotation matrix
    return matrix_transpose(mat)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def geoecliptic_to_gcrs(from_coo, gcrs_frame):
    rmat = _mean_ecliptic_rotation_matrix(from_coo.equinox)
    newrepr = from_coo.cartesian.transform(matrix_transpose(rmat))
    gcrs = GCRS(newrepr, obstime=from_coo.obstime)

    # now do any needed offsets (no-op if same obstime and 0 pos/vel)
    return gcrs.transform_to(gcrs_frame)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def offset_to_reference(offset_coord, reference_frame):
        """Convert an sky offset frame coordinate to the reference frame"""

        # use the forward transform, but just invert it
        R = reference_to_offset(reference_frame, offset_coord)
        # transpose is the inverse because R is a rotation matrix
        return matrix_transpose(R)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def hme_to_gei(hmecoord, geiframe):
    Convert from Heliocentric Mean Ecliptic to Geocentric Earth Equatorial
    if geiframe.obstime is None:
        raise ConvertError("To perform this transformation, the coordinate"
                           " frame needs a specified `obstime`.")

    # Use an intermediate frame of HME at the GEI observation time, through HCRS
    int_frame = HeliocentricMeanEcliptic(obstime=geiframe.obstime,
    int_coord = hmecoord.transform_to(

    # Get the Sun-Earth vector in the intermediate frame
    sun_earth = HCRS(_sun_earth_icrf(int_frame.obstime),
    sun_earth_int = sun_earth.transform_to(int_frame).cartesian

    # Find the Earth-object vector in the intermediate frame
    earth_object_int = int_coord.cartesian - sun_earth_int

    # Rotate from ecliptic to Earth equatorial
    rot_matrix = matrix_transpose(_rotation_matrix_obliquity(
    newrepr = earth_object_int.transform(rot_matrix)

    return geiframe.realize_frame(newrepr)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def cust_to_icrs():
        """Register matrix transformation.

        Does ICRS-rotated custom to ICRS spherical coordinates

        return matrix_transpose(R_icrs_to_cust)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def hpc_to_hcc(heliopcoord, heliocframe):
    Convert from Helioprojective Cartesian to Heliocentric Cartesian.
    if not isinstance(heliopcoord.observer, BaseCoordinateFrame):
        raise ConvertError("Cannot transform helioprojective coordinates to "
                           "heliocentric coordinates for observer '{}' "
                           "without `obstime` being specified.".format(

    heliopcoord = heliopcoord.calculate_distance()

    # Permute/swap axes from HPC equivalent Cartesian to HCC
    newrepr = heliopcoord.cartesian.transform(

    # Shift the origin from the observer to the Sun
    distance = heliocframe.observer.radius
    newrepr += CartesianRepresentation(0 * u.m, 0 * u.m, distance)

    # Complete the conversion of HPC to HCC at the obstime and observer of the HPC coord
    int_coord = Heliocentric(newrepr,

    # Loopback transform HCC as needed
    return int_coord.transform_to(heliocframe)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def hgs_to_hcrs(hgscoord, hcrsframe):
    Convert from Heliographic Stonyhurst to HCRS.

    Even though we calculate the parameters for the affine transform, we use
    ``FunctionTransformWithFiniteDifference`` because otherwise there is no way to account for the
    induced angular velocity when transforming a coordinate with velocity information.
    if hgscoord.obstime is None:
        raise ConvertError(
            "To perform this transformation, the HeliographicStonyhurst"
            " frame needs a specified `obstime`.")

    hgscoord = hgscoord.make_3d()

    # Calculate the matrix and offset in the HCRS->HGS direction
    forward_matrix, forward_offset = _affine_params_hcrs_to_hgs(
        hcrsframe.obstime, hgscoord.obstime)

    # Invert the transformation to get the HGS->HCRS transformation
    reverse_matrix = matrix_transpose(forward_matrix)
    reverse_offset = -forward_offset

    return hcrsframe.realize_frame(
        hgscoord.cartesian.transform(reverse_matrix) + reverse_offset)
def itrs_to_teme(itrs_coo, teme_frame):
    # transform the ITRS coordinate to the target obstime
    itrs_coo2 = itrs_coo.transform_to(ITRS(obstime=teme_frame.obstime))

    # compute the pmatrix, and then multiply by its transpose
    pmat = teme_to_itrs_mat(teme_frame.obstime)
    newrepr = itrs_coo2.cartesian.transform(matrix_transpose(pmat))
    return teme_frame.realize_frame(newrepr)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def cirs_to_gcrs(cirs_coo, gcrs_frame):
    # compute the pmatrix, and then multiply by its transpose
    pmat = gcrs_to_cirs_mat(cirs_coo.obstime)
    newrepr = cirs_coo.cartesian.transform(matrix_transpose(pmat))
    gcrs = GCRS(newrepr, obstime=cirs_coo.obstime)

    # now do any needed offsets (no-op if same obstime and 0 pos/vel)
    return gcrs.transform_to(gcrs_frame)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def itrs_to_teme(itrs_coo, teme_frame):
    # compute the pmatrix, and then multiply by its transpose
    pmat = teme_to_itrs_mat(itrs_coo.obstime)
    newrepr = itrs_coo.cartesian.transform(matrix_transpose(pmat))
    teme = TEME(newrepr, obstime=itrs_coo.obstime)

    # now do any needed offsets (no-op if same obstime)
    return teme.transform_to(teme_frame)
def itrs_to_cirs(itrs_coo, cirs_frame):
    # compute the pmatrix, and then multiply by its transpose
    pmat = cirs_to_itrs_mat(itrs_coo.obstime)
    newrepr = itrs_coo.cartesian.transform(matrix_transpose(pmat))
    cirs = CIRS(newrepr, obstime=itrs_coo.obstime)

    # now do any needed offsets (no-op if same obstime)
    return cirs.transform_to(cirs_frame)
def cirs_to_gcrs(cirs_coo, gcrs_frame):
    # compute the pmatrix, and then multiply by its transpose
    pmat = gcrs_to_cirs_mat(cirs_coo.obstime)
    newrepr = cirs_coo.cartesian.transform(matrix_transpose(pmat))
    gcrs = GCRS(newrepr, obstime=cirs_coo.obstime)

    # now do any needed offsets (no-op if same obstime and 0 pos/vel)
    return gcrs.transform_to(gcrs_frame)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def itrs_to_cirs(itrs_coo, cirs_frame):
    # compute the pmatrix, and then multiply by its transpose
    pmat = cirs_to_itrs_mat(itrs_coo.obstime)
    newrepr = itrs_coo.cartesian.transform(matrix_transpose(pmat))
    cirs = CIRS(newrepr, obstime=itrs_coo.obstime)

    # now do any needed offsets (no-op if same obstime)
    return cirs.transform_to(cirs_frame)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def ecliptic_to_iau76_icrs(from_coo, to_frame):
    # first un-precess from ecliptic to ICRS orientation
    rmat = _obliquity_only_rotation_matrix()

    # now offset back to barycentric, which is the correct center for ICRS
    sun_from_ssb = get_offset_sun_from_barycenter(
        from_coo.obstime, include_velocity=bool(from_coo.data.differentials))

    return matrix_transpose(rmat), sun_from_ssb
def precessedgeo_to_gcrs(from_coo, to_frame):
    # first un-precess
    pmat = gcrs_precession_mat(from_coo.equinox)
    crepr = from_coo.cartesian.transform(matrix_transpose(pmat))
    gcrs_coo = GCRS(crepr, obstime=to_frame.obstime,

    # then move to the GCRS that's actually desired
    return gcrs_coo.transform_to(to_frame)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def cirs_to_gcrs(cirs_coo, gcrs_frame):
    # Compute the pmatrix, and then multiply by its transpose,
    pmat = gcrs_to_cirs_mat(cirs_coo.obstime)
    newrepr = cirs_coo.cartesian.transform(matrix_transpose(pmat))
    # We now have a GCRS vector for the input location and obstime.
    # Turn it into a GCRS frame instance.
    loc_gcrs = get_location_gcrs(cirs_coo, pmat)
    gcrs = loc_gcrs.realize_frame(newrepr)
    # Finally, do any needed offsets (no-op if same obstime and location)
    return gcrs.transform_to(gcrs_frame)
def tete_to_gcrs(tete_coo, gcrs_frame):
    # Compute the pn matrix, and then multiply by its transpose.
    rbpn = erfa.pnm06a(*get_jd12(tete_coo.obstime, 'tt'))
    newrepr = tete_coo.cartesian.transform(matrix_transpose(rbpn))
    # We now have a GCRS vector for the input location and obstime.
    # Turn it into a GCRS frame instance.
    loc_gcrs = get_location_gcrs(tete_coo, rbpn)
    gcrs = loc_gcrs.realize_frame(newrepr)
    # Finally, do any needed offsets (no-op if same obstime and location)
    return gcrs.transform_to(gcrs_frame)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def _ecliptic_to_icrs(from_coo, to_frame):
    # first un-precess from ecliptic to ICRS orientation
    rmat = _ecliptic_rotation_matrix()
    intermed_repr = from_coo.cartesian.transform(matrix_transpose(rmat))

    # now offset back to barycentric, which is the correct center for ICRS
    # get barycentric sun coordinate
    bary_sun_pos = get_body_barycentric("sun", from_coo.obstime)

    newrepr = intermed_repr + bary_sun_pos
    return to_frame.realize_frame(newrepr)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def fk5_to_fk4_no_e(fk5coord, fk4noeframe):
    # Get transposed version of the rotating correction terms... so with the
    # transpose this takes us from FK5/J200 to FK4/B1950
    B = matrix_transpose(_fk4_B_matrix(fk4noeframe.obstime))

    # construct both precession matricies - if the equinoxes are B1950 and
    # J2000, these are just identity matricies
    pmat1 = fk5coord._precession_matrix(fk5coord.equinox, EQUINOX_J2000)
    pmat2 = fk4noeframe._precession_matrix(EQUINOX_B1950, fk4noeframe.equinox)

    return matrix_product(pmat2, B, pmat1)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def _ecliptic_to_icrs(from_coo, to_frame):
    # first un-precess from ecliptic to ICRS orientation
    rmat = _ecliptic_rotation_matrix()
    intermed_repr = from_coo.cartesian.transform(matrix_transpose(rmat))

    # now offset back to barycentric, which is the correct center for ICRS
    # get barycentric sun coordinate
    bary_sun_pos = get_body_barycentric("sun", from_coo.obstime)

    newrepr = intermed_repr + bary_sun_pos
    return to_frame.realize_frame(newrepr)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def fk5_to_fk4_no_e(fk5coord, fk4noeframe):
    # Get transposed version of the rotating correction terms... so with the
    # transpose this takes us from FK5/J200 to FK4/B1950
    B = matrix_transpose(_fk4_B_matrix(fk4noeframe.obstime))

    # construct both precession matricies - if the equinoxes are B1950 and
    # J2000, these are just identity matricies
    pmat1 = fk5coord._precession_matrix(fk5coord.equinox, EQUINOX_J2000)
    pmat2 = fk4noeframe._precession_matrix(EQUINOX_B1950, fk4noeframe.equinox)

    return matrix_product(pmat2, B, pmat1)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def ecliptic_to_iau76_icrs(from_coo, to_frame):
    # first un-precess from ecliptic to ICRS orientation
    rmat = _obliquity_only_rotation_matrix()

    # now offset back to barycentric, which is the correct center for ICRS
    # get barycentric sun coordinate
    # this goes here to avoid circular import errors
    from astropy.coordinates.solar_system import get_body_barycentric
    bary_sun_pos = get_body_barycentric("sun", from_coo.obstime)

    return matrix_transpose(rmat), bary_sun_pos
Ejemplo n.º 27
def precessedgeo_to_gcrs(from_coo, to_frame):
    # first un-precess
    pmat = gcrs_precession_mat(from_coo.equinox)
    crepr = from_coo.cartesian.transform(matrix_transpose(pmat))
    gcrs_coo = GCRS(crepr,

    # then move to the GCRS that's actually desired
    return gcrs_coo.transform_to(to_frame)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def hci_to_hgs(hcicoord, hgsframe):
    Convert from Heliocentric Inertial to Heliographic Stonyhurst
    # First transform the HCI coord to the HGS obstime
    int_coord = _transform_obstime(hcicoord, hgsframe.obstime)

    # Rotate from HCI to HGS
    total_matrix = matrix_transpose(_rotation_matrix_hgs_to_hci(int_coord.obstime))
    newrepr = int_coord.cartesian.transform(total_matrix)

    return hgsframe._replicate(newrepr, obstime=int_coord.obstime)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def coord_to_referenceplane(from_coord, to_reference_plane):
        """Convert a sky coordinate to a reference-plane frame."""

        if (to_reference_plane.origin is None
                or not to_reference_plane.origin.has_data):
            raise ValueError("Reference plane origin frame object must have "
                             "data, i.e. it must have a position specified.")

        M, offset = referenceplane_to_coord(to_reference_plane, from_coord)
        M = matrix_transpose(M)
        offset = (-offset).transform(M)
        return M, offset
Ejemplo n.º 30
def hgc_to_hgs(hgccoord, hgsframe):
    Convert from Heliographic Carrington to Heliographic Stonyhurst.
    # First transform the HGC coord to the HGS obstime
    int_coord = _transform_obstime(hgccoord, hgsframe.obstime)

    # Rotate from HGC to HGS
    total_matrix = matrix_transpose(_rotation_matrix_hgs_to_hgc(int_coord.obstime))
    newrepr = int_coord.cartesian.transform(total_matrix)

    return hgsframe.realize_frame(newrepr)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def true_helioecliptic_to_icrs(from_coo, to_frame):
    if not u.m.is_equivalent(from_coo.cartesian.x.unit):
        raise UnitsError(_NEED_ORIGIN_HINT.format(from_coo.__class__.__name__))

    # first un-precess from ecliptic to ICRS orientation
    rmat = _true_ecliptic_rotation_matrix(from_coo.equinox)

    # now offset back to barycentric, which is the correct center for ICRS
    sun_from_ssb = get_offset_sun_from_barycenter(
        from_coo.obstime, include_velocity=bool(from_coo.data.differentials))

    return matrix_transpose(rmat), sun_from_ssb
Ejemplo n.º 32
def hee_to_hme(heecoord, hmeframe):
    Convert from Heliocentric Earth Ecliptic to Heliocentric Mean Ecliptic
    int_frame = HeliocentricMeanEcliptic(obstime=heecoord.obstime, equinox=heecoord.obstime)

    # Rotate the HEE coord to the intermediate frame
    total_matrix = matrix_transpose(_rotation_matrix_hme_to_hee(int_frame))
    int_repr = heecoord.cartesian.transform(total_matrix)
    int_coord = int_frame.realize_frame(int_repr)

    # Convert to the HME frame through HCRS
    return int_coord.transform_to(HCRS).transform_to(hmeframe)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def hgc_to_hgs(hgccoord, hgsframe):
    Convert from Heliographic Carrington to Heliographic Stonyhurst.

    # First transform the HGC coord to the HGS obstime
    int_coord = _transform_obstime(hgccoord, hgsframe.obstime)

    # Rotate from HGC to HGS
    total_matrix = matrix_transpose(_rotation_matrix_hgs_to_hgc(int_coord.obstime,
    newrepr = int_coord.cartesian.transform(total_matrix)

    return hgsframe._replicate(newrepr, obstime=int_coord.obstime)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def true_helioecliptic_to_icrs(from_coo, to_frame):
    if not u.m.is_equivalent(from_coo.cartesian.x.unit):
        raise UnitsError(_NEED_ORIGIN_HINT.format(from_coo.__class__.__name__))

    # first un-precess from ecliptic to ICRS orientation
    rmat = _true_ecliptic_rotation_matrix(from_coo.equinox)

    # now offset back to barycentric, which is the correct center for ICRS

    # this goes here to avoid circular import errors
    from astropy.coordinates.solar_system import get_body_barycentric

    # get barycentric sun coordinate
    bary_sun_pos = get_body_barycentric('sun', from_coo.obstime)

    return matrix_transpose(rmat), bary_sun_pos
Ejemplo n.º 35
def tete_to_gcrs(tete_coo, gcrs_frame):
    # compute the pn matrix, and then multiply by its transpose

    jd1, jd2 = get_jd12(tete_coo.obstime, 'tt')
    # Classical NPB matrix, IAU 2006/2000A
    # (same as in builtin_frames.utils.get_cip).
    rbpn = erfa.pnm06a(jd1, jd2)
    newrepr = tete_coo.cartesian.transform(matrix_transpose(rbpn))

    gcrs = GCRS(newrepr,

    # now do any needed offsets (no-op if same obstime and 0 pos/vel)
    return gcrs.transform_to(gcrs_frame)
Ejemplo n.º 36
def hci_to_hgs(hcicoord, hgsframe):
    Convert from Heliocentric Inertial to Heliographic Stonyhurst
    # First transform the HCI coord to the HGS obstime
    int_coord = _transform_obstime(hcicoord, hgsframe.obstime)

    if int_coord.obstime is None:
        raise ConvertError("To perform this transformation, the coordinate"
                           " frame needs a specified `obstime`.")

    # Rotate from HCI to HGS
    total_matrix = matrix_transpose(_rotation_matrix_hgs_to_hci(int_coord.obstime))
    newrepr = int_coord.cartesian.transform(total_matrix)

    return hgsframe._replicate(newrepr, obstime=int_coord.obstime)
Ejemplo n.º 37
def helioecliptic_to_icrs(from_coo, to_frame):
    if not u.m.is_equivalent(from_coo.cartesian.x.unit):
        raise UnitsError(_NEED_ORIGIN_HINT.format(from_coo.__class__.__name__))

    # first un-precess from ecliptic to ICRS orientation
    rmat = _ecliptic_rotation_matrix(from_coo.equinox)
    intermed_repr = from_coo.cartesian.transform(matrix_transpose(rmat))

    # now offset back to barycentric, which is the correct center for ICRS

    # this goes here to avoid circular import errors
    from astropy.coordinates.solar_system import get_body_barycentric

    # get barycentric sun coordinate
    bary_sun_pos = get_body_barycentric('sun', from_coo.obstime)

    newrepr = intermed_repr + bary_sun_pos
    return to_frame.realize_frame(newrepr)
Ejemplo n.º 38
def get_matrix_vectors(galactocentric_frame, inverse=False):
    Use the ``inverse`` argument to get the inverse transformation, matrix and
    offsets to go from Galactocentric to ICRS.
    # shorthand
    gcf = galactocentric_frame

    # rotation matrix to align x(ICRS) with the vector to the Galactic center
    mat1 = rotation_matrix(-gcf.galcen_coord.dec, 'y')
    mat2 = rotation_matrix(gcf.galcen_coord.ra, 'z')
    # extra roll away from the Galactic x-z plane
    mat0 = rotation_matrix(gcf.get_roll0() - gcf.roll, 'x')

    # construct transformation matrix and use it
    R = matrix_product(mat0, mat1, mat2)

    # Now need to translate by Sun-Galactic center distance around x' and
    # rotate about y' to account for tilt due to Sun's height above the plane
    translation = r.CartesianRepresentation(gcf.galcen_distance * [1., 0., 0.])
    z_d = gcf.z_sun / gcf.galcen_distance
    H = rotation_matrix(-np.arcsin(z_d), 'y')

    # compute total matrices
    A = matrix_product(H, R)

    # Now we re-align the translation vector to account for the Sun's height
    # above the midplane
    offset = -translation.transform(H)

    if inverse:
        # the inverse of a rotation matrix is a transpose, which is much faster
        #   and more stable to compute
        A = matrix_transpose(A)
        offset = (-offset).transform(A)
        offset_v = r.CartesianDifferential.from_cartesian(
        offset = offset.with_differentials(offset_v)

        offset = offset.with_differentials(gcf.galcen_v_sun)

    return A, offset
Ejemplo n.º 39
Archivo: sgr.py Proyecto: adrn/gala
def sgr_to_galactic():
    """ Compute the transformation from heliocentric Sagittarius coordinates to
        spherical Galactic.
    return matrix_transpose(galactic_to_sgr())
Ejemplo n.º 40
Archivo: oph.py Proyecto: adrn/gala
def oph_to_gal():
    """ Compute the transformation from heliocentric Ophiuchus coordinates to
        spherical Galactic.
    return matrix_transpose(gal_to_oph())
Ejemplo n.º 41
Archivo: orphan.py Proyecto: adrn/gala
def oph_to_galactic():
    """ Compute the transformation from heliocentric Orphan coordinates to
        spherical Galactic.
    return matrix_transpose(galactic_to_orp())
Ejemplo n.º 42
Archivo: gd1.py Proyecto: adrn/gala
def gd1_to_icrs():
    """ Compute the transformation from heliocentric GD1 coordinates to
        spherical Galactic.
    return matrix_transpose(icrs_to_gd1())
Ejemplo n.º 43
Archivo: pal5.py Proyecto: adrn/gala
def pal5_to_icrs():
    """ Compute the transformation from heliocentric Pal 5 coordinates to
        spherical Galactic.
    return matrix_transpose(icrs_to_pal5())
Ejemplo n.º 44
def hgs_to_hcrs(hgscoord, hcrsframe):
    Convert from Heliographic Stonyhurst to HCRS.
    return matrix_transpose(hcrs_to_hgs(hcrsframe, hgscoord))
Ejemplo n.º 45
def geosolarecliptic_to_gcrs(from_coo, gcrs_frame):
    return matrix_transpose(gcrs_to_geosolarecliptic(gcrs_frame, from_coo))
Ejemplo n.º 46
def mag_to_gal():
    return matrix_transpose(gal_to_mag())
Ejemplo n.º 47
def _gal_to_fk5(galcoord, fk5frame):
    return matrix_transpose(fk5_to_gal(fk5frame, galcoord))
Ejemplo n.º 48
def gal_to_fk4(galcoords, fk4frame):
    return matrix_transpose(fk4_to_gal(fk4frame, galcoords))
Ejemplo n.º 49
def supergal_to_gal():
    return matrix_transpose(gal_to_supergal())
Ejemplo n.º 50
def sgr_to_galactic():
    """ Compute the transformation matrix from heliocentric Sgr coordinates to
        spherical Galactic.
    return matrix_transpose(SGR_MATRIX)
Ejemplo n.º 51
def baryecliptic_to_icrs(from_coo, to_frame):
    return matrix_transpose(icrs_to_baryecliptic(to_frame, from_coo))
Ejemplo n.º 52
Archivo: jhelum.py Proyecto: adrn/gala
def gd1_to_icrs():
    """ Compute the transformation from heliocentric Jhelum coordinates to
        spherical ICRS.
    return matrix_transpose(icrs_to_jhelum())