Ejemplo n.º 1
 def calcul(self, _):
     # Nettoyage de l'écran des résultats
     # Calcul proprement dit
     etoile_cible, observatoire, date_obs, criteres = self.lecture_saisies()
     altaz = AltAz(obstime=date_obs,
                   pressure=101300 * u.Pa,
                   temperature=10 * u.deg_C,
                   relative_humidity=60 * u.pct)
     etoile_cible['altaz'] = etoile_cible['equat'].transform_to(altaz)
         'Cible        : {0} ({1}), altitude={2}, azimuth={3}, masse d\'air={4:.2f}\n'
             get_constellation(etoile_cible['equat'], short_name=True),
             etoile_cible['altaz'].alt.to_string(sep='dms', fields=1),
             etoile_cible['altaz'].az.to_string(sep='dms', fields=1),
         'Observatoire : lat={0}, lon={1}, alt={2:.0f}, t={3}\n'.format(
             observatoire.lat.to_string(fields=2, precision=0),
             observatoire.lon.to_string(fields=2, precision=0),
             str(date_obs).replace('.000', '') + ' UTC'))
     #if etoile_cible['altaz'].alt < 0.0:
     #    self.boite_erreur('Etoile cible sous l\'horizon')
     #    return
     # Affichage graphique des masses d'air et hauteur en fonction du temps
     self.sortie_graphique(etoile_cible, date_obs, observatoire)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def constellations_in_area(
    min_longitude, max_longitude, min_latitude, max_latitude, nsamples=1000
    """Generates a list of all constellations that overlap with the given area.

    Uses a simple Monte Carlo strategy.
    constellations = {}

    sum_weight = 0
    for i in range(nsamples):
        # Generate a random longitude and latitude pair inside the bounding box
        longitude = min_longitude + (max_longitude - min_longitude) * random.random()
        latitude = min_latitude + (max_latitude - min_latitude) * random.random()

        # Retrieve the short name of the constellation for that coordinate
        constellation = get_constellation(
            SkyCoordDeg(longitude, latitude), short_name=True

        # Use the cosine of the latitude as weight, so higher latitude areas are not dominating
        weight = math.cos(math.radians(latitude))

        # Update the constellation dict and sum_weight
        if constellation not in constellations:
            constellations[constellation] = weight
            constellations[constellation] += weight
        sum_weight += weight

    # Sort the constellation dict by value and return the constellations of decreasing area
    res = sorted([(v / sum_weight, k) for k, v in constellations.items()], reverse=True)
    return [x[1] for x in res]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_random_object(max_star_fraction=0.1):
	Choose random RA/DEC and select nearest SIMBAD source, 
	biasing against boring-looking stars.
	Returns a human-readable txt string and object RA/DEC.
	customSimbad = Simbad()

	coo = coord.SkyCoord(random()*360,random()*180-90,unit='deg')
	results = customSimbad.query_region(coo,radius='1 deg')
	for res in results:
		obj_name = ' '.join(res['MAIN_ID'].split())
		obj_type = res['OTYPE_V']
		if 'star' in obj_type.lower() and random() > max_star_fraction:
		a_an = 'an' if obj_type[0].upper() in ('X','A','E','I','O','U') else 'a'
		obj_coo = coord.SkyCoord(res['RA_d'],res['DEC_d'],unit='deg')		
		constellation = coord.get_constellation(obj_coo)
		greeting = greetings[randint(0,len(greetings)-1)]
		txt_str =  greeting + " %s is %s %s in the constellation %s. More: %s%s" % \
		return obj_name,txt_str,res['RA_d'],res['DEC_d']
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def get_data(self):
     Update and store list of tonight's constellations, based on the users
     location. Uses a matrix of points on the sky to retrieve constellations
     that they are located in.
     self.constellations = list(set(get_constellation(self.dome)))
     return self.constellations
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: toco.py Proyecto: tessgi/toco
def print_results(tic=12350, simbad_search=False, data_search=False):
    target = Target(tic)
    catalogData = target.query()[0]

    catalogData['ra'] = catalogData['ra'].round(5)
    catalogData['dec'] = catalogData['dec'].round(5)
    catalogData['eclong'] = catalogData['eclong'].round(5)
    catalogData['eclat'] = catalogData['eclat'].round(5)
    catalogData['pmRA'] = catalogData['pmRA'].round(2)
    catalogData['pmDEC'] = catalogData['pmDEC'].round(2)
    catalogData['Tmag'] = catalogData['Tmag'].round(2)
    catalogData['Vmag'] = catalogData['Vmag'].round(2)
    catalogData['Kmag'] = catalogData['Kmag'].round(2)

    print(catalogData[['ID', 'ra', 'dec', 'pmRA', 'pmDEC',
                       'eclong', 'eclat', 'Tmag', 'Vmag', 'Kmag', 'Teff',
                       'rad', 'mass', 'd', ]])

    if simbad_search:
        skobj = SkyCoord(ra=catalogData['ra'] * u.degree,
                         dec=catalogData['dec'] * u.degree,
        with warnings.catch_warnings():

            customSimbad = Simbad()
                'ra(2;A;ICRS;J2000;2000)', 'dec(2;D;ICRS;J2000;2000)')

            # try different search radii, be fast if possible
            for i in [5, 10, 20]:
                result_table = customSimbad.query_region(
                    skobj, radius=i * u.arcsec)
                if result_table is None:

        if result_table is None:
            logger.warning("No Simbad target resolved")
            print('Target name: {}'.format(
        print("The target is in constellation {}".format(get_constellation(

    if data_search:
        obs_sectors = target.get_obs()
        obs2, obsffi, obs20 = obs_sectors

        print(f'FFI data at MAST for sectors:   {sorted(list(set(obsffi)))}')
        print(f'2-min data at MAST for sectors: {sorted(list(set(obs2)))}')
        print(f'20-s data at MAST for sectors:  {sorted(list(set(obs20)))}')

Ejemplo n.º 6
    def getConstellation(self):
		Coming soon...

        ra = self.getRightAscension()
        dec = self.getDeclination()
        ra2 = ra.split(" ")
        dec2 = dec.split(" ")
        ra = ra2[0] + "h" + ra2[1] + "m" + ra2[2] + "s"
        dec = dec2[0] + "d" + dec2[1] + "m" + dec2[2] + "s"
        constellation = SkyCoord(ra, dec, frame='icrs')
        return get_constellation(constellation)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def show_SDSS_fcoords(obj_coords_lst):
        #Get object RA & DEC
        obj_ra = obj_coords_lst[0]
        obj_dec = obj_coords_lst[1]
        #Get coords string
        coords = ' '.join(convert_to_deg(obj_ra, obj_dec))
        #Get SDSS cutout 
        get_SDDS_image(convert_to_deg(obj_ra, obj_dec))
        #Get constellaiton
        constellation = coord.get_constellation(SkyCoord(coords, frame='icrs', unit=(u.deg)))
        #Generate result string.
        object_string = "Showing <b>DSS</b> image for:\n○ RA:  {} \n○ DEC:  {} \n \nIn the constellation of <b>{}</b>.".format(obj_ra, obj_dec, constellation)
        return True, object_string
        return False, "Coordinates could not be found."    
Ejemplo n.º 8
def find_object_coords_fname(object_name):
    #Query Simbad for the object.
    result_table = Simbad.query_object(object_name)
        #Extract RA & DEC
        obj_ra = result_table['RA'][0].replace(" ", ":")
        obj_dec = result_table['DEC'][0].replace(" ", ":")
        #Generate coords string
        coords = ' '.join(convert_to_deg(obj_ra, obj_dec))
        #Get image for coords
        get_SDDS_image(convert_to_deg(obj_ra, obj_dec))
        #Get constellation for coords
        constellation = coord.get_constellation(SkyCoord(coords, frame='icrs', unit=(u.deg)))
        #Generate string with RA, DEC, and constellation
        object_at_string = "Object <b>{}</b> is at:\n○ RA:  {} \n○ DEC:  {} \n \nIn the constellation of <b>{}</b>.".format(object_name, obj_ra, obj_dec, constellation)
        return True, object_at_string
        return False, "Object could not be found."
Ejemplo n.º 9
def print_results(tic=12350):
    print_str = ""
        tic = int(tic)
    except ValueError:
        return (None, "Not a valid TIC number")

    target = Target(tic)

    catalogData = target.query().to_pandas()

    catalogData['ra'] = catalogData['ra'].round(5)
    catalogData['dec'] = catalogData['dec'].round(5)
    catalogData['eclong'] = catalogData['eclong'].round(5)
    catalogData['eclat'] = catalogData['eclat'].round(5)
    catalogData['pmRA'] = catalogData['pmRA'].round(2)
    catalogData['pmDEC'] = catalogData['pmDEC'].round(2)
    catalogData['Tmag'] = catalogData['Tmag'].round(2)
    catalogData['Vmag'] = catalogData['Vmag'].round(2)
    catalogData['Kmag'] = catalogData['Kmag'].round(2)

    output_table = catalogData[[

    skobj = SkyCoord(ra=catalogData['ra'] * u.degree,
                     dec=catalogData['dec'] * u.degree,
    with warnings.catch_warnings():

        customSimbad = Simbad()

        # try different search radii, be fast if possible
        for i in [5, 10, 20]:
            result_table = customSimbad.query_region(skobj,
                                                     radius=i * u.arcsec)
            if result_table is None:

    if result_table is None:
        print_str += "\n\n"
        print_str += "No Simbad target resolved\n\n"
        # print_str += "Target name: {}\n\n".format(
        #     result_table['MAIN_ID'][0])
        # print_str += "Target name: <a href=\"{1}{2}\">{0}</a>\n\n".format(
        #     result_table['MAIN_ID'][0],
        #     "http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/simbad/sim-id?",
        #     urlencode({"Ident": result_table['MAIN_ID'][0]}))
        print_str += "Target name: [{0}]({1}{2})\n\n".format(
            urlencode({"Ident": result_table['MAIN_ID'][0]}))
    print_str += "The target is in constellation {}\n\n".format(

    obs_sectors = target.get_obs()
    obs2, obsffi, obs20 = obs_sectors

    print_str += 'FFI data at MAST for sectors:      {}\n\n'.format(
        str(sorted(list(set(obsffi)))).replace("[", r"\[").replace("]", r"\]"))
    print_str += '2-min data at MAST for sectors:    {}\n\n'.format(
        str(sorted(list(set(obs2)))).replace("[", r"\[").replace("]", r"\]"))
    print_str += '20-s data at MAST for sectors:     {}\n\n'.format(
        str(sorted(list(set(obs20)))).replace("[", r"\[").replace("]", r"\]"))
    return output_table, print_str
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, params, print_df=True, print_help=False):
        Get some info about a star from some other info.

        Args (unpacked from params):
            stellar_type (str): What kind of star it is (i.e. G2V)
            position (tuple of strs): RA, dec values in a format understood
                                          by astropy.coordinates.Angle
            parallax (float): parallax angle, in arcsecs
            proper_motion (tuple of floats): proper motion in RA/dec, in mas/year.
            rv (float): radial velocity, in km/s
        stellar_type, position, parallax, proper_motion, v_radial = params
        self.init_params = params
        self.stellar_type = stellar_type
        self.proper_motion = proper_motion  # [mas/year, mas/year]
        self.distance = 1 / parallax  # parsecs
        self.parallax = parallax  # arcsecs
        self.position = position  # [hms, dms]
        self.v_radial = v_radial  # km/s

        self.galactic_coords = radec_to_galactic(self.position)  # degrees

        # Proper motion, described in Cartesian components
        self.pm_dec = self.proper_motion[1]
        # We don't need to scale by cos(dec) because the units are already in mas/year
        self.pm_ra = self.proper_motion[0]  #* np.cos(self.pm_dec)

        # Proper motion, described in angular components
        self.pm_mag = np.sqrt(self.pm_ra**2 + self.pm_dec**2)  # mas/year
        # PA = angle east of north
        self.pm_posang = round(np.arctan(self.pm_ra / self.pm_dec),
                               4)  # radians

        self.v_transverse = 4.74 * self.pm_mag * self.distance  # km/s

        # Space velocity is the third leg of the v_trans/v_rad triangle.
        self.v_space = np.sqrt(self.v_transverse**2 + self.v_radial**2)

        star_obj = SkyCoord(Angle(position[0]),
        self.constellation = get_constellation(star_obj)

        self.d_from_GC = self.distance_to_galactic_center()  # parsecs
        self.closer = True if self.d_from_GC > d_sun_GC else False

        d = [{
            'Name': 'Stellar Type',
            'Value': self.stellar_type,
            'units': 'N/A'
        }, {
            'Name': 'Distance',
            'Value': self.distance,
            'units': 'parsec'
        }, {
            'Name': 'Parallax',
            'Value': self.parallax,
            'units': 'arcsecs'
        }, {
            'Name': 'Position',
            'Value': self.position,
            'units': '[hms, dms]'
        }, {
            'Name': 'Galactic Coordinates',
            'Value': self.galactic_coords,
            'units': 'degrees'
        }, {
            'Name': 'Proper Motion (RA)',
            'Value': self.pm_ra,
            'units': 'mas/year'
        }, {
            'Name': 'Proper Motion (Dec)',
            'Value': self.pm_dec,
            'units': 'mas/year'
        }, {
            'Name': 'Proper Motion Magnitude',
            'Value': self.pm_mag,
            'units': 'mas/year'
        }, {
            'Name': 'Proper Motion Position Angle',
            'Value': self.pm_posang,
            'units': 'radians'
        }, {
            'Name': 'Radial Velocity',
            'Value': self.v_radial,
            'units': 'km/s'
        }, {
            'Name': 'Transverse Velocity',
            'Value': self.v_transverse,
            'units': 'km/s'
        }, {
            'Name': 'Space Velocity',
            'Value': self.v_space,
            'units': 'km/s'
        }, {
            'Name': 'Host Constellation',
            'Value': self.constellation,
            'units': 'N/A'
        }, {
            'Name': 'Distance from Galactic Center',
            'Value': self.d_from_GC,
            'units': 'parsecs'
        }, {
            'Name': 'Closer than Sun to GC?',
            'Value': self.closer,
            'units': 'N/A'

        self.full_param_df = pd.DataFrame(d)

        if print_help:
            print getdoc(self), '\n\n'

        if print_df:
            print self.full_param_df
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def calcul(self, _):
     # Nettoyage de l'écran des résultats
     # Calcul proprement dit
     etoile_cible, observatoire, date_obs, criteres = self.lecture_saisies()
     altaz = AltAz(obstime=date_obs,
                   pressure=101300 * u.Pa,
                   temperature=10 * u.deg_C,
                   relative_humidity=60 * u.pct)
     etoile_cible['altaz'] = etoile_cible['equat'].transform_to(altaz)
         'Cible        : {0} ({1}), altitude={2}, azimuth={3}, masse d\'air={4:.2f}\n'
             get_constellation(etoile_cible['equat'], short_name=True),
             etoile_cible['altaz'].alt.to_string(sep='dms', fields=1),
             etoile_cible['altaz'].az.to_string(sep='dms', fields=1),
         'Observatoire : lat={0}, lon={1}, alt={2:.0f}, t={3}\n'.format(
             observatoire.lat.to_string(fields=2, precision=0),
             observatoire.lon.to_string(fields=2, precision=0),
             str(date_obs).replace('.000', '') + ' UTC'))
     if etoile_cible['altaz'].alt < 0.0:
         self.boite_erreur('Etoile cible sous l\'horizon')
     etoiles = self.generation_liste(etoile_cible, altaz, criteres)
     if not etoiles:
             'Erreur dans le fichier de la base de données ou dans son traitement'
     # Sélection des étoiles les plus proches
     selection = []
     for num, etoile in enumerate(etoiles):
         if etoile is not None \
                 and etoile['distance'] <= criteres['sep_max'] \
                 and float(etoile['EB-V']) < criteres['ecart_bv_max']:
     # Tri par différence de hauteur :
     selection = sorted(selection,
                        key=lambda item: math.fabs(item['dhauteur'].degree))
     # Sortie des résultats
         '\n\nNum  Nom\tSép.\tMagV\tCoordonnées\tH. Dif haut\tB-V\tDif B-V\tType\tM. Air\tMiles\n'
     ligne = 1
     for etoile in selection:
         if etoile['Sp'] in type_pickles:
         if etoile['Miles']:
             self.formatage_sortie_etoile(ligne, etoile))
             couleur_resultat_defaut)  # Pour la ligne suivante
         ligne += 1
     # Affichage graphique des masses d'air et hauteur en fonction du temps
     self.affichage_masse_air(etoile_cible, selection, date_obs,
Ejemplo n.º 12
def plot(obs_parameters='', n=0, m=0, f_rest=0, slope_correction=False, dB=False, vlsr=False, meta=False, avg_ylim=[0,0], cal_ylim=[0,0], rfi=[], xlim=[0,0], ylim=[0,0], dm=0,
	 obs_file='observation.dat', cal_file='', waterfall_fits='', spectra_csv='', power_csv='', plot_file='plot.png'):
	Process, analyze and plot data.

		obs_parameters: dict. Observation parameters (identical to parameters used to acquire data)
			dev_args: string. Device arguments (gr-osmosdr)
			rf_gain: float. RF gain
			if_gain: float. IF gain
			bb_gain: float. Baseband gain
			frequency: float. Center frequency [Hz]
			bandwidth: float. Instantaneous bandwidth [Hz]
			channels: int: Number of frequency channels (FFT size)
			t_sample: float: Integration time per FFT sample
			duration: float: Total observing duration [sec]
			loc: string: latitude, longitude, and elevation of observation (float, separated by spaces)
			ra_dec: string: right ascension and declination of observation target (float, separated by space)
			az_alt: string: azimuth and altitude of observation target (float, separated by space; takes precedence over ra_dec)
		n: int. Median filter factor (spectrum)
		m: int. Median filter factor (time series)
		f_rest: float. Spectral line reference frequency used for radial velocity (Doppler shift) calculations [Hz]
		slope_correction: bool. Correct slope in poorly-calibrated spectra using linear regression
		dB: bool. Display data in decibel scaling
		vlsr: bool. Display graph in VLSR frame of reference
		meta: bool. Display header with date, time, and target
		rfi: list. Blank frequency channels contaminated with RFI ([low_frequency, high_frequency]) [Hz]
		avg_ylim: list. Averaged plot y-axis limits ([low, high])
		cal_ylim: list. Calibrated plot y-axis limits ([low, high])
		xlim: list. x-axis limits ([low_frequency, high_frequency]) [Hz]
		ylim: list. y-axis limits ([start_time, end_time]) [Hz]
		dm: float. Dispersion measure for dedispersion [pc/cm^3]
		obs_file: string. Input observation filename (generated with virgo.observe)
		cal_file: string. Input calibration filename (generated with virgo.observe)
		waterfall_fits: string. Output FITS filename
		spectra_csv: string. Output CSV filename (spectra)
		power_csv: string. Output CSV filename (time series)
		plot_file: string. Output plot filename
	import matplotlib
	matplotlib.use('Agg') # Try commenting this line if you run into display/rendering errors
	import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
	from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec

	plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 14
	plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 14
	plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 18
	plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 12
	plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 12

	def decibel(x):
		if dB: return 10.0*np.log10(x)
		return x

	def shift(phase_num, n_rows):
		waterfall[:, phase_num] = np.roll(waterfall[:, phase_num], -n_rows)

	def SNR(spectrum, mask=np.array([])):
		'''Signal-to-Noise Ratio estimator, with optional masking.
		If mask not given, then all channels will be used to estimate noise
		(will drastically underestimate S:N - not robust to outliers!)'''

		if mask.size == 0:
			mask = np.zeros_like(spectrum)

		noise = np.nanstd((spectrum[2:]-spectrum[:-2])[mask[1:-1] == 0])/np.sqrt(2)
		background = np.nanmean(spectrum[mask == 0])

		return (spectrum-background)/noise

	def best_fit(power):
		'''Compute best Gaussian fit'''
		avg = np.nanmean(power)
		var = np.var(power)

		gaussian_fit_x = np.linspace(np.min(power),np.max(power),100)
		gaussian_fit_y = 1.0/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*var)*np.exp(-0.5*(gaussian_fit_x-avg)**2/var)

		return [gaussian_fit_x, gaussian_fit_y]

	# Load observation parameters from dictionary argument/header file
	if obs_parameters != '':
		frequency = obs_parameters['frequency']
		bandwidth = obs_parameters['bandwidth']
		channels = obs_parameters['channels']
		t_sample = obs_parameters['t_sample']
		loc = obs_parameters['loc']
		ra_dec = obs_parameters['ra_dec']
		az_alt = obs_parameters['az_alt']
		header_file = '.'.join(obs_file.split('.')[:-1])+'.header'

		warnings.warn('No observation parameters passed. Attempting to load from header file ('+header_file+')...')

		with open(header_file, 'r') as f:
			headers = [parameter.rstrip('\n') for parameter in f.readlines()]

		for i in range(len(headers)):
			if 'mjd' in headers[i]:
				mjd = float(headers[i].strip().split('=')[1])
			elif 'frequency' in headers[i]:
				frequency = float(headers[i].strip().split('=')[1])
			elif 'bandwidth' in headers[i]:
				bandwidth = float(headers[i].strip().split('=')[1])
			elif 'channels' in headers[i]:
				channels = int(headers[i].strip().split('=')[1])
			elif 't_sample' in headers[i]:
				t_sample = float(headers[i].strip().split('=')[1])
			elif 'loc' in headers[i]:
				loc = tuple(map(float, headers[i].strip().split('=')[1].split(' ')))
			elif 'ra_dec' in headers[i]:
				ra_dec = tuple(map(str, headers[i].split('=')[1].split(' ')))
			elif 'az_alt' in headers[i]:
				az_alt = tuple(map(float, headers[i].split('=')[1].split(' ')))

	# Transform frequency axis limits to MHz
	xlim = [x / 1e6 for x in xlim]

	# Transform to VLSR
	if vlsr:

		from astropy import units as u
		from astropy.coordinates import SpectralCoord, EarthLocation, SkyCoord
		from astropy.time import Time

		obs_location = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(loc[0], loc[1], loc[2])
		obs_time = obs_location.get_itrs(obstime=Time(str(mjd), format='mjd', scale='utc'))

		if az_alt!='':
				obs_coord = SkyCoord(az=az_alt[0]*u.degree, alt=az_alt[1]*u.degree, frame='altaz', location=obs_location, obstime=Time(str(mjd), format='mjd', scale='utc'))
				obs_coord = obs_coord.icrs
				print (obs_coord)
				obs_coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra_dec[0]*u.degree, dec=ra_dec[1]*u.degree, frame='icrs')

		#Transform center frequency
		frequency = SpectralCoord(frequency * u.MHz, observer=obs_time, target=obs_coord)
		frequency = frequency.with_observer_stationary_relative_to('lsrk')
		frequency = frequency.quantity.value

	# Define Radial Velocity axis limits
	left_velocity_edge = -299792.458*(bandwidth-2*frequency+2*f_rest)/(bandwidth-2*frequency)
	right_velocity_edge = 299792.458*(-bandwidth-2*frequency+2*f_rest)/(bandwidth+2*frequency)

	# Transform sampling time to number of bins
	bins = int(t_sample*bandwidth/channels)

	# Load observation & calibration data
	offset = 1
	waterfall = offset*np.fromfile(obs_file, dtype='float32').reshape(-1, channels)/bins

	# Delete first 3 rows (potentially containing outlier samples)
	waterfall = waterfall[3:, :]

	# Mask RFI-contaminated channels
	if rfi != []:

		for j in range(len(rfi)):

			# Frequency to channel transformation
			current_rfi = rfi[j]
			rfi_lo = channels*(current_rfi[0] - (frequency - bandwidth/2))/bandwidth
			rfi_hi = channels*(current_rfi[1] - (frequency - bandwidth/2))/bandwidth

			# Blank channels
			for i in range(int(rfi_lo), int(rfi_hi)):
				waterfall[:, i] = np.nan

	if cal_file != '':
		waterfall_cal = offset*np.fromfile(cal_file, dtype='float32').reshape(-1, channels)/bins

		# Delete first 3 rows (potentially containing outlier samples)
		waterfall_cal = waterfall_cal[3:, :]

		# Mask RFI-contaminated channels
		if rfi != []:

			for j in range(len(rfi)):

				# Frequency to channel transformation
				current_rfi = rfi[j]
				rfi_lo = channels*(current_rfi[0] - (frequency - bandwidth/2))/bandwidth
				rfi_hi = channels*(current_rfi[1] - (frequency - bandwidth/2))/bandwidth

				# Blank channels
				for i in range(int(rfi_lo), int(rfi_hi)):
					waterfall_cal[:, i] = np.nan

	# Compute average spectra
	with warnings.catch_warnings():
		warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore', message='Mean of empty slice')
		avg_spectrum = decibel(np.nanmean(waterfall, axis=0))
		if cal_file != '':
			avg_spectrum_cal = decibel(np.nanmean(waterfall_cal, axis=0))

	# Number of sub-integrations
	subs = waterfall.shape[0]

	# Compute Time axis
	t = t_sample*np.arange(subs)

	# Compute Frequency axis; convert Hz to MHz
	frequency = np.linspace(frequency-0.5*bandwidth, frequency+0.5*bandwidth,
	                        channels, endpoint=False)*1e-6

	# Perform de-dispersion
	if dm != 0:
		deltaF = float(np.max(frequency)-np.min(frequency))/subs
		f_start = np.min(frequency)
		for t_bin in range(subs):
			f_chan = f_start+t_bin*deltaF
			deltaT = 4149*dm*((1/(f_chan**2))-(1/(np.max(frequency)**2)))
			n = int((float(deltaT)/(float(1)/channels)))
			shift(t_bin, n)

	# Define array for Time Series plot
	power = decibel(np.nanmean(waterfall, axis=1))

	# Apply Mask
	mask = np.zeros_like(avg_spectrum)
	mask[np.logical_and(frequency > f_rest*1e-6-0.2, frequency < f_rest*1e-6+0.8)] = 1 # Margins OK for galactic HI

	# Define text offset for axvline text label
	text_offset = 0

	# Calibrate Spectrum
	if cal_file != '':
		if dB:
			spectrum = 10**((avg_spectrum-avg_spectrum_cal)/10)
			spectrum = avg_spectrum/avg_spectrum_cal

		spectrum = SNR(spectrum, mask)
		if slope_correction:
			idx = np.isfinite(frequency) & np.isfinite(spectrum)
			fit = np.polyfit(frequency[idx], spectrum[idx], 1)
			ang_coeff = fit[0]
			intercept = fit[1]
			fit_eq = ang_coeff*frequency + intercept
			spectrum = SNR(spectrum-fit_eq, mask)

		# Mitigate RFI (Frequency Domain)
		if n != 0:
			spectrum_clean = SNR(spectrum.copy(), mask)
			for i in range(0, int(channels)):
				spectrum_clean[i] = np.nanmedian(spectrum_clean[i:i+n])

		# Apply position offset for Spectral Line label
		text_offset = 60

	# Mitigate RFI (Time Domain)
	if m != 0:
		power_clean = power.copy()
		for i in range(0, int(subs)):
			power_clean[i] = np.nanmedian(power_clean[i:i+m])

	# Write Waterfall to file (FITS)
	if waterfall_fits != '':
		from astropy.io import fits

		# Load data
		hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(waterfall)

		# Prepare FITS headers
		hdu.header['NAXIS'] = 2
		hdu.header['NAXIS1'] = channels
		hdu.header['NAXIS2'] = subs
		hdu.header['CRPIX1'] = channels/2
		hdu.header['CRPIX2'] = subs/2
		hdu.header['CRVAL1'] = frequency[int(channels/2)]
		hdu.header['CRVAL2'] = t[int(subs/2)]
		hdu.header['CDELT1'] = bandwidth*1e-6/channels
		hdu.header['CDELT2'] = t_sample
		hdu.header['CTYPE1'] = 'Frequency (MHz)'
		hdu.header['CTYPE2'] = 'Relative Time (s)'
			hdu.header['MJD-OBS'] = mjd
		except NameError:
			warnings.warn('Observation MJD could not be found and will not be part of the FITS header.')

		# Delete pre-existing FITS file
		except OSError:

		# Write to file

	# Write Spectra to file (csv)
	if spectra_csv != '':
		if cal_file != '':
			np.savetxt(spectra_csv, np.concatenate((frequency.reshape(channels, 1),
                       avg_spectrum.reshape(channels, 1), avg_spectrum_cal.reshape(channels, 1),
                       spectrum.reshape(channels, 1)), axis=1), delimiter=',', fmt='%1.6f')
			np.savetxt(spectra_csv, np.concatenate((frequency.reshape(channels, 1),
                       avg_spectrum.reshape(channels, 1)), axis=1), delimiter=',', fmt='%1.6f')

	# Write Time Series to file (csv)
	if power_csv != '':
		np.savetxt(power_csv, np.concatenate((t.reshape(subs, 1), power.reshape(subs, 1)),
                   axis=1), delimiter=',', fmt='%1.6f')

	# Initialize plot
	if cal_file != '':
		fig = plt.figure(figsize=(27, 15))
		gs = GridSpec(2, 3)
		fig = plt.figure(figsize=(21, 15))
		gs = GridSpec(2, 2)

	if meta:
		from astropy.coordinates import get_constellation

		epoch = (mjd - 40587) * 86400.0
		meta_title = 'Date and Time: ' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z', time.localtime(epoch)) + '       '
		meta_title += 'Target: ' + obs_coord.to_string('hmsdms', precision=0) + ' in ' + get_constellation(obs_coord) + '\n'
		plt.suptitle(meta_title, fontsize=18)

	# Plot Average Spectrum
	ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
	ax1.plot(frequency, avg_spectrum)
	if xlim == [0,0]:
		ax1.set_xlim(np.min(frequency), np.max(frequency))
		ax1.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1])
	ax1.set_xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
	if avg_ylim != [0,0]:
		ax1.set_ylim(avg_ylim[0], avg_ylim[1])
	if dB:
		ax1.set_ylabel('Relative Power (dB)')
		ax1.set_ylabel('Relative Power')

	if vlsr:
		cal_title = r'$Average\ Spectrum\ (V_{LSR})$'
		cal_title = 'Average Spectrum'

	if f_rest != 0:
		cal_title += '\n'


	if xlim == [0,0] and f_rest != 0:
		# Add secondary axis for Radial Velocity
		ax1_secondary = ax1.twiny()
		ax1_secondary.set_xlabel('Radial Velocity (km/s)', labelpad=5)
		ax1_secondary.axvline(x=0, color='brown', linestyle='--', linewidth=2, zorder=0)
		ax1_secondary.annotate('Spectral Line\nRest Frequency', xy=(460-text_offset, 5),
                               xycoords='axes points', size=14, ha='left', va='bottom', color='brown')
		ax1_secondary.set_xlim(left_velocity_edge, right_velocity_edge)
		ax1_secondary.tick_params(axis='x', direction='in', pad=-22)

	#Plot Calibrated Spectrum
	if cal_file != '':
		ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1])
		ax2.plot(frequency, spectrum, label='Raw Spectrum')
		if n != 0:
			ax2.plot(frequency, spectrum_clean, color='orangered', label='Median (n = '+str(n)+')')

		if cal_ylim !=[0,0]:

		if xlim == [0,0]:
			ax2.set_xlim(np.min(frequency), np.max(frequency))
			ax2.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1])
		ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
		ax2.set_ylabel('Signal-to-Noise Ratio (S/N)')

		if vlsr:
			cal_title = r'$Calibrated\ Spectrum\ (V_{LSR})$' + '\n'
			cal_title = 'Calibrated Spectrum\n'

		if f_rest != 0:
			ax2.set_title('Calibrated Spectrum')
		if n != 0:
			if f_rest != 0:
				ax2.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.002, 0.96), loc='upper left')
				ax2.legend(loc='upper left')

		if xlim == [0,0] and f_rest != 0:
			# Add secondary axis for Radial Velocity
			ax2_secondary = ax2.twiny()
			ax2_secondary.set_xlabel('Radial Velocity (km/s)', labelpad=5)
			ax2_secondary.axvline(x=0, color='brown', linestyle='--', linewidth=2, zorder=0)
			ax2_secondary.annotate('Spectral Line\nRest Frequency', xy=(400, 5),
                                   xycoords='axes points', size=14, ha='left', va='bottom', color='brown')
			ax2_secondary.set_xlim(left_velocity_edge, right_velocity_edge)
			ax2_secondary.tick_params(axis='x', direction='in', pad=-22)

	# Plot Dynamic Spectrum
	if cal_file != '':
		ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2])
		ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1])

	ax3.imshow(decibel(waterfall), origin='lower', interpolation='None', aspect='auto',
		   extent=[np.min(frequency), np.max(frequency), np.min(t), np.max(t)])
	if xlim == [0,0] and ylim != [0,0]:
		ax3.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1])
	elif xlim != [0,0] and ylim == [0,0]:
		ax3.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1])
	elif xlim != [0,0] and ylim != [0,0]:
		ax3.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1])
		ax3.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1])

	ax3.set_xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
	ax3.set_ylabel('Relative Time (s)')
	ax3.set_title('Dynamic Spectrum (Waterfall)')

	# Adjust Subplot Width Ratio
	if cal_file != '':
		gs = GridSpec(2, 3, width_ratios=[16.5, 1, 1])
		gs = GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[7.6, 1])

	# Plot Time Series (Power vs Time)
	ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])
	ax4.plot(t, power, label='Raw Time Series')
	if m != 0:
		ax4.plot(t, power_clean, color='orangered', label='Median (n = '+str(m)+')')
	if ylim == [0,0]:
		ax4.set_xlim(0, np.max(t))
		ax4.set_xlim(ylim[0], ylim[1])
	ax4.set_xlabel('Relative Time (s)')
	if dB:
		ax4.set_ylabel('Relative Power (dB)')
		ax4.set_ylabel('Relative Power')
	ax4.set_title('Average Power vs Time')
	if m != 0:
		ax4.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper right')

	# Plot Total Power Distribution
	if cal_file != '':
		gs = GridSpec(2, 3, width_ratios=[7.83, 1.5, -0.325])
		gs = GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[8.8, 1.5])

	ax5 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1])

	ax5.hist(power, np.max([int(np.size(power)/50),10]), density=1, alpha=0.5, color='royalblue', orientation='horizontal', zorder=10)
	ax5.plot(best_fit(power)[1], best_fit(power)[0], '--', color='blue', label='Best fit (Raw)', zorder=20)
	if m != 0:
		ax5.hist(power_clean, np.max([int(np.size(power_clean)/50),10]), density=1, alpha=0.5, color='orangered', orientation='horizontal', zorder=10)
		ax5.plot(best_fit(power_clean)[1], best_fit(power_clean)[0], '--', color='red', label='Best fit (Median)', zorder=20)
	ax5.get_shared_x_axes().join(ax5, ax4)
	ax5.set_xlabel('Probability Density')
	ax5.set_title('Total Power Distribution')
	ax5.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc='upper right')

	# Save plots to file
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_const(const):
    c = SkyCoord(const,unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
    A = get_constellation(c, short_name=True)
    return const_reader(A)