Ejemplo n.º 1
def _parse_args(args):
    # first try pulling out separate coordinates
    c1 = args.pop('coord1', None)
    c2 = args.pop('coord2', None)
    cargs = (c1, c2)

    # if either are None, check for a coordstr
    if c1 is None or c2 is None:
        coordstr = args.pop('coordstr', None)
        cargs = (coordstr,)

    if (c1 is None or c2 is None) and (coordstr is None):
        # TODO: throw a error
        raise ValueError("Shitty arguments, yo.")

    # default units are degrees
    c1u = u.Unit(args.pop('coord1unit', u.deg))
    c2u = u.Unit(args.pop('coord2unit', u.deg))

    to_system = args.pop('to')
    from_system = args.pop('from')

    # extra arguments to pass to the coordinate frames
    fromargs = dict()
    toargs = dict()
    for k, v in args.items():
        if k.startswith('from_'):
            fromargs[k.split('from_')[1]] = v

        if k.startswith('to_'):
            toargs[k.split('to_')[1]] = v

    fromargs['frame'] = from_system.lower()

    # get the 'to' frame class
    ToFrame = frame_transform_graph.lookup_name(to_system.lower())

    c = SkyCoord(*cargs, unit=(c1u, c2u), **fromargs).transform_to(frame=ToFrame(**toargs))

    comps = []
    for compnm in c.representation_component_names:
        compval = getattr(c, compnm)
        uout = c.representation_component_units.get(compnm, None)
        if uout is not None:
        comps.append((compnm, compval))

    output = {}
    for i, (compnm, comp) in enumerate(comps):
        # container for information for this coordinate
        this_coord = dict()

        ip1s = str(i + 1)
        if not isiterable(comp.value):
            val = [comp.value]
            val = comp.value

        this_coord['data'] = list(val)
        this_coord['name'] = compnm
        this_coord['unit'] = str(comp.unit)
        output['coord' + ip1s] = this_coord

    for fattr_nm in c.get_frame_attr_names():
        output['frame_' + fattr_nm] = str(getattr(c, fattr_nm))

    return output