Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_rtol_diff(self, capsys):
        a = np.arange(100, dtype=float).reshape(10, 10)
        hdu_a = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
        b = a.copy()
        b[1, 0] = 11
        hdu_b = PrimaryHDU(data=b)
        tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
        tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')
        numdiff = fitsdiff.main(["-r", "1e-2", tmp_a, tmp_b])
        assert numdiff == 1
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert out == """
 fitsdiff: {}
 a: {}
 b: {}
 Maximum number of different data values to be reported: 10
 Relative tolerance: 0.01, Absolute tolerance: 0.0

Primary HDU:\n\n   Data contains differences:
     Data differs at [1, 2]:
        a> 10.0
         ?  ^
        b> 11.0
         ?  ^
     1 different pixels found (1.00% different).\n""".format(
            version, tmp_a, tmp_b)
        assert err == ""
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_fitsdiff_script_both_d_and_r(self, capsys):
        a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        hdu_a = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
        b = a.copy()
        hdu_b = PrimaryHDU(data=b)
        tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
        tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')
        with catch_warnings(AstropyDeprecationWarning) as warning_lines:
            fitsdiff.main(["-r", "1e-4", "-d", "1e-2", tmp_a, tmp_b])
            # `rtol` is always ignored when `tolerance` is provided
            assert warning_lines[0].category == AstropyDeprecationWarning
            assert (
                str(warning_lines[0].message) ==
                '"-d" ("--difference-tolerance") was deprecated in version 2.0 '
                'and will be removed in a future version. '
                'Use "-r" ("--relative-tolerance") instead.')
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert out == """
 fitsdiff: {}
 a: {}
 b: {}
 Maximum number of different data values to be reported: 10
 Relative tolerance: 0.01, Absolute tolerance: 0.0

No differences found.\n""".format(version, tmp_a, tmp_b)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_manydiff(self, capsys):
        a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        hdu_a = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
        b = a + 1
        hdu_b = PrimaryHDU(data=b)
        tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
        tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')

        numdiff = fitsdiff.main([tmp_a, tmp_b])
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert numdiff == 1
        assert out.splitlines()[-4:] == [
            '        a> 9', '        b> 10', '     ...',
            '     100 different pixels found (100.00% different).'

        numdiff = fitsdiff.main(['-n', '1', tmp_a, tmp_b])
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert numdiff == 1
        assert out.splitlines()[-4:] == [
            '        a> 0', '        b> 1', '     ...',
            '     100 different pixels found (100.00% different).'
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_partially_identical_files3(self):
        Test files that have some identical HDUs but a different extension

        phdu = PrimaryHDU()
        ehdu = ImageHDU(name='FOO')
        hdula = HDUList([phdu, ehdu])
        ehdu = BinTableHDU(name='BAR')
        ehdu.header['EXTVER'] = 2
        ehdu.header['EXTLEVEL'] = 3
        hdulb = HDUList([phdu, ehdu])
        diff = FITSDiff(hdula, hdulb)
        assert not diff.identical

        assert diff.diff_hdus[0][0] == 1

        hdu_diff = diff.diff_hdus[0][1]
        assert hdu_diff.diff_extension_types == ('IMAGE', 'BINTABLE')
        assert hdu_diff.diff_extnames == ('FOO', 'BAR')
        assert hdu_diff.diff_extvers == (1, 2)
        assert hdu_diff.diff_extlevels == (1, 3)

        report = diff.report()
        assert 'Extension types differ' in report
        assert 'a: IMAGE\n    b: BINTABLE' in report
        assert 'Extension names differ' in report
        assert 'a: FOO\n    b: BAR' in report
        assert 'Extension versions differ' in report
        assert 'a: 1\n    b: 2' in report
        assert 'Extension levels differ' in report
        assert 'a: 1\n    b: 2' in report
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def setup_method(self, method):
     self.name = "kwd"
     self.value = 12
     self.comment = 'This is a comment'
     self.synonyms = ['kwdalt1', 'kwdalt2']
     self.keyword = FITSKeyword(name=self.name, value=self.value,
     self.hdu = PrimaryHDU()
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_add_header_no_synonyms(self):
     clean_hdu = PrimaryHDU()
     self.keyword.add_to_header(clean_hdu, with_synonyms=False)
     for synonym in self.keyword.synonyms:
             assert False
         except KeyError:
             assert True
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_nodiff(self):
     a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
     hdu_a = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
     b = a.copy()
     hdu_b = PrimaryHDU(data=b)
     tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
     tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')
     numdiff = fitsdiff.main([tmp_a, tmp_b])
     assert numdiff == 0
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_rtol(self):
     a = np.arange(100, dtype=float).reshape(10, 10)
     hdu_a = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
     b = a.copy()
     b[1, 0] = 11
     hdu_b = PrimaryHDU(data=b)
     tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
     tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')
     numdiff = fitsdiff.main(["-r", "1e-1", tmp_a, tmp_b])
     assert numdiff == 0
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_ignore_hdus_report(self, capsys):
        a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        b = a.copy() + 1
        ha = Header([('A', 1), ('B', 2), ('C', 3)])
        phdu_a = PrimaryHDU(header=ha)
        phdu_b = PrimaryHDU(header=ha)
        ihdu_a = ImageHDU(data=a, name='SCI')
        ihdu_b = ImageHDU(data=b, name='SCI')
        hdulist_a = HDUList([phdu_a, ihdu_a])
        hdulist_b = HDUList([phdu_b, ihdu_b])
        tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
        tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')

        numdiff = fitsdiff.main([tmp_a, tmp_b, "-u", "SCI"])
        assert numdiff == 0
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert "testa.fits" in out
        assert "testb.fits" in out
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_fitsdiff_openfile(tmpdir):
    """Make sure that failing FITSDiff doesn't leave open files."""
    path1 = str(tmpdir.join("file1.fits"))
    path2 = str(tmpdir.join("file2.fits"))

    hdulist = HDUList([PrimaryHDU(), ImageHDU(data=np.zeros(5))])
    hdulist[1].data[0] = 1

    diff = FITSDiff(path1, path2)
    assert diff.identical, diff.report()
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_fitsdiff_no_hdu_name(tmpdir):
    """Make sure diff report doesn't report HDU name if not in files"""
    path1 = str(tmpdir.join("test1.fits"))
    path2 = str(tmpdir.join("test2.fits"))

    hdulist = HDUList([PrimaryHDU(), ImageHDU(data=np.zeros(5))])
    hdulist[1].data[0] = 1

    diff = FITSDiff(path1, path2)
    assert "Extension HDU 1:" in diff.report()
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_fitsdiff_hdu_name(tmpdir):
    """Make sure diff report reports HDU name and ver if same in files"""
    path1 = str(tmpdir.join("test1.fits"))
    path2 = str(tmpdir.join("test2.fits"))

    hdulist = HDUList([PrimaryHDU(), ImageHDU(data=np.zeros(5), name="SCI")])
    hdulist[1].data[0] = 1

    diff = FITSDiff(path1, path2)
    assert "Extension HDU 1 (SCI, 1):" in diff.report()
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_fitsdiff_script_both_d_and_r(self, capsys):
        a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        hdu_a = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
        b = a.copy()
        hdu_b = PrimaryHDU(data=b)
        tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
        tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')
        with catch_warnings(AstropyDeprecationWarning) as warning_lines:
            fitsdiff.main(["-r", "1e-4", "-d", "1e-2", tmp_a, tmp_b])
            # `rtol` is always ignored when `tolerance` is provided
            assert warning_lines[0].category == AstropyDeprecationWarning
            assert (str(warning_lines[0].message) ==
                    '"-d" ("--difference-tolerance") was deprecated in version 2.0 '
                    'and will be removed in a future version. '
                    'Use "-r" ("--relative-tolerance") instead.')
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert out == """
 fitsdiff: {}
 a: {}
 b: {}
 Maximum number of different data values to be reported: 10
 Relative tolerance: 0.01, Absolute tolerance: 0.0

No differences found.\n""".format(version, tmp_a, tmp_b)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_rtol_diff(self, capsys):
        a = np.arange(100, dtype=float).reshape(10, 10)
        hdu_a = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
        b = a.copy()
        b[1, 0] = 11
        hdu_b = PrimaryHDU(data=b)
        tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
        tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')
        numdiff = fitsdiff.main(["-r", "1e-2", tmp_a, tmp_b])
        assert numdiff == 1
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert out == """
 fitsdiff: {}
 a: {}
 b: {}
 Maximum number of different data values to be reported: 10
 Relative tolerance: 0.01, Absolute tolerance: 0.0

Primary HDU:\n\n   Data contains differences:
     Data differs at [1, 2]:
        a> 10.0
         ?  ^
        b> 11.0
         ?  ^
     1 different pixels found (1.00% different).\n""".format(version, tmp_a, tmp_b)
        assert err == ""
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_manydiff(self, capsys):
        a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        hdu_a = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
        b = a + 1
        hdu_b = PrimaryHDU(data=b)
        tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
        tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')

        numdiff = fitsdiff.main([tmp_a, tmp_b])
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert numdiff == 1
        assert out.splitlines()[-4:] == [
            '        a> 9',
            '        b> 10',
            '     ...',
            '     100 different pixels found (100.00% different).']

        numdiff = fitsdiff.main(['-n', '1', tmp_a, tmp_b])
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert numdiff == 1
        assert out.splitlines()[-4:] == [
            '        a> 0',
            '        b> 1',
            '     ...',
            '     100 different pixels found (100.00% different).']
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_quiet(self, capsys):
     a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
     hdu_a = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
     b = a.copy()
     hdu_b = PrimaryHDU(data=b)
     tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
     tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')
     numdiff = fitsdiff.main(["-q", tmp_a, tmp_b])
     assert numdiff == 0
     out, err = capsys.readouterr()
     assert out == ""
     assert err == ""
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_identical_files_basic(self):
        """Test identicality of two simple, extensionless files."""

        a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        hdu = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
        diff = FITSDiff(self.temp('testa.fits'), self.temp('testb.fits'))
        assert diff.identical

        report = diff.report()
        # Primary HDUs should contain no differences
        assert 'Primary HDU' not in report
        assert 'Extension HDU' not in report
        assert 'No differences found.' in report

        a = np.arange(10)
        ehdu = ImageHDU(data=a)
        diff = HDUDiff(ehdu, ehdu)
        assert diff.identical
        report = diff.report()
        assert 'No differences found.' in report
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_identical_files_basic(self):
        """Test identicality of two simple, extensionless files."""

        a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        hdu = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
        diff = FITSDiff(self.temp('testa.fits'), self.temp('testb.fits'))
        assert diff.identical

        report = diff.report()
        # Primary HDUs should contain no differences
        assert 'Primary HDU' not in report
        assert 'Extension HDU' not in report
        assert 'No differences found.' in report

        a = np.arange(10)
        ehdu = ImageHDU(data=a)
        diff = HDUDiff(ehdu, ehdu)
        assert diff.identical
        report = diff.report()
        assert 'No differences found.' in report
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_fitsdiff_with_names(tmpdir):
    """Make sure diff report doesn't report HDU name if not same in files"""
    path1 = str(tmpdir.join("test1.fits"))
    path2 = str(tmpdir.join("test2.fits"))

    hdulist = HDUList(
         ImageHDU(data=np.zeros(5), name="SCI", ver=1)])
    hdulist[1].name = "ERR"

    diff = FITSDiff(path1, path2)
    assert "Extension HDU 1:" in diff.report()
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def test_nodiff(self):
     a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
     hdu_a = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
     b = a.copy()
     hdu_b = PrimaryHDU(data=b)
     tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
     tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')
     numdiff = fitsdiff.main([tmp_a, tmp_b])
     assert numdiff == 0
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_partially_identical_files2(self):
        Test files that have some identical HDUs but one different HDU.

        a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        phdu = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
        ehdu = ImageHDU(data=a)
        ehdu2 = ImageHDU(data=(a + 1))
        hdula = HDUList([phdu, ehdu, ehdu])
        hdulb = HDUList([phdu, ehdu2, ehdu])
        diff = FITSDiff(hdula, hdulb)

        assert not diff.identical
        assert diff.diff_hdu_count == ()
        assert len(diff.diff_hdus) == 1
        assert diff.diff_hdus[0][0] == 1

        hdudiff = diff.diff_hdus[0][1]
        assert not hdudiff.identical
        assert hdudiff.diff_extnames == ()
        assert hdudiff.diff_extvers == ()
        assert hdudiff.diff_extension_types == ()
        assert hdudiff.diff_headers.identical
        assert hdudiff.diff_data is not None

        datadiff = hdudiff.diff_data
        assert isinstance(datadiff, ImageDataDiff)
        assert not datadiff.identical
        assert datadiff.diff_dimensions == ()
        assert (datadiff.diff_pixels == [((0, y), (y, y + 1))
                                         for y in range(10)])
        assert datadiff.diff_ratio == 1.0
        assert datadiff.diff_total == 100

        report = diff.report()
        # Primary HDU and 2nd extension HDU should have no differences
        assert 'Primary HDU' not in report
        assert 'Extension HDU 2' not in report
        assert 'Extension HDU 1' in report

        assert 'Headers contain differences' not in report
        assert 'Data contains differences' in report
        for y in range(10):
            assert 'Data differs at [{}, 1]'.format(y + 1) in report
        assert '100 different pixels found (100.00% different).' in report
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def test_outputfile(self):
        a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        hdu_a = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
        b = a.copy()
        b[1, 0] = 12
        hdu_b = PrimaryHDU(data=b)
        tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
        tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')

        numdiff = fitsdiff.main(['-o', self.temp('diff.txt'), tmp_a, tmp_b])
        assert numdiff == 1
        with open(self.temp('diff.txt')) as f:
            out = f.read()
        assert out.splitlines()[-4:] == [
            '     Data differs at [1, 2]:', '        a> 10', '        b> 12',
            '     1 different pixels found (1.00% different).'
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def test_rtol(self):
     a = np.arange(100, dtype=float).reshape(10, 10)
     hdu_a = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
     b = a.copy()
     b[1, 0] = 11
     hdu_b = PrimaryHDU(data=b)
     tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
     tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')
     numdiff = fitsdiff.main(["-r", "1e-1", tmp_a, tmp_b])
     assert numdiff == 0
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def test_ignore_blank_cards(self, differ):
        """Test for https://aeon.stsci.edu/ssb/trac/pyfits/ticket/152

        Ignore blank cards.

        ha = Header([('A', 1), ('B', 2), ('C', 3)])
        hb = Header([('A', 1), ('', ''), ('B', 2), ('', ''), ('C', 3)])
        hc = ha.copy()
        if differ is HeaderDiff:
        else:  # Ensure blanks are not at the end as they are stripped by HDUs

        if differ in (HDUDiff, FITSDiff):  # wrap it in a PrimaryHDU
            ha, hb, hc = (PrimaryHDU(np.arange(10), h) for h in (ha, hb, hc))
            hc_header = hc.header
        if differ is FITSDiff:  # wrap it in a HDUList
            ha, hb, hc = (HDUList([h]) for h in (ha, hb, hc))
            hc_header = hc[0].header

        # We now have a header with interleaved blanks, and a header with end
        # blanks, both of which should ignore the blanks
        assert differ(ha, hb).identical
        assert differ(ha, hc).identical
        assert differ(hb, hc).identical

        assert not differ(ha, hb, ignore_blank_cards=False).identical
        assert not differ(ha, hc, ignore_blank_cards=False).identical

        # Both hb and hc have the same number of blank cards; since order is
        # currently ignored, these should still be identical even if blank
        # cards are not ignored
        assert differ(hb, hc, ignore_blank_cards=False).identical

        if differ is HeaderDiff:
        else:  # Ensure blanks are not at the end as they are stripped by HDUs
        # But now there are different numbers of blanks, so they should not be
        # ignored:
        assert not differ(hb, hc, ignore_blank_cards=False).identical
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def test_not_quiet(self, capsys):
        a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        hdu_a = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
        b = a.copy()
        hdu_b = PrimaryHDU(data=b)
        tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
        tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')
        numdiff = fitsdiff.main([tmp_a, tmp_b])
        assert numdiff == 0
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert out == """
 fitsdiff: {}
 a: {}
 b: {}
 Maximum number of different data values to be reported: 10
 Relative tolerance: 0.0, Absolute tolerance: 0.0

No differences found.\n""".format(version, tmp_a, tmp_b)
        assert err == ""
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def test_quiet(self, capsys):
     a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
     hdu_a = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
     b = a.copy()
     hdu_b = PrimaryHDU(data=b)
     tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
     tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')
     numdiff = fitsdiff.main(["-q", tmp_a, tmp_b])
     assert numdiff == 0
     out, err = capsys.readouterr()
     assert out == ""
     assert err == ""
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def test_ignore_hdus(self):
        a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        b = a.copy()
        ha = Header([('A', 1), ('B', 2), ('C', 3)])
        xa = np.array([(1.0, 1), (3.0, 4)], dtype=[('x', float), ('y', int)])
        xb = np.array([(1.0, 2), (3.0, 5)], dtype=[('x', float), ('y', int)])
        phdu = PrimaryHDU(header=ha)
        ihdua = ImageHDU(data=a, name='SCI')
        ihdub = ImageHDU(data=b, name='SCI')
        bhdu1 = BinTableHDU(data=xa, name='ASDF')
        bhdu2 = BinTableHDU(data=xb, name='ASDF')
        hdula = HDUList([phdu, ihdua, bhdu1])
        hdulb = HDUList([phdu, ihdub, bhdu2])

        # ASDF extension should be different
        diff = FITSDiff(hdula, hdulb)
        assert not diff.identical
        assert diff.diff_hdus[0][0] == 2

        # ASDF extension should be ignored
        diff = FITSDiff(hdula, hdulb, ignore_hdus=['ASDF'])
        assert diff.identical, diff.report()

        diff = FITSDiff(hdula, hdulb, ignore_hdus=['ASD*'])
        assert diff.identical, diff.report()

        # SCI extension should be different
        hdulb['SCI'].data += 1
        diff = FITSDiff(hdula, hdulb, ignore_hdus=['ASDF'])
        assert not diff.identical

        # SCI and ASDF extensions should be ignored
        diff = FITSDiff(hdula, hdulb, ignore_hdus=['SCI', 'ASDF'])
        assert diff.identical, diff.report()

        # All EXTVER of SCI should be ignored
        ihduc = ImageHDU(data=a, name='SCI', ver=2)
        diff = FITSDiff(hdula, hdulb, ignore_hdus=['SCI', 'ASDF'])
        assert not any(diff.diff_hdus), diff.report()
        assert any(diff.diff_hdu_count), diff.report()
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def test_partially_identical_files1(self):
        Test files that have some identical HDUs but a different extension

        a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        phdu = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
        ehdu = ImageHDU(data=a)
        hdula = HDUList([phdu, ehdu])
        hdulb = HDUList([phdu, ehdu, ehdu])
        diff = FITSDiff(hdula, hdulb)
        assert not diff.identical
        assert diff.diff_hdu_count == (2, 3)

        # diff_hdus should be empty, since the third extension in hdulb
        # has nothing to compare against
        assert diff.diff_hdus == []

        report = diff.report()
        assert 'Files contain different numbers of HDUs' in report
        assert 'a: 2\n b: 3' in report
        assert 'No differences found between common HDUs' in report
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def test_outputfile(self):
        a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        hdu_a = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
        b = a.copy()
        b[1, 0] = 12
        hdu_b = PrimaryHDU(data=b)
        tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
        tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')

        numdiff = fitsdiff.main(['-o', self.temp('diff.txt'), tmp_a, tmp_b])
        assert numdiff == 1
        with open(self.temp('diff.txt')) as f:
            out = f.read()
        assert out.splitlines()[-4:] == [
            '     Data differs at [1, 2]:',
            '        a> 10',
            '        b> 12',
            '     1 different pixels found (1.00% different).']
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def test_not_quiet(self, capsys):
        a = np.arange(100).reshape(10, 10)
        hdu_a = PrimaryHDU(data=a)
        b = a.copy()
        hdu_b = PrimaryHDU(data=b)
        tmp_a = self.temp('testa.fits')
        tmp_b = self.temp('testb.fits')
        numdiff = fitsdiff.main([tmp_a, tmp_b])
        assert numdiff == 0
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert out == """
 fitsdiff: {}
 a: {}
 b: {}
 Maximum number of different data values to be reported: 10
 Relative tolerance: 0.0, Absolute tolerance: 0.0

No differences found.\n""".format(version, tmp_a, tmp_b)
        assert err == ""
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def test_add_header_from_header(self):
     clean_hdu = PrimaryHDU()
     for name in self.keyword.names:
         assert clean_hdu.header[name] == self.keyword.value