def test_append_filehandle(self, tmpdir, mode): """ Test fits.append with a file handle argument. """ append_file = tmpdir.join('append.fits') with as handle: fits.append(filename=handle, data=np.ones((4, 4)))
def export_to_fits(self, fitsfile='ModelSceneCube.fits'): """ Write model cube to a FITS file """ header = self.grid.wcs_info() fits.writeto(fitsfile, np.rollaxis(, 2), header, clobber=True) fits.append(fitsfile, self.wave)
def export_to_fits(self, fitsfile='ModelDetectorCube'): header = self.wcs_info() slice_index = 0 for flux_plus_bg in self.flux_plus_bg_list: fitsfile_slice = fitsfile + str(slice_index).strip() + '.fits' fits.writeto(fitsfile_slice, np.rollaxis(flux_plus_bg, 2), header, clobber=True) fits.append(fitsfile_slice, self.wave)
def save_reduced_data(input_file,sp,unc,wave=None): print 'Saving extraction as %s'%(os.path.splitext(input_file)[0]+'_reduced.fits') #load up file to grab header to append reduction information to hdulist=loadfits(input_file) head=hdulist[0].header head['ORDERS'] = (sp.shape[1], 'Number of orders reduced') #append header field 'how many orders',len(ord) head['REDUTIME'] = (strftime("%c"), 'When reduced') #append header field 'when reduced', time.strftime("%c") head['comment'] = 'data saved as (ext,unc,wave) for each order' if wave==None: wave=np.arange(sp.shape[0]) data=[[]]*(sp.shape[1]+1) for i in np.arange(sp.shape[1]): data=np.vstack((sp[:,i],unc[:,i],wave[i,:][::-1])) if i==0: head['ORDER']=((i+1),'Order number') pyfits.writeto(os.path.splitext(input_file)[0]+'_reduced.fits', data,head, clobber=True) else: head['ORDER']=((i+1),'Order number') pyfits.append(os.path.splitext(input_file)[0]+'_reduced.fits', data,head) #save file as original file + _reduced #ie. if aug008811.fits was the file - this becomes #aug008811_reduced.npy hdulist.close()
def append_extension(filename, array): """Appends an extension to fits file. """ fits.append(filename, array) print "\nFits extension appended"
def add_checksum(self): """Add checksums to `filepath`.""" output = "crds-" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".fits" with fits_open(self.filepath, do_not_scale_image_data=True) as hdus: for hdu in hdus: fits.append(output,, hdu.header, checksum=True) os.remove(self.filepath) os.rename(output, self.filepath)
def export_fits_prisim(self,fitsfile,pol_list,freq_list,scheme='RING',nside_out=None): ''' export fits-file at channel chan and polarization pol Args: fitsfile, str, name of file to save .fits to pol_list, list of labels of polarizations to write chan_list, list of frequencies to write ''' if nside_out is None: nside_out=self.nside pol_list=n.array(pol_list) freq_list=n.array(freq_list) pol_inds=[] freq_inds=[] for pol in pol_list: assert pol in self.pols pol_inds.append(n.where(n.array(self.pols)==pol)[0][0]) for freq in freq_list: assert freq in self.fAxis freq_inds.append(n.where(n.array(self.fAxis)==freq)[0][0])[:,freq_inds,:].reshape(-1,1) theta_out,phi_out=hp.pix2ang(nside_out,n.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside_out))) #freq_col=[fits.Column(name='Frequency [MHz]',format='D',array=n.array(freq_list))] #freq_columns=fits.ColDefs(freq_col,ascii=False) #freq_tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(freq_col) #freq_tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(n.array(freq_list)) hduprimary=fits.PrimaryHDU() hduprimary.header.set('EXTNAME','PRIMARY') hduprimary.header.set('NEXTEN',2) hduprimary.header.set('FITSTYPE','IMAGE') hduprimary.header['NSIDE']=(nside_out,'NSIDE') hduprimary.header['PIXAREA']=(hp.nside2pixarea(nside_out),'pixel solid angle (steradians)') hduprimary.header['NEXTEN']=(2,'Number of extensions') hduprimary.header['NPOL'] = (len(pol_inds), 'Number of polarizations') hduprimary.header['SOURCE'] = ('HERA-CST', 'Source of data') hdulist=[hduprimary] fits.HDUList(hdulist).writeto(fitsfile,clobber=True) for pol in pol_list: #freq_tbhdu.header.set('EXTNAME','FREQS_{0}'.format(pol)) freq_tbhdu=fits.ImageHDU(freq_list,name='FREQS_{0}'.format(pol)) fits.append(fitsfile,,freq_tbhdu.header,verify=False) data_interp=n.zeros((hp.nside2npix(nside_out),len(freq_inds))) for polind,pol in zip(pol_inds,pol_list): for fi,freqind in enumerate(freq_inds):[polind,freqind,:].flatten() data_interp[:,fi]=hp.get_interp_val(data,theta_out,phi_out) #if DEBUG: # hp.mollview(data_interp[:,fi]) # imghdu = fits.ImageHDU(data_interp, name='BEAM_{0}'.format(pol)) imghdu.header['PIXTYPE'] = ('HEALPIX', 'Type of pixelization') imghdu.header['ORDERING'] = (scheme, 'Pixel ordering scheme, either RING or NESTED') imghdu.header['NSIDE'] = (nside_out, 'NSIDE parameter of HEALPIX') imghdu.header['NPIX'] = (hp.nside2npix(nside_out), 'Number of HEALPIX pixels') imghdu.header['FIRSTPIX'] = (0, 'First pixel # (0 based)') imghdu.header['LASTPIX'] = (len(data_interp)-1, 'Last pixel # (0 based)') fits.append(fitsfile,,imghdu.header,verify=False)
def remove_checksum(self): """Remove checksums from `filepath`.""" output = "crds-" + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".fits" with fits_open(self.filepath, checksum=False, do_not_scale_image_data=True) as hdus: for hdu in hdus: hdu.header.pop("CHECKSUM",None) hdu.header.pop("DATASUM", None) fits.append(output,, hdu.header, checksum=False) os.remove(self.filepath) os.rename(output, self.filepath)
def writeFits(self, filename): """Write to FITS file Parameters ---------- filename : `str` Name of file to which to write. """ fits = fits.append( with open(filename, "w") as fd: fits.writeto(fd)
def write_hduL(fitsfn,hduL): # If file doesn't exist, add the primary header hdu_primary = hduL[0] if os.path.exists(fitsfn) is False: fits.append(fitsfn,, header=hdu_primary.header) hduL = hduL[1:] for hdu in hduL: data = extname = hdu.header['EXTNAME'] header = hdu.header try: fits.update(fitsfn, data, extname, header=header) except KeyError: fits.append(fitsfn, data, header=header)
def _writeImpl(self, fits): """Implementation for writing to FITS file Parameters ---------- fits : `` List of FITS HDUs. This has a Primary HDU already, the header of which may be supplemented with additional keywords. """ from import BinTableHDU, Column fits.append(BinTableHDU.from_columns([ Column("wavelength", "D", array=self.wavelength), Column("flux", "D", array=self.flux), Column("mask", "K", array=self.mask), ], header=astropyHeaderFromDict(self.flags.toFitsHeader()), name="FLUXTBL"))
def writeFits(self, filename): """Write to FITS file This API is intended for use by the LSST data butler, which handles translating the desired identity into a filename. Parameters ---------- filename : `str` Filename of FITS file. """ from import HDUList, PrimaryHDU fits = HDUList() fits.append(PrimaryHDU()) self._writeImpl(fits) with open(filename, "w") as fd: fits.writeto(fd)
def removerows(gal): d = "/Data/vimos/cubes/" f = glob.glob(d + gal + ".cube.combined.corr.fits") p =[0]) data = p[0].data header = p[0].header data_new = data[:,0:40,0:40] pyfits.writeto(d+gal+".cube.combined.corr.fits", data_new, header=header, clobber=True) for ex in range(1, len(p)): data_ex = p[ex].data header_ex = p[ex].header data_ex_new = data_ex[:,0:40,0:40] pyfits.append(d+gal+".cube.combined.corr.fits",data_ex_new,header=header_ex) p.close()
def do_analysis(i=0,n_ps_groupi=0,psloop1=False,pscomball=False,psloop2=False,minuit_new=False): global emin,emax, eachps_dict, eachps_En_center if method=='polychord': polychord=True else: polychord=False b.run_tag = run_tag_energy tri = fa.make_triangle(b,run_tag_energy,edep=True,polychord=polychord,minuit_new=minuit_new) tri.make_triangle() if not minuit_new: sle = fa.save_log_evidence(b,edep=True,polychord=polychord) spect_dir = work_dir + 'data/spect/' if not os.path.exists(spect_dir): os.mkdir(spect_dir) cs = fa.compute_spectra(b,run_tag_energy,f.CTB_en_bins[0],f.CTB_en_bins[-1],edep=True,plane_mask=plot_plane_mask,band_mask_range = [-plot_pmval,plot_pmval],lcut=plot_lcut,lmin=plot_lmin,lmax=plot_lmax,bcut=plot_bcut,bmin=plot_bmin,bmax=plot_bmax,mask_ring=plot_mask_ring,outer=plot_outer,inner=plot_inner,minuit_new = minuit_new,input_mask=force_ps_mask,the_input_mask=b.mask_total) # spectra over the whole energy range cs.mask_total_dict['bubs']=np.logical_not(b.templates_dict_nested['bubs']['summed_templates_not_compressed']) eachps_En_center = cs.En_center if psloop1 or pscomball: cs.make_norm_dict() if psloop2 or pscomball: cs.make_spectra_dict() if pscomball: cs.save_spectra_dict(spect_dir + save_spect_label,emin,emax,over_write= False) cs.save_norm_dict(spect_dir + save_norm_label,emin,emax,over_write= False) if psloop1: # Create pslooptemp and psalltemp pslooptempar = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside)) if os.path.exists(ps_temp_dir + pslooptemp): pslooptempar += + pslooptemp)[0].data for j in range(n_ps_groupi): pstempj = b.templates_dict['ps_' + str(i*n_ps_run+j+1) + '-0'][0] psnormj = cs.norm_dict['ps_' + str(i*n_ps_run+j+1) + '-0'] pswritej = pstempj*psnormj pslooptempar += pswritej fits.append(ps_temp_dir + psalltemp, pswritej) fits.writeto(ps_temp_dir + pslooptemp,pslooptempar,clobber=True) # Add norms to eachps_dict dictionary if psloop2: eachps_dict['ps_' + str(i+1)] = cs.spectra_dict['ps_' + str(i+1) + '-0']
def createVoronoiOutput(inputFile=datadir+cuberoot+'.fits',inputVoronoiFile=datadir+'voronoi_2d_binning_output.txt'): cubefits = cube = cubefits[0].data hdr = cubefits[0].header errors = cubefits[1].data quality = cubefits[2].data nframes = cubefits[3].data cubeShape = (cube.shape[0],cube.shape[1],cube.shape[2]) yy, xx, binnum = np.loadtxt(inputVoronoiFile,unpack=True) xx = xx.astype(int) yy = yy.astype(int) binnum = binnum.astype(int) newCube = np.zeros(cubeShape, dtype=float) newErr = np.zeros(cubeShape, dtype=float) for nb in range(binnum.max()+1): idx = np.where(binnum == nb) nx = xx[idx] ny = yy[idx] nbins = len(idx[0]) tmpCube = np.sum(cube[nx,ny,:],axis=0)/nbins tmpErr = np.sqrt(np.sum(errors[nx,ny,:]**2,axis=0))/nbins newCube[nx,ny,:] = tmpCube newErr[nx,ny,:] = tmpErr #pdb.set_trace() outfile = inputFile.replace('.fits','_vorcube.fits') pyfits.writeto(outfile,newCube,header=hdr) pyfits.append(outfile,newErr) pyfits.append(outfile,quality) pyfits.append(outfile,nframes)
def gen_superdark(inlist, fname='./Superdark.fits'): ''' Generate a median image from a list of input image files. The purpose of this script is to generate a "superdark"; a median dark multi-frame image to mimic the noise present in NIRSpec-read images. The median (average) calculation is done across the 3-frame images expected from NIRSpec, and is more accurate as more images are used. Keyword arguments: inlist -- The list of image files to be used for generating the median image. fname -- The name of the generated meadian image. Defaults to 'Superdark'. ''' stacked_darks = 0 # Read in the multiframe images and create a stack for ii in xrange(len(inlist)): fileBase = path.basename(inlist[ii]) print('(gen_superdark): Reading/processing {} ...'.format(fileBase)) stacked_darks = stacked_darks + fits.getdata(inlist[ii], 0) # Create a superdark frame initiazed with zeros superdark_frame = stacked_darks / len(inlist) # Save the above information to a FITS file for later use hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() print('(gen_superdark): Writing {} to file ...'.format(fname)) hdu.header.append('FILENAME', fname, '') hdu.writeto(fname, clobber=True) fits.append(fname, superdark_frame) return superdark_frame
def save_filter(self, filename, clobber=False): """Save filter to file""" hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(self.filter, self.header) hdu.writeto(filename, clobber=clobber) fits.append(filename, self.approx, self.header) fits.append(filename, self.filter + self.approx, self.header) fits.append(filename, self.max_scale_image(), self.header)
def write_imgspec(flux, wave, loglam, objtype): hdr = dict(FLUXUNIT='erg/s/cm^2/A') if wave is None: if loglam: hdr['LOGLAM'] = loglam hdr['CRVAL1'] = np.log10(wave1D[0]) hdr['CDELT1'] = np.log10(1+dwave/wave1D[0]) else: if loglam is not None: hdr['LOGLAM'] = loglam hdr['CRVAL1'] = wave1D[0] hdr['CDELT1'] = dwave if type(objtype) == str: hdr['OBJTYPE'] = objtype filename = get_next_filename() fits.writeto(filename, flux, header=hdr, clobber=True) if wave is not None: if loglam: fits.append(filename, wave, extname='LOGLAM') else: fits.append(filename, wave, extname='WAVELENGTH') if type(objtype) != str: fits.append(filename, objtype, extname='TARGETINFO') return filename
def writeFits(self, filename): """Write to FITS file This API is intended for use by the LSST data butler, which handles translating the desired identity into a filename. Parameters ---------- filename : `str` Filename of FITS file. """ self.validate() import fits = header = self.metadata.copy() header.update(self.flags.toFitsHeader()) fits.append( for attr in ("fiberId", "wavelength", "flux", "mask", "sky", "covar"): hduName = attr.upper() data = getattr(self, attr) fits.append(, name=hduName)) with open(filename, "w") as fd: fits.writeto(fd)
def _writeImpl(self, fits): """Implementation for writing to FITS file Parameters ---------- fits : `` List of FITS HDUs. This has a Primary HDU already, the header of which may be supplemented with additional keywords. """ from import ImageHDU super()._writeImpl(fits) fits.append(ImageHDU(, name="SKY")) self.observations.toFits(fits) fits.append(ImageHDU(self.covar, name="COVAR")) fits.append(ImageHDU(self.covar2, name="COVAR2"))
def write_flux_calibration(outfile, fluxcalib, header=None): """Writes flux calibration. """ hdr = fitsheader(header) hdr['EXTNAME'] = ('FLUXCALIB', 'CHECK UNIT') fits.writeto(outfile,fluxcalib.calib,header=hdr, clobber=True) hdr['EXTNAME'] = ('IVAR', 'CHECK UNIT') hdu = fits.ImageHDU(fluxcalib.ivar, header=hdr) fits.append(outfile,, header=hdu.header) hdr['EXTNAME'] = ('MASK', 'no dimension') hdu = fits.ImageHDU(fluxcalib.mask, header=hdr) fits.append(outfile,, header=hdu.header) hdr['EXTNAME'] = ('WAVELENGTH', '[Angstroms]') hdu = fits.ImageHDU(fluxcalib.wave, header=hdr) fits.append(outfile,, header=hdu.header)
def test_append_filename(self): """ Test fits.append with a filename argument. """ data = np.arange(6) testfile = self.temp('test_append_1.fits') # Test case 1: creation of file fits.append(testfile, data=data, checksum=True) # Test case 2: append to existing file, with verify=True # Also test that additional keyword can be passed to fitsopen fits.append(testfile, data=data * 2, checksum=True, ignore_blank=True) # Test case 3: append to existing file, with verify=False fits.append(testfile, data=data * 3, checksum=True, verify=False) with, checksum=True) as hdu1: np.testing.assert_array_equal(hdu1[0].data, data) np.testing.assert_array_equal(hdu1[1].data, data * 2) np.testing.assert_array_equal(hdu1[2].data, data * 3)
def write_sky(outfile, skymodel, header=None): """Write sky model. Args: outfile : filename or (night, expid, camera) tuple skymodel : SkyModel object, with the following attributes wave : 1D wavelength in vacuum Angstroms flux : 2D[nspec, nwave] sky flux ivar : 2D inverse variance of sky flux mask : 2D mask for sky flux header : optional fits header data (fits.Header, dict, or list) """ outfile = makepath(outfile, 'sky') #- Convert header to fits.Header if needed if header is not None: hdr = fitsheader(header) else: hdr = fitsheader(skymodel.header) hdr['EXTNAME'] = ('SKY', 'no dimension') fits.writeto(outfile, skymodel.flux,header=hdr, clobber=True) hdr['EXTNAME'] = ('IVAR', 'no dimension') hdu = fits.ImageHDU(skymodel.ivar, header=hdr) fits.append(outfile,, header=hdu.header) hdr['EXTNAME'] = ('MASK', 'no dimension') hdu = fits.ImageHDU(skymodel.mask, header=hdr) fits.append(outfile,, header=hdu.header) hdr['EXTNAME'] = ('WAVELENGTH', '[Angstroms]') hdu = fits.ImageHDU(skymodel.wave, header=hdr) fits.append(outfile,, header=hdu.header) return outfile
### STITCH ALL THE ORDERS TOGETHER wls, fluxes, sns = stitch(wlsol, spec, snr, cutoverlap='yes') #step 4: save to a fits file #write the primary data, and fill out the header hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() hdu.writeto(filename_out, clobber=True) #copy the target header header = dataheader header["EXTNAME"] = 'SPEC_STITCHED' header.add_comment("This spectrum was created by combining the orders") pyfits.update(filename_out, fluxes, header) #add the rest of the extensions header["EXTNAME"] = "WAVELENGTH" pyfits.append(filename_out, wls, header) ###This one is new! header["EXTNAME"] = "SNR" pyfits.append(filename_out, sns, header) print '*** File out ***' print 'The divided spectra is being saved to ', filename_out #step 5: plot uncs = sns**-1 uncs_units = uncs * fluxes plt.errorbar(wls, fluxes, yerr=uncs_units, marker='s') plt.xlabel('Wavelength $\AA$') plt.ylabel('Flux') plt.ylim([-1.e6, 1.e6]) plt.xlim([19000, 25000])
def ex2d_patch(image, ivar, psf, specmin, nspec, wavelengths, xyrange=None, full_output=False, regularize=0.0, ndecorr=False): """ 2D PSF extraction of flux from image patch given pixel inverse variance. Inputs: image : 2D array of pixels ivar : 2D array of inverse variance for the image psf : PSF object specmin : index of first spectrum to extract nspec : number of spectra to extract wavelengths : 1D array of wavelengths to extract Optional Inputs: xyrange = (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax): treat image as a subimage cutout of this region from the full image full_output : if True, return a dictionary of outputs including intermediate outputs such as the projection matrix. ndecorr : if True, decorrelate the noise between fibers, at the cost of residual signal correlations between fibers. Returns (flux, ivar, R): flux[nspec, nwave] = extracted resolution convolved flux ivar[nspec, nwave] = inverse variance of flux R : 2D resolution matrix to convert """ #- Range of image to consider waverange = (wavelengths[0], wavelengths[-1]) specrange = (specmin, specmin+nspec) if xyrange is None: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = xyrange = psf.xyrange(specrange, waverange) image = image[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] ivar = ivar[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] else: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = xyrange nx, ny = xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin npix = nx*ny nspec = specrange[1] - specrange[0] nwave = len(wavelengths) #- Solve AT W pix = (AT W A) flux #- Projection matrix and inverse covariance A = psf.projection_matrix(specrange, wavelengths, xyrange) #- Pixel weights matrix w = ivar.ravel() W = spdiags(ivar.ravel(), 0, npix, npix) #----- #- Extend A with an optional regularization term to limit ringing. #- If any flux bins don't contribute to these pixels, #- also use this term to constrain those flux bins to 0. #- Original: exclude flux bins with 0 pixels contributing # ibad = (A.sum(axis=0).A == 0)[0] #- Identify fluxes with very low weights of pixels contributing fluxweight =[0] minweight = 0.01*np.max(fluxweight) ibad = fluxweight < minweight #- Original version; doesn't work on older versions of scipy # I = regularize*scipy.sparse.identity(nspec*nwave) #[0,ibad] = minweight - fluxweight[ibad] #- Add regularization of low weight fluxes Idiag = regularize*np.ones(nspec*nwave) Idiag[ibad] = minweight - fluxweight[ibad] I = scipy.sparse.identity(nspec*nwave) I.setdiag(Idiag) #- Only need to extend A if regularization is non-zero if np.any(I.diagonal()): pix = np.concatenate( (image.ravel(), np.zeros(nspec*nwave)) ) Ax = scipy.sparse.vstack( (A, I) ) wx = np.concatenate( (w, np.ones(nspec*nwave)) ) else: pix = image.ravel() Ax = A wx = w #- Inverse covariance Wx = spdiags(wx, 0, len(wx), len(wx)) iCov = #- Solve (image = A flux) weighted by Wx: #- A^T W image = (A^T W A) flux = iCov flux y = xflux = spsolve(iCov, y).reshape((nspec, nwave)) #- Solve for Resolution matrix try: if ndecorr: R, fluxivar = resolution_from_icov(iCov) else: R, fluxivar = resolution_from_icov(iCov, decorr=[nwave for x in range(nspec)]) except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError, err: outfile = 'LinAlgError_{}-{}_{}-{}.fits'.format(specrange[0], specrange[1], waverange[0], waverange[1]) print("ERROR: Linear Algebra didn't converge") print("Dumping {} for debugging".format(outfile)) from import fits fits.writeto(outfile, image, clobber=True) fits.append(outfile, ivar, name='IVAR') fits.append(outfile,, name='ADATA') fits.append(outfile, A.indices, name='AINDICES') fits.append(outfile, A.indptr, name='AINDPTR') fits.append(outfile, iCov.toarray(), name='ICOV') raise err
# Now, we construct an object that describes the data region and structure we # want cube = pf.h.covering_grid(int(level), # The level we are willing to extract to; higher # levels than this will not contribute to the data! # Now we set our spatial extent... left_edge=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], right_edge=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], # How many dimensions along each axis dims=DIMS, # And any fields to preload (this is optional!) fields=["Density"]) FlatFileName = tempdir+'/%s_flatrho_%04i.fits' %(name, num) pyfits.writeto(FlatFileName, cube["Density"]) pyfits.append(FlatFileName, cube["x-velocity"]) pyfits.append(FlatFileName, cube["y-velocity"]) pyfits.append(FlatFileName, cube["z-velocity"]) #arg = 'caleb_flatrho_0025.fits/1/10' #'cp '+ppdir+'/dustkappa_silicate.inp '+tempdir)'cp '+ppdir+'/molecule_13co.inp '+tempdir)'cp '+ppdir+'/camera_wavelength_micron.inp '+tempdir) Problem_setup(FlatFileName, face = face, dust_temp = 10.0) command = ppdir+'radmc3d image npix '+str(DIMS[0])+' iline 1 widthkms 10 linenlam 500 loadlambda fluxcons inclline linelist nostar writepop doppcatch sizepc 10' makefits()
#------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Open the input event file hdu = # HDU[0] is dummy, 1-4 are quadrants # Create output file. Exit if it already exists fits.writeto(args.outfile, hdu[0].data, hdu[0].header) if args.verbose: print("Wrote HDU 0") for quad in np.arange(noe): # Note that the output file needs quadrants from 0-3, but HDU extensions are 1-4 # Also process extension 5, which has veto spectrum if args.verbose: print("Processing quadrant {quad}/4 ".format(quad=quad + 1)), data = hdu[quad + 1].data if hdu[quad + 1].header['naxis2'] > 0: timestamps = data['Time'] tmin = max([np.floor(min(timestamps)), args.tmin]) tmax = min([np.floor(max(timestamps)), args.tmax]) if args.verbose: print(tmin, tmax, args.tmin, args.tmax) if args.verbose: sys.stdout.flush() select = np.where((hdu[quad + 1].data['Time'] >= tmin) & (hdu[quad + 1].data['Time'] <= tmax)) data = hdu[quad + 1].data[select] fits.append(args.outfile, data, header=hdu[quad + 1].header) #, verify=False) #for ext in range(6, len(hdu)): #fits.append(args.outfile, hdu[ext].data, hdu[ext].header)
def process_image(imfn, ivarfn, dqfn, outfn=None, clobber=False, outdir=None, verbose=False, nproc=numpy.inf, resume=False, outmodelfn=None, profile=False): if profile: import cProfile import pstats pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() with as hdulist: extnames = [ for hdu in hdulist] if 'PRIMARY' not in extnames: raise ValueError('No PRIMARY header in file') prihdr = fits.getheader(imfn, extname='PRIMARY') if 'CENTRA' in prihdr: bstarfn = os.path.join(os.environ['DECAM_DIR'], 'data', 'tyc2brighttrim.fits') brightstars = fits.getdata(bstarfn) from astropy.coordinates.angle_utilities import angular_separation sep = angular_separation(numpy.radians(brightstars['ra']), numpy.radians(brightstars['dec']), numpy.radians(prihdr['CENTRA']), numpy.radians(prihdr['CENTDEC'])) sep = numpy.degrees(sep) m = sep < 3 brightstars = brightstars[m] dmjd = prihdr['MJD-OBS'] - 51544.5 # J2000 MJD. cosd = numpy.cos( numpy.radians(numpy.clip(brightstars['dec'], -89.9999, 89.9999))) brightstars['ra'] += dmjd * brightstars[ 'pmra'] / 365.25 / cosd / 1000 / 60 / 60 brightstars[ 'dec'] += dmjd * brightstars['pmde'] / 365.25 / 1000 / 60 / 60 else: brightstars = None filt = prihdr['filter'] if outfn is None or len(outfn) == 0: outfn = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imfn))[0] if outfn[-5:] == '.fits': outfn = outfn[:-5] outfn = outfn + '.cat.fits' if outdir is not None: outfn = os.path.join(outdir, outfn) if not resume or not os.path.exists(outfn): fits.writeto(outfn, None, prihdr, clobber=clobber) extnamesdone = None else: hdulist = extnamesdone = [] for hdu in hdulist: if == 'PRIMARY': continue ext, exttype ='_') if exttype != 'CAT': continue extnamesdone.append(ext) hdulist.close() if outmodelfn and (not resume or not os.path.exists(outmodelfn)): fits.writeto(outmodelfn, None, prihdr, clobber=clobber) count = 0 fwhms = [] for name in extnames: if name is 'PRIMARY': continue hdr = fits.getheader(imfn, extname=name) if 'FWHM' in hdr: fwhms.append(hdr['FWHM']) fwhms = numpy.array(fwhms) fwhms = fwhms[fwhms > 0] for name in extnames: if name is 'PRIMARY': continue if extnamesdone is not None and name in extnamesdone: print('Skipping %s, extension %s; already done.' % (imfn, name)) continue if verbose: print('Fitting %s, extension %s.' % (imfn, name)) sys.stdout.flush() im, wt, dq = read_data(imfn, ivarfn, dqfn, name) hdr = fits.getheader(imfn, extname=name) fwhm = hdr.get('FWHM', numpy.median(fwhms)) if fwhm <= 0.: fwhm = 4. fwhmmn, fwhmsd = numpy.mean(fwhms), numpy.std(fwhms) if fwhmsd > 0.4: fwhm = fwhmmn psf = decam_psf(filt[0], fwhm) wcs0 = wcs.WCS(hdr) if brightstars is not None: sep = angular_separation(numpy.radians(brightstars['ra']), numpy.radians(brightstars['dec']), numpy.radians(hdr['CENRA1']), numpy.radians(hdr['CENDEC1'])) sep = numpy.degrees(sep) m = sep < 0.2 # CCD is 4094 pix wide => everything is at most 0.15 deg # from center if numpy.any(m): yb, xb = wcs0.all_world2pix(brightstars['ra'][m], brightstars['dec'][m], 0) vmag = brightstars['vtmag'][m] # WCS module and I order x and y differently... m = ((xb > 0) & (xb < im.shape[0] + 1) & (yb > 0) & (yb < im.shape[1] + 1)) if numpy.any(m): xb, yb = xb[m], yb[m] vmag = vmag[m] blist = [xb, yb, vmag] else: blist = None else: blist = None else: blist = None if blist is not None: # we did not enable this for first DECaPS v1 # dq = mask_very_bright_stars(dq, blist) pass # the actual fit res = mosaic.fit_sections(im, psf, 4, 2, weight=wt, dq=dq, psfderiv=True, refit_psf=True, verbose=verbose, blist=blist) cat, modelim, skyim, psfs = res if len(cat) > 0: ra, dec = wcs0.all_pix2world(cat['y'], cat['x'], 0.) else: ra = numpy.zeros(0, dtype='f8') dec = numpy.zeros(0, dtype='f8') from matplotlib.mlab import rec_append_fields decapsid = numpy.zeros(len(cat), dtype='i8') decapsid[:] = (prihdr['EXPNUM'] * 2**32 * 2**7 + hdr['CCDNUM'] * 2**32 + numpy.arange(len(cat), dtype='i8')) if verbose: print('Writing %s %s, found %d sources.' % (outfn, name, len(cat))) sys.stdout.flush() hdr['EXTNAME'] = hdr['EXTNAME'] + '_HDR' if numpy.any(wt > 0): hdr['GAINCRWD'] = numpy.nanmedian((im * wt**2.)[wt > 0]) hdr['SKYCRWD'] = numpy.nanmedian(skyim[wt > 0]) else: hdr['GAINCRWD'] = 4 hdr['SKYCRWD'] = 0 if len(cat) > 0: hdr['FWHMCRWD'] = numpy.nanmedian(cat['fwhm']) else: hdr['FWHMCRWD'] = 0.0 gain = hdr['GAINCRWD'] * numpy.ones(len(cat), dtype='f4') cat = rec_append_fields(cat, ['ra', 'dec', 'decapsid', 'gain'], [ra, dec, decapsid, gain]) fits.append(outfn, numpy.zeros(0), hdr) outpsfs = numpy.concatenate( [tpsf.serialize(stampsz=19) for tpsf in psfs]) hdupsfs = fits.BinTableHDU(outpsfs) = hdr['EXTNAME'][:-4] + '_PSF' hducat = fits.BinTableHDU(cat) = hdr['EXTNAME'][:-4] + '_CAT' hdulist =, mode='append') hdulist.append(hdupsfs) hdulist.append(hducat) hdulist.close(closed=True) if outmodelfn: modhdulist =, mode='append') hdr['EXTNAME'] = hdr['EXTNAME'][:-4] + '_MOD' # RICE should be significantly better here and supported in # mrdfits?, but compression_type=RICE_1 seems to cause # quantize_level to be ignored. compkw = { 'compression_type': 'GZIP_1', 'quantize_method': 1, 'quantize_level': -4, 'tile_size': modelim.shape } modhdulist.append(fits.CompImageHDU(modelim, hdr, **compkw)) hdr['EXTNAME'] = hdr['EXTNAME'][:-4] + '_SKY' modhdulist.append(fits.CompImageHDU(skyim, hdr, **compkw)) modhdulist.close(closed=True) count += 1 if count > nproc: break if profile: pr.disable() pstats.Stats(pr).sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(60)
def create_master_img(imglist, imgtype='', RON=0., gain=1., clip=5., with_errors=True, asint=False, savefiles=True, scalable=False, remove_outliers=True, diffimg=False, noneg=False, timit=False): """ NOT CURRENTLY IN USE, BUT SNIPPETS FROM IT ARE USED IN VARIOUS CALIBRATION ROUTINES!!!!! This routine co-adds spectra from a given input list. It can also remove cosmics etc. by replacing outlier pixels that deviate by more than a certain number of sigmas from the median across all images with the mean pixel value of the remaining pixels. NOTE: raw images are in units of ADU, but the processed master images are in units of electrons!!! NOTE: if 'with_errors' is set to TRUE, then the error array is stored in the same FITS file as a second HDU INPUT: 'imglist' : list of filenames of images to co-add 'imgtype' : ['bias' / 'dark' / 'white' / 'stellar'] are valid options 'RON' : read-out noise in electrons per pixel 'gain' : camera amplifier (inverse) gain in electrons per ADU 'clip' : threshold for outlier identification (in sigmas above/below median) 'with_errors' : boolean - do you want to save/return the estimated error-array as well? 'asint' : boolean - do you want the master image to be rounded to the nearest integer? 'savefiles' : boolean - do you want to save the master image as a FITS file? 'scalable' : boolean - do you want to make the master image scalable (ie normalize to t_exp = 1s) 'remove_outliers' : boolean - do you want to remove outlier pixels (eg cosmics) with the median of the remaining images? 'diffimg' : boolean - do you want to save the difference image to a fits file? only works if 'remove_outliers' is also set to TRUE 'noneg' : boolean - do you want to allow negative pixel values? 'timit' : boolean - measure time taken for completion of function? OUTPUT: 'master' : the master image """ if timit: start_time = time.time() print('Creating master image from: ' + str(len(imglist)) + ' ' + imgtype.upper() + ' images') if savefiles or diffimg: intstring = '' outie_string = '' noneg_string = '' normstring = '' while imgtype.lower() not in [ 'white', 'w', 'dark', 'd', 'bias', 'b', 'stellar', 's' ]: imgtype = raw_input( "WARNING: Image type not specified! What kind of images are they? ['(b)ias' / '(d)ark' / '(w)hite' / '(s)tellar']" ) if imgtype.lower() in ['b', 'bias']: RON = 0. #proceed if list is not empty if len(imglist) > 0: if with_errors: allerr = [] if remove_outliers: allimg = [] outie_string = '_outliers_removed' for n, file in enumerate(imglist): #img = gain * pyfits.getdata(file).T img = gain * pyfits.getdata(file) if with_errors: err_img = np.sqrt(gain * img.astype(float) + RON * RON) allerr.append(err_img) if remove_outliers: allimg.append(img) if n == 0: h = pyfits.getheader(file) master = img.copy().astype(float) if remove_outliers: ny, nx = img.shape master_outie_mask = np.zeros((ny, nx), dtype='int') if diffimg: diff = np.zeros((ny, nx), dtype='float') else: master += img #add individual-image errors in quadrature if with_errors: err_master = np.sqrt(np.sum((np.array(allerr)**2), axis=0)) if remove_outliers: medimg = np.median(np.array(allimg), axis=0) #for bias and dark frames just use the median image; for whites use something more sophisticated if imgtype[0] in ['b', 'd']: #now set master image equal to median image master = medimg #estimate of the corresponding error array (estimate only!!!) if with_errors: err_master = err_master / len(imglist) #do THIS for whites else: #make sure we do not have any negative pixels for the sqrt medimgpos = medimg.copy() medimgpos[medimg < 0] = 0. med_sig_arr = np.sqrt( RON * RON + gain * medimgpos ) #expected STDEV for the median image (from LB Eq 2.1) # rms_arr = np.std(np.array(allimg),axis=0) #but in the very low SNR regime, this takes over, as med_sig_arr will just be RON, and flag a whole bunch of otherwise good pixels # mydev = np.maximum(med_sig_arr,rms_arr) # #check that the median pixel value does not deviate significantly from the minimum pixel value (unlikely!!!) # minimg = np.amin(allimg,axis=0) # min_sig_arr = np.sqrt(RON*RON + gain*minimg) #expected STDEV for the minimum image (from LB Eq 2.1) # fu_mask = medimg - minimg > clip*min_sig_arr for n, img in enumerate(allimg): #outie_mask = np.abs(img - medimg) > clip*med_sig_arr outie_mask = img - medimg > clip * med_sig_arr #do we only want HIGH outliers, ie cosmics? #save info about which image contributes the outlier pixel using unique binary numbers technique master_outie_mask += (outie_mask * 2**n).astype(int) #see which image(s) produced the outlier(s) and replace outies by mean of pixel value from remaining images n_outie = np.sum(master_outie_mask > 0) print('Correcting ' + str(n_outie) + ' outliers...') #loop over all outliers for i, j in zip( np.nonzero(master_outie_mask)[0], np.nonzero(master_outie_mask)[1]): #access binary numbers and retrieve component(s) outnum = binary_indices( master_outie_mask[i, j] ) #these are the indices (within allimg) of the images that contain outliers dumix = np.arange(len(imglist)) #remove the images containing the outliers in order to compute mean from the remaining images useix = np.delete(dumix, outnum) if diffimg: diff[i, j] = master[i, j] - ( len(outnum) * np.mean(np.array([allimg[q][i, j] for q in useix])) + np.sum(np.array([allimg[q][i, j] for q in useix]))) #now replace value in master image by the sum of all pixel values in the unaffected pixels #plus the number of affected images times the mean of the pixel values in the unaffected images master[i, j] = len(outnum) * np.mean( np.array([allimg[q][i, j] for q in useix])) + np.sum( np.array([allimg[q][i, j] for q in useix])) #once we have finished correcting the outliers, we want to "normalize" (ie divide by number of frames) the master image master = master / len(imglist) if with_errors: err_master = err_master / len(imglist) #if not remove outliers, still need to "normalize" (ie divide by number of frames) else: master = master / len(imglist) if with_errors: err_master = err_master / len(imglist) if scalable: texp = pyfits.getval(imglist[0], 'exptime') master = master / texp if with_errors: err_master = err_master / texp normstring = normstring + '_scalable' if noneg: master[master < 0] = 0. noneg_string = '_noneg' if asint: master = np.round(master).astype(int) if with_errors: err_master = np.round(err_master).astype(int) intstring = '_int' if diffimg: hdiff = h.copy() dum = file.split('/') path = file[:-len(dum[-1])] hdiff[ 'HISTORY'] = ' DIFFERENCE IMAGE - created ' + time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()) + ' (GMT)' hdiff['COMMENT'] = 'Results are in units of ELECTRONS' pyfits.writeto(path + 'master_' + imgtype.lower() + normstring + intstring + '_diffimg.fits', diff, hdiff, clobber=True) if savefiles: dum = file.split('/') path = file[:-len(dum[-1])] # while imgtype.lower() not in ['white','dark','bias']: # imgtype = raw_input("WARNING: Image type not specified! What kind of images are they ['white' / 'dark' / 'bias']: ") h['HISTORY'] = ' MASTER ' + imgtype.upper( ) + ' - created ' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()) + ' (GMT)' hdiff['COMMENT'] = 'Results are in units of ELECTRONS' pyfits.writeto(path + 'master_' + imgtype.lower() + normstring + outie_string + intstring + noneg_string + '.fits', master, h, clobber=True) #save error array in second HDU if with_errors: h_err = h.copy() h_err[ 'LEGEND'] = 'estimated uncertainty in MASTER ' + imgtype.upper( ) pyfits.append(path + 'master_' + imgtype.lower() + normstring + outie_string + intstring + noneg_string + '.fits', err_master, h_err, clobber=True) else: print('WARNING: empty input list') return print('DONE!!!') if timit: print('Elapsed time: ' + str(np.round(time.time() - start_time, 2)) + ' seconds') if with_errors: return master, err_master else: return master
def lc_from_bulk_download(fits_path, target_list, fname_out, fname_targets, fname_notes, path, fname_flagged, custom_mask=[], apply_nan_mask=False): '''This function opens each _lc.fits file in fits_path, masks flagged data points from QUALITY and saves interpolated PDCSAP_FLUX, TIME and TICID to fits file fname_out. Parameters: * fits_path : directory containing all light curve fits files (ending with '/') * target_list : returned by lc_by_camera_ccd() * fname_out : name of fits file to save time, flux and ticids into * fname_targets : saves ticid of every target saved * fname_notes : saves the ticid of any target it fails on * path : directory to save nan mask plots in * fname_flagged : name of fits file to save flagged light curves Returns: * confirmation : boolean, returns False if failure ''' import fnmatch import gc # >> get list of all light curve fits files fnames_all = os.listdir(fits_path) fnames = fnmatch.filter(fnames_all, '*fits*') # >> find all light curves in a group fnames_group = [] target_list = target_list[:,0] for target in target_list: try: fname = list(filter(lambda x: str(int(target)) in x, fnames))[0] fnames_group.append(fname) except: print('Missing ' + str(int(target))) with open(fname_notes, 'a') as f: f.write(str(int(target)) + '\n') fnames = fnames_group count = 0 ticid_list = [] intensity = [] for n in range(len(fnames)): file = fnames[n] print(count) # >> open file with + file, memmap=False) as hdul: hdu_data = hdul[1].data # >> get time array (only for the first light curve) if n == 0: time = hdu_data['TIME'] # >> get flux array i = hdu_data['PDCSAP_FLUX'] intensity.append(i) # >> get quality mask quality = hdu_data['QUALITY'] flagged_inds = np.nonzero(quality) i[flagged_inds] = np.nan # >> get ticid ticid = hdul[1].header['TICID'] ticid_list.append(ticid) with open(fname_targets, 'a') as f: f.write(str(int(ticid)) + '\n') # >> clear memory del hdu_data del hdul[1].data del hdul[0].data gc.collect() count += 1 # >> interpolate and NaN mask print('Interpolating...') intensity = np.array(intensity) ticid_list = np.array(ticid_list) intensity_interp, time, ticid_interp, flagged, ticid_flagged = \ interpolate_all(intensity, time, ticid_list, custom_mask=custom_mask, apply_nan_mask=apply_nan_mask) # >> save time array, intensity array and ticids to fits file print('Saving to fits file...') hdr = fits.Header() hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(time, header=hdr) hdu.writeto(fname_out) fits.append(fname_out, intensity_interp) fits.append(fname_out, ticid_interp) # >> actually i'm going to save the raw intensities just in case fits.append(fname_out, intensity) # >> save flagged if np.shape(flagged)[0] != 0: hdr = fits.Header() hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(flagged, header=hdr) hdu.writeto(fname_flagged) fits.append(fname_flagged, ticid_flagged) print("lc_from_bulk_download has finished running") return time, intensity_interp, ticid_interp, flagged, ticid_flagged
def write_fits(filename, data, header, extension, extname, comm): """ Collectively write local arrays into a single FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The FITS file name. data : ndarray The array to be written. header : pyfits.Header The data FITS header. None can be set, in which case a minimal FITS header will be inferred from the data. extension : boolean If True, the data will be written as an extension to an already existing FITS file. extname : str The FITS extension name. Use None to write the primary HDU. comm : mpi4py.Comm The MPI communicator of the local arrays. Use MPI.COMM_SELF if the data are not meant to be combined into a global array. Make sure that the MPI processes are not executing this routine with the same file name. """ # check if the file name is the same for all MPI jobs files = comm.allgather(filename + str(extname)) all_equal = all(f == files[0] for f in files) if comm.size > 1 and not all_equal: raise ValueError('The file name is not the same for all MPI jobs.') ndims = comm.allgather(data.ndim) if any(n != ndims[0] for n in ndims): raise ValueError("The arrays have an incompatible number of dimensions" ": '{0}'.".format(', '.join(str(n) for n in ndims))) ndim = ndims[0] shapes = comm.allgather(data.shape) if any(s[1:] != shapes[0][1:] for s in shapes): raise ValueError("The arrays have incompatible shapes: '{0}'.".format( strshape(shapes))) # get header if header is None: header = create_fitsheader_for(data, extname=extname) else: header = header.copy() if extname is not None: header['extname'] = extname # we remove the file first to avoid an annoying pyfits informative message if not extension: if comm.rank == 0: try: os.remove(filename) except OSError: pass # case without MPI communication if comm.size == 1: if not extension: hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data, header) hdu.writeto(filename, overwrite=True) else: pyfits.append(filename, data, header) return # get global/local parameters nglobal = sum(s[0] for s in shapes) s = split(nglobal, comm.size, comm.rank) nlocal = s.stop - s.start if data.shape[0] != nlocal: raise ValueError( "On rank {}, the local array shape '{}' is invalid. T" "he first dimension does not match the expected local" " number '{}' given the global number '{}'.{}".format( comm.rank, data.shape, nlocal, nglobal, '' if comm.rank > 0 else ' Shapes are: {}.'.format(shapes))) # write FITS header if comm.rank == 0: header['NAXIS' + str(ndim)] = nglobal shdu = pyfits.StreamingHDU(filename, header) data_loc = shdu._datLoc shdu.close() else: data_loc = None data_loc = comm.bcast(data_loc) # get a communicator excluding the processes which have no work to do # (Create_subarray does not allow 0-sized subarrays) chunk = product(data.shape[1:]) rank_nowork = min(comm.size, nglobal) group = comm.Get_group() group.Incl(list(range(rank_nowork))) newcomm = comm.Create(group) # collectively write data if comm.rank < rank_nowork: # mpi4py 1.2.2: pb with viewing data as big endian KeyError '>d' if sys.byteorder == 'little' and data.dtype.byteorder == '=' or \ data.dtype.byteorder == '<': data = data.byteswap() data = data.newbyteorder('=') mtype = DTYPE_MAP[data.dtype] ftype = mtype.Create_subarray([nglobal * chunk], [nlocal * chunk], [s.start * chunk]) ftype.Commit() f = MPI.File.Open(newcomm, filename, amode=MPI.MODE_APPEND | MPI.MODE_WRONLY | MPI.MODE_CREATE) f.Set_view(data_loc, mtype, ftype, 'native', MPI.INFO_NULL) f.Write_all(data) f.Close() ftype.Free() newcomm.Free() # pad FITS file with zeros if comm.rank == 0: datasize = nglobal * chunk * data.dtype.itemsize BLOCK_SIZE = 2880 padding = BLOCK_SIZE - (datasize % BLOCK_SIZE) with open(filename, 'a') as f: if f.tell() - data_loc != datasize: raise RuntimeError('Unexpected file size.') f.write(padding * '\0') comm.Barrier()
basedir, uncompressed=args.uncompressed) else: print('No bright star catalog, not marking bright stars.') res = process(im, sqivar, flag, psf, refit_psf=args.refit_psf, verbose=args.verbose, nx=4, ny=4, derivcentroids=True) outfn = args.outfn[0] x = (res[0])['x'] y = (res[0])['y'] wcs = wcs.WCS(hdr) ra, dec = wcs.all_pix2world(y, x, 0) import numpy.lib.recfunctions as rfn cat = rfn.append_fields(res[0], ['ra', 'dec'], [ra, dec]) fits.writeto(outfn, cat) fits.append(outfn, res[1]) fits.append(outfn, res[2]) psfext = numpy.array([tpsf(0, 0, stampsz=19) for tpsf in res[3]]) fits.append(outfn, psfext)
def fits_db(fits_address, model_db, ext_name='', header=None): line_labels = model_db['inputs']['line_list'] params_traces = model_db['outputs'] sec_label = 'synthetic_fluxes' if ext_name == '' else f'{ext_name}_synthetic_fluxes' # ---------------------------------- Input data # Data list_columns = [] for data_label, data_format in FITS_INPUTS_EXTENSION.items(): data_array = model_db['inputs'][data_label] data_col = fits.Column(name=data_label, format=data_format, array=data_array) list_columns.append(data_col) # Header hdr_dict = {} for i_line, lineLabel in enumerate(line_labels): hdr_dict[f'hierarch {lineLabel}'] = model_db['inputs']['line_fluxes'][i_line] hdr_dict[f'hierarch {lineLabel}_err'] = model_db['inputs']['line_err'][i_line] # User values: for key, value in header.items(): if key not in ['logP_values', 'r_hat']: hdr_dict[f'hierarch {key}'] = value # Inputs extension cols = fits.ColDefs(list_columns) sec_label = 'inputs' if ext_name == '' else f'{ext_name}_inputs' hdu_inputs = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols, name=sec_label, header=fits.Header(hdr_dict)) # ---------------------------------- Output data params_list = model_db['inputs']['parameter_list'] param_matrix = np.array([params_traces[param] for param in params_list]) param_col = fits.Column(name='parameters_list', format=FITS_OUTPUTS_EXTENSION['parameter_list'], array=params_list) param_val = fits.Column(name='parameters_fit', format='E', array=param_matrix.mean(axis=1)) param_err = fits.Column(name='parameters_err', format='E', array=param_matrix.std(axis=1)) list_columns = [param_col, param_val, param_err] # Header hdr_dict = {} for i, param in enumerate(params_list): param_trace = params_traces[param] hdr_dict[f'hierarch {param}'] = np.mean(param_trace) hdr_dict[f'hierarch {param}_err'] = np.std(param_trace) for lineLabel in line_labels: param_trace = params_traces[lineLabel] hdr_dict[f'hierarch {lineLabel}'] = np.mean(param_trace) hdr_dict[f'hierarch {lineLabel}_err'] = np.std(param_trace) # # Data # param_array = np.array(list(params_traces.keys())) # paramMatrix = np.array([params_traces[param] for param in param_array]) # # list_columns.append(fits.Column(name='parameter', format='20A', array=param_array)) # list_columns.append(fits.Column(name='mean', format='E', array=np.mean(paramMatrix, axis=0))) # list_columns.append(fits.Column(name='std', format='E', array=np.std(paramMatrix, axis=0))) # list_columns.append(fits.Column(name='median', format='E', array=np.median(paramMatrix, axis=0))) # list_columns.append(fits.Column(name='p16th', format='E', array=np.percentile(paramMatrix, 16, axis=0))) # list_columns.append(fits.Column(name='p84th', format='E', array=np.percentile(paramMatrix, 84, axis=0))) cols = fits.ColDefs(list_columns) sec_label = 'outputs' if ext_name == '' else f'{ext_name}_outputs' hdu_outputs = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols, name=sec_label, header=fits.Header(hdr_dict)) # ---------------------------------- traces data list_columns = [] # Data for param, trace_array in params_traces.items(): col_trace = fits.Column(name=param, format='E', array=params_traces[param]) list_columns.append(col_trace) cols = fits.ColDefs(list_columns) # Header fitting properties hdr_dict = {} for stats_dict in ['logP_values', 'r_hat']: for key, value in header[stats_dict].items(): hdr_dict[f'hierarch {key}_{stats_dict}'] = value sec_label = 'traces' if ext_name == '' else f'{ext_name}_traces' hdu_traces = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols, name=sec_label, header=fits.Header(hdr_dict)) # ---------------------------------- Save fits files hdu_list = [hdu_inputs, hdu_outputs, hdu_traces] if fits_address.is_file(): for hdu in hdu_list: try: fits.update(fits_address,, header=hdu.header,, verify=True) except KeyError: fits.append(fits_address,, header=hdu.header, else: hdul = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU()] + hdu_list) hdul.writeto(fits_address, overwrite=True, output_verify='fix') return
def keppixseries(infile, outfile, plotfile=None, plottype='global', filterlc=False, function='boxcar', cutoff=1.0, overwrite=False, verbose=False, logfile='keppixseries.log'): """ keppixseries -- individual time series photometry for all pixels within a target mask keppixseries plots a light curve for each individual pixel in a target mask. Light curves are extracted from a target pixel file obtained from the Kepler data archive at MAST. If required, the data can be fed through a boxcar, gaussian or sinc function high bandpass filter in order to remove low frequency signal from the data. keppixseries is a diagnostic tool for identifying source contaminants in the background or foreground of the target. It can be employed to identify pixels for inclusion or exclusion when re-extracting a Kepler light curve from target pixel files. Parameters ---------- infile : str The name of a MAST standard format FITS file containing Kepler Target Pixel data within the first data extension. outfile : str The name of the output FITS file. This file has two data extensions. The first called 'PIXELSERIES' contains a table with columns of barycenter-corrected time, barycenter time correction, cadence number, cadence quality flag and a series of photometric light curves, one for each pixel within the target mask. Each pixel is labeled COLx_ROWy, where :math:`x` is the pixel column number and :math:`y` is the pixel row number on the CCD module/output. The second extension contains the mask definition map copied directly from the input target pixel file. plotfile : str Name of an optional diagnostic output plot file containing the results of keppixseries. An example is provided in Figure 1. Typically this is a PNG format file. If no diagnostic file is required, plotfile can be 'None'. The plot will be generated regardless of the value of this field, but the plot will not be saved to a file if ``plotfile='None'``. plottype : str keppixseries can plot light curves of three types. The choice is made using this argument. The options are: * local - All individual pixel light curves are scaled separately to provide the most dynamic range for each pixel. * global - All pixel light curves are scaled between zero and the maximum flux attained by the brightest pixel in the mask. This option provides the relative contribution to the archived light curve by each pixel. * full - All pixels light curves are scaled between zero and the maximum flux attained by that pixel. This provides the fraction of variability within each individual pixel. filterlc : bool If True, the light curve for each pixel will be treated by a high band-pass filter to remove long-term trends from e.g. differential velocity aberration. function : str The functional form of the high pass-band filter: * boxcar * gauss * sinc cutoff : float The frequency of the high pass-band cutoff in units of :math:`days^{-1}`. overwrite : bool Overwrite the output file? verbose : bool Print informative messages and warnings to the shell and logfile? logfile = str Name of the logfile containing error and warning messages. Examples -------- .. code-block :: bash $ keppixseries kplr008256049-2010174085026_lpd-targ.fits.gz keppixseries.fits .. image:: ../_static/images/api/keppixseries.png :align: center """ # log the call hashline = '--------------------------------------------------------------' kepmsg.log(logfile, hashline, verbose) call = ('KEPPIXSERIES -- ' + ' infile={}'.format(infile) + ' outfile={}'.format(outfile) + ' plotfile={}'.format(plotfile) + ' plottype={}'.format(plottype) + ' filterlc={}'.format(filterlc) + ' function={}'.format(function) + ' cutoff={}'.format(cutoff) + ' overwrite={}'.format(overwrite) + ' verbose={}'.format(verbose) + ' logfile={}'.format(logfile)) kepmsg.log(logfile, call+'\n', verbose) # start time kepmsg.clock('KEPPIXSERIES started at', logfile, verbose) # overwrite output file if overwrite: kepio.overwrite(outfile, logfile, verbose) if kepio.fileexists(outfile): errmsg = ('ERROR -- KEPPIXSERIES: {} exists. Use --overwrite' .format(outfile)) kepmsg.err(logfile, errmsg, verbose) # open TPF FITS file kepid, channel, skygroup, module, output, quarter, season, \ ra, dec, column, row, kepmag, xdim, ydim, barytime = \ kepio.readTPF(infile, 'TIME', logfile, verbose) kepid, channel, skygroup, module, output, quarter, season, \ ra, dec, column, row, kepmag, xdim, ydim, tcorr = \ kepio.readTPF(infile, 'TIMECORR', logfile, verbose) kepid, channel, skygroup, module, output, quarter, season, \ ra, dec, column, row, kepmag, xdim, ydim, cadno = \ kepio.readTPF(infile, 'CADENCENO', logfile, verbose) kepid, channel, skygroup, module, output, quarter, season, \ ra, dec, column, row, kepmag, xdim, ydim, fluxpixels = \ kepio.readTPF(infile, 'FLUX', logfile, verbose) kepid, channel, skygroup, module, output, quarter, season, \ ra, dec, column, row, kepmag, xdim, ydim, errpixels = \ kepio.readTPF(infile, 'FLUX_ERR', logfile, verbose) kepid, channel, skygroup, module, output, quarter, season, \ ra, dec, column, row, kepmag, xdim, ydim, qual = \ kepio.readTPF(infile, 'QUALITY', logfile, verbose) # read mask defintion data from TPF file maskimg, pixcoord1, pixcoord2 = kepio.readMaskDefinition(infile, logfile, verbose) # print target data print('') print(' KepID: {}'.format(kepid)) print(' RA (J2000): {}'.format(ra)) print('Dec (J2000): {}'.format(dec)) print(' KepMag: {}'.format(kepmag)) print(' SkyGroup: {}'.format(skygroup)) print(' Season: {}'.format(season)) print(' Channel: {}'.format(channel)) print(' Module: {}'.format(module)) print(' Output: {}'.format(output)) print('') # how many quality = 0 rows? npts = 0 nrows = len(fluxpixels) for i in range(nrows): if (qual[i] == 0 and np.isfinite(barytime[i]) and np.isfinite(fluxpixels[i, ydim * xdim // 2])): npts += 1 time = np.empty((npts)) timecorr = np.empty((npts)) cadenceno = np.empty((npts)) quality = np.empty((npts)) pixseries = np.empty((ydim, xdim, npts)) errseries = np.empty((ydim, xdim, npts)) # construct output light curves nptsx = 0 for i in tqdm(range(ydim)): for j in range(xdim): npts = 0 for k in range(nrows): if (qual[k] == 0 and np.isfinite(barytime[k]) and np.isfinite(fluxpixels[k, int(ydim*xdim/2)])): time[npts] = barytime[k] timecorr[npts] = tcorr[k] cadenceno[npts] = cadno[k] quality[npts] = qual[k] pixseries[i, j, npts] = fluxpixels[k, nptsx] errseries[i, j, npts] = errpixels[k, nptsx] npts += 1 nptsx += 1 # define data sampling if filterlc: tpf = cadence = kepkey.cadence(tpf[1], infile, logfile, verbose) tr = 1.0 / (cadence / 86400) timescale = 1.0 / (cutoff / tr) # define convolution function if function == 'boxcar': filtfunc = np.ones(int(np.ceil(timescale))) elif function == 'gauss': timescale /= 2 dx = np.ceil(timescale * 10 + 1) filtfunc = filtfunc([1.0, dx / 2 - 1.0, timescale], np.linspace(0, dx - 1, dx)) elif function == 'sinc': dx = np.ceil(timescale * 12 + 1) fx = np.linspace(0, dx - 1, dx) fx = fx - dx / 2 + 0.5 fx /= timescale filtfunc = np.sinc(fx) filtfunc /= np.sum(filtfunc) # pad time series at both ends with noise model for i in range(ydim): for j in range(xdim): ave, sigma = (np.mean(pixseries[i, j, :len(filtfunc)]), np.std(pixseries[i, j, :len(filtfunc)])) padded = np.append(kepstat.randarray(np.ones(len(filtfunc)) * ave, np.ones(len(filtfunc)) * sigma), pixseries[i, j, :]) ave, sigma = (np.mean(pixseries[i, j, -len(filtfunc):]), np.std(pixseries[i, j, -len(filtfunc):])) padded = np.append(padded, kepstat.randarray(np.ones(len(filtfunc)) * ave, np.ones(len(filtfunc)) * sigma)) # convolve data convolved = np.convolve(padded, filtfunc, 'same') # remove padding from the output array outdata = convolved[len(filtfunc): -len(filtfunc)] # subtract low frequencies outmedian = np.median(outdata) pixseries[i, j, :] = pixseries[i, j, :] - outdata + outmedian # construct output file if ydim * xdim < 1000: instruct =, 'readonly') kepkey.history(call, instruct[0], outfile, logfile, verbose) hdulist = pyfits.HDUList(instruct[0]) cols = [] cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='TIME', format='D', unit='BJD - 2454833', disp='D12.7', array=time)) cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='TIMECORR', format='E', unit='d', disp='E13.6', array=timecorr)) cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='CADENCENO', format='J', disp='I10', array=cadenceno)) cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='QUALITY', format='J', array=quality)) for i in range(ydim): for j in range(xdim): colname = 'COL{}_ROW{}'.format(i + column, j + row) cols.append(pyfits.Column(name=colname, format='E', disp='E13.6', array=pixseries[i, j, :])) hdu1 = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(pyfits.ColDefs(cols)) try: hdu1.header['INHERIT'] = (True, 'inherit the primary header') except: pass try: hdu1.header['EXTNAME'] = ('PIXELSERIES', 'name of extension') except: pass try: hdu1.header['EXTVER' ] = (instruct[1].header['EXTVER'], 'extension version number (not format version)') except: pass try: hdu1.header['TELESCOP'] = (instruct[1].header['TELESCOP'], 'telescope') except: pass try: hdu1.header['INSTRUME'] = (instruct[1].header['INSTRUME'], 'detector type') except: pass try: hdu1.header['OBJECT' ] = (instruct[1].header['OBJECT'], 'string version of KEPLERID') except: pass try: hdu1.header['KEPLERID'] = (instruct[1].header['KEPLERID'], 'unique Kepler target identifier') except: pass try: hdu1.header['RADESYS'] = (instruct[1].header['RADESYS'], 'reference frame of celestial coordinates') except: pass try: hdu1.header['RA_OBJ' ] = (instruct[1].header['RA_OBJ'], '[deg] right ascension from KIC') except: pass try: hdu1.header['DEC_OBJ'] = (instruct[1].header['DEC_OBJ'], '[deg] declination from KIC') except: pass try: hdu1.header['EQUINOX'] = (instruct[1].header['EQUINOX'], 'equinox of celestial coordinate system') except: pass try: hdu1.header['TIMEREF'] = (instruct[1].header['TIMEREF'], 'barycentric correction applied to times') except: pass try: hdu1.header['TASSIGN'] = (instruct[1].header['TASSIGN'], 'where time is assigned') except: pass try: hdu1.header['TIMESYS'] = (instruct[1].header['TIMESYS'], 'time system is barycentric JD') except: pass try: hdu1.header['BJDREFI'] = (instruct[1].header['BJDREFI'], 'integer part of BJD reference date') except: pass try: hdu1.header['BJDREFF'] = (instruct[1].header['BJDREFF'], 'fraction of the day in BJD reference date') except: pass try: hdu1.header['TIMEUNIT'] = (instruct[1].header['TIMEUNIT'], 'time unit for TIME, TSTART and TSTOP') except: pass try: hdu1.header['TSTART'] = (instruct[1].header['TSTART'], 'observation start time in BJD-BJDREF') except: pass try: hdu1.header['TSTOP'] = (instruct[1].header['TSTOP'], 'observation stop time in BJD-BJDREF') except: pass try: hdu1.header['LC_START'] = (instruct[1].header['LC_START'], 'mid point of first cadence in MJD') except: pass try: hdu1.header['LC_END'] = (instruct[1].header['LC_END'], 'mid point of last cadence in MJD') except: pass try: hdu1.header['TELAPSE'] = (instruct[1].header['TELAPSE'], '[d] TSTOP - TSTART') except: pass try: hdu1.header['LIVETIME'] = (instruct[1].header['LIVETIME'], '[d] TELAPSE multiplied by DEADC') except: pass try: hdu1.header['EXPOSURE'] = (instruct[1].header['EXPOSURE'], '[d] time on source') except: pass try: hdu1.header['DEADC'] = (instruct[1].header['DEADC'], 'deadtime correction') except: pass try: hdu1.header['TIMEPIXR'] = (instruct[1].header['TIMEPIXR'], 'bin time beginning=0 middle=0.5 end=1') except: pass try: hdu1.header['TIERRELA'] = (instruct[1].header['TIERRELA'], '[d] relative time error') except: pass try: hdu1.header['TIERABSO'] = (instruct[1].header['TIERABSO'], '[d] absolute time error') except: pass try: hdu1.header['INT_TIME'] = (instruct[1].header['INT_TIME'], '[s] photon accumulation time per frame') except: pass try: hdu1.header['READTIME'] = (instruct[1].header['READTIME'], '[s] readout time per frame') except: pass try: hdu1.header['FRAMETIM'] = (instruct[1].header['FRAMETIM'], '[s] frame time (INT_TIME + READTIME)') except: pass try: hdu1.header['NUM_FRM'] = (instruct[1].header['NUM_FRM'], 'number of frames per time stamp') except: pass try: hdu1.header['TIMEDEL'] = (instruct[1].header['TIMEDEL'], '[d] time resolution of data') except: pass try: hdu1.header['DATE-OBS'] = (instruct[1].header['DATE-OBS'], 'TSTART as UTC calendar date') except: pass try: hdu1.header['DATE-END'] = (instruct[1].header['DATE-END'], 'TSTOP as UTC calendar date') except: pass try: hdu1.header['BACKAPP'] = (instruct[1].header['BACKAPP'], 'background is subtracted') except: pass try: hdu1.header['DEADAPP'] = (instruct[1].header['DEADAPP'], 'deadtime applied') except: pass try: hdu1.header['VIGNAPP'] = (instruct[1].header['VIGNAPP'], 'vignetting or collimator correction applied') except: pass try: hdu1.header['GAIN'] = (instruct[1].header['GAIN'], '[electrons/count] channel gain') except: pass try: hdu1.header['READNOIS'] = (instruct[1].header['READNOIS'], '[electrons] read noise') except: pass try: hdu1.header['NREADOUT'] = (instruct[1].header['NREADOUT'], 'number of read per cadence') except: pass try: hdu1.header['TIMSLICE'] = (instruct[1].header['TIMSLICE'], 'time-slice readout sequence section') except: pass try: hdu1.header['MEANBLCK'] = (instruct[1].header['MEANBLCK'], '[count] FSW mean black level') except: pass hdulist.append(hdu1) hdulist.writeto(outfile)'EXTNAME', 'APERTURE', 'name of extension', instruct[2], outfile, logfile, verbose) pyfits.append(outfile, instruct[2].data, instruct[2].header) instruct.close() else: warnmsg = ('WARNING -- KEPPIXSERIES: output FITS file requires > 999' 'columns. Non-compliant with FITS convention.') kepmsg.warn(logfile, warnmsg) # plot pixel array fmin = 1.0e33 fmax = -1.033 plt.figure() plt.clf() dx = 0.93 / xdim dy = 0.94 / ydim ax = plt.axes([0.06, 0.05, 0.93, 0.94]) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False)) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False)) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) plt.xlim(np.min(pixcoord1) - 0.5, np.max(pixcoord1) + 0.5) plt.ylim(np.min(pixcoord2) - 0.5, np.max(pixcoord2) + 0.5) plt.xlabel('time', {'color' : 'k'}) plt.ylabel('arbitrary flux', {'color' : 'k'}) for i in range(ydim): for j in range(xdim): tmin = np.amin(time) tmax = np.amax(time) try: np.isfinite(np.amin(pixseries[i, j, :])) np.isfinite(np.amin(pixseries[i, j, :])) fmin = np.amin(pixseries[i, j, :]) fmax = np.amax(pixseries[i, j, :]) except: ugh = 1 xmin = tmin - (tmax - tmin) / 40 xmax = tmax + (tmax - tmin) / 40 ymin = fmin - (fmax - fmin) / 20 ymax = fmax + (fmax - fmin) / 20 if kepstat.bitInBitmap(maskimg[i, j], 2): plt.axes([0.06 + float(j) * dx, 0.05 + i * dy, dx, dy], facecolor='lightslategray') elif maskimg[i, j] == 0: plt.axes([0.06 + float(j) * dx, 0.05 + i * dy, dx, dy], facecolor='black') else: plt.axes([0.06 + float(j) * dx, 0.05 + i * dy, dx, dy]) if j == int(xdim / 2) and i == 0: plt.setp(plt.gca(), xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]) elif j == 0 and i == int(ydim / 2): plt.setp(plt.gca(), xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]) else: plt.setp(plt.gca(), xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]) ptime = time * 1.0 ptime = np.insert(ptime, [0], ptime[0]) ptime = np.append(ptime, ptime[-1]) pflux = pixseries[i, j, :] * 1.0 pflux = np.insert(pflux, [0], -1000.0) pflux = np.append(pflux, -1000.0) plt.plot(time,pixseries[i, j, :], color='#0000ff', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.5) if not kepstat.bitInBitmap(maskimg[i, j], 2): plt.fill(ptime, pflux, fc='lightslategray', linewidth=0.0, alpha=1.0) plt.fill(ptime, pflux, fc='#FFF380', linewidth=0.0,alpha=1.0) if 'loc' in plottype: plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) if 'glob' in plottype: plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) plt.ylim(1.0e-10, np.nanmax(pixseries) * 1.05) if 'full' in plottype: plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) plt.ylim(1.0e-10, ymax * 1.05) # render plot plt.savefig(plotfile) # stop time kepmsg.clock('KEPPIXSERIES ended at', logfile, verbose)
def split_fits(filename=None, split_dir='.', size_limit = 1024.0): fits_list = [] filestat = os.stat(filename) filesize = filestat.st_size/(1024.0**2) if filesize <= size_limit: logger.error("This file is only %f MB. It is smaller than our size limit %f MB, no split needed."%(filesize, size_limit)) return [] try: bighdulist =, memmap=True) first_row = bighdulist[0] header = first_row.header except: raise IOError("Error encountered when trying to open FITS file %s"%filename) return [] fn = filename[filename.rfind('/')+1:filename.rfind('.fits')] deltaf = header['DELTAF'] fftlen = header['NAXIS1'] fcntr = header['FCNTR'] frange = [fcntr - fftlen*deltaf/2, fcntr + fftlen*deltaf/2] nfiles_min = int(math.ceil(filesize/size_limit)) new_width_max = fftlen/nfiles_min new_width = 2**math.floor(np.log2(new_width_max)) nfiles = int(math.ceil(fftlen/new_width)) new_files = [] new_fcntrs = [] new_filenames = [] indices = [] new_primary_header = copy.deepcopy(header) to_create = [] for i in range(0, nfiles): new_filename = split_dir + '/' + fn + '_%d'%i + '.fits' new_filenames.append(new_filename) new_fcntr_tmp = frange[0] + deltaf * new_width * (i + 0.5) new_fcntrs.append(new_fcntr_tmp) new_primary_header['FCNTR'] = new_fcntr_tmp ind = (i*new_width, min(fftlen, (i+1)*new_width)) indices.append(ind) if os.path.isfile(new_filename): logger.error("file %s already existed!"%new_filename) to_create.append(False) continue to_create.append(True) data =[0][ind[0]:ind[1]] prihdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(data, header = new_primary_header) prihdu.writeto(new_filename)"Created new file: %s"%new_filename) for i, ohdu in enumerate(bighdulist[1:]): logger.debug("Dealing with row %d"%i) new_header = copy.deepcopy(ohdu.header) for j, new_filename in enumerate(new_filenames): if not to_create[j]: continue new_header['FCNTR'] = new_fcntrs[j] ind = indices[j] data =[0][ind[0]:ind[1]] pyfits.append(new_filename, data, new_header) ##EE This, so that dedoppler is run in all the little new fits files for new_filename in new_filenames: fits_obj = FITS(new_filename) fits_list.append(fits_obj) return fits_list
def kepdiffim(infile, outfile, plotfile=None, imscale='logarithmic', colmap='PuBu', filterlc=False, function='boxcar', cutoff=1.0, overwrite=False, verbose=False, logfile='kepdiffim.log'): """ kepdiffim -- difference imaging of pixels within a target mask kepdiffim plots the mean, standard deviation and chi distribution images for the mask contained within a target pixel file. The standard deviation on each pixel is defined as :math:`[flux - mean]^2 / [N - 1]`. The chi distribution is :math:`\sqrt{[mean - flux] ^ 2 / sigma ^ 2}`. If required, the data can be fed through a **boxcar**, **gaussian** or **sinc** function high bandpass filter in order to remove low frequency signal from the data. kepdiffim is a diagnostic tool for identifying source contaminants in the background or foreground of the target. It can be employed to identify pixels for inclusion or exclusion when re-extracting a Kepler light curve from target pixel files. Parameters ---------- infile : str The name of a MAST standard format FITS file containing Kepler Target Pixel data within the first data extension. outfile : str The name of the output FITS file. This file has four data extensions. The first called 'FLUX' contains an image of the pixel-by-pixel mean flux within target mask. The second contains the pixel variance image of the mask pixels over time. The third contains the standard deviation image, in this case the variance image is normalized to the median 1-:math:`\sigma` error for each pixel. The fourth extension is the pixel mask, as defined in the second extension of the target pixel file. plotfile : str Name of an optional diagnostic output plot file containing the results of kepdiffim. Typically this is a PNG format file. If no diagnostic file is required, plotfile can be **None**. If **plotfile** is **None** the plot will be generated but the plot will not be saved to a file. imscale : str **kepdiffim** can plot images with three choices of image scales. The choice is made using this argument. The options are: * linear * logarithmic * squareroot cmap : str color intensity scheme for the image display. filter : bool If **filter** is **True**, the light curve for each pixel will be treated by a high band-pass filter to remove long-term trends from e. g. differential velocity aberration. function : str The functional form of the high pass-band filter. The options are: * boxcar * gauss * sinc cutoff : float [days] The frequency of the high pass-band cutoff. overwrite : bool Overwrite the output file? verbose : bool Print informative messages and warnings to the shell and logfile? logfile : str Name of the logfile containing error and warning messages. Examples -------- .. code-block:: bash $ kepdiffim kplr011390659-2010355172524_lpd-targ.fits.gz kepdiffim.fits --filter --function boxcar --cutoff 0.1 --plotfile kepdiffim.png --cmap YlOrBr --imscale linear --verbose .. image:: ../_static/images/api/kepdiffim.png :align: center """ # log the call hashline = '--------------------------------------------------------------' kepmsg.log(logfile,hashline,verbose) call = ('KEPDIFFIM -- ' + ' infile={}'.format(infile) + ' outfile={}'.format(outfile) + ' plotfile={}'.format(plotfile) + ' imscale={}'.format(imscale) + ' cmap={}'.format(colmap) + ' filterlc={}'.format(filterlc) + ' function={}'.format(function) + ' cutoff={}'.format(cutoff) + ' overwrite={}'.format(overwrite) + ' verbose={}'.format(verbose) + ' logfile={}'.format(logfile)) kepmsg.log(logfile, call+'\n', verbose) # start time kepmsg.clock('KEPDIFFIM started at: ', logfile, verbose) # overwrite output file if overwrite: kepio.overwrite(outfile, logfile, verbose) if kepio.fileexists(outfile): errmsg = 'ERROR -- KEPDIFFIM: {} exists. Use --overwrite'.format(outfile) kepmsg.err(logfile, errmsg, verbose) # open TPF FITS file kepid, channel, skygroup, module, output, quarter, season, \ ra, dec, column, row, kepmag, xdim, ydim, barytime = \ kepio.readTPF(infile, 'TIME', logfile, verbose) kepid, channel, skygroup, module, output, quarter, season, \ ra, dec, column, row, kepmag, xdim, ydim, tcorr = \ kepio.readTPF(infile, 'TIMECORR', logfile, verbose) kepid, channel, skygroup, module, output, quarter, season, \ ra, dec, column, row, kepmag, xdim, ydim, cadno = \ kepio.readTPF(infile, 'CADENCENO',logfile, verbose) kepid, channel, skygroup, module, output, quarter, season, \ ra, dec, column, row, kepmag, xdim, ydim, fluxpixels = \ kepio.readTPF(infile, 'FLUX', logfile, verbose) kepid, channel, skygroup, module, output, quarter, season, \ ra, dec, column, row, kepmag, xdim, ydim, errpixels = \ kepio.readTPF(infile, 'FLUX_ERR', logfile, verbose) kepid, channel, skygroup, module, output, quarter, season, \ ra, dec, column, row, kepmag, xdim, ydim, qual = \ kepio.readTPF(infile, 'QUALITY', logfile, verbose) # read mask defintion data from TPF file maskimg, pixcoord1, pixcoord2 = kepio.readMaskDefinition(infile, logfile, verbose) # print target data print('') print(' KepID: %s' % kepid) print(' RA (J2000): %s' % ra) print('Dec (J2000): %s' % dec) print(' KepMag: %s' % kepmag) print(' SkyGroup: %2s' % skygroup) print(' Season: %2s' % str(season)) print(' Channel: %2s' % channel) print(' Module: %2s' % module) print(' Output: %1s' % output) print('') # how many quality = 0 rows? npts = 0 nrows = len(fluxpixels) for i in range(nrows): if (qual[i] == 0 and np.isfinite(barytime[i]) and np.isfinite(fluxpixels[i, int(ydim * xdim / 2)])): npts += 1 time = np.empty((npts)) timecorr = np.empty((npts)) cadenceno = np.empty((npts)) quality = np.empty((npts)) pixseries = np.empty((ydim * xdim, npts)) errseries = np.empty((ydim * xdim, npts)) # construct output light curves nptsx = 0 for i in range(ydim*xdim): npts = 0 for k in range(nrows): if (qual[k] == 0 and np.isfinite(barytime[k]) and np.isfinite(fluxpixels[k, int(ydim * xdim / 2)])): time[npts] = barytime[k] timecorr[npts] = tcorr[k] cadenceno[npts] = cadno[k] quality[npts] = qual[k] pixseries[i, npts] = fluxpixels[k, nptsx] errseries[i, npts] = errpixels[k, nptsx] npts += 1 nptsx += 1 # define data sampling if filterlc: tpf = cadence = kepkey.cadence(tpf[1], infile, logfile, verbose) tr = 1.0 / (cadence / 86400) timescale = 1.0 / (cutoff / tr) # define convolution function if function == 'boxcar': filtfunc = np.ones(int(np.ceil(timescale))) elif function == 'gauss': timescale /= 2 dx = np.ceil(timescale * 10 + 1) filtfunc = kepfunc.gauss() filtfunc = filtfunc([1.0, dx / 2 - 1.0, timescale], linspace(0, dx - 1, dx)) elif function == 'sinc': dx = np.ceil(timescale * 12 + 1) fx = linspace(0, dx - 1, dx) fx = fx - dx / 2 + 0.5 fx /= timescale filtfunc = np.sinc(fx) filtfunc /= np.sum(filtfunc) # pad time series at both ends with noise model for i in range(ydim * xdim): ave, sigma = (np.mean(pixseries[i, :len(filtfunc)]), np.std(pixseries[i, :len(filtfunc)])) padded = np.append(kepstat.randarray(np.ones(len(filtfunc)) * ave, np.ones(len(filtfunc)) * sigma), pixseries[i, :]) ave, sigma = (np.mean(pixseries[i, -len(filtfunc):]), np.std(pixseries[i, -len(filtfunc):])) padded = np.append(padded, kepstat.randarray(np.ones(len(filtfunc)) * ave, np.ones(len(filtfunc)) * sigma)) # convolve data convolved = np.convolve(padded,filtfunc,'same') # remove padding from the output array outdata = convolved[len(filtfunc):-len(filtfunc)] # subtract low frequencies outmedian = np.nanmedian(outdata) pixseries[i, :] = pixseries[i, :] - outdata + outmedian # sum pixels over cadence nptsx = 0 nrows = len(fluxpixels) pixsum = np.zeros((ydim*xdim)) errsum = np.zeros((ydim*xdim)) for i in range(npts): if quality[i] == 0: pixsum += pixseries[:, i] errsum += errseries[:, i] **2 nptsx += 1 pixsum /= nptsx errsum = np.sqrt(errsum) / nptsx # calculate standard deviation pixels pixvar = np.zeros((ydim*xdim)) for i in range(npts): if quality[i] == 0: pixvar += (pixsum - pixseries[:,i] / errseries[:,i])**2 pixvar = np.sqrt(pixvar) # median pixel errors errmed = np.empty((ydim*xdim)) for i in range(ydim*xdim): errmed[i] = np.median(errseries[:,i]) # calculate chi distribution pixels pixdev = np.zeros((ydim*xdim)) for i in range(npts): if quality[i] == 0: pixdev += ((pixsum - pixseries[:,i]) / pixsum)**2 pixdev = np.sqrt(pixdev) # image scale and intensity limits pixsum_pl, zminsum, zmaxsum = kepplot.intScale1D(pixsum, imscale) pixvar_pl, zminvar, zmaxvar = kepplot.intScale1D(pixvar, imscale) pixdev_pl, zmindev, zmaxdev = kepplot.intScale1D(pixdev, imscale) # construct output summed image imgsum = np.empty((ydim, xdim)) imgvar = np.empty((ydim, xdim)) imgdev = np.empty((ydim, xdim)) imgsum_pl = np.empty((ydim, xdim)) imgvar_pl = np.empty((ydim, xdim)) imgdev_pl = np.empty((ydim, xdim)) n = 0 for i in range(ydim): for j in range(xdim): imgsum[i, j] = pixsum[n] imgvar[i, j] = pixvar[n] imgdev[i, j] = pixdev[n] imgsum_pl[i, j] = pixsum_pl[n] imgvar_pl[i, j] = pixvar_pl[n] imgdev_pl[i, j] = pixdev_pl[n] n += 1 # construct output file instruct = kepkey.history(call, instruct[0], outfile, logfile, verbose) hdulist = pyfits.HDUList(instruct[0]) hdulist.writeto(outfile)'EXTNAME', 'FLUX', 'name of extension', instruct[2], outfile, logfile, verbose) pyfits.append(outfile, imgsum, instruct[2].header)'EXTNAME', 'CHI', 'name of extension', instruct[2], outfile, logfile, verbose) pyfits.append(outfile, imgvar, instruct[2].header)'EXTNAME', 'STDDEV', 'name of extension', instruct[2], outfile, logfile, verbose) pyfits.append(outfile, imgdev, instruct[2].header)'EXTNAME', 'APERTURE', 'name of extension', instruct[2], outfile, logfile, verbose) pyfits.append(outfile, instruct[2].data,instruct[2].header) instruct.close() # pixel limits of the subimage ymin = row ymax = ymin + ydim xmin = column xmax = xmin + xdim # plot limits for summed image ymin = float(ymin) - 0.5 ymax = float(ymax) - 0.5 xmin = float(xmin) - 0.5 xmax = float(xmax) - 0.5 # plot style plotimage(imgsum_pl, imgvar_pl, imgdev_pl, zminsum, zminvar, zmindev, zmaxsum, zmaxvar, zmaxdev, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, colmap, plotfile) # stop time kepmsg.clock('KEPDIFFIM ended at: ',logfile,verbose)
def ex2d_patch(image, ivar, psf, specmin, nspec, wavelengths, xyrange=None, full_output=False, regularize=0.0, ndecorr=False): """ 2D PSF extraction of flux from image patch given pixel inverse variance. Inputs: image : 2D array of pixels ivar : 2D array of inverse variance for the image psf : PSF object specmin : index of first spectrum to extract nspec : number of spectra to extract wavelengths : 1D array of wavelengths to extract Optional Inputs: xyrange = (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax): treat image as a subimage cutout of this region from the full image full_output : if True, return a dictionary of outputs including intermediate outputs such as the projection matrix. ndecorr : if True, decorrelate the noise between fibers, at the cost of residual signal correlations between fibers. Returns (flux, ivar, R): flux[nspec, nwave] = extracted resolution convolved flux ivar[nspec, nwave] = inverse variance of flux R : 2D resolution matrix to convert """ #- Range of image to consider waverange = (wavelengths[0], wavelengths[-1]) specrange = (specmin, specmin + nspec) if xyrange is None: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = xyrange = psf.xyrange(specrange, waverange) image = image[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] ivar = ivar[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] else: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = xyrange nx, ny = xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin npix = nx * ny nspec = specrange[1] - specrange[0] nwave = len(wavelengths) #- Solve AT W pix = (AT W A) flux #- Projection matrix and inverse covariance A = psf.projection_matrix(specrange, wavelengths, xyrange) #- Pixel weights matrix w = ivar.ravel() W = spdiags(ivar.ravel(), 0, npix, npix) #----- #- Extend A with an optional regularization term to limit ringing. #- If any flux bins don't contribute to these pixels, #- also use this term to constrain those flux bins to 0. #- Original: exclude flux bins with 0 pixels contributing # ibad = (A.sum(axis=0).A == 0)[0] #- Identify fluxes with very low weights of pixels contributing fluxweight =[0] minweight = 0.01 * np.max(fluxweight) ibad = fluxweight < minweight #- Original version; doesn't work on older versions of scipy # I = regularize*scipy.sparse.identity(nspec*nwave) #[0,ibad] = minweight - fluxweight[ibad] #- Add regularization of low weight fluxes Idiag = regularize * np.ones(nspec * nwave) Idiag[ibad] = minweight - fluxweight[ibad] I = scipy.sparse.identity(nspec * nwave) I.setdiag(Idiag) #- Only need to extend A if regularization is non-zero if np.any(I.diagonal()): pix = np.concatenate((image.ravel(), np.zeros(nspec * nwave))) Ax = scipy.sparse.vstack((A, I)) wx = np.concatenate((w, np.ones(nspec * nwave))) else: pix = image.ravel() Ax = A wx = w #- Inverse covariance Wx = spdiags(wx, 0, len(wx), len(wx)) iCov = #- Solve (image = A flux) weighted by Wx: #- A^T W image = (A^T W A) flux = iCov flux y = xflux = spsolve(iCov, y).reshape((nspec, nwave)) #- TODO: could check for outliers, remask and re-extract #- Be careful in case masking blocks off all inputs to a flux bin and #- thus creates a singular array. May need to keep regularization piece. # model = # chi = (image.ravel() - model) * np.sqrt(ivar.ravel()) # good = np.abs(chi)<5 # ... #- Solve for Resolution matrix try: if ndecorr: R, fluxivar = resolution_from_icov(iCov) else: R, fluxivar = resolution_from_icov( iCov, decorr=[nwave for x in range(nspec)]) except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError as err: outfile = 'LinAlgError_{}-{}_{}-{}.fits'.format( specrange[0], specrange[1], waverange[0], waverange[1]) print("ERROR: Linear Algebra didn't converge") print("Dumping {} for debugging".format(outfile)) from import fits fits.writeto(outfile, image, clobber=True) fits.append(outfile, ivar, name='IVAR') fits.append(outfile,, name='ADATA') fits.append(outfile, A.indices, name='AINDICES') fits.append(outfile, A.indptr, name='AINDPTR') fits.append(outfile, iCov.toarray(), name='ICOV') raise err #- Convolve with Resolution matrix to decorrelate errors fluxivar = fluxivar.reshape((nspec, nwave)) rflux = if full_output: results = dict(flux=rflux, ivar=fluxivar, R=R, xflux=xflux, A=A, iCov=iCov) results['options'] = dict(specmin=specmin, nspec=nspec, wavelengths=wavelengths, xyrange=xyrange, regularize=regularize, ndecorr=ndecorr) return results else: return rflux, fluxivar, R
def main(specpath, tblpath, obj_ind, outfile, *normto): tbl = fits.getdata(tblpath, ext=1) #input arrays masklist = tbl['maskname'][obj_ind] idlist = tbl['id'][obj_ind] zarray = tbl['z_mosfire'][obj_ind] ha6565_lum = tbl['ha6565_lum'][obj_ind] hb4863_lum = tbl['hb4863_lum'][obj_ind] luvcorr = tbl['luv'][obj_ind] ha6565_abs_flux = tbl['ha6565_abs_flux'][obj_ind] hb4863_abs_flux = tbl['hb4863_abs_flux'][obj_ind] ha6565_lum_err = tbl['ha6565_lum_err'][obj_ind] hb4863_lum_err = tbl['hb4863_lum_err'][obj_ind] idliststr = [str(e) for e in idlist] specfile = specpath + masklist.strip() + '.*.' + idliststr + '.ell.1d.fits' #counting the number of files speccount = 0 for i, f in enumerate(specfile): filelisttemp = glob(f) for n in filelisttemp: speccount += 1 #making a list of file paths filelist = ['' for i in range(speccount)] zlist = np.zeros(speccount) halumlist = np.zeros(speccount) hblumlist = np.zeros(speccount) uvlumlist = np.zeros(speccount) ha6565_abs_fluxlist = np.zeros(speccount) hb4863_abs_fluxlist = np.zeros(speccount) specind = 0 for i, f in enumerate(specfile): filelisttemp = glob(f) for n in filelisttemp: filelist[specind] = n zlist[specind] = zarray[i] halumlist[specind] = ha6565_lum[i] hblumlist[specind] = hb4863_lum[i] uvlumlist[specind] = luvcorr[i] ha6565_abs_fluxlist[specind] = ha6565_abs_flux[i] hb4863_abs_fluxlist[specind] = hb4863_abs_flux[i] specind += 1 import sys if sys.argv[5] == 'Ha': norm = 1. / halumlist normbalm = 1. / ha6565_lum if sys.argv[5] == 'Hb': norm = 1. / hblumlist normbalm = 1. / hb4863_lum if sys.argv[5] == 'UV': norm = 1. / uvlumlist normbalm = 1. / luvcorr if sys.argv[5] == 'none': norm = np.ones(len(halumlist)) normbalm = np.ones(len(ha6565_lum)) if ((sys.argv[5] != 'Ha') & (sys.argv[5] != 'Hb') & (sys.argv[5] != 'UV') & (sys.argv[5] != 'none')): print( 'normto keyword should be set to one of these: "Ha","Hb","UV", or "none" ' ) #make a grid of wavelength with the desired resolution wavemin = 3250 wavemax = 10000 delwave = 0.5 #in AA gridwl = np.arange(wavemin, wavemax, delwave) nwave = len(gridwl) specall = np.zeros((nwave, speccount)) specerrall = np.zeros((nwave, speccount)) t0 = time.time() print('# Stacking ', speccount, ' spectra of ', len(idlist), ' objects') for i, specfile in enumerate(filelist): header, spec, specerr, specwl = read_spec(specfile) #cut the bad beginning and end of the spectra goodpix = removebad(spec) spec = spec[goodpix] specerr = specerr[goodpix] specwl = specwl[goodpix] ldist = cosmo.luminosity_distance(zlist[i]).to( lspec = 1e-40 * ldist * ldist * 4 * np.pi * (1 + zlist[i]) * spec lspecerr = 1e-40 * ldist * ldist * 4 * np.pi * (1 + zlist[i]) * specerr lspec = lspec * norm[i] lspecerr = lspecerr * norm[i] #calculate rest-frame wavelength specwl /= 1. + zlist[i] #interpolate to the new wavelength grid UNDEF = -999. gridspec = np.interp(gridwl, specwl, lspec, left=UNDEF, right=UNDEF) gridspecerr = np.interp(gridwl, specwl, lspecerr, left=UNDEF, right=UNDEF) #take into account the resampling for the error spectrum errfac = np.sqrt(header['CDELT1'] / (1. + zlist[i]) / delwave) gridspecerr = gridspecerr * errfac #remove sky lines (remove those with error > 3. * median(err)) mederr = np.median(gridspecerr[gridspecerr > 0.]) keep = (np.abs(gridspecerr) < mederr * 3.) gridspec[keep == False] = UNDEF #pdb.set_trace() #assign the spetra and error spectra to arrays: specall[:, i] = gridspec specerrall[:, i] = gridspecerr #declare arrays wt_avg = np.zeros(nwave) nwt_avg = np.zeros(nwave) med = np.zeros(nwave) clip_avg = np.zeros(nwave) wt_err = np.zeros(nwave) disp = np.zeros(nwave) z = np.zeros(nwave) num = np.zeros(nwave) #stacking for j in range(nwave): speccol = specall[j, :] specerrcol = specerrall[j, :] good = np.where(speccol != UNDEF) ngood = len(speccol[good]) if ngood == 0: continue if ngood == 1: speccol = speccol[good] specerrcol = specerrcol[good] zcol = zlist[good] weight = 1 / (specerrcol * specerrcol) wt_avg[j] = np.nansum(speccol * weight) / np.nansum(weight) nwt_avg[j] = np.nanmean(speccol) med[j] = speccol wt_err[j] = np.sqrt(1. / np.nansum(weight)) disp[j] = 0. z[j] = zcol.mean() num[j] = ngood if ngood > 1: speccol = speccol[good] specerrcol = specerrcol[good] zcol = zlist[good] weight = 1 / (specerrcol * specerrcol) wt_avg[j] = np.nansum(speccol * weight) / np.nansum(weight) nwt_avg[j] = np.nanmean(speccol) med[j] = np.nanmedian(speccol) clip_avg[j] = clip(speccol, 3., .01) wt_err[j] = np.sqrt(1. / np.nansum(weight)) disp[j] = np.nanstd(speccol) z[j] = zcol.mean() num[j] = ngood #Measure weighted average Balmer absorption ldistarr = cosmo.luminosity_distance(zarray).to( goodha = np.where((ha6565_abs_flux != -999.) & (ha6565_lum_err != 0.) & (np.isfinite(ha6565_abs_flux))) n1 = len(ha6565_lum_err[goodha]) goodhb = np.where((hb4863_abs_flux != -999.) & (np.isfinite(hb4863_abs_flux))) n2 = len(hb4863_abs_flux[goodhb]) print('# Number of objs with Balmer absorption of two lines: ', n1, ' and ', n2) lhaabs = 1e-40 * ldistarr * ldistarr * 4 * np.pi * ha6565_abs_flux * normbalm lhbabs = 1e-40 * ldistarr * ldistarr * 4 * np.pi * hb4863_abs_flux * normbalm habalm = ( lhaabs[goodha] / (ha6565_lum_err[goodha] * ha6565_lum_err[goodha])).sum() / 1 / (ha6565_lum_err[goodha] * ha6565_lum_err[goodha])).sum()) hbbalm = ( lhbabs[goodhb] / (hb4863_lum_err[goodhb] * hb4863_lum_err[goodhb])).sum() / 1 / (hb4863_lum_err[goodhb] * hb4863_lum_err[goodhb])).sum()) #defining the columns for the output #wt_avg_col=fits.Column(name='wt_avg',format='D',array=wt_avg) #nwt_avg_col=fits.Column(name='nwt_avg',format='D',array=nwt_avg) #med_col=fits.Column(name='med',format='D',array=med) #wt_err_col=fits.Column(name='wt_err',format='D',array=wt_err) #disp_col=fits.Column(name='disp',format='D',array=disp) #z_col=fits.Column(name='z',format='D',array=z) #num_col=fits.Column(name='num',format='D',array=num) #cols = fits.ColDefs([wt_avg_col,nwt_avg_col,med_col,wt_err_col,disp_col,z_col,num_col]) #define the output file #out = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) out = fits.PrimaryHDU() hdr = out.header #making the header of the output file out.header['UNITS'] = '1.d40 erg/s/A' out.header['CTYPE1'] = 'LINEAR' out.header['CRPIX1'] = 1.0 out.header['CRVAL1'] = wavemin out.header['CDELT1'] = delwave out.header['CD1_1'] = delwave out.header['haabs'] = habalm.value out.header['hbabs'] = hbbalm.value out.header['uvcor'] = np.median(uvlumlist) out.header['uvcorerr'] = uvlumlist.std() / len(uvlumlist) out.header['COMMENT'] = 'Ext 1: weighted average' out.header['COMMENT'] = 'Ext 2: error' out.header['COMMENT'] = 'Ext 3: unweighted average' out.header['COMMENT'] = 'Ext 4: median' out.header['COMMENT'] = 'Ext 5: 3sigma-clipped average' out.header['COMMENT'] = 'Ext 6: standard deviation in each wavelength bin' out.header[ 'COMMENT'] = 'Ext 7: average redshift of objs contributing to each wavelength bin' out.header['COMMENT'] = 'Ext 8: number of objs in each wavelength bin' for i in range(len(idlist)): hdrspecname = masklist[i] + '_' + str(idlist[i]) out.header['COMMENT'] = hdrspecname #Writing the output #out.writeto('test_py.fits', clobber=True) outname = outfile out.writeto(outname, clobber=True) hdr['OBJ'] = 'wt_avg' fits.append(outname, wt_avg, hdr) hdr['OBJ'] = 'wt_err' fits.append(outname, wt_err, hdr) hdr['OBJ'] = 'nwt_avg' fits.append(outname, nwt_avg, hdr) hdr['OBJ'] = 'med' fits.append(outname, med, hdr) hdr['OBJ'] = 'clip_avg' fits.append(outname, clip_avg, hdr) hdr['OBJ'] = 'disp' fits.append(outname, disp, hdr) hdr['OBJ'] = 'z' fits.append(outname, z, hdr) hdr['OBJ'] = 'num' fits.append(outname, num, hdr) print('# Stacking took: {0:3.2f}'.format((time.time() - t0) / 60.), ' min.')
def lc_from_target_list(yourpath, targetList, fname_time_intensities_raw, fname_targets, fname_notes, path='./', custom_mask=[], apply_nan_mask=False): """ runs getting the files and data for all targets on the list then appends the time & intensity arrays and the TIC number into text files that can later be accessed modified [lcg 07092020] """ intensity = [] ticids = [] for n in range(len(targetList)): #for each item on the list if n == 0: #for the first target only do you need to get the time index target = targetList[n][0] #get that target number time1, i1, tic = get_lc_file_and_data(yourpath, target) #grab that data if type(i1) == np.ndarray: #if the data IS data intensity.append(i1) ticids.append(tic) else: #if the data is NOT a data print("First target failed, no time index was saved") with open(fname_notes, 'a') as file_object: file_object.write("\n") file_object.write(str(int(target))) else: #only saving the light curve into the fits file because it's all you need target = targetList[n][0] #get that target number time1, i1, tic = get_lc_file_and_data(yourpath, target) if type(i1) == np.ndarray: intensity.append(i1) ticids.append(tic) else: #IF THE DATA IS NOT DATA print("File failed to return targets") with open(fname_notes, 'a') as file_object: file_object.write("\n") file_object.write(str(int(target))) #if n %10 == 0: #every 50, print how many have been done print(str(n), "completed") intensity = np.array(intensity) ticids = np.array(ticids) # >> interpolate and nan mask print('Interpolating and applying nan mask') intensity_interp, time, ticids, flagged, ticid_flagged = \ interpolate_all(intensity, time1, ticids, custom_mask=custom_mask, apply_nan_mask=apply_nan_mask) print('Saving to fits file') # i_interp = np.array(i_interp) hdr = fits.Header() # >> make the header hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(time, header=hdr) hdu.writeto(fname_time_intensities_raw) fits.append(fname_time_intensities_raw, intensity_interp) fits.append(fname_time_intensities_raw, ticids) # >> actually i'm going to save the raw intensities just in case fits.append(fname_time_intensities_raw, intensity) # with open(fname_time_intensities_raw, 'rb+') as f: # # >> don't want to save 2x data we need to, so only save interpolated # # fits.append(fname_time_intensities_raw, intensity) # fits.append(fname_time_intensities_raw, i_interp) # fits.append(fname_time_intensities_raw, ticids) confirmation = "lc_from_target_list has finished running" return confirmation
'SPECTER_DIR'] + "/data/bigboss/designs/20120827difdet/bbpsf-I.fits" outfile = os.environ['SPECTER_DIR'] + "/test/data/psf-spot.fits" fx = x, xhdr = fx[0].data, fx[0].header y, yhdr = fx[1].data, fx[1].header w, whdr = fx[2].data, fx[2].header spots, spotshdr = fx[3].data, fx[3].header spotx, spotxhdr = fx[4].data, fx[4].header spoty, spotyhdr = fx[5].data, fx[5].header fiberpos, fposhdr = fx[6].data, fx[6].header spotpos, sposhdr = fx[7].data, fx[7].header spotwave, swavehdr = fx[8].data, fx[8].header throughput, thruhdr = fx[9].data, fx[9].header fits.writeto(outfile, x[:, 0::10], header=xhdr, clobber=True) fits.append(outfile, y[:, 0::10], header=yhdr) fits.append(outfile, w[:, 0::10], header=whdr) fits.append(outfile, spots[0::5, 0::5, :, :], header=spotshdr) fits.append(outfile, spotx[0::5, 0::5], header=spotxhdr) fits.append(outfile, spoty[0::5, 0::5], header=spotyhdr) fits.append(outfile, fiberpos, header=fposhdr) fits.append(outfile, spotpos[0::5], header=sposhdr) fits.append(outfile, spotwave[0::5], header=swavehdr) fits.append(outfile, throughput, header=thruhdr)
def targetwise_lc(yourpath, target_list, fname_time_intensities,fname_notes): """ runs getting the files and data for all targets on the list then appends the time & intensity arrays and the TIC number into text files that can later be accessed parameters: * yourpath = folder into which things will get saved * target_list = list of ticids, as integers * fname_time_intensities = direct path to the file to save into * fname_notes = direct path to file to save TICIDS of targets that return no data into returns: list of ticids as an array requires: get_lc_file_and_data(), interpolate_lc() modified [lcg 07112020] """ ticids = [] for n in range(len(target_list)): #for each item on the list if n == 0: #for the first target only do you need to get the time index target = target_list[0] #get that target number time1, i1, tic = get_lc_file_and_data(yourpath, target) #grab that data if type(i1) == np.ndarray: #if the data IS data i_interp, flag = interpolate_lc(i1, time1, flux_err=False, interp_tol=20./(24*60), num_sigma=10, DEBUG_INTERP=False, output_dir=yourpath, prefix='') TI = [time1, i1] TI_array = np.asarray(TI) hdr = fits.Header() # >> make the header hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(TI_array, header=hdr) hdu.writeto(fname_time_intensities) ticids.append(tic) else: #if the data is NOT a data print("First target failed, no time index was saved") with open(fname_notes, 'a') as file_object: file_object.write("\n") file_object.write(str(int(target))) else: target = target_list[n] #get that target number time1, i1, tic = get_lc_file_and_data(yourpath, target) #grab that data if type(i1) == np.ndarray: #if the data IS data i_interp, flag = interpolate_lc(i1, time1, flux_err=False, interp_tol=20./(24*60), num_sigma=10, DEBUG_INTERP=False, output_dir=yourpath, prefix='') TI = [time1, i1] TI_array = np.asarray(TI) fits.append(fname_time_intensities, TI_array) ticids.append(tic) else: #if the data is NOT a data print("Target failed to return a light curve") with open(fname_notes, 'a') as file_object: file_object.write("\n") file_object.write(str(int(target))) print(n, " completed") fits.append(fname_time_intensities, np.asarray(ticids)) print("lc_from_target_list has finished running") return np.asarray(ticids)
def createVoronoiInput(cubeFile=None): # makes a version of the median flux map that is all positive, and a # version of the error array that is directly scaled from this new # flux map and the SNR map created empirically (via ifu.map_snr) if cubeFile: cubefits = else: cubefits = + cuberoot + '.fits') cube = cubefits[0].data hdr = cubefits[0].header errors = cubefits[1].data quality = cubefits[2].data #nframes = cubefits[3].data #snrimg = pyfits.getdata(datadir + cuberoot + '_snr.fits') if cubeFile: #snrimg = pyfits.getdata(cubeFile.replace('_bulgesub.fits','_snr.fits')) snrimg = pyfits.getdata(cubeFile.replace('.fits','_snr.fits')) else: snrimg = pyfits.getdata(datadir+'m31_all_scalederr_cleanhdr_snr.fits') xx = np.arange(cube.shape[0]) yy = np.arange(cube.shape[1]) imgShape = (cube.shape[0],cube.shape[1]) cubeVor = np.zeros(imgShape, dtype=float) errVor = np.zeros(imgShape, dtype=float) for nx in xx: for ny in yy: tmpcube = cube[nx,ny,:] # add a constant to the spectrum to make it above 0 #print "old cube mean is %f " % tmpcube.mean() #minFlux = tmpcube.mean() - (1.0 * tmpcube.std()) #print "minflux is %f" % minFlux #tmpcube += np.abs(minFlux) #print "new cube mean is %f " % tmpcube.mean() tmpcubeavg = tmpcube.mean() tmpcubeavg = np.median(tmpcube) tmpsnr = np.abs(snrimg[ny,nx]) #tmpsnr = np.abs(snrimg[nx,ny]) # calc errors for tessellation based on the empirical # S/N already calculated tmperr = tmpcubeavg/tmpsnr cubeVor[nx,ny] = tmpcubeavg errVor[nx,ny] = tmperr #if ny==71: # print 'ny = 71' # if nx==28: # pdb.set_trace() # change NaN to 0 errVor = np.nan_to_num(errVor) if cubeFile: outfile = cubeFile.replace('.fits','_vor.fits') else: outfile = datadir + cuberoot + '_vor.fits' pyfits.writeto(outfile, cubeVor, header=hdr) pyfits.append(outfile, errVor)
## print('Writing meta to %s' % meta_name) meta.write(meta_name, format='ascii', overwrite=True) ## print('Writing spectra to %s' % infile) meta.write(meta_name, format='ascii', overwrite=True) ## hdr = fits.Header() hdr['EXTNAME'] = 'WAVELENGTH' hdr['BUNIT'] = 'Angstrom' fits.writeto(infile, wave, header=hdr, overwrite=True) hdr['EXTNAME'] = 'FLUX' hdr['BUNIT'] = '10^-17 erg/(s*cm^2*Angstrom)' # Satisifes FITS standard AND Astropy-compatible. fits.append(infile, flux, header=hdr) hdr['EXTNAME'] = 'REDSHIFTS' hdr['BUNIT'] = 'DIMENSIONLESS' # Satisifes FITS standard AND Astropy-compatible. fits.append(infile, redshifts, header=hdr) hdr['EXTNAME'] = 'MAGNITUDES' hdr['BUNIT'] = 'DIMENSIONLESS' # Satisifes FITS standard AND Astropy-compatible. fits.append(infile, magnitudes, header=hdr) print('\n\nDone.\n\n')
print(files) elif '.' not in a and '106' in a: files.append(findfiles(html + '/' + a)) print(files) return files fits = [] tbl = [] dir = findfiles( '' ) print('dir: ', dir[0]) for i in dir[0]: if '.fits' in i: fits.append(i) elif '.tbl' in i: tbl.append(i) print('fits files: ', fits) print('tbl files: ', tbl) with open('fits_files.csv', 'w') as csvFile: for name in fits: csvFile.write(name) csvFile.write('\n') csvFile.close() with open('tbl_files.csv', 'w') as csvFile: for name in tbl: csvFile.write(name)
default=numpy.inf, help='pixel brightness limit for saturation') args = parser.parse_args() imagefn = args.imagefn[0] ivarfn = args.ivarfn[0] flagfn = args.flagfn[0] if getattr(args, 'psffn', None): # stamp = numpy.clip(fits.getdata(args.psffn), 1e-10, numpy.inf) stamp = fits.getdata(args.psffn) stamp[stamp < 0] = 0. stamp = stamp / numpy.sum(stamp) psf = psfmod.SimplePSF(stamp) from functools import partial psf.fitfun = partial(psfmod.wise_psf_fit, fname=args.psffn) else: print('using moffat') psf = psfmod.SimplePSF(psfmod.moffat_psf(2.5, beta=2.5)[0]) res = process(imagefn, ivarfn, flagfn, psf, refit_psf=args.refit_psf, verbose=args.verbose, nx=4, ny=4, satlimit=args.satlimit) outfn = args.outfn[0] fits.writeto(outfn, res[0]) fits.append(outfn, res[1]) fits.append(outfn, res[2])
def process_whites(white_list, MB=None, ronmask=None, MD=None, gain=None, P_id=None, scalable=False, fancy=False, remove_bg=True, clip=5., savefile=True, saveall=False, diffimg=False, path=None, debug_level=0, timit=False): """ This routine processes all whites from a given list of files. It corrects the orientation of the image and crops the overscan regions, and subtracts both the MASTER BIAS frame [in ADU], and the MASTER DARK frame [in e-] from every image before combining them to create a MASTER WHITE frame. NOTE: the input image has units of ADU, but the output image has units of electrons!!! INPUT: 'white_list' : list of filenames of raw white images (incl. directories) 'MB' : the master bias frame (bias only, excluding OS levels) [ADU] 'ronmask' : the read-noise mask (or frame) [e-] 'MD' : the master dark frame [e-] 'gain' : the gains for each quadrant [e-/ADU] 'P_id' : order tracing dictionary (only needed if remove_bg is set to TRUE) 'scalable' : boolean - do you want to normalize the dark current to an exposure time of 1s? (ie do you want to make it "scalable"?) 'fancy' : boolean - do you want to use the 'fancy' method for creating the master white frame? (otherwise a simple median image will be used) 'remove_bg' : boolean - do you want to remove the background from the output master white? 'clip' : number of 'expected-noise sigmas' a pixel has to deviate from the median pixel value across all images to be considered an outlier when using the 'fancy' method 'savefile' : boolean - do you want to save the master white frame as a FITS file? 'saveall' : boolean - do you want to save all individual bias- & dark-corrected images as well? 'diffimg' : boolean - do you want to save the difference image (ie containing the outliers)? only used if 'fancy' is set to TRUE 'path' : path to the output file directory (only needed if savefile is set to TRUE) 'debug_level' : for debugging... 'timit' : boolean - do you want to measure execution run time? OUTPUT: 'master' : the master white image [e-] (also has been brought to 'correct' orientation, overscan regions cropped, and (if desired) bg-corrected) 'err_master' : the corresponding uncertainty array [e-] """ if timit: start_time = time.time() if debug_level >= 1: print('Creating master white frame from ' + str(len(white_list)) + ' fibre flats...') # if INPUT arrays are not given, read them from default files if path is None: print('WARNING: output file directory not provided!!!') print('Using same directory as input file...') dum = white_list[0].split('/') path = white_list[0][0:-len(dum[-1])] date = path.split('/')[-2] if MB is None: # no need to fix orientation, this is already a processed file [ADU] # MB = pyfits.getdata(path+'master_bias.fits') MB = pyfits.getdata(path + date + '_median_bias.fits') if ronmask is None: # no need to fix orientation, this is already a processed file [e-] ronmask = pyfits.getdata(path + date + '_read_noise_mask.fits') if MD is None: if scalable: # no need to fix orientation, this is already a processed file [e-] MD = pyfits.getdata(path + date + '_master_dark_scalable.fits', 0) # err_MD = pyfits.getdata(path+'master_dark_scalable.fits', 1) else: # no need to fix orientation, this is already a processed file [e-] texp = pyfits.getval(white_list[0]) MD = pyfits.getdata( path + date + '_master_dark_t' + str(int(np.round(texp, 0))) + '.fits', 0) # err_MD = pyfits.getdata(path+'master_dark_t'+str(int(np.round(texp,0)))+'.fits', 1) # prepare arrays allimg = [] allerr = [] # loop over all files in "white_list"; correct for bias and darks on the fly for n, fn in enumerate(sorted(white_list)): if debug_level >= 1: print('Now processing file ' + str(n + 1) + '/' + str(len(white_list)) + ' (' + fn + ')') # call routine that does all the bias and dark correction stuff and converts from ADU to e- if scalable: # if the darks have a different exposure time than the whites, then we need to re-scale the master dark texp = pyfits.getval(white_list[0], 'ELAPSED') img = correct_for_bias_and_dark_from_filename( fn, MB, MD * texp, gain=gain, scalable=scalable, savefile=saveall, path=path, timit=timit ) #these are now bias- & dark-corrected images; units are e- else: img = correct_for_bias_and_dark_from_filename( fn, MB, MD, gain=gain, scalable=scalable, savefile=saveall, path=path, timit=timit ) # these are now bias- & dark-corrected images; units are e- if debug_level >= 2: print('min(img) = ' + str(np.min(img))) allimg.append(img) # err_img = np.sqrt(img + ronmask*ronmask) # [e-] # TEMPFIX: (how should I be doing this properly???) err_img = np.sqrt(np.clip(img, 0, None) + ronmask * ronmask) # [e-] allerr.append(err_img) # list of individual exposure times for all whites (should all be the same, but just in case...) texp_list = [pyfits.getval(file, 'ELAPSED') for file in white_list] # scale to the median exposure time tscale = np.array(texp_list) / np.median(texp_list) ######################################################################### ### now we do essentially what "CREATE_MASTER_IMG" does for whites... ### ######################################################################### # add individual-image errors in quadrature (need it either way, not only for fancy method) err_summed = np.sqrt(np.sum((np.array(allerr)**2), axis=0)) # # get plain median image # medimg = np.median(np.array(allimg), axis=0) # take median after scaling to median exposure time medimg = np.median(np.array(allimg) / tscale.reshape(len(allimg), 1, 1), axis=0) if fancy: # need to create a co-added frame if we want to do outlier rejection the fancy way summed = np.sum((np.array(allimg)), axis=0) if diffimg: diff = np.zeros(summed.shape) master_outie_mask = np.zeros(summed.shape, dtype='int') # make sure we do not have any negative pixels for the sqrt medimgpos = medimg.copy() medimgpos[medimgpos < 0] = 0. med_sig_arr = np.sqrt( medimgpos + ronmask * ronmask ) # expected STDEV for the median image (from LB Eq 2.1); still in ADUs for n, img in enumerate(allimg): # outie_mask = np.abs(img - medimg) > clip*med_sig_arr outie_mask = ( img - medimg ) > clip * med_sig_arr # do we only want HIGH outliers, ie cosmics? # save info about which image contributes the outlier pixel using unique binary numbers technique master_outie_mask += (outie_mask * 2**n).astype(int) # see which image(s) produced the outlier(s) and replace outies by mean of pixel value from remaining images n_outie = np.sum(master_outie_mask > 0) print('Correcting ' + str(n_outie) + ' outliers...') # loop over all outliers for i, j in zip( np.nonzero(master_outie_mask)[0], np.nonzero(master_outie_mask)[1]): # access binary numbers and retrieve component(s) outnum = binary_indices( master_outie_mask[i, j] ) # these are the indices (within allimg) of the images that contain outliers dumix = np.arange(len(white_list)) # remove the images containing the outliers in order to compute mean from the remaining images useix = np.delete(dumix, outnum) if diffimg: diff[i, j] = summed[i, j] - (len(outnum) * np.mean( np.array([allimg[q][i, j] for q in useix])) + np.sum( np.array([allimg[q][i, j] for q in useix]))) # now replace value in master image by the sum of all pixel values in the unaffected pixels # plus the number of affected images times the mean of the pixel values in the unaffected images summed[i, j] = len(outnum) * np.mean( np.array([allimg[q][i, j] for q in useix])) + np.sum( np.array([allimg[q][i, j] for q in useix])) # once we have finished correcting the outliers, we want to "normalize" (ie divide by number of frames) the master image and the corresponding error array master = summed / len(white_list) err_master = err_summed / len(white_list) else: # ie not fancy, just take the median image to remove outliers # now set master image equal to median image master = medimg.copy() nw = len(white_list) # number of whites # # estimate of the corresponding error array (estimate only!!!) # err_master = err_summed / nw # I don't know WTF I was thinking here... # if roughly Gaussian distribution of values: error of median ~= 1.253*error of mean # err_master = 1.253 * np.std(allimg, axis=0) / np.sqrt(nw-1) # normally it would be sigma/sqrt(n), but np.std is dividing by sqrt(n), not by sqrt(n-1) # need to rescale by exp time here, too if nw == 1: err_master = allerr[0] else: err_master = 1.253 * np.std( np.array(allimg) / tscale.reshape(len(allimg), 1, 1), axis=0 ) / np.sqrt( nw - 1 ) # normally it would be sigma/sqrt(n), but np.std is dividing by sqrt(n), not by sqrt(n-1) # err_master = np.sqrt( np.sum( (np.array(allimg) - np.mean(np.array(allimg), axis=0))**2 / (nw*(nw-1)) , axis=0) ) # that is equivalent, but slower # now subtract background (errors remain unchanged) if remove_bg: # identify and extract background bg = extract_background_pid(master, P_id, slit_height=30, exclude_top_and_bottom=True, timit=timit) # fit background bg_coeffs, bg_img = fit_background(bg, clip=10, return_full=True, timit=timit) # subtract background master = master - bg_img # now save master white to file if savefile: outfn = path + date + '_master_white.fits' pyfits.writeto(outfn, np.float32(master), overwrite=True) pyfits.setval(outfn, 'HISTORY', value=' MASTER WHITE frame - created ' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()) + ' (GMT)') # pyfits.setval(outfn, 'EXPTIME', value=texp, comment='exposure time [s]') pyfits.setval(outfn, 'UNITS', value='ELECTRONS') if fancy: pyfits.setval( outfn, 'METHOD', value='fancy', comment='method to create master white & remove outliers') else: pyfits.setval( outfn, 'METHOD', value='median', comment='method to create master white & remove outliers') h = pyfits.getheader(outfn) h_err = h.copy() h_err[ 'HISTORY'] = 'estimated uncertainty in MASTER WHITE frame - created ' + time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()) + ' (GMT)' pyfits.append(outfn, np.float32(err_master), h_err, overwrite=True) # also save the difference image if desired if diffimg: hdiff = h.copy() hdiff[ 'HISTORY'] = ' MASTER WHITE DIFFERENCE IMAGE - created ' + time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()) + ' (GMT)' pyfits.writeto(path + date + '_master_white_diffimg.fits', diff, hdiff, overwrite=True) if timit: print('Total time elapsed: ' + str(np.round(time.time() - start_time, 1)) + ' seconds') return master, err_master
Squeeze a DESI GAUSS-HERMITE PSF into something smaller for testing. Also works for GAUSS-HERMITE2 """ import sys import numpy as np from import fits from astropy.table import Table infile, outfile = sys.argv fx = hdr = fx[0].header.copy() fits.writeto(outfile, np.zeros(0), header=hdr) hdr = fx[1].header.copy() nspec = 25 hdr['FIBERMAX'] = nspec-1 data = fx[1].data tx = Table() tx['PARAM'] = data['PARAM'] tx['WAVEMIN'] = data['WAVEMIN'] tx['WAVEMAX'] = data['WAVEMAX'] if 'NCOEFF' in data.dtype.names: tx['NCOEFF'] = data['NCOEFF'] tx['COEFF'] = data['COEFF'][:, 0:nspec, :] fits.append(outfile, np.array(tx), header=hdr)
def feature_gen_from_lc_fits(path, sector, feature_version=0): """Given a path to a folder containing ALL the light curve metafiles for a sector, produces the feature vector metafile for each group and then one main feature vector metafile containing ALL the features in [0] and the TICIDS in [1]. Parameters: * folderpath to where the light curve metafiles are saved *must end in a backslash * sector number * what version of features you want generated (default is 0) modified [lcg 07112020]""" import datetime from datetime import datetime now = dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") print("Starting Feature Generation at", dt_string) ticids_all = [10] ticids_all = np.asarray(ticids_all) sector = sector for n in range(1, 5): camera = int(n) for m in range(1, 5): ccd = int(m) file_label = "Sector" + str(sector) + "Cam" + str( camera) + "CCD" + str(ccd) folderpath = path + "/" + file_label + "/" t, i1, targets = load_group_from_fits(folderpath, sector, camera, ccd) ticids_all = np.concatenate((ticids_all, targets)) i2, t2 = nan_mask(i1, t, flux_err=False, DEBUG=False, debug_ind=1042, ticid=False, output_dir=folderpath, prefix='', tol1=0.05, tol2=0.1) i3 = normalize(i2, axis=1) now = dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") print("Starting feature vectors for camera ", camera, "ccd ", ccd, "at ", dt_string) create_save_featvec(folderpath, t2, i3, file_label, version=0, save=True) ticids_all = ticids_all[1:] feats_all = np.zeros((2, 16)) #make main listing for n in range(1, 5): camera = int(n) for m in range(1, 5): ccd = int(m) file_label = "Sector" + str(sector) + "Cam" + str( camera) + "CCD" + str(ccd) folderpath = path + "/" + file_label + "/" f = + file_label + "_features.fits", memmap=False) feats = f[0].data feats_all = np.concatenate((feats_all, feats)) f.close() #print(n,m) feats_all = feats_all[2:] hdr = fits.Header() # >> make the header hdr["Sector"] = sector hdr["Version"] = feature_version hdr["Date"] = str( #hdr["Creator"] = "L. Gordon" hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(feats_all, header=hdr) hdu.writeto(folderpath + "Sector" + str(sector) + "_features_v" + str(feature_version) + "_all.fits") fits.append( folderpath + "Sector" + str(sector) + "_features_v" + str(feature_version) + "_all.fits", ticids_all) return feats_all, ticids_all
from import fits msName = '' x=fits.getdata(msName[:-3]+'_'+str(0)+'.fits',0) header_primary = fits.getheader(msName[:-3]+'_'+str(0)+'.fits') fits.writeto('HDFC0155_cube.fits', x, header_primary) for i in range(1,8): x=fits.getdata(msName[:-3]+'_'+str(i)+'.fits',0) header_primary = fits.getheader(msName[:-3]+'_'+str(i)+'.fits') fits.append('HDFC0155_cube.fits', x, header_primary) print"HDFC0155_cube.fits")
def remove_cosmics(img, ronmask, obsname, path, Flim=3.0, siglim=5.0, maxiter=20, savemask=True, savefile=False, save_err=False, verbose=False, timit=False): """ Top-level wrapper function for the cosmic-ray cleaning of an image. INPUT: 'img' : input image (2-dim numpy array) 'ronmask' : read-out noise mask (or ron-image really...) from "make_master_bias_and_ronmask" 'obsname' : the obsname in "obsname.fits" 'path' : the directory of the files 'Flim' : lower threshold for the identification of a pixel as a cosmic ray when using L+/F (ie Laplacian image divided by fine-structure image) (= lbarplus/F2 in the implementation below) 'siglim' : sigma threshold for identification as cosmic in S_prime 'maxiter' : maximum number of iterations 'savemask' : boolean - do you want to save the cosmic-ray mask? 'savefile' : boolean - do you want to save the cosmic-ray corrected image? 'save_err' : boolean - do you want to save the corresponding error array as well? (remains unchanged though) 'verbose' : boolean - for user information / debugging... 'timit' : boolean - do you want to measure execution run time? OUTPUT: 'cleaned' : the cosmic-ray corrected image """ if timit: start_time = time.time() if verbose: print('Cleaning cosmic rays...') #some preparations global_mask = np.cast['bool'](np.zeros(img.shape)) n_cosmics = 0 niter = 0 n_new = 0 cleaned = img.copy() #remove cosmics iteratively while ((niter == 0) or n_new > 0) and (niter < maxiter): print('Now running iteration ' + str(niter + 1) + '...') #go and identify cosmics mask = identify_cosmics(cleaned, ronmask, Flim=Flim, siglim=siglim, verbose=verbose, timit=timit) n_new = np.sum(mask) #add to global mask global_mask = np.logical_or(global_mask, mask) n_cosmics += n_new #n_global = np.sum(global_mask) #should be equal to n_cosmics!!!!! if they're not, this means that some of the "cleaned" cosmics from a previous round are identified as cosmics again!!! well, they're not... #now go and clean these newly found cosmics cleaned = clean_cosmics(cleaned, mask, verbose=verbose, timit=timit) niter += 1 #save cosmic-ray mask if savemask: outfn = path + obsname + '_CR_mask.fits' #get header from the BIAS- & DARK-subtracted image if it exits; otherwise from the original image FITS file try: h = pyfits.getheader(path + obsname + '_BD.fits') except: h = pyfits.getheader(path + obsname + '.fits') h['HISTORY'] = ' (boolean) COSMIC-RAY MASK- created ' + time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()) + ' (GMT)' pyfits.writeto(outfn, global_mask.astype(int), h, clobber=True) #save cosmic-ray corrected image if savefile: outfn = path + obsname + '_BD_CR.fits' #get header from the BIAS- & DARK-subtracted images if they exit; otherwise from the original image FITS file try: h = pyfits.getheader(path + obsname + '_BD.fits') except: h = pyfits.getheader(path + obsname + '.fits') h['UNITS'] = 'ELECTRONS' h['HISTORY'] = ' COSMIC-RAY corrected image - created ' + time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()) + ' (GMT)' pyfits.writeto(outfn, cleaned, h, clobber=True) #also save the error array if desired if save_err: try: err = pyfits.getdata(path + obsname + '_BD.fits', 1) h_err = h.copy() h_err[ 'HISTORY'] = 'estimated uncertainty in COSMIC-RAY corrected image - created ' + time.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()) + ' (GMT)' pyfits.append(outfn, err, h_err, clobber=True) except: print( 'WARNING: error array not found - cannot save error array') if verbose: print('Done!') if timit: print('Total time elapsed: ' + str(np.round(time.time() - start_time, 1)) + ' seconds') return cleaned
def main(massfunction = 0, starformationhistory = 0, A_v = 10.0, sfr = .01, apera = 24000,\ maxage = 2000000., distance = 8.0, appendix='default', quiet=0, precise=0): """main(massfunction = 0, starformationhistory = 0, A_v = 10.0, sfr = .01, apera = 24000,\ maxage = 2000000., distance = 8.0, appendix='default', quiet=0, precise=0) Creates a sample of stars Parameters ---------- massfunction distribution: relatively in mass, with lower and upper restriction, see also what the distribution must provide starformation history distribution: relatively in age, with lower and upper restriction, see also what the distribution must provide A_v float: value for the visual extinction sfr float: average star formation rate in M_sun/year (only if precise = True) apera float: used aperture size for selecting the fluxes of the protostars maxage float: age of the star formation site, sfr is assumed to be constant distance float: distance to the simulated starformation site appendix String: sets the outputfilename, default is the starting time (via time.time()) quiet boolean: if true (=1) suppresses all standard output precise boolean: if true (=1) sample single star till expected mass reached based on the integrated starformationhistory times the starformationrate else sfr is the number of expected stars and the starformationrate is calculated by the cumulated mass divided by the formation time The distributions must provide an object which has the following members: float cdf(float x) returns the integrated distribution up to x, is used to calculate the expected mass float _upperbound returns the upper limit of the distribution, is used to calculate the expected mass float[] sample(int n) returns an array of n floats, sampled from the distribution float mean() returns the mean value of the distribution Returns ---------- returns a fits file in the out-folder, either using the appendix as filename or the time of the starting of the script in order to prevent overwriting existing files In the header of the fits-file are the values: A_v, sfr, apera, maxage and distance recorded In the data part are the age, mass, modelnumber and the uncorrected and corrected fluxes """ if quiet: output_stream = StringIO() else: output_stream = sys.stdout t0 = time() if appendix=='default': # making sure not to overwrite former output appendix=t0 # by using the starting time as an unique id #parameter settings k_v = 211.4 # opacity in v_band in cm^2/g # wavelength of the corresponding filterband in microns wavelength = [1.235, 1.662, 2.159, 3.550, 4.493, 5.731, 7.872, 23.68, 71.42, 155.9] models = ['2H', '2J', '2K', 'I1', 'I2', 'I3', 'I4', 'M1', 'M2', 'M3'] if massfunction == 0 and starformationhistory == 0: # star mass function kroupa = np.vectorize(functions.kroupa) massfunction = dist.Distribution(kroupa, .1, 50.) #star formation history constant_sfr = np.vectorize(functions.constant_sfr) starformationhistory = dist.Distribution(constant_sfr, 1000., maxage) cumass = 0. #sampled mass stars = [] #storing for the sample sfh = starformationhistory t1 = time() #startup completed if precise: n = 0 exmass = sfh.cdf()(sfh._upperbound)*sfr #expected mass formed while cumass < exmass: mass, age = massfunction.sample(), sfh.sample() cumass = cumass + mass stars.append([n, age, mass]) if n % 10000 == 0: print (n, cumass, file=output_stream) #reporting progress n = n+1 else: n = sfr mass, age = massfunction.sample(n), sfh.sample(n) cumass = np.sum(mass) exmass = n * massfunction.mean() stars = [[i, age[i], mass[i]] for i in range(n)] sfr = cumass/(sfh._upperbound-sfh._lowerbound) #average star formation rate print ('number of sampled stars: %s' %n , file=output_stream) print ('mass of sampled stars: %s' % cumass , file=output_stream) print ('mean mass: %s' % (cumass/n), file=output_stream) print ('expected mass of stars: %s' % exmass , file=output_stream) t2 = time() # sampleing completed # python code for model contact #initial parameters model = ['models/%s.fits' % mod) for mod in models ] # fits-data for the model param ='models/parameters.fits.gz') # modelparameter app_num = [ np.interp(apera, model[i][2].data.field(0), range(model[i][2].data.field(0).size)) for i in range(len(models)) ] # sampling viewing angle angle = np.random.random_integers(0,9,len(stars)) #reading model grid mass = param[1].data['MASSC'][::10] age = param[1].data['TIME'][::10] grid = np.vstack([age, mass]).transpose() #converting to logspace stars = np.asarray(stars) grid = np.log10(grid) stars[:,1:] = np.log10(stars[:,1:]) output = stars.tolist() #creating output #normalizing for nearest neighbor search grid[0,:] = grid[0,:]/(grid[0,:].max() - grid[0,:].min()) grid[1,:] = grid[1,:]/(grid[1,:].max() - grid[1,:].min()) stars[1,:] = stars[1,:]/(grid[0,:].max() - grid[0,:].min()) stars[2,:] = stars[2,:]/(grid[1,:].max() - grid[1,:].min()) t3 = time() #model data load complete tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(grid,leafsize=10) #search tree matches = [tree.query(star[1:] , k=1)[1] for star in stars] #saves matches with (dist, index) t4 = time() #matching sample to data complete # extracting fluxes fluxes = [0 for j in range(len(models)) ] indices = 10*np.asarray(matches) + angle for j in range(len(models)): fluxes[j] = model[j][1].data[indices]['TOTAL_FLUX'][:,app_num[j]] # applying extinction extinction = np.loadtxt('models/extinction_law.ascii') k_lambda = np.interp(wavelength, extinction[:,0], extinction[:,1]) correctionfactor = 10.**(-.4 * A_v * k_lambda / k_v) newfluxes = [0 for j in range(len(models)) ] for j in range(len(models)): newfluxes[j] = np.asarray(fluxes[j]) * correctionfactor[j] * (1./distance)**2 t5 = time() #extracting fluxes complete # saving data fluxes = np.asarray(fluxes) newfluxes = np.asarray(newfluxes) output = np.vstack([np.asarray(output).transpose(), matches, fluxes, newfluxes]).transpose() # create table # data table t = Table() t.add_column(Column(name='age', data=output[:,1])) t.add_column(Column(name='mass', data=output[:,2])) t.add_column(Column(name='model', data=output[:,3])) for i in range(len(models)): t.add_column(Column(name='%s' % models[i], data=output[:,4+i])) for i in range(len(models)): t.add_column(Column(name='c%s' % models[i], data=output[:,4+len(models)+i])) # head table header = Table() header.add_column(Column(name='AV', data = [A_v])) header.add_column(Column(name='SFR', data = [sfr])) header.add_column(Column(name='APPERA', data = [apera]) ) header.add_column(Column(name='MAXAGE', data = [maxage])) header.add_column(Column(name='DIST', data = [distance])) fits.writeto('out/%s' % appendix, np.array(t), clobber=True) fits.append('out/%s' % appendix, np.array(header), clobber=True) t6 = time() #saving complete # timing possibility for optimization efforts print( 'starting script at %f' %(t0), file=output_stream) print( 'initializing %f' %(t1-t0), file=output_stream) print( "sampleing %f" %(t2-t1), file=output_stream) print( "model data load %f" %(t3-t2), file=output_stream) print( "matching model %f" %(t4-t3), file=output_stream) print( "extracting fluxes %f" %(t5-t4), file=output_stream) print( "saving %f" %(t6-t5), file=output_stream) print( "________________________", file=output_stream) print( "total runtime %f" %(t6-t0), file=output_stream) print( "finishing script %f" %t6, file=output_stream) #main(sfr = .08) # for testing purposes and directly called from bash
def _check_hdu_list(self, cutout_dimensions, hdu_list): has_match = False pixel_matches_left = len(cutout_dimensions) for curr_extension_idx, hdu in enumerate(hdu_list): # If we encounter a PrimaryHDU, write it at the top and continue. if isinstance(hdu, PrimaryHDU) and is None: logger.debug('Appending Primary from index {}'.format( curr_extension_idx)) fits.append(filename=self.output_writer, header=hdu.header, data=None, overwrite=False, output_verify='silentfix', checksum='remove') elif hdu.is_image: header = hdu.header ext_name = header.get('EXTNAME') ext_ver = header.get('EXTVER', 0) curr_ext_name_ver = None if ext_name is not None: curr_ext_name_ver = (ext_name, ext_ver) try: if isinstance(cutout_dimensions[0], PixelCutoutHDU): for cutout_dimension in cutout_dimensions: if self._is_extension_requested( curr_extension_idx, curr_ext_name_ver, cutout_dimension): logger.debug( '*** Extension {} does match ({} | {})'. format(cutout_dimension.get_extension(), curr_extension_idx, curr_ext_name_ver)) pixel_matches_left -= 1 self._pixel_cutout(header,, cutout_dimension) has_match = True if pixel_matches_left == 0: return has_match else: logger.debug('Handling WCS transform.') # Handle WCS transform. transform = Transform() transformed_cutout_dimension = \ transform.world_to_pixels(cutout_dimensions, header) logger.debug('Transformed {} into {}'.format( cutout_dimensions, transformed_cutout_dimension)) self._pixel_cutout(header,, transformed_cutout_dimension) has_match = True except NoContentError: # Skip for now as we're iterating the loop. logger.debug('No overlap with extension {}'.format( curr_extension_idx)) logger.debug('Finished extension {}'.format(curr_extension_idx)) logger.debug('Has match in list? -- {}'.format(has_match)) return has_match
inv_sq_root_nuisance = 0 white_covar = 0 Un = 0 Dn = 0 ortho_r = 0 Ln = 0 Ln_minus = 0 Pn = 0 vv = 0 Rq = 0 Rq_nuisance = 0 pyfits.append( 'ilc_weights_' + output_suffix + "_" + str(j).strip() + '.fits', w_target) w_target = 0 ############################################################################ ############################################################################ ##### Apply GNILC weights to wavelet maps print "Applying the GNILC weights to the observed wavelet maps." for i in range(0, nf): pyfits.append('wavelet_gnilc_target_' + str(i).strip() + '.fits', bands[:, 0:relevant_band_max[i] + 1]) for j in range(0, nbands): # loop over needlet bands
def fitting_ve(name): image_path = name if not os.path.exists(image_path): print("{}/{} could not be found: {}".format(i + 1, N, image_path)) keep[i] = False # We only store flux,ivar,inf_flux,parameters,parameters_new,parameters_sim,ve(n*3)(include ve, ve_new,ve_sim) try: image =, ignore_missing_end=True) dat = flux = image[1].data flux_err = image[2].data flux = np.atleast_2d(flux) flux_err = np.atleast_2d(flux_err) except IOError: print("opts. This one fail") em =0 else: em =1 badpix = get_pixmask(flux, flux_err) ivar = 1.0 / flux_err ** 2 error = flux_err # badpix is a array and the length is 8575 flux = np.array(flux, dtype=np.float64) ivar = np.array(ivar, dtype=np.float64) flux[badpix] = np.median(flux) ivar[badpix] = 0.0 flux = np.array(flux) ivar = np.array(ivar) # normalize flux: # value tr_ID = image_path test_labels_all_i = np.array([5000, 1, 1]) ds = dataset.Dataset(wl, tr_ID, flux, ivar, test_labels_all_i, tr_ID, flux, ivar) ds.ranges = [[371, 3192], [3697, 5997], [6461, 8255]] # set sudo-continuous spectrum pseudo_tr_flux, pseudo_tr_ivar = ds.continuum_normalize_training_q \ (q=0.90, delta_lambda=50) # set mask contmask = ds.make_contmask(pseudo_tr_flux, pseudo_tr_ivar, frac=0.07) # get continuous mask ds.set_continuum(contmask) # fit the normalized-spectrum in the continuous region cont = ds.fit_continuum(3, "sinusoid") # Obtain the normalized flux norm_tr_flux, norm_tr_ivar, norm_test_flux, norm_test_ivar = \ ds.continuum_normalize(cont) norm_tr_flux = np.atleast_2d(norm_tr_flux) if len(norm_tr_flux[:,0])<3: em=0 else: nothing=1 # infer labels # inf_labels =, norm_tr_ivar) # Use inferred labels from the combined spectra: inf_labels =, norm_tr_ivar) # only use the inf labels from the combined spectra com = len(inf_labels[:, 0]) inf_labels_com = inf_labels[0, :] inf_labels = [] for z in range(0, com): inf_labels.append(inf_labels_com) inf_labels = np.array(inf_labels) v = model.vectorizer.get_label_vector(inf_labels) inf_flux =, model.theta.T) opt_flux, parameters = model.fitting_spectrum_parameters_single \ (norm_tr_flux, norm_tr_ivar, inf_flux) # calculate chi-squared! chi_inf = (norm_tr_flux-inf_flux)**2*norm_tr_ivar chi_inf = np.sum(chi_inf,axis=1) chi_mix = (norm_tr_flux-opt_flux)**2*norm_tr_ivar chi_mix = np.sum(chi_mix,axis=1) ve = (parameters[:, 2] - parameters[:, 0]) / (parameters[:, 0] + parameters[:, 1] + parameters[:, 2]) * 4144.68 ve_un = model.uncertainty # old a0 = parameters a1 = ve a2 = ve_un # covariance matrix for abc a3 = model.un_cov # spectra a4 = norm_tr_flux a5 = norm_tr_ivar a6 = inf_flux a7 = opt_flux # inf_labels are from the a8 = inf_labels a9 = chi_inf a10 = chi_mix # VHELIO a11 = np.array(dat[0]["VHELIO"]) # Fiber a12 = np.array(dat[0]["FIBER"]) # Files # BJD RA = image[0].header["RA"] DEC = image[0].header["DEC"] SNR = image[0].header["SNR"] MJD = dat[0]["MJD"] c = SkyCoord(RA, DEC, frame='icrs', unit='deg') BJD = MJD2BJD(MJD, c) a13 = np.array(BJD) # calculate chi-squared: try: # save them # pay attention to the fits file saving path_fits_i = image_path.replace("/Volumes/Data_2TB/Data/DR13_rc/apStar-r6-", "/Users/caojunzhi/Desktop/Data/dr13_red_clump/") print("saving files" + path_fits_i) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=a0) hdu.header[ 'COMMENT'] = "Simple orange juice" # add header info hdu.header['SNR'] = SNR hdu.header['RA'] = RA hdu.header['DEC'] = DEC hdu.writeto(path_fits_i, clobber=True) ts.append(path_fits_i, a1) ts.append(path_fits_i, a2) ts.append(path_fits_i, a3) ts.append(path_fits_i, a4) ts.append(path_fits_i, a5) ts.append(path_fits_i, a6) ts.append(path_fits_i, a7) ts.append(path_fits_i, a8) ts.append(path_fits_i, a9) ts.append(path_fits_i, a10) ts.append(path_fits_i, a11) ts.append(path_fits_i, a12) ts.append(path_fits_i, a13) except OSError: print("fail") em=0 return em
def table_model(modelname, userparfile, specfile, outfile, clobber=False): # Create Xspec/Sherpa style table model # # :rtype: None, <outfile> fits file created. # # :param modelname: name of the table model displayed in Xspec/Sherpa # :param userparfile: file with user keywords for the table model # :specfile: file with grid of energy spectra, 1st column: energy grid # in keV; consecutive columns: model spectra # :param outfile: name of the output fits file # :param clobber: T/F, if T outfile will be overwritten # # Tmp file 'tmp_tabmod.fits' created and removed. # ----------- READ IN USER INPUT -------------------- if os.path.isfile(outfile) and not clobber: raise NameError("Output file " + outfile + " exists and clobber set to false\n") userdict = read_userparams(userparfile) # Convert userdict['value'] into a list of tuples; one tuple # for each model parameter # value_not_padded: used in get_paramval to calculate array with # combinations of model parameters idx = 0 value_not_padded = [] for item in userdict["numbvals"]: value_not_padded.append(tuple(userdict["value"][idx : idx + item])) idx += item # value_padded: format required for col10 of the fits file value_padded = [] maxnum = max(userdict["numbvals"]) for val in value_not_padded: if len(val) != maxnum: n = maxnum - len(val) value_padded.append(val + (0.0,) * n) else: value_padded.append(val) # model energy grid (bin edges!) energy = np.loadtxt(specfile)[:, 0] # energy in keV energ_lo = energy[:-1] energ_hi = energy[1:] paramval = get_paramval(value_not_padded) # list of tuples with spectra input_spectra = read_input_spectra(specfile, userdict["numbvals"]) # ----------- END --------------------------------- # initialize fits file by creating user parameters extension col1 = fits.Column(name="NAME", format="12A", array=userdict["name"]) col2 = fits.Column(name="METHOD", format="J", array=userdict["method"]) col3 = fits.Column(name="INITIAL", format="E", array=userdict["initial"]) col4 = fits.Column(name="DELTA", format="E", array=userdict["delta"]) col5 = fits.Column(name="MINIMUM", format="E", array=userdict["minimum"]) col6 = fits.Column(name="BOTTOM", format="E", array=userdict["bottom"]) col7 = fits.Column(name="TOP", format="E", array=userdict["top"]) col8 = fits.Column(name="MAXIMUM", format="E", array=userdict["maximum"]) col9 = fits.Column(name="NUMBVALS", format="J", array=userdict["numbvals"]) col10 = fits.Column(name="VALUE", format=np.str(np.max(userdict["numbvals"])) + "E", array=value_padded) cols = fits.ColDefs([col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8, col9, col10]) tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) # update header of user parameters extension nintparm = len(userdict["numbvals"]) tbhdr = tbhdu.header tbhdr.set("EXTNAME", "PARAMETERS", "name of this binary table extension") tbhdr.set("HDUCLASS", "OGIP", "format conforms to OGIP standard") tbhdr.set("HDUCLAS1", "XSPEC TABLE MODEL", "model spectra for XSPEC") tbhdr.set("HDUCLAS2", "PARAMETERS", "extension containing parameter info") tbhdr.set("HDUVERS1", "1.0.0", "version of format") tbhdr.set("NINTPARM", nintparm, "Number of interpolation parameters") tbhdr.set("NADDPARM", 0, "Number of additional parameters") if os.path.isfile("tmp_tabmod.fits"): os.remove("tmp_tabmod.fits") tbhdu.writeto("tmp_tabmod.fits") # update primary header hdulist ="tmp_tabmod.fits") prihdr = hdulist[0].header prihdr["bitpix"] = 16 prihdr.set("modlname", modelname, "model name") prihdr.set("modlunit", "photons/cm^2/s", "model units") prihdr.set("redshift", True, "If true then redshift will be included as a par") prihdr.set("addmodel", userdict["addmodel"], "If true then this is an additive table model") prihdr.set("hduclass", "OGIP", "format conforms to OGIP standard") prihdr.set("hduclas1", "XSPEC TABLE MODEL", "model spectra for XSPEC") prihdr.set("hduvers1", "1.0.0", "version of format") if os.path.isfile(outfile): os.remove(outfile) hdulist.writeto(outfile) hdulist.close() os.remove("tmp_tabmod.fits") # append extension energies and update its header col1 = fits.Column(name="ENERG_LO", format="E", array=energ_lo, unit="keV") col2 = fits.Column(name="ENERG_HI", format="E", array=energ_hi, unit="keV") cols = fits.ColDefs([col1, col2]) tbhdu_energies = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) hdr = tbhdu_energies.header hdr.set("EXTNAME", "ENERGIES", "name of this binary table extension") hdr.set("HDUCLASS", "OGIP", "format conforms to OGIP standard") hdr.set("HDUCLAS1", "XSPEC TABLE MODEL", "model spectra for XSPEC") hdr.set("HDUCLAS2", "ENERGIES", "extension containing energy bins info") hdr.set("HDUVERS1", "1.0.0", "version of format") fits.append(outfile,, hdr) # append extension spectra and update its header col1 = fits.Column(name="PARAMVAL", format=np.str(nintparm) + "E", array=paramval) col2 = fits.Column(name="INTPSPEC", format=np.str(len(energ_lo)) + "E", array=input_spectra, unit="photons/cm^2/s") cols = fits.ColDefs([col1, col2]) tbhdu_spectra = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) hdr = tbhdu_spectra.header hdr.set("EXTNAME", "SPECTRA", "name of this binary table extension") hdr.set("HDUCLASS", "OGIP", "format conforms to OGIP standard") hdr.set("HDUCLAS1", "XSPEC TABLE MODEL", "model spectra for XSPEC") hdr.set("HDUCLAS2", "MODEL SPECTRA", "extension containing model spectra") hdr.set("HDUVERS1", "1.0.0", "version of format") fits.append(outfile,, hdr) return
Version : $Rev: 514 $ Last Update: $Date: 2015-10-16 10:30:00 +0530 (Fri, 16 Oct 2015) $ """) parser.add_argument("infile", help="Input Detector Plane Histogram (DPH) file name", type=str) parser.add_argument("relqefile", nargs="?", default="relativeQE.fits", help="Input relative qe file name", type=str) parser.add_argument("outfile", nargs="?", default="output.dph", help="Output Detector Plane Histrogram file name", type=str) args = parser.parse_args() warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dphhdu = qehdu = fits.writeto(args.outfile, dphhdu[0].data, dphhdu[0].header) for hdunum in range(1, 5): dph = dphhdu[hdunum].data qe = qehdu[hdunum].data dph = dph / qe dph_ = np.where(np.isnan(dph), 0, dph) fits.append(args.outfile, dph_, dphhdu[hdunum].header) #outhdu.writeto(args.outfile);
night = args[0] expid = int(args[1]) #- Make sure we have what we need as input assert 'DESI_SPECTRO_SIM' in os.environ assert 'PIXPROD' in os.environ if isinstance(expid, str): expid = int(expid) #- Where are the input files? simpath = os.path.join(os.getenv('DESI_SPECTRO_SIM'), os.getenv('PIXPROD'), night) opts.inspec = '{}/simspec-{:08d}.fits'.format(simpath, expid) stdfiber, wave, flux = get_simstds(opts.inspec, opts.spectroid) if opts.outfile is None: assert 'DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX' in os.environ assert 'PRODNAME' in os.environ outdir = os.path.join(os.getenv('DESI_SPECTRO_REDUX'), os.getenv('PRODNAME'), 'exposures', night, '{:08d}'.format(expid)) opts.outfile = '{}/stdflux-sp{}-{:08d}.fits'.format( outdir, opts.spectroid, expid) print opts.outfile fits.writeto(opts.outfile, flux, clobber=True) fits.append(opts.outfile, wave) fits.append(opts.outfile, stdfiber)
def run_ppxf(flux, ivar, mask, wave, specres, flux_hdr, outname, redshift, verbose=True): dx = flux_hdr['CD1_1'] * 3600. # deg to arcsec dy = flux_hdr['CD2_2'] * 3600. # deg to arcsec ppxf_obj=ppxf_wrap(redshift, wave, specres) nx, ny, _ = flux.shape velarr=np.zeros((nx,ny)) sigarr=np.zeros((nx,ny)) medsnarr=np.zeros((nx,ny)) flagarr=np.zeros((nx,ny),dtype=np.int16) #define flag array do_not_use = (mask & 2**10) > 0, mask=do_not_use) flux_median=np.median(flux_masked, axis=2) nflux=np.sum(flux_median>0) print('Start kinematic measurement') t_start=perf_counter() if verbose: print("%2s %2s %10s %10s %5s %11s %4s" % ('i', 'j', 'Velocity', 'Dispersion', 'Chi2', 'Median S/N','t')) count=0 for j in range(ny): for i in range(nx): t = perf_counter() if flux_median[j,i] > 0: ppxf_obj.flux=flux[j,i] ppxf_obj.ivar=ivar[j,i] ppxf_obj.mask=((mask[j,i] & 2**10) == 0) res, if not res: continue velarr[j,i]=res.sol[0] sigarr[j,i]=res.sol[1] medsnarr[j,i]=medsn flagarr[j,i]=1 count+=1 if verbose: print("%02d %02d %10.3f %10.3f %5.2f %11.1f %4.1f" % (i, j, res.sol[0], res.sol[1], res.chi2, medsn, perf_counter()-t)) else: if count==1: t1=perf_counter() if count==int(nflux*0.1): remain_time=(nflux-int(nflux*0.1))*(perf_counter()-t1)/int(nflux*0.1)*1.1 print('remaining time to finish kinematic measurement (approx.): '+('%d' % int(remain_time))+' sec') print('End measurement') print('Elapsed time: '+str(int(perf_counter()-t_start))+' sec') print('Save velocity measurement data in to FITS file: ', outname) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() hdu.writeto(outname, overwrite=True) fits.append(outname, velarr) fits.append(outname, sigarr) fits.append(outname, medsnarr) fits.append(outname, flagarr.astype(np.int16)), mode='update') extnames=['STELLAR_VEL','STELLAR_SIGMA','MEDSN','FLAG'] for k in range(4): hdr=append_file[k+1].header hdr['EXTNAME']=extnames[k] hdr['CD1_1']=dx/3600 hdr['CD2_2']=dy/3600 append_file.close()
#import h5py name = sys.argv[1] num = float(sys.argv[2]) path=sys.argv[4] fn = path+"/DD%04i/DD%04i" % (num, num) # parameter file to load print(fn) pf = load(fn) # load data # This is the resolution we will extract at DIMS = int(sys.argv[3]) # Now, we construct an object that describes the data region and structure we # want cube = pf.h.covering_grid(0, # The level we are willing to extract to; higher left_edge=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], right_edge=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], dims=[DIMS,DIMS,DIMS], fields=["Density"]) #print cube pyfits.writeto('%s_flatrho_%04i.fits' %(name, num), cube["Density"]) pyfits.append('%s_flatrho_%04i.fits' %(name, num), cube["x-velocity"]) pyfits.append('%s_flatrho_%04i.fits' %(name, num), cube["y-velocity"]) pyfits.append('%s_flatrho_%04i.fits' %(name, num), cube["z-velocity"])
def _saveCube(self, total_cube, name): fits_file_name = os.path.join(Caliball._storageFolder(), name) pyfits.writeto(fits_file_name, pyfits.append(fits_file_name, total_cube.mask.astype(int))