Ejemplo n.º 1
class CCM89Extinction(StellarOperationModel):

    operation_name = 'ccm89_extinction'

    a_v = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0)
    r_v = modeling.Parameter(default=3.1, fixed=True)

    def ebv(self):
        return self.a_v / self.r_v

    def __init__(self, a_v=0.0, r_v=3.1):
        super(CCM89Extinction, self).__init__(a_v=a_v, r_v=r_v)

    def evaluate(self, wavelength, flux, a_v, r_v):
        from specutils import extinction
        extinction_factor = np.ones_like(wavelength)
        valid_wavelength = ((wavelength > 910) & (wavelength < 33333))

        extinction_factor[valid_wavelength] = 10**(
            -0.4 * extinction.extinction_ccm89(
                wavelength[valid_wavelength] * u.angstrom,

        return wavelength, extinction_factor * flux
Ejemplo n.º 2
class RotationalBroadening(StellarOperationModel):
    The rotational broadening kernel was taken from 
    Observation and Analysis of Stellar Photospheres
    by David Gray
    operation_name = 'rotation'
    vrot = modeling.Parameter()
    limb_darkening = modeling.Parameter(fixed=True, default=0.6)

    def from_grid(cls, grid, vrot=0):
        velocity_per_pix = getattr(grid, 'velocity_per_pix', None)

        return cls(velocity_per_pix=velocity_per_pix, vrot=vrot)

    def __init__(self, velocity_per_pix=None, vrot=0):
        super(RotationalBroadening, self).__init__(vrot=vrot)

        self.c_in_kms = const.c.to(u.km / u.s).value

        if velocity_per_pix is not None:
            self.log_sampling = True
            self.velocity_per_pix = u.Quantity(velocity_per_pix,
                                               u.km / u.s).value
            self.log_sampling = False
            self.velocity_per_pix = None

    def rotational_profile(self, vrot, limb_darkening):
        vrot = float(vrot)
        limb_darkening = float(limb_darkening)
        vrot_by_c = np.maximum(0.0001, np.abs(vrot)) / self.c_in_kms

        half_width_pix = np.round((vrot / self.velocity_per_pix)).astype(int)
        profile_velocity = (np.linspace(-half_width_pix, half_width_pix,
                                        2 * half_width_pix + 1) *
        profile = np.maximum(0., 1. - (profile_velocity / vrot)**2)

        profile = ((2 * (1 - limb_darkening) * np.sqrt(profile) +
                    0.5 * np.pi * limb_darkening * profile) /
                   (np.pi * vrot_by_c * (1. - limb_darkening / 3.)))
        return profile / profile.sum()

    def evaluate(self, wavelength, flux, v_rot, limb_darkening):
        v_rot = np.asscalar(v_rot)
        limb_darkening = np.asscalar(limb_darkening)

        if self.velocity_per_pix is None:
            raise NotImplementedError('Regridding not implemented yet')

        if np.abs(v_rot) < 1e-5:
            return wavelength, flux

        profile = self.rotational_profile(v_rot, limb_darkening)

        return wavelength, nd.convolve1d(flux, profile)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class single_schechter_model(modeling.Fittable1DModel):
    lmstar = modeling.Parameter(default=10.8)
    alpha = modeling.Parameter(default=-1.)
    phistar = modeling.Parameter(default=10**-2.)

    def evaluate(x, lmstar, alpha, phistar):
        return pylab.log(10) * phistar * 10**(
            (x - lmstar) * (1 + alpha)) * pylab.exp(-10**(x - lmstar))
Ejemplo n.º 4
class double_schechter_model(modeling.Fittable1DModel):
    lmstar = modeling.Parameter(default=10.8)
    alpha1 = modeling.Parameter(default=-1.)
    alpha2 = modeling.Parameter(default=-2.54)
    phistar1 = modeling.Parameter(default=10**-2.)
    phistar2 = modeling.Parameter(default=10**-4.)

    def evaluate(x, lmstar, alpha1, alpha2, phistar1, phistar2):
        factor1 = pylab.log(10) * pylab.exp(-10**(x - lmstar)) * 10**(x -
        factor2 = phistar1 * 10**(alpha1 *
                                  (x - lmstar)) + phistar2 * 10**(alpha2 *
                                                                  (x - lmstar))
        return factor1 * factor2
Ejemplo n.º 5
class GenericPSFBackground(GenericPSFModel):

    background_psf_amplitude = modeling.Parameter(bounds=(0, np.inf))
    resolution = modeling.Parameter(default=10000)
    matrix_parameter = ['background_psf_amplitude']
    inputs = ()
    outputs = ('row_id', 'column_id', 'value')

    def __init__(self, pixel_to_wavelength, wavelength, sigma_impact_width=10.):
        background_psf_amplitude = np.empty_like(wavelength) * np.nan
        super(GenericPSFBackground, self).__init__(
        self._initialize_model(pixel_to_wavelength, wavelength)
        impact_range = (
            (wavelength.mean() / self.resolution) * FWHM_TO_SIGMA *
        self.row_ids, self.column_ids = self._initialize_matrix_coordinates(
            pixel_to_wavelength, wavelength, impact_range)

        self.pixel_wavelength = pixel_to_wavelength[self.row_ids]
        self.virt_pixel_wavelength = self.wavelength[self.column_ids]

    def generate_design_matrix_coordinates(self, resolution):
        row_ids = self.row_ids
        column_ids = self.column_ids
        sigma = (self.virt_pixel_wavelength / resolution) * FWHM_TO_SIGMA

        norm_factor = 1 / (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
        pixel_wavelength = self.pixel_wavelength
        virt_pixel_wavelength = self.virt_pixel_wavelength
        matrix_values = norm_factor * ne.evaluate(
            'exp(-0.5 * '
            '(pixel_wavelength - virt_pixel_wavelength)**2 '
            '/ sigma**2)', )

        return row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values

    def generate_design_matrix(self, resolution):
        row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values = (
        return sparse.coo_matrix((matrix_values, (row_ids, column_ids)))

    def evaluate(self, background_level):
        row_ids = self.pixel_table.pixel_id.values.astype(np.int64)
        column_ids = self.pixel_table.column_ids.values.astype(np.int64)
        matrix_values = self.pixel_table.sub_x.values
        return row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values * 1.
Ejemplo n.º 6
class SpectralScaledChi2Likelihood(SpectralChi2Likelihood):
    inputs = ('wavelength', 'flux')
    outputs = ('loglikelihood', )
    lnf = modeling.Parameter()

    def __init__(self, observed, lnf=0.0):
        super(SpectralScaledChi2Likelihood, self).__init__(observed, lnf=lnf)

    def evaluate(self, wavelength, flux, lnf):
        Calculating likelihood and scaling the uncertainties (as shown in http://dfm.io/emcee/current/user/line/)
        This likelihood function is simply a Gaussian where the variance is underestimated by some fractional amount: f.
        One can fit for the natural logarithm of f.

        wavelength : numpy.ndarray
        flux : numpy.ndarray

            : float
            log likelihood
        inv_sigma2 = 1.0 / (self.observed_uncertainty**2 +
                            self.observed_flux**2 * np.exp(2 * lnf))
        loglikelihood = -0.5 * (np.sum(
            (flux - self.observed_flux)**2 * inv_sigma2 - np.log(inv_sigma2)))

        if np.isnan(loglikelihood):
            return -1e300
            return loglikelihood
Ejemplo n.º 7
class SpectralChi2LikelihoodAddErr(StarKitModel):
    ## additive error model

    inputs = ('wavelength', 'flux')
    outputs = ('loglikelihood', )

    add_err = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0)

    def __init__(self, observed, add_err=0.0):
        super(SpectralChi2LikelihoodAddErr, self).__init__(add_err=add_err)
        self.observed_wavelength = observed.wavelength.to(u.angstrom).value
        self.observed_flux = observed.flux.value
        self.observed_uncertainty = getattr(observed, 'uncertainty', None)
        if self.observed_uncertainty is not None:
            self.observed_uncertainty = self.observed_uncertainty.value
            self.observed_uncertainty = np.ones_like(self.observed_wavelength)

    def evaluate(self, wavelength, flux, add_err):
        norm = 1.0 / np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi *
                             (self.observed_uncertainty**2 + add_err**2))
        loglikelihood = np.sum(
            np.log(norm) + -0.5 *
            (((self.observed_flux - flux)**2 /
              (self.observed_uncertainty**2 + add_err**2))))
        if np.isnan(loglikelihood):
            return -1e300
        return loglikelihood
Ejemplo n.º 8
class PolynomialBackground(LinearLeastSquaredModel):
    background_level = modeling.Parameter(bounds=(0, np.inf))
    matrix_parameter = ['background_level']
    inputs = ()
    outputs = ('row_id', 'column_id', 'value')

    def __init__(self, pixel_table, wavelength_pixels):
        background_level = np.empty_like(
        super(GenericBackground, self).__init__(background_level)
        self._initialize_lls_model(pixel_table, wavelength_pixels)

    def generate_design_matrix_coordinates(self):
        row_ids = self.pixel_table.pixel_id.values
        column_ids = self.pixel_table.wavelength_pixel_id.values
        matrix_values = self.pixel_table.sub_x.values
        return row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values * 1.

    def generate_design_matrix(self):
        row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values = (
        return sparse.coo_matrix((matrix_values, (row_ids, column_ids)))

    def evaluate(self, background_level):
        row_ids = self.pixel_table.pixel_id.values.astype(np.int64)
        column_ids = self.pixel_table.column_ids.values.astype(np.int64)
        matrix_values = self.pixel_table.sub_x.values
        return row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values * 1.
Ejemplo n.º 9
def load_telluric_grid(hdf_fname,
    Load the grid from an HDF file

    hdf_fname: ~str
        filename and path to the HDF file

    stellar_grid: BaseSpectralGrid
        spectral_grid to adapt to

    wavelength_type: str
        use 'air' or 'vacuum' wavelength and convert if necessary (by inspecting
        what the grid uses in meta)

        : SpectralGrid object


    wavelength, meta, index, fluxes = read_grid(hdf_fname)
    class_dict = {}
    class_dict['vrad_telluric'] = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0)
    class_dict, initial_parameters = construct_grid_class_dict(
        meta, index, class_dict=class_dict)
    class_dict['__init__'] = base_class.__init__

    if stellar_grid is not None:
        class_dict['inputs'] = ('wavelength', 'flux')
        class_dict['evaluate'] = base_class.evaluate_transmission
        initial_parameters['target_wavelength'] = stellar_grid.wavelength
        initial_parameters['target_R'] = stellar_grid.R
        if wavelength_type is not None and stellar_grid is not None:
                'Ignoring requested wavelength_type in favour of spectral_grid wavelength_type'
        initial_parameters['wavelength_type'] = meta['wavelength_type']
        initial_parameters['target_wavelength_type'] = stellar_grid.meta_grid[

        class_dict['inputs'] = tuple()
        class_dict['evaluate'] = base_class.evaluate_raw
        initial_parameters['wavelength_type'] = wavelength_type

    TelluricGrid = type('TelluricGrid', (base_class, ), class_dict)

    logger.info('Initializing spec grid')

    telluric_grid = TelluricGrid(wavelength, index[meta['parameters']].values,
                                 fluxes, meta, **initial_parameters)

    return telluric_grid
Ejemplo n.º 10
class InstrumentConvolveGrism(SpectrographOperationModel):
    Convolve with a gaussian with given resolution to mimick an instrument
    assuming delta_lambda being constant


    R : float or astropy.units.Quantity (unitless)
        resolution of the spectrum R = lambda/delta_lambda at wavelength

    sampling: float
        number of pixels per resolution element (default=2.)


    operation_name = 'resolution'

    R = modeling.Parameter()
    requires_observed_spectrum = False

    def from_grid(cls, wavelength, grid, R=np.inf):
        grid_R = getattr(grid, 'R', None)
        return cls(wavelength, R=R, grid_R=grid_R)

    def __init__(
        super(InstrumentConvolveGrism, self).__init__(R=R)
        self.wavelength = wavelength
        self.sampling = sampling
        self.fwhm2sigma = 1 / (2 * np.sqrt(np.log(2) * 2))
        self.grid_R = grid_R

    def evaluate(self, wavelength, flux, R):

        if np.isinf(R):
            return wavelength, flux

        rescaled_R = 1 / np.sqrt((1 / R)**2 - (1 / self.grid_R)**2)

        delta_lambda = (self.wavelength / rescaled_R) * self.fwhm2sigma

        new_wavelength = np.arange(wavelength[0], wavelength[-1],
                                   delta_lambda / self.sampling)

        new_flux = np.interp(new_wavelength, wavelength, flux)

        return new_wavelength, nd.gaussian_filter1d(new_flux, self.sampling)
Ejemplo n.º 11
class DopplerShift(StellarOperationModel):

    operation_name = 'doppler'

    vrad = modeling.Parameter()

    def __init__(self, vrad):
        super(DopplerShift, self).__init__(vrad=vrad)
        self.c_in_kms = const.c.to(u.km / u.s).value

    def evaluate(self, wavelength, flux, vrad):
        beta = vrad / self.c_in_kms
        doppler_factor = np.sqrt((1 + beta) / (1 - beta))
        return wavelength * doppler_factor, flux
Ejemplo n.º 12
class InstrumentDeltaLambdaConstant(SpectrographOperationModel):
    Convolve with a gaussian with given resolution to mimick an instrument
    assuming delta_lambda being constant


    R : float or astropy.units.Quantity (unitless)
        resolution of the spectrum R = lambda/delta_lambda at wavelength

    sampling: float
        number of pixels per resolution element (default=2.)


    operation_name = 'delta_lambda_constant'

    delta_lambda = modeling.Parameter()
    requires_observed_spectrum = False

    def from_grid(cls, grid, delta_lambda=0.0):
        grid_R = getattr(grid, 'R', None)
        return cls(delta_lambda, grid_R=grid_R)

    def __init__(self, delta_lambda, grid_R, sampling=4):
        self.sampling = sampling
        self.fwhm2sigma = 1 / (2 * np.sqrt(np.log(2) * 2))
        self.grid_R = grid_R

    def evaluate(self, wavelength, flux, delta_lambda):

        if np.isclose(delta_lambda, 0.0):
            return wavelength, flux

        sigma_lambda = delta_lambda * self.fwhm2sigma

        new_wavelength = np.arange(wavelength[0], wavelength[-1],
                                   sigma_lambda / self.sampling)

        new_flux = np.interp(new_wavelength, wavelength, flux)

        return new_wavelength, nd.gaussian_filter1d(new_flux, self.sampling)
Ejemplo n.º 13
class InstrumentConvolveGrating(SpectrographOperationModel):
    Convolve with a gaussian with given resolution to mimick an instrument
    assuming lambda / delta_lambda being constant


    R : float or astropy.units.Quantity (unitless)
        resolution of the spectrum R = lambda/delta_lambda

    sampling: float
        number of pixels per resolution element (default=2.)


    operation_name = 'resolution'

    R = modeling.Parameter()
    requires_observed_spectrum = False

    def from_grid(cls, grid, R=np.inf):
        grid_R = getattr(grid, 'R', None)
        grid_sampling = getattr(grid, 'R_sampling', None)
        return cls(R=R, grid_R=grid_R, grid_sampling=grid_sampling)

    def __init__(self, R=np.inf, grid_R=None, grid_sampling=None):
        super(InstrumentConvolveGrating, self).__init__(R=R)
        self.grid_sampling = grid_sampling
        self.grid_R = grid_R

    def evaluate(self, wavelength, flux, R):
        if np.isinf(R):
            return wavelength, flux

        if self.grid_R is None:
            raise NotImplementedError('grid_R not given - this mode is not '
                                      'implemented yet')
        rescaled_R = 1 / np.sqrt((1 / R)**2 - (1 / self.grid_R)**2)

        sigma = ((self.grid_R / rescaled_R) * self.grid_sampling /
                 (2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))))

        return wavelength, nd.gaussian_filter1d(flux, sigma)
Ejemplo n.º 14
class InstrumentRConstant(SpectrographOperationModel):
    Convolve with a gaussian with given resolution to mimick an instrument
    assuming lambda / delta_lambda being constant


    R : float or astropy.units.Quantity (unitless)
        resolution of the spectrum R = lambda/delta_lambda

    sampling: float
        number of pixels per resolution element (default=2.)


    operation_name = 'resolution_constant'

    R = modeling.Parameter()
    requires_observed_spectrum = False

    def from_grid(cls, grid, R=np.inf):
        grid_R = getattr(grid, 'R', None)
        grid_sampling = getattr(grid, 'R_sampling', None)
        return cls(R=R, grid_R=grid_R, grid_sampling=grid_sampling)

    def __init__(self, R=np.inf, grid_R=None, grid_sampling=None):
        super(InstrumentRConstant, self).__init__(R=R)
        self.grid_sampling = grid_sampling
        self.grid_R = grid_R

    def evaluate(self, wavelength, flux, R):
        R = float(np.squeeze(R))
        if np.isinf(R):
            return wavelength, flux

        if self.grid_R is None:
            raise NotImplementedError('grid_R not given - '
                                      'this mode is not implemented yet')

        convolved_flux = convolve_to_resolution(flux, self.grid_R,
                                                self.grid_sampling, R)

        return wavelength, convolved_flux
Ejemplo n.º 15
class Distance(StellarOperationModel):

    operation_name = 'distance'

    distance = modeling.Parameter(default=10.0)  # in pc

    def from_grid(cls, grid, distance=10.):
        lum_density2cgs = grid.flux_unit.to('erg / (s * angstrom)')
        return cls(distance=distance, lum_density2cgs=lum_density2cgs)

    def __init__(self, distance, lum_density2cgs=1.):
        super(Distance, self).__init__(distance=distance)
        self.pc2cm = u.pc.to(u.cm)
        self.lum_density2cgs = lum_density2cgs

    def evaluate(self, wavelength, flux, distance):
        conversion = self.lum_density2cgs / (4 * np.pi *
                                             (distance * self.pc2cm)**2)
        return wavelength, flux * conversion
Ejemplo n.º 16
class SlopedMoffatTrace(MoffatTrace):
    amplitude = modeling.Parameter(bounds=(0, np.inf))
    trace_pos = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(-6, 6))
    trace_slope = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(-0.5, 0.5))
    sigma = modeling.Parameter(default=1.0, bounds=(0, 99))
    sigma_slope = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(-0.5, 0.5))
    beta = modeling.Parameter(default=1.5, fixed=True, bounds=(1.1, 3.))
    matrix_parameter = ['amplitude']

    def __init__(self, pixel_table, wavelength_pixels):
        amplitude = np.empty_like(pixel_table.wavelength_pixel_id.unique())
        super(MoffatTrace, self).__init__(amplitude=amplitude * np.nan)
        self._initialize_lls_model(pixel_table, wavelength_pixels)

    def generate_design_matrix_coordinates(self, trace_pos, trace_slope, sigma,
                                           sigma_slope, beta):
        row_ids = self.pixel_table.pixel_id.values
        column_ids = self.pixel_table.wavelength_pixel_id.values
        matrix_values = self.pixel_table.sub_x.values
        normed_wavelength = self.pixel_table.normed_wavelength.values.copy()
        varying_trace_pos = (trace_pos + trace_slope * normed_wavelength)
        varying_sigma = (sigma + sigma_slope * 0.5 * (normed_wavelength + 1))
        moffat_profile = self._moffat(self.pixel_table.slit_pos.values,
                                      varying_trace_pos, varying_sigma, beta)
        return row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values * moffat_profile

    def generate_design_matrix(self, trace_pos, trace_slope, sigma,
                               sigma_slope, beta):
        row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values = (
            self.generate_design_matrix_coordinates(trace_pos, trace_slope,
                                                    sigma, sigma_slope, beta))
        return sparse.coo_matrix((matrix_values, (row_ids, column_ids)))

    def evaluate(self, amplitude, trace_pos, trace_slope, sigma, beta):
        row_ids = self.pixel_table.pixel_id.values.astype(np.int64)
        column_ids = self.pixel_table.wavelength_pixel_id.values.astype(
        matrix_values = self.pixel_table.sub_x.values
        varying_trace_pos = (
            trace_pos + trace_slope * self.pixel_table.normaled_wavelength)
        moffat_profile = self._moffat(self.pixel_table.slit_pos.values,
                                      varying_trace_pos, sigma, beta)
        return row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values * moffat_profile
Ejemplo n.º 17
class PolynomialMoffatTrace(MoffatTrace):
    amplitude = modeling.Parameter(bounds=(0, np.inf))
    trace0 = modeling.Parameter(default=1.0, bounds=(-6, 6))
    trace1 = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(-6, 6))
    trace2 = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(-6, 6))
    trace3 = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(-6, 6))
    trace4 = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(-6, 6))
    sigma0 = modeling.Parameter(default=1.0, bounds=(0, 99))
    sigma1 = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(0, 99))
    sigma2 = modeling.Parameter(default=1.0, bounds=(0, 99))
    sigma3 = modeling.Parameter(default=1.0, bounds=(0, 99))
    sigma4 = modeling.Parameter(default=1.0, bounds=(0, 99))
    beta = modeling.Parameter(default=1.5, fixed=True, bounds=(1.1, 3.))
    matrix_parameter = ['amplitude']

    def __init__(self, pixel_table, wavelength_pixels, **kwargs):
        amplitude = np.empty_like(pixel_table.wavelength_pixel_id.unique())
        super(MoffatTrace, self).__init__(amplitude=amplitude * np.nan,
        self._initialize_lls_model(pixel_table, wavelength_pixels)

    def generate_design_matrix_coordinates(self, trace0, trace1, trace2,
                                           trace3, trace4, sigma0, sigma1,
                                           sigma2, sigma3, sigma4, beta):
        row_ids = self.pixel_table.pixel_id.values
        column_ids = self.pixel_table.wavelength_pixel_id.values
        matrix_values = self.pixel_table.sub_x.values
        normed_wavelength = self.pixel_table.normed_wavelength.values.copy()
        varying_trace_pos = np.polyval(
            [trace4, trace3, trace2, trace1, trace0], normed_wavelength)
        varying_sigma = np.abs(
            np.polyval([sigma3, sigma2, sigma1, sigma0], normed_wavelength))
        moffat_profile = self._moffat(self.pixel_table.slit_pos.values,
                                      varying_trace_pos, varying_sigma, beta)
        return row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values * moffat_profile

    def generate_design_matrix(self, trace0, trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4,
                               sigma0, sigma1, sigma2, sigma3, sigma4, beta):
        row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values = (
            self.generate_design_matrix_coordinates(trace0, trace1, trace2,
                                                    trace3, trace4, sigma0,
                                                    sigma1, sigma2, sigma3,
                                                    sigma4, beta))
        return sparse.coo_matrix((matrix_values, (row_ids, column_ids)))
Ejemplo n.º 18
class MoffatTrace(LinearLeastSquaredModel):

    amplitude = modeling.Parameter(bounds=(0, np.inf))
    trace_pos = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(-6, 6))
    sigma = modeling.Parameter(default=1.0, bounds=(0, 99))
    beta = modeling.Parameter(default=1.5, fixed=True, bounds=(1.1, 3))
    matrix_parameter = ['amplitude']

    def __init__(self, pixel_table, wavelength_pixels):
        amplitude = np.empty_like(pixel_table.wavelength_pixel_id.unique())
        super(MoffatTrace, self).__init__(amplitude=amplitude * np.nan)
        self._initialize_lls_model(pixel_table, wavelength_pixels)

    def generate_design_matrix_coordinates(self, trace_pos, sigma, beta):
        row_ids = self.pixel_table.pixel_id.values
        column_ids = self.pixel_table.wavelength_pixel_id.values
        matrix_values = self.pixel_table.sub_x.values.copy()
        moffat_profile = self._moffat(self.pixel_table.slit_pos.values,
                                      trace_pos, sigma, beta)

        return row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values * moffat_profile

    def generate_design_matrix(self, trace_pos, sigma, beta):
        row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values = (
            self.generate_design_matrix_coordinates(trace_pos, sigma, beta))
        return sparse.coo_matrix((matrix_values, (row_ids, column_ids)))

    def evaluate(self, amplitude, trace_pos, sigma, beta):
        row_ids = self.pixel_table.pixel_id.values.astype(np.int64)
        column_ids = self.pixel_table.wavelength_pixel_id.values.astype(
        matrix_values = self.pixel_table.sub_x.values.copy()
        moffat_profile = self._moffat(self.pixel_table.slit_pos.values,
                                      trace_pos, sigma, beta)
        return row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values * moffat_profile

    def to_spectrum(self):
            from specutils import Spectrum1D
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError('specutils needed for this functionality')
        from xtool.fix_spectrum1d import Spectrum1D

        if getattr(self, 'amplitude_uncertainty', None) is None:
            uncertainty = None
            uncertainty = self.amplitude_uncertainty

        spec = Spectrum1D.from_array(self.wavelength_pixels * u.nm,

        return spec

    def _moffat(s, s0, sigma, beta=1.5):
        Calculate the moffat profile
        s : ndarray
            slit position
        s0 : float
            center of the Moffat profile
        sigma : float
            sigma of the Moffat profile
        beta : float, optional
            beta parameter of the Moffat profile (default = 1.5)


        beta = getattr(beta, 'value', beta)
        fwhm = sigma * SIGMA_TO_FWHM
        alpha = fwhm / (2 * np.sqrt(2**(1.0 / float(beta)) - 1.0))
        norm_factor = (beta - 1.0) / (np.pi * alpha**2)
        return norm_factor * (1.0 + ((s - s0) / alpha)**2)**(-beta)
Ejemplo n.º 19
class PSFPolynomialMoffatTrace(PSFMoffatTrace):

    psf_amplitude = modeling.Parameter(bounds=(0, np.inf))
    resolution_trace = modeling.Parameter(default=10000, bounds=(1000, 20000))

    trace0 = modeling.Parameter(default=1.0, bounds=(-6, 6))
    trace1 = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(-6, 6))
    trace2 = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(-6, 6))
    trace3 = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(-6, 6))
    trace4 = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(-6, 6))
    sigma0 = modeling.Parameter(default=1.0, bounds=(0, 99))
    sigma1 = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(0, 99))
    sigma2 = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(0, 99))
    sigma3 = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(0, 99))
    sigma4 = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(0, 99))

    beta = modeling.Parameter(default=1.5, fixed=True, bounds=(1.1, 3.))

    matrix_parameter = ['psf_amplitude']

    def __init__(self, pixel_to_wavelength, pixel_to_slit_pos, wavelength,
        psf_amplitude = np.empty_like(wavelength) * np.nan
        super(PSFMoffatTrace, self).__init__(
        self._initialize_model(pixel_to_wavelength, wavelength)
        impact_range = (
            (wavelength.mean() / self.resolution_trace) * FWHM_TO_SIGMA *
        self.row_ids, self.column_ids = self._initialize_matrix_coordinates(
            pixel_to_wavelength, wavelength, impact_range)

        self.pixel_wavelength = pixel_to_wavelength[self.row_ids]
        self.normed_pixel_wavelength = (
            (self.pixel_to_wavelength - self.pixel_wavelength.min()) /
            (self.pixel_wavelength.max() - self.pixel_wavelength.min()))
        self.normed_pixel_wavelength = (
            (self.normed_pixel_wavelength - 0.5) * 2)[self.row_ids]
        self.virt_pixel_wavelength = self.wavelength[self.column_ids]
        self.slit_pos = pixel_to_slit_pos[self.row_ids]

    def generate_design_matrix_coordinates(
            self, resolution_trace, trace0, trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4,
                                           sigma0, sigma1, sigma2, sigma3, sigma4, beta):
        row_ids = self.row_ids
        column_ids = self.column_ids
        psf_sigma = (
            (self.virt_pixel_wavelength / resolution_trace) * FWHM_TO_SIGMA)

        norm_factor = 1 / (psf_sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
        pixel_wavelength = self.pixel_wavelength
        virt_pixel_wavelength = self.virt_pixel_wavelength
        matrix_values = norm_factor * ne.evaluate(
            'exp(-0.5 * '
            '(pixel_wavelength - virt_pixel_wavelength)**2 '
            '/ psf_sigma**2)', )

        normed_wavelength = self.normed_pixel_wavelength
        varying_trace_pos = np.polyval([trace4, trace3, trace2, trace1, trace0],
        varying_sigma = np.abs(np.polyval([sigma4, sigma3, sigma2, sigma1, sigma0],normed_wavelength))
        moffat_profile = self._moffat(self.slit_pos,
                                      varying_trace_pos, varying_sigma, beta)
        return row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values * moffat_profile

    def generate_design_matrix(
            self, resolution_trace, trace0, trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4,
            sigma0, sigma1, sigma2, sigma3, sigma4, beta):
        row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values = (
                resolution_trace, trace0, trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4,
                sigma0, sigma1, sigma2, sigma3, sigma4, beta))
        return sparse.coo_matrix((matrix_values, (row_ids, column_ids)))
Ejemplo n.º 20
class PSFMoffatTrace(GenericPSFModel):

    psf_amplitude = modeling.Parameter(bounds=(0, np.inf))
    resolution_trace = modeling.Parameter(default=10000)

    trace_pos = modeling.Parameter(default=0.0, bounds=(-6, 6))
    sigma = modeling.Parameter(default=1.0, bounds=(0, 99))
    beta = modeling.Parameter(default=1.5, fixed=True, bounds=(1.1, 3))
    matrix_parameter = ['psf_amplitude']

    def __init__(self, pixel_to_wavelength, pixel_to_slit_pos, wavelength, sigma_impact_width=10.):
        psf_amplitude = np.empty_like(wavelength) * np.nan
        super(PSFMoffatTrace, self).__init__(
        self._initialize_model(pixel_to_wavelength, wavelength)
        impact_range = (
            (wavelength.mean() / self.resolution_trace) * FWHM_TO_SIGMA *
        self.row_ids, self.column_ids = self._initialize_matrix_coordinates(
            pixel_to_wavelength, wavelength, impact_range)

        self.pixel_wavelength = pixel_to_wavelength[self.row_ids]
        self.virt_pixel_wavelength = self.wavelength[self.column_ids]
        self.slit_pos = pixel_to_slit_pos[self.row_ids]

    def generate_design_matrix_coordinates(self, resolution_trace, trace_pos,
                                           sigma, beta):
        row_ids = self.row_ids
        column_ids = self.column_ids
        psf_sigma = (
            (self.virt_pixel_wavelength / resolution_trace) * FWHM_TO_SIGMA)

        norm_factor = 1 / (psf_sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
        pixel_wavelength = self.pixel_wavelength
        virt_pixel_wavelength = self.virt_pixel_wavelength
        matrix_values = norm_factor * ne.evaluate(
            'exp(-0.5 * '
            '(pixel_wavelength - virt_pixel_wavelength)**2 '
            '/ sigma**2)', )

        moffat_profile = self._moffat(self.slit_pos, trace_pos, sigma, beta)

        return row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values * moffat_profile

    def generate_design_matrix(self, resolution_trace, trace_pos, sigma, beta):
        row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values = (
                resolution_trace, trace_pos, sigma, beta))
        return sparse.coo_matrix((matrix_values, (row_ids, column_ids)))

    def evaluate(self, amplitude, trace_pos, sigma, beta):
        row_ids = self.pixel_table.pixel_id.values.astype(np.int64)
        column_ids = self.pixel_table.wavelength_pixel_id.values.astype(np.int64)
        matrix_values = self.pixel_table.sub_x.values.copy()
        moffat_profile = self._moffat(self.pixel_table.slit_pos.values, trace_pos, sigma, beta)
        return row_ids, column_ids, matrix_values * moffat_profile

    def to_spectrum(self):
            from specutils import Spectrum1D
        except ImportError:
            raise ImportError('specutils needed for this functionality')
        from xtool.fix_spectrum1d import Spectrum1D

        if getattr(self, 'amplitude_uncertainty', None) is None:
            uncertainty = None
            uncertainty = self.amplitude_uncertainty

        spec = Spectrum1D.from_array(
            self.wavelength * u.nm, self.psf_amplitude.value,

        return spec

    def _moffat(s, s0, sigma, beta=1.5):
        Calculate the moffat profile
        s : ndarray
            slit position
        s0 : float
            center of the Moffat profile
        sigma : float
            sigma of the Moffat profile
        beta : float, optional
            beta parameter of the Moffat profile (default = 1.5)


        fwhm = sigma * SIGMA_TO_FWHM
        alpha = fwhm / (2 * np.sqrt(2**(1.0 / float(beta)) - 1.0))
        norm_factor = (beta - 1.0) / (np.pi * alpha**2)
        return norm_factor * (1.0 + ((s - s0) / alpha)**2)**(-beta)
Ejemplo n.º 21
class LUTOrderWCS(modeling.Model):
    inputs = ('x', 'y')
    outputs = ('wave', 'slit')
    pix_to_wave_grid = modeling.Parameter()
    pix_to_slit_grid = modeling.Parameter()

    def __init__(self, transform_pixel_to_wavelength, transform_pixel_to_slit,
        A Look Up Table (LUT) World Coordinate System (WCS) that can transform
        from pixel coordinate input to wavelength and slit coordinates

        transform_pixel_to_wavelength : astropy.units.Quantity
        transform_pixel_to_slit : astropy.units.Quantity
        mask : np.ndarray

        self.mask = mask
        self.x_grid, self.y_grid = self._generate_coordinate_grid(mask)

        self.pix_to_wave_ma = np.ma.MaskedArray(
            transform_pixel_to_wavelength.value, ~mask, fill_value=np.nan)
        self.pix_to_slit_ma = np.ma.MaskedArray(transform_pixel_to_slit.value,

        self.pix_to_wave_unit = transform_pixel_to_wavelength.unit
        self.pix_to_slit_unit = transform_pixel_to_slit.unit

        super(LUTOrderWCS, self).__init__(self.pix_to_wave_ma.filled(),
        self.standard_broadcasting = False

    def x(self):
        return self.x_grid.compressed()

    def y(self):
        return self.y_grid.compressed()

    def pix_to_wave(self):
        return self.pix_to_wave_ma.compressed()

    def pix_to_slit(self):
        return self.pix_to_slit_ma.compressed()

    def evaluate(self, x, y, pix_to_wave, pix_to_slit):
        x = np.int64(x)
        y = np.int64(y)
        return np.squeeze(pix_to_wave)[y, x], np.squeeze(pix_to_slit)[y, x]

    def _generate_coordinate_grid(mask):
        generate a coordinate grid for the order slice
        mask : numpy.ndarray
            boolean masked with True for valid data and false for invalid data

        x_grid : numpy.ma.MaskedArray
        y_grid : numpy.ma.MaskedArray

        y_grid, x_grid = np.mgrid[:mask.shape[0], :mask.shape[1]]

        return (np.ma.MaskedArray(x_grid, ~mask, fill_value=-1),
                np.ma.MaskedArray(y_grid, ~mask, fill_value=-1))

    def _update_mask(self, mask):
        self.pix_to_wave_ma.mask = mask
        self.pix_to_slit_ma.mask = mask
        self.x_grid.mask = mask
        self.y_grid.mask = mask
        self.pix_to_wave_grid = self.pix_to_wave_ma.filled()
        self.pix_to_slit_grid = self.pix_to_slit_ma.filled()
Ejemplo n.º 22
class PolynomialOrderWCS(modeling.Model):
    inputs = ('x', 'y')
    outputs = ('wave', 'slit')

    wave_transform_coef = modeling.Parameter()
    slit_transform_coef = modeling.Parameter()

    def from_lut_order_wcs(cls, lut_order_wcs, poly_order=(2, 3)):
        Fits a polynomial on n-th degree to the WCS transform
        lut_order_wcs : LUTOrderWCS
            Lookup Table WCS to be fit
        poly_order : int or tuple, optional
            tuple consisting of two integers describing the polynomial in
            wave and slit default=(2, 3)

        polynomial_order_wcs: PolynomialOrderWCS

        if not hasattr(poly_order, '__iter__'):
            poly_order = (poly_order, poly_order)

        wave_model_coef = cls.polyfit2d(lut_order_wcs.x, lut_order_wcs.y,
                                        lut_order_wcs.pix_to_wave, poly_order)

        slit_model_coef = cls.polyfit2d(lut_order_wcs.x, lut_order_wcs.y,
                                        lut_order_wcs.pix_to_slit, poly_order)

        return cls(wave_model_coef, slit_model_coef)

    def __init__(self, wave_transform_coef, slit_transform_coef):
        super(PolynomialOrderWCS, self).__init__(wave_transform_coef,
        self.standard_broadcasting = False

    def polyfit2d(x, y, f, deg):
        Fits a 2D polynomial and returns the coefficients
        x : numpy.ndarray
        y : numpy.ndarray
        f : numpy.ndarray
        deg : tuple

        poly_2d_coef : numpy.ndarray

        deg = np.asarray(deg)
        vander = polynomial.polyvander2d(x, y, deg)
        vander = vander.reshape((-1, vander.shape[-1]))
        f = f.reshape((vander.shape[0], ))
        c = np.linalg.lstsq(vander, f)[0]
        return c.reshape(deg + 1)

    def evaluate(self, x, y, wave_transform_coef, slit_transform_coef):
        x = np.squeeze(x)
        y = np.squeeze(x)
        wave_transform_coef = np.squeeze(wave_transform_coef)
        slit_transform_coef = np.squeeze(slit_transform_coef)
        return (polynomial.polyval2d(x, y, wave_transform_coef),
                polynomial.polyval2d(x, y, slit_transform_coef))
Ejemplo n.º 23
class VirtualPixelWavelength(modeling.Model):

    inputs = ()
    outputs = ('pixel_table', )

    wave_transform_coef = modeling.Parameter()

    wavelength_sampling_defaults = {'UVB': 0.04, 'VIS': 0.04, 'NIR': 0.03}

    def from_order(cls,
                   poly_order=(2, 3),
        Instantiate a Virtualpixel table from the order raw Lookup Table WCS
        and then fitting a Polynomial WCS with given orde
        order : xtool.data.Order
            order data or object
        poly_order : tuple or int
        wavelength_sampling: float, optional
            float for wavelength spacing. If `None` will use for different arms
            * UVB - 0.04 nm
            * VIS - 0.04 nm
            * NIR - 0.03 nm

        polynomial_wcs = PolynomialOrderWCS.from_lut_order_wcs(
            order.wcs, poly_order)

        if wavelength_sampling is None:
            wavelength_sampling = cls.wavelength_sampling_defaults[

        wavelength_bins = np.arange(
            order.wcs.pix_to_wave.max() + wavelength_sampling,

        return VirtualPixelWavelength(polynomial_wcs,

    def __init__(self,
        A model that represents the virtual pixels of the model

        polynomial_wcs : xtool.wcs.PolynomialOrderWCS
        lut_wcs : xtool.wcs.LUTOrderWCS
        raw_wavelength_pixels : numpy.ndarray
        sub_sampling : int
            how many subsamples to create in each dimension


        self.lut_wcs = lut_wcs
        self.polynomial_wcs = polynomial_wcs
        self.raw_wavelength_pixels = raw_wavelength_pixels
        self.standard_broadcasting = False
        self.sub_sampling = sub_sampling

    def _initialize_sub_pixel_table(x, y, sub_sampling):
        Generate a subgrid for x and y with sampling `sub_sampling`.
        For example, for a subsampling of 5 each real x y coordinate will have
        25 additional entries.

        x : numpy.ndarray
        y : numpy.ndarray
        sub_sampling : int

            subpixel table with pixel index, sub_x, sub_y
        sub_edges = sub_sampling + 1
        sub_y_delta, sub_x_delta = np.mgrid[-0.5:0.5:sub_edges * 1j,
                                            -0.5:0.5:sub_edges * 1j]

        sub_pixel_size = 1 / np.float(sub_sampling)
        sub_x_delta = sub_x_delta[:-1, :-1] + 0.5 * sub_pixel_size
        sub_y_delta = sub_y_delta[:-1, :-1] + 0.5 * sub_pixel_size

        sub_x = np.add.outer(x.flatten(), sub_x_delta.flatten()).flatten()
        sub_y = np.add.outer(y.flatten(), sub_y_delta.flatten()).flatten()
        pixel_id = np.multiply.outer(
            np.ones_like(sub_x_delta.flatten(), dtype=np.int64)).flatten()

        sub_pixel_table = pd.DataFrame(columns=[
                                           'pixel_id': pixel_id,
                                           'sub_x': sub_x,
                                           'sub_y': sub_y
        return sub_pixel_table

    def _add_wavelength_sub_pixel_table(sub_pixel_table, wavelength_bins,
        Add a 'sub_wavelength' column that is calculated for each of the
        sub-pixel locations using the PolynomialWCS and add a
        'wavelength_bin_id' column that identifies the wavelength
        bin that this sub pixel corresponds to.
        sub_pixel_table : pandas.DataFrame
        wavelength_bins : numpy.ndarray
        wave_transform_coef : numpy.ndarray


        kdt = cKDTree(wavelength_bins[np.newaxis].T)

        sub_pixel_table['sub_wavelength'] = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval2d(
            sub_pixel_table.sub_x.values, sub_pixel_table.sub_y.values,

        _, sub_pixel_table['wavelength_pixel_id'] = kdt.query(

        return sub_pixel_table

    def _generate_pixel_table(sub_pixel_table, sub_sampling):
        pixel_table = sub_pixel_table.groupby(
            ['pixel_id', 'wavelength_pixel_id']).sub_x.count()
        pixel_table /= sub_sampling**2
        pixel_table = pixel_table.reset_index()

        return pixel_table

    def evaluate(self, wave_transform_coef):
        sub_pixel_table = self._initialize_sub_pixel_table(
            self.lut_wcs.x, self.lut_wcs.y, self.sub_sampling)
        sub_pixel_table = self._add_wavelength_sub_pixel_table(
            sub_pixel_table, self.raw_wavelength_pixels,
        pixel_table = self._generate_pixel_table(sub_pixel_table,

        wavelength_pixel_contain_real_pixel_id = np.sort(

        self.wavelength_pixels = self.raw_wavelength_pixels[

        pixel_table['wavelength_pixel_id'] = (

        pixel_table['wavelength'] = self.wavelength_pixels[

        pixel_table['slit_pos'] = self.lut_wcs.pix_to_slit[

        pixel_table['normed_wavelength'] = (
            (pixel_table.wavelength - pixel_table.wavelength.min()) /
            (pixel_table.wavelength.max() -
             pixel_table.wavelength.min())) * 2 - 1

        return pixel_table