Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_extract_array_even_shape_rounding():
    Test overlap_slices (via extract_array) for rounding with an
    even-shaped extraction.

    data = np.arange(10)
    shape = (2,)
    positions_expected = [(1.49, (1, 2)), (1.5, (1, 2)), (1.501, (1, 2)),
                          (1.99, (1, 2)), (2.0, (1, 2)), (2.01, (2, 3)),
                          (2.49, (2, 3)), (2.5, (2, 3)), (2.501, (2, 3)),
                          (2.99, (2, 3)), (3.0, (2, 3)), (3.01, (3, 4))]

    for pos, exp in positions_expected:
        out = extract_array(data, shape, (pos, ), mode='partial')
        assert_array_equal(out, exp)

    # test negative positions
    positions = (-0.99, -0.51, -0.5, -0.49, -0.01, 0)
    exp1 = (-99, 0)
    exp2 = (0, 1)
    expected = [exp1, ] * 6 + [exp2, ]

    for pos, exp in zip(positions, expected):
        out = extract_array(data, shape, (pos, ), mode='partial',
        assert_array_equal(out, exp)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_extract_array_odd_shape_rounding():
    Test overlap_slices (via extract_array) for rounding with an
    even-shaped extraction.

    data = np.arange(10)
    shape = (3, )
    positions_expected = [(1.49, (0, 1, 2)), (1.5, (0, 1, 2)),
                          (1.501, (1, 2, 3)), (1.99, (1, 2, 3)),
                          (2.0, (1, 2, 3)), (2.01, (1, 2, 3)),
                          (2.49, (1, 2, 3)), (2.5, (1, 2, 3)),
                          (2.501, (2, 3, 4)), (2.99, (2, 3, 4)),
                          (3.0, (2, 3, 4)), (3.01, (2, 3, 4))]

    for pos, exp in positions_expected:
        out = extract_array(data, shape, (pos, ), mode='partial')
        assert_array_equal(out, exp)

    # test negative positions
    positions = (-0.99, -0.51, -0.5, -0.49, -0.01, 0)
    exp1 = (-99, -99, 0)
    exp2 = (-99, 0, 1)
    expected = [
    ] * 3 + [
    ] * 4

    for pos, exp in zip(positions, expected):
        out = extract_array(data,
                            shape, (pos, ),
        assert_array_equal(out, exp)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_extract_array_return_pos():
    '''Check that the return position is calculated correctly.

    The result will differ by mode. All test here are done in 1d because it's
    easier to construct correct test cases.
    large_test_array = np.arange(5, dtype=float)
    for i in np.arange(-1, 6):
        extracted, new_pos = extract_array(large_test_array,
        assert new_pos == (1, )
    # Now check an array with an even number
    for i, expected in zip([1.49, 1.51, 3], [0.49, 0.51, 1]):
        extracted, new_pos = extract_array(large_test_array, (2, ), (i, ),
        assert new_pos == (expected, )
    # For mode='trim' the answer actually depends
    for i, expected in zip(np.arange(-1, 6), (-1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)):
        extracted, new_pos = extract_array(large_test_array, (3, ), (i, ),
        assert new_pos == (expected, )
Ejemplo n.º 4
def subtract_psf(data, psf, positions, fluxes, mask=None):
    Removes PSF/PRF at the given positions.

    To calculate residual images the PSF/PRF model is subtracted from the data
    at the given positions.

    data : ndarray
        Image data.
    psf : `photutils.psf.DiscretePRF` or `photutils.psf.GaussianPSF`
        PSF/PRF model to be substracted from the data.
    positions : ndarray
        List of center positions where PSF/PRF is removed.
    fluxes : ndarray
        List of fluxes of the sources, for correct
    # Set up indices
    indices = np.indices(data.shape)
    data_ = data.copy()
    # Loop over position
    for i, position in enumerate(positions):
        x_0, y_0 = position
        y = extract_array(indices[0], psf.shape, (y_0, x_0))
        x = extract_array(indices[1], psf.shape, (y_0, x_0))
        psf.amplitude.value = fluxes[i]
        psf.x_0.value, psf.y_0.value = x_0, y_0
        psf_image = psf(x, y)
        data_ = add_array(data_, -psf_image, (y_0, x_0))
    return data_
Ejemplo n.º 5
def subtract_psf(data, psf, positions, fluxes, mask=None):
    Removes PSF/PRF at the given positions.

    To calculate residual images the PSF/PRF model is subtracted from the data
    at the given positions.

    data : ndarray
        Image data.
    psf : `photutils.psf.DiscretePRF` or `photutils.psf.GaussianPSF`
        PSF/PRF model to be substracted from the data.
    positions : ndarray
        List of center positions where PSF/PRF is removed.
    fluxes : ndarray
        List of fluxes of the sources, for correct
    # Set up indices
    indices = np.indices(data.shape)
    data_ = data.copy()
    # Loop over position
    for i, position in enumerate(positions):
        x_0, y_0 = position
        y = extract_array(indices[0], psf.shape, (y_0, x_0))
        x = extract_array(indices[1], psf.shape, (y_0, x_0))
        psf.amplitude.value = fluxes[i]
        psf.x_0.value, psf.y_0.value = x_0, y_0
        psf_image = psf(x, y)
        data_ = add_array(data_, -psf_image, (y_0, x_0))
    return data_
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_extract_array_1d_odd():
    '''Extract 1 d arrays.

    All dimensions are treated the same, so we can test in 1 dim.
    The first few lines test the most error-prone part: Extraction of an
    array on the boundaries.
    Additional tests (e.g. dtype of return array) are done for the last
    case only.
    assert np.all(
        extract_array(np.arange(4), (3, ), (
            -1, ), fill_value=-99) == np.array([-99, -99, 0]))
    assert np.all(
        extract_array(np.arange(4), (3, ), (
            0, ), fill_value=-99) == np.array([-99, 0, 1]))
    for i in [1, 2]:
        assert np.all(
            extract_array(np.arange(4), (3, ), (
                i, )) == np.array([i - 1, i, i + 1]))
    assert np.all(
        extract_array(np.arange(4), (3, ), (
            3, ), fill_value=-99) == np.array([2, 3, -99]))
    arrayin = np.arange(4.)
    extracted = extract_array(arrayin, (3, ), (4, ))
    assert extracted[0] == 3
    assert np.isnan(extracted[1])  # since I cannot use `==` to test for nan
    assert extracted.dtype == arrayin.dtype
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_extract_array_1d():
    """In 1d, shape can be int instead of tuple"""
    assert np.all(
        extract_array(np.arange(4), 3, (
            -1, ), fill_value=-99) == np.array([-99, -99, 0]))
    assert np.all(
        extract_array(np.arange(4), 3, -1, fill_value=-99) == np.array(
            [-99, -99, 0]))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_extract_array_1d_even():
    '''Extract 1 d arrays.

    All dimensions are treated the same, so we can test in 1 dim.
    assert np.all(extract_array(np.arange(4), (2, ), (0, ),
                                fill_value=-99) == np.array([-99, 0]))
    for i in [1, 2, 3]:
        assert np.all(extract_array(np.arange(4), (2, ), (i, )) ==
                      np.array([i - 1, i]))
    assert np.all(extract_array(np.arange(4.), (2, ), (4, ),
                                fill_value=np.inf) == np.array([3, np.inf]))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_extract_array_1d_trim():
    '''Extract 1 d arrays.

    All dimensions are treated the same, so we can test in 1 dim.
    assert np.all(extract_array(np.arange(4), (2, ), (0, ),
                                mode='trim') == np.array([0]))
    for i in [1, 2, 3]:
        assert np.all(extract_array(np.arange(4), (2, ), (i, ),
                                    mode='trim') == np.array([i - 1, i]))
    assert np.all(extract_array(np.arange(4.), (2, ), (4, ),
                                mode='trim') == np.array([3]))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def cut_to_bounding_box(self, bkg_nsig=3):
        Reduce the array down to the minimum size based on the mask.

        if self._empty_mask_flag:
            if not self.ignore_warnings:
                warn("The mask is empty.")
            # Set the center_coords to the default then
            self._center_coords = (self._orig_shape[0] / 2,
                                   self._orig_shape[1] / 2)

        # Not mask, since the mask is for holes.
        yslice, xslice = nd.find_objects(~self.mask)[0]

        yextent = int(yslice.stop - yslice.start)
        xextent = int(xslice.stop - xslice.start)

        self._center_coords = (int(yslice.start) + (yextent / 2),
                               int(xslice.start) + (xextent / 2))

        cut_shape = (yextent + 2 * self.pad_size, xextent + 2 * self.pad_size)

        cut_arr = extract_array(self.array,
        # Fill the NaNs with samples from the noise distribution
        # This does take the correlation of the beam out... this is fine for
        # the time being, but adding a quick convolution w/ the beam will make
        # this "proper".
        all_noise = self.array <= bkg_nsig * self.sigma
        nans = np.isnan(cut_arr)
        samps = np.random.random_integers(0,
                                          all_noise.sum() - 1,
        cut_arr[nans] = self.array[all_noise][samps]

        cut_mask = extract_array(self.mask,

        self.array = cut_arr
        self.mask = cut_mask
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_img_flags(dqmask, x, y, shape, edge_val=1):
    dqmask: array-like
        Data quality mask for the image
    x: array-like
        x coordinates of points
    y: array-like
        y coordinates of points
    shape: tuple
        Shape of the patch to extract from the image
    edge_val: integer
        Value to use for pixels outside the edge of the image
    img_flags: `~numpy.ndarray`
        Flags selected from the bad pixel mask
    if hasattr(x, 'shape'):
        rows = x.shape[0]
        rows = len(x)
    img_flags = []
    for n in range(rows):
        patch = extract_array(dqmask, shape, (y[n], x[n]), fill_value=edge_val)
        val = 0
        for n in np.unique(patch):
            val = val | n
    img_flags = np.array(img_flags)
    return img_flags
Ejemplo n.º 12
def guess_center_nested(image, halfwidth=50):
    '''Guess the position of the central object as two-step process

    First, this function calculates the center of mass of an image.
    This works well if the central object is the only bright source, however
    even a moderately bright source that is far away can shift the center of
    mass of an image by a few pixels. To improve the first guess the function
    selects a subimage with the halfwidth ``halfwidth`` in a second step
    and calculates the center of mass of that subimage.

    image : 2d np.array
        input image
    halfwidth : int
        half width of the subimage selected in the second step.

    xm, ym : float
        x and y coordinates estimated position of the central object
    xm, ym = ndimage.center_of_mass(np.ma.masked_invalid(image))
    n = 2 * halfwidth + 1
    subimage, xmymsmall = extract_array(image, (n, n), (xm, ym),
    x1, y1 = ndimage.center_of_mass(np.ma.masked_invalid(subimage))
    # xmymsmall is the xm, ym position in the coordinates of subimage
    # So, correct the initial (xm, ym) by delta(xmsmall, x1)
    return xm + (x1 - xmymsmall[0]), ym + (y1 - xmymsmall[1])
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def fit(self, data, indices):
        Fit PSF/PRF to data.

        Fits the PSF/PRF to the data and returns the best fitting flux.
        If the data contains NaN values or if the source is not completely
        contained in the image data the fitting is omitted and a flux of 0
        is returned.

        For reasons of performance, indices for the data have to be created
        outside and passed to the function.

        The fit is performed on a slice of the data with the same size as
        the PRF.

        data : ndarray
            Array containig image data.
        indices : ndarray
            Array with indices of the data. As
            returned by np.indices(data.shape)

        flux : float
            Best fit flux value. Returns flux = 0 if PSF is not completely
            contained in the image or if NaN values are present.
        # Set position
        position = (self.y_0.value, self.x_0.value)

        # Extract sub array with data of interest
        sub_array_data = extract_array(data, self.shape, position)

        # Fit only if PSF is completely contained in the image and no NaN
        # values are present
        if (sub_array_data.shape == self.shape
                and not np.isnan(sub_array_data).any()):
            y = extract_array(indices[0], self.shape, position)
            x = extract_array(indices[1], self.shape, position)
            m = self.fitter(self, x, y, sub_array_data)
            return m.amplitude.value
            return 0
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def fit(self, data, indices):
        Fit PSF/PRF to data.

        Fits the PSF/PRF to the data and returns the best fitting flux.
        If the data contains NaN values or if the source is not completely
        contained in the image data the fitting is omitted and a flux of 0
        is returned.

        For reasons of performance, indices for the data have to be created
        outside and passed to the function.

        The fit is performed on a slice of the data with the same size as
        the PRF.

        data : ndarray
            Array containig image data.
        indices : ndarray
            Array with indices of the data. As
            returned by np.indices(data.shape)

        flux : float
            Best fit flux value. Returns flux = 0 if PSF is not completely
            contained in the image or if NaN values are present.
        # Set position
        position = (self.y_0.value, self.x_0.value)

        # Extract sub array with data of interest
        sub_array_data = extract_array(data, self.shape, position)

        # Fit only if PSF is completely contained in the image and no NaN
        # values are present
        if (sub_array_data.shape == self.shape and
                not np.isnan(sub_array_data).any()):
            y = extract_array(indices[0], self.shape, position)
            x = extract_array(indices[1], self.shape, position)
            m = self.fitter(self, x, y, sub_array_data)
            return m.amplitude.value
            return 0
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def fit(self, data, indices):
        Fit PSF/PRF to data.

        Fits the PSF/PRF to the data and returns the best fitting flux.
        If the data contains NaN values or if the source is not completely
        contained in the image data the fitting is omitted and a flux of 0
        is returned.

        For reasons of performance, indices for the data have to be created
        outside and passed to the function.

        The fit is performed on a slice of the data with the same size as
        the PRF.

        data : ndarray
            Array containig image data.
        indices : ndarray
            Array with indices of the data. As
            returned by np.indices(data.shape)
        # Extract sub array of the data of the size of the PRF grid
        sub_array_data = extract_array(data, self.shape,
                                       (self.y_0.value, self.x_0.value))

        # Fit only if PSF is completely contained in the image and no NaN
        # values are present
        if (sub_array_data.shape == self.shape and
                not np.isnan(sub_array_data).any()):
            y = extract_array(indices[0], self.shape,
                              (self.y_0.value, self.x_0.value))
            x = extract_array(indices[1], self.shape,
                              (self.y_0.value, self.x_0.value))
            # TODO: It should be discussed whether this is the right
            # place to fix the warning.  Maybe it should be handled better
            # in astropy.modeling.fitting
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", AstropyUserWarning)
                m = self.fitter(self, x, y, sub_array_data)
            return m.amplitude.value
            return 0
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def fit(self, data, indices):
        Fit PSF/PRF to data.

        Fits the PSF/PRF to the data and returns the best fitting flux.
        If the data contains NaN values or if the source is not completely
        contained in the image data the fitting is omitted and a flux of 0
        is returned.

        For reasons of performance, indices for the data have to be created
        outside and passed to the function.

        The fit is performed on a slice of the data with the same size as
        the PRF.

        data : ndarray
            Array containig image data.
        indices : ndarray
            Array with indices of the data. As
            returned by np.indices(data.shape)
        # Extract sub array of the data of the size of the PRF grid
        sub_array_data = extract_array(data, self.shape,
                                       (self.y_0.value, self.x_0.value))

        # Fit only if PSF is completely contained in the image and no NaN
        # values are present
        if (sub_array_data.shape == self.shape
                and not np.isnan(sub_array_data).any()):
            y = extract_array(indices[0], self.shape,
                              (self.y_0.value, self.x_0.value))
            x = extract_array(indices[1], self.shape,
                              (self.y_0.value, self.x_0.value))
            # TODO: It should be discussed whether this is the right
            # place to fix the warning.  Maybe it should be handled better
            # in astropy.modeling.fitting
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                warnings.simplefilter("ignore", AstropyUserWarning)
                m = self.fitter(self, x, y, sub_array_data)
            return m.amplitude.value
            return 0
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_extract_array_easy(mode):
    Test extract_array utility function.

    Test by extracting an array of ones out of an array of zeros.
    large_test_array = np.zeros((11, 11))
    small_test_array = np.ones((5, 5))
    large_test_array[3:8, 3:8] = small_test_array
    extracted_array = extract_array(large_test_array, (5, 5), (5, 5),
    assert np.all(extracted_array == small_test_array)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def extract_array(*args, **kwargs):
    Wrapper for astropy.nddata.utils.extract_array that reproduces v1.1 behavior
    even if an older Astropy is installed.
    from astropy.nddata.utils import extract_array

    # fill_value keyword is not in v1.0.x
    if 'fill_value' in inspect.getargspec(extract_array)[0]:
        return extract_array(*args, **kwargs)
        return _extract_array_astropy1p1(*args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_extract_array_easy(mode):
    Test extract_array utility function.

    Test by extracting an array of ones out of an array of zeros.
    large_test_array = np.zeros((11, 11))
    small_test_array = np.ones((5, 5))
    large_test_array[3:8, 3:8] = small_test_array
    extracted_array = extract_array(large_test_array, (5, 5), (5, 5),
    assert np.all(extracted_array == small_test_array)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_extract_array_return_pos():
    '''Check that the return position is calculated correctly.

    The result will differ by mode. All test here are done in 1d because it's
    easier to construct correct test cases.
    large_test_array = np.arange(5)
    for i in np.arange(-1, 6):
        extracted, new_pos = extract_array(large_test_array, 3, i,
        assert new_pos == (1, )
    # Now check an array with an even number
    for i, expected in zip([1.49, 1.51, 3], [0.49, 0.51, 1]):
        extracted, new_pos = extract_array(large_test_array, (2,), (i,),
                                           mode='strict', return_position=True)
        assert new_pos == (expected, )
    # For mode='trim' the answer actually depends
    for i, expected in zip(np.arange(-1, 6), (-1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)):
        extracted, new_pos = extract_array(large_test_array, (3,), (i,),
                                           mode='trim', return_position=True)
        assert new_pos == (expected, )
Ejemplo n.º 21
def extract_array(*args, **kwargs):
    Wrapper for astropy.nddata.utils.extract_array that reproduces v1.1
    behavior even if an older Astropy is installed.

    from astropy.nddata.utils import extract_array

    # fill_value keyword is not in v1.0.x
    if 'fill_value' in inspect.getargspec(extract_array)[0]:
        return extract_array(*args, **kwargs)
        return _extract_array_astropy1p1(*args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_extract_array_1d_odd():
    '''Extract 1 d arrays.

    All dimensions are treated the same, so we can test in 1 dim.
    The first few lines test the most error-prone part: Extraction of an
    array on the boundaries.
    Additional tests (e.g. dtype of return array) are done for the last
    case only.
    assert np.all(extract_array(np.arange(4), (3,), (-1, ),
                                fill_value=-99) == np.array([-99, -99, 0]))
    assert np.all(extract_array(np.arange(4), (3,), (0, ),
                                fill_value=-99) == np.array([-99, 0, 1]))
    for i in [1, 2]:
        assert np.all(extract_array(np.arange(4), (3,), (i, )) ==
                      np.array([i-1, i, i+1]))
    assert np.all(extract_array(np.arange(4), (3,), (3, ),
                                fill_value=-99) == np.array([2, 3, -99]))
    arrayin = np.arange(4.)
    extracted = extract_array(arrayin, (3,), (4, ))
    assert extracted[0] == 3
    assert np.isnan(extracted[1])  # since I cannot use `==` to test for nan
    assert extracted.dtype == arrayin.dtype
Ejemplo n.º 23
def add_islands5533(evt, image):
    '''Extract 5x5 and 3x3 event islands from image at FRAME, X, Y pos in ``evt``

    evt : `astropy.table.Table`
        Event table
    image : np.array of shape (frame, x, y)
        3d background subtracted image
    evt['5X5'] = [extract_array(image[i, :, :], (5, 5), (j, k))
                  for i, j, k in zip(evt['FRAME'], evt['X'] - 1 - (evt.meta['ROIX0'][0] - 1),
                                     evt['Y'] - 1 - (evt.meta['ROIY0'][0] - 1))]
    evt['3X3'] = evt['5X5'].data[:, 1:-1, 1:-1]
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def extract(self, cutout_region):
        data = self.data
        data_shape = data.shape
        position, shape = self._get_position_shape(data_shape, cutout_region)
        logger.debug('Position {} and Shape {}'.format(position, shape))

        # No pixels specified, so return the entire HDU
        if (not position and not shape) or shape == data_shape:
            logger.debug('Returning entire HDU data for {}'.format(
            cutout_data = data
            logger.debug('Cutting out {} at {} for extension {} from  \
            {}.'.format(shape, position, cutout_region.get_extension(),
            cutout_data, position = extract_array(data,

        if self.wcs:
            cutout_shape = cutout_data.shape
            output_wcs = deepcopy(self.wcs)
            wcs_crpix = output_wcs.wcs.crpix
            l_wcs_crpix = len(wcs_crpix)
            ranges = cutout_region.get_ranges()

            logger.debug('Adjusting WCS.')

            for idx, _ in enumerate(ranges):
                if idx < l_wcs_crpix:
                    wcs_crpix[idx] -= (ranges[idx][0] - 1.0)

            output_wcs._naxis = list(cutout_shape)

            if self.wcs.sip:
                curr_sip = self.wcs.sip
                output_wcs.sip = Sip(curr_sip.a, curr_sip.b, curr_sip.ap,
                                     curr_sip.bp, wcs_crpix[0:2])

            logger.debug('WCS adjusted.')
            logger.debug('No WCS present.')
            output_wcs = None

        return CutoutResult(data=cutout_data,
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def _daofind_cutout_conv(self):
        3D array containing 2D cutouts centered on each source from the
        DAOFind convolved data.

        The cutout size always matches the size of the DAOFind kernel,
        which has odd dimensions.
        cutout = []
        for xpeak, ypeak in zip(self._xpeak, self._ypeak):
                              self._daofind_kernel.data.shape, (ypeak, xpeak),
        return np.array(cutout)  # all cutouts are the same size
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def _daofind_cutout_conv(self):
        3D array containing 2D cutouts centered on each source from the
        DAOFind convolved data.

        The cutout size always matches the size of the DAOFind kernel,
        which has odd dimensions.
        cutout = []
        for xcen, ycen in zip(*np.transpose(self._xypos_finite)):
                cutout_ = extract_array(self._daofind_convolved_data,
                                        (ycen, xcen),
            except NoOverlapError:
                cutout_ = np.zeros(self._daofind_kernel.shape)

        return np.array(cutout)  # all cutouts are the same size
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def extract(self, cutout_region):
        data = self.data
        data_shape = data.shape
        position, shape = self._get_position_shape(data_shape, cutout_region)
        self.logger.debug('Position {} and Shape {}'.format(position, shape))

        # No pixels specified, so return the entire HDU
        if (not position and not shape) or shape == data_shape:
            self.logger.debug('Returning entire HDU data for {}'.format(
            cutout_data = data
            self.logger.debug('Cutting out {} at {} for extension {} from {}.'.format(
                shape, position, cutout_region.get_extension(), data.shape))
            cutout_data, position = extract_array(data, shape, position, mode='partial', return_position=True)

        if self.wcs is not None:
            cutout_shape = cutout_data.shape
            output_wcs = deepcopy(self.wcs)
            wcs_crpix = output_wcs.wcs.crpix
            ranges = cutout_region.get_ranges()
            l_ranges = len(ranges)

            while len(wcs_crpix) < l_ranges:
                wcs_crpix = np.append(wcs_crpix, 1.0)

            for idx, _ in enumerate(ranges):
                wcs_crpix[idx] -= (ranges[idx][0] - 1)

            output_wcs._naxis = list(cutout_shape)

            if self.wcs.sip is not None:
                curr_sip = self.wcs.sip
                output_wcs.sip = Sip(curr_sip.a, curr_sip.b,
                                     curr_sip.ap, curr_sip.bp,
            output_wcs = None

        return CutoutResult(data=cutout_data, wcs=output_wcs, wcs_crpix=wcs_crpix)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def subtract_psf(data, psf, posflux, subshape=None):
    Subtract PSF/PRFs from an image.

    data : `~astropy.nddata.NDData` or array (must be 2D)
        Image data.
    psf : `astropy.modeling.Fittable2DModel` instance
        PSF/PRF model to be substracted from the data.
    posflux : Array-like of shape (3, N) or `~astropy.table.Table`
        Positions and fluxes for the objects to subtract.  If an array,
        it is interpreted as ``(x, y, flux)``  If a table, the columns
        'x_fit', 'y_fit', and 'flux_fit' must be present.
    subshape : length-2 or None
        The shape of the region around the center of the location to
        subtract the PSF from.  If None, subtract from the whole image.

    subdata : same shape and type as ``data``
        The image with the PSF subtracted

    if data.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError('{0}-d array not supported. Only 2-d arrays can be '
                         'passed to subtract_psf.'.format(data.ndim))

    #  translate array input into table
    if hasattr(posflux, 'colnames'):
        if 'x_fit' not in posflux.colnames:
            raise ValueError('Input table does not have x_fit')
        if 'y_fit' not in posflux.colnames:
            raise ValueError('Input table does not have y_fit')
        if 'flux_fit' not in posflux.colnames:
            raise ValueError('Input table does not have flux_fit')
        posflux = Table(names=['x_fit', 'y_fit', 'flux_fit'], data=posflux)

    # Set up contstants across the loop
    psf = psf.copy()
    xname, yname, fluxname = _extract_psf_fitting_names(psf)
    indices = np.indices(data.shape)
    subbeddata = data.copy()

    if subshape is None:
        indicies_reversed = indices[::-1]

        for row in posflux:
            getattr(psf, xname).value = row['x_fit']
            getattr(psf, yname).value = row['y_fit']
            getattr(psf, fluxname).value = row['flux_fit']

            subbeddata -= psf(*indicies_reversed)
        for row in posflux:
            x_0, y_0 = row['x_fit'], row['y_fit']

            y = extract_array(indices[0], subshape, (y_0, x_0))
            x = extract_array(indices[1], subshape, (y_0, x_0))

            getattr(psf, xname).value = x_0
            getattr(psf, yname).value = y_0
            getattr(psf, fluxname).value = row['flux_fit']

            subbeddata = add_array(subbeddata, -psf(x, y), (y_0, x_0))

    return subbeddata
Ejemplo n.º 29
def test_extract_array_wrong_mode():
    '''Call extract_array with non-existing mode.'''
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
        extract_array(np.arange(4), (2, ), (0, ), mode='full')
    assert "Valid modes are 'partial', 'trim', and 'strict'." == str(e.value)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_extract_array_1d():
    """In 1d, shape can be int instead of tuple"""
    assert np.all(extract_array(np.arange(4), 3, (-1, ),
                                fill_value=-99) == np.array([-99, -99, 0]))
    assert np.all(extract_array(np.arange(4), 3, -1,
                                fill_value=-99) == np.array([-99, -99, 0]))
Ejemplo n.º 31
def get_subpixel_patch(img_data, src_pos=None, src_shape=None, 
        max_offset=3, subsampling=5, normalize=False, xmin=None, 
        ymin=None, xmax=None, ymax=None, order=5,
        window_sampling=100, window_radius=1, smoothing=0,
    Interpolate an image by subdividing each pixel into ``subpixels``
    pixels. It also (optionally) centers the patch on the pixel with 
    the maximum flux.
    img_data: array-like
        The image data to use for extraction
    src_pos: tuple, optional
        Position (y,x) of the center of the patch. Either obj_pos must
        be given or one of the following: xmin,ymin and obj_shape;
        xmax,ymax and obj_shape; or xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax.
    src_shape: tuple, optional
        Shape (y size, x size) of the patch in the *original* image.
        Each of these must be an odd number
    max_offset: float, optional
        Size of the border (in pixels from the original image) to extract
        from the patch of the original image. This allows the function
        to re-center the patch on the new maximum, which may be slightly
        different. If ``offset_buffer=0`` or the change in position is
        greater than the ``offset_buffer``, then re-centering is cancelled.
        This is necessary because in crowded fields multiple objects
        may be overlapping and this prevents fainter sources from being
        re-centered on their brighter neighbors. For this reason it is
        good to set ``offset_buffer`` small so that only minor corrections
        will be made.
    subpixels: integer, optional
        Number of pixels to subdivide the original image. This
        must be an odd number. *Default=5*
    normalize: bool, optional
        Whether or not to normalize the data so that the maximum
        value is 1. *Default=True*
    xmin,ymin: tuple, optional
        Location of the top left corner of the patch to extract. If these
        arguments are used then either xmax,ymax or obj_shape must also
        be set.
    xmax, ymax: tuple, optional
        Location of the top left corner of the patch to extract. If these
        arguments are used then either xmin,ymin or obj_shape must also
        be set.
    order: tuple, optional
        Order of the polynomial to fit to the data. *Default=5*
    window_radius: int, optional
        Radius of the window (in image pixels) to use to center the patch.
    window_sampling: int, optional
        How much to subdivide the window used to recenter the
        source. *Default=100*
    show_plots: bool, optional
        Whether or not to show a plot of the array centered on the
        sources position. *Default=False*
    obj_data: `numpy.ndarray`
        The subdivided patch of the image centered on the maximum value.
    X,Y: `~numpy.ndarray`
        x and y coordinates of the patch
    from astropy.nddata.utils import extract_array
        from scipy import interpolate
    except ImportError:
        raise Exception(
            "You must have scipy installed to use the subpixel method")
    err_msg = "To extract a patch one of the following combinations " \
        "must be given: obj_pos and obj_shape; xmin,ymin and obj_shape;" \
        "xmax,ymax and obj_shape; or xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,"
    # Allow the user to choose the patch based on its center position
    # and shape, bounds, or a single x,y bound and shape
    if src_pos is None:
        if xmin is not None and ymin is not None:
            if xmax is not None and ymax is not None:
                src_pos = (.5*(ymin+ymax),.5*(xmin+xmax))
                src_shape = (ymax-ymin, xmax-xmin)
            elif src_shape is not None:
                src_pos = (ymin+.5*src_shape[0], xmin+.5*src_shape[1])
                raise Exception(err_msg)
        elif xmax is not None and ymax is not None:
            if src_shape is not None:
                src_pos = (ymax-.5*src_shape[0], xmax-.5*src_shape[1])
                raise Exception(err_msg)
    elif src_shape is None:
        raise Exception(err_msg)
    obj_pos = np.array(src_pos)
    obj_shape = np.array(src_shape)
    # use a pixelated position (since this corresponds to the indices of the 
    # array) to extract that data, which will be used for interpolation
    pix_pos = np.round(obj_pos)
    # Extract object data from the image with a buffer in case the maximum is 
    # not in the center and create an interpolation function
    data = extract_array(img_data, tuple(obj_shape+2*max_offset), pix_pos)
    x_radius = .5*(data.shape[1]-1)
    y_radius = .5*(data.shape[0]-1)
    X = np.linspace(pix_pos[1]-x_radius, pix_pos[1]+x_radius, 
    Y = np.linspace(pix_pos[0]-y_radius, pix_pos[0]+y_radius, 
    data_func = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(Y, X, data, 
        kx=order, ky=order, s=smoothing)
    # If the extracted array contains NaN values return a masked array
    if not np.all(np.isfinite(data)) or max_offset==0:
        x_radius = .5*(obj_shape[1]-1)
        y_radius = .5*(obj_shape[0]-1)
        X = np.linspace(obj_pos[1]-x_radius, obj_pos[1]+x_radius, 
        Y = np.linspace(obj_pos[0]-y_radius, obj_pos[0]+y_radius, 
        new_pos = src_pos
        if max_offset==0:
            # Get the interpolated information centered on the source position
            obj_data = data_func(Y, X)
            w = "The patch for the source at {0} ".format(obj_pos)
            w += "contains NaN values, cannot interpolate"
            obj_data = None
        dx = max_offset*subsampling
        X = np.linspace(obj_pos[1]-dx, obj_pos[1]+dx, 
        Y = np.linspace(obj_pos[0]-dx, obj_pos[0]+dx, 
        Z = data_func(Y, X)
        # Calculate the number of subpixels to move the center
        peak_idx = np.array(np.unravel_index(np.argmax(Z), Z.shape))
        center = .5*(np.array(Z.shape)-1)
        dpeak = np.abs(center-peak_idx)

        # Get the the interpolated image centered on the maximum pixel value
        center_pos = obj_pos-dpeak/subsampling
        X = np.linspace(center_pos[1]-max_offset, 
            center_pos[1]+max_offset, window_sampling)
        Y = np.linspace(center_pos[0]-max_offset, 
            center_pos[0]+max_offset, window_sampling)
        Z = data_func(Y,X)
        if show_plots:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            plt.imshow(Z, interpolation='none')
            plt.title("before centering")
        yidx,xidx = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(Z), Z.shape)
        new_pos = (Y[yidx], X[xidx])
        # Extract the array centered on the new position
        x_radius = .5*(obj_shape[1]-1)
        y_radius = .5*(obj_shape[0]-1)
        X = np.linspace(new_pos[1]-x_radius, new_pos[1]+x_radius, 
        Y = np.linspace(new_pos[0]-y_radius, new_pos[0]+y_radius, 
        obj_data = data_func(Y, X)
        if show_plots:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            plt.imshow(obj_data, interpolation='none')
            plt.title("after centering")
        peak_idx = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(obj_data), obj_data.shape)
        center = (int((obj_data.shape[0]-1)/2), int((obj_data.shape[1]-1)/2.))
        dpeak = ((center[0]-peak_idx[0])/subsampling, 
    # Normalize the data so that each source will be on the same scale
    if normalize and obj_data is not None:
        obj_data = obj_data/np.max(obj_data)
    return obj_data, X, Y, new_pos
Ejemplo n.º 32
def main(imgs_dir, ref_path, new_path, details):

    if not os.path.isdir(imgs_dir):

    ref_dest = os.path.join(imgs_dir, 'ref.fits')
    new_dest = os.path.join(imgs_dir, 'new.fits')

    os.rename(ref_path, ref_dest)
    os.rename(new_path, new_dest)

    ref = si.SingleImage(ref_dest, borders=False) #, crop=((150,150), (150, 150)))
    new = si.SingleImage(new_dest, borders=False) #, crop=((150,150), (150, 150)))

    #~ ##  Adding stars
    foo = new.cov_matrix
    srcs = new.best_sources

    rows = []
    for i in range(15):
        j = np.random.choice(len(srcs), 1, replace=False)
        flux = srcs['flux'][j][0]
        xs = srcs['x'][j][0]
        ys = srcs['y'][j][0]
        position = (ys, xs)
        sx, sy = new.stamp_shape
        sx += 3
        sy += 3
        star = extract_array(new.pixeldata.data,
                             (sx, sy), position,
        #print flux
        #~ star = flux*new.db.load(j)[0]

        x = np.random.choice(new.pixeldata.shape[0]-3*sx, 1)[0] + sx#* np.random.random())
        y = np.random.choice(new.pixeldata.shape[1]-3*sy, 1)[0] + sy
        # np.int((new.pixeldata.shape[1]-star.shape[1]) * np.random.random())
        #~ if new.pixeldata.data[x:x+sx, y:y+sy].shape != star.shape:
            #~ import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
        new.pixeldata.data[x:x+sx, y:y+sy] = star
            #~ except:
                #~ continue
        xc = x+sx/2.
        yc = y+sy/2.
        app_mag = -2.5*np.log10(flux)+25.

        rows.append([yc, xc, app_mag, flux])

    newcat = Table(rows=rows, names=['x', 'y', 'app_mag', 'flux'])
    fits.writeto(filename=new_dest, header=fits.getheader(new_dest),
                 data=new.pixeldata.data, overwrite=True)
    new = si.SingleImage(new_dest, borders=False) #, crop=((150,150), (150, 150)))
    newcat.write(os.path.join(imgs_dir, 'transient.list'),

    fits.writeto(filename=os.path.join(imgs_dir, 'interp_ref.fits'), data=ref.interped, overwrite=True)
    fits.writeto(filename=os.path.join(imgs_dir, 'interp_new.fits'), data=new.interped, overwrite=True)

        print 'Images to be subtracted: {} {}'.format(ref_dest, new_dest)
        import time
        t0 = time.time()
        D, P, S, mask = ps.diff(ref, new, align=False,
                               iterative=False, shift=False, beta=True)
        dt_z = time.time() - t0
        mea, med, std = sigma_clipped_stats(D.real)
        D = np.ma.MaskedArray(D.real, mask).filled(mea)

        fits.writeto(os.path.join(imgs_dir,'diff.fits'), D, overwrite=True)
        #~ utils.encapsule_R(D, path=os.path.join(imgs_dir, 'diff.fits'))
        utils.encapsule_R(P, path=os.path.join(imgs_dir, 'psf_d.fits'))
        utils.encapsule_R(S, path=os.path.join(imgs_dir, 's_diff.fits'))

        scorrdetected = utils.find_S_local_maxima(S, threshold=3.5)
        print 'S_corr found thath {} transients were above 3.5 sigmas'.format(len(scorrdetected))
                output=os.path.join(imgs_dir, 's_corr_detected.csv'),
                names=['X_IMAGE', 'Y_IMAGE', 'SIGNIFICANCE'],

        S = np.ascontiguousarray(S)
        #~ s_bkg = sep.Background(S)
        mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(S)
        sdetected = sep.extract(S-median, 3.5*std,
        print 'S_corr with sep found thath {} transients were above 3.5 sigmas'.format(len(sdetected))
                    output=os.path.join(imgs_dir, 'sdetected.csv'),

    ##  With OIS
        t0 = time.time()
        ois_d = ois.optimal_system(fits.getdata(new_dest), fits.getdata(ref_dest))[0]
        dt_o = time.time() - t0
        utils.encapsule_R(ois_d, path=os.path.join(imgs_dir, 'diff_ois.fits'))

    ##  With HOTPANTS
        t0 = time.time()
        os.system('hotpants -v 0 -inim {} -tmplim {} -outim {} -r 15 -tu 40000 -tl -100 -il -100 -iu 40000'.format(new_dest, ref_dest,
            os.path.join(imgs_dir, 'diff_hot.fits')))
        dt_h = time.time() - t0

        return [newcat.to_pandas(), [dt_z, dt_o, dt_h]]
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def create_from_image(cls,
        Create a discrete point response function (PRF) from image data.

        Given a list of positions and size this function estimates an
        image of the PRF by extracting and combining the individual PRFs
        from the given positions.

        NaN values are either ignored by passing a mask or can be
        replaced by the mirrored value with respect to the center of the

        Note that if fluxes are *not* specified explicitly, it will be
        flux estimated from an aperture of the same size as the PRF
        image. This does *not* account for aperture corrections so often
        will *not* be what you want for anything other than quick-look

        imdata : array
            Data array with the image to extract the PRF from

        positions : List or array or `~astropy.table.Table`
            List of pixel coordinate source positions to use in creating
            the PRF.  If this is a `~astropy.table.Table` it must have
            columns called ``x_0`` and ``y_0``.

        size : odd int
            Size of the quadratic PRF image in pixels.

        mask : bool array, optional
            Boolean array to mask out bad values.

        fluxes : array, optional
            Object fluxes to normalize extracted PRFs. If not given (or
            None), the flux is estimated from an aperture of the same
            size as the PRF image.

        mode : {'mean', 'median'}
            One of the following modes to combine the extracted PRFs:
                * 'mean':  Take the pixelwise mean of the extracted PRFs.
                * 'median':  Take the pixelwise median of the extracted PRFs.

        subsampling : int
            Factor of subsampling of the PRF (default = 1).

        fix_nan : bool
            Fix NaN values in the data by replacing it with the
            mirrored value. Assuming that the PRF is symmetrical.

        prf : `photutils.psf.sandbox.DiscretePRF`
            Discrete PRF model estimated from data.
        # Check input array type and dimension.
        if np.iscomplexobj(imdata):
            raise TypeError('Complex type not supported')
        if imdata.ndim != 2:
            raise ValueError(f'{imdata.ndim}-d array not supported. '
                             'Only 2-d arrays supported.')
        if size % 2 == 0:
            raise TypeError("Size must be odd.")

        if fluxes is not None and len(fluxes) != len(positions):
            raise TypeError('Position and flux arrays must be of equal '

        if mask is None:
            mask = np.isnan(imdata)

        if isinstance(positions, (list, tuple)):
            positions = np.array(positions)

        if isinstance(positions, Table) or \
                (isinstance(positions, np.ndarray) and
                 positions.dtype.names is not None):
            # One can do clever things like
            # positions['x_0', 'y_0'].as_array().view((positions['x_0'].dtype,
            #                                          2))
            # but that requires positions['x_0'].dtype is
            # positions['y_0'].dtype.
            # Better do something simple to allow type promotion if required.
            pos = np.empty((len(positions), 2))
            pos[:, 0] = positions['x_0']
            pos[:, 1] = positions['y_0']
            positions = pos

        if isinstance(fluxes, (list, tuple)):
            fluxes = np.array(fluxes)

        if mode == 'mean':
            combine = np.ma.mean
        elif mode == 'median':
            combine = np.ma.median
            raise Exception('Invalid mode to combine prfs.')

        data_internal = np.ma.array(data=imdata, mask=mask)
        prf_model = np.ndarray(shape=(subsampling, subsampling, size, size))
        positions_subpixel_indices = \
            np.array([subpixel_indices(_, subsampling) for _ in positions],

        for i in range(subsampling):
            for j in range(subsampling):
                extracted_sub_prfs = []
                sub_prf_indices = np.all(positions_subpixel_indices == [j, i],
                if not sub_prf_indices.any():
                    raise ValueError('The source coordinates do not sample '
                                     'all sub-pixel positions. Reduce the '
                                     'value of the subsampling parameter.')

                positions_sub_prfs = positions[sub_prf_indices]
                for k, position in enumerate(positions_sub_prfs):
                    x, y = position
                    extracted_prf = extract_array(data_internal, (size, size),
                                                  (y, x))
                    # Check shape to exclude incomplete PRFs at the boundaries
                    # of the image
                    if (extracted_prf.shape == (size, size)
                            and np.ma.sum(extracted_prf) != 0):
                        # Replace NaN values by mirrored value, with respect
                        # to the prf's center
                        if fix_nan:
                            prf_nan = extracted_prf.mask
                            if prf_nan.any():
                                if (prf_nan.sum() > 3
                                        or prf_nan[size // 2, size // 2]):
                                    extracted_prf = mask_to_mirrored_value(
                                        extracted_prf, prf_nan,
                                        (size // 2, size // 2))
                        # Normalize and add extracted PRF to data cube
                        if fluxes is None:
                            extracted_prf_norm = (np.ma.copy(extracted_prf) /
                            fluxes_sub_prfs = fluxes[sub_prf_indices]
                            extracted_prf_norm = (np.ma.copy(extracted_prf) /
                prf_model[i, j] = np.ma.getdata(
                    combine(np.ma.dstack(extracted_sub_prfs), axis=2))
        return cls(prf_model, subsampling=subsampling)
Ejemplo n.º 34
def _ts_value(position, counts, exposure, background, C_0_map, kernel, flux,
              method, optimizer, threshold):
    Compute TS value at a given pixel position i, j using the approach described
    in Stewart (2009).

    position : tuple (i, j)
        Pixel position.
    counts : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Count map.
    background : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Background map.
    exposure : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Exposure map.
    kernel : `astropy.convolution.Kernel2D`
        Source model kernel.
    flux : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Flux map. The flux value at the given pixel position is used as
        starting value for the minimization.

    TS : float
        TS value at the given pixel position.
    # Get data slices
    counts_ = extract_array(counts, kernel.shape, position).astype(float)
    background_ = extract_array(background, kernel.shape,
    exposure_ = extract_array(exposure, kernel.shape, position).astype(float)
    C_0_ = extract_array(C_0_map, kernel.shape, position)
    model = (exposure_ * kernel._array).astype(float)

    C_0 = C_0_.sum()

    if threshold is not None:
        with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'):
            C_1 = f_cash(flux[position], counts_, background_, model)
        # Don't fit if pixel is low significant
        if C_0 - C_1 < threshold:
            return C_0 - C_1, flux[position] * FLUX_FACTOR, 0

    if method == 'fit minuit':
        amplitude, niter = _fit_amplitude_minuit(counts_, background_, model,
    elif method == 'fit scipy':
        amplitude, niter = _fit_amplitude_scipy(counts_, background_, model)
    elif method == 'root newton':
        amplitude, niter = _root_amplitude(counts_, background_, model,
    elif method == 'root brentq':
        amplitude, niter = _root_amplitude_brentq(counts_, background_, model)
        raise ValueError('Invalid fitting method.')

    if niter > MAX_NITER:
        logging.warn('Exceeded maximum number of function evaluations!')
        return np.nan, amplitude * FLUX_FACTOR, niter

    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'):
        C_1 = f_cash(amplitude, counts_, background_, model)

    # Compute and return TS value
    return (C_0 - C_1) * np.sign(amplitude), amplitude * FLUX_FACTOR, niter
Ejemplo n.º 35
def test_extract_Array_float():
    """integer is at bin center"""
    for a in np.arange(2.51, 3.49, 0.1):
        assert np.all(extract_array(np.arange(5), 3, a) ==
                      np.array([2, 3, 4]))
Ejemplo n.º 36
def create_prf(data,
    Estimate point response function (PRF) from image data.

    Given a list of positions and size this function estimates an image of
    the PRF by extracting and combining the individual PRFs from the given
    positions. Different modes of combining are available.

    NaN values are either ignored by passing a mask or can be replaced by
    the mirrored value with respect to the center of the PRF.

    Furthermore it is possible to specify fluxes to have a correct
    normalization of the individual PRFs. Otherwise the flux is estimated from
    a quadratic aperture of the same size as the PRF image.

    data : array
        Data array
    positions : List or array
        List of pixel coordinate source positions to use in creating the PRF.
    size : odd int
        Size of the quadratic PRF image in pixels.
    mask : bool array, optional
        Boolean array to mask out bad values.
    fluxes : array, optional
        Object fluxes to normalize extracted PRFs.
    mode : {'mean', 'median'}
        One of the following modes to combine the extracted PRFs:
            * 'mean'
                Take the pixelwise mean of the extracted PRFs.
            * 'median'
                Take the pixelwise median of the extracted PRFs.
    subsampling : int
        Factor of subsampling of the PRF (default = 1).
    fix_nan : bool
        Fix NaN values in the data by replacing it with the
        mirrored value. Assuming that the PRF is symmetrical.

    prf : `photutils.psf.DiscretePRF`
        Discrete PRF model estimated from data.

    In Astronomy different definitions of Point Spread Function (PSF) and
    Point Response Function (PRF) are used. Here we assume that the PRF is
    an image of a point source after discretization e.g. with a CCD. This
    definition is equivalent to the `Spitzer definiton of the PRF

    `Spitzer PSF vs. PRF

    `Kepler PSF calibration

    `The Kepler Pixel Response Function

    # Check input array type and dimension.
    if np.iscomplexobj(data):
        raise TypeError('Complex type not supported')
    if data.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError('{0}-d array not supported. '
                         'Only 2-d arrays supported.'.format(data.ndim))
    if size % 2 == 0:
        raise TypeError("Size must be odd.")

    if fluxes is not None and len(fluxes) != len(positions):
        raise TypeError("Position and flux arrays must be of equal length.")

    if mask is None:
        mask = np.isnan(data)

    if isinstance(positions, (list, tuple)):
        positions = np.array(positions)

    if isinstance(fluxes, (list, tuple)):
        fluxes = np.array(fluxes)

    if mode == 'mean':
        combine = np.ma.mean
    elif mode == 'median':
        combine = np.ma.median
        raise Exception('Invalid mode to combine prfs.')

    data_internal = np.ma.array(data=data, mask=mask)
    prf_model = np.ndarray(shape=(subsampling, subsampling, size, size))
    positions_subpixel_indices = np.array(
        [subpixel_indices(_, subsampling) for _ in positions], dtype=np.int)

    for i in range(subsampling):
        for j in range(subsampling):
            extracted_sub_prfs = []
            sub_prf_indices = np.all(positions_subpixel_indices == [j, i],
            positions_sub_prfs = positions[sub_prf_indices]
            for k, position in enumerate(positions_sub_prfs):
                x, y = position
                extracted_prf = extract_array(data_internal, (size, size),
                                              (y, x))
                # Check shape to exclude incomplete PRFs at the boundaries
                # of the image
                if (extracted_prf.shape == (size, size)
                        and np.ma.sum(extracted_prf) != 0):
                    # Replace NaN values by mirrored value, with respect
                    # to the prf's center
                    if fix_nan:
                        prf_nan = extracted_prf.mask
                        if prf_nan.any():
                            if (prf_nan.sum() > 3
                                    or prf_nan[size // 2, size // 2]):
                                extracted_prf = mask_to_mirrored_num(
                                    extracted_prf, prf_nan,
                                    (size // 2, size // 2))
                    # Normalize and add extracted PRF to data cube
                    if fluxes is None:
                        extracted_prf_norm = (np.ma.copy(extracted_prf) /
                        fluxes_sub_prfs = fluxes[sub_prf_indices]
                        extracted_prf_norm = (np.ma.copy(extracted_prf) /
            prf_model[i, j] = np.ma.getdata(
                combine(np.ma.dstack(extracted_sub_prfs), axis=2))
    return DiscretePRF(prf_model, subsampling=subsampling)
Ejemplo n.º 37
def extr_array(NN,
               s=(3 / 60.),
	Produces a smaller image from the entire fitsim, with dimension s x s. 
	around coordinates ra,dec. If head != None, then provide the head and hdulist
	of the image that the source is in, else provide fitsim.  

	(A big part of this function is a re-run of the postage function,
	since we need to make a new postage basically, but this time as an array.)

	NN - Boolean indicating if it's an NN source or a MG source.
	fitsim -- Image (.fits) that the source is located in. 
			  Faster if there is a small cutout file.
	ra,dec -- Right ascension and declination of the source. Will be center of image
	nn_ra, nn_dec, nn_dist -- RA, DEC and distance of nearest neighbour source.
	maj -- major axis of the source. Used for classifying the error.
	s -- Dimension of the cutout image. Default 3 arcminutes.
	head -- If theres no fitsim file, provide the head and hdulist of the large file.

	data_array -- Numpy array containing the extracted cutout image.


    if not head:
        head = pf.getheader(fitsim)
        hdulist = pf.open(fitsim)

    # for NN take the projected middle as the RA and DEC
    if NN:
        ra, dec = (ra + nn_ra) / 2., (dec + nn_dec) / 2.

    # Parse the WCS keywords in the primary HDU
    wcs = pw.WCS(hdulist[0].header)
    # Some pixel coordinates of interest.
    skycrd = np.array([ra, dec])
    skycrd = np.array([[ra, dec, 0, 0]], np.float_)
    # Convert pixel coordinates to world coordinates
    # The second argument is "origin" -- in this case we're declaring we
    # have 1-based (Fortran-like) coordinates.
    pixel = wcs.wcs_sky2pix(skycrd, 1)
    # Some pixel coordinates of interest.
    x = pixel[0][0]
    y = pixel[0][1]
    pixsize = abs(wcs.wcs.cdelt[0])
    if pl.isnan(s):
        s = 25.
    N = (s / pixsize)
    # print 'x=%.5f, y=%.5f, N=%i' %(x,y,N)
    ximgsize = head.get('NAXIS1')
    yimgsize = head.get('NAXIS2')
    if x == 0:
        x = ximgsize / 2
    if y == 0:
        y = yimgsize / 2
    offcentre = False
    # subimage limits: check if runs over edges
    xlim1 = x - (N / 2)
    if (xlim1 < 1):
        xlim1 = 1
        offcentre = True
    xlim2 = x + (N / 2)
    if (xlim2 > ximgsize):
        xlim2 = ximgsize
        offcentre = True
    ylim1 = y - (N / 2)
    if (ylim1 < 1):
        ylim1 = 1
        offcentre = True
    ylim2 = y + (N / 2)
    if (ylim2 > yimgsize):
        offcentre = True
        ylim2 = yimgsize

    xl = int(xlim1)
    yl = int(ylim1)
    xu = int(xlim2)
    yu = int(ylim2)

    # extract the data array instead of making a postage stamp
    data_array = extract_array(hdulist[0].data, (yu - yl, xu - xl), (y, x))

    return data_array
Ejemplo n.º 38
def test_extract_array_nan_fillvalue():
    if Version(np.__version__) >= Version('1.20'):
        msg = 'fill_value cannot be set to np.nan if the input array has'
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
            extract_array(np.ones((10, 10), dtype=int), (5, 5), (1, 1),
Ejemplo n.º 39
def test_extract_array_wrong_mode():
    '''Call extract_array with non-existing mode.'''
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
        extract_array(np.arange(4), (2, ), (0, ), mode='full')
    assert "Valid modes are 'partial', 'trim', and 'strict'." == str(e.value)
Ejemplo n.º 40
def create_prf(data, positions, size, fluxes=None, mask=None, mode='mean',
               subsampling=1, fix_nan=False):
    Estimate point response function (PRF) from image data.

    Given a list of positions and size this function estimates an image of
    the PRF by extracting and combining the individual PRFs from the given
    positions. Different modes of combining are available.

    NaN values are either ignored by passing a mask or can be replaced by
    the mirrored value with respect to the center of the PRF.

    Furthermore it is possible to specify fluxes to have a correct
    normalization of the individual PRFs. Otherwise the flux is estimated from
    a quadratic aperture of the same size as the PRF image.

    data : array
        Data array
    positions : List or array
        List of pixel coordinate source positions to use in creating the PRF.
    size : odd int
        Size of the quadratic PRF image in pixels.
    mask : bool array, optional
        Boolean array to mask out bad values.
    fluxes : array, optional
        Object fluxes to normalize extracted PRFs.
    mode : {'mean', 'median'}
        One of the following modes to combine the extracted PRFs:
            * 'mean'
                Take the pixelwise mean of the extracted PRFs.
            * 'median'
                Take the pixelwise median of the extracted PRFs.
    subsampling : int
        Factor of subsampling of the PRF (default = 1).
    fix_nan : bool
        Fix NaN values in the data by replacing it with the
        mirrored value. Assuming that the PRF is symmetrical.

    prf : `photutils.psf.DiscretePRF`
        Discrete PRF model estimated from data.

    In Astronomy different definitions of Point Spread Function (PSF) and
    Point Response Function (PRF) are used. Here we assume that the PRF is
    an image of a point source after discretization e.g. with a CCD. This
    definition is equivalent to the `Spitzer definiton of the PRF

    `Spitzer PSF vs. PRF

    `Kepler PSF calibration

    `The Kepler Pixel Response Function

    # Check input array type and dimension.
    if np.iscomplexobj(data):
        raise TypeError('Complex type not supported')
    if data.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError('{0}-d array not supported. '
                         'Only 2-d arrays supported.'.format(data.ndim))
    if size % 2 == 0:
        raise TypeError("Size must be odd.")

    if fluxes is not None and len(fluxes) != len(positions):
        raise TypeError("Position and flux arrays must be of equal length.")

    if mask is None:
        mask = np.isnan(data)

    if isinstance(positions, (list, tuple)):
        positions = np.array(positions)

    if isinstance(fluxes, (list, tuple)):
        fluxes = np.array(fluxes)

    if mode == 'mean':
        combine = np.ma.mean
    elif mode == 'median':
        combine = np.ma.median
        raise Exception('Invalid mode to combine prfs.')

    data_internal = np.ma.array(data=data, mask=mask)
    prf_model = np.ndarray(shape=(subsampling, subsampling, size, size))
    positions_subpixel_indices = np.array([subpixel_indices(_, subsampling)
                                           for _ in positions], dtype=np.int)

    for i in range(subsampling):
        for j in range(subsampling):
            extracted_sub_prfs = []
            sub_prf_indices = np.all(positions_subpixel_indices == [j, i],
            positions_sub_prfs = positions[sub_prf_indices]
            for k, position in enumerate(positions_sub_prfs):
                x, y = position
                extracted_prf = extract_array(data_internal, (size, size),
                                              (y, x))
                # Check shape to exclude incomplete PRFs at the boundaries
                # of the image
                if (extracted_prf.shape == (size, size) and
                        np.ma.sum(extracted_prf) != 0):
                    # Replace NaN values by mirrored value, with respect
                    # to the prf's center
                    if fix_nan:
                        prf_nan = extracted_prf.mask
                        if prf_nan.any():
                            if (prf_nan.sum() > 3 or
                                    prf_nan[size // 2, size // 2]):
                                extracted_prf = mask_to_mirrored_num(
                                    extracted_prf, prf_nan,
                                    (size // 2, size // 2))
                    # Normalize and add extracted PRF to data cube
                    if fluxes is None:
                        extracted_prf_norm = (np.ma.copy(extracted_prf) /
                        fluxes_sub_prfs = fluxes[sub_prf_indices]
                        extracted_prf_norm = (np.ma.copy(extracted_prf) /
            prf_model[i, j] = np.ma.getdata(
                combine(np.ma.dstack(extracted_sub_prfs), axis=2))
    return DiscretePRF(prf_model, subsampling=subsampling)
Ejemplo n.º 41
def find_orientation(i,
                     s=(3 / 60.),
	Finds the orientation of multiple gaussian single sources 

	To run this function for all sources, use setup_find_orientation_multiple_gaussians() instead.

	A big part of this function is a re-run of the postage function,
	since we need to make a new postage basically, but this time as an array.

	i : the new_Index of the source

	fitsim: the postage created earlier 

	ra, dec: the ra and dec of the source

	Maj: the major axis of the source

	s: the width of the image, default 3 arcmin, because it has to be a tiny bit
	lower than the postage created earlier (width 4 arcmin) or NaNs will appear in the image

	head and hdulist, the header and hdulist if a postage hasn't been created before.
	(This is so it doesn't open every time in the loop but is opened before the loop.)

	i, max_angle, len(err_indices)
	Which are: the new_Index of the source, the best angle of the orientation, and
	the amount of orientations that have avg flux value > 80% of the peak avg flux value along the line
	If plot=True, produces the plots of the best orientation and the Flux vs Orientation as well

    ################## BEGIN Postage Function #############
    if not head:
        head = pf.getheader(fitsim)
        hdulist = pf.open(fitsim)
    # Parse the WCS keywords in the primary HDU
    wcs = pw.WCS(hdulist[0].header)
    # Some pixel coordinates of interest.
    skycrd = np.array([ra, dec])
    skycrd = np.array([[ra, dec, 0, 0]], np.float_)
    # Convert pixel coordinates to world coordinates
    # The second argument is "origin" -- in this case we're declaring we
    # have 1-based (Fortran-like) coordinates.
    pixel = wcs.wcs_sky2pix(skycrd, 1)
    # Some pixel coordinates of interest.
    x = pixel[0][0]
    y = pixel[0][1]
    pixsize = abs(wcs.wcs.cdelt[0])
    if pl.isnan(s):
        s = 25.
    N = (s / pixsize)
    # print 'x=%.5f, y=%.5f, N=%i' %(x,y,N)
    ximgsize = head.get('NAXIS1')
    yimgsize = head.get('NAXIS2')
    if x == 0:
        x = ximgsize / 2
    if y == 0:
        y = yimgsize / 2
    offcentre = False
    # subimage limits: check if runs over edges
    xlim1 = x - (N / 2)
    if (xlim1 < 1):
        xlim1 = 1
        offcentre = True
    xlim2 = x + (N / 2)
    if (xlim2 > ximgsize):
        xlim2 = ximgsize
        offcentre = True
    ylim1 = y - (N / 2)
    if (ylim1 < 1):
        ylim1 = 1
        offcentre = True
    ylim2 = y + (N / 2)
    if (ylim2 > yimgsize):
        offcentre = True
        ylim2 = yimgsize

    xl = int(xlim1)
    yl = int(ylim1)
    xu = int(xlim2)
    yu = int(ylim2)
    ################## END Postage Function #############

    # extract the data array instead of making a postage stamp
    from astropy.nddata.utils import extract_array
    data_array = extract_array(hdulist[0].data, (yu - yl, xu - xl), (y, x))

    # use a radius for the line that is the major axis,
    # but with 2 pixels more added to the radius
    # to make sure we do capture the whole source
    radius = Maj / 60 * 40  #arcsec -- > arcmin --> image units
    radius = int(radius) + 2  # is chosen arbitrarily

    # in the P173+55 1 arcmin = 40 image units, should check if this is true everywhere
    if True in (np.isnan(data_array)):
        if s < (2 / 60.):
            print "No hope left for this source "
            return i, 0.0, 100.5

        elif s == (2 / 60.):
            print "Nan in the cutout image AGAIN ", head['OBJECT'], ' i = ', i
                return find_orientation(i,
                                        s=(Maj * 2 / 60 / 60),
            except RuntimeError:
                print "No hope left for this source, "
                return i, 0.0, 100.5

            print "NaN in the cutout image: ", head['OBJECT'], ' i = ', i
                return find_orientation(i,
                                        s=(2 / 60.),
            except RuntimeError:
                print "No hope left for this source, "
                return i, 0.0, 100.5

    from scipy.ndimage import interpolation
    from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
    #the center of the image is at the halfway point -1 for using array-index
    xcenter = np.shape(data_array)[0] / 2 - 1  # pixel coordinates
    ycenter = np.shape(data_array)[0] / 2 - 1  # pixel coordinates

    # make a line with 'num' points and radius = radius
    x0, y0 = xcenter - radius, ycenter
    x1, y1 = xcenter + radius, ycenter
    num = 1000
    x, y = np.linspace(x0, x1, num), np.linspace(y0, y1, num)

    # make a second and third line to have a linewidth of 3
    # x0_2, y0_2 = xcenter-radius,ycenter-1
    # x1_2, y1_2 = xcenter+radius,ycenter-1
    # x0_3, y0_3 = xcenter-radius,ycenter+1
    # x1_3, y1_3 = xcenter+radius,ycenter+1
    # x2, y2 = np.linspace(x0_2,x1_2,num), np.linspace(y0_2,y1_2,num)
    # x3, y3 = np.linspace(x0_3,x1_3,num), np.linspace(y0_3,y1_3,num)

    # the final orientation will be max_angle
    max_angle = 0
    max_value = 0
    # flux values for 0 to 179 degrees of rotation (which is also convenietly their index)
    all_values = []
    for angle in range(0, 180):
        # using spline order 3 interpolation to rotate the data by 0-180 deg
        data_array2 = interpolation.rotate(data_array,
                                           angle * 1.,
        # extract the values along the line,
        zi = map_coordinates(data_array2, np.vstack((y, x)), prefilter=False)
        # zi2 = map_coordinates(data_array2, np.vstack((y2,x2)),prefilter=False)
        # zi3 = map_coordinates(data_array2, np.vstack((y3,x3)),prefilter=False)
        # calc the mean flux
        # zi = zi+zi2+zi3
        meanie = np.sum(zi)
        if meanie > max_value:
            max_value = meanie
            max_angle = angle

    # calculate all orientiations for which the average flux lies within
    # 80 per cent of the peak average flux
    err_orientations = np.where(all_values > (0.8 * max_value))[0]

    # print 'winner at : '
    # print max_angle, ' degrees,  average flux (random units): ' , max_value
    # print 'amount of orientations within 80 per cent : ', len(err_orientations)

    if len(err_orientations) > 15:
        classification = 'Large err'
        classification = 'Small err'

    if plot:
        data_array2 = interpolation.rotate(data_array,
        plt.imshow(data_array2, origin='lower')
        plt.plot([x0, x1], [y0, y1], 'r-', alpha=0.3)
        plt.plot([x0_2, x1_2], [y0_2, y1_2], 'r-', alpha=0.3)
        plt.plot([x0_3, x1_3], [y0_3, y1_3], 'r-', alpha=0.3)
        plt.title('Field: ' + head['OBJECT'] + ' | Source ' + str(i) +
                  '\n Best orientation = ' + str(max_angle) +
                  ' degrees | classification: ' + classification)
        # plt.savefig('/data1/osinga/figures/test2_src'+str(i)+'.png')
            + head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) +
            '.png')  # // EDITED TO INCLUDE '2'

        plt.plot(all_values, label='all orientations')
                    label='0.8 fraction')
                    label='best orientation')
        plt.title('Best orientation for Source ' + str(i) +
                  '\nClassification: ' + classification + ' | Error: ' +
        plt.ylabel('Average flux (arbitrary units)')
        plt.xlabel('orientation (degrees)')
        plt.xlim(0, 180)
        # plt.savefig('/data1/osinga/figures/test2_src'+str(i)+'_orientation.png')
            + head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) +
            '_orientation.png')  # // EDITED TO INCLUDE '2'
    return i, max_angle, len(err_orientations)
Ejemplo n.º 42
def _ts_value(position, counts, exposure, background, C_0_map, kernel, flux,
              method, optimizer, threshold):
    Compute TS value at a given pixel position i, j using the approach described
    in Stewart (2009).

    position : tuple (i, j)
        Pixel position.
    counts : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Count map.
    background : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Background map.
    exposure : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Exposure map.
    kernel : `astropy.convolution.Kernel2D`
        Source model kernel.
    flux : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Flux map. The flux value at the given pixel position is used as
        starting value for the minimization.

    TS : float
        TS value at the given pixel position.
    # Get data slices
    counts_ = extract_array(counts, kernel.shape, position).astype(float)
    background_ = extract_array(background, kernel.shape, position).astype(float)
    exposure_ = extract_array(exposure, kernel.shape, position).astype(float)
    C_0_ = extract_array(C_0_map, kernel.shape, position)
    model = (exposure_ * kernel._array).astype(float)

    C_0 = C_0_.sum()

    if threshold is not None:
        with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'):
            C_1 = f_cash(flux[position], counts_, background_, model)
        # Don't fit if pixel is low significant
        if C_0 - C_1 < threshold:
            return C_0 - C_1, flux[position] * FLUX_FACTOR, 0

    if method == 'fit minuit':
        amplitude, niter = _fit_amplitude_minuit(counts_, background_, model,
    elif method == 'fit scipy':
        amplitude, niter = _fit_amplitude_scipy(counts_, background_, model)
    elif method == 'root newton':
        amplitude, niter = _root_amplitude(counts_, background_, model,
    elif method == 'root brentq':
        amplitude, niter = _root_amplitude_brentq(counts_, background_, model)
        raise ValueError('Invalid fitting method.')

    if niter > MAX_NITER:
        log.warning('Exceeded maximum number of function evaluations!')
        return np.nan, amplitude * FLUX_FACTOR, niter

    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'):
        C_1 = f_cash(amplitude, counts_, background_, model)

    # Compute and return TS value
    return (C_0 - C_1) * np.sign(amplitude), amplitude * FLUX_FACTOR, niter
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def create_from_image(cls, imdata, positions, size, fluxes=None,
                          mask=None, mode='mean', subsampling=1,
        Create a discrete point response function (PRF) from image data.

        Given a list of positions and size this function estimates an
        image of the PRF by extracting and combining the individual PRFs
        from the given positions.

        NaN values are either ignored by passing a mask or can be
        replaced by the mirrored value with respect to the center of the

        Note that if fluxes are *not* specified explicitly, it will be
        flux estimated from an aperture of the same size as the PRF
        image. This does *not* account for aperture corrections so often
        will *not* be what you want for anything other than quick-look

        imdata : array
            Data array with the image to extract the PRF from
        positions : List or array or `~astropy.table.Table`
            List of pixel coordinate source positions to use in creating
            the PRF.  If this is a `~astropy.table.Table` it must have
            columns called ``x_0`` and ``y_0``.
        size : odd int
            Size of the quadratic PRF image in pixels.
        mask : bool array, optional
            Boolean array to mask out bad values.
        fluxes : array, optional
            Object fluxes to normalize extracted PRFs. If not given (or
            None), the flux is estimated from an aperture of the same
            size as the PRF image.
        mode : {'mean', 'median'}
            One of the following modes to combine the extracted PRFs:
                * 'mean':  Take the pixelwise mean of the extracted PRFs.
                * 'median':  Take the pixelwise median of the extracted PRFs.
        subsampling : int
            Factor of subsampling of the PRF (default = 1).
        fix_nan : bool
            Fix NaN values in the data by replacing it with the
            mirrored value. Assuming that the PRF is symmetrical.

        prf : `photutils.psf.sandbox.DiscretePRF`
            Discrete PRF model estimated from data.

        # Check input array type and dimension.
        if np.iscomplexobj(imdata):
            raise TypeError('Complex type not supported')
        if imdata.ndim != 2:
            raise ValueError('{0}-d array not supported. '
                             'Only 2-d arrays supported.'.format(imdata.ndim))
        if size % 2 == 0:
            raise TypeError("Size must be odd.")

        if fluxes is not None and len(fluxes) != len(positions):
            raise TypeError('Position and flux arrays must be of equal '

        if mask is None:
            mask = np.isnan(imdata)

        if isinstance(positions, (list, tuple)):
            positions = np.array(positions)

        if isinstance(positions, Table) or \
                (isinstance(positions, np.ndarray) and
                 positions.dtype.names is not None):
            # One can do clever things like
            # positions['x_0', 'y_0'].as_array().view((positions['x_0'].dtype,
            #                                          2))
            # but that requires positions['x_0'].dtype is
            # positions['y_0'].dtype.
            # Better do something simple to allow type promotion if required.
            pos = np.empty((len(positions), 2))
            pos[:, 0] = positions['x_0']
            pos[:, 1] = positions['y_0']
            positions = pos

        if isinstance(fluxes, (list, tuple)):
            fluxes = np.array(fluxes)

        if mode == 'mean':
            combine = np.ma.mean
        elif mode == 'median':
            combine = np.ma.median
            raise Exception('Invalid mode to combine prfs.')

        data_internal = np.ma.array(data=imdata, mask=mask)
        prf_model = np.ndarray(shape=(subsampling, subsampling, size, size))
        positions_subpixel_indices = \
            np.array([subpixel_indices(_, subsampling) for _ in positions],

        for i in range(subsampling):
            for j in range(subsampling):
                extracted_sub_prfs = []
                sub_prf_indices = np.all(positions_subpixel_indices == [j, i],
                if not sub_prf_indices.any():
                    raise ValueError('The source coordinates do not sample '
                                     'all sub-pixel positions. Reduce the '
                                     'value of the subsampling parameter.')

                positions_sub_prfs = positions[sub_prf_indices]
                for k, position in enumerate(positions_sub_prfs):
                    x, y = position
                    extracted_prf = extract_array(data_internal, (size, size),
                                                  (y, x))
                    # Check shape to exclude incomplete PRFs at the boundaries
                    # of the image
                    if (extracted_prf.shape == (size, size) and
                            np.ma.sum(extracted_prf) != 0):
                        # Replace NaN values by mirrored value, with respect
                        # to the prf's center
                        if fix_nan:
                            prf_nan = extracted_prf.mask
                            if prf_nan.any():
                                if (prf_nan.sum() > 3 or
                                        prf_nan[size // 2, size // 2]):
                                    extracted_prf = mask_to_mirrored_num(
                                        extracted_prf, prf_nan,
                                        (size // 2, size // 2))
                        # Normalize and add extracted PRF to data cube
                        if fluxes is None:
                            extracted_prf_norm = (np.ma.copy(extracted_prf) /
                            fluxes_sub_prfs = fluxes[sub_prf_indices]
                            extracted_prf_norm = (np.ma.copy(extracted_prf) /
                prf_model[i, j] = np.ma.getdata(
                    combine(np.ma.dstack(extracted_sub_prfs), axis=2))
        return cls(prf_model, subsampling=subsampling)
Ejemplo n.º 44
def find_orientation(i,
                     s=(3 / 60.),
	Finds the orientation of multiple gaussian single sources 

	To run this function for all sources, use setup_find_orientation_multiple_gaussians() instead.

	A big part of this function is a re-run of the postage function,
	since we need to make a new postage basically, but this time as an array.

	i : the new_Index of the source

	fitsim: the postage created earlier 

	ra, dec: the ra and dec of the source

	Maj: the major axis of the source

	s: the width of the image, default 3 arcmin, because it has to be a tiny bit
	lower than the postage created earlier (width 4 arcmin) or NaNs will appear in the image

	head and hdulist, the header and hdulist if a postage hasn't been created before.
	(This is so it doesn't open every time in the loop but is opened before the loop.)

	i, max_angle, len(err_indices)
	Which are: the new_Index of the source, the best angle of the orientation, and
	the amount of orientations that have avg flux value > 80% of the peak avg flux value along the line
	If plot=True, produces the plots of the best orientation and the Flux vs Orientation as well

    ################## BEGIN Postage Function #############
    if not head:
        head = pf.getheader(fitsim)
        hdulist = pf.open(fitsim)
    # Parse the WCS keywords in the primary HDU
    wcs = pw.WCS(hdulist[0].header)
    # Some pixel coordinates of interest.
    skycrd = np.array([ra, dec])
    skycrd = np.array([[ra, dec, 0, 0]], np.float_)
    # Convert pixel coordinates to world coordinates
    # The second argument is "origin" -- in this case we're declaring we
    # have 1-based (Fortran-like) coordinates.
    pixel = wcs.wcs_sky2pix(skycrd, 1)
    # Some pixel coordinates of interest.
    x = pixel[0][0]
    y = pixel[0][1]
    pixsize = abs(wcs.wcs.cdelt[0])
    if pl.isnan(s):
        s = 25.
    N = (s / pixsize)
    # print 'x=%.5f, y=%.5f, N=%i' %(x,y,N)
    ximgsize = head.get('NAXIS1')
    yimgsize = head.get('NAXIS2')
    if x == 0:
        x = ximgsize / 2
    if y == 0:
        y = yimgsize / 2
    offcentre = False
    # subimage limits: check if runs over edges
    xlim1 = x - (N / 2)
    if (xlim1 < 1):
        xlim1 = 1
        offcentre = True
    xlim2 = x + (N / 2)
    if (xlim2 > ximgsize):
        xlim2 = ximgsize
        offcentre = True
    ylim1 = y - (N / 2)
    if (ylim1 < 1):
        ylim1 = 1
        offcentre = True
    ylim2 = y + (N / 2)
    if (ylim2 > yimgsize):
        offcentre = True
        ylim2 = yimgsize

    xl = int(xlim1)
    yl = int(ylim1)
    xu = int(xlim2)
    yu = int(ylim2)
    ################## END Postage Function #############

    # extract the data array instead of making a postage stamp
    from astropy.nddata.utils import extract_array
    data_array = extract_array(hdulist[0].data, (yu - yl, xu - xl), (y, x))

    # use a radius for the line that is the major axis,
    # but with 2 pixels more added to the radius
    # to make sure we do capture the whole source
    radius = Maj / 60 * 40  #arcsec -- > arcmin --> image units
    radius = int(radius) + 2  # is chosen arbitrarily

    # in the P173+55 1 arcmin = 40 image units, should check if this is true everywhere, for FieldNames it is.

    # check if there are no NaNs in the cutout image, if there are then make smaller cutout
    if True in (np.isnan(data_array)):
        if s < (2 / 60.):
            print "No hope left for this source "
            return i, 0.0, 100.5

        elif s == (2 / 60.):
            print "Nan in the cutout image AGAIN ", head['OBJECT'], ' i = ', i
                return find_orientation(i,
                                        s=(Maj * 2. / 60. / 60.),
            except RuntimeError:
                print "No hope left for this source, "
                return i, 0.0, 100.5

            print "NaN in the cutout image: ", head['OBJECT'], ' i = ', i
                return find_orientation(i,
                                        s=(2 / 60.),
            except RuntimeError:
                print "No hope left for this source, "
                return i, 0.0, 100.5

    from scipy.ndimage import interpolation
    from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
    #the center of the image is at the halfway point -1 for using array-index
    xcenter = np.shape(data_array)[0] / 2 - 1  # pixel coordinates
    ycenter = np.shape(data_array)[1] / 2 - 1  # pixel coordinates

    # make a line with 'num' points and radius = radius
    x0, y0 = xcenter - radius, ycenter
    x1, y1 = xcenter + radius, ycenter
    num = 1000
    x, y = np.linspace(x0, x1, num), np.linspace(y0, y1, num)

    # the final orientation will be max_angle
    max_angle = 0
    max_value = 0
    # flux values for 0 to 179 degrees of rotation (which is also convenietly their index)
    all_values = []
    for angle in range(0, 180):
        # using spline order 3 interpolation to rotate the data by 0-180 deg
        data_array2 = interpolation.rotate(data_array,
                                           angle * 1.,
        # extract the values along the line,
        zi = map_coordinates(data_array2, np.vstack((y, x)), prefilter=False)
        # calc the mean flux
        meanie = np.sum(zi)
        if meanie > max_value:
            max_value = meanie
            max_angle = angle

    # calculate all orientiations for which the average flux lies within
    # 80 per cent of the peak average flux
    err_orientations = np.where(all_values > (0.8 * max_value))[0]

    # find the cutoff value, dependent on the distance
    cutoff = 2 * np.arctan(Min / Maj) * 180 / np.pi  # convert rad to deg
    if len(err_orientations) > cutoff:
        classification = 'Large err'
        classification = 'Small err'

    # then find the amount of maxima and the lobe_ratio
    from scipy.signal import argrelextrema
    data_array2 = interpolation.rotate(data_array, max_angle, reshape=False)
    zi = map_coordinates(data_array2, np.vstack((y, x)), prefilter=False)
    # find the local maxima in the flux along the line
    indx_extrema = argrelextrema(zi, np.greater)
    amount_of_maxima = len(indx_extrema[0])
    # calculate the flux ratio of the lobes
    lobe_ratio_bool = False
    lobe_ratio = 0.0  # in case there is only 1 maximum
    if amount_of_maxima > 1:
        if amount_of_maxima == 2:
            lobe_ratio = (zi[indx_extrema][0] / zi[indx_extrema][1])
            # more maxima, so the lobe_ratio is defined as the ratio between the brightest lobes
            indx_maximum_extrema = np.flip(
                0)[:2]  #argsort sorts ascending so flip makes it descending
            indx_maximum_extrema = indx_extrema[0][indx_maximum_extrema]
            lobe_ratio = (zi[indx_maximum_extrema[0]] /

    if plot:
        # the plot of the rotated source and the flux along the line
        fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(12, 12))
        axes[0].imshow(data_array2, origin='lower')
        axes[0].plot([x0, x1], [y0, y1], 'r-', alpha=0.3)
        Fratio = 10.
        if amount_of_maxima > 1:
            if ((1. / Fratio) < lobe_ratio < (Fratio)):
                lobe_ratio_bool = True

        plt.suptitle('Field: ' + head['OBJECT'] + ' | Source ' + str(i) +
                     '\n Best orientation = ' + str(max_angle) +
                     ' degrees | classification: ' + classification +
                     '\nlobe ratio ' + str(lobe_ratio_bool) + ' | extrema: ' +
                     str(indx_extrema) + '\n lobe ratio: ' + str(lobe_ratio))

        # saving the figures to seperate directories
        if amount_of_maxima == 2:
            if classification == 'Small err':
                    + head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) +
                    '.png')  # // EDITED TO P173+55
                    + head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) +
                    '.png')  # // EDITED TO P173+55

        elif amount_of_maxima > 2:
            if classification == 'Small err':
                    + head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) +
                    '.png')  # // EDITED TO P173+55
                    + head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) +
                    '.png')  # // EDITED TO P173+55

                + head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) +
                '.png')  # // EDITED TO P173+55

        # the plot of the flux vs orientation
        plt.plot(all_values, label='all orientations')
                    label='0.8 fraction')
                    label='best orientation')
        plt.title('Best orientation for Source ' + str(i) +
                  '\nClassification: ' + classification + ' | Cutoff: ' +
                  str(cutoff) + ' | Error: ' + str(len(err_orientations)))
        plt.ylabel('Average flux (arbitrary units)')
        plt.xlabel('orientation (degrees)')
        plt.xlim(0, 180)
        # saving the figures to seperate directories
        if amount_of_maxima == 2:
            if classification == 'Small err':
                    + head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) +
                    '_orientation.png')  # // EDITED TO P173+55
                    + head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) +
                    '_orientation.png')  # // EDITED TO P173+55
        elif amount_of_maxima > 2:
            if classification == 'Small err':
                    + head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) +
                    '_orientation.png')  # // EDITED TO P173+55
                    + head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) +
                    '_orientation.png')  # // EDITED TO P173+55

                + head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) +
                '_orientation.png')  # // EDITED TO P173+55

    return i, max_angle, len(
        err_orientations), amount_of_maxima, classification, lobe_ratio
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def _best_srcs(self):
        """Property, a dictionary of best sources detected in the image.
        Keys are:
            fitshape: tuple, the size of the stamps on each source detected
            sources: a table of sources, with the imformation from sep
            positions: an array, with the position of each source stamp
            n_sources: the total number of sources extracted
        if not hasattr(self, '_best_sources'):
                srcs = sep.extract(self.bkg_sub_img,
                                   thresh=6 * self.bkg.globalrms,
            except Exception:
                srcs = sep.extract(self.bkg_sub_img,
                                   thresh=8 * self.bkg.globalrms,
            except ValueError:
                srcs = sep.extract(self.bkg_sub_img.byteswap().newbyteorder(),
                                   thresh=8 * self.bkg.globalrms,

            if len(srcs) < 20:
                    srcs = sep.extract(self.bkg_sub_img,
                                       thresh=5 * self.bkg.globalrms,
                except Exception:
                    srcs = sep.extract(self.bkg_sub_img,
                                       thresh=5 * self.bkg.globalrms,
            if len(srcs) < 10:
                print 'No sources detected'

            #~ print 'raw sources = {}'.format(len(srcs))

            p_sizes = np.percentile(srcs['npix'], q=[25, 55, 75])

            best_big = srcs['npix'] >= p_sizes[0]
            best_small = srcs['npix'] <= p_sizes[2]
            best_flag = srcs['flag'] <= 1
            fluxes_quartiles = np.percentile(srcs['flux'], q=[15, 85])
            low_flux = srcs['flux'] > fluxes_quartiles[0]
            # hig_flux = srcs['flux'] < fluxes_quartiles[1]

            # best_srcs = srcs[best_big & best_flag & best_small & hig_flux & low_flux]
            best_srcs = srcs[best_flag & best_small & low_flux & best_big]

            if self._shape is not None:
                fitshape = self._shape
                p_sizes = 3. * np.sqrt(
                    np.percentile(best_srcs['npix'], q=[35, 65, 95]))

                if p_sizes[1] >= 21:
                    dx = int(p_sizes[1])
                    if dx % 2 != 1: dx += 1
                    fitshape = (dx, dx)
                    fitshape = (21, 21)

            if len(best_srcs) > 1800:
                jj = np.random.choice(len(best_srcs), 1800, replace=False)
                best_srcs = best_srcs[jj]

            print 'Sources good to calculate = {}'.format(len(best_srcs))
            self._best_sources = {'sources': best_srcs, 'fitshape': fitshape}

            self.db = npdb.NumPyDB_cPickle(self.dbname, mode='store')

            pos = []
            jj = 0
            for row in best_srcs:
                position = [row['y'], row['x']]
                sub_array_data = extract_array(self.bkg_sub_img,
                sub_array_data = sub_array_data / np.sum(sub_array_data)

                # Patch.append(sub_array_data)
                self.db.dump(sub_array_data, jj)
                jj += 1

            # self._best_sources['patches'] = np.array(Patch)
            self._best_sources['positions'] = np.array(pos)
            self._best_sources['n_sources'] = jj
            # self._best_sources['detected'] = srcs
            # self.db = npdb.NumPyDB_cPickle(self._dbname, mode='store')

            #~ print 'returning best sources\n'
        return self._best_sources
Ejemplo n.º 46
def get_sources(img_data, dqmask_data=None, wtmap_data=None, exptime=None, 
        sex_params={}, objects=None, subtract_bkg=False, gain=None, 
        wcs=None, aper_radius=None, windowed=True, edge_val=1, origin=0,
    Load sources from an image and if a data quality mask is provided, included
    a bitmap of flags in the output catalog. This using SEP to detect
    sources using SExtractor functions (unless an input catalog is provided) 
    and by default calculates the windowed position (see SExtractor or SEP docs
    for more details).
    img_data: array-like
        Image to use for search
    dqmask_data: array-like, optional
        Data quality mask array. If this is included the output catalog
        will include a ``flags`` column that gives a binary flag for bad
        pixels in the image.
    wtmap: array-like, optional
        Not currently implemented
    exptime: float, optional
        Exposure time. If ``exptime`` is not given, then no magnitudes
        will be calculated
    sex_params: dict, optional
        Dictionary of SExtractor parameters to pass to the
        `~sep.extract` function.
    objects: `~astropy.table.Table`, optional
        If a catalog of sources has already been generated, SExtraction
        will be skipped and the input catalog will be used for aperture
        photometry. The input catalog must contain a list of sources
        either ``ra,dec`` or ``x,y`` as columns.
    subtract_bkg: bool, optional
        Whether or not to subtract the background
    gain: float, optional
        Gain of the detector, used to calculate the magnitude error
    wcs: `~astropy.wcs.WCS`, optional
        World coordinates to calculate RA,DEC from image X,Y. If ``wcs``
        is not given then the output catalog will only contain cartesian
        coordinates for each source.
    aper_radius: int, optional
        Radius of the aperture to use for photometry. If no ``aperture_radius``
        is specified, only the Kron flux will be included in the final
    windowed: bool, optional
        Whether or not to use SExtractors window algorithm to calculate a more
        precise position. *Default=True*
    edge_val: integer
        Value to use for pixels outside the edge of the image
    transform: string, optional
        Type of transform to use. Either 'wcs','sip', or 'all'. 
    import sep
    # Estimate the background and subtract it (in place) from the image
    # Note: we might not need to do background subtraction due to the 
    # community pipeline
    bkg = sep.Background(img_data, dqmask_data)
    if subtract_bkg:
        bkg = sep.Background(img_data, dqmask_data)
    # Find the objects
    if objects is None:
        if 'extract' not in sex_params:
            sex_params['extract'] = {'thresh': 1.5*bkg.globalrms}
        if 'thresh' not in sex_params['extract']:
            if 'thresh' in sex_params:
                sex_params['extract']['thresh'] = \
                raise Exception(
                    "You must provide a threshold parameter"
                    " for source extraction")
        sources = sep.extract(img_data, **sex_params['extract'])
        objects = table.Table(sources)
        # Remove sources with a>>b (usually cosmic rays)
        #objects = objects[objects['a']<objects['b']*5]
    # Set WCS or X, Y if necessary
    if wcs is not None:
        if transform=='wcs':
            transform_method = wcs.wcs_pix2world
        elif transform=='all':
            transform_method = wcs.all_pix2world
        elif transform=='sip':
            transform_method = wcs.sip_pix2foc
    if 'ra' not in objects.columns.keys() and wcs is not None:
        objects['ra'], objects['dec'] = transform_method(
            objects['x'], objects['y'], 0)
    if 'x' not in objects.columns.keys():
        if wcs is None:
            raise Exception("You must provide a wcs transformation if "
                "specifying ra and dec")
        objects['x'], objects['y'] = wcs.all_world2pix(
            objects['ra'], objects['dec'], 0)
    if windowed:
        logger.info("using kron to get windowed positions")
        objects['xwin'], objects['ywin'] = get_winpos(
            img_data, objects['x'], objects['y'], objects['a'])
        if wcs is not None:
            objects['rawin'], objects['decwin'] = transform_method(
                objects['xwin'], objects['ywin'],0)
    # Calculate aperture flux
    if aper_radius is not None:
        objects['aper_radius'] = aper_radius
        flux, flux_err, flag = sep.sum_circle(
            img_data, objects['x'], objects['y'], aper_radius, gain=gain)
        objects['aper_flux'] = flux
        objects['aper_flux_err'] = flux_err
        objects['aper_flag'] = flag
        objects['aper_mag'] = -2.5*np.log10(objects['aper_flux']/exptime)
        if gain is not None:
            objects['aper_mag_err'] = 1.0857*np.sqrt(
            objects['aper_mag_err'] = 1.0857*np.sqrt(
        # Get the pipeline flags for the image
        if dqmask_data is not None:
            objects['flags'] = get_img_flags(dqmask_data, 
                objects['x'], objects['y'],
                (2*aper_radius+1, 2*aper_radius+1),
        # Calculate the positional error
        # See SExtractor Documentation for more on
        # ERRX2 and ERRY2
        # Ignore for now since this is very computationally
        # expensive with little to gain
        if False:
            back_data = bkg.back()
            err_x = np.zeros((len(objects,)), dtype=float)
            err_y = np.zeros((len(objects,)), dtype=float)
            err_xy = np.zeros((len(objects,)), dtype=float)
            for n, src in enumerate(objects):
                X = np.linspace(src['x']-aper_radius, src['x']+aper_radius, 
                Y = np.linspace(src['y']-aper_radius, src['y']+aper_radius, 
                X,Y = np.meshgrid(X,Y)
                flux = extract_array(img_data, 
                    (2*aper_radius+1, 2*aper_radius+1), (src['y'], src['x']))
                back = extract_array(back_data,
                    (2*aper_radius+1, 2*aper_radius+1), (src['y'], src['x']))
                if gain is not None and gain > 0:
                    sigma2 = back**2 + flux/gain
                    sigma2 = back**2
                flux2 = np.sum(flux)**2
                err_x[n] = np.sum(sigma2*(X-src['x'])**2)/flux2
                err_y[n] = np.sum(sigma2*(Y-src['y'])**2)/flux2
                err_xy[n] = np.sum(sigma2*(X-src['x'])*(Y-src['y']))/flux2
            objects['ERRX2'] = err_x
            objects['ERRY2'] = err_y
            objects['ERRXY'] = err_xy
    # include an index for each source that might be useful later on in
    # post processing
    objects['src_idx'] = [n for n in range(len(objects))]
    return objects, bkg
Ejemplo n.º 47
def test_extract_Array_float():
    """integer is at bin center"""
    for a in np.arange(2.51, 3.49, 0.1):
        assert np.all(extract_array(np.arange(5), 3, a) == np.array([2, 3, 4]))
Ejemplo n.º 48
def subtract_psf(data, psf, posflux, subshape=None):
    Subtract PSF/PRFs from an image.

    data : `~astropy.nddata.NDData` or array (must be 2D)
        Image data.
    psf : `astropy.modeling.Fittable2DModel` instance
        PSF/PRF model to be substracted from the data.
    posflux : Array-like of shape (3, N) or `~astropy.table.Table`
        Positions and fluxes for the objects to subtract.  If an array,
        it is interpreted as ``(x, y, flux)``  If a table, the columns
        'x_fit', 'y_fit', and 'flux_fit' must be present.
    subshape : length-2 or None
        The shape of the region around the center of the location to
        subtract the PSF from.  If None, subtract from the whole image.

    subdata : same shape and type as ``data``
        The image with the PSF subtracted

    if data.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError(f'{data.ndim}-d array not supported. Only 2-d '
                         'arrays can be passed to subtract_psf.')

    #  translate array input into table
    if hasattr(posflux, 'colnames'):
        if 'x_fit' not in posflux.colnames:
            raise ValueError('Input table does not have x_fit')
        if 'y_fit' not in posflux.colnames:
            raise ValueError('Input table does not have y_fit')
        if 'flux_fit' not in posflux.colnames:
            raise ValueError('Input table does not have flux_fit')
        posflux = Table(names=['x_fit', 'y_fit', 'flux_fit'], data=posflux)

    # Set up contstants across the loop
    psf = psf.copy()
    xname, yname, fluxname = _extract_psf_fitting_names(psf)
    indices = np.indices(data.shape)
    subbeddata = data.copy()

    if subshape is None:
        indicies_reversed = indices[::-1]

        for row in posflux:
            getattr(psf, xname).value = row['x_fit']
            getattr(psf, yname).value = row['y_fit']
            getattr(psf, fluxname).value = row['flux_fit']

            subbeddata -= psf(*indicies_reversed)
        for row in posflux:
            x_0, y_0 = row['x_fit'], row['y_fit']

            # float dtype needed for fill_value=np.nan
            y = extract_array(indices[0].astype(float), subshape, (y_0, x_0))
            x = extract_array(indices[1].astype(float), subshape, (y_0, x_0))

            getattr(psf, xname).value = x_0
            getattr(psf, yname).value = y_0
            getattr(psf, fluxname).value = row['flux_fit']

            subbeddata = add_array(subbeddata, -psf(x, y), (y_0, x_0))

    return subbeddata
Ejemplo n.º 49
def extract_data(data, indices, box_size, position):
    x, y = position
    d = extract_array(data, (box_size, box_size), (y, x))
    xi = extract_array(indices[1], (box_size, box_size), (y, x))
    yi = extract_array(indices[0], (box_size, box_size), (y, x))
    return d, xi, yi