Ejemplo n.º 1
 def edge_outlier_clip(data_e, ri, vi, Zi):
     r_inside = []
     v_inside = []
     i = 0
     while ri[i] <= np.max(data_e['rad']):
         inner_el = i
         outer_el = i + 5
         inner_r = ri[inner_el]
         outer_r = ri[outer_el]
         dens = np.average(Zi[inner_el:outer_el],axis=0)
         roots = np.sort(np.abs(vi[dens>0.05]))
         databinned = data_e[np.where((data_e['rad']>=inner_r)&(data_e['rad']<outer_r))]
         if len(roots) == 0:
             root = 2 * biweight_midvariance(databinned['vel'].copy(),9.0)
         elif np.abs(roots[-1]) < 500.0:
             root = 2 * biweight_midvariance(databinned['vel'].copy(),9.0)
         elif np.abs(roots[-1]) > 3500.0:
             root = 3500.0
             root = np.abs(roots[-1])
         i += 5
     data_e = np.vstack((np.array(r_inside),np.array(v_inside))).T
     return data_e
         # deriv = (np.average(Zi[inner_el:outer_el],axis=0)[1:]-np.average(Zi[inner_el:outer_el],axis=0)[:-1]) \
         #           /(vi[1:]-vi[:-1])
         roots = np.sort(
             np.abs(vi[((np.average(Zi[inner_el:outer_el], axis=0)[1:] -
                         np.average(Zi[inner_el:outer_el], axis=0)[:-1]) /
                        (vi[1:] - vi[:-1]))[1:] *
                       ((np.average(Zi[inner_el:outer_el], axis=0)[1:] -
                         np.average(Zi[inner_el:outer_el], axis=0)[:-1]) /
                        (vi[1:] - vi[:-1]))[:-1] < 0]))
         databinned = data_e[np.where((data_e['rad'] >= inner_r)
                                      & (data_e['rad'] < outer_r))]
         if len(roots) > 1:
             if roots[1] < 1000.0:
                 if len(roots) > 2:
                     if roots[2] < 1000.0:
                         root = 3 * biweight_midvariance(
                             databinned['vel'].copy(), 9.0)
                         root = roots[2]
                     root = 3 * biweight_midvariance(
                         databinned['vel'].copy(), 9.0)
                 root = roots[1]
             root = 3500.0
             databinned['rad'][np.where(np.abs(databinned['vel']) < root)])
             databinned['vel'][np.where(np.abs(databinned['vel']) < root)])
         i += 5
     data_e = np.vstack((np.array(r_inside), np.array(v_inside))).T
     return data_e
Ejemplo n.º 2
def getbiweight(z):

    flag=abs(z-biweightlocation)/biweightscale < scale_cut
    #print biweightlocation, biweightscale
    while repeatflag:
        biweightscale=biweight_midvariance(newdata, M=biweightlocation)
        biweightlocation=biweight_location(newdata, M=biweightlocation)
        oldflag = flag
        #flag=abs(z-biweightlocation)/biweightscale < scale_cut
        nloop += 1
        #print nloop, biweightlocation, biweightscale, len(newdata), sum(flag)
        #if sum(flag == oldflag) == len(flag): 
        #    repeatflag=0
        #    print 'nloop = ', nloop
        if abs(biweightscale - oldbiweightscale) < 1.: 
            #print 'nloop = ', nloop
        if nloop > 5:
            repeatflag = 0
        #print nloop, biweightlocation, biweightscale
    #flag=abs(z-biweightlocation)/biweightscale < 4.
    return biweightlocation, biweightscale
def finddups(line):
    #Filter the data
    allgood = dataqual[line+'_good'].map(d)
    #Needs to be bad in any line to be bad
    baddata = dataqual[line+'_bad'].map(d)
    somelow = dataqual[line+'_low'].map(d)
    goodflux = fluxdata[np.logical_not(baddata)]
    #Get the duplicate OBJIDs of only the good objects
    dupids = [item for item, count in collections.Counter(goodflux['OBJID']).items() if count > 1]
    dupobjsarr = []
    lineflux1 = []
    lineflux2 = []
    lineflux3 = []
    lineflux4 = []
    lineflux5 = []
    lineflux6 = []
    #Append the data for the good objects
    for obj in dupids:
        dupobjsarr.append(fluxdata[fluxdata.OBJID == obj])
    #Get the ews for these objects
    for i in range(0,len(dupobjsarr)):
    lineflux3 = np.array(lineflux3)
    lineflux4 = np.array(lineflux4)
    lineflux5 = np.array(lineflux5)
    lineflux6 = np.array(lineflux6)
    #Make another cut for high S/N
    flagidx = allgood
    #Repeat the process just for the high SN objects
    goodflux = fluxdata[flagidx]
    linefluxsig1 = []
    linefluxsig2 = []
    dupids = [item for item, count in collections.Counter(goodflux['OBJID']).items() if count > 1]
    dupobjsarr = []
    for obj in dupids:
        dupobjsarr.append(fluxdata[fluxdata.OBJID == obj])
    for i in range(0,len(dupobjsarr)):
    fluxdiffmed = np.median(np.abs(lineflux4-lineflux3))
    fluxdiffbi = np.sqrt(biweight_midvariance(np.abs(lineflux4-lineflux3)))
    absdiffmed = np.median(np.abs(lineflux6-lineflux5))
    absdiffbi = np.sqrt(biweight_midvariance(np.abs(lineflux6-lineflux5)))
    diffarr = [fluxdiffmed, fluxdiffbi, absdiffmed, absdiffbi]
    return lineflux1,lineflux2, linefluxsig1, linefluxsig2, diffarr
Ejemplo n.º 4
def find_matches(sources, xc, yc):
    ''' Matching sources using closest neighbor and clipping '''
    dx = (sources['xcentroid'][:, np.newaxis] - xc)
    dy = (sources['ycentroid'][:, np.newaxis] - yc)
    dd = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
    ind = np.argmin(dd, axis=1)
    dxk = dx[np.arange(dx.shape[0]), ind]
    dyk = dy[np.arange(dy.shape[0]), ind]
    bvx = biweight_midvariance(dxk)
    bvy = biweight_midvariance(dyk)
    mvx = biweight_location(dxk)
    mvy = biweight_location(dyk)
    sel = np.where(
        (np.abs(dxk - mvx) < 3. * bvx) * (np.abs(dyk - mvy) < 3. * bvy))[0]
    return sel, ind[sel]
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: test.py Proyecto: SKIRT/PTS
    def calculate_statistics_no_clipping(self):

        This function ...

        # Compress (remove masked values)
        flattened = np.ma.array(self.sources_with_noise.data, mask=self.rotation_mask.data).compressed()

        median = np.median(flattened)
        biweight_loc = biweight_location(flattened)

        biweight_midvar = biweight_midvariance(flattened)
        median_absolute_deviation = mad_std(flattened)

        #print("median", median)
        #print("biweigth_loc", biweight_loc)
        #print("biweight_midvar", biweight_midvar)
        #print("median_absolute_deviation", median_absolute_deviation)

        self.statistics.no_clipping = Map()
        self.statistics.no_clipping.median = median
        self.statistics.no_clipping.biweight_loc = biweight_loc
        self.statistics.no_clipping.biweight_midvar = biweight_midvar
        self.statistics.no_clipping.median_absolute_deviation = median_absolute_deviation
Ejemplo n.º 6
def dispersionYasX(x, y, nbins=10):
    Dispersion of Y as a function of X

    x : array
        Independent variable
    y : array
        Dependent variable
    nbins : int
        Number of bins

    dx : array
        Binned x
    sigmay : array
        Dispersion of y

    dx = np.zeros(nbins)
    sigmay = np.zeros(nbins)

    xstep = (np.amax(x) - np.amin(x)) / nbins
    xbin = np.amin(x)
    for i in range(nbins):
        mask = np.logical_and(x >= xbin, x < xbin + xstep)
        ybin = y[mask]
        sigmay[i] = np.sqrt(biweight_midvariance(ybin))
        #sigmay[i] = np.std(ybin)
        dx[i] = xbin + 0.5 * xstep
        xbin += xstep

    return dx, sigmay
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: test.py Proyecto: rag9704/PTS
    def calculate_statistics_no_clipping(self):
        This function ...

        # Compress (remove masked values)
        flattened = np.ma.array(self.sources_with_noise.data,

        median = np.median(flattened)
        biweight_loc = biweight_location(flattened)

        biweight_midvar = biweight_midvariance(flattened)
        median_absolute_deviation = mad_std(flattened)

        #print("median", median)
        #print("biweigth_loc", biweight_loc)
        #print("biweight_midvar", biweight_midvar)
        #print("median_absolute_deviation", median_absolute_deviation)

        self.statistics.no_clipping = Map()
        self.statistics.no_clipping.median = median
        self.statistics.no_clipping.biweight_loc = biweight_loc
        self.statistics.no_clipping.biweight_midvar = biweight_midvar
        self.statistics.no_clipping.median_absolute_deviation = median_absolute_deviation
Ejemplo n.º 8
def calculateSeptZPs():
    zp = []
    for num in range(len(oct_extracted)):
        thefile = oct_extracted[num]
        mags, fluxes = [], []
        something = np.array(masteroctlines[num])
        with open(thefile, 'r') as f:
            with open(septextracted[0], 'r') as fs:
                lines = f.readlines()
                linessept = fs.readlines()
                for x in lines:
                    if x.startswith("N"):
                    elif int(x.split(' ')[0]) in masteroctlines[num]:
                        mags.append(float(x.split(' ')[len(x.split(' ')) - 1]))
                        b = masterseptlines[num][np.where(
                            something == int(x.split(' ')[0]))[0][0]]
                        if int(linessept[b].split(' ')[0]) in septstars:
                                float(linessept[b].split(' ')[convergesept]))
        for z in range(len(mags)):
            zp.append(mags[z] + 2.5 * math.log10(fluxes[z]))
    med = median(zp)
    bwmv = st.biweight_midvariance(zp)
    plt.hist(zp, bins=15,
             color='g'), plt.title("September Zeropoints Histogram")
    plt.text(min(zp), 7, "Med: %s\n BMWV: %s" % (med, bwmv))
    if writeup == True:
    plt.savefig('septzeropoints.png'), plt.clf(), plt.close()
    pm = u'\u00B1'
    print "Zeropoint for September: %s %s %s" % (med, pm, bwmv)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def robust_std(im, method='biweight'):
    # get robust stdev
    # Method can be biweight or mad, otherwise just normal stdev
    # im must be numpy array
    from astropy.stats import biweight_midvariance
    from scipy.stats import median_absolute_deviation
    if method == 'biweight':
        var = biweight_midvariance(im, axis=None, ignore_nan=True)
        std = np.sqrt(var)
    elif method == 'mad':
        std = median_absolute_deviation(im, axis=None, nan_policy='omit')
        std = np.nanstd(im, axis=None)

    # From Mike's code:
	m = np.nanmedian(im) # median value
	d = im - m       # deviation
	ad = np.abs(d)      # absolute deviation
	mad = np.nanmedian(ad) # median absolute deviation
	if mad == 0: std = 0. # no deviation -> zero stdev
		wt = biweight(d/1.483/mad) # weights
		sum_wt = wt.sum()
		sum_wt2 = (wt**2).sum()
		m = (im*wt).sum() / sum_wt # weighted mean
		d = im-m # deviation from weighted mean
		var = (d**2 * wt).sum() / (sum_wt-sum_wt2/sum_wt) # weighted var
		std = n.sqrt(var) # weighted stdev
    return std
Ejemplo n.º 10
def calculateOctZPs():
    global octzp, octzperr
    twommatch, octmatch, Mag, flux, octlineno, chipno = [], [], [], [], [], []
    with open("2mass_Oct_matched.txt", 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        for x in lines:
            x = x.strip()
            line = x.split()
            if not x or x.startswith('#'):
            twommatch.append((int(line[4]) - 1))
            octmatch.append((int(line[5]) - 1))

    if len(twommatch) != len(set(twommatch)) or len(octmatch) != len(
        print "Error: tweak xyxymatch parameters so that a coordinate in one set of data isn't matched to " \
              "multiple coordinates in the other."

    with open('2mass_RADec.txt', 'r') as f:
        temptwo_m = np.array(twommatch)
        with open('Oct_RADec.txt', 'r') as fs:
            lines = f.readlines()
            linesoct = fs.readlines()
            i = 1
            for x in lines:
                z = x.split('#')
                if x.startswith("#"):
                elif i in twommatch:
                    b = octmatch[np.where(temptwo_m == i)[0][0]]
                    p = linesoct[b].split(' ')
                    flux.append(p[4].replace('\n', ''))
                i += 1

    zp = []
    for num in range(0, len(Mag)):
        if float(flux[num]) < 1:
            float(Mag[num]) + float(2.5 * (math.log10(float(flux[num])))))
        # if float(Mag[num]) + float(2.5 * (math.log10(float(flux[num])))) < 26.4:
        # print flux[num]

    octzp, octzperr = median(zp), st.biweight_midvariance(zp)
    print "%s zeropoints calculated in October" % (len(zp))
    plt.figure(30), plt.hist(
        zp, bins=15), plt.title("October Zeropoints Histogram")
    plt.text(min(zp), len(zp) / 5, "Med: %s \n BWMV: %s" % (octzp, octzperr))
    axes = plt.gca()
    # axes.set_xlim([25, 28])
    if writeup == True:
    plt.savefig('oct_zps.png', bbox_inches='tight'), plt.close()
Ejemplo n.º 11
def binMeanStd(x, y, nbins=10):
    Compute binned median and standard deviation 

    x : array
        Independent variable
    y : array
        Dependent variable
    nbins : int
        Number of bins

    data : array
        Binned medean and standard deviations for both x and y

    # Sort x and y according to x
    indc = np.argsort(x)
    xsort, ysort = x[indc], y[indc]

    # Compute mean and standard deviation for each bin
    nstars = len(xsort)
    nstars_bin = int(nstars / nbins + 1.)
    data = np.zeros((nbins, 4))
    for i in range(nbins - 1):
        data[i, 0] = np.median(xsort[i * nstars_bin:(i + 1) * nstars_bin])
        data[i, 1] = np.median(ysort[i * nstars_bin:(i + 1) * nstars_bin])
        data[i, 2] = np.sqrt(
            biweight_midvariance(xsort[i * nstars_bin:(i + 1) * nstars_bin]))
        data[i, 3] = np.sqrt(
            biweight_midvariance(ysort[i * nstars_bin:(i + 1) * nstars_bin]))
    data[nbins - 1, 0] = np.median(xsort[(nbins - 1) * nstars_bin:nstars])
    data[nbins - 1, 1] = np.median(ysort[(nbins - 1) * nstars_bin:nstars])
    data[nbins - 1, 2] = np.sqrt(
        biweight_midvariance(xsort[(nbins - 1) * nstars_bin:nstars]))
    data[nbins - 1, 3] = np.sqrt(
        biweight_midvariance(ysort[(nbins - 1) * nstars_bin:nstars]))

    return data
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def findvdisp(self, r, v, r200, maxv):
     Use astropy.stats biweight sigma clipping variance for the velocity dispersion
     v_cut = v[np.where((r < r200) & (np.abs(v) < maxv))]
         self.gal_vdisp = biweight_midvariance(
             v_cut[np.where(np.isfinite(v_cut))], 9.0)
         self.gal_vdisp = np.std(v_cut, ddof=1)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _stats_data(self, stats, mask, scipy, astropy, decimals_mode):
        data = self.data

        # The original data size, for computation of valid elements and how
        # many are masked/invalid.
        size_initial = data.size

        # Delete masked values, this will directly convert it to a 1D array
        # if the mask is not appropriate then ravel it.
        data = data[~mask]
        size_masked = data.size

        # Delete invalid (NaN, Inf) values. This should ensure that the result
        # is always a 1D array
        data = data[np.isfinite(data)]
        size_valid = data.size
        stats['elements'] = [size_valid]

        stats['min'] = [np.amin(data)]
        stats['max'] = [np.amax(data)]
        stats['mean'] = [np.mean(data)]
        stats['median'] = [np.median(data)]
        # Use custom mode defined in this package because scipy.stats.mode is
        # very, very slow and by default tries to calculate the mode along
        # axis=0 and not for the whole array.
        # Take the first element since the second is the number of occurences.
        stats['mode'] = [mode(data, decimals=decimals_mode)[0]]

        if astropy:
            stats['biweight_location'] = [biweight_location(data)]

        stats['std'] = [np.std(data)]

        if astropy:
            stats['mad'] = [mad_std(data)]
            stats['biweight_midvariance'] = [biweight_midvariance(data)]

        stats['var'] = [np.var(data)]

        if scipy:  # pragma: no cover
            if not OPT_DEPS['SCIPY']:
                log.info('SciPy is not installed.')
                # Passing axis=None should not be important since we already
                # boolean indexed the array and it's 1D. But it's important
                # to remember that there default is axis=0 and not axis=None!
                stats['skew'] = [skew(data, axis=None)]
                stats['kurtosis'] = [kurtosis(data, axis=None)]

        stats['masked'] = [size_initial - size_masked]
        stats['invalid'] = [size_masked - size_valid]

        return data
Ejemplo n.º 14
def fboot(y):
    Helper function of trendplot. Returns bootstrap error of input 1d-array.

    Calculates the biweight mean of each bootstrap sample, and then gets the
    biweight standard deviation of all samples.
    if len(y) > 5:
        bb = bootstrap(y, bootnum=250, bootfunc=biweight_location)
        res = biweight_midvariance(bb)
        res = np.float("nan")
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 15
def calc_scat(self,
    ''' Does Mass Mixing Statistics '''
    ## First Calculate Scatter of Richness Relationship
    # Get Data Cut
    cut = np.where(observable > 0)
    if obs_cut == None:
        print ' Find observable value above which vertical scatter is fully encompassed'
        mp.xlabel('Observable', fontsize=16)
        mp.ylabel('M200', fontsize=16)
        obs_cut = input('What is that value? (Enter as a float, ex. 1.5) : ')

    # Correct obs_cut
    if type(obs_cut) == int or type(obs_cut) == float:
        obs_cut = np.array([obs_cut])

    # Now Calculate Scatter
    SCAT = []
    for i in range(len(obs_cut)):
        data_cut = np.where(np.log(observable) > obs_cut[i])[0]
        print 'Number of Data Points:', len(data_cut)
        step = step
        obs_max = np.log(observable[data_cut]).max()
        bins = np.arange(obs_cut[i], obs_max, step)

        mass_bins = np.array(
                lambda x: (true_mass[data_cut])[np.where(
                    (np.log(observable[data_cut]) > x) &
                    (np.log(observable[data_cut]) < (x + step)))], bins))
        mass_avgs = np.array(map(lambda x: np.median(x), mass_bins))
        mass_fracs = []
        for j in range(len(mass_avgs)):
            mass_fracs.extend(np.log(mass_bins[j] / mass_avgs[j]))
        mass_fracs = np.array(mass_fracs)

        scat = astats.biweight_midvariance(mass_fracs)

    return np.array(SCAT)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def chisq_metric(self, chisq, chisq_std_zscore_cut=4.0, return_dict=True):
        chi square metrics

        chisq : ndarray, shape=(Nants, Ntimes, Nfreqs)
            ndarray containing chisq for each antenna (single pol)

        chisq_std_cut : float, default=5.0
            sigma tolerance (or z-score tolerance) for std of chisq fluctuations

        return_dict : bool, default=True
            return per-antenna metrics as a dictionary, with antenna number as key
            rather than an ndarray
        # Get chisq statistics
        chisq_avg = np.median(np.median(chisq[:, :, self.band], axis=0),
        chisq_tot_avg = astats.biweight_location(
            chisq[:, :, self.band]).astype(np.float64)
        chisq_ant_avg = np.array(
                     chisq[:, :, self.band]))).astype(np.float64)
        chisq_ant_std = np.sqrt(
                list(map(astats.biweight_midvariance, chisq[:, :,
        chisq_ant_std_loc = astats.biweight_location(chisq_ant_std).astype(
        chisq_ant_std_scale = np.sqrt(
        chisq_ant_std_zscore = (chisq_ant_std -
                                chisq_ant_std_loc) / chisq_ant_std_scale
        chisq_ant_std_zscore_max = np.max(np.abs(chisq_ant_std_zscore))
        chisq_good_sol = chisq_ant_std_zscore_max < chisq_std_zscore_cut

        # convert to dictionaries
        if return_dict is True:
            chisq_ant_std = odict(zip(self.ant_array, chisq_ant_std))
            chisq_ant_avg = odict(zip(self.ant_array, chisq_ant_avg))

        return (chisq_avg, chisq_tot_avg, chisq_ant_avg, chisq_ant_std,
                chisq_ant_std_loc, chisq_ant_std_scale, chisq_ant_std_zscore,
                chisq_ant_std_zscore_max, chisq_good_sol)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def _pixel_stats(pixels, clip_sig=3, n_clip=10, min_pix=50):
    Calculate mode and scale of pixel distribution, clipping outliers. Uses
    biweight as "robust" estimator of these quantities.

    :param pixels: Array to calculate statistics for
    :param clip_sig: Sigma value at which to clip outliers
    :param n_clip: Number of clipping iterations
    :param min_pix: Minimum number of retained pixels
    :return: 2-tuple of distribution mode, scale
    clip_iter = 0
    mode, scale = 0, 1
    mask = np.ones(pixels.shape, dtype=bool)
    while True:
        mode = biweight_location(pixels[mask])
        scale = biweight_midvariance(pixels[mask])
        mask &= np.abs(pixels - mode) < clip_sig * scale
        clip_iter += 1
        if np.sum(mask) < min_pix or clip_iter >= n_clip:
    return mode, scale
Ejemplo n.º 18
Archivo: MassRich.py Proyecto: nkern/C4
def calc_scat(self,mass,observable,loglog=True,binobs=True,step=0.05,data_cut=None):
	''' Does Mass Mixing Statistics '''
	## First Calculate Scatter of Richness Relationship
	# Get Data Cut
	cut = np.where(observable > 0)
	if obs_cut == None:
		print ' Find observable value above which vertical scatter is fully encompassed'
		obs_cut = input('What is that value? (Enter as a float, ex. 1.5) : ')

	# Correct obs_cut
	if type(obs_cut) == int or type(obs_cut) == float: obs_cut = np.array([obs_cut])

	# Now Calculate Scatter
	SCAT = []
	for i in range(len(obs_cut)):
		data_cut = np.where(np.log(observable) > obs_cut[i])[0]
		print 'Number of Data Points:',len(data_cut)
		step = step
		obs_max = np.log(observable[data_cut]).max()
		bins = np.arange(obs_cut[i],obs_max,step)

		mass_bins = np.array( map(lambda x: (true_mass[data_cut])[np.where((np.log(observable[data_cut])>x)&(np.log(observable[data_cut])<(x+step)))], bins))
		mass_avgs = np.array(map(lambda x:np.median(x),mass_bins))
		mass_fracs = []
		for j in range(len(mass_avgs)):
			mass_fracs.extend(np.log(mass_bins[j] / mass_avgs[j]))
		mass_fracs = np.array(mass_fracs)

		scat = astats.biweight_midvariance(mass_fracs)

	return np.array(SCAT)
Ejemplo n.º 19
	def richness_est(self,ra,dec,z,pz,gmags,rmags,imags,abs_rmags,haloid,clus_ra,clus_dec,clus_z,clus_rvir=None,gr_slope=None,gr_width=None,gr_inter=None,shiftgap=True,use_specs=False,use_bcg=False,fit_rs=False,spec_list=None,fixed_aperture=False,fixed_vdisp=False,plot_gr=False,plot_sky=False,plot_phase=False,find_pairs=True):
		''' Richness estimator, magnitudes should be apparent mags except for abs_rmag
			z : spectroscopic redshift
			pz : photometric redshift
			gr_slope : if fed color-mag (g-r vs. r) slope of fit to red sequence
			gr_width : if fed color-mag (g-r vs. r) width of fit to red sequence
			gr_inter : if red color-mag (g-r vs. r) intercept of fit to red sequence
			spec_list : indexing array specifying gals w/ spectroscopic redshifts, preferably fed as boolean numpy array
			fixed_aperture : clus_rvir = 1 Mpc
			fixed_vdisp : clus_vdisp = 1000 km/s (members < clus_vdisp*2)
			use_specs : includes all spectro members in richness regardless of their color, subject to counting twice
			use_bcg : use bcg RS_color as cluster RS_color
			fit_rs : fit a line to the member galaxy RS relationship, as of now this does not work and we take a flat RS relationship
			plot_gr : plot r vs g-r color diagram with RS fits
			plot_sky : plot RA and DEC of gals with signal and background annuli
			plot_phase : plot rdata and vdata phase space
			find_pairs : run c4 cluster pair identifier on phase spaces
			- If at least one quarter of the outer annuli doesn't have any galaxies (perhaps because it has run over the observation edge),
				it will return -99 as a richness
		# Put Into Class Namespace
		keys = ['ra','dec','z','pz','gmags','rmags','imags','clus_ra','clus_dec','clus_z','clus_rvir','vel_disp','color_data','color_cut','RS_color','RS_sigma','clus_color_cut','signal','background','richness','mems','phot','spec','spec_mems','deg_per_rvir','SA_outer','SA_inner','outer_red_dense','inner_background','Nphot_inner','Nphot_outer','red_inner','red_outer','all','outer_edge','inner_edge','shift_cut','set','pair','Nspec','gr_slope','gr_inter','gr_width']

		# Take rough virial radius measurement, this method is BAD...
		if clus_rvir == None:
			clus_rvir = np.exp(-1.86)*len(np.where((rmags < -19.55) & (rdata < 1.0) & (np.abs(vdata) < 3500))[0])**0.51
			self.clus_rvir = clus_rvir

		# Set clus_rvir = 1.0 Mpc if fixed aperture == True
		if fixed_aperture == True:
			clus_rvir = 1.0

		# Magnitue Cut at 19.1 Apparent R Mag, then at -19 Absolute R Mag and sort by them
		bright = np.where(rmags < 19.1)[0]
		data = np.vstack([ra,dec,z,pz,gmags,rmags,imags,abs_rmags])
		data = data.T[bright].T
		ra,dec,z,pz,gmags,rmags,imags,abs_rmags = data

                bright = np.where(abs_rmags < -19.5)[0]
                data = np.vstack([ra,dec,z,pz,gmags,rmags,imags,abs_rmags])
                data = data.T[bright].T
                ra,dec,z,pz,gmags,rmags,imags,abs_rmags = data

		sorts = np.argsort(abs_rmags)
                data = np.vstack([ra,dec,z,pz,gmags,rmags,imags,abs_rmags])
		data = data.T[sorts].T
                ra,dec,z,pz,gmags,rmags,imags,abs_rmags = data

		# Separate Into Spectro Z and Photo Z DataSets
		# Define the Spectro Z catalogue
		if spec_list == None:
			spec_cut = np.abs(z) > 1e-4
			if type(spec_list) == list: spec_list = np.array(spec_list)
			if spec_list.dtype != 'bool':
				spec_cut = np.array([False]*len(ra))
				spec_cut[spec_list] = True
		all = {'ra':ra,'dec':dec,'z':z,'pz':pz,'gmags':gmags,'rmags':rmags,'imags':imags,'abs_rmags':abs_rmags}
		spec = {'ra':ra[spec_cut],'dec':dec[spec_cut],'z':z[spec_cut],'pz':pz[spec_cut],'gmags':gmags[spec_cut],'rmags':rmags[spec_cut],'imags':imags[spec_cut],'abs_rmags':abs_rmags[spec_cut]}
		phot = {'ra':ra[~spec_cut],'dec':dec[~spec_cut],'z':z[~spec_cut],'pz':pz[~spec_cut],'gmags':gmags[~spec_cut],'rmags':rmags[~spec_cut],'imags':imags[~spec_cut],'abs_rmags':abs_rmags[~spec_cut]}

		# Project Spectra into radius and velocity
		ang_d,lum_d = C.zdistance(clus_z,self.H0)
		angles = C.findangle(spec['ra'],spec['dec'],clus_ra,clus_dec)
		rdata = angles * ang_d
		vdata = self.c * (spec['z'] - clus_z) / (1 + clus_z)

		# Take Hard Phasespace Limits
		limit = np.where( (rdata < 5) & (np.abs(vdata) < 5000) )[0]
		clus_data = np.vstack([rdata,vdata,spec['ra'],spec['dec'],spec['z'],spec['pz'],spec['gmags'],spec['rmags'],spec['imags'],spec['abs_rmags']])
		clus_data = clus_data.T[limit].T
		rdata,vdata,spec['ra'],spec['dec'],spec['z'],spec['pz'],spec['gmags'],spec['rmags'],spec['imags'],spec['abs_rmags'] = clus_data

		# Shiftgapper for Interlopers
		if shiftgap == True:
			len_before = np.where((rdata < clus_rvir*1.5)&(np.abs(vdata)<4000))[0].size
			clus_data = np.vstack([rdata,vdata,spec['ra'],spec['dec'],spec['z'],spec['pz'],spec['gmags'],spec['rmags'],spec['imags'],spec['abs_rmags']])
			clus_data = C.shiftgapper(clus_data.T).T
			sorts = np.argsort(clus_data[-1])
			clus_data = clus_data.T[sorts].T
			rdata,vdata,spec['ra'],spec['dec'],spec['z'],spec['pz'],spec['gmags'],spec['rmags'],spec['imags'],spec['abs_rmags'] = clus_data
			shift_cut = len_before - np.where((rdata < clus_rvir)&(np.abs(vdata)<4000))[0].size

		# Measure Velocity Dispersion of all galaxies within 1 * r_vir and np.abs(vdata) < 4000 km/s
		vel_disp = astats.biweight_midvariance(vdata[np.where((rdata < clus_rvir*1)&(np.abs(vdata) < 4000))])
		if fixed_vdisp == True: vel_disp = 1000

		# Run Cluster Pair Finder
		if find_pairs == True:
			pair, d1_chi, d2_chi, d3_chi, s_chi, double1, double2, double3, single, v_range, bins = pair_find(rdata,vdata)

		# Calculate Nspec, Nspec = # of galaxies within RVIR
			Nspec = np.where(rdata<clus_rvir)[0].size
			Nspec = 0

		# Get Members from Specta, get their red sequence color
		mems = np.where((spec['rdata'] < clus_rvir)&(np.abs(spec['vdata'])<2*vel_disp))[0]
		color_data = spec['gmags'] - spec['rmags']
		color_cut = np.where((color_data[mems] < 1.2) & (color_data[mems] > 0.65))[0]
		RS_color = astats.biweight_location(color_data[mems][color_cut])
		RS_shift = color_data[mems][color_cut] - RS_color
		RS_sigma = astats.biweight_midvariance(RS_shift[np.where(np.abs(RS_shift)<.15)])

		if fit_rs == True:
			clf = linear_model.LinearRegression()
			set = np.where(np.abs(color_data[mems]-RS_color)<3*RS_sigma)[0]

		if use_bcg == True:
			bright = np.argsort(all['abs_rmags'][mems])[0]
			RS_color = color_data[mems][bright]
	                RS_shift = color_data[mems][color_cut] - RS_color
	                RS_sigma = astats.biweight_midvariance(RS_shift[np.where(np.abs(RS_shift)<.15)])
		# spec_mems is # of members that are within 2 sigma of cluster color
		clus_color_cut = np.where(np.abs(color_data[mems] - RS_color) < RS_sigma*2)[0]
		spec_mems = len(clus_color_cut)

		# If fed gr fit
		if gr_slope != None:
			def RS_color(r_mag): return r_mag*gr_slope + gr_inter
			RS_sigma = gr_width / 2
			clus_color_cut = np.where(np.abs(color_data[mems] - RS_color(spec['rmags'])[mems]) < RS_sigma*2)[0]
			spec_mems = len(clus_color_cut)

		# Get Rdata from PhotoZ & SpecZ Data Set
		angles = C.findangle(all['ra'],all['dec'],clus_ra,clus_dec)
		all['rdata'] = angles * ang_d

		# Get deg per RVIR proper
		deg_per_rvir = R.Cosmo.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(clus_z).value * 1e3 * clus_rvir / 3600

		# Get Area of Virial Circle out to 1 rvir, and Area of outer annuli, which is annuli from 4rvir < R < 6rvir, or dependent on rvir
		if clus_rvir < 2.5:
			outer_edge = 6.0
			inner_edge = 4.0
		elif clus_rvir >= 2.5 and clus_rvir < 3:
			outer_edge = 5.0
			inner_edge = 3.5
			outer_edge = 3.0
			inner_edge = 2.0	
		SA_inner = np.pi*deg_per_rvir**2
		SA_outer = np.pi * ( (outer_edge*deg_per_rvir)**2 - (inner_edge*deg_per_rvir)**2 )

		# Get Number of Cluster Color Galaxies from Photo Data Set in Inner Circle and Outer Annuli
		RS_color_sig = 2.0
		if gr_slope == None:
			red_inner = np.where(((all['gmags']-all['rmags']) < RS_color + RS_color_sig*RS_sigma)&((all['gmags']-all['rmags']) > RS_color - RS_color_sig*RS_sigma)&(all['rdata']<clus_rvir))[0]
			red_outer = np.where(((all['gmags']-all['rmags']) < RS_color + 1.5*RS_sigma)&((all['gmags']-all['rmags']) > RS_color - 1.5*RS_sigma)&(all['rdata']<outer_edge*clus_rvir)&(all['rdata']>inner_edge*clus_rvir))[0]
			red_inner = np.where(((all['gmags']-all['rmags']) < RS_color(all['rmags']) + RS_color_sig*RS_sigma)&((all['gmags']-all['rmags']) > RS_color(all['rmags']) - RS_color_sig*RS_sigma)&(all['rdata']<clus_rvir))[0]
			red_outer = np.where(((all['gmags']-all['rmags']) < RS_color(all['rmags']) + 1.5*RS_sigma)&((all['gmags']-all['rmags']) > RS_color(all['rmags']) - 1.5*RS_sigma)&(all['rdata']<outer_edge*clus_rvir)&(all['rdata']>inner_edge*clus_rvir))[0]

		Nphot_inner = len(red_inner)
		Nphot_outer = len(red_outer)


		# Get Solid Angle Density of Outer Red Galaxies
		outer_red_dense = Nphot_outer / SA_outer
		inner_background = int(np.ceil(outer_red_dense * SA_inner))

		# If inner_background is less than Nphot_inner, then Nphot_inner -= inner_background, otherwise Nphot_inner = 0
		if inner_background < Nphot_inner:
			Nphot_inner -= inner_background
			Nphot_inner = 0

		# Richness = spec_mems + Nphot_inner or just Nphot_inner
		if use_specs == True:
			richness = spec_mems + Nphot_inner
			richness = Nphot_inner

                # Plot
                if plot_gr == True:
                        fig,ax = mp.subplots()
			if gr_slope == None:
				xdata = np.arange(spec['rmags'][mems].min(),spec['rmags'][mems].max(),.1)
                        ax.set_xlabel('Apparent R Mag',fontsize=16)
                        ax.set_ylabel('App G Mag - App R Mag',fontsize=16)
                        ax.set_title('Color-Mag Diagram, Cluster '+str(haloid))

		if plot_sky == True:
			fig,ax = mp.subplots()
			ax.set_title('Richness Annuli for Halo '+str(haloid))

		if plot_phase == True:
			fig,ax = mp.subplots()
			bcg = np.where(spec['abs_rmags']==spec['abs_rmags'][mems].min())[0][0]
			ax.set_xlabel('Radius (Mpc)',fontsize=15)
			ax.set_ylabel('Velocity (km/s)',fontsize=15)
			ax.set_title('phasespace haloid '+str(haloid))

                # Check to make sure galaxies exist (somewhat) uniformely in outer annuli (aka. cluster isn't on edge of observation strip)
                # First, project all galaxies into polar coordinates centered on cluster center
		x = (all['ra']-clus_ra)/np.cos(clus_dec*np.pi/180)		# x coordinate in arcsec (of dec) centered on cluster center
		y = (all['dec']-clus_dec)
                all['radius'] = np.sqrt( x**2 + y**2 ) / deg_per_rvir	#radius scaled by RVIR
                all['theta'] = np.arctan( y / x )
		# Add corrections to arctan function
		all['theta'][np.where( (x < 0) & (y > 0) )] += np.pi	# Quadrant II
		all['theta'][np.where( (x < 0) & (y < 0) )] += np.pi	# Quadrant III
		all['theta'][np.where( (x > 0) & (y < 0) )] += 2*np.pi	# Quadrant IV
                # Then break outer annuli into 4 sections and check if at least 1 galaxy exists in each section
                sizes1 = np.array([np.where((np.abs(all['theta']-i)<=np.pi/2)&(all['radius']>inner_edge)&(all['radius']<15))[0].size for i in np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,4)])
                # Do it again but shift theta by np.pi/8 this time
                sizes2 = np.array([np.where((np.abs(all['theta']-i)<=np.pi/2)&(all['radius']>inner_edge)&(all['radius']<15))[0].size for i in np.linspace(np.pi/8,17*np.pi/8,4)])
                if 0 in sizes1 or 0 in sizes2:
			print 'sizes1=',sizes1
			print 'sizes2=',sizes2
                        return -99

		return richness
Ejemplo n.º 20
 loc3 = np.sin(67.5 / 180 * np.pi)
 mr1 = (fluxdata[filters]['ar'] < loc1)
 mr2 = np.logical_and(fluxdata[filters]['ar'] >= loc1,
                      fluxdata[filters]['ar'] < loc2)
 mr3 = np.logical_and(fluxdata[filters]['ar'] >= loc2,
                      fluxdata[filters]['ar'] < loc3)
 mr4 = (fluxdata[filters]['ar'] >= loc3)
 med1 = np.median(fluxdata[filters][mr1].av)
 med2 = np.median(fluxdata[filters][mr2].av)
 med3 = np.median(fluxdata[filters][mr3].av)
 med4 = np.median(fluxdata[filters][mr4].av)
 med751 = np.percentile(fluxdata[filters][mr1].av, 75)
 med752 = np.percentile(fluxdata[filters][mr2].av, 75)
 med753 = np.percentile(fluxdata[filters][mr3].av, 75)
 med754 = np.percentile(fluxdata[filters][mr4].av, 75)
 emed1 = np.sqrt(biweight_midvariance(fluxdata[filters][mr1].av))
 emed2 = np.sqrt(biweight_midvariance(fluxdata[filters][mr2].av))
 emed3 = np.sqrt(biweight_midvariance(fluxdata[filters][mr3].av))
 emed4 = np.sqrt(biweight_midvariance(fluxdata[filters][mr4].av))
             loc1 / 2,
             xerr=(emed1 / len(fluxdata[filters][mr1])),
 ax.errorbar(med2, (loc1 + loc2) / 2,
             xerr=(emed2 / len(fluxdata[filters][mr2])),
Ejemplo n.º 21
ticksize = 16
titlefont = 24
legendfont = 16
textfont = 16

fig, axarr5 = plt.subplots(3, 4, figsize=(30, 20))
axarr5 = np.reshape(axarr5, 12)
counter = 0
for line in lines:
    #Compute the scale dataframe and make a plot to display it
    ax = axarr5[counter]
    medscale = np.median(
        np.log10(fluxdata[fluxdata[line + '_scale'] > 0][line + '_scale']))
    sigscale = np.sqrt(
            np.log10(fluxdata[fluxdata[line + '_scale'] > 0][line +
    scale_df.at[0, line + '_medscale'] = medscale
    scale_df.at[0, line + '_sigscale'] = sigscale
    #Make the plot
    bins = np.log10(np.arange(0.05, 4, 0.05))
    ax.hist(np.log10(fluxdata[fluxdata[line + '_scale'] > 0][line + '_scale']),
    #Plot the median, 1sig, and 3 sig stddevs
    ax.plot((medscale, medscale), (-100, 1000),
    ax.plot((medscale - sigscale, medscale - sigscale), (-100, 1000),
Ejemplo n.º 22
def histogram2(band, band_ref, best_weights, training_data, aeg_models,
    weights = best_weights[-5, 0:len(band)]
    Z_bef = np.zeros((len(training_data)))
    age_bef = np.zeros((len(training_data)))
    ebv_bef = np.zeros((len(training_data)))
    Z_aft = np.zeros((len(training_data)))
    age_aft = np.zeros((len(training_data)))
    ebv_aft = np.zeros((len(training_data)))

    plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 7))
    for j in range(0, len(training_data)):
        # chi = cs.fit(chisquare_models, training_data, j, band, band_ref, np.ones((len(band))))
        chi2, chi1 = cs.full_fit(
                'uJava', 'uJava', 'uJava', 'uJava', 'F378', 'F378', 'F430',
                'gSDSS', 'F660', 'F861', 'uJava'
                'F660', 'rSDSS', 'iSDSS', 'zSDSS', 'F515', 'gSDSS', 'gSDSS',
                'zSDSS', 'gSDSS', 'uJava', 'F515'
            cs.load_table('best5_100age.dat')[-5, 0:11],
            # fixar os pesos referentes as cores da idade antes e depois do treino para só ver a
            # influência dos pesos das cores da metalicidade
            # np.ones(11),
                'iSDSS', 'rSDSS', 'uJava', 'F378', 'F410', 'F430', 'F515',
                'F660', 'F660', 'gSDSS', 'iSDSS'
                'zSDSS', 'zSDSS', 'zSDSS', 'zSDSS', 'zSDSS', 'iSDSS', 'zSDSS',
                'F861', 'iSDSS', 'zSDSS', 'F861'
        # cs.load_table('best5_100Z_test2.dat')[-5, 0:11])
        Z_bef[j] = chi2[0] - aeg_models[j, 0]
        age_bef[j] = (chi2[1] - aeg_models[j, 1]) / 10**9
        ebv_bef[j] = chi2[2] - aeg_models[j, 2]

        # chi = cs.fit(chisquare_models, training_data, j, band, band_ref, np.array([weights]))
        chi2, chi1 = cs.full_fit(
                'uJava', 'uJava', 'uJava', 'uJava', 'F378', 'F378', 'F430',
                'gSDSS', 'F660', 'F861', 'uJava'
                'F660', 'rSDSS', 'iSDSS', 'zSDSS', 'F515', 'gSDSS', 'gSDSS',
                'zSDSS', 'gSDSS', 'uJava', 'F515'
            cs.load_table('best5_100age.dat')[-5, 0:11],
            # np.ones(11),
                'iSDSS', 'rSDSS', 'uJava', 'F378', 'F410', 'F430', 'F515',
                'F660', 'F660', 'gSDSS', 'iSDSS'
                'zSDSS', 'zSDSS', 'zSDSS', 'zSDSS', 'zSDSS', 'iSDSS', 'zSDSS',
                'F861', 'iSDSS', 'zSDSS', 'F861'
            # np.ones(11))
            cs.load_table('best5_100Z_test4.dat')[-5, 0:11])
        Z_aft[j] = chi2[0] - aeg_models[j, 0]
        age_aft[j] = (chi2[1] - aeg_models[j, 1]) / 10**9
        ebv_aft[j] = chi2[2] - aeg_models[j, 2]

    # N=20
    plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
             bins=np.arange(-0.055, 0.055, 0.01),
    bins_Z_aft, Z_aft_data = histOutline(Z_aft,
                                         bins=np.arange(-0.055, 0.055, 0.01))
    plt.plot(bins_Z_aft, Z_aft_data, '-', color="#1B6AC6", lw=4)
    # plt.hist(Z_aft, bins=np.arange(-0.055, 0.055, 0.01), color='#aaab22', rwidth=0.95)
    plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta$Z' + '\n' + 'Before training: ' +
               r'$\mu={0:1.6f},\ \zeta={1:1.6f}$'.format(
                   np.mean(Z_bef), biweight_midvariance(Z_bef)) + '\n' +
               'After training: ' + r'$\mu={0:1.6f},\ \zeta={1:1.6f}$'.format(
                   np.mean(Z_aft), biweight_midvariance(Z_aft)))
    plt.xlim(-0.05, 0.05)

    plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
             bins=np.arange(-1.05, 1.05, 0.1),
    bins_age_aft, age_aft_data = histOutline(age_aft,
                                             bins=np.arange(-1.05, 1.05, 0.1))
    plt.plot(bins_age_aft, age_aft_data, '-', color="#1B6AC6", lw=4)
    # plt.hist(age_aft, bins=np.arange(-1.05, 1.05, 0.1), color='#aaaa22', rwidth=0.95)
    plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta$age/$10^{9}$' + '\n' + 'Before training: ' +
               r'$\mu={0:1.6f},\ \zeta={1:1.6f}$'.format(
                   np.mean(age_bef), biweight_midvariance(age_bef)) + '\n' +
               'After training: ' + r'$\mu={0:1.6f},\ \zeta={1:1.6f}$'.format(
                   np.mean(age_aft), biweight_midvariance(age_aft)))
    plt.xlim(-0.5, 0.5)

    plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
             bins=np.arange(-0.45, 0.45, 0.05),
             label='Before training',
    bins_ebv_aft, ebv_aft_data = histOutline(ebv_aft,
                                             bins=np.arange(-0.45, 0.45, 0.05))
             label='After training')
    # plt.hist(ebv_aft, bins=np.arange(-0.4, 0.4, 0.05), label='After training', color='#aaaa22', rwidth=0.95)
    plt.xlabel('$\Delta$E(B-V)' + '\n' + 'Before training: ' +
               r'$\mu={0:1.6f},\ \zeta={1:1.6f}$'.format(
                   np.mean(ebv_bef), biweight_midvariance(ebv_bef)) + '\n' +
               'After training: ' + r'$\mu={0:1.6f}, \zeta={1:1.6f}$'.format(
                   np.mean(ebv_aft), biweight_midvariance(ebv_aft)))
    # plt.xlim(-5,2)

    # plt.suptitle('Histograms')
    # plt.savefig('histogram_Z&Age.png')
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def biweight_midvariance(self):
     The biweight midvariance of the pixel values.
     return biweight_midvariance(self.goodvals)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def makeplot(month):
    flux_aper, fwhm = [], []
    if month == 'oct':
        for num in range(len(octplot)):
            thefile = octplot[num]
            with open(thefile, 'r') as f:
                lines = f.readlines()
                for x in lines:
                    line = x.split(' ')
                    flux_aper.append((-2.5 * (math.log10(float(line[24])))))

            plt.plot(flux_aper, fwhm, 'ro')
                'c%s Flux vs. FWHM' %
                (num + 1)), plt.xlabel('-2.5*log_10(flux)'), plt.ylabel('FWHM')
            axes = plt.gca()
            axes.set_xlim([-16, -2]), axes.set_ylim([0, 20])
            del flux_aper[:], fwhm[:]
            for line in fileinput.input(thefile, inplace=1):
                x = line.split(' ')
                if (not line.startswith('N')) and (minlogflux < (-2.5 * (math.log10(float(x[24])))) < maxlogflux) and \
                                float(x[5]) < maxfwhm:
                    flux_aper.append((-2.5 * (math.log10(float(x[24])))))
            med = median(fwhm)
            sig = st.biweight_midvariance(fwhm)
            del flux_aper[:], fwhm[:]
            for line in fileinput.input(thefile, inplace=1):
                x = line.split(' ')
                if (not line.startswith('N')) and (
                    (med - sigmamultiple[num] * sig) < float(x[5]) <
                    (med + sigmamultiple[num] * sig)):
                    flux_aper.append((-2.5 * (math.log10(float(x[24])))))

            plt.plot(flux_aper, fwhm, 'bo')
            del flux_aper[:], fwhm[:]

            plt.savefig(('%s_flux vs. fwhm.png' % ('c' + str(num + 1))),
            if writeup == True:
    elif month == 'sept':
        thefile = septclean[0]
        with open(thefile, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            for x in lines:
                line = x.split(' ')
                flux_aper.append((-2.5 * (math.log10(float(line[26])))))
                if float(line[7]) > 80:
                    print line[7]
                    print line[0]
        plt.plot(flux_aper, fwhm, 'ro')
        plt.title('Sept Flux vs. FWHM'), plt.xlabel(
            '-2.5*log_10(flux)'), plt.ylabel('FWHM')
        axes = plt.gca()
        # axes.set_xlim([-15, -2]), axes.set_ylim([0, 20])
        del flux_aper[:], fwhm[:]
        for line in fileinput.input(thefile, inplace=1):
            x = line.split(' ')
            if (not line.startswith('N')) and (
                    -15 < (-2.5 * (math.log10(float(x[26])))) < -10):
                flux_aper.append((-2.5 * (math.log10(float(x[26])))))
        med = median(fwhm)
        sig = st.biweight_midvariance(fwhm)
        del flux_aper[:], fwhm[:]
        for line in fileinput.input(thefile, inplace=1):
            x = line.split(' ')
            if ((med - 1.5 * sig) < float(x[7]) < (med + 1.5 * sig)):
                flux_aper.append((-2.5 * (math.log10(float(x[26])))))

        plt.plot(flux_aper, fwhm, 'bo')
        del flux_aper[:], fwhm[:]

        plt.savefig((sept + 'Sept flux vs. fwhm.png'), bbox_inches='tight')
        if writeup == True:
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def run_caustic(self, cluster_data):
        S = CausticSurface(self.cosmo)
        results = CausticFitResults()
        results.cosmo = self.cosmo

        clus_z, r200 = cluster_data.clus_z, cluster_data.r200

        v, gal_memberflag, gal_mags = cluster_data.v, cluster_data.gal_memberflag, cluster_data.gal_mags
        data_table = cluster_data.data_spec

        if cluster_data.r is None:
            # calculate angular diameter distance.
            # Variable self.ang_d
            ang_d = self.cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(clus_z)
            # calculate the spherical angles of galaxies from cluster center.
            # Variable self.angle
            angle = self.findangle(data_table['RA'], data_table['DEC'],
                                   cluster_data.clus_ra, cluster_data.clus_dec)
            r = angle * ang_d
            r = cluster_data.r

        # calculate H(z)
        Hz = self.cosmo.H(clus_z).value  # self.cosmo.h*100*np.sqrt(0.25*(1+self.clus_z)**3 + 0.75)
        # hz = self.Hz/100   #self.Hz / 100.0  #little h(z)

        # package galaxy data, USE ASTROPY TABLE HERE!!!!!
        rcol = Table.Column(data=r, name='rad')
        vcol = Table.Column(data=v, name='vel')
        data_table.add_column(rcol, 0)
        data_table.add_column(vcol, 1)
        if gal_memberflag is not None:
            memflagcol = Table.Column(data=gal_memberflag, name='MEMFLAG')
        if gal_mags is not None:
            galmagcol = Table.Column(data=gal_mags, name='MAG')

            # reduce sample within limits
        if self.cut_sample is True:
            data_set = self.set_sample(data=data_table, rlimit=self.rlimit, vlimit=self.vlimit)
            data_set = data_table

        data_set = data_set.to_pandas()

        # further select sample via shifting gapper
        if self.gapper is True:
            data_set = self.shiftgapper(data_set)
        print('DATA SET SIZE', len(data_set))

        ##tries to identify double groups that slip through the gapper process
        # upper_max = np.max(data_set[:,1][np.where((data_set[:,1]>0.0)&(data_set[:,0]<1.0))])
        # lower_max = np.min(data_set[:,1][np.where((data_set[:,1]<0.0)&(data_set[:,0]<1.0))])
        # if np.max(np.array([upper_max,-lower_max])) > 1000.0+np.min(np.array([upper_max,-lower_max])):
        #    data_set = data_set[np.where(np.abs(data_set[:,1])<1000.0+np.min(np.array([upper_max,-lower_max])))]

        # measure Ngal above mag limit
        # question shouldnt this also be cut by the shiftgapper?
            if cluster_data.abs_flag:
                abs_mag = data_table['MAG']
                abs_mag = data_table['MAG'] - self.cosmo.distmod(clus_z).value
            results.Ngal_1mpc = np.sum((abs_mag < -19.55) & (r < 0.5) & (np.abs(v) < 3500))
        except KeyError:
            abs_mag = np.zeros(len(data_set))
            results.Ngal_1mpc = None

        if r200 is None:
            vdisp_prelim = biweight_midvariance(data_set['vel'][(data_set['rad'] < 3.0)], 9.0)
            if np.sum(abs_mag) == 0:
                r200_mean_prelim = 0.002 * vdisp_prelim + 0.40
                r200 = r200_mean_prelim / 1.7
                r200 = results.Ngal_1mpc ** 0.51 * np.exp(-1.86)

            if r200 > 3.0:
                r200 = 3.0
                # if 3.0*r200 < 6.0:
                #    rlimit = 3.0*r200
                # else:
                #    rlimit = 5.5

            r200 = r200
            if r200 > 3.0:
                r200 = 3.0
        print('Pre_r200=', r200)

        if self.mirror is True:
            print('Calculating Density w/Mirrored Data')
            rads = np.asarray(data_set['rad'])
            vels = np.asarray(data_set['vel'])
            self._gaussian_kernel(np.append(rads, rads),
                                  np.append(vels, -1 * vels), r200,
                                  normalization=Hz, scale=self.kernal_stretch,
                                  rmax=self.rgridmax, vmax=self.vgridmax)
            print('Calculating Density')
            self._gaussian_kernel(data_set['rad'], data_set['vel'], r200,
                                  normalization=Hz, scale=self.kernal_stretch,
                                  rmax=self.rgridmax, vmax=self.vgridmax)
        img_tot = self.img / np.max(np.abs(self.img))
        # img_grad_tot = self.img_grad/np.max(np.abs(self.img_grad))
        # img_inf_tot = self.img_inf/np.max(np.abs(self.img_inf))

        if cluster_data.clus_vdisp is None:
            # pre_vdisp = 9.15*Ngal_1mpc+350.32
            # print 'Pre_vdisp=',pre_vdisp
            # print 'Ngal<1Mpc=',Ngal_1mpc
            v_cut = data_set['vel'][((data_set['rad'] < r200) & (np.abs(data_set['vel']) < self.vlimit))]
                pre_vdisp2 = biweight_midvariance(v_cut[np.where(np.isfinite(v_cut))], 9.0)
                pre_vdisp2 = np.std(v_cut, ddof=1)
            print('Vdisp from galaxies=', pre_vdisp2)
            # if data_set[:,0].size < 15:
            #    v_unc = 0.35
            #    c_unc_sys = 0.75
            #    c_unc_int = 0.35
            # elif data_set[:,0].size < 25 and data_set[:,0].size >= 15:
            #    v_unc = 0.30
            #    c_unc_sys = 0.55
            #    c_unc_int = 0.22
            # elif data_set[:,0].size < 50 and data_set[:,0].size >= 25:
            #    v_unc = 0.23
            #    c_unc_sys = 0.42
            #    c_unc_int = 0.16
            # elif data_set[:,0].size < 100 and data_set[:,0].size >= 50:
            #    v_unc = 0.18
            #    c_unc_sys = 0.34
            #    c_unc_int = 0.105
            # else:
            #    v_unc = 0.15
            #    c_unc_sys = 0.29
            #    c_unc_int = 0.09

            # if pre_vdisp2 > 1.75*pre_vdisp: pre_vdisp_comb = 9.15*Ngal_1mpc+450.32
            # else:
            pre_vdisp_comb = pre_vdisp2

            # if data_set[:,1][np.where(data_set[:,0]<r200)].size >= 10:
            #    pre_vdisp_comb = biweight_midvariance(data_set[:,1][np.where(data_set[:,0]<r200)],9.0)
            # else:
            #    pre_vdisp_comb = np.std(data_set[:,1][np.where(data_set[:,0]<r200)],ddof=1)
            #    #pre_vdisp_comb = (pre_vdisp*(pre_vdisp2*v_unc)**2+\
            #                             pre_vdisp2*118.14**2)/(118.14**2+(pre_vdisp2*v_unc)**2)

            pre_vdisp_comb = cluster_data.clus_vdisp
        print('Combined Vdisp=', pre_vdisp_comb)
        # beta = 0.5*self.r_range/(self.r_range + r200/4.0)
        # Identify initial caustic surface and members within the surface
        print('Calculating initial surface')
        if self.inflection is False:
            if gal_memberflag is None:
                S.findsurface(data_set, self.r_range, self.v_range, img_tot,
                              r200=r200, halo_vdisp=pre_vdisp_comb, beta=None,
                              mirror=self.mirror, edge_perc=self.edge_perc, Hz=Hz,
                              edge_int_remove=self.edge_int_remove, q=self.kernal_stretch, plotphase=False)
                S.findsurface(data_set, self.r_range, self.v_range, img_tot,
                              memberflags=data_set[:, -1], r200=r200,
                              mirror=self.mirror, edge_perc=self.edge_perc, Hz=Hz, q=self.kernal_stretch)
            if gal_memberflag is None:
                S.findsurface_inf(data_set, self.r_range, self.v_range, img_tot,
                                  self.img_inf, r200=r200, halo_vdisp=pre_vdisp_comb,
                S.findsurface_inf(data_set, self.r_range, self.v_range, img_tot,
                                  self.img_inf, memberflags=data_set[:, -1], r200=r200)

        results.clus_ra = cluster_data.clus_ra
        results.clus_dec = cluster_data.clus_dec
        results.clus_z = cluster_data.clus_z

        results.caustic_profile = S.Ar_finalD
        results.caustic_fit = S.vesc_fit
        results.caustic_edge = np.abs(S.Ar_finalE)
        results.caustic_fit_edge = S.vesc_fit_e
        results.gal_vdisp = S.gal_vdisp
        results.memflag = S.memflag

        # Estimate the mass based off the caustic profile, beta profile (if given), and concentration (if given)
        if clus_z is not None:
            crit = self.cosmo.critical_density(clus_z).to(
                astunits.solMass / astunits.Mpc ** 3)  # 2.7745946e11*(self.cosmo.h)**2.0*(0.25*(1+clus_z)**3.0 + 0.75)
            Mass = self.calculate_mass(ri=self.r_range, A=results.caustic_profile,
                                       crit=crit, r200=r200, fbr=None)
            Mass2 = self.calculate_mass(ri=self.r_range, A=results.caustic_profile,
                                        crit=crit, r200=r200, fbr=self.fbr)
            MassE = self.calculate_mass(ri=self.r_range, A=results.caustic_edge,
                                        crit=crit, r200=r200, fbr=self.fbr)
            MassF = self.calculate_mass(ri=self.r_range, A=results.caustic_fit,
                                        crit=crit, r200=r200, fbr=self.fbr)
            MassFE = self.calculate_mass(ri=self.r_range, A=results.caustic_fit_edge,
                                         crit=crit, r200=r200, fbr=self.fbr)

            results.crit = crit
            results.mprof = Mass.massprofile
            results.mprof_fbeta = Mass2.massprofile
            results.mprof_edge = MassE.massprofile
            results.r200_est = Mass.r200_est
            results.r200_est_fbeta = Mass2.r200_est
            results.r200_est_edge = MassE.r200_est
            results.r500_est = Mass.r500_est
            results.r500_est_fbeta = Mass2.r500_est
            results.M200_est = Mass.M200_est
            results.M200_est_fbeta = Mass2.M200_est
            results.M200_fbeta = Mass2.M200
            results.M200_edge = MassE.M200
            results.M200_edge_est = MassE.M200_est
            results.M200_fit = MassF.M200
            results.M200_fit_est = MassF.M200_est
            results.M200_fit_edge = MassFE.M200
            results.M200_fit_edge_est = MassFE.M200_est
            results.M500_est = Mass.M500_est
            results.M500_est_fbeta = Mass2.M500_est

            print('r200 estimate: {:.6f}'.format(float(Mass2.r200_est)))
            print('M200 estimate: {:.6E}'.format(float(Mass2.M200_est)))

            results.Ngal = np.sum((results.memflag == 1) & (data_set['rad'] <= results.r200_est_fbeta))

        # calculate velocity dispersion
            results.vdisp_gal = biweight_midvariance(data_set['vel'][results.memflag == 1], 9.0)
                results.vdisp_gal = np.std(data_set['vel'][results.memflag == 1], ddof=1)
                results.vdisp_gal = 0.0
        return results
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def delay_std(self, return_dict=False):
        Calculate standard deviations of per-antenna delay solutions
        and aggregate delay solutions. Assign a z-score for
        each (antenna, time) delay solution w.r.t. aggregate
        mean and standard deviation.

        Uses sqrt( astropy.stats.biweight_midvariance ) for a robust measure
        of the std


        return_dict : bool, [default=False]
            if True, return time_std, ant_std and z_scores
            as a dictionary with "ant" as keys
            and "times" as keys
            else, return as ndarrays

        return ant_avg, ant_std, time_std, agg_std, max_std, z_scores

        ant_avg : ndarray, shape=(N_ants,)
            average delay solution across time for each antenna

        ant_std : ndarray, shape=(N_ants,)
            standard deviation of delay solutions across time
            for each antenna

        time_std : ndarray, shape=(N_times,)
            standard deviation of delay solutions across ants
            for each time-stamp

        agg_std : float
            aggregate standard deviation of delay solutions
            across all antennas and all times

    	max_std : float
                maximum antenna standard deviation of delay solutions

        z_scores : ndarray, shape=(N_ant, N_times)
            z_scores (standard scores) for each (antenna, time)
            delay solution w.r.t. agg_std

        ant_z_scores : ndarray, shape=(N_ant,)
            absolute_value(z_scores) for each antenna & time
            then averaged over time

        # calculate standard deviations
        ant_avg = self.delay_avgs
        ant_std = np.sqrt(astats.biweight_midvariance(self.delay_fluctuations, axis=1))
        time_std = np.sqrt(astats.biweight_midvariance(self.delay_fluctuations, axis=0))
        agg_std = np.sqrt(astats.biweight_midvariance(self.delay_fluctuations))
        max_std = np.max(ant_std)

        # calculate z-scores
        z_scores = self.delay_fluctuations / agg_std
        ant_z_scores = np.median(np.abs(z_scores), axis=1)

        # convert to ordered dict if desired
        if return_dict is True:
            ant_avg_d = OrderedDict()
            time_std_d = OrderedDict()
            ant_std_d = OrderedDict()
            z_scores_d = OrderedDict()
            ant_z_scores_d = OrderedDict()
            for i, ant in enumerate(self.ants):
                ant_avg_d[ant] = ant_avg[i]
                ant_std_d[ant] = ant_std[i]
                z_scores_d[ant] = z_scores[i]
                ant_z_scores_d[ant] = ant_z_scores[i]
            for i, t in enumerate(self.times):
                time_std_d[t] = time_std[i]

            ant_avg = ant_avg_d
            time_std = time_std_d
            ant_std = ant_std_d
            z_scores = z_scores_d
            ant_z_scores = ant_z_scores_d

        return ant_avg, ant_std, time_std, agg_std, max_std, z_scores, ant_z_scores
Ejemplo n.º 27
def biweight_scale(data, c=9.0, M=None, axis=None, modify_sample_size=False,
                   *, ignore_nan=False):
    Compute the biweight scale.

    The biweight scale is a robust statistic for determining the
    standard deviation of a distribution.  It is the square root of the
    `biweight midvariance
    It is given by:

    .. math::

        \zeta_{biscl} = \sqrt{n} \ \frac{\sqrt{\sum_{|u_i| < 1} \
            (x_i - M)^2 (1 - u_i^2)^4}} {|(\sum_{|u_i| < 1} \
            (1 - u_i^2) (1 - 5u_i^2))|}

    where :math:`x` is the input data, :math:`M` is the sample median
    (or the input location) and :math:`u_i` is given by:

    .. math::

        u_{i} = \frac{(x_i - M)}{c * MAD}

    where :math:`c` is the tuning constant and :math:`MAD` is the
    `median absolute deviation
    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_absolute_deviation>`_.  The
    biweight midvariance tuning constant ``c`` is typically 9.0 (the

    For the standard definition of biweight scale, :math:`n` is the
    total number of points in the array (or along the input ``axis``, if
    specified).  That definition is used if ``modify_sample_size`` is
    `False`, which is the default.

    However, if ``modify_sample_size = True``, then :math:`n` is the
    number of points for which :math:`|u_i| < 1` (i.e. the total number
    of non-rejected values), i.e.

    .. math::

        n = \sum_{|u_i| < 1} \ 1

    which results in a value closer to the true standard deviation for
    small sample sizes or for a large number of rejected values.

    data : array_like
        Input array or object that can be converted to an array.
        ``data`` can be a `~numpy.ma.MaskedArray`.
    c : float, optional
        Tuning constant for the biweight estimator (default = 9.0).
    M : float or array_like, optional
        The location estimate.  If ``M`` is a scalar value, then its
        value will be used for the entire array (or along each ``axis``,
        if specified).  If ``M`` is an array, then its must be an array
        containing the location estimate along each ``axis`` of the
        input array.  If `None` (default), then the median of the input
        array will be used (or along each ``axis``, if specified).
    axis : `None`, int, or tuple of ints, optional
        The axis or axes along which the biweight scales are computed.
        If `None` (default), then the biweight scale of the flattened
        input array will be computed.
    modify_sample_size : bool, optional
        If `False` (default), then the sample size used is the total
        number of elements in the array (or along the input ``axis``, if
        specified), which follows the standard definition of biweight
        scale.  If `True`, then the sample size is reduced to correct
        for any rejected values (i.e. the sample size used includes only
        the non-rejected values), which results in a value closer to the
        true standard deviation for small sample sizes or for a large
        number of rejected values.
    ignore_nan : bool, optional
        Whether to ignore NaN values in the input ``data``.

    biweight_scale : float or `~numpy.ndarray`
        The biweight scale of the input data.  If ``axis`` is `None`
        then a scalar will be returned, otherwise a `~numpy.ndarray`
        will be returned.

    See Also
    biweight_midvariance, biweight_midcovariance, biweight_location, astropy.stats.mad_std, astropy.stats.median_absolute_deviation

    .. [1] Beers, Flynn, and Gebhardt (1990; AJ 100, 32) (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1990AJ....100...32B)

    .. [2] https://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/software/dataplot/refman2/auxillar/biwscale.htm

    Generate random variates from a Gaussian distribution and return the
    biweight scale of the distribution:

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from astropy.stats import biweight_scale
    >>> rand = np.random.RandomState(12345)
    >>> biscl = biweight_scale(rand.randn(1000))
    >>> print(biscl)    # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP

    return np.sqrt(
        biweight_midvariance(data, c=c, M=M, axis=axis,
Ejemplo n.º 28
def make_mask(filename, ext, trail_coords, sublen=75, subwidth=200, order=3,
              sigma=4, pad=10, plot=False, verbose=False):
    """Create DQ mask for an image for a given satellite trail.
    This mask can be added to existing DQ data using :func:`update_dq`.

    .. note::

        Unlike :func:`detsat`, multiprocessing is not available for
        this function.

    filename : str
        FITS image filename.

    ext : int, str, or tuple
        Extension for science data, as accepted by ``astropy.io.fits``.

    trail_coords : ndarray
        One of the trails returned by :func:`detsat`.
        This must be in the format of ``[[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]``.

    sublen : int, optional
        Length of strip to use as the fitting window for the trail.

    subwidth : int, optional
        Width of box to fit trail on.

    order : int, optional
        The order of the spline interpolation for image rotation.
        See :func:`skimage.transform.rotate`.

    sigma : float, optional
        Sigma of the satellite trail for detection. If points are
        a given sigma above the background in the subregion then it is
        marked as a satellite. This may need to be lowered for resolved

    pad : int, optional
        Amount of extra padding in pixels to give the satellite mask.

    plot : bool, optional
        Plot the result.

    verbose : bool, optional
        Print extra information to the terminal, mostly for debugging.

    mask : ndarray
        Boolean array marking the satellite trail with `True`.

        Invalid subarray indices.

        Image has no positive values, trail subarray too small, or
        trail profile not found.

    if verbose:
        t_beg = time.time()

    fname = '{0}[{1}]'.format(filename, ext)
    image = fits.getdata(filename, ext)

    dx = image.max()
    if dx <= 0:
        raise ValueError('Image has no positive values')

    # rescale the image
    image = image / dx
    # make sure everything is at least 0
    image[image < 0] = 0

    (x0, y0), (x1, y1) = trail_coords  # p0, p1

    #  Find out how much to rotate the image
    rad = np.arctan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
    newrad = (np.pi * 2) - rad
    deg = np.degrees(rad)

    if verbose:
        print('Rotation: {0}'.format(deg))

    rotate = transform.rotate(image, deg, resize=True, order=order)

    if plot and plt is not None:
        mean = np.median(image)
        stddev = image.std()
        lower = mean - stddev
        upper = mean + stddev

        fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
        ax1.imshow(image, vmin=lower, vmax=upper, cmap=plt.cm.gray)

        fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
        ax2.imshow(rotate, vmin=lower, vmax=upper, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        ax2.set_title('{0} rotated by {1} deg'.format(fname, deg))


    #  Will do all of this in the loop, but want to make sure there is a
    #  good point first and that there is indeed a profile to fit.
    #  get starting point
    sx, sy = _rotate_point((x0, y0), newrad, image.shape, rotate.shape)

    #  start with one subarray around p0
    dx = int(subwidth / 2)
    ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1 = _get_valid_indices(
        rotate.shape, sx - dx, sx + dx, sy - sublen, sy + sublen)
    subr = rotate[iy0:iy1, ix0:ix1]
    if len(subr) <= sublen:
        raise ValueError('Trail subarray size is {0} but expected {1} or '
                         'larger'.format(len(subr), sublen))

    # Flatten the array so we are looking along rows
    # Take median of each row, should filter out most outliers
    # This list will get appended in the loop
    medarr = np.median(subr, axis=1)
    flat = [medarr]

    # get the outliers
    #mean = biweight_location(medarr)
    mean = sigma_clipped_stats(medarr)[0]
    stddev = biweight_midvariance(medarr)

    # only flag things that are sigma from the mean
    z = np.where(medarr > (mean + (sigma * stddev)))[0]

    if plot and plt is not None:
        fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
        ax1.plot(medarr, 'b.')
        ax1.plot(z, medarr[z], 'r.')
        ax1.set_title('Median array in flat[0]')

    # Make sure there is something in the first pass before trying to move on
    if len(z) < 1:
        raise ValueError(
            'First look at finding a profile failed. '
            'Nothing found at {0} from background! '
            'Adjust parameters and try again.'.format(sigma))

    # get the bounds of the flagged points
    lower = z.min()
    upper = z.max()
    diff = upper - lower

    # add in a pading value to make sure all of the wings are accounted for
    lower = lower - pad
    upper = upper + pad

    # for plotting see how the profile was made (append to plot above)
    if plot and plt is not None:
        padind = np.arange(lower, upper)
        ax1.plot(padind, medarr[padind], 'yx')

    # start to create a mask
    mask = np.zeros(rotate.shape)
    lowerx, upperx, lowery, uppery  = _get_valid_indices(
        mask.shape, np.floor(sx - subwidth), np.ceil(sx + subwidth),
        np.floor(sy - sublen + lower), np.ceil(sy - sublen + upper))
    mask[lowery:uppery, lowerx:upperx] = 1

    done = False
    first = True
    nextx = upperx  # np.ceil(sx + subwidth)
    centery = np.ceil(lowery + diff)  # np.ceil(sy - sublen + lower + diff)
    counter = 0

    while not done:
        # move to the right of the centerpoint first. do the same
        # as above but keep moving right until the edge is hit.
        ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1 = _get_valid_indices(
            rotate.shape, nextx - dx, nextx + dx,
            centery - sublen, centery + sublen)
        subr = rotate[iy0:iy1, ix0:ix1]

        # determines the edge, if the subr is not good, then the edge was
        # hit.
        if 0 in subr.shape:
            if verbose:
                print('Hit edge, subr shape={0}, first={1}'.format(
                    subr.shape, first))
            if first:
                first = False
                centery = sy
                nextx = sx
                done = True

        medarr = np.median(subr, axis=1)

        #mean = biweight_location(medarr)
        mean = sigma_clipped_stats(medarr, sigma=sigma)[0]
        stddev = biweight_midvariance(medarr)  # Might give RuntimeWarning
        z = np.where(medarr > (mean + (sigma * stddev)))[0]

        if len(z) < 1:
            if first:
                if verbose:
                    print('No good profile found for counter={0}. Start '
                          'moving left from starting point.'.format(counter))
                centery = sy
                nextx = sx
                first = False
                if verbose:
                    print('z={0} is less than 1, subr shape={1}, '
                          'we are done'.format(z, subr.shape))
                done = True

        # get the bounds of the flagged points
        lower = z.min()
        upper = z.max()
        diff = upper - lower

        # add in a pading value to make sure all of the wings
        # are accounted for
        lower = np.floor(lower - pad)
        upper = np.ceil(upper + pad)
        lowerx, upperx, lowery, uppery  = _get_valid_indices(
            np.floor(nextx - subwidth),
            np.ceil(nextx + subwidth),
            np.floor(centery - sublen + lower),
            np.ceil(centery - sublen + upper))
        mask[lowery:uppery, lowerx:upperx] = 1

        lower_p = (lowerx, lowery)
        upper_p = (upperx, uppery)
        lower_t = _rotate_point(
            lower_p, newrad, image.shape, rotate.shape, reverse=True)
        upper_t = _rotate_point(
            upper_p, newrad, image.shape, rotate.shape, reverse=True)

        lowy = np.floor(lower_t[1])
        highy = np.ceil(upper_t[1])
        lowx = np.floor(lower_t[0])
        highx = np.ceil(upper_t[0])

        # Reset the next subr to be at the center of the profile
        if first:
            nextx = nextx + dx
            centery = lowery + diff  # centery - sublen + lower + diff

            if (nextx + subwidth) > rotate.shape[1]:
                if verbose:
                    print('Hit rotate edge at counter={0}'.format(counter))
                first = False
            elif (highy > image.shape[0]) or (highx > image.shape[1]):
                if verbose:
                    print('Hit image edge at counter={0}'.format(counter))
                first = False

            if not first:
                centery = sy
                nextx = sx

        # Not first, this is the pass the other way.
            nextx = nextx - dx
            centery = lowery + diff  # centery - sublen + lower + diff

            if (nextx - subwidth) < 0:
                if verbose:
                    print('Hit rotate edge at counter={0}'.format(counter))
                done = True
            elif (highy > image.shape[0]) or (highx > image.shape[1]):
                if verbose:
                    print('Hit image edge at counter={0}'.format(counter))
                done = True

        counter += 1

        # make sure it does not try to go infinetly
        if counter > 500:
            if verbose:
                print('Too many loops, exiting')
            done = True
    # End while

    rot = transform.rotate(mask, -deg, resize=True, order=1)
    ix0 = (rot.shape[1] - image.shape[1]) / 2
    iy0 = (rot.shape[0] - image.shape[0]) / 2
    lowerx, upperx, lowery, uppery  = _get_valid_indices(
        rot.shape, ix0, image.shape[1] + ix0, iy0, image.shape[0] + iy0)
    mask = rot[lowery:uppery, lowerx:upperx]

    if mask.shape != image.shape:
        warnings.warn('Output mask shape is {0} but input image shape is '
                      '{1}'.format(mask.shape, image.shape), AstropyUserWarning)

    # Change to boolean mask
    mask = mask.astype(np.bool)

    if plot and plt is not None:
        # debugging array
        test = image.copy()
        test[mask] = 0

        mean = np.median(test)
        stddev = test.std()
        lower = mean - stddev
        upper = mean + stddev

        fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
        ax1.imshow(test, vmin=lower, vmax=upper, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        ax1.set_title('Masked image')

        fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
        ax2.imshow(mask, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        ax2.set_title('DQ mask')


    if verbose:
        t_end = time.time()
        print('Run time: {0} s'.format(t_end - t_beg))

    return mask
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def biweight_midvariance(self):
        The biweight midvariance of the pixel values.

        return biweight_midvariance(self.goodvals)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def calc_background_rms(self, data):

        return biweight_midvariance(self.sigma_clip(data), c=self.c, M=self.M)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def histogram(band, band_ref, best_weights, training_data, aeg_models,
    weights = best_weights[-5, 0:len(band)]
    Z_bef = np.zeros((len(training_data)))
    age_bef = np.zeros((len(training_data)))
    ebv_bef = np.zeros((len(training_data)))
    Z_aft = np.zeros((len(training_data)))
    age_aft = np.zeros((len(training_data)))
    ebv_aft = np.zeros((len(training_data)))

    plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 7))
    for j in range(0, len(training_data)):
        chi = cs.fit(chisquare_models, training_data, j, band, band_ref,
        Z_bef[j] = chi[0] - aeg_models[j, 0]
        age_bef[j] = (chi[1] - aeg_models[j, 1]) / 10**9
        ebv_bef[j] = chi[2] - aeg_models[j, 2]

    for j in range(0, len(training_data)):
        chi = cs.fit(chisquare_models, training_data, j, band, band_ref,
        Z_aft[j] = chi[0] - aeg_models[j, 0]
        age_aft[j] = (chi[1] - aeg_models[j, 1]) / 10**9
        ebv_aft[j] = chi[2] - aeg_models[j, 2]

    plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
             bins=np.arange(-0.055, 0.055, 0.01),
    bins_Z_aft, Z_aft_data = histOutline(Z_aft,
                                         bins=np.arange(-0.055, 0.055, 0.01))
    plt.plot(bins_Z_aft, Z_aft_data, '-', color="#1B6AC6", lw=4)
    plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta$Z' + '\n' + 'Before training: ' +
               r'$\mu={0:1.6f},\ \zeta={1:1.6f}$'.format(
                   np.mean(Z_bef), biweight_midvariance(Z_bef)) + '\n' +
               'After training: ' + r'$\mu={0:1.6f},\ \zeta={1:1.6f}$'.format(
                   np.mean(Z_aft), biweight_midvariance(Z_aft)))
    plt.xlim(-0.05, 0.05)

    plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
             bins=np.arange(-1.05, 1.05, 0.1),
    bins_age_aft, age_aft_data = histOutline(age_aft,
                                             bins=np.arange(-1.05, 1.05, 0.1))
    plt.plot(bins_age_aft, age_aft_data, '-', color="#1B6AC6", lw=4)
    plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta$age/$10^{9}$' + '\n' + 'Before training: ' +
               r'$\mu={0:1.6f},\ \zeta={1:1.6f}$'.format(
                   np.mean(age_bef), biweight_midvariance(age_bef)) + '\n' +
               'After training: ' + r'$\mu={0:1.6f},\ \zeta={1:1.6f}$'.format(
                   np.mean(age_aft), biweight_midvariance(age_aft)))
    plt.xlim(-0.5, 0.5)

    plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
             bins=np.arange(-0.45, 0.45, 0.05),
             label='Before training',
    bins_ebv_aft, ebv_aft_data = histOutline(ebv_aft,
                                             bins=np.arange(-0.45, 0.45, 0.05))
             label='After training')
    plt.xlabel('$\Delta$E(B-V)' + '\n' + 'Before training: ' +
               r'$\mu={0:1.6f},\ \zeta={1:1.6f}$'.format(
                   np.mean(ebv_bef), biweight_midvariance(ebv_bef)) + '\n' +
               'After training: ' + r'$\mu={0:1.6f}, \zeta={1:1.6f}$'.format(
                   np.mean(ebv_aft), biweight_midvariance(ebv_aft)))
    # plt.xlim(-5,2)

    # plt.suptitle('Histograms')
    # plt.savefig('histogram_Z&Age.png')
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def __init__(self, calfits_files, use_gp=True):
        calfits_files : str or list
            filename for a *.first.calfits file
            or a list of .first.calfits files (time-ordered)
            of the same polarization

        use_gp : bool, default=True
            use gaussian process model to
            subtract underlying smooth delay solution
            behavior over time from fluctuations

        self.UVC : pyuvdata.UVCal() instance

        self.delays : ndarray, shape=(N_ant, N_times)
            firstcal delay solutions in nanoseconds

        self.delay_avgs : ndarray, shape=(N_ant,)
            median delay solutions across time [nanosec]

        self.delay_fluctuations : ndarray, shape=(N_ant, N_times)
            firstcal delay solution fluctuations from time average [nanosec]

        self.frac_JD : ndarray, shape=(N_times,)
            ndarray containing time-stamps of each integration
            in units of the fraction of current JD
            i.e. 2457966.53433 -> 0.53433

        self.ants : ndarray, shape=(N_ants,)
            ndarray containing antenna numbers

        self.pol : str
            Polarization, 'y' or 'x' currently supported
        # Instantiate UVCal and read calfits
        self.UVC = UVCal()

        if len(self.UVC.jones_array) > 1:
            raise ValueError('Sorry, only single pol firstcal solutions are '
                             'currently supported.')
        pol_dict = {-5: 'x', -6: 'y'}
            self.pol = pol_dict[self.UVC.jones_array[0]]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError('Sorry, only calibration polarizations "x" and '
                             '"y" are currently supported.')

        # get file prefix
        if type(calfits_files) is list:
            calfits_file = calfits_files[0]
            calfits_file = calfits_files
        self.fc_basename = os.path.basename(calfits_file)
        self.fc_filename = calfits_file
        self.fc_filestem = '.'.join(self.fc_filename.split('.')[:-1])

        # get other relevant arrays
        self.times = self.UVC.time_array
        self.start_JD = np.floor(self.times).min()
        self.frac_JD = self.times - self.start_JD
        self.minutes = 24 * 60 * (self.frac_JD - self.frac_JD.min())
        self.Nants = self.UVC.Nants_data
        self.ants = self.UVC.ant_array
        self.version_str = hera_qm_version_str
        self.history = ''

        # Get the firstcal delays and/or gains and/or rotated antennas
        if self.UVC.cal_type == 'gain':
            # get delays
            freqs = self.UVC.freq_array.squeeze()
            fc_gains = np.moveaxis(self.UVC.gain_array, 2, 3)[:, 0, :, :, 0]
            fc_phi = np.unwrap(np.angle(fc_gains))
            d_nu = np.median(np.diff(freqs))
            d_phi = np.median(fc_phi[:, :, 1:] - fc_phi[:, :, :-1], axis=2)
            gain_slope = (d_phi / d_nu)
            self.delays = gain_slope / (-2*np.pi)
            self.gains = fc_gains

            # get delay offsets at nu = 0 Hz, and then get rotated antennas
            self.offsets = fc_phi[:, :, 0] - gain_slope * freqs[0]
            self.rot_ants = np.unique(list(map(lambda x: self.ants[x], (np.isclose(np.pi, np.abs(self.offsets) % (2 * np.pi), atol=1.0)).T))).tolist()

        elif self.UVC.cal_type == 'delay':
            self.delays = self.UVC.delay_array.squeeze()
            self.gains = None
            self.offsets = None
            self.rot_ants = []

        # Calculate avg delay solution and subtract to get delay_fluctuations
        self.delays = self.delays * 1e9
        self.delay_avgs = np.median(self.delays, axis=1)
        self.delay_fluctuations = (self.delays.T - self.delay_avgs).T

        # use gaussian process model to subtract underlying mean function
        if use_gp is True and self.sklearn_import is True:
	    # initialize GP kernel.
	    # RBF is a squared exponential kernel with a minimum length_scale_bound of 0.01 JD, meaning
	    # the GP solution won't have time fluctuations quicker than ~0.01 JD, which will preserve
	    # short time fluctuations. WhiteKernel is a Gaussian white noise component with a fiducial
	    # noise level of 0.01 nanoseconds. Both of these are hyperparameters that are fit for via
	    # a gradient descent algorithm in the GP.fit() routine, so length_scale=0.2 and
	    # noise_level=0.01 are just initial conditions and are not the final hyperparameter solution
            kernel = gp.kernels.RBF(length_scale=0.2, length_scale_bounds=(0.01, 1.0)) + gp.kernels.WhiteKernel(noise_level=0.01)
            x = self.frac_JD.reshape(-1, 1)
            self.delay_smooths = []
            # iterate over each antenna
            for i in range(self.Nants):
                # get ydata
                y = copy.copy(self.delay_fluctuations[i])
                # scale by std
                ystd = np.sqrt(astats.biweight_midvariance(y))
                y /= ystd
                # fit GP and remove from delay fluctuations
                GP = gp.GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=0)
                GP.fit(x, y)
                ymodel = GP.predict(x).ravel() * ystd
                self.delay_fluctuations[i] -= ymodel
            self.delay_smooths = np.array(self.delay_smooths)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def make_mask(filename,
    """Create DQ mask for an image for a given satellite trail.
    This mask can be added to existing DQ data using :func:`update_dq`.

    .. note::

        Unlike :func:`detsat`, multiprocessing is not available for
        this function.

    filename : str
        FITS image filename.

    ext : int, str, or tuple
        Extension for science data, as accepted by ``astropy.io.fits``.

    trail_coords : ndarray
        One of the trails returned by :func:`detsat`.
        This must be in the format of ``[[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]``.

    sublen : int, optional
        Length of strip to use as the fitting window for the trail.

    subwidth : int, optional
        Width of box to fit trail on.

    order : int, optional
        The order of the spline interpolation for image rotation.
        See :func:`skimage.transform.rotate`.

    sigma : float, optional
        Sigma of the satellite trail for detection. If points are
        a given sigma above the background in the subregion then it is
        marked as a satellite. This may need to be lowered for resolved

    pad : int, optional
        Amount of extra padding in pixels to give the satellite mask.

    plot : bool, optional
        Plot the result.

    verbose : bool, optional
        Print extra information to the terminal, mostly for debugging.

    mask : ndarray
        Boolean array marking the satellite trail with `True`.

        Missing scipy or skimage>=0.11 packages.

        Invalid subarray indices.

        Image has no positive values, trail subarray too small, or
        trail profile not found.

    if not HAS_OPDEP:
        raise ImportError('Missing scipy or skimage>=0.11 packages')

    if verbose:
        t_beg = time.time()

    fname = '{0}[{1}]'.format(filename, ext)
    image = fits.getdata(filename, ext)

    dx = image.max()
    if dx <= 0:
        raise ValueError('Image has no positive values')

    # rescale the image
    image = image / dx
    # make sure everything is at least 0
    image[image < 0] = 0

    (x0, y0), (x1, y1) = trail_coords  # p0, p1

    #  Find out how much to rotate the image
    rad = np.arctan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
    newrad = (np.pi * 2) - rad
    deg = np.degrees(rad)

    if verbose:
        print('Rotation: {0}'.format(deg))

    rotate = transform.rotate(image, deg, resize=True, order=order)

    if plot and plt is not None:
        mean = np.median(image)
        stddev = image.std()
        lower = mean - stddev
        upper = mean + stddev

        fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
        ax1.imshow(image, vmin=lower, vmax=upper, cmap=plt.cm.gray)

        fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
        ax2.imshow(rotate, vmin=lower, vmax=upper, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        ax2.set_title('{0} rotated by {1} deg'.format(fname, deg))


    #  Will do all of this in the loop, but want to make sure there is a
    #  good point first and that there is indeed a profile to fit.
    #  get starting point
    sx, sy = _rotate_point((x0, y0), newrad, image.shape, rotate.shape)

    #  start with one subarray around p0
    dx = int(subwidth / 2)
    ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1 = _get_valid_indices(rotate.shape, sx - dx, sx + dx,
                                            sy - sublen, sy + sublen)
    subr = rotate[iy0:iy1, ix0:ix1]
    if len(subr) <= sublen:
        raise ValueError('Trail subarray size is {0} but expected {1} or '
                         'larger'.format(len(subr), sublen))

    # Flatten the array so we are looking along rows
    # Take median of each row, should filter out most outliers
    # This list will get appended in the loop
    medarr = np.median(subr, axis=1)
    flat = [medarr]

    # get the outliers
    #mean = biweight_location(medarr)
    mean = sigma_clipped_stats(medarr)[0]
    stddev = biweight_midvariance(medarr)

    # only flag things that are sigma from the mean
    z = np.where(medarr > (mean + (sigma * stddev)))[0]

    if plot and plt is not None:
        fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
        ax1.plot(medarr, 'b.')
        ax1.plot(z, medarr[z], 'r.')
        ax1.set_title('Median array in flat[0]')

    # Make sure there is something in the first pass before trying to move on
    if len(z) < 1:
        raise ValueError('First look at finding a profile failed. '
                         'Nothing found at {0} from background! '
                         'Adjust parameters and try again.'.format(sigma))

    # get the bounds of the flagged points
    lower = z.min()
    upper = z.max()
    diff = upper - lower

    # add in a pading value to make sure all of the wings are accounted for
    lower = lower - pad
    upper = upper + pad

    # for plotting see how the profile was made (append to plot above)
    if plot and plt is not None:
        padind = np.arange(lower, upper)
        ax1.plot(padind, medarr[padind], 'yx')

    # start to create a mask
    mask = np.zeros(rotate.shape)
    lowerx, upperx, lowery, uppery = _get_valid_indices(
        mask.shape, np.floor(sx - subwidth), np.ceil(sx + subwidth),
        np.floor(sy - sublen + lower), np.ceil(sy - sublen + upper))
    mask[lowery:uppery, lowerx:upperx] = 1

    done = False
    first = True
    nextx = upperx  # np.ceil(sx + subwidth)
    centery = np.ceil(lowery + diff)  # np.ceil(sy - sublen + lower + diff)
    counter = 0

    while not done:
        # move to the right of the centerpoint first. do the same
        # as above but keep moving right until the edge is hit.
        ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1 = _get_valid_indices(rotate.shape, nextx - dx,
                                                nextx + dx, centery - sublen,
                                                centery + sublen)
        subr = rotate[iy0:iy1, ix0:ix1]

        # determines the edge, if the subr is not good, then the edge was
        # hit.
        if 0 in subr.shape:
            if verbose:
                print('Hit edge, subr shape={0}, first={1}'.format(
                    subr.shape, first))
            if first:
                first = False
                centery = sy
                nextx = sx
                done = True

        medarr = np.median(subr, axis=1)

        #mean = biweight_location(medarr)
        mean = sigma_clipped_stats(medarr, sigma=sigma)[0]
        stddev = biweight_midvariance(medarr)  # Might give RuntimeWarning
        z = np.where(medarr > (mean + (sigma * stddev)))[0]

        if len(z) < 1:
            if first:
                if verbose:
                    print('No good profile found for counter={0}. Start '
                          'moving left from starting point.'.format(counter))
                centery = sy
                nextx = sx
                first = False
                if verbose:
                    print('z={0} is less than 1, subr shape={1}, '
                          'we are done'.format(z, subr.shape))
                done = True

        # get the bounds of the flagged points
        lower = z.min()
        upper = z.max()
        diff = upper - lower

        # add in a pading value to make sure all of the wings
        # are accounted for
        lower = np.floor(lower - pad)
        upper = np.ceil(upper + pad)
        lowerx, upperx, lowery, uppery = _get_valid_indices(
            mask.shape, np.floor(nextx - subwidth), np.ceil(nextx + subwidth),
            np.floor(centery - sublen + lower),
            np.ceil(centery - sublen + upper))
        mask[lowery:uppery, lowerx:upperx] = 1

        lower_p = (lowerx, lowery)
        upper_p = (upperx, uppery)
        lower_t = _rotate_point(lower_p,
        upper_t = _rotate_point(upper_p,

        lowy = np.floor(lower_t[1])
        highy = np.ceil(upper_t[1])
        lowx = np.floor(lower_t[0])
        highx = np.ceil(upper_t[0])

        # Reset the next subr to be at the center of the profile
        if first:
            nextx = nextx + dx
            centery = lowery + diff  # centery - sublen + lower + diff

            if (nextx + subwidth) > rotate.shape[1]:
                if verbose:
                    print('Hit rotate edge at counter={0}'.format(counter))
                first = False
            elif (highy > image.shape[0]) or (highx > image.shape[1]):
                if verbose:
                    print('Hit image edge at counter={0}'.format(counter))
                first = False

            if not first:
                centery = sy
                nextx = sx

        # Not first, this is the pass the other way.
            nextx = nextx - dx
            centery = lowery + diff  # centery - sublen + lower + diff

            if (nextx - subwidth) < 0:
                if verbose:
                    print('Hit rotate edge at counter={0}'.format(counter))
                done = True
            elif (highy > image.shape[0]) or (highx > image.shape[1]):
                if verbose:
                    print('Hit image edge at counter={0}'.format(counter))
                done = True

        counter += 1

        # make sure it does not try to go infinetly
        if counter > 500:
            if verbose:
                print('Too many loops, exiting')
            done = True
    # End while

    rot = transform.rotate(mask, -deg, resize=True, order=1)
    ix0 = (rot.shape[1] - image.shape[1]) / 2
    iy0 = (rot.shape[0] - image.shape[0]) / 2
    lowerx, upperx, lowery, uppery = _get_valid_indices(
        rot.shape, ix0, image.shape[1] + ix0, iy0, image.shape[0] + iy0)
    mask = rot[lowery:uppery, lowerx:upperx]

    if mask.shape != image.shape:
            'Output mask shape is {0} but input image shape is '
            '{1}'.format(mask.shape, image.shape), AstropyUserWarning)

    # Change to boolean mask
    mask = mask.astype(np.bool)

    if plot and plt is not None:
        # debugging array
        test = image.copy()
        test[mask] = 0

        mean = np.median(test)
        stddev = test.std()
        lower = mean - stddev
        upper = mean + stddev

        fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
        ax1.imshow(test, vmin=lower, vmax=upper, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        ax1.set_title('Masked image')

        fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
        ax2.imshow(mask, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
        ax2.set_title('DQ mask')


    if verbose:
        t_end = time.time()
        print('Run time: {0} s'.format(t_end - t_beg))

    return mask
Ejemplo n.º 34
def fbistd(y):
    """Helper function of trendplot. Returns biweight std of input 1d-array (see astropy.stats)"""
    return biweight_midvariance(y)
Ejemplo n.º 35
mr1 = (fluxdata[allgood]['ar'] < 0.25)
mr2 = np.logical_and(fluxdata[allgood]['ar'] >= 0.25,
                     fluxdata[allgood]['ar'] < 0.5)
mr3 = np.logical_and(fluxdata[allgood]['ar'] >= 0.5,
                     fluxdata[allgood]['ar'] < 0.75)
mr4 = (fluxdata[allgood]['ar'] >= 0.75)
med1 = np.median(fluxdata[allgood][mr1].av)
med2 = np.median(fluxdata[allgood][mr2].av)
med3 = np.median(fluxdata[allgood][mr3].av)
med4 = np.median(fluxdata[allgood][mr4].av)
med751 = np.percentile(fluxdata[allgood][mr1].av, 75)
med752 = np.percentile(fluxdata[allgood][mr2].av, 75)
med753 = np.percentile(fluxdata[allgood][mr3].av, 75)
med754 = np.percentile(fluxdata[allgood][mr4].av, 75)
emed1 = np.sqrt(biweight_midvariance(fluxdata[allgood][mr1].av))
emed2 = np.sqrt(biweight_midvariance(fluxdata[allgood][mr2].av))
emed3 = np.sqrt(biweight_midvariance(fluxdata[allgood][mr3].av))
emed4 = np.sqrt(biweight_midvariance(fluxdata[allgood][mr4].av))
ms = 12
lwbw = 2

for ax in axarr:
    ax2 = axarr2[c]
    ax3 = axarr3[c]
    ax4 = axarr4[c]
    ax5 = axarr5[c]
    if c == 0:
        col = 'good'
        filt = allgood
        color = 'blue'
Ejemplo n.º 36
def trendplot(
    XY scatter plot with tendency curves and optional errorbars + sigma curves.
    **xin,yin** : 1d-arrays.
       Input data. Required.

    **crange** : list of form [xlim1,xlim2].
       x-axis range that the tendency curve will span. Defaults to data [min,max].
    **nbin** : int.
       Nr of bins of tendency curve.
    **xycut** : list of form [xlim1,xlim2,ylim1,ylim2].
       Rectangular window to cut input data by. Defaults to data [min,max].

    **prange** : list of form [xlim1,xlim2,ylim1,ylim2].
       Rectangular window for plotting. Defaults to data [min,max].
    **ystat** : y-axis statistic. Default: "median".
       * "median" : median of data in bin.

       * "mean" :  mean of data in bin.
       * "bimean" : biweight mean of data in bin (from astropy.stats).

    **estat** : y-axis error bar statistic.
       * "std" : standard deviation.
       * "bistd" : biweight standard deviation(from astropy.stats).
       * "poisson" : poisson error.
       * "boot" : boostrap sampling error, i.e. the error of each bin is bistd(bimean(bootsamples)). Defaults to 250 samples.
    **psize** : point size of scatter plot. Default: 1
    **pcolor** : point color of scatter plot. Default: "0.5" (gray)
    **cmarker** : marker of tendency curve. Default: "o"
    **ccolor** : color of tendency curve. Default: "red"
    **csize** : size of tendency curve markers. Default: 4
    **cls** : linestyle of tendency curve. Default: "-"
    **clw** : line width of tendency curve. Default: 1
    **sigfact** : float. Plot 1,2,3 or x sigma lines above and below tendency curve. Uses bistd().
    **sigcolor** : color of sigma lines. Default: "k"
    **sigls** :  linestyle of sigma lines. Default: "--"
    **noscatter** : bool. Do not plot scatter points. Default: False
    **noplot** : bool. Do not plot anything and return curves instead. Default: False

    (only when noplot=True)
    * **(px,py)** : coordinates of curve, if estat is not set
    * **(px,py,ey)**: coordinates of curve + errors, if estat is set 
        import trend as t
        x = np.arange(0,100,0.1)
        y = 1.2*x + np.random.randn(len(x))*15
        y[300:600] = 55. + np.random.randn(300)*6

        # Simple plot

        # More bins, 1-sigma error lines
        t.trendplot(x,y, nbin=20, sigfact=1, estat='std')

        # Custom curve range, custom ystat, boostrap error bars

        # Don't plot but get the biweight mean tendency curve with boostrap errors
        px,py,ey = t.trendplot(x,y,ystat='bimean',estat='boot',noplot=True)

    # Default plotting styles
    if psize is None:
        psize = 1  # scatter point size
    if pcolor is None:
        pcolor = "0.5"  # scatter point color
    if cmarker is None:
        cmarker = "o"  # t. curve point style
    if csize is None:
        csize = 4  # t. curve point size
    if ccolor is None:
        ccolor = "red"  # t. curve color
    if cls is None:
        cls = "-"  # t. curve line style
    if clw is None:
        clw = 1  # t. curve line width
    if sigcolor is None:
        sigcolor = "k"  # sigma line color
    if sigls is None:
        sigls = "--"  # sigma line style

    # Default number of bins
    if nbin is None:
        nbin = 10

    # Default y-axis statistic
    if ystat is None:
        ystat = "median"

    # Default xrange that the curve will spawn
    if crange is None:
        crange = [np.min(xin), np.max(xin)]

    # Cut input values. Add some tolerance
    if xycut is None:
        tol = 0.01
        xycut = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        xycut[0] = np.min(xin) - tol
        xycut[1] = np.max(xin) + tol
        xycut[2] = np.min(yin) - tol
        xycut[3] = np.max(yin) + tol
    idxin = np.where((xin > xycut[0]) & (xin < xycut[1]) & (yin > xycut[2]) & (yin < xycut[3]))
    xin, yin = xin[idxin], yin[idxin]

    # Default plot range for entire plot. Do this after cutting input?
    if prange is None:
        prange = [np.min(xin), np.max(xin), np.min(yin), np.max(yin)]

    # Bin x-coordinates
    xcounts, xedges = np.histogram(xin, bins=nbin, range=crange)

    # Find curve x-axis (mid-point of bins)
    hbsiz = abs(xedges[0] - xedges[1]) * 0.5
    px = xedges[:-1] + hbsiz  # drop last

    # Find curve y-axis (mean, median, etc.)
    py = np.zeros(nbin)
    ey = np.zeros(nbin)
    sigmav = np.zeros(nbin)
    ystatoptions = {"median": fmed, "mean": fmean, "bimean": fbimean}
    estatoptions = {"std": fstd, "poisson": fpoisson, "boot": fboot, "bistd": fbistd}
    for l, r, i in zip(xedges[:-1], xedges[1:], range(nbin)):
        ydat = yin[(xin > l) & (xin < r)]
        py[i] = ystatoptions[ystat](ydat)
        if estat is not None:
            ey[i] = estatoptions[estat](ydat)
        if sigfact is not None:
            sigmav[i] = biweight_midvariance(ydat)
        # print(i,'--',l,'--',r,'--',elm,'--',py[i])

    # Do plot or get results  =================================================
    if noplot == False:
        if noscatter == False:
            plt.scatter(xin, yin, marker=".", s=psize, color=pcolor)  # scatter points
        print cls
        plt.plot(px, py, color=ccolor, linestyle=cls, linewidth=clw)  # curve line
            px, py, marker=cmarker, markersize=csize, color=ccolor, markeredgecolor=ccolor, linestyle="none"
        )  # curve points
        if estat is not None:
            plt.errorbar(px, py, yerr=ey, fmt="none", ecolor=ccolor)  # curve errorbars
        if sigfact is not None:
            plt.plot(px, py + sigfact * sigmav, color=sigcolor, linestyle=sigls)  # sigma lines
            plt.plot(px, py - sigfact * sigmav, color=sigcolor, linestyle=sigls)
        # Reset plot limits to desired range
        plt.xlim(prange[0], prange[1])
        plt.ylim(prange[2], prange[3])
        if estat is not None:
            res = (px, py, ey)
            res = (px, py)
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def _gaussian_kernel(self, rvalues, vvalues, r200, normalization=100.0, scale=10.0, rres=200, vres=220, rmax=6.0,
        Uses a 2D gaussian kernel to estimate the density of the phase space.
        As of now, the maximum radius extends to 6Mpc and the maximum velocity allowed is 5000km/s
        The "q" parameter is termed "scale" here which we have set to 10 as default, but can go as high as 50.
        "normalization" is simply H0
        "r/vres" can be any value, but are recommended to be above 150
        "adj" is a custom value and changes the size of uniform filters when used (not normally needed)

        rvalues : r-coordinates of points in phase space

        vvalues : v-coordinates of points in phase space

        r200 : Required estimate of r200 to calculate a rough dispersion

        normalization = 100 : This is equivalent to H0. Default is H0=100

        scale = 10 : "q" parameter in Diaferio 99. Literature says this can be between 10-50

        rres = 200 : r-grid resolution

        vres = 220 : v-grid resolution

        rmax = 6.0 : Maximum r-grid value. If data points exceed this amount either increase
                     this value or cut sample to be within this value.

        vmax = 5000 : Maximum/minimum v-grid value. If data points exceed this amount either increase
                     this value or cut sample to be within this value.

        self.r_range : array of r-grid values
        self.v_range : array of v-grid values
        self.img : smoothed density image
        self.img_grad : first derivative of img
        self.img_inf : second derivative of img
        if np.max(rvalues) >= rmax:
            raise Exception(
                'Bounding Error: Please either increase your rmax value or trim your sample to be r < ' + str(rmax))
        if np.max(np.abs(vvalues)) >= vmax:
            raise Exception(
                'Bounding Error: Please either increase your vmax value or trim your sample to be v < ' + str(vmax))

        vvalues = vvalues / (normalization * scale)

        self.r_range = np.arange(0, rmax, 0.05)
        r_range_bin = np.arange(0, rmax + 0.05, 0.05)
        rres = self.r_range.size
        self.v_range = np.arange(-vmax / (normalization * scale), vmax / (normalization * scale),
                                 0.05) * normalization * scale
        v_range_bin = np.arange(-1 * vmax / (normalization * scale), (vmax / (normalization * scale)) + 0.05, 0.05)
        # vres = self.v_range.size
        r_scale = (rvalues / rmax) * rres
        v_scale = ((vvalues * (normalization * scale) + vmax) / (vmax * 2.0)) * self.v_range.size
        # self.ksize_r = (4.0/(3.0*rvalues.size))**(1/5.0)*np.std(r_scale[rvalues<r200])
        ksize_r = (4.0 / (3.0 * rvalues.size)) ** (1 / 5.0) * \
                              biweight_midvariance((r_scale[rvalues < r200]).copy(), 9.0) ** 2 +
                              biweight_midvariance((v_scale[rvalues < r200]).copy(), 9.0) ** 2) / 2.0
        ksize_r *= 1.0
        ksize_v = ksize_r  # (4.0/(3.0*rvalues.size))**(1/5.0)*np.std(v_scale[rvalues<r200])
        imgr, redge, vedge = np.histogram2d(rvalues, vvalues, bins=(r_range_bin, v_range_bin))
        self.img = ndi.gaussian_filter(imgr, (ksize_r, ksize_v), mode='reflect')
        self.img_grad = ndi.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(imgr, (ksize_r, ksize_v))
        self.img_inf = ndi.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(ndi.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(imgr, (ksize_r, ksize_v)),
                                                       (ksize_r, ksize_v))
Ejemplo n.º 38
		clus_dec = DEC[i]
		clus_z = Z[i]
		rvir = RVIR[i]

		ang_d,lum_d = C.zdistance(clus_z,H0)
		angles = C.findangle(gal_ra,gal_dec,clus_ra,clus_dec)
		rdata = angles * ang_d
		vdata = c * (gal_z - clus_z) / (1 + clus_z)

		# Calculate HVD
		rlim = rvir * 1.25   # Mpc
		rad_cut = np.where(rdata < rlim)[0]
		if len(rad_cut) == 0:
		elif len(rad_cut) > 2:
			hvd = astats.biweight_midvariance(vdata[np.where((rdata < rlim)&(np.abs(vdata)<3000))])
			hvd = np.std(vdata[np.where(rdata < rlim)])

		Nspec.append( np.where((rdata < rvir) & (np.abs(vdata) < hvd * 1.5))[0].size )
		if i % 200 == 0: print i

	Nspec,HVD,good2 = np.array(Nspec),np.array(HVD),np.array(good2)
	N200 = []
	for i in good2:
		N200.append(new[i][2,1,4,9] - newb[i][2,1,4,1])
	N200 = np.array(N200)
	new_halos = halos[good2]
Ejemplo n.º 39
ones[~np.isfinite(ffskysub)] = np.nan
wave_here = (def_wave > 4550) & (def_wave <= 4650)
for star in stars:
    detectid = star["detectid"]
    ra, dec = star["ra_1"], star["dec_1"]
    rsqs = distsq(ra, dec, shot_tab["ra"], shot_tab["dec"])
    mask_here = rsqs < 10**2

    N = np.nansum(ones[mask_here][:, wave_here], axis=1)

    flux_here = ffskysub[mask_here][:, wave_here]
    weights_here = weights[mask_here][:, wave_here]

    these_fibers_b = biweight_location(flux_here, ignore_nan=True, axis=1)
    these_errs_b = np.sqrt(
        biweight_midvariance(flux_here, ignore_nan=True,
                             axis=1)) / np.sqrt(N - 1)

    weight_sum = np.nansum(weights_here, axis=1)
    mean_flux_weighted = np.nansum(flux_here * weights_here,
                                   axis=1) / weight_sum
    diff_squared = (flux_here.T - mean_flux_weighted)**2
    diff_squared = diff_squared.T
    mean_error_weighted = np.sqrt(
        np.nansum(diff_squared * weights_here, axis=1) /
        ((N - 1) * weight_sum))

    rs = np.sqrt(rsqs[mask_here])

    p0 = [np.nanmax(mean_flux_weighted), 1.3]
    mask_finite = np.isfinite(mean_flux_weighted) & np.isfinite(
Ejemplo n.º 40
def _cal_contrast(image, mask, pixel_scale, zeropoint, sigma=1.0, scale_arcsec=60, 
                  minfrac=0.8, minback=6, verbose=True, logger=None):
    Calculate the surface brightness detection limit on a given angular scale. 
    The error of SB limit is calculated according to https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/631/standard-deviation-of-standard-deviation.

        image (numpy 2-D array): input image.
        mask (numpy 2-D array): if you want to mask out a pixel, set its value to 1; otherwise set to zero.
        pixel_scale (float): pixel scale of the input image, in the unit of ``arcsec/pixel``.
        zeropoint (float): photometric zeropoint of the input image.
        sigma (float): indicates the detection threshold on which the SB limit will be calculated.
        scale_arcsec (float): on which scale we calculate SB limit, in the unit of ``arcsec``. 
            If ``scale_arcsec=60``, this function prints out SB limit on the scale of 60 arcsec * 60 arcsec square. 
        minfrac (float): Must be less than 1.0. We discard super-pixels in which less than ``minfrac`` fraction of pixels are available. 
            Hence super-pixels with too many pixels masked out are discarded.
        minback (int): Given a super-pixel, we discard it (set to zero) if there are less than ``minback`` non-zero super-pixels surrounding it.
        verbose (bool): whether print out results.
        logger (``logging.logger`` object): logger for this function. Default is ``None``.

    import copy
    from astropy.stats import biweight_midvariance
    from astropy.stats import biweight_location
    ## read image
    ny, nx = image.shape

    scale_pix = scale_arcsec / pixel_scale # scale in pixel
    scale_x = np.array([scale_pix, int(scale_pix), int(scale_pix), int(scale_pix) + 1])
    scale_y = np.array([scale_pix, int(scale_pix), int(scale_pix) + 1, int(scale_pix) + 1])
    area = scale_x * scale_y
    area -= area[0]
    area = abs(area)[1:] # d1, d2, d3
    bin_x = int(scale_x[np.argmin(area) + 1])
    bin_y = int(scale_y[np.argmin(area) + 1])
    area_ratio = bin_x * bin_y / scale_pix**2 

    if verbose:
        if logger is not None:
            logger.info("Determine surface brightness detection limit")
            logger.info('    - Binning factors: dx = {0}, dy = {1}'.format(bin_x, bin_y))
            logger.info('    - Used bin area / True bin area = {:.5f}'.format(area_ratio))
            print('# Determine surface brightness detection limit')
            print('    - Binning factors: dx = {0}, dy = {1}'.format(bin_x, bin_y))
            print('    - Used bin area / True bin area = {:.5f}'.format(area_ratio))

    nbins_x = np.int(nx / bin_x)
    nbins_y = np.int(ny / bin_y)

    im_var = np.zeros((nbins_y, nbins_x))
    im_loc = np.zeros((nbins_y, nbins_x))
    im_frac = np.zeros((nbins_y, nbins_x))
    im_fluct = np.zeros((nbins_y, nbins_x))

    for i in range(nbins_x - 1):
        for j in range(nbins_y - 1):
            x1, x2, y1, y2 = i * bin_x, (i + 1) * bin_x, j * bin_y, (j + 1) * bin_y
            im_sec = image[y1:y2, x1:x2]
            im_mask_sec = mask[y1:y2, x1:x2]
            im_sec_in = im_sec[(im_mask_sec == 0)]
            if im_sec_in.size > 0:
                im_var[j, i] = biweight_midvariance(im_sec_in)
                im_loc[j, i] = biweight_location(im_sec_in)
            im_frac[j, i] = 1 - np.float(im_sec_in.size) / np.float(im_sec.size)
    temp = copy.deepcopy(image)
    temp[mask==1] = np.nan
    # var
    im_var = block_reduce(temp, (bin_y, bin_x), func=np.nanvar, cval=np.nan)
    # loc
    im_loc = block_reduce(temp, (bin_y, bin_x), func=np.nanmedian, cval=np.nan)
    # frac
    im_frac = block_reduce(mask, (bin_y, bin_x), func=np.sum, cval=np.nan) / (bin_x * bin_y)

    # calculate fluctuation
    for i in range(1, nbins_x - 1):
        for j in range(1, nbins_y - 1):
            backvec = im_loc[j-1:j+2, i-1:i+2]
            backvec = np.delete(backvec.flatten(), 4)
            maskvec = im_frac[j-1:j+2, i-1:i+2]
            maskvec = np.delete(maskvec.flatten(), 4) # fraction of being masked out
            backvec_in = backvec[(maskvec < 1 - minfrac)]
            if len(backvec_in) > minback:
                im_fluct[j,i] = im_loc[j,i] - biweight_location(backvec_in)
    im_fluct_in = im_fluct[im_fluct != 0]
    sig_adu = np.sqrt(biweight_midvariance(im_fluct_in)) * 0.80  # 8/9 is area correction
    sig_adu *= sigma
    dsig_adu = sig_adu / np.sqrt(2 * (im_fluct_in.size - 1)) 
    dsig_adu *= sigma
    # For the standard deviation of standard deviation, see this: https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/631/standard-deviation-of-standard-deviation
    # convert to magnitudes
    sb_lim = zeropoint - 2.5 * np.log10(sig_adu / pixel_scale**2)
    dsb_lim = 2.5 * np.log10(1 + 1/np.sqrt(im_fluct_in.size)) 
    #2.5 / np.log(10) / sig_adu * dsig_adu

    if verbose:
        if logger is not None:
            logger.info('    - {0:.1f}-sigma variation in counts = {1:.4f} +- {2:.4f}'.format(sigma, sig_adu, dsig_adu))
            logger.info('    - {0:.1f}-sigma surface brightness limit on {1} arcsec scale is {2:.4f} +- {3:.4f}'.format(sigma, scale_arcsec, sb_lim, dsb_lim))
            print('    - {0:.1f}-sigma variation in counts = {1:.4f} +- {2:.4f}'.format(sigma, sig_adu, dsig_adu))
            print('    - {0:.1f}-sigma surface brightness limit on {1} arcsec scale is {2:.4f} +- {3:.4f}'.format(sigma, scale_arcsec, sb_lim, dsb_lim))

    return (sb_lim, dsb_lim), (sig_adu, dsig_adu), [im_fluct, im_loc, im_var, im_frac]