Ejemplo n.º 1
 def from_fits(cls, fitspath):
     header = fits.getheader(fitspath)
     control = QTable.read(fitspath, hdu='CONTROL')
     data = QTable.read(fitspath, hdu='DATA')
     obs_beg = Time(header['DATE_OBS'])
     data['time'] = (data['time'] + obs_beg)
     return cls(control=control, data=data)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def read_qtable(file, hdu, hdul=None):
    Read a fits file into a QTable and maintain dtypes of columns with units

    Hack to work around QTable not respecting the dtype in fits file see

    file : `str` or `pathlib.Path`
        Fits file
    hdu : `str`
        The name of the extension
    hdul : optional `astropy.io.fits.HDUList`
        The HDU list for the fits file

        The corrected QTable with correct data types
    qtable = QTable.read(file, hdu)
    if hdul is None:
        hdul = fits.open(file)

    for col in hdul[hdu].data.columns:
        if col.unit:
            logger.debug(f'Unit present dtype correction needed for {col}')
            dtype = col.dtype

            if col.bzero:
                    f'Unit present dtype and bzero correction needed for {col}'
                bits = np.log2(col.bzero)
                if bits.is_integer():
                    dtype = BITS_TO_UINT[int(bits + 1)]

            if hasattr(dtype, 'subdtype'):
                dtype = dtype.base

            qtable[col.name] = qtable[col.name].astype(dtype)

    return qtable
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def write_fits(self, product):
        self.meta = []
        if callable(getattr(product, 'to_days', None)):
            #print("# to_days")
            products = product.to_days()
            #print("# to_request")
            products = product.to_requests()
        for prod in products:
            #create an fits for each request
            filename = self.generate_filename(product=prod)
            start_date = prod.obs_beg.to_datetime()
            if prod.type == 'ql':
                start_date = prod.obs_avg.to_datetime()

            #path = self.archive_path.joinpath(*[prod.level, format(start_date.year, '04d'),
            #                                    format(start_date.month, '02d'),
            #                                    format(start_date.day, '02d'),
            #                                    prod.type.upper()])
            path = self.archive_path
            #path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
            fitspath = path / filename
            logger.info(f'Fits filename:{fitspath.as_posix()}')
            #if fitspath.exists():
            #    logger.info(f'Fits file %s exists appending data {fitspath.name}')
            #    existing = prod.from_fits(fitspath)
            #    # logger.debug('Existing %s \n New %s', existing, prod)
            #    prod = prod + existing
            #    # logger.debug('Combined %s', prod)

            control = prod.control
            data = prod.data

            elow, ehigh = prod.get_energies()

            energies = QTable()
            energies['channel'] = range(len(elow))
            energies['e_low'] = elow * u.keV
            energies['e_high'] = ehigh * u.keV

            # Convert time to be relative to start date
            data['time'] = (data['time'] - prod.obs_beg).to(u.s)

            primary_header = self.generate_primary_header(filename, prod)
            primary_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU()
            primary_hdu.header.update({'HISTORY': 'Processed by STIX'})

            control_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU(control)
            control_hdu.name = 'CONTROL'
            data_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU(data)
            data_hdu.name = 'DATA'
            energy_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU(energies)
            energy_hdu.name = 'ENERGIES'

            hdul = fits.HDUList(
                [primary_hdu, control_hdu, data_hdu, energy_hdu])

            #logger.debug(f'Writing fits file to {path / filename}')
            full_path = path / filename
            if full_path.is_file():
                print("Removing existing fits:", str(full_path))

            hdul.writeto(full_path, overwrite=True, checksum=True)
            _meta = {
                'data_start_unix': prod.obs_beg.to_datetime().timestamp(),
                'data_end_unix': prod.obs_end.to_datetime().timestamp(),
                '_id': self.fits_db_id,
                'filename': filename
            if 'request_id' in control.colnames:
                _meta['request_id'] = int(control['request_id'][0])

            self.fits_db_id += 1
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def from_fits(cls, fitspath):
     control = QTable.read(fitspath, hdu='CONTROL')
     data = QTable.read(fitspath, hdu='DATA')
     return cls(control=control, data=data)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def raw_to_engineering_product(product, idbm):
    """Apply parameter raw to engineering conversion for the entire product.

    product : `BaseProduct`
        The TM product as level 0

        How many columns where calibrated.
    col_n = 0

    idb_ranges = QTable(rows=[
        (version, range.start.as_float(), range.end.as_float())
        for version, range in product.idb_versions.items()
                        names=["version", "obt_start", "obt_end"])

    idb_ranges['obt_start'][0] = SCETime.min_time().as_float()
    for i in range(0, len(idb_ranges) - 1):
        idb_ranges['obt_end'][i] = idb_ranges['obt_start'][i + 1]
    idb_ranges['obt_end'][-1] = SCETime.max_time().as_float()

    for table, timecol in [(product.data, 'time'),
                           (product.control, 'scet_coarse')]:
        if timecol == 'scet_coarse':
            if 'scet_coarse' in table.colnames:
                timevector = SCETime(coarse=table['scet_coarse'],
                # product per request (xray: no 'scet_coarse' in control)
                # do not have engineering values in control
        else:  # time
            timevector = table['time'].as_float()

        for col in table.colnames:
            if not (hasattr(table[col], "meta")
                    # and table[col].meta.get("PCF_CURTX", None) is not None
                    and not isinstance(table[col].meta.get("PCF_CURTX", None),
                                       (type(None), list)) and
                    table[col].meta["NIXS"] is not None):
            col_n += 1
            c = 0

            # clone the current column into a new column as the content might be replaced chunk wise
            table[CCN] = table[col]

            for idbversion, starttime, endtime in idb_ranges.iterrows():
                idb = idbm.get_idb(idbversion)

                idb_time_period = np.where((starttime <= timevector)
                                           & (timevector < endtime))[0]
                if len(idb_time_period) < 1:
                c += len(idb_time_period)
                calib_param = idb.get_params_for_calibration(
                    product.service_type, product.service_subtype,
                    (product.ssid if hasattr(product, "ssid") else None),
                    table[col].meta["NIXS"], table[col].meta["PCF_CURTX"])[0]

                raw = Parameter(table[col].meta["NIXS"],
                                table[idb_time_period][col], None)

                eng = apply_raw_to_engineering(raw, (calib_param, idb))

                # cast the type of the column if needed
                if table[CCN].dtype != eng.engineering.dtype:
                    table[CCN] = table[CCN].astype(eng.engineering.dtype)

                # set the unit if needed
                if hasattr(eng.engineering,
                           "unit") and table[CCN].unit != eng.engineering.unit:
                    meta = table[col].meta
                    table[CCN].unit = eng.engineering.unit
                    # restore the meta info
                    setattr(table[CCN], "meta", meta)

                # override the data into the new column
                table[CCN][idb_time_period] = eng.engineering

            # replace the old column with the converted
            table[col] = table[CCN]
            table[col].meta = table[CCN].meta
            # delete the generic column for conversion
            del table[CCN]
            # delete the calibration key from meta as it is now processed
            del table[col].meta["PCF_CURTX"]

            if c != len(table):
                    "Not all time bins got converted to engineering" +
                    "values due to bad idb periods." +
                    f"\n Converted bins: {c}\ntotal bins {len(table)}")

    return col_n