Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_iPTF14gqr(colorplt=False):
    De+18, Table S1, already corrected for extinction
    z = 0.063
    # ebv = 0.082
    D = cosmo.luminosity_distance([z])[0].value * 1e+6  # in pc
    dis_mod = 5 * np.log10(D / 10)
    t_exp = 56943.74  #
    t_max = 56950.26  # g band max light + 3

    tb = Table(fits.open('../data/otherSN/De2018/tables1.fit')[1].data)
    tb.rename_column('MJD', 'mjd')
    tb['texp_rf'] = (tb['mjd'] - t_exp) / (1 + z)
    tb['tmax_rf'] = (tb['mjd'] - t_max) / (1 + z)
    # tb = tb[tb["Filt"]=="g   "]
    tb = tb[~np.isnan(tb['e_mag'])]
    tb.rename_column('Filt', 'filter')
    tb.rename_column('e_mag', 'emag')
    tb.rename_column('mag', 'mag0')

    ixg = tb['filter'] == "g   "
    ixB = tb['filter'] == "B   "
    ixV = tb['filter'] == "V   "
    ixr = tb['filter'] == "r   "
    ixi = tb['filter'] == "i   "
    ixUVW1 = tb['filter'] == "UVW1"
    ixUVW2 = tb['filter'] == "UVW2"

    tb['wave'] = np.zeros(len(tb))
    tb['wave'][ixUVW2] = 2079
    tb['wave'][ixUVW1] = 2614
    tb['wave'][ixB] = 4359
    tb['wave'][ixg] = 4814
    tb['wave'][ixV] = 5430
    tb['wave'][ixr] = 6422
    tb['wave'][ixi] = 7883

    tb['mag0_abs'] = tb['mag0'] - dis_mod

    tb = tb.to_pandas()
    tb["texp_rf"] = tb["Phase"]
    tb = tb.drop(columns=["recno", "Phase", "l_mag"])
    ix = np.any([tb['Tel'].values=="P60 ",
                 tb["filter"].values=='g   '], axis=0)
    tb = tb[ix]
    tb = add_datecol(tb)
    tb = add_physcol(tb)
    tt = tb["tmax_rf"].values
    epochs = ["        " for x in range(len(tt))]
    epochs = np.array(epochs)
    ix = (tt>-5.6)&(tt<-5.55)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 01"
    ix = (tt > -5.55) & (tt < -5.50)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 02"

    ix = (tt > -5.50) & (tt < -5.45)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 03"

    ix = (tt > -5.2) & (tt < -5.0)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 04"
    ix = (tt > -5.0) & (tt < -4.7)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 05"

    ix = (tt > -4.7) & (tt < -4.5)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 06"
    ix = (tt > -4.5) & (tt < -3.5)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 07"
    ix = (tt > -3.5) & (tt < -2.5)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 08"
    ix = (tt > -1.5) & (tt < -1)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 09"
    ix = (tt > -1) & (tt < -0.82)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 10"
    ix = (tt > -0.82) & (tt < -0.6)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 11"
    ix = (tt > -0.5) & (tt < 0.5)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 12"
    ix = (tt > 0.5) & (tt < 1.5)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 13"
    ix = (tt > 1.5) & (tt < 2.5)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 14"
    ix = (tt > 3.5) & (tt < 4.5)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 15"
    ix = (tt > 4.5) & (tt < 5)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 16"
    ix = (tt > 5) & (tt < 5.6)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 17"
    ix = (tt > 5.6) & (tt < 5.8)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 18"
    ix = (tt > 6) & (tt < 7)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 19"
    ix = (tt > 7) & (tt < 8)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 20"
    ix = (tt > 8) & (tt < 9)
    epochs[ix] = "epoch 21"
    tb["epoch"] = epochs

    if colorplt == False:
        return tb
        tb = add_datecol(tb)
        ix = np.in1d(tb["filter"].values, np.array(['g   ', 'r   ', 'i   ']))
        tb = tb[ix]

        dates = get_date_span(tb)
        datesave = []
        for i in range(len(dates)):
            x = dates[i]
            ix = tb["date"].values == x
            tbsub = tb[ix]
            if len(tbsub) != 0:
                flts = tbsub['filter'].values
                if "r   " in flts and np.sum(np.unique(flts)) != 1:
        datesave = np.array(datesave)

        mcolor = []
        mcolor_unc = []
        mjds = []
        colorname = []
        for i in range(len(datesave)):
            x = datesave[i]
            ix = tb["date"].values == x
            tbsub = tb[ix]
            gtb = tbsub[tbsub["filter"].values == "g   "]
            rtb = tbsub[tbsub["filter"].values == "r   "]
            itb = tbsub[tbsub["filter"].values == "i   "]
            if len(gtb) != 0:
                gmjds = gtb["mjd"].values
                gmags = gtb["mag0"].values
                gemags = gtb["emag"].values
                gwtgs = 1 / gemags**2
                gmag = np.sum(gmags * gwtgs) / np.sum(gwtgs)
                gmjd = np.sum(gmjds * gwtgs) / np.sum(gwtgs)
                gemag = 1 / np.sqrt(np.sum(gwtgs))
            if len(rtb) != 0:
                rmjds = rtb["mjd"].values
                rmags = rtb["mag0"].values
                remags = rtb["emag"].values
                rwtgs = 1 / remags**2
                rmag = np.sum(rmags * rwtgs) / np.sum(rwtgs)
                rmjd = np.sum(rmjds * rwtgs) / np.sum(rwtgs)
                remag = 1 / np.sqrt(np.sum(rwtgs))
            if len(itb) != 0:
                imjds = itb["mjd"].values
                imags = itb["mag0"].values
                iemags = itb["emag"].values
                iwtgs = 1 / iemags**2
                imag = np.sum(imags * iwtgs) / np.sum(iwtgs)
                imjd = np.sum(imjds * iwtgs) / np.sum(iwtgs)
                iemag = 1 / np.sqrt(np.sum(iwtgs))
            if len(gtb) != 0 and len(rtb) != 0:
                mcolor.append(gmag - rmag)
                mjds.append(0.5 * (gmjd + rmjd))
                mcolor_unc.append(np.sqrt(gemag**2 + remag**2))
            if len(rtb) != 0 and len(itb) != 0:
                mcolor.append(rmag - imag)
                mjds.append(0.5 * (rmjd + imjd))
                mcolor_unc.append(np.sqrt(remag**2 + iemag**2))

        ctb = Table(data=[mjds, mcolor, mcolor_unc, colorname],
                    names=["mjd", "c", "ec", "cname"])

        ctb['tmax_rf'] = (ctb['mjd'] - t_max) / (1 + z)
        ctb = ctb.to_pandas()
        return ctb
Ejemplo n.º 2
    output = Lambda(lambda x: K.mean(x, axis=1))(output)
    output = Dense(len(classes),
    model = Model(inputs=input, outputs=output)
    return model

t = fits.open('table1.fits', memmap=True)
train = Table(t[1].data).to_pandas()
train = shuffle(train)
classes = train['class'].to_frame()
train = train.drop(['class', 'Name'], axis=1)

metadata = pd.read_csv('metadata.csv')
print('Read training set and metadata...')

num_columns = len(train.columns)
X_train = np.array([train.values])
train = train.reset_index()
class_map = dict()
for i, val in enumerate(list(classes['class'].values)):
    class_map[i] = val
targets = classes
target_map = np.zeros((targets.shape[0], ))
target_map = np.array(
    [class_map[i] for i, val in enumerate(list(classes['class'].values))])
Y = to_categorical(target_map)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def fitting(directory, groupid, sky_coord, ja200_coord, cutoff=None):

    results_table = Table({
        'MJD': [],
        'Filter': [],
        'Mag': [],
        'Error': [],
        'ZP': [],
        'SUB': []
    for filename in os.listdir(directory):
        if filename != '.DS_Store':
            MJD, mg, zp, err, filter_, sub = CP.Return(
                directory + '/' + filename, groupid, sky_coord,
                (ja200_coord[0], ja200_coord[1]), cutoff)
            if isinstance(mg, float) and mg != 0.0:
            results_table.add_row([MJD, filter_, mg, err, zp, sub])

    results_table = results_table.group_by(['MJD', 'Filter', 'SUB'])
    results_table = results_table.groups.aggregate(np.mean)

    df = results_table.to_pandas()

    indices = (df[df['ZP'] == 0].index.to_numpy())

    for i in indices:
        zp = np.array(df.loc[(df['MJD'] == df['MJD'][i])
                             & (df['Filter'] == df['Filter'][i]) &
                             (df['ZP'] != 0)]['ZP'])
        zp_idx = (df[(df['MJD'] == df['MJD'][i])
                     & (df['Filter'] == df['Filter'][i]) &
                     (df['ZP'] != 0)].index)
        if len(zp_idx) == 0:
            df = df.drop([i])
            df = df.drop([zp_idx[0]])
        df['ZP'][i] = zp

    if cutoff is not '':
        df = df[(df['MJD'] < int(cutoff)) | (df['SUB'] == 1)]
    df['Mag'] = df['ZP'] - df['Mag']
    results_table = df

    results_table = results_table.drop(columns=['SUB'])
    results_table.to_excel("Photometry_data.xlsx", sheet_name='Sheet_name_1')


    B = results_table[results_table['Filter'] == 1]
    plt.errorbar(B['MJD'], B['Mag'], yerr=B['Error'], fmt='o')
    scatter = plt.scatter(B['MJD'], B['Mag'], label='B')

    V = results_table[results_table['Filter'] == 2]
    plt.errorbar(V['MJD'], V['Mag'], yerr=V['Error'], fmt='o')
    plt.scatter(V['MJD'], V['Mag'], label='V')

    gp = results_table[results_table['Filter'] == 3]
    plt.errorbar(gp['MJD'], gp['Mag'], yerr=gp['Error'], fmt='o')
    plt.scatter(gp['MJD'], gp['Mag'], label='gp')

    ip = results_table[results_table['Filter'] == 4]
    plt.errorbar(ip['MJD'], ip['Mag'], yerr=ip['Error'], fmt='o')
    plt.scatter(ip['MJD'], ip['Mag'], label='ip')

    rp = results_table[results_table['Filter'] == 5]
    plt.errorbar(rp['MJD'], rp['Mag'], yerr=rp['Error'], fmt='o')
    plt.scatter(rp['MJD'], rp['Mag'], label='rp')

    I = results_table[results_table['Filter'] == 6]
    plt.errorbar(I['MJD'], I['Mag'], yerr=I['Error'], fmt='o')
    plt.scatter(I['MJD'], I['Mag'], label='SDSS-I')

    R = results_table[results_table['Filter'] == 7]
    plt.errorbar(R['MJD'], R['Mag'], yerr=R['Error'], fmt='o')
    plt.scatter(R['MJD'], R['Mag'], label='SDSS-R')

    Z = results_table[results_table['Filter'] == 8]
    plt.errorbar(Z['MJD'], Z['Mag'], yerr=Z['Error'], fmt='o')
    plt.scatter(Z['MJD'], Z['Mag'], label='SDSS-Z')

    G = results_table[results_table['Filter'] == 9]
    plt.errorbar(G['MJD'], G['Mag'], yerr=G['Error'], fmt='o')
    plt.scatter(G['MJD'], G['Mag'], label='SDSS-G')

    ax = scatter.axes