Ejemplo n.º 1
bandpass = dorado.sensitivity.bandpasses.NUV_D

st.sidebar.markdown('## Background')

night = st.sidebar.checkbox('Orbit night (low airglow background)', True)

zodi = st.sidebar.radio('Zodiacal light background',
                        ('Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Specific time and place'))

if zodi == 'Specific time and place':
    time = st.sidebar.text_input("""Time (e.g. '2025-03-01 12:00:00')""",
                                 '2025-03-01 12:00:00')

        time = Time(time)
    except ValueError:
        st.sidebar.error('Did not understand time format')
    st.sidebar.success(f'Resolved to ' + time.isot)

    coord = st.sidebar.text_input(
        """Coordinates (e.g. 'NGC 4993', '13h09m47.706s -23d23'01.79"')""",
        'NGC 4993')
        coord = SkyCoord.from_name(coord)
    except NameResolveError:
            coord = SkyCoord(coord)
        except ValueError:
            st.sidebar.error('Did not understand coordinate format')
Ejemplo n.º 2
#corr[0] = XX
#corr[1] = XY
#corr[2] = YX
#corr[3] = XX

c = 299792458.0  #(m/s)
spw_table = '::'.join((myms, 'SPECTRAL_WINDOW'))

for a in xds_from_table(spw_table):
    chan = a.CHAN_FREQ.data.squeeze(0).compute()

wavel = c / chan
#msdata = xms.xds_from_ms(myms, columns=['TIME', 'FLAG', 'FIELD_ID', 'UVW', 'CORRECTED_DATA', 'DATA'])
for i in datasets:
    mjd = i.TIME.values / 86400
    t = Time(mjd, format='mjd')
    st_time = t.iso
    v = i.UVW.values[:, 1]
    u = i.UVW.values[:, 0]
    phase = numpy.angle(i.DATA.values[:, 0])  #rads
    amp = numpy.abs(i.DATA.values[:, 0])
    real = numpy.real(i.DATA.values[:, 0])
    imag = numpy.imag(i.DATA.values[:, 0])
    #print (st_time)

#UV distance
uvdist = ((u**2.0) + (v**2.0))**0.5

#convert the xarray into panda dataframe to prepare it for plotting ...
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def cone_search_async(self,
        This method queries the IMCCE
        `SkyBoT <http://vo.imcce.fr/webservices/skybot/?conesearch>`_
        cone search service and produces a `~astropy.table.QTable` object
        containing all Solar System bodies that might be in the cone
        defined by the cone center coordinates and epoch provided.

        coo : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` object or tuple
            Center coordinates of the search cone in ICRS coordinates. If
            provided as tuple, the input is excepted as (right ascension
            in degrees, declination in degrees).
        rad : `~astropy.units.Quantity` object or float
            Radius of the search cone. If no units are provided (input as
            float), degrees are assumed. The maximum search radius is 10
            degrees; if this
            maximum radius is exceeded, it will be clipped and a warning
            will be provided to the user.
        epoch : `~astropy.time.Time` object, float, or string
            Epoch of search process in UT. If provided as float, it is
            interpreted as Julian Date, if provided as string, it is
            interpreted as date in the form ``'YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS'``.
        location : int or str, optional
            Location of the observer on Earth as defined in the official
            `list of IAU codes
            Default: geocentric location (``'500'``)
        position_error : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or float, optional
            Maximum positional error for targets to be queried. If no
            unit is provided, arcseconds are assumed. Maximum positional
            error is 120 arcseconds, larger values are clipped and warning
            will be provided to the user. Default: 120 arcseconds
        find_planets : boolean, optional
            If ``True``, planets will be included in the search. Default:
        find_asteroids : boolean, optional
            If ``True``, asteroids will be included in the search. Default:
        find_comets : boolean, optional
            If ``True``, comets will be included in the search. Default:
        get_query_payload : boolean, optional
            Returns the query payload only and performs no query.
            Default: ``False``
        get_raw_response : boolean, optional
            Returns the raw response as provided by the IMCCE server instead
            of the parsed output. Default: ``False``
        cache : boolean, optional
            Cache this specfific query so it might be retrieved faster in
            the future. Default: ``True``

        The following parameters are queried from the SkyBoT service:

        | Column Name      | Definition                                    |
        | ``'Number'``     | Target Number (``-1`` if none provided, int)  |
        | ``'Name'``       | Target Name (str)                             |
        | ``'RA'``         | Target RA (J2000, deg, float)                 |
        | ``'DEC'``        | Target declination (J2000, deg, float)        |
        | ``'Type'``       | Target dynamical/physical type (str)          |
        | ``'V'``          | Target apparent brightness (V-band, mag,      |
        |                  | float)                                        |
        | ``'posunc'``     | Positional uncertainty (arcsec, float)        |
        | ``'centerdist'`` | Angular distance of target from cone center   |
        |                  | (arcsec, float)                               |
        | ``'RA_rate'``    | RA rate of motion (arcsec/hr, float)          |
        | ``'DEC_rate'``   | Declination rate of motion (arcsec/hr, float) |
        | ``'geodist'``    | Geocentric distance of target (au, float)     |
        | ``'heliodist'``  | Heliocentric distance of target (au, float)   |
        | ``'alpha'``      | Solar phase angle (deg, float)                |
        | ``'elong'``      | Solar elongation angle (deg, float)           |
        | ``'x'``          | Target equatorial vector x (au, float)        |
        | ``'y'``          | Target equatorial vector y (au, float)        |
        | ``'z'``          | Target equatorial vector z (au, float)        |
        | ``'vx'``         | Target velocity vector x (au/d, float)        |
        | ``'vy'``         | Target velocity vector y (au/d, float)        |
        | ``'vz'``         | Target velocity vector z (au/d, float)        |
        | ``'epoch'``      | Ephemerides epoch (JD, float)                 |

        >>> from astroquery.imcce import Skybot
        >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
        >>> from astropy.time import Time
        >>> import astropy.units as u
        >>> field = SkyCoord(1*u.deg, 1*u.deg)
        >>> epoch = Time('2019-05-29 21:42', format='iso')
        >>> Skybot.cone_search(field, 0.1*u.deg, epoch)  # doctest: +SKIP
        <QTable length=2>
        Number    Name           RA         ...      vy          vz       epoch
                                deg         ...    AU / d      AU / d       d
        int64     str9        float64       ...   float64     float64    float64
        ------ --------- ------------------ ... ----------- ----------- ---------
        180969 2005 MM39 1.0019566666666666 ...  0.00977568 0.003022634 2458630.0
        107804 2001 FV58 1.0765258333333332 ... 0.006551369 0.003846177 2458630.0

        URL = conf.skybot_server
        TIMEOUT = conf.timeout

        # check for types and units
        if not isinstance(coo, SkyCoord):
            coo = SkyCoord(ra=coo[0]*u.degree,
                           dec=coo[1]*u.degree, frame='icrs')
        if isinstance(rad, u.Quantity):
            rad = Angle(rad.value, unit=rad.unit)
        if not isinstance(rad, u.Quantity):
            rad = Angle(rad, unit=u.degree)
        if rad > Angle(10, unit=u.degree):
            rad = Angle(10, unit=u.degree)
            warnings.warn('search cone radius set to maximum: 10 deg',
        if isinstance(epoch, (int, float)):
            epoch = Time(epoch, format='jd')
        elif isinstance(epoch, str):
            epoch = Time(epoch, format='iso')
        if isinstance(position_error, u.Quantity):
            position_error = Angle(position_error.value,
        if not isinstance(position_error, u.Quantity):
            position_error = Angle(position_error, unit=u.arcsec)
        if position_error > Angle(120, unit=u.arcsec):
            position_error = Angle(120, unit=u.arcsec)
            warnings.warn('positional error set to maximum: 120 arcsec',

        # assemble payload
        request_payload = {'-ra': coo.ra.deg,
                           '-dec': coo.dec.deg,
                           '-rd': rad.deg,
                           '-ep': str(epoch.jd),
                           '-loc': str(location),
                           '-filter': position_error.arcsec,
                           str(int(find_asteroids)) +
                           str(int(find_planets)) +
                           '-refsys': 'EQJ2000',
                           '-output': 'all',
                           '-mime': 'text'}

        # check for diagnostic flags
        if get_query_payload:
            return request_payload

        self._get_raw_response = get_raw_response

        response = self._request(method='GET', url=URL,
                                 timeout=TIMEOUT, cache=cache)

        self._uri = response.url

        return response
Ejemplo n.º 4
def readsdofile(datadir=None,
    read sdo file from local database
    :param datadir:
    :param wavelength:
    :param jdtime: the timestamp or timerange in Julian days. if is timerange, return a list of files in the timerange
    :param isexists: check if file exist. if files exist, return file name
    :param timtol: time difference tolerance in days for considering data as the same timestamp
    from astropy.time import Time
    import sunpy.map
    from datetime import date
    from datetime import timedelta as td

    if timtol < 12. / 3600 / 24:
        timtol = 12. / 3600 / 24
    if isinstance(jdtime, list) or isinstance(
            jdtime, tuple) or type(jdtime) == np.ndarray:
        if len(jdtime) != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                'jdtime must be a number or a two elements array/list/tuple')
            if jdtime[1] < jdtime[0]:
                raise ValueError(
                    'start time must be occur earlier than end time!')
                sdofitspath = []
                jdtimestr = [Time(ll, format='jd').iso for ll in jdtime]
                ymd = [ll.split(' ')[0].split('-') for ll in jdtimestr]
                d1 = date(int(ymd[0][0]), int(ymd[0][1]), int(ymd[0][2]))
                d2 = date(int(ymd[1][0]), int(ymd[1][1]), int(ymd[1][2]))
                delta = d2 - d1
                for i in xrange(delta.days + 1):
                    ymd = d1 + td(days=i)
                    sdofitspathtmp = glob.glob(
                        datadir +
                        format(ymd.year, ymd.month, ymd.day, wavelength))
                    if len(sdofitspathtmp) > 0:
                        sdofitspath = sdofitspath + sdofitspathtmp
                if len(sdofitspath) == 0:
                    if isexists:
                        return sdofitspath
                        raise ValueError(
                            'No SDO file found under {} at the time range of {} to {}. Download the data with EvtBrowser first.'
                            .format(datadir, jdtimestr[0], jdtimestr[1]))
                sdofits = [os.path.basename(ll) for ll in sdofitspath]
                sdotimeline = Time([
                            ll.split('.')[2].replace('T', ' ').replace(
                                'Z', ''), ':', -4), ':', -2) for ll in sdofits
                sdofitspathnew = [
                    x for (y, x) in sorted(zip(sdotimeline.jd, sdofitspath))
                sdofitsnew = [os.path.basename(ll) for ll in sdofitspathnew]
                sdotimelinenew = Time([
                            ll.split('.')[2].replace('T', ' ').replace(
                                'Z', ''), ':', -4), ':', -2)
                    for ll in sdofitsnew
                sdofile = list(
                        np.logical_and(jdtime[0] < sdotimelinenew.jd,
                                       sdotimelinenew.jd < jdtime[1]))[0]])
                return sdofile
        jdtimstr = Time(jdtime, format='jd').iso
        ymd = jdtimstr.split(' ')[0].split('-')
        sdofitspath = glob.glob(datadir +
                                format(ymd[0], ymd[1], ymd[2], wavelength))
        if len(sdofitspath) == 0:
            raise ValueError('No SDO file found under {}.'.format(datadir))
        sdofits = [os.path.basename(ll) for ll in sdofitspath]
        sdotimeline = Time([
                    ll.split('.')[2].replace('T', ' ').replace('Z', ''), ':',
                    -4), ':', -2) for ll in sdofits
        if timtol < np.min(np.abs(sdotimeline.jd - jdtime)):
            raise ValueError(
                'No SDO file found at the select timestamp. Download the data with EvtBrowser first.'
        idxaia = np.argmin(np.abs(sdotimeline.jd - jdtime))
        sdofile = sdofitspath[idxaia]
        if isexists:
            return sdofile
                sdomap = sunpy.map.Map(sdofile)
                return sdomap
                raise ValueError('File not found or invalid input')
Ejemplo n.º 5
if use_fnu:
    output_filename = core_name + '_fnu_sensitivity_curve.txt'

obs_fits = fits.open(observed_file)
header = fits.getheader(observed_file)
obs_waves1 = obs_fits[0].data
obs_flux1 = obs_fits[1].data
obs_dlambda = obs_fits[4].data
airmass = header['AIRMASS']
obs_time = header['OPENTIME']
obs_date = header['OPENDATE']
obs_time = obs_date + 'T' + obs_time
obs_time = Time(obs_time, format='isot', scale='utc').mjd
exptime = header['EXPTIME']

obs_spec = np.vstack([obs_waves1, obs_flux1])
    dlambda = obs_fits[4].data
    obs_spec = np.copy(spt.counts_to_flambda(obs_spec, dlambda))
    print('Observed spectrum in units of erg/s/cm^2/angstrom')
except IndexError:
        'No dlambda extension in observed FITS file. You need to redo wave_cal.py to include that extension.'
        'This file is most likely generated before 2019-07-16 when this change was implemented'
Ejemplo n.º 6
def inttag(tagfile,
    """Convert an events table of TIMETAG into an integrated ACCUM image.

        tagfile: str
            input file that contains TIMETAG event stream. This is ordinarily a
            FITS file containing two tables. The TIMETAG data are in the table
            with EXTNAME = "EVENTS", and the "good time intervals" are in the
            table with EXTNAME = "GTI". If the GTI table is missing or empty,
            all times will be considered "good".

        output: str
            Name of the output FITS file.

        starttime: float
            Start time for integrating events, in units of seconds since the
            beginning of the exposure. The default value of None means that
            the start time will be set to the first START time in the GTI table.

        increment: float
            Time interval in seconds. The default value of None means integrate
            to the last STOP time in the GTI table, divided by rcount.

        rcount: int
            Repeat count, the number of output image sets to create. If rcount is
            greater than 1 and increment is not specified, will subdivide the total exposure time by rcount.

        highres: bool
            Create a high resolution output image? Default is False.

        allevents: bool
            If allevents is set to True, all events in the input EVENTS table will
            be accumulated into the output image. The TIME column in the EVENTS
            table will only be used to determine the exposure time, and the GTI
            table will be ignored.

        verbose: bool
            Print additional info?


    # Open Input File (_tag.fits)
    with fits.open(tagfile) as tag_hdr:
        # Read in TIME-TAG data (Events data and GTI data)
        events_data = tag_hdr[1].data
        if allevents:  # If allevents, ignore GTI and generate gti_data based on the time of the first and last event
            gti_data = np.rec.array(
                [(events_data['TIME'][0], events_data['TIME'][-1])],
                names='START, STOP')
        else:  # Otherwise, retrieve the GTIs from the GTI extension
            gti_data = tag_hdr['GTI'].data

        # Read in relevant header info
        tag_pri_hdr = tag_hdr[0].header
        cenx = tag_pri_hdr['CENTERA1']  # xcenter in c code
        ceny = tag_pri_hdr['CENTERA2']  # ycenter in c code
        siz_axx = tag_pri_hdr['SIZAXIS1']  # nx in c code
        siz_axy = tag_pri_hdr['SIZAXIS2']  # ny in c code
        tag_sci_hdr = tag_hdr[1].header
        tzero_mjd = tag_sci_hdr['EXPSTART']  # MJD zero point

    # Determine start and stop times for counting events
    gti_start = gti_data['START'][0]
    gti_stop = gti_data['STOP'][-1]

    # Calculate corners from array size and centers
    xcorner = ((cenx - siz_axx / 2.) - 1) * 2
    ycorner = ((ceny - siz_axy / 2.) - 1) * 2

    # Adjust axis sizes for highres, determine binning
    bin_n = 2
    if highres:
        siz_axx *= 2
        siz_axy *= 2
        bin_n = 1

    ltvx = ((bin_n - 2.) / 2. - xcorner) / bin_n
    ltvy = ((bin_n - 2.) / 2. - ycorner) / bin_n
    ltm = 2. / bin_n

    # Read in start and stop time parameters
    if starttime is None or starttime < gti_start:
        starttime = gti_start  # The first START time in the GTI (or first event)

    if increment is None:
        increment = (gti_stop - gti_start) / rcount

    stoptime = starttime + increment

    imset_hdr_ver = 0  # output header value corresponding to imset
    texptime = 0  # total exposure time
    hdu_list = []
    for imset in range(rcount):
        # Truncate stoptime at last available event time (GTI or allevents) if it exceeds that
        if stoptime > gti_stop:
            stoptime = gti_stop
        # Get Exposure Times
        exp_time, expstart, expstop, good_events = exp_range(
            starttime, stoptime, events_data, gti_data, tzero_mjd)
        if len(good_events) == 0:
            if verbose:
                print("Skipping imset, due to no overlap with GTI\n",
                      starttime, stoptime)
            starttime = stoptime
            stoptime += increment

        imset_hdr_ver += 1

        if imset_hdr_ver == 1:  # If first science header, texpstart keyword value is expstart
            texpstart = expstart
        texpend = expstop  # texpend will be expstop of last imset

        if verbose:
            print("imset: {}, start: {}, stop: {}, exposure time: {}".format(
                imset_hdr_ver, starttime, stoptime, exp_time))

        # Convert events table to accum image
        accum = events_to_accum(good_events, siz_axx, siz_axy, highres)

        # Calculate errors from accum image
        # Note: C version takes the square root of the counts, inttag.py uses a more robust confidence interval
        conf_int = astropy.stats.poisson_conf_interval(
            accum, interval='sherpagehrels', sigma=1)
        err = conf_int[
            1] - accum  # error is the difference between upper confidence boundary and the data

        # Copy EVENTS extension header to SCI, ERR, DQ extensions
        sci_hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=accum,
        err_hdu = fits.ImageHDU(data=err,
        dq_hdu = fits.ImageHDU(header=tag_sci_hdr.copy(), name='DQ')

        # Generate datetime for 'DATE' header keyword
        dtstr = str(dt.utcnow())
        date, h, m, s = [
        if len(s) == 1:
            s = '0' + s

        dtval = date + 'T' + h + ':' + m + ':' + s

        # Populate extensions
        for idx, hdu in enumerate([sci_hdu, err_hdu, dq_hdu]):

            hdu.header['EXPTIME'] = exp_time
            hdu.header['EXPSTART'] = expstart
            hdu.header['EXPEND'] = expstop

            date_obs, time_obs = Time(float(expstart),
            hdu.header['DATE-OBS'] = date_obs
            hdu.header['TIME-OBS'] = time_obs

            hdu.header['EXTVER'] = imset_hdr_ver
            hdu.header['DATE'] = (dtval, "Date FITS file was generated")
            hdu.header['ORIGIN'] = "stistools inttag.py"

            # Check if image-specific WCS keywords already exist in the tag file (older tag files do)
            keyword_list = list(hdu.header.keys())
            if not any("CTYPE" in keyword for keyword in keyword_list):
                n, k = [
                    keyword[-1] for keyword in keyword_list
                    if "TCTYP" in keyword

                # Rename keywords
                for val, i in zip([n, k], ['1', '2']):
                    hdu.header.rename_keyword('TCTYP' + val, 'CTYPE' + i)
                    hdu.header.rename_keyword('TCRPX' + val, 'CRPIX' + i)
                    hdu.header.rename_keyword('TCRVL' + val, 'CRVAL' + i)
                    hdu.header.rename_keyword('TCUNI' + val, 'CUNIT' + i)
                hdu.header.rename_keyword('TC{}_{}'.format(n, n),
                                          'CD{}_{}'.format(1, 1))
                hdu.header.rename_keyword('TC{}_{}'.format(n, k),
                                          'CD{}_{}'.format(1, 2))
                hdu.header.rename_keyword('TC{}_{}'.format(k, n),
                                          'CD{}_{}'.format(2, 1))
                hdu.header.rename_keyword('TC{}_{}'.format(k, k),
                                          'CD{}_{}'.format(2, 2))

            # Time tag events table keywords
            hdu.header['WCSAXES'] = 2
            hdu.header['LTM1_1'] = ltm
            hdu.header['LTM2_2'] = ltm
            hdu.header['LTV1'] = ltvx
            hdu.header['LTV2'] = ltvy

            # Convert keyword values to lowres scale if not highres
            if not highres:
                hdu.header['CD1_1'] *= 2
                hdu.header['CD1_2'] *= 2
                hdu.header['CD2_1'] *= 2
                hdu.header['CD2_2'] *= 2
                hdu.header['CRPIX1'] = (hdu.header['CRPIX1'] + 0.5) / 2.
                hdu.header['CRPIX2'] = (hdu.header['CRPIX2'] + 0.5) / 2.

            # Populate DQ header with dq specific keywords
            if idx == 2:
                hdu.header['NPIX1'] = siz_axx
                hdu.header['NPIX2'] = siz_axy
                    'PIXVALUE'] = 0  # Fixes issue with calstis not running on raw output files

        # Append imset extensions to header list

        # Prepare start and stop times for next image in imset
        starttime = stoptime
        stoptime += increment
        texptime += exp_time

    # Copy tag file primary header to output header
    pri_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=tag_pri_hdr.copy())

    # Add/Modify primary header keywords
        'NEXTEND'] = imset_hdr_ver * 3  # Three extensions per imset (SCI, ERR, DQ)
    pri_hdu.header['NRPTEXP'] = imset_hdr_ver
    pri_hdu.header['TEXPSTRT'] = texpstart
    pri_hdu.header['TEXPEND'] = texpend
    pri_hdu.header['TEXPTIME'] = texptime
    pri_hdu.header['BINAXIS1'] = bin_n
    pri_hdu.header['BINAXIS2'] = bin_n
    pri_hdu.header['FILENAME'] = output.split('/')[-1]
    pri_hdu.header['DATE'] = (dtval, "Date FITS file was generated")
    pri_hdu.header['ORIGIN'] = "stistools inttag.py"

    if not highres:
            'LORSCORR'] = "COMPLETE"  # Corr flag detailing MAMA data conversion to low res

    # Write output file
    hdu_list = [pri_hdu] + hdu_list
    out_hdul = fits.HDUList(hdu_list)
    out_hdul.writeto(output, overwrite=True)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def sex_phot(zero, error, stackcat):
    src = ascii.read(stackcat)
    srccoords = SkyCoord(src["ALPHA_J2000"], src["DELTA_J2000"], unit="degree")

    target = SkyCoord(287.63114, 7.8977429, unit="degree")
    sample1 = SkyCoord(287.62955, 7.8983132, unit="degree")
    sample2 = SkyCoord(287.65794, 7.8851428, unit="degree")
    sample3 = SkyCoord(287.61966, 7.8913336, unit="degree")

    real_ra = np.array([
        target.ra.degree, sample1.ra.degree, sample2.ra.degree,
    real_dec = np.array([
        target.dec.degree, sample1.dec.degree, sample2.dec.degree,
    real_wcs = np.array([real_ra, real_dec])

    dist = target.separation(srccoords)
    dist1 = sample1.separation(srccoords)
    dist2 = sample2.separation(srccoords)
    dist3 = sample3.separation(srccoords)

    target_idx = src[np.argmin(dist)]
    sample1_idx = src[np.argmin(dist1)]
    sample2_idx = src[np.argmin(dist2)]
    sample3_idx = src[np.argmin(dist3)]

    data = [target_idx, sample1_idx, sample2_idx, sample3_idx]

    target_mag = data[0]["MAG_AUTO"] + zero
    sample1_mag = data[1]["MAG_AUTO"] + zero
    sample2_mag = data[2]["MAG_AUTO"] + zero
    sample3_mag = data[3]["MAG_AUTO"] + zero
    mag = np.round(np.array(
        [target_mag, sample1_mag, sample2_mag, sample3_mag]),

    target_magerr = data[0]["MAGERR_AUTO"]
    sample1_magerr = data[1]["MAGERR_AUTO"]
    sample2_magerr = data[2]["MAGERR_AUTO"]
    sample3_magerr = data[3]["MAGERR_AUTO"]
    magerr_ls = np.sqrt(
            target_magerr, sample1_magerr, sample2_magerr, sample3_magerr
        ])**2 + error**2)
    magerr = np.round(magerr_ls, decimals=3)

    target_FWHM = data[0]["FWHM_WORLD"] * 3600
    sample1_FWHM = data[1]["FWHM_WORLD"] * 3600
    sample2_FWHM = data[2]["FWHM_WORLD"] * 3600
    sample3_FWHM = data[3]["FWHM_WORLD"] * 3600

    FWHM_ls = np.array([target_FWHM, sample1_FWHM, sample2_FWHM, sample3_FWHM])
    FWHM = np.round(FWHM_ls, 2)

    sys_ra = np.array([
        data[0]["ALPHA_J2000"], data[1]["ALPHA_J2000"], data[2]["ALPHA_J2000"],
    sys_dec = np.array([
        data[0]["DELTA_J2000"], data[1]["DELTA_J2000"], data[2]["DELTA_J2000"],
    sys_wcs = np.array([sys_ra, sys_dec])

    factor_name = [
        "object", "real_ra", "real_dec", "sys_ra", "sys_dec", "mag", "magerr",
    sokko_object = ["target", "comp1", "comp2", "comp3"]

    ascii.write((sokko_object, real_wcs[0], real_wcs[1], sys_wcs[0],
                 sys_wcs[1], mag, magerr, FWHM),

    g = pyfits.open("GL191032+075314_Hw.fits")
    date = g[0].header["DATE-OBS"]
    #astro_t = Time(date,format="isot",scale="utc")
    #mjd = astro_t.mjd
    mjd = np.array([Time(date, format="isot", scale="utc").mjd])

    ascii.write((mjd), "mjd.dat", names=["mjd"])
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _parse_netcdf(filepath):
        Parses the netCDF GOES files to return the data, header and associated units.

        filepath : `str`
            The path of the file to parse
        with h5netcdf.File(filepath, mode="r",
                           **XRSTimeSeries._netcdf_read_kw) as h5nc:
            header = MetaDict(OrderedDict(h5nc.attrs))
            flux_name = h5nc.variables.get("a_flux") or h5nc.variables.get(
            if flux_name is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"No flux data (either a_flux or xrsa_flux) found in file: {filepath}"
            flux_name_a = flux_name.name
            flux_name_b = flux_name_a.replace("a", "b")
            xrsa = np.array(h5nc[flux_name_a])
            xrsb = np.array(h5nc[flux_name_b])
            xrsa_quality = np.array(h5nc[flux_name_a.replace("flux", "flags")])
            xrsb_quality = np.array(h5nc[flux_name_b.replace("flux", "flags")])
            start_time_str = h5nc["time"].attrs["units"]
            # h5netcdf < 0.14 return bytes instead of a str
            if isinstance(start_time_str, bytes):
                start_time_str = start_time_str.decode("utf-8")
            start_time_str = start_time_str.lstrip("seconds since").rstrip(
            times = Time(parse_time(start_time_str).unix + h5nc["time"],

            times = times.datetime
        except ValueError:
            # We do not make the assumption that the leap second occurs at the end of the file.
            # Therefore, we need to find it:
            # To do so, we convert the times to isot strings, use numpy to find the the leap second string,
            # then use that to workout the index of the leap timestamp.
            idx = np.argwhere((np.char.find(times.isot, ":60.") != -1) == True)
            # We only handle the case there is only 1 leap second in the file.
            # I don't think there every would be a case where it would be more than 1.
            if len(idx) != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"More than one leap second was found in: {Path(filepath).name}"
                f"There is one leap second timestamp present in: {Path(filepath).name}, "
                "This timestamp has been rounded to `:59.999` to allow its conversion into a Python datetime. "
                f"The leap second timestamp was: {times.isot[idx]}")
            times[idx] = Time(times[idx].isot.tolist()[0][0][:17] +
            times = times.datetime
        data = DataFrame(
                "xrsa": xrsa,
                "xrsb": xrsb,
                "xrsa_quality": xrsa_quality,
                "xrsb_quality": xrsb_quality
        data = data.replace(-9999, np.nan)
        units = OrderedDict([
            ("xrsa", u.W / u.m**2),
            ("xrsb", u.W / u.m**2),
            ("xrsa_quality", int),
            ("xrsb_quality", int),
        return data, header, units
Ejemplo n.º 9

if __name__ == "__main__":

    #sbs = np.arange(76,198)[:78]
    sbs = np.arange(76, 198)
    freqs = sb_to_f(sbs, 3)
    start = '2020-12-15T20:04:00'  #isot format
    duration = 176 * 60 * u.second  # seconds
    n_elem = 96

    myobs = Observation('uranus', start, 'isot', duration.value, freqs)

    t = Time('2020-12-15T20:04:00', format='isot')
    c = coords.get_body('uranus', t)
    ilofar = coords.EarthLocation(lat='53.095',
                                  height=100 * u.m)

    aa = coords.AltAz(location=ilofar, obstime=t)

    altaz_coords = c.transform_to(aa)  #at ilofar
    gal_coords = c.transform_to(coords.Galactic())
    print('AltAz Coordinates\n' +
          'alt: {}\taz: {}'.format(altaz_coords.alt, altaz_coords.az))
    print('Galactic Coordinates\n' +
          'l: {}\tb: {}\n'.format(gal_coords.l, gal_coords.b))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def telemetry():
    path = '/Users/christoph/OneDrive - UNSW/telemetry/'

    # # tau Ceti observation times
    # jd_sep = readcol('/Volumes/BERGRAID/data/veloce/reduced/tauceti/tauceti_with_LFC/sep2018/' + 'tauceti_all_jds.dat')
    # jd_nov = readcol('/Volumes/BERGRAID/data/veloce/reduced/tauceti/tauceti_with_LFC/nov2018/' + 'tauceti_all_jds.dat')
    # jd = list(jd_sep) + list(jd_nov)

    # # read detector temperature file(s)
    # with open(path + 'arccamera.txt') as det_temp_file:
    #     for line in det_temp_file:
    #         if line[0] == '#':
    #             column_names = line.lstrip('#').split()
    #         else:
    #             timestamp, det_temp, cryohead_temp, perc_heater = line.rstrip('\n')

    timestamp_cam, det_temp, cryohead_temp, perc_heater = readcol(
        path + 'arccamera.txt', skipline=1, twod=False)
    timestamp_cam_0, det_temp_0, cryohead_temp_0, perc_heater_0 = readcol(
        path + 'arccamera.txt.0', skipline=1, twod=False)
    timestamp_cam_1, det_temp_1, cryohead_temp_1, perc_heater_1 = readcol(
        path + 'arccamera.txt.1', skipline=1, twod=False)
    timestamp_cam_2, det_temp_2, cryohead_temp_2, perc_heater_2 = readcol(
        path + 'arccamera.txt.2', skipline=1, twod=False)

    cam_time = Time(timestamp_cam,
                    format='unix')  # from 17/10/2018 - 27/11/2018
    cam_time_0 = Time(timestamp_cam_0,
                      format='unix')  # from 19/04/2018 - 17/10/2018
    cam_time_1 = Time(timestamp_cam_1, format='unix')
    cam_time_2 = Time(timestamp_cam_2, format='unix')

    # combine all the subsets
    t = np.array(
        list(cam_time_2.jd) + list(cam_time_1.jd) + list(cam_time_0.jd) +
        list(cam_time.jd)) - 2.458e6
    tobj = Time(t + 2.458e6, format='jd')
    dtemp = np.array(
        list(det_temp_2) + list(det_temp_1) + list(det_temp_0) +
    cryo = np.array(
        list(cryohead_temp_2) + list(cryohead_temp_1) + list(cryohead_temp_0) +
    heater_load = np.array(
        list(perc_heater_2) + list(perc_heater_1) + list(perc_heater_0) +

    # # for showing tau ceti obstimes
    # ix = np.zeros(len(jd))
    # # I checked, and the maximum diff in time is less than ~30s :)
    # for i in range(len(jd)):
    #     ix[i] = find_nearest(t, jd[i] - 2.458e6, return_index=True)
    # # now len(ix) = 138, whereas len(x_shift = 133, b/c the LFC peaks were not successfully measured for the first 5 tau ceti observations;
    # # hence cut away first 5 entries
    # ix = ix[5:]
    # ix = ix.astype(int)

    # observing runs were:
    # 20180917 - 20180926
    tstart_sep = 2458378.0
    tend_sep = 2458388.0
    # 20181115 - 20181127
    tstart_nov = 2458437.0
    tend_nov = 2458450.0
    # 20190121 - 20190203
    tstart_janfeb = 2458504.0
    tend_janfeb = 2458518.0
    # 20190408 - 20190415
    tstart_apr = 2458581.0
    tend_apr = 2458589.0
    # 20190503 - 20190512
    tstart_may01 = 2458606.0
    tend_may01 = 2458616.0
    # 20190517 - 20190528
    tstart_may02 = 2458620.0
    tend_may02 = 2458632.0
    # 20190531 - 20190605
    tstart_jun01 = 2458634.0
    tend_jun01 = 2458640.0
    # 20190619 - 20190625
    tstart_jun02 = 2458653.0
    tend_jun02 = 2458660.0
    # 20190722 - 20190724
    tstart_jul = 2458686.0
    tend_jul = 2458689.0
    starts = np.array([
        tstart_sep, tstart_nov, tstart_janfeb, tstart_apr, tstart_may01,
        tstart_may02, tstart_jun01, tstart_jun02, tstart_jul
    ]) - 2.458e6
    ends = np.array([
        tend_sep, tend_nov, tend_janfeb, tend_apr, tend_may01, tend_may02,
        tend_jun01, tend_jun02, tend_jul
    ]) - 2.458e6

    ##### make a nice stacked plot #####

    run = 'sep'

    # runs = np.array(['all', 'sep', 'nov', 'jan', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul'])
    # runix = np.argwhere(runs == run)[0]
    # tlow, thigh = (starts[runix] - 3, ends[runix] + 3)

    if run == 'all':
        tlow, thigh = (np.min(starts) - 3, np.max(ends) + 3)
    elif run == 'sep':
        tlow, thigh = (tstart_sep - 2.458e6 - 3, tend_sep - 2.458e6 + 3)
    elif run == 'nov':
        tlow, thigh = (tstart_nov - 2.458e6 - 3, tend_nov - 2.458e6 + 3)
    elif run == 'jan':
        tlow, thigh = (tstart_janfeb - 2.458e6 - 3, tend_janfeb - 2.458e6 + 3)
    elif run == 'apr':
        tlow, thigh = (tstart_apr - 2.458e6 - 3, tend_apr - 2.458e6 + 3)
    elif run == 'may':
        tlow, thigh = (tstart_may01 - 2.458e6 - 3, tend_may01 - 2.458e6 + 3)
    elif run == 'jun':
        tlow, thigh = (tstart_may02 - 2.458e6 - 3, tend_jun02 - 2.458e6 + 3)
    elif run == 'jul':
        tlow, thigh = (tstart_jul - 2.458e6 - 3, tend_jul - 2.458e6 + 3)

#     t_plot = tobj.datetime   # for plotting nice calendar dates
    t_plot = t.copy()  #for plotting JD
    fig, axarr = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True, figsize=(12, 6.75))
    # plot 3 subplots
    axarr[0].plot(t_plot, dtemp, 'b')
    axarr[1].plot(t_plot, cryo, 'b')
    axarr[2].plot(t_plot, heater_load, 'b')
    # set (global) x-range
    #     axarr[0].set_xlim(370,455)
    #     axarr[0].set_xlim(500,692)  # ~17 Jan - 28 July 2019
    #     axarr[0].set_xlim(375, 692)  # ~14 Sep 2018 - 28 July 2019
    axarr[0].set_xlim(tlow, thigh)
    # set y-ranges
    axarr[0].set_ylim(138, 150)
    axarr[1].set_ylim(82, 88)
    axarr[2].set_ylim(-5, 30)
    # set titles
    axarr[0].set_title('detector temp')
    axarr[1].set_title('cryohead temp')
    axarr[2].set_title('heater load')
    # set x-axis label
    axarr[2].set_xlabel('JD - 2458000.0')
    # set y-axis labels
    axarr[0].set_ylabel('T [K]')
    axarr[1].set_ylabel('T [K]')
    # indicate when Veloce was actually observing
    for x1, x2 in zip(starts, ends):
        axarr[0].axvspan(x1, x2, alpha=0.3, color='green')
        axarr[1].axvspan(x1, x2, alpha=0.3, color='green')
        axarr[2].axvspan(x1, x2, alpha=0.3, color='green')
    # # indicate tau Ceti obstimes with dashed vertical lines
    # for tobs in jd:
    #     axarr[0].axvline(tobs-2.458e6, color='gray', linestyle='--')
    #     axarr[1].axvline(tobs-2.458e6, color='gray', linestyle='--')
    #     axarr[2].axvline(tobs-2.458e6, color='gray', linestyle='--')
    # save to file
    # plt.savefig(...)

    timestamp_mech, temp_internal, temp_external, temp_room, temp_elec_cabinet, p_internal, p_room, p_regulator, p_set_point, p_rosso_cryo, h_internal, h_external, h_room, focus = readcol(
        path + 'velocemech.txt', skipline=1, twod=False)
    timestamp_mech_0, temp_internal_0, temp_external_0, temp_room_0, temp_elec_cabinet_0, p_internal_0, p_room_0, p_regulator_0, p_set_point_0, p_rosso_cryo_0, h_internal_0, h_external_0, h_room_0, focus_0 = readcol(
        path + 'velocemech.txt.0', skipline=1, twod=False)
    timestamp_mech_1, temp_internal_1, temp_external_1, temp_room_1, temp_elec_cabinet_1, p_internal_1, p_room_1, p_regulator_1, p_set_point_1, p_rosso_cryo_1, h_internal_1, h_external_1, h_room_1, focus_1 = readcol(
        path + 'velocemech.txt.1', skipline=1, twod=False)
    mech_time = Time(timestamp_mech,
                     format='unix')  # from 26/10/2018 - 27/11/2018
    mech_time_0 = Time(timestamp_mech_0,
                       format='unix')  # from 23/09/2018 - 26/10/2018
    mech_time_1 = Time(timestamp_mech_1,
                       format='unix')  # from 13/08/2018 - 23/09/2018

    timestamp_therm, temp_mc_setpoint, temp_mc_int, temp_extencl, temp_extencl_setpoint, state_mc = readcol(
        path + 'velocetherm.txt', skipline=1, twod=False)
    therm_time = Time(timestamp_therm, format='unix')

    timestamp_int_therm, temp_enc_setpoint, temp_enc_target, temp_cryo_setpoint, temp_sensor_1, temp_sensor_2, temp_sensor_3, temp_sensor_4, temp_sensor_5, temp_sensor_6, temp_sensor_7,\
        pwm_1, pwm_2, pwm_3, pwm_4, pwm_5 = readcol(path + 'veloceinttherm.txt', skipline=1, twod=False)
    timestamp_int_therm_0, temp_enc_setpoint_0, temp_enc_target_0, temp_cryo_setpoint_0, temp_sensor_1_0, temp_sensor_2_0, temp_sensor_3_0, temp_sensor_4_0, temp_sensor_5_0, temp_sensor_6_0, temp_sensor_7_0,\
        pwm_1_0, pwm_2_0, pwm_3_0, pwm_4_0, pwm_5_0 = readcol(path + 'veloceinttherm.txt.0', skipline=1, twod=False)
    timestamp_int_therm_1, temp_enc_setpoint_1, temp_enc_target_1, temp_cryo_setpoint_1, temp_sensor_1_1, temp_sensor_2_1, temp_sensor_3_1, temp_sensor_4_1, temp_sensor_5_1, temp_sensor_6_1, temp_sensor_7_1,\
        pwm_1_1, pwm_2_1, pwm_3_1, pwm_4_1, pwm_5_0 = readcol(path + 'veloceinttherm.txt.1', skipline=1, twod=False)
    int_therm_time = Time(timestamp_int_therm,
                          format='unix')  # from 26/11/2018 - 27/11/2018
    int_therm_time_0 = Time(timestamp_int_therm_0,
                            format='unix')  # from 25/11/2018 - 26/11/2018
    int_therm_time_1 = Time(timestamp_int_therm_1,
                            format='unix')  # from 24/11/2018 - 25/11/2018

Ejemplo n.º 11
ephcoord = np.loadtxt(arq[4].strip(),
                      usecols=(2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9),
coor = coords[1]
for i in np.arange(len(ephcoord))[2:]:
    coor = np.core.defchararray.add(coor, ' ')
    coor = np.core.defchararray.add(coor, ephcoord[i])
jpl = SkyCoord(coor, frame='icrs', unit=(u.hourangle, u.degree))

dalfa = jpl.ra * np.cos(jpl.dec) - lau.ra * np.cos(lau.dec)
ddelta = jpl.dec - lau.dec

a = np.where(tempo > Time('2015-01-01 00:00:00').jd)

print 'RA: ', np.absolute(dalfa[a].mas).max(), ', Dec: ', np.absolute(

r = []
for i in np.arange(2015, 2019, 1):
    r.append(Time('{}-01-01 00:00:00'.format(i), format='iso').jd - 2451544.5)

#print r
r = np.array(r)

############## Declinacao ############################################

plt.plot(tempo - 2451544.5, dalfa.mas, label=r'$\Delta\alpha\cos\delta$')
plt.plot(tempo - 2451544.5, ddelta.mas, '--', label=r'$\Delta\delta$')
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def setup(self):
        etrue = np.logspace(-1, 1, 10) * u.TeV
        self.e_true = MapAxis.from_energy_edges(etrue, name="energy_true")
        ereco = np.logspace(-1, 1, 5) * u.TeV
        elo = ereco[:-1]
        ehi = ereco[1:]
        self.e_reco = MapAxis.from_energy_edges(ereco, name="energy")

        start = u.Quantity([0], "s")
        stop = u.Quantity([1000], "s")
        time_ref = Time("2010-01-01 00:00:00.0")
        self.gti = GTI.create(start, stop, time_ref)
        self.livetime = self.gti.time_sum

        self.on_region = make_region("icrs;circle(0.,1.,0.1)")
        off_region = make_region("icrs;box(0.,1.,0.1, 0.2,30)")
        self.off_region = off_region.union(
            make_region("icrs;box(-1.,-1.,0.1, 0.2,150)")
        self.wcs = WcsGeom.create(npix=300, binsz=0.01, frame="icrs").wcs

        self.aeff = RegionNDMap.create(
            region=self.on_region, wcs=self.wcs, axes=[self.e_true], unit="cm2"
        self.aeff.data += 1

        data = np.ones(elo.shape)
        data[-1] = 0  # to test stats calculation with empty bins

        axis = MapAxis.from_edges(ereco, name="energy", interp="log")
        self.on_counts = RegionNDMap.create(
            meta={"EXPOSURE": self.livetime.to_value("s")},
        self.on_counts.data += 1
        self.on_counts.data[-1] = 0

        self.off_counts = RegionNDMap.create(
            region=self.off_region, wcs=self.wcs, axes=[axis]
        self.off_counts.data += 10

        acceptance = RegionNDMap.from_geom(self.on_counts.geom)
        acceptance.data += 1

        data = np.ones(elo.shape)
        data[-1] = 0

        acceptance_off = RegionNDMap.from_geom(self.off_counts.geom)
        acceptance_off.data += 10

        self.edisp = EDispKernelMap.from_diagonal_response(
            self.e_reco, self.e_true, self.on_counts.geom.to_image()

        exposure = self.aeff * self.livetime
        exposure.meta["livetime"] = self.livetime

        mask_safe = RegionNDMap.from_geom(self.on_counts.geom, dtype=bool)
        mask_safe.data += True

        self.dataset = SpectrumDatasetOnOff(
Ejemplo n.º 13
def fullstack_times(request):
    return Time(request.param)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def inverse(self, value):
     return Time(value, scale=self.scale, format=self.format, copy=False)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def from_miriade(cls,
        """Load target ephemerides from
        `IMCCE Miriade <http://vo.imcce.fr/webservices/miriade/>`_ using

        targetids : str or iterable of str
            Target identifier, i.e., a number, name, designation, or JPL
            Horizons record number, for one or more targets.
        objtype : str, optional
            The nature of ``targetids`` provided; possible values are
            ``'asteroid'``, ``'comet'``, ``'dwarf planet'``,
            ``'planet'``, or ``'satellite'``. Default: ``'asteroid'``
        epochs : `~astropy.time.Time` object, or dictionary, optional
            Epochs of elements to be queried; `~astropy.time.Time` objects
            support single and multiple epochs;
            a dictionary including keywords ``start`` and ``stop``, as well
            as either ``step`` or ``number``, can be used to generate a range
            of epochs. ``start`` and ``stop`` have to be
            `~astropy.time.Time` objects (see :ref:`epochs`).
            If ``step`` is provided, a range
            of epochs will be queried starting at ``start`` and ending at
            ``stop`` in steps of ``step``; ``step`` has to be provided as
            a `~astropy.units.Quantity` object with integer value and a
            unit of either seconds, minutes, hours, or days. If
            ``number`` is provided as an integer, the
            interval defined by
            ``start`` and ``stop`` is split into ``number`` equidistant
            intervals. If ``None`` is
            provided, current date and time are
            used. All epochs should be provided in UTC; if not, they will be
            converted to UTC and a `~sbpy.data.TimeScaleWarning` will be
            raised. Default: ``None``
        location : str or `~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`, optional
            Location of the observer using IAU observatory codes
            (see `IAU observatory codes
            or as `~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`.
            Default: ``'500'`` (geocentric)
        **kwargs : optional
            Arguments that will be provided to

        * For detailed explanations of the queried fields, refer to
          `astroquery.imcce.MiriadeClass.get_ephemerides` and the
          `Miriade documentation
        * By default, all properties are provided in the J2000.0 reference
          system. Different settings can be chosen using
          additional keyword arguments as used by

        `~Ephem` object
            The resulting object will be populated with columns as
            defined in
            `~astroquery.imcce.MiriadeClass.get_ephemerides`; refer
            to that document on information on how to modify the list
            of queried parameters.

        >>> from sbpy.data import Ephem
        >>> from astropy.time import Time
        >>> epoch = Time('2018-05-14', scale='utc')
        >>> eph = Ephem.from_horizons('ceres', epochs=epoch) # doctest: +SKIP

        # modify epoch input to make it work with astroquery.imcce.Miriade
        if epochs is None:
            epochs = {'start': Time.now().utc.jd}
        elif isinstance(epochs, Time):
            if epochs.scale is not 'utc':
                warn(('converting {} epochs to utc for use in '
                epochs = epochs.utc
            epochs = {'start': epochs}
        elif isinstance(epochs, dict):
            if epochs['start'].scale is not 'utc':
                warn(('converting {} start epoch to utc for use in '
                epochs['start'] = epochs['start'].utc
            if 'stop' in epochs and epochs['stop'].scale is not 'utc':
                warn(('converting {} stop epoch to utc for use in '
                epochs['stop'] = epochs['stop'].utc
            if 'number' in epochs:
                # turn interval/number into step size based on full minutes
                epochs['step'] = int(
                    (Time(epochs['stop']) - Time(epochs['start'])).jd * 86400 /
                    (epochs['number'] - 1)) * u.s
            elif 'step' in epochs:
                epochs['number'] = (
                    (Time(epochs['stop']) - Time(epochs['start'])).jd * 86400 /
                    epochs['step'].to('s').value) + 1
            if 'step' in epochs:
                epochs['step'] = '{:f}{:s}'.format(epochs['step'].value, {
                    u.s: 's',
                    u.minute: 'm',
                    u.hour: 'h',
                    u.day: 'd'

        # if targetids is a list, run separate Horizons queries and append
        if not isinstance(targetids, (list, ndarray, tuple)):
            targetids = [targetids]

        # turn EarthLocation into dictionary of strings as used by
        # astroquery.jplhorizons

        if isinstance(location, EarthLocation):
            location = '{:+f} {:+f} {:.1f}'.format(
                location.lon.deg, location.lat.deg,

        # append ephemerides table for each targetid
        all_eph = None
        for targetid in targetids:
            query = Miriade()
                if 'step' not in epochs and 'number' not in epochs:
                    if not iterable(epochs['start']):
                        # single epoch
                        eph = query.get_ephemerides(targetname=targetid,
                        # multiple epochs
                        eph = []
                        for i in range(len(epochs['start'])):
                            e = query.get_ephemerides(targetname=targetid,
                            e['epoch'] = Time(e['epoch'],
                        eph = vstack(eph)
                        eph['epoch'] = Time(eph['epoch'],
                    # dictionary
                    eph = query.get_ephemerides(targetname=targetid,
            except RuntimeError as e:
                raise QueryError(
                    ('Error raised by astroquery.imcce: {:s}\n'
                     'The following query was attempted: {:s}').format(
                         str(e), query.uri))

            if all_eph is None:
                all_eph = eph
                all_eph = vstack([all_eph, eph])

        self = cls.from_table(all_eph)

        # turn epochs into astropy.time.Time and apply timescale
        self.table['epoch'] = Time(self.table['epoch'],

        return self
Ejemplo n.º 16
                  usecols=[1, 2])

# In[36]:

# adjust data to plot:
starid = list([s.strip('fsubbfrmaster') for s in starid])
starid = list([s.replace('fsubbfrmaster', '') for s in starid])
starid = list([s.strip('.fits') for s in starid])
starid = list([s.replace('.fits', '') for s in starid])
statid = np.asarray([float(i) for i in starid])

x = data[:, 1]
magnitude = data[:, 0]

## need to convert observation dates from date to mjd
date = Time(dateobs, format='isot', scale='utc').mjd
time = []
for i in range(0, len(date)):
    for j in range(0, 30):
        time = np.append(time, x[(j + ((i) * 30))] + date[i])

# In[39]:

SI = np.tile(np.arange(30), 53)
plt.scatter(time, magnitude, s=1, c=SI)
plt.title('Eclipsing Binary Star Magnitude versus Time')
plt.xlabel('Time (mjd)')

# In[ ]:
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def from_oo(self,
        """Uses pyoorb to derive ephemerides from an `~Orbit` object. For a
        list of output parameters, please read the `pyoorb documentation

        orbit : `~Orbit` object
            Can contain any number of orbits, ephemerides will be calculated
            for each orbit. Required fields are:

            * target identifier (``'targetname'``)
            * semi-major axis (``'a'``, for Keplerian orbit) or perihelion
              distance (``'q'``, for cometary orbit), typically in au or
              or x-component of state vector (``'x'``, for cartesian orbit),
              typically in au
            * eccentricity (``'e'``, for Keplerian or cometary orbit) or
              y-component of state vector (``'y'``, for cartesian orbit) in
            * inclination (``'i'``, for Keplerian or cometary orbit) in
              degrees or z-component of state vector (``'z'``, for cartesian
              orbit) in au
            * longitude of the ascending node (``'Omega'``, for Keplerian or
              cometary orbit) in degrees or x-component of velocity vector
              (``'vx'``, for cartesian orbit), au/day
            * argument of the periapsis (``'w'``, for Keplerian or cometary
              orbit) in degrees or y-component of velocity vector (``'vy'``,
              for cartesian orbit) in au/day
            * mean anomaly (``'M'``, for Keplerian orbits) in degrees or
              perihelion epoch (``'Tp_jd'``, for cometary orbits) in JD or
              z-component of velocity vector (``'vz'``, for cartesian orbit)
              in au/day
            * epoch (``'epoch'``) as `~astropy.time.Time`
            * absolute magnitude (``'H'``) in mag
            * photometric phase slope (``'G'``)

        epochs : `~astropy.time.Time` object, optional
            Epochs of elements to be queried; must be a
            `~astropy.time.Time` object holding a single or multiple epochs
            (see :ref:`epochs`).
            If ``None`` is provided, current date and
            time are used. The same time scale that is used in ``epochs``
            will be applied to the results. Default: ``None``
        location : str, optional, default ``'500'`` (geocentric)
            Location of the observer.
        scope : str
            Scope of data to be determined: ``'full'`` obtains all
            available properties, ``'basic'`` obtains only a limited
            amount of data. Default: ``'full'``
        dynmodel : str, optional
            The dynamical model to be used in the propagation: ``'N'``
            for n-body simulation or ``'2'`` for a 2-body
            simulation. Default: ``'N'``
        ephfile : str, optional
            Planet and Lunar ephemeris file version as provided by JPL
            to be used in the propagation. Default: ``'de430'``

        `~Ephem` object

        Compute ephemerides for Ceres as seen from the Discovery Channel
        Telescope for the next 10 days at 1hr intervals:

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from sbpy.data import Orbit, Ephem
        >>> from astropy.time import Time
        >>> epochs = Time(Time.now().jd + np.arange(0, 10, 1/24), format='jd')
        >>> ceres = Orbit.from_horizons('1')    # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
        >>> eph = Ephem.from_oo(ceres, epochs, 'G37') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
        >>> eph  # doctest: +SKIP
        <QTable length=240>
        targetname       epoch        ...           obsz               trueanom
                           d          ...            AU                  deg
           str7         float64       ...         float64              float64
        ---------- ------------------ ... ----------------------- -----------------
           1 Ceres  2458519.316966272 ...  3.2083678848104924e-06  68.0863831954328
           1 Ceres 2458519.3586329385 ...  2.7022422510736277e-07 68.09589266358881
           1 Ceres 2458519.4002996054 ...  -3.111046209036683e-06 68.10540191585879
           1 Ceres  2458519.441966272 ...  -6.700369254264427e-06 68.11491095202307
           1 Ceres 2458519.4836329385 ... -1.0248419404668141e-05 68.12441977218093
           1 Ceres 2458519.5252996054 ... -1.3508703580356052e-05 68.13392837643161
               ...                ... ...                     ...               ...
           1 Ceres  2458529.066966272 ...  1.2522500440509399e-05 70.30569661787204
           1 Ceres 2458529.1086329385 ...  1.4101698473351076e-05 70.31515536712485
           1 Ceres 2458529.1502996054 ...  1.4771304981564537e-05  70.3246138990413
           1 Ceres  2458529.191966272 ...   1.448582020449618e-05 70.33407221340468
           1 Ceres 2458529.2336329385 ...   1.326517587380005e-05 70.34353031031534
           1 Ceres 2458529.2752996054 ...  1.1193369555934085e-05 70.35298818987367        """

        import pyoorb

        # create a copy of orbit
        from . import Orbit
        orb = Orbit.from_table(orbit.table)

        if epochs is None:
            epochs = Time.now()

        # extract time scale
        timescale = epochs.scale.upper()

        # initialize pyoorb
        if os.getenv('OORB_DATA') is None:
            # oorb installed using conda
            ephfile = os.path.join(os.getenv('OORB_DATA'), ephfile + '.dat')

        # identify orbit type based on available table columns
        orbittype = None
        for testtype in ['KEP', 'COM', 'CART']:
                orbittype = testtype
            except KeyError:

        if orbittype is None:
            raise OpenOrbError('orbit type cannot be determined from elements')

        # add/update orbittype column
        orb['orbittype'] = [orbittype] * len(orb)

        # derive and apply default units
        default_units = {}
        for idx, field in enumerate(conf.oorb_orbit_fields[orbittype]):
                              [0]] = conf.oorb_orbit_units[orbittype][idx]
            except KeyError:
        for colname in orb.field_names:
            if (colname in default_units.keys()
                    and not isinstance(orb[colname],
                                       (u.Quantity, u.CompositeUnit, Time))):
                orb[colname].unit = default_units[colname]

        # convert epochs to TT
        orb['epoch'] = orb['epoch'].tt
        epochs = epochs.tt

            epochs = list(
                zip(epochs.mjd, [conf.oorb_timeScales['TT']] * len(epochs)))
        except TypeError:
            epochs = [(epochs.mjd, conf.oorb_timeScales['TT'])]

        if scope == 'full':
            oo_eph, err = pyoorb.pyoorb.oorb_ephemeris_full(
                orb._to_oo(), location, epochs, dynmodel)
        elif scope == 'basic':
            oo_eph, err = pyoorb.pyoorb.oorb_ephemeris_basic(
                orb._to_oo(), location, epochs, dynmodel)

        if err != 0:
            OpenOrbError('pyoorb failed with error code {:d}'.format(err))

        # reorder data on per-column basis and apply units
        oo_eph_col = hstack([
            oo_eph.transpose()[:, :, i] for i in range(oo_eph.shape[0])
        oo_eph_col_u = []
        if scope == 'full':
            for i, col in enumerate(oo_eph_col):
                    Ephem._unit_apply(col, conf.oorb_ephem_full_units[i]))
            ephem = self.from_columns(oo_eph_col_u,
        elif scope == 'basic':
            for i, col in enumerate(oo_eph_col):
                    Ephem._unit_apply(col, conf.oorb_ephem_basic_units[i]))
            ephem = self.from_columns(oo_eph_col_u,

        # add targetname column
            [[orb['targetname'][i]] * len(epochs)
             for i in range(len(orb.table))], []),

        # convert MJD to astropy.time.TimeJulian Date
        ephem.table['epoch'] = Time(Time(ephem['MJD'],

        return ephem
Ejemplo n.º 18

    myResults = HD142527_sampler.results

    # save posterior to disk
    savefile = 'paperdraft_posterior.hdf5'
    print('Saved Posterior!')

    plt.rcParams['font.family'] = 'monospace'  # Fonts
    plt.rcParams['font.monospace'] = 'DejaVu Sans Mono'

    starttime = Time(datetime.strptime('1990 January 1',
                                       '%Y %B %d')).to_value('mjd', 'long')

    # posterior plot
    median_values = np.median(myResults.post,
                              axis=0)  # Compute median of each parameter
    range_values = np.ones_like(
        median_values) * 0.95  # Plot only 95% range for each parameter
    corner_figure_median_95 = myResults.plot_corner(range=range_values,
    print('Saved basic corner plot!')

    # seaborn posterior plot
    params = [
        'a$_{1}$ [au]', 'e$_{1}$', 'i$_{1}$ [rad]', '$\\omega_{0}$ [rad]',
        '$\\Omega_{0}$ [rad]', '$\\tau_{1}$', '$\\pi$ [mas]', '$\\mu_\\alpha$',
def get_from_flatdb(raw_file, mask=False):
	Retrieve a master flat and bpmap from the database. Uses the difference in time
	to find the most suitable flat.

	- raw_file: The file to be calibrated with the master flat
	- mask: Indicates whether or not the program is searching for a mask flat

	- masterFlat: The closest masterFlat
	- bp_map: The corresponding bad pixel map
	# Establish database connection
	connection = sql.MySQLConnection()
	connection.connect(buffered=True, host=host, port=port, user=user, passwd=passwd)
	cursor = connection.cursor()
	cursor.execute('USE WIRC_POL')

	masterFlat = ''
	bp_map = ''
	fore = fits.getheader(raw_file)['FORE']

	cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name = \"master_flats\"')
	if(cursor.fetchone()[0] > 0):
		cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) from master_flats where FORE = \"PG\"')
		if (not mask) and fore == 'PG' and cursor.fetchone()[0] > 0:
				cursor.execute('SELECT File_Path, BP_MAP, UTSHUT FROM master_flats WHERE FORE = \"PG\"')
			cursor.execute('SELECT File_Path, BP_MAP, UTSHUT FROM master_flats WHERE NOT FORE = \"PG\"')
		files = cursor.fetchall()
		if len(files) > 0:
			# Retrieve the time in modified julian form for comparison
			time_0 = Time([fits.getheader(raw_file)['UTSHUT']])
			time_0 = time_0.mjd[0]

			# If finding a mask flat, attempt to identify all of the mask flats, removing anything else
			# If there are none, return empty strings
			if mask:
				files_temp = []
				for file in files:
					hdu = fits.open(file[0])
					header = hdu[0].header
						if 'OUT' in header['MASKPOS']:
					except KeyError:
				if files_temp == []:
					return '', ''
					files = files_temp

			# Identify the times in modified julian form for comparison
			# When attempting to match by filters as well, program was too often returning no results. Switched to only time
			times = [x[2] for x in files]
			times = Time(times)
			times = times.mjd

			# Create list of differences in time
			diff = []
			for time in times:
				diff.append(abs(float(time) - float(time_0)))
			diff = np.array(diff)

			# Identify the closest master flat in time
			ind = np.where(diff == min(diff))[0][0]

			# Retrieve the filepaths
			masterFlat = files[ind][0]
			bp_map = files[ind][1]

	return masterFlat, bp_map
Ejemplo n.º 20
                                    height=12 * u.m)
        "Guillermo Haro",
                                    height=2480 * u.m)

from astropy.time import Time
# complete with Apr 10, 2019 and whatever time here
date_time = Time(...)

# Name, RA (in hour angle!!) and Dec (in degrees)
from astropy.io import ascii
target_list = ascii.read("""
PGC003183   0.90109 73.08478
UGC03858    7.51289 73.63019
UGC03859    7.51347 73.70633
UGC03889    7.56557 73.64353
PGC616899   14.55716    -37.83552
PGC021381   7.61031 74.44653
PGC021386   7.61209 74.45029
UGC03929    7.66532 75.42469
ESO336-006  18.60201    -37.94586
ESO336-001  18.54346    -39.45677
ESO327-012  14.71358    -40.60005
Ejemplo n.º 21
def photometry(image_paths, master_dark_path, master_flat_path, star_positions,
               aperture_radii, centroid_stamp_half_width, psf_stddev_init,
    master_dark_path : str
        Path to master dark frame
    master_flat_path :str
        Path to master flat field
    target_centroid : `~numpy.ndarray`
        position of centroid, with shape (2, 1)
    comparison_flux_threshold : float
        Minimum fraction of the target star flux required to accept for a
        comparison star to be included
    aperture_radii : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Range of aperture radii to use
    centroid_stamp_half_width : int
        Centroiding is done within image stamps centered on the stars. This
        parameter sets the half-width of the image stamps.
    psf_stddev_init : float
        Initial guess for the width of the PSF stddev parameter, used for
        fitting 2D Gaussian kernels to the target star's PSF.
    aperture_annulus_radius : int
        For each aperture in ``aperture_radii``, measure the background in an
        annulus ``aperture_annulus_radius`` pixels bigger than the aperture
    master_dark = fits.getdata(master_dark_path)
    master_flat = fits.getdata(master_flat_path)

    star_positions = np.array(star_positions)#.T

    # Initialize some empty arrays to fill with data:
    times = np.zeros(len(image_paths))
    fluxes = np.zeros((len(image_paths), len(star_positions),
    errors = np.zeros((len(image_paths), len(star_positions),
    xcentroids = np.zeros((len(image_paths), len(star_positions)))
    ycentroids = np.zeros((len(image_paths), len(star_positions)))
    airmass = np.zeros(len(image_paths))
    psf_stddev = np.zeros(len(image_paths))

    medians = np.zeros(len(image_paths))

    with ProgressBar(len(image_paths)) as bar:
        for i in range(len(image_paths)):

            # Subtract image by the dark frame, normalize by flat field
            imagedata = (fits.getdata(image_paths[i]) - master_dark) / master_flat

            from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

            smoothed_image = gaussian_filter(imagedata, 3)
            brightest_star_coords = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(smoothed_image),

            if i == 0:
                brightest_start_coords_init = brightest_star_coords

            offset = np.array(brightest_start_coords_init) - np.array(brightest_star_coords)
            print('offset', offset)
            # Collect information from the header
            imageheader = fits.getheader(image_paths[i])
            exposure_duration = imageheader['EXPTIME']
            times[i] = Time(imageheader['DATE-OBS'], format='isot', scale=imageheader['TIMESYS'].lower()).jd
            medians[i] = np.median(imagedata)
            airmass[i] = imageheader['AIRMASS']

            # Initial guess for each stellar centroid informed by previous centroid
            for j in range(len(star_positions)):
                init_x = star_positions[j][0] + offset[0]
                init_y = star_positions[j][1] + offset[1]

                # Cut out a stamp of the full image centered on the star
                image_stamp = imagedata[int(init_y) - centroid_stamp_half_width:
                                        int(init_y) + centroid_stamp_half_width,
                                        int(init_x) - centroid_stamp_half_width:
                                        int(init_x) + centroid_stamp_half_width]

                x_stamp_centroid, y_stamp_centroid = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(image_stamp),

                x_centroid = x_stamp_centroid + init_x - centroid_stamp_half_width
                y_centroid = y_stamp_centroid + init_y - centroid_stamp_half_width

                # plt.imshow(image_stamp, origin='lower')
                # plt.scatter(y_stamp_centroid, x_stamp_centroid)
                # plt.show()

                # plt.imshow(imagedata, origin='lower')
                # plt.scatter(x_centroid, y_centroid)

                xcentroids[i, j] = x_centroid
                ycentroids[i, j] = y_centroid

                # For the target star, measure PSF:
                if j == 0:
                    psf_model_init = models.Gaussian2D(amplitude=np.max(image_stamp),

                    fit_p = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()
                    y, x = np.mgrid[:image_stamp.shape[0], :image_stamp.shape[1]]
                    best_psf_model = fit_p(psf_model_init, x, y, image_stamp -
                    psf_stddev[i] = 0.5*(best_psf_model.x_stddev.value +

            positions = np.vstack([ycentroids[i, :], xcentroids[i, :]]).T

            for k, aperture_radius in enumerate(aperture_radii):
                target_apertures = CircularAperture(positions, aperture_radius)
                background_annuli = CircularAnnulus(positions,
                                                    r_in=aperture_radius +
                                                    r_out=aperture_radius +
                                                          2 * aperture_annulus_radius)
                flux_in_annuli = aperture_photometry(imagedata,
                background = flux_in_annuli/background_annuli.area()
                flux = aperture_photometry(imagedata,
                background_subtracted_flux = (flux - background *
                print(background, flux)
                # plt.imshow(smoothed_image, origin='lower')
                # target_apertures.plot()
                # background_annuli.plot()
                # plt.show()
                fluxes[i, :, k] = background_subtracted_flux/exposure_duration
                errors[i, :, k] = np.sqrt(flux)

    # Save some values
    results = PhotometryResults(times, fluxes, errors, xcentroids, ycentroids,
                                airmass, medians, psf_stddev, aperture_radii)
    return results
Ejemplo n.º 22
def hdrcheck(imlist_name='a*.fit', camera='KCT_STX16803'):
    1. Description 
    : When performing observation, header input could be entered wrong. This issue can name the calibrated files inconsistent way for IMSNG survey. To resolve this problem, header ['OBJECT'] would be modified to the name in IMSNG target catalog (alltarget.dat) when the image center is < fov/2 of KCT STX16803. In addition, MJD will be entered, so even if input images are not IMSNG target, they should be processed by this function.

    2. Usage
    >>> hdrcheck()

    3. History
    2018.      Firstly made.
    2020.03.01 Edited for KL4040.
    2020.03.06 Modified for KCT STX16803 process    

    import os
    import sys
    import glob
    import astropy.units as u
    from astropy.time import Time
    from astropy.io import ascii
    from astropy.io import fits
    from lgpy.hdrcheck import wcscenter
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

    KCT_fov = 49.4  # arcmin
    all_catname = '/data1/code/alltarget.dat'
    all_cat = ascii.read(all_catname)
    ra, dec = all_cat['ra'], all_cat['dec']
    radeg, decdeg = [], []
    for i in range(len(all_cat)):
        c = SkyCoord(str(ra[i]) + ' ' + str(dec[i]), unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
    all_cat['radeg'] = radeg
    all_cat['decdeg'] = decdeg
    coo_all = SkyCoord(radeg, decdeg, unit=(u.deg, u.deg))

    imlist = glob.glob(imlist_name)
    for i in range(len(imlist)):
        inim = imlist[i]
        data, hdr = fits.getdata(inim, header=True)
        CRVAL1, CRVAL2 = wcscenter(inim)

        #camera = inim.split('-')[1]
        mjd0 = 2400000.5
        if camera == 'MAO_SNUCAM':
            t = Time(hdr['utdate'] + 'T' + hdr['utstart'],
            jd = t.jd
            mjd = t.mjd
            hdr['JD'] = round(jd, 5)
        elif camera == 'KCT_STX16803':
            t = Time(hdr['DATE-OBS'], format='isot', scale='utc')
            jd = t.jd
            mjd = t.mjd
            jd = hdr['jd']
            mjd = jd - mjd0
        hdr['MJD'] = round(mjd, 5)
        coo_target = SkyCoord(CRVAL1, CRVAL2, unit=(u.deg, u.deg))
        indx, d2d, d3d = coo_target.match_to_catalog_sky(coo_all)

        if d2d.arcmin > KCT_fov / 2.:
                'Coordinates of the image are not in IMSNG catalog. No matching. Maybe you obtained wrong field. OR Non-IMSNG target.'
            fits.writeto(inim, data, header=hdr, overwrite=True)
            print('Only MJD is entered in image header.')
        elif d2d.arcmin < KCT_fov / 2.:
            obj = all_cat[indx]['obj']
            print(obj + ' is matched.')
            print(str(round(d2d.arcmin[0], 3)) + ' arcmin apart')
            hdr['object'] = obj
            fits.writeto(inim, data, header=hdr, overwrite=True)

    print('Header info inspection is finished.')
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def t_DATE(self, t):
     from astropy.time import Time
     t.value = Time(t.value, scale='utc')
     return t
Ejemplo n.º 24
    # units must simply all be the same. For proper motion (pmxi, pmxn) they
    # must be [angular] per year.

    # coords in radians
    a = coords.ra.rad
    d = coords.dec.rad

    # parallax factors in xi and xn
    Fxi = (R(t).dot(W(a)))
    Fxn = (R(t).dot(N(a,d)))

    # time difference in years
    dt = t.jyear - t0.jyear

    # coordinates at times in 't'
    xix = xi0 + dt * pmxi + plx * Fxi
    xnx = xn0 + dt * pmxn + plx * Fxn

    # format output
    if isinstance(xix, float):
        return np.array([xix, xnx])
        return np.array(zip(xix, xnx))

if __name__=="__main__":
    t0 = Time(2012.0, format='jyear')
    t = Time([2010.0, 2010.5, 2011.3, 2015.0], format='jyear')
    coord = SkyCoord(ra=180., dec=45., unit='deg', frame='icrs')
    #print T_pos(t, t0, coord, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0.5)
Ejemplo n.º 25
        val = float(s)
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False

if __name__ == "__main__":
    sys.exit("Not prepared yet. Under construction!")
    thetamin = 100.0  #mas
    thetamax = 2000.0  #mas
    maxalt = 30.0  #maximum altitude
    lat_subaru = 19.828611
    lon_subaru = 204.51945
    height_subaru = 4139.0
    utcoffset = 10.0 * u.hour
    midlocal = Time('2019-7-16 00:00:00')
    midnight = midlocal + utcoffset
    location_subaru = EarthLocation(lat=lat_subaru * u.deg,
                                    lon=lon_subaru * u.deg,
                                    height=height_subaru * u.m)

    delta_midnight = np.linspace(-12, 12, 1000) * u.hour
    times_obs = midnight + delta_midnight
    frame = AltAz(obstime=midnight + delta_midnight, location=location_subaru)
    sunaltazs = get_sun(midnight + delta_midnight).transform_to(frame)
    nightmask = (sunaltazs.alt < -0 * u.deg)

    dat = pd.read_csv("../database/sixth/sixth.dat",
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def from_mpc(cls, targetids, epochs=None, location='500', **kwargs):
        """Load ephemerides from the
        `Minor Planet Center <http://minorplanetcenter.net>`_.

        targetids : str or iterable of str
            Target identifier, resolvable by the Minor Planet
            Ephemeris Service [MPES]_, e.g., 2P, C/1995 O1, P/Encke,
            (1), 3200, Ceres, and packed designations, for one or more

        epochs : `~astropy.time.Time` object, or dictionary, optional
            Request ephemerides at these epochs.  May be a single
            epoch or multiple epochs as `~astropy.time.Time`
            (see :ref:`epochs`)or a
            dictionary describing a linearly-spaced array
            of epochs. All epochs should be provided in UTC; if not,
            they will be converted to UTC and a
            `~sbpy.data.TimeScaleWarning` will be raised.
            If ``None`` (default), the current date and
            time will be used.

            For the dictionary format, the keys ``start`` (start
            epoch), ``step`` (step size), ``stop`` (end epoch), and/or
            ``number`` (number of epochs total) are used.  Only one of
            ``stop`` and ``number`` may be specified at a time.
            ``step``, ``stop``, and ``number`` are optional. The values of
            of ``start`` and ``stop`` must be `~astropy.time.Time` objects.
            ``number`` should be an integer value; ``step`` should be a
            `~astropy.units.Quantity` with an integer value and units of
            seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

            All epochs should be provided in UTC; if not, they will be
            converted to UTC and a `~sbpy.data.TimeScaleWarning` will be

        location : various, optional
            Location of the observer as an IAU observatory code
            [OBSCODES]_ (string), a 3-element array of Earth
            longitude, latitude, altitude, or an
            `~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`.  Longitude and
            latitude should be parseable by
            `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, and altitude should be
            parsable by `~astropy.units.Quantity` (with units of
            length).  If ``None``, then the geocenter (code 500) is

            Additional keyword arguments are passed to
            `~astroquery.mpc.MPC.get_ephemerides`: ``eph_type``,
            ``ra_format``, ``dec_format``, ``proper_motion``,
            ``proper_motion_unit``, ``suppress_daytime``,
            ``suppress_set``, ``perturbed``, ``unc_links``, ``cache``.

        `~Ephem` object
            The resulting object will be populated with columns as
            defined in
            `~astroquery.mpc.get_ephemerides`; refer
            to that document on information on how to modify the list
            of queried parameters.

        Query a single set of ephemerides of Ceres as observed from
        >>> from sbpy.data import Ephem
        >>> from astropy.time import Time
        >>> epoch = Time('2018-05-14', scale='utc')
        >>> eph = Ephem.from_mpc('ceres', epoch, 568) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA

        Query a range of ephemerides of comet 2P/Encke as observed from
        >>> epochs = {'start': Time('2019-01-01'),
        ...           'step': 1*u.d, 'number': 365}
        >>> eph = Ephem.from_mpc('2P', epochs, 568) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA

        * All properties are provided in the J2000.0 reference system.
        * See `astroquery.mpc.MPC.get_ephemerides` and the Minor
          Planet Ephemeris Service user's guide [MPES]_ for details,
          including accetable target names.

        .. [MPES] Wiliams, G. The Minor Planet Ephemeris Service.

        .. [OBSCODES] IAU Minor Planet Center.  List of observatory
           codes. https://minorplanetcenter.org/iau/lists/ObsCodesF.html


        # parameter check

        # if targetids is a list, run separate Horizons queries and append
        if not isinstance(targetids, (list, ndarray, tuple)):
            targetids = [targetids]

        if isinstance(epochs, Time):
            if epochs.scale is not 'utc':
                warn(('converting {} epochs to utc for use in '
                      'astroquery.mpc').format(epochs.scale), TimeScaleWarning)
                epochs = epochs.utc
            start = None
        elif isinstance(epochs, dict):
            start = epochs['start']  # required
            if start.scale is not 'utc':
                warn(('converting {} start epoch to utc for use in '
                      'astroquery.mpc').format(start.scale), TimeScaleWarning)
                start = start.utc
            step = epochs.get('step')
            stop = epochs.get('stop')
            if stop is not None and stop.scale is not 'utc':
                warn(('converting {} stop epoch to utc for use in '
                      'astroquery.mpc').format(stop.scale), TimeScaleWarning)
                stop = stop.utc
            number = epochs.get('number')

            if step is not None and stop is None:
                step = u.Quantity(step)
                if step.unit not in (u.d, u.h, u.min, u.s):
                    raise QueryError(
                        'step must have units of days, hours, minutes,'
                        ' or seconds')
            if stop is not None:
                if step is not None and number is None:
                    # start and stop both defined, estimate number of steps
                    dt = (Time(stop).jd - Time(start).jd) * u.d
                    number = int((dt / step).decompose()) + 1
                elif step is None and number is not None:
                    step = int(
                        (stop - start).jd * 1440 / (number - 1)) * u.minute
                    raise QueryError(
                        ('epoch definition unclear; step xor number '
                         'must be provided with start and stop'))
            start = None

        if epochs is None:
            epochs = Time.now()

        if not iterable(epochs):
            epochs = [epochs]

        # append ephemerides table for each targetid
        all_eph = None
        for targetid in targetids:

                # get ephemeris
                if start is None:
                    eph = []
                    for i in range(len(epochs)):
                        e = MPC.get_ephemeris(targetid,
                        e['Date'] = e['Date'].iso  # for vstack to work
                    eph = vstack(eph)
                    eph['Date'] = Time(eph['Date'], scale='utc')
                    eph = MPC.get_ephemeris(targetid,
            except InvalidQueryError as e:
                raise QueryError('Error raised by astroquery.mpc: {:s}'.format(

            # add targetname column
            eph.add_column(Column([targetid] * len(eph), name='Targetname'),

            if all_eph is None:
                all_eph = eph
                all_eph = vstack([all_eph, eph])

        # if ra_format or dec_format is defined, then units must be
        # dropped or else QTable will raise an exception because
        # strings cannot have units
        if 'ra_format' in kwargs:
            all_eph['RA'].unit = None
        if 'dec_format' in kwargs:
            all_eph['Dec'].unit = None

        return cls.from_table(all_eph)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def get_ephemerides_async(self, targetname, objtype='asteroid',
                              epoch=None, epoch_step='1d', epoch_nsteps=1,
                              location=500, coordtype=1,
                              get_raw_response=False, cache=True):
        Query the
        `IMCCE Miriade <http://vo.imcce.fr/webservices/miriade/>`_
        `ephemcc <http://vo.imcce.fr/webservices/miriade/?ephemcc>`_


        targetname : str
            Name of the target to be queried.

        objtype : str, optional
            Type of the object to be queried. Available are: ``'asteroid'``,
            ``'comet'``, ``'dwarf planet'``, ``'planet'``, ``'satellite'``.
            Default: ``'asteroid'``

        epoch : `~astropy.time.Time` object, float, str,``None``, optional
            Start epoch of the query. If a float is provided, it is
            expected to be a Julian Date; if a str is provided, it is
            expected to be an iso date of the form
            ``'YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS'``. If ``None`` is provided, the
            current date and time are used as epoch. Default: ``None``

        epoch_step : str, optional
            Step size for ephemerides calculation. Must consist of a decimal
            number followed by a single character: (d)ays, (h)ours,
            (m)inutes or (s)econds. Default: ``'1d'``

        epoch_nsteps : int, optional
            Number of increments of ``epoch_step`` starting from ``epoch``
            for which ephemerides are calculated. Maximum number of steps
            is 5000. Default: 1

        location : str, optional
            Location of the observer on Earth as a code or a set of
            coordinates. See the
            `Miriade manual <http://vo.imcce.fr/webservices/miriade/?documentation#field_7>`_
            for details. Default: geocentric location (``'500'``)

        coordtype : int, optional
            Type of coordinates to be calculated: ``1``: spherical, ``2``:
            rectangular, ``3``: local coordinates (azimuth and elevation),
            ``4``: hour angle coordinates, ``5``: dedicated to observation,
            ``6``: dedicated to AO observation. Default: ``1``

        timescale : str, optional
            The time scale used in the computation of the ephemerides:
            ``'UTC'`` or ``'TT'``. Default: ``'UTC'``

        planetary_theory : str, optional
            Planetary ephemerides set to be utilized in the calculations:
            ``'INPOP'``, ``'DE405'``, ``'DE406'``. Default: ``'INPOP'``

        ephtype : int, optional
            Type of ephemerides to be calculated: ``1``: astrometric J2000,
            ``2``: apparent of the date, ``3``: mean of the date,
            ``4``: mean J2000, Default: ``1``

        refplane : str, optional
            Reference plane: ``'equator'`` or ``'ecliptic'``. Default:

        elements : str, optional
            Set of osculating elements to be used in the calculations:
            ``'ASTORB'`` or ``'MPCORB'``. Default: ``'ASTORB'``

        radial_velocity : bool, optional
            Calculate additional information on the target's radial velocity.
            Default: ``False``

        get_query_payload : bool, optional
            When set to ``True`` the method returns the HTTP request
            parameters as a dict, default: ``False``

        get_raw_response : bool, optional
            Return raw data as obtained by Miriade without parsing the
            data into a table, default: ``False``

        cache : bool, optional
            If ``True`` the query will be cached. Default: ``True``


        The following parameters can be queried using this function. Note
        that different ``coordtype`` setting provide different sets of
        parameters; number in parentheses denote which ``coordtype``
        settings include the parameters.

        | Column Name      | Definition                                    |
        | ``target``       | Target name (str, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 )          |
        | ``epoch``        | Ephemerides epoch (JD, float, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,  |
        |                  | 6)                                            |
        | ``RA``           | Target RA at ``ephtype`` (deg, float, 1)      |
        | ``DEC``          | Target declination at ``ephtype`` (deg,       |
        |                  | float, 1, 4, 5)                               |
        | ``RAJ2000``      | Target RA at J2000 (deg, float, 5, 6)         |
        | ``DECJ2000``     | Target declination at J2000 (deg, float, 5, 6)|
        | ``AZ``           | Target azimuth (deg, float, 3, 5)             |
        | ``EL``           | Target elevation (deg, float, 3, 5)           |
        | ``delta``        | Distance from observer (au, float, 1, 2, 3,   |
        |                  | 4, 5, 6)                                      |
        | ``delta_rate``   | Rate in observer distance (km/s, float,       |
        |                  | 1, 5, 6)                                      |
        | ``V``            | Apparent visual magnitude (mag, float, 1, 2,  |
        |                  | 3, 4, 5, 6)                                   |
        | ``alpha``        | Solar phase angle (deg, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)     |
        | ``elong``        | Solar elongation angle (deg, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)|
        | ``RAcosD_rate``  | Rate of motion in RA * cos(DEC) (arcsec/min,  |
        |                  | float, 1, 5, 6)                               |
        | ``DEC_rate``     | Rate of motion in DEC (arcsec/min, float, 1,  |
        |                  | 5, 6)                                         |
        | ``x``            | X position state vector (au, float, 2)        |
        | ``y``            | Y position state vector (au, float, 2)        |
        | ``z``            | Z position state vector (au, float, 2)        |
        | ``vx``           | X velocity state vector (au/d, float, 2)      |
        | ``vy``           | Y velocity state vector (au/d, float, 2)      |
        | ``vz``           | Z velocity state vector (au/d, float, 2)      |
        | ``rv``           | Radial velocity (km/s, float, 2)              |
        | ``heldist``      | Target heliocentric distance (au, float, 2,   |
        |                  | 5, 6)                                         |
        | ``x_h``          | X heliocentric position vector (au, float, 2) |
        | ``y_h``          | Y heliocentric position vector (au, float, 2) |
        | ``z_h``          | Z heliocentric position vector (au, float, 2) |
        | ``vx_h``         | X heliocentric vel. vector (au/d, float, 2)   |
        | ``vy_h``         | Y heliocentric vel. vector (au/d, float, 2)   |
        | ``vz_h``         | Z heliocentric vel. vector (au/d, float, 2)   |
        | ``hourangle``    | Target hour angle (deg, float, 4, 5)          |
        | ``siderealtime`` | Local sidereal time (hr, float, 5, 6)         |
        | ``refraction``   | Atmospheric refraction (arcsec, float, 5, 6)  |
        | ``airmass``      | Target airmass (float, 5, 6)                  |
        | ``posunc``       | Positional uncertainty (arcsec, float, 5, 6)  |


        >>> from astroquery.imcce import Miriade
        >>> from astropy.time import Time
        >>> epoch = Time('2019-01-01', format='iso')
        >>> Miriade.get_ephemerides('3552', epoch=epoch)  # doctest: +SKIP
        <Table masked=True length=1>
           target          epoch                 RA         ...  DEC_rate   delta_rate
                             d                  deg         ... arcs / min    km / s
          bytes20         float64             float64       ...  float64     float64
        ----------- -------------------- ------------------ ... ---------- ------------
        Don Quixote            2458484.5 16.105294999999998 ...   -0.25244   31.4752734

        URL = conf.ephemcc_server
        TIMEOUT = conf.timeout

        if isinstance(epoch, (int, float)):
            epoch = Time(epoch, format='jd')
        elif isinstance(epoch, str):
            epoch = Time(epoch, format='iso')
        elif epoch is None:
            epoch = Time.now()

        request_payload = OrderedDict([
            ('-name', targetname),
            ('-type', objtype[0].upper()+objtype[1:]),
            ('-ep', str(epoch.jd)),
            ('-step', epoch_step),
            ('-nbd', epoch_nsteps),
            ('-observer', location),
            ('-output', '--jul'),
            ('-tscale', timescale),
            ('-theory', planetary_theory),
            ('-teph', ephtype),
            ('-tcoor', coordtype),
            ('-rplane', {'equator': 1, 'ecliptic': 2}[refplane]),
            ('-oscelem', elements),
            ('-mime', 'votable')])

        if radial_velocity:
            request_payload['-output'] += ',--rv'

        if get_query_payload:
            return request_payload

        # query and parse
        response = self._request('GET', URL, params=request_payload,
                                 timeout=TIMEOUT, cache=cache)
        self._query_uri = response.url

        self._get_raw_response = get_raw_response

        return response
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def from_horizons(cls,
        """Load target ephemerides from
        `JPL Horizons <https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons.cgi>`_ using

        targetids : str or iterable of str
            Target identifier, i.e., a number, name, designation, or JPL
            Horizons record number, for one or more targets.
        id_type : str, optional
            The nature of ``targetids`` provided; possible values are
            ``'smallbody'`` (asteroid or comet), ``'majorbody'`` (planet or
            satellite), ``'designation'`` (asteroid or comet designation),
            ``'name'`` (asteroid or comet name), ``'asteroid_name'``,
            ``'comet_name'``, ``'id'`` (Horizons id).
            Default: ``'smallbody'``
        epochs : `~astropy.time.Time` object, or dictionary, optional
            Epochs of elements to be queried; `~astropy.time.Time` objects
            support single and multiple epochs;
            a dictionary including keywords ``start`` and ``stop``, as well
            as either ``step`` or ``number``, can be used to generate a range
            of epochs. ``start`` and ``stop`` have to be
            `~astropy.time.Time` objects (see :ref:`epochs`).
            If ``step`` is provided, a range
            of epochs will be queries starting at ``start`` and ending at
            ``stop`` in steps of ``step``; ``step`` has to be provided as
            a `~astropy.units.Quantity` object with integer value and a
            unit of either minutes, hours, days, or years. If
            ``number`` is provided as an integer, the
            interval defined by
            ``start`` and ``stop`` is split into ``number`` equidistant
            intervals. If ``None`` is
            provided, current date and time are
            used. All epochs should be provided in UTC; if not, they will be
            converted to UTC and a `~sbpy.data.TimeScaleWarning` will be
            raised.  Default: ``None``
        location : str or `~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`, optional
            Location of the observer using IAU observatory codes
            (see `IAU observatory codes
            or as `~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`.
            Default: ``'500'`` (geocentric)
        **kwargs : optional
            Arguments that will be provided to

        * For detailed explanations of the queried fields, refer to
          `astroquery.jplhorizons.HorizonsClass.ephemerides` and the
          `JPL Horizons documentation <https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/?horizons_doc>`_.
        * By default, all properties are provided in the J2000.0 reference
          system. Different settings can be chosen using
          additional keyword arguments as used by

        `~Ephem` object
            The resulting object will be populated with columns as
            defined in
            `~astroquery.jplhorizons.HorizonsClass.ephemerides`; refer
            to that document on information on how to modify the list
            of queried parameters.

        >>> from sbpy.data import Ephem
        >>> from astropy.time import Time
        >>> epoch = Time('2018-05-14', scale='utc')
        >>> eph = Ephem.from_horizons('ceres', epochs=epoch) # doctest: +SKIP


        # modify epoch input to make it work with astroquery.jplhorizons
        # maybe this stuff should really go into that module....
        if epochs is None:
            epochs = [Time.now().utc.jd]
        elif isinstance(epochs, Time):
            if epochs.scale is not 'utc':
                warn(('converting {} epochs to utc for use in '
            epochs = epochs.utc.jd
        elif isinstance(epochs, dict):
            if 'start' in epochs and 'stop' in epochs and 'number' in epochs:
                epochs['step'] = epochs['number'] * u.dimensionless_unscaled
            # convert to utc and iso for astroquery.jplhorizons
            epochs['start'] = epochs['start'].utc.iso
            epochs['stop'] = epochs['stop'].utc.iso
            if 'step' in epochs:
                if epochs['step'].unit is not u.dimensionless_unscaled:
                    epochs['step'] = '{:d}{:s}'.format(
                        int(epochs['step'].value), {
                            u.minute: 'm',
                            u.hour: 'h',
                            u.d: 'd',
                            u.year: 'y'
                    epochs['step'] = '{:d}'.format(
                        int(epochs['step'].value - 1))

        # if targetids is a list, run separate Horizons queries and append
        if not isinstance(targetids, (list, ndarray, tuple)):
            targetids = [targetids]

        # turn EarthLocation into dictionary of strings as used by
        # astroquery.jplhorizons
        if isinstance(location, EarthLocation):
            location = {
                'lon': location.lon.deg,
                'lat': location.lat.deg,
                'elevation': location.height.to('km')

        # append ephemerides table for each targetid
        all_eph = None
        for targetid in targetids:

            # load ephemerides using astroquery.jplhorizons
            obj = Horizons(id=targetid,
                eph = obj.ephemerides(**kwargs)
            except ValueError as e:
                raise QueryError(
                    ('Error raised by astroquery.jplhorizons: {:s}\n'
                     'The following query was attempted: {:s}').format(
                         str(e), obj.uri))

            # workaround for current version of astroquery to make
            # column units compatible with astropy.table.QTable
            # should really change '---' units to None in
            # astroquery.jplhorizons.__init__.py
            for column_name in eph.columns:
                if eph[column_name].unit == '---':
                    eph[column_name].unit = None

            # workaround for astroquery 0.3.9.dev5056 and earlier,
            # Horizons column named RA_rate always includes the
            # cos(Dec) term:
            if 'RA_rate' in eph.colnames:
                eph['RA_rate'].name = 'RA*cos(Dec)_rate'

            if all_eph is None:
                all_eph = eph
                all_eph = vstack([all_eph, eph])

        # turn epochs into astropy.time.Time and apply timescale
        # convert ut1 epochs to utc
        # https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/?horizons_doc
        if any(all_eph['datetime_jd'] < 2437665.5):
            all_eph['datetime_jd'][all_eph['datetime_jd'] < 2437665.5] = Time(
                all_eph['datetime_jd'][all_eph['datetime_jd'] < 2437665.5],
        all_eph['epoch'] = Time(all_eph['datetime_jd'],
        all_eph['siderealtime'].unit = u.Unit('hour')


        return cls.from_table(all_eph)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def from_hdu(self, hdu=None, module=None, output=None, **kwargs):
        """Class method to instantiate a KeplerCotrendingBasisVectors object
        from a CBV FITS HDU.

        Kepler/K2 CBVs are all in the same FITS file for each quarter/campaign,
        so, when instantiating the CBV object we must specify which module and
        output we desire. Only Single-Scale CBVs are stored for Kepler.

        hdu : astropy.io.fits.hdu.hdulist.HDUList
            A pyfits opened FITS file containing the CBVs
        module : int
            Kepler CCD module 2 - 84
        output : int
            Kepler CCD output 1 - 4
        **kwargs : Optional arguments
            Passed to the TimeSeries superclass

        assert module > 1 and module < 85, 'Invalid module number'
        assert output > 0 and output < 5, 'Invalid output number'

        # Get the mission: Kepler or K2
        # Sadly, the HDU does not explicitly say if this is Kepler or K2 CBVs.
        if 'QUARTER' in hdu['PRIMARY'].header:
            mission = 'Kepler'
        elif 'CAMPAIGN' in hdu['PRIMARY'].header:
            mission = 'K2'
            raise Exception(
                'This does not appear to be a Kepler or K2 FITS HDU')

        extName = 'MODOUT_{0}_{1}'.format(module, output)

            # Read the columns and meta data
            dataTbl = Table.read(hdu[extName], format="fits")

            # TimeSeries-based objects require a dedicated time column
            # Replace NaNs with default time '2000-01-01', otherwise,
            # astropy.time.Time complains
            nanHere = np.nonzero(np.isnan(dataTbl['TIME_MJD'].data))[0]
            timeData = dataTbl['TIME_MJD'].data
            timeData[nanHere] = Time(['2000-01-01'], scale='utc').mjd
            cbvTime = Time(timeData, format='mjd')

            # Gaps are labelled as 'GAPFLAG' so rename!
            dataTbl['GAP'] = dataTbl['GAPFLAG']

            dataTbl.meta['MISSION'] = mission
            dataTbl.meta['CBV_TYPE'] = 'SingleScale'

            dataTbl = None
            cbvTime = None

        # Here we instantiate the actual object
        return self(data=dataTbl, time=cbvTime, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def test_time2et(self):
     from astropy.time import Time
     core.time2et(Time('2000-1-1', scale='utc'))