Ejemplo n.º 1
def fset(name, unit):
    name = f"_{name}"

        unit = u.Unit(unit)
        decorator = u.quantity_input(value=unit)
    except TypeError:
        if unit is Time:
            decorator = time_input
        elif unit is SkyCoord:
            decorator = coord_input
            raise TypeError(f"Expected a Quantity, Time, or SkyCoord, but got {unit}")

    def f(self, value):
        setattr(self, name, value)

    return f
Ejemplo n.º 2
class SpectralSampling(_Range):
    The average spectral sampling of a dataset.

    spectralmin : `u.Quantity`
        The minimum value of the average spectral sampling to search between.

    spectralmax : `u.Quantity`
        The maximum value of the average spectral sampling to search between.

    def __init__(self, spectralmin: u.nm, spectralmax: u.nm):
        super().__init__(spectralmin, spectralmax)

    def collides(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, self.__class__)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Transitioner(object):
    A class that defines how to compute transition times from one block to

    def __init__(self, slew_rate=None, instrument_reconfig_times=None):
        slew_rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity` with angle/time units
            The slew rate of the telescope
        instrument_reconfig_times : dict of dicts or None
            If not None, gives a mapping from property names to another
            dictionary. The second dictionary maps 2-tuples of states to the
            time it takes to transition between those states (as an
            `~astropy.units.Quantity`), can also take a 'default' key
            mapped to a default transition time.
        self.slew_rate = slew_rate
        self.instrument_reconfig_times = instrument_reconfig_times

    def __call__(self, oldblock, newblock, start_time, observer):
        Determines the amount of time needed to transition from one observing
        block to another.  This uses the parameters defined in

        oldblock : `~astroplan.scheduling.ObservingBlock` or None
            The initial configuration/target
        newblock : `~astroplan.scheduling.ObservingBlock` or None
            The new configuration/target to transition to
        start_time : `~astropy.time.Time`
            The time the transition should start
        observer : `astroplan.Observer`
            The observer at the time

        transition : `~astroplan.scheduling.TransitionBlock` or None
            A transition to get from ``oldblock`` to ``newblock`` or `None` if
            no transition is necessary
        components = {}
        if (self.slew_rate is not None and (oldblock is not None) and (newblock is not None)):
            # use the constraints cache for now, but should move that machinery
            # to observer
            from .constraints import _get_altaz
            from .target import get_skycoord
            if oldblock.target != newblock.target:
                targets = get_skycoord([oldblock.target, newblock.target])
                aaz = _get_altaz(start_time, observer, targets)['altaz']
                sep = aaz[0].separation(aaz[1])
                if sep/self.slew_rate > 1 * u.second:
                    components['slew_time'] = sep / self.slew_rate

        if self.instrument_reconfig_times is not None:
            components.update(self.compute_instrument_transitions(oldblock, newblock))

        if components:
            return TransitionBlock(components, start_time)
            return None

    def compute_instrument_transitions(self, oldblock, newblock):
        components = {}
        for conf_name, old_conf in oldblock.configuration.items():
            if conf_name in newblock.configuration:
                conf_times = self.instrument_reconfig_times.get(conf_name,
                if conf_times is not None:
                    new_conf = newblock.configuration[conf_name]
                    ctime = conf_times.get((old_conf, new_conf), None)
                    def_time = conf_times.get('default', None)
                    if ctime is not None:
                        s = '{0}:{1} to {2}'.format(conf_name, old_conf,
                        components[s] = ctime
                    elif def_time is not None and not old_conf == new_conf:
                        s = '{0}:{1} to {2}'.format(conf_name, old_conf,
                        components[s] = def_time

        return components
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Transitioner(object):
    A class that defines how to compute transition times from one block to 

    slew_rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity` with angle/time units
        The slew rate of the telescope
    instrument_reconfig_times : dict of dicts or None
        If not None, gives a mapping from property names to another dictionary.
        The second dictionary maps 2-tuples of states to the time it takes to
        transition between those states (as an `~astropy.units.Quantity`).

    u.quantity_input(slew_rate=u.deg / u.second)

    def __init__(self, slew_rate=None, instrument_reconfig_times=None):
        self.slew_rate = slew_rate
        self.instrument_reconfig_times = instrument_reconfig_times

    def __call__(self, oldblock, newblock, start_time, observer):
        Determines the amount of time needed to transition from one observing
        block to another.  This uses the parameters defined in 

        oldblock : `ObservingBlock` or None
            The initial configuration/target
        newblock : `ObservingBlock` or None
            The new configuration/target to transition to
        start_time : `~astropy.time.Time`
            The time the transition should start
        observer : `astroplan.Observer`
            The observer at the time 

        transition : `TransitionBlock` or None
            A transition to get from `oldblock` to `newblock` or None if no
            transition is necessary
        components = {}
        if self.slew_rate is not None:
            # use the constraints cache for now, but should move that machinery to
            # observer
            from .constraints import _get_altaz
            from astropy.time import Time

            aaz = _get_altaz(Time([start_time]), observer,
                             [oldblock.target, newblock.target])['altaz']
            # TODO: make this [0] unnecessary by fixing _get_altaz to behave well in scalar-time case
            sep = aaz[0].separation(aaz[1])[0]

            components['slew_time'] = sep / self.slew_rate
        if self.instrument_reconfig_times is not None:
                self.compute_instrument_transitions(oldblock, newblock))

        if components:
            return TransitionBlock(components, start_time)
            return None

        def compute_instrument_transitions(self, oldblock, newblock):
            components = {}
            for conf_name, old_conf in oldblock.configuration.items():
                if conf_name in newblock:
                    conf_times = self.instrument_reconfig_times.get(
                        conf_name, None)
                    if conf_times is not None:
                        new_conf = newblock[conf_name]
                        ctime = conf_times.get((old_conf, new_conf), None)
                        if ctime is not None:
                            s = '{0}:{1} to {2}'.format(
                                conf_name, old_conf, new_conf)
                            components[s] = ctime
            return components
Ejemplo n.º 5
        if compound_str.lower() in lower_case_symbols_list:
            return lower_case_symbols_list.index(compound_str.lower())
        lcase_name_list = list([s.lower() for s in roentgen.compounds["name"]])
        if compound_str.lower() in lcase_name_list:
            return lcase_name_list.index(compound_str.lower())
        return None

def get_density(material_str):
    """Given a material name return the default density"""
    if is_an_element(material_str):
        ind = get_atomic_number(material_str) - 1
        density = roentgen.elements[ind]["density"]
        # not using loc because table indexing is not yet stable
        # self.density = roentgen.compounds.loc[material_str]['density']
        index = list(roentgen.compounds["symbol"]).index(material_str)
        density = roentgen.compounds[index]["density"]
    return density


def density_ideal_gas(pressure, temperature):  # noqa
    """Given pressure and temperature of a dry gas, return the density using
    the ideal gas law"""
    R = 287.058 * u.J / u.kg / u.Kelvin
    return pressure / (R * temperature.to('K', equivalencies=u.temperature()))