Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_select_step_scalar():
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(33122.), 50000.)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(433.), 500.)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(12.3), 10)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(3.3), 5.)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(0.66), 0.5)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(0.0877), 0.1)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(0.00577), 0.005)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(0.00022), 0.0002)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(0.000012), 0.00001)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(0.000000443), 0.0000005)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_select_step_scalar():
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(33122.), 50000.)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(433.), 500.)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(12.3), 10)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(3.3), 5.)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(0.66), 0.5)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(0.0877), 0.1)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(0.00577), 0.005)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(0.00022), 0.0002)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(0.000012), 0.00001)
    assert_almost_equal(select_step_scalar(0.000000443), 0.0000005)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        def tick_values(self, vmin, vmax):

            # Where we put the ticks depends on the format we are using
            if self._converter.format in YMDHMS_FORMATS:

                # If we are here, we need to check what the range of values
                # is and decide how to find tick locations accordingly

                vrange = vmax - vmin

                if (self._converter.format != 'yday' and vrange > 31) or vrange > 366:  # greater than a month

                    # We need to be careful here since not all years and months have
                    # the same length

                    # Start off by converting the values from the range to
                    # datetime objects, so that we can easily extract the year and
                    # month.

                    tmin = Time(vmin, scale=self._converter.scale, format='mjd').datetime
                    tmax = Time(vmax, scale=self._converter.scale, format='mjd').datetime

                    # Find the range of years
                    ymin = tmin.year
                    ymax = tmax.year

                    if ymax > ymin + 1:  # greater than a year

                        # Find the step we want to use
                        ystep = int(select_step_scalar(max(1, (ymax - ymin) / 3)))

                        ymin = ystep * (ymin // ystep)

                        # Generate the years for these steps
                        times = []
                        for year in range(ymin, ymax + 1, ystep):
                            times.append(datetime(year=year, month=1, day=1))

                    else:  # greater than a month but less than a year

                        mmin = tmin.month
                        mmax = tmax.month + 12 * (ymax - ymin)

                        mstep = int(select_step_scalar(max(1, (mmax - mmin) / 3)))

                        mmin = mstep * max(1, mmin // mstep)

                        # Generate the months for these steps
                        times = []
                        for month in range(mmin, mmax + 1, mstep):
                            times.append(datetime(year=ymin + month // 12,
                                                  month=month % 12, day=1))

                    # Convert back to MJD
                    values = Time(times, scale=self._converter.scale).mjd

                elif vrange > 1:  # greater than a day

                    self.set_params(steps=[1, 2, 5, 10])
                    values = super().tick_values(vmin, vmax)


                    # Determine ideal step
                    dv = (vmax - vmin) / 3 * 24 << u.hourangle

                    # And round to nearest sensible value
                    dv = select_step_hour(dv).to_value(u.hourangle) / 24

                    # Determine tick locations
                    imin = np.ceil(vmin / dv)
                    imax = np.floor(vmax / dv)
                    values = np.arange(imin, imax + 1, dtype=np.int64) * dv


                values = super().tick_values(vmin, vmax)

            # Get rid of values outside of the input interval
            values = values[(values >= vmin) & (values <= vmax)]

            return values