def modelvlosgal(R,phi,l,beta=0.,vc=220.,vtsun=_VTSUN,vrsun=_VRSUN): sinl= numpy.sin(l) cosl= numpy.cos(l) vlosgal= -vrsun*cosl+vtsun*sinl\ -(vc*(R/8.)**beta\,31.4/vc, vc=(R/8.)**beta,hR=3./8., hs=33.3)*vc)*numpy.sin(l+phi) return -vlosgal
def dvlosgal(data,beta=0.,vc=220.,vtsun=_VTSUN,vrsun=_VRSUN, hR=3./8.,hs=33.3): l= data['GLON']*_DEGTORAD sinl= numpy.sin(data['GLON']*_DEGTORAD) cosl= numpy.cos(data['GLON']*_DEGTORAD) sinb= numpy.sin(data['GLAT']*_DEGTORAD) cosb= numpy.cos(data['GLAT']*_DEGTORAD) vlosgal= data['VHELIO_AVG']/cosb-vrsun*cosl+vtsun*sinl\ +_VZSUN*sinb/cosb\ -(vc*(data['RC_GALR']/8.)**beta\['RC_GALR']/8.,31.4/vc, vc=(data['RC_GALR']/8.)**beta,hR=hR, hs=hs)*vc)*numpy.sin(l+data['RC_GALPHI']) return vlosgal
def plot_asymmetricdrift(outdir='../tex'): #First plot the fiducial model for vcva/sr2 Ro = 8. hR = 3. / Ro hs = 8. / Ro vc = 1. #Zero-ish kinematicsFile = '../data/axi_va-kinematics_0.0.sav' kinematicsFile = open(kinematicsFile, 'rb') vas = pickle.load(kinematicsFile) #vas has va/sigmaR^2(R_0) xs = pickle.load(kinematicsFile) kinematicsFile.close() vas = vas[15] # dispersion = small nrs = 101 rs = numpy.linspace(0.1, 2.2, nrs) vaInterp = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(rs, vas) #Plot rs = numpy.linspace(4., 20., 1001) so = 0.2 #Hot sigmaR_hot = 0.2 * numpy.exp(-(rs / Ro - 1.) / hs) vas_fid = va(rs / Ro, 0.2, hR=hR, hs=hs) #Cold dlnnusR2dlnR_correct = dlnnusR2dlnR(hR_fid, hs_fid) - dlnnusR2dlnR(hR, hs) vas_cold = vaInterp(rs / Ro) sigmaR_cold = 0.1 * numpy.exp(-(rs / Ro - 1.) / hs) vas_cold = 0.1**2. / vc * ( vas_cold + 0.5 * dlnnusR2dlnR_correct * numpy.exp(-2. * (rs / Ro - 1.))) bovy_plot.bovy_print(fig_height=3.) lines = [] lines.append( bovy_plot.bovy_plot(rs, vas_fid / sigmaR_hot**2., 'k-', xlabel=r'$R\ [\mathrm{kpc}]$', ylabel=r'$V_c\,V_a / \sigma_R^2$', xrange=[0., 25.], yrange=[0., 6.5])) lines.append( bovy_plot.bovy_plot(rs, vas_cold / sigmaR_cold**2., '--', color='0.4', overplot=True)) bovy_plot.bovy_text(r'$h_R = 3\, \mathrm{kpc}$' + '\n' + r'$h_\sigma = 8\, \mathrm{kpc}$', top_left=True) labels = [ r'$\sigma_R(R_0) = 0.2\,V_c(R_0)$', r'$\sigma_R(R_0) = 0.1\,V_c(R_0)$' ] l1 = pyplot.legend(lines, labels, loc=4, frameon=False, numpoints=1) bovy_plot.bovy_end_print(os.path.join(outdir, '')) #Now plot differences from fiducial vas_fid = va(rs / Ro, 0.14, hR=hR, hs=hs) #different fiducial bovy_plot.bovy_print(fig_height=3.) bovy_plot.bovy_plot([rs[0], rs[-1]], [0., 0.], 'k-', xlabel=r'$R\ [\mathrm{kpc}]$', ylabel=r'$(V_a - V_a^{\mathrm{fid}}) / V_c(R_0)$', xrange=[0., 25.], yrange=[-0.075, 0.075]) #hR=2 kpc bovy_plot.bovy_plot(rs, va(rs / Ro, 0.14, hR=2. / Ro, hs=hs) - vas_fid, overplot=True, ls='-.', color='k') bovy_plot.bovy_text(0.5, 0.005, r'$h_R = 2\, \mathrm{kpc}$') bovy_plot.bovy_text(r'$\sigma_R(R_0) = 0.14\,V_c(R_0)$', bottom_right=True) bovy_plot.bovy_plot(rs, va(rs / Ro, 0.14, hR=4. / Ro, hs=hs) - vas_fid, overplot=True, ls='--', color='k') bovy_plot.bovy_text(0.5, -0.02, r'$h_R = 4\, \mathrm{kpc}$') #hs=6 kpc bovy_plot.bovy_plot(rs, va(rs / Ro, 0.14, hR=hR, hs=6. / Ro) - vas_fid, overplot=True, ls=':', color='k') bovy_plot.bovy_text(.5, 0.035, r'$h_\sigma = 6\, \mathrm{kpc}$') #hs=6 kpc bovy_plot.bovy_plot(rs, va(rs / Ro, 0.14, hR=hR, hs=242. / Ro) - vas_fid, overplot=True, ls='-', color='0.65') bovy_plot.bovy_text(17.5, 0.055, r'$R_0/h_\sigma = 0.034$') bovy_plot.bovy_end_print(os.path.join(outdir, '')) #Now plot the actual model used in the bestfit bovy_plot.bovy_print(fig_height=3.) bovy_plot.bovy_plot(rs, va(rs / Ro, 0.14, hR=hR, hs=242. / Ro), 'k-', xlabel=r'$R\ [\mathrm{kpc}]$', ylabel=r'$V_a / V_c(R_0)$', xrange=[0., 25.], yrange=[0., 0.08]) bovy_plot.bovy_plot(rs, va(rs / Ro, 0.14, hR=hR, hs=1.), 'k--', overplot=True) bovy_plot.bovy_text(r'$h_R = 3\, \mathrm{kpc}$' + '\n' + r'$R_0/h_\sigma = 0.034$', top_right=True) bovy_plot.bovy_text(r'$h_R = 3\, \mathrm{kpc}$' + '\n' + r'$R_0/h_\sigma = 1$', top_left=True) bovy_plot.bovy_text(7., 0.07125, r'$\sigma_R(R_0) = 0.14\,V_c(R_0)$') bovy_plot.bovy_end_print(os.path.join(outdir, ''))