Ejemplo n.º 1
    def check_hosts(self,
        """Check a known_hosts file built from the specified patterns"""

        prefixes = ('', '@cert-authority ', '@revoked ')
        known_hosts = '# Comment line\n   # Comment line with whitespace\n\n'

        for prefix, patlist, key in zip(prefixes, patlists, self.keylists):
            for pattern, key in zip(patlist, key):
                known_hosts += '%s%s %s' % (prefix, pattern, key)

        if from_file:
            with open('known_hosts', 'w') as f:

            known_hosts = 'known_hosts'
        elif from_bytes:
            known_hosts = known_hosts.encode()
            known_hosts = asyncssh.import_known_hosts(known_hosts)

        return self.check_match(known_hosts, results, host, addr, port)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_import_known_hosts(self):
        """Test connecting with known hosts object from import_known_hosts"""

        known_hosts_path = os.path.join('.ssh', 'known_hosts')

        with open(known_hosts_path, 'r') as f:
            known_hosts = asyncssh.import_known_hosts(f.read())

        with (yield from self.connect(known_hosts=known_hosts)) as conn:

        yield from conn.wait_closed()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def check_hosts(self, patlists, results=None, host='host', addr='',
                    port=22, from_file=False, from_bytes=False,
                    as_callable=False, as_tuple=False):
        """Check a known_hosts file built from the specified patterns"""

        def call_match(host, addr, port):
            """Test passing callable as known_hosts"""

            return asyncssh.match_known_hosts(_known_hosts, host, addr, port)

        prefixes = ('', '@cert-authority ', '@revoked ',
                    '', '@revoked ', '', '@revoked ')
        known_hosts = '# Comment line\n   # Comment line with whitespace\n\n'

        for prefix, patlist, keys in zip(prefixes, patlists, self.keylists):
            for pattern, key in zip(patlist, keys):
                known_hosts += '%s%s %s' % (prefix, pattern, key)

        if from_file:
            with open('known_hosts', 'w') as f:

            known_hosts = 'known_hosts'
        elif from_bytes:
            known_hosts = known_hosts.encode()
        elif as_callable:
            _known_hosts = asyncssh.import_known_hosts(known_hosts)
            known_hosts = call_match
        elif as_tuple:
            known_hosts = asyncssh.import_known_hosts(known_hosts)
            known_hosts = asyncssh.match_known_hosts(known_hosts, host,
                                                     addr, port)
            known_hosts = asyncssh.import_known_hosts(known_hosts)

        return self.check_match(known_hosts, results, host, addr, port)
Ejemplo n.º 4
async def run_client(inst, cmd, sshAgent=None, scpSrcFilePath=None, dlDirPath='.', 
        dlFileName=None, knownHostsOnly=False ):
    #logger.info( 'inst %s', inst)
    sshSpecs = inst['ssh']
    #logger.info( 'iid %s, ssh: %s', inst['instanceId'], inst['ssh'])
    host = sshSpecs['host']
    port = sshSpecs['port']
    user = sshSpecs['user']
    iid = inst['instanceId']
    iidAbbrev = iid[0:16]
    # implement pasword-passing if present in ssh args
    password = sshSpecs.get('password', None )

        if knownHostsOnly:
            known_hosts = os.path.expanduser( '~/.ssh/known_hosts' )
            known_hosts = None
        if False:  # 'returnedPubKey' in inst:
            keyStr = inst['returnedPubKey']
            logger.info( 'importing %s', keyStr)
            key = asyncssh.import_public_key( keyStr )
            logger.info( 'imported %s', key.export_public_key() )
            #known_hosts = key # nope
            known_hosts = asyncssh.import_known_hosts(keyStr)
        logResult( 'operation', ['connect', host, port], iid )
        #sshAgent = os.getenv( 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK' )
        #async with asyncssh.connect(host, port=port, username=user, password=password, known_hosts=None) as conn:
        async with asyncssh.connect(host, port=port, username=user,
            keepalive_interval=15, keepalive_count_max=4,
            known_hosts=known_hosts, agent_path=sshAgent ) as conn:
            serverHostKey = conn.get_server_host_key()
            #logger.info( 'got serverHostKey (%s) %s', type(serverHostKey), serverHostKey )
            serverPubKey = serverHostKey.export_public_key(format_name='openssh')
            #logger.info( 'serverPubKey (%s) %s', type(serverPubKey), serverPubKey )
            serverPubKeyStr = str(serverPubKey,'utf8')
            #logger.info( 'serverPubKeyStr %s', serverPubKeyStr )
            inst['returnedPubKey'] = serverPubKeyStr

            if scpSrcFilePath:
                logger.info( 'uploading %s to %s', scpSrcFilePath, iidAbbrev )
                await asyncssh.scp( scpSrcFilePath, conn, preserve=True, recurse=True )
                #logger.info( 'uploaded %s to %s', scpSrcFilePath, iidAbbrev )
                logResult( 'operation', ['upload', scpSrcFilePath], iid )
            proc = None
            # execute cmd on remote, if non-null cmd given
            if cmd:
                # substitute actual instanceId for '<<instanceId>>' in cmd
                cmd = cmd.replace( '<<instanceId>>', iid )
                logResult( 'operation', ['command', cmd], iid )
                async with conn.create_process(cmd) as proc:
                    async for line in proc.stdout:
                        logger.info('stdout[%s] %s', iidAbbrev, line.strip() )
                        logResult( 'stdout', line.rstrip(), iid )

                    async for line in proc.stderr:
                        logger.info('stderr[%s] %s', iidAbbrev, line.strip() )
                        logResult( 'stderr', line.rstrip(), iid )
                await proc.wait_closed()
                logResult( 'returncode', proc.returncode, iid )
                if proc.returncode is None:
                    logger.warning( 'returncode[%s] NONE', iidAbbrev )
                #elif proc.returncode:
                #    logger.warning( 'returncode %s for %s', proc.returncode, iidAbbrev )

            if dlFileName:
                destDirPath = '%s/%s' % (dlDirPath, iid)
                logger.info( 'downloading %s from %s to %s',
                    dlFileName, iidAbbrev, destDirPath )
                await asyncssh.scp( (conn, dlFileName), destDirPath, preserve=True, recurse=True )
                #logger.info( 'downloaded from %s to %s', iidAbbrev, destDirPath )
                logResult( 'operation', ['download', dlFileName], iid )
            if proc:
                return proc.returncode
                return 0
    except Exception as exc:
        logger.warning( 'got exception (%s) %s', type(exc), exc, exc_info=False )
        logResult( 'exception', {'type': type(exc).__name__, 'msg': str(exc) }, iid )
        return exc
    return 'did we not connect?'