Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _loadMinMax(self, min, max):
        >>> a = Parameter([])
        >>> post = a._loadMinMax(45, 34)
        >>> post[0].type, post[1].type
        ('constant', 'constant')
        >>> post = a._loadMinMax(45, ['ru', 0, 1])
        >>> post[0].type, post[1].type
        ('constant', 'randomUniform')
        >>> post = a._loadMinMax(['ru', 0, 1], ['ru', 0, 1])
        >>> post[0].type, post[1].type
        ('randomUniform', 'randomUniform')

        if drawer.isNum(min):
            minArgs = ('c', min)
        elif drawer.isList(min):
            minArgs = min
        # check max
        if drawer.isNum(max):
            maxArgs = ('c', max)
        elif drawer.isList(max):
            maxArgs = max
        # create a parameter object
        from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
            minObj = parameter.factory(minArgs)
        except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg:
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _loadMinMax(self, min, max):
        >>> a = Parameter([])
        >>> post = a._loadMinMax(45, 34)
        >>> post[0].type, post[1].type
        ('constant', 'constant')
        >>> post = a._loadMinMax(45, ['ru', 0, 1])
        >>> post[0].type, post[1].type
        ('constant', 'randomUniform')
        >>> post = a._loadMinMax(['ru', 0, 1], ['ru', 0, 1])
        >>> post[0].type, post[1].type
        ('randomUniform', 'randomUniform')

        if drawer.isNum(min):
            minArgs = ('c', min)
        elif drawer.isList(min):
            minArgs = min
        # check max
        if drawer.isNum(max):
            maxArgs = ('c', max)
        elif drawer.isList(max):
            maxArgs = max
        # create a parameter object
        from athenaCL.libATH.libPmtr import parameter
            minObj = parameter.factory(minArgs)
        except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, msg:
            raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'failed sub-parameter: %s' % msg
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _formatMsg(self, msg):
     if not drawer.isList(msg):
         msg = [msg]
     post = []
     post.append('%s:' % self.modName)
     for part in msg:
         partMsg = str(part)
         if drawer.isList(part):
             partMsg = partMsg.replace(' ', '')
     return ' '.join(post)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _formatMsg(self, msg):
     if not drawer.isList(msg):
         msg = [msg]
     post = []
     post.append('%s:' % self.modName)
     for part in msg:
         partMsg = str(part)
         if drawer.isList(part):
             partMsg = partMsg.replace(' ', '')
     return ' '.join(post)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def factory(rawArgs, libName=None, refDict=None):
    """this is used only for loading and returning an object
    can return obj or parsed args
    first thing in list must be a string, type def

    libName can be a list or a string
    rawArgs is a list of python data types, starting with the po name
    exceptions that may be raised: error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError
    reload(basePmtr)  # reload base class
    if not drawer.isList(rawArgs):
        rawArgs = eval(drawer.restringulator(rawArgs))
        # if only string, we have only one argument, no commas
        if drawer.isStr(rawArgs):
            rawArgs = [rawArgs]

        # old method simply put rawArgs, if a string, as a first argument
        # rawArgs = [rawArgs,] # add to a list, could be a single str

    # first arg is always a string, naming the parameter type
    # obj args could be empty if requires no arguments
    objType, objArgs = rawArgs[0], list(rawArgs[1:])

    libOpt = []  # option libs
    if not drawer.isList(libName):
        libOpt = libName

    for i in range(0, len(libOpt)):
        name = libOpt[i]
        if name != None:  # None is all
            name = pmtrLibParser(name)  # name of possible library

        try:  # will raise exception on error
            mod, modStr = locator(objType, name)  #check type string
        except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError as e:
            modStr = None
        if modStr == None:
            if i != len(libOpt) - 1:
                continue  # if not the last one to try
                raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(
                    'parameter lib error (%s: %s, %s, %s)' %
                    (name, objType, modStr, rawArgs))
        else:  # got a good object
            # failure
    pmtrObjAttr = getattr(mod, modStr)
    #print _MOD, 'factory loading object', mod, objType
    pmtrObj = pmtrObjAttr(objArgs, refDict)
    return pmtrObj
Ejemplo n.º 6
def factory(rawArgs, libName=None, refDict=None):
    """this is used only for loading and returning an object
    can return obj or parsed args
    first thing in list must be a string, type def

    libName can be a list or a string
    rawArgs is a list of python data types, starting with the po name
    exceptions that may be raised: error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError
    reload(basePmtr) # reload base class
    if not drawer.isList(rawArgs):
        rawArgs = eval(drawer.restringulator(rawArgs))
        # if only string, we have only one argument, no commas
        if drawer.isStr(rawArgs):
            rawArgs = [rawArgs]

        # old method simply put rawArgs, if a string, as a first argument
        # rawArgs = [rawArgs,] # add to a list, could be a single str

    # first arg is always a string, naming the parameter type
    # obj args could be empty if requires no arguments
    objType, objArgs = rawArgs[0], list(rawArgs[1:])

    libOpt = [] # option libs
    if not drawer.isList(libName):
        libOpt = libName

    for i in range(0, len(libOpt)):
        name = libOpt[i]
        if name != None: # None is all
            name = pmtrLibParser(name) # name of possible library

        try: # will raise exception on error
            mod, modStr = locator(objType, name) #check type string
        except error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, e: modStr = None
        if modStr == None:
            if i != len(libOpt) - 1:
                continue # if not the last one to try
                raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError, 'parameter lib error (%s: %s, %s, %s)' % (name, objType, modStr, rawArgs) 
        else: # got a good object
            # failure
    pmtrObjAttr = getattr(mod, modStr)
    #print _MOD, 'factory loading object', mod, objType
    pmtrObj = pmtrObjAttr(objArgs, refDict)
    return pmtrObj
Ejemplo n.º 7
def getAllScTriples(cardRange='all', tniTog=0):
    """gets all scTriples within a variety of ranges
    card range can be specified as string 'all', 
    as an int (getting just the values of that int
    or as a range from 1 to 12; if range, last values is inclusif"""
    if cardRange == 'all':
        gatherCards = list(range(1, 13))
    elif drawer.isInt(cardRange):
        gatherCards = [
        ]  # only get one card
    elif drawer.isList(cardRange):
        if cardRange[1] < cardRange[0]:
            raise ValueError('bad cardinality range given')
        elif cardRange[0] == cardRange[1]:
            gatherCards = [
            ]  # only get one card
            gatherCards = list(range(cardRange[0], cardRange[1] + 1))
    found = []
    for scTriple in list(TNREF.keys()):
        card = scTriple[0]
        inv = scTriple[2]
        if card in gatherCards:
            if tniTog and inv == -1: pass  # leave out inversions
    return found
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def _guessType(self):
     """try to determine what kind of duration/dynamic data is given
     can be string or integer tuple/list: (2,1,1) or (3,1)
     can be string char like q, e, t, s, th?
     can be string acc list .5 1 .3 1
     data = copy.copy(self.srcData)
     if drawer.isStr(data):
         data = data.strip()  # temp data
         data = data.lower()
         if len(data) == 0:
             return None  # no data found
         if data[0].islower():  # if has chars
             if data in REFdurStr.keys():
                 return 'str'
             elif data in REFdynStr.keys():  # maybe its a dynmaic
                 return 'acc'  # acc string value alone
                 raise error.PulseSyntaxError
         elif data[0] == '[' or data[0] == '(':  # its a list or tuple
             return 'triple'
         elif data.find(',') >= 0:  # if there are commas in string
             return 'triple'
         else:  # assume its an acc string
             return 'acc'
     if drawer.isNum(data):  # acc list
         return 'acc'
     if drawer.isList(data):
         return 'triple'
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, args, refDict):
        """searches a list of directories recursively and finds all files
            files named in args are found within these directories
            dirs are onlys serached if list of dirs has changed"""
        basePmtr.Parameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
        self.type = None # in subclass
        self.outputFmt = 'str' # declare outputFmt as string
        self.argTypes = [['list', 'str'], 'str']
        self.argNames = ['fileNameList', 'selectionString']
        self.argDefaults = [[], 'rc']
        # check raw arguments for number, type
        ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
        if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg) # report error

        self.dirList = [] # used to look for changes
        self.filePathList = [] # updated on __call__
        self.timer = rhythm.Timer() # sets start time
        self.updatePathList = 1 # forces update of paths
        # not sure this is functioning
        #self.tLastUpdate = 0.0 # time of last file dir update

        if drawer.isList(self.args[0]):
            self.nameList = self.args[0]
        elif drawer.isStr(self.args[0]):
            tempList = []
            self.nameList = tuple(tempList)

        self.control = self._selectorParser(self.args[1]) # raises exception
        # choose names from name list
        self.selector = basePmtr.Selector(self.nameList, self.control)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def _getProductionCount(self, span):
        '''Given a number representing range to threshold, provide the number of particles produced.

        >>> pcr = {(-10,-1):8, (0,10):1, (11, 20):2, None: [3, 5]}
        >>> pairs = [('a', 1), ('b', 2)]
        >>> a = SensorProducer()
        >>> a.setThreshold(30)
        >>> a.setParticle(pairs, 'b')
        >>> a.setProductionCountRange(pcr)
        >>> a._getProductionCount(3)
        >>> a._getProductionCount(12)
        >>> a._getProductionCount(34) in [3,4,5]
        >>> a._getProductionCount(-4)
        countRaw = None
        for key in self.productionCountRange.keys():
            # a None key provides a default value range
            if key == None:
            # key is inclusive min max:
            if span >= key[0] and span <= key[1]:
                countRaw = self.productionCountRange[key]
        # if no match, get None, for all spans out of defined ranges
        if countRaw == None:
            countRaw = self.productionCountRange[None]

        if not drawer.isList(countRaw):  # create an inclusive range
            countRaw = [countRaw, countRaw]
        count = random.choice(range(countRaw[0], countRaw[1] + 1))
        return count
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def _guessType(self):
     """try to determine what kind of duration/dynamic data is given
     can be string or integer tuple/list: (2,1,1) or (3,1)
     can be string char like q, e, t, s, th?
     can be string acc list .5 1 .3 1
     data = copy.copy(self.srcData)
     if drawer.isStr(data):
         data = data.strip() # temp data
         data = data.lower()
         if len(data) == 0:
             return None # no data found
         if data[0].islower(): # if has chars
             if data in REFdurStr.keys():
                 return 'str'
             elif data in REFdynStr.keys(): # maybe its a dynmaic
                 return 'acc' # acc string value alone
                 raise error.PulseSyntaxError
         elif data[0] == '[' or data[0] == '(': # its a list or tuple
             return 'triple'
         elif data.find(',') >= 0: # if there are commas in string
             return 'triple'
         else: # assume its an acc string
             return 'acc'
     if drawer.isNum(data): # acc list
         return 'acc'
     if drawer.isList(data): 
         return 'triple'
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, lifeCycle):
        """A model of a multi-state particle that is defined by an ordered series of states, and a number of frames at that state. 

        `lifeCycle` is a list of pairs; each pair gives a state (as a string letter) followed by a number of frames at which that state exists
        after all states have passed, the particle is dead.

        >>> pairs = [('a', 30), ('b',30)]
        >>> a = Particle(pairs)
        >>> a.lifeSpan
        >>> a.lifeBounds
        {'a': (1, 30), 'b': (31, 60)}

        >>> pairs = [('a', 10)]
        >>> a = Particle(pairs)
        >>> a.lifeSpan
        >>> a.lifeBounds
        {'a': (1, 10)}
        if not drawer.isList(lifeCycle):
            raise error.ParticleSyntaxError('life cycle must be a list')
        self.lifeCycle = lifeCycle
        self.lifeBounds = {}
        self.lifeSpan = 0  # number of frames in life
        self._updateLifeSpan()  # update lifeSpan and lifeBounds
        self.age = 0  # number of cycles passed
        self.state = self.lifeCycle[0][0]  # get first state
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def _findWeights(self, srcSeq):
     """given a src sequence, find a weight label that matches
     if not match is available, then return None (will result in 
     and qual distribution when srubbed)"""
     # for expression compat, need a method here to search weights
     # and determine of there is a direct match, or an expression match
     if self._weightSrc.has_key(srcSeq): # direct match
         return self._weightSrc[srcSeq]
     # if no key defined, search for matching expressions
     srcLen = len(srcSeq)
     for label in self._weightSrc.keys():
         if len(label) != srcLen: continue # a def for a different order
         matchCount = 0
         for i in range(srcLen):
             # if both are symbol strings, will match
             if label[i] == srcSeq[i]:
                 matchCount = matchCount + 1
             elif drawer.isList(label[i]): # its an expression
                 if label[i][0] == self.EXPRESSALL: # match anything
                     matchCount = matchCount + 1
                 elif label[i][0] == self.EXPRESSNOT: 
                     if label[i][1] != srcSeq[i]: # not supplied operand
                         matchCount = matchCount + 1
                 elif label[i][0] == self.EXPRESSOR: 
                     if srcSeq[i] in label[i][1:]: # match any operands
                         matchCount = matchCount + 1
         if matchCount == srcLen:
             environment.printDebug(['exp match; label:', label, 'src:', srcSeq])
             return self._weightSrc[label]
     # return None if nothing found
     return None
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, lifeCycle):
        """A model of a multi-state particle that is defined by an ordered series of states, and a number of frames at that state. 

        `lifeCycle` is a list of pairs; each pair gives a state (as a string letter) followed by a number of frames at which that state exists
        after all states have passed, the particle is dead.

        >>> pairs = [('a', 30), ('b',30)]
        >>> a = Particle(pairs)
        >>> a.lifeSpan
        >>> a.lifeBounds
        {'a': (1, 30), 'b': (31, 60)}

        >>> pairs = [('a', 10)]
        >>> a = Particle(pairs)
        >>> a.lifeSpan
        >>> a.lifeBounds
        {'a': (1, 10)}
        if not drawer.isList(lifeCycle):
            raise error.ParticleSyntaxError('life cycle must be a list')
        self.lifeCycle = lifeCycle
        self.lifeBounds = {}
        self.lifeSpan = 0 # number of frames in life
        self._updateLifeSpan() # update lifeSpan and lifeBounds
        self.age = 0 # number of cycles passed
        self.state = self.lifeCycle[0][0] # get first state
Ejemplo n.º 15
def getAllScTriples(cardRange='all', tniTog=0):
    """gets all scTriples within a variety of ranges
    card range can be specified as string 'all', 
    as an int (getting just the values of that int
    or as a range from 1 to 12; if range, last values is inclusif"""
    if cardRange == 'all':
        gatherCards = range(1,13)
    elif drawer.isInt(cardRange):
        gatherCards = [cardRange,] # only get one card
    elif drawer.isList(cardRange):
        if cardRange[1] < cardRange[0]:
            raise ValueError, 'bad cardinality range given'
        elif cardRange[0] == cardRange[1]:
            gatherCards = [cardRange[0],] # only get one card
            gatherCards = range(cardRange[0], cardRange[1]+1)
    found = []
    for scTriple in TNREF.keys():
        card = scTriple[0]
        inv = scTriple[2]
        if card in gatherCards:
            if tniTog and inv == -1: pass # leave out inversions
    return found
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def _getProductionCount(self, span):
        '''Given a number representing range to threshold, provide the number of particles produced.

        >>> pcr = {(-10,-1):8, (0,10):1, (11, 20):2, None: [3, 5]}
        >>> pairs = [('a', 1), ('b', 2)]
        >>> a = SensorProducer()
        >>> a.setThreshold(30)
        >>> a.setParticle(pairs, 'b')
        >>> a.setProductionCountRange(pcr)
        >>> a._getProductionCount(3)
        >>> a._getProductionCount(12)
        >>> a._getProductionCount(34) in [3,4,5]
        >>> a._getProductionCount(-4)
        countRaw = None
        for key in self.productionCountRange.keys():
            # a None key provides a default value range
            if key == None: 
            # key is inclusive min max:
            if span >= key[0] and span <= key[1]:
                countRaw = self.productionCountRange[key]
        # if no match, get None, for all spans out of defined ranges
        if countRaw == None:
            countRaw = self.productionCountRange[None]

        if not drawer.isList(countRaw): # create an inclusive range
            countRaw = [countRaw, countRaw]
        count = random.choice(range(countRaw[0], countRaw[1]+1))
        return count
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, args, refDict):
        """searches a list of directories recursively and finds all files
            files named in args are found within these directories
            dirs are onlys serached if list of dirs has changed"""
        basePmtr.Parameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
        self.type = None # in subclass
        self.outputFmt = 'str' # declare outputFmt as string
        self.argTypes = [['list', 'str'], 'str']
        self.argNames = ['fileNameList', 'selectionString']
        self.argDefaults = [[], 'rc']
        # check raw arguments for number, type
        ok, msg = self._checkRawArgs()
        if ok == 0: raise error.ParameterObjectSyntaxError(msg) # report error

        self.dirList = [] # used to look for changes
        self.filePathList = [] # updated on __call__
        self.timer = rhythm.Timer() # sets start time
        self.updatePathList = 1 # forces update of paths
        # not sure this is functioning
        #self.tLastUpdate = 0.0 # time of last file dir update

        if drawer.isList(self.args[0]):
            self.nameList = self.args[0]
        elif drawer.isStr(self.args[0]):
            tempList = []
            self.nameList = tuple(tempList)

        self.control = self._selectorParser(self.args[1]) # raises exception
        # choose names from name list
        self.selector = basePmtr.Selector(self.nameList, self.control)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def _findWeights(self, srcSeq):
     """given a src sequence, find a weight label that matches
     if not match is available, then return None (will result in 
     and qual distribution when srubbed)"""
     # for expression compat, need a method here to search weights
     # and determine of there is a direct match, or an expression match
     if srcSeq in self._weightSrc: # direct match
         return self._weightSrc[srcSeq]
     # if no key defined, search for matching expressions
     srcLen = len(srcSeq)
     for label in list(self._weightSrc.keys()):
         if len(label) != srcLen: continue # a def for a different order
         matchCount = 0
         for i in range(srcLen):
             # if both are symbol strings, will match
             if label[i] == srcSeq[i]:
                 matchCount = matchCount + 1
             elif drawer.isList(label[i]): # its an expression
                 if label[i][0] == self.EXPRESSALL: # match anything
                     matchCount = matchCount + 1
                 elif label[i][0] == self.EXPRESSNOT: 
                     if label[i][1] != srcSeq[i]: # not supplied operand
                         matchCount = matchCount + 1
                 elif label[i][0] == self.EXPRESSOR: 
                     if srcSeq[i] in label[i][1:]: # match any operands
                         matchCount = matchCount + 1
         if matchCount == srcLen:
             environment.printDebug(['exp match; label:', label, 'src:', srcSeq])
             return self._weightSrc[label]
     # return None if nothing found
     return None
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def printDebug(self, msg, *arguments):
     if self.debug <= 0:
         return # do nothing    
         if not drawer.isList(msg):
             msg = [msg]
         if len(arguments) > 0:
             msg += arguments
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def printDebug(self, msg, *arguments):
     if self.debug <= 0:
         return  # do nothing
         if not drawer.isList(msg):
             msg = [msg]
         if len(arguments) > 0:
             msg += arguments
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def iMod(self, axis=0):
     """axis transposition, but retaining octave positon
     like tMod
     # find desired index
     if drawer.isNum(axis):
         index = _InvAxisToIndex(axis)
     if drawer.isList(axis):
         index = _InvPcPairToIndex(axis[0], axis[1])
     self._real = pcoInverter(self._real, index)
     self.data = self._convert(self.format, 'psReal', self._real)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def iMod(self, axis=0):
     """axis transposition, but retaining octave positon
     like tMod
     # find desired index
     if drawer.isNum(axis):
         index = _InvAxisToIndex(axis)
     if drawer.isList(axis):
         index = _InvPcPairToIndex(axis[0], axis[1])
     self._real = pcoInverter(self._real, index)
     self.data = self._convert(self.format, 'psReal', self._real)
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def clear(self):
     """processes init value and replaces history with first generation"""
     stepInit = self._getTemplate()
     if drawer.isNum(self.init):
         for y in range(self.size[1]):
             for x in range(self.size[0]):
                 self.stepTemplate[y][x] = self.init
     elif drawer.isList(self.init): # assume list is same size from
         for row in self.init:
             for col in row:
                 self.stepTemplate[y][x] = col                     
     self.stepHistory = [stepInit] # a list of arrays        
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def _recursiveUpdate(self, argSrc):
     # args are already evaluated data and strings
     # argSrc must at a lost of values
     insertFix = self._waveReplace(argSrc)  # returns a list
     # check for embedded
     for i in range(len(insertFix)):
         arg = insertFix[i]
         # look for an arg that is a list
         if drawer.isList(arg) and len(arg) > 0:
             argPost = self._recursiveUpdate(arg)  # returns a tuple
             insertFix[i] = argPost  # assign over old postiion
     return insertFix
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def _recursiveUpdate(self, argSrc):
     # args are already evaluated data and strings
     # argSrc must at a lost of values
     insertFix = self._waveReplace(argSrc)  # returns a list
     # check for embedded
     for i in range(len(insertFix)):
         arg = insertFix[i]
         # look for an arg that is a list
         if drawer.isList(arg) and len(arg) > 0:
             argPost = self._recursiveUpdate(arg)  # returns a tuple
             insertFix[i] = argPost  # assign over old postiion
     return insertFix
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def clear(self):
     """processes init value and replaces history with first generation"""
     stepInit = self._getTemplate()
     if drawer.isNum(self.init):
         for y in range(self.size[1]):
             for x in range(self.size[0]):
                 self.stepTemplate[y][x] = self.init
     elif drawer.isList(self.init):  # assume list is same size from
         for row in self.init:
             for col in row:
                 self.stepTemplate[y][x] = col
     self.stepHistory = [stepInit]  # a list of arrays
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def repr(self, format=''):
     # why not use baesParameter representation methods here?
     msg = []
     for name in self.argNames:
         if drawer.isList(self.switch(name)):
             msg.append('%s' % self._scrubList(self.switch(name)))
             msg.append('%s' % typeset.anyDataToStr(self.switch(name)))
     if format in ['argsOnly', '']:
         msg = [self.type,] + msg
         return ', '.join(msg)
     elif format in ['noType']:
         return ', '.join(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def repr(self, format=''):
     # why not use baesParameter representation methods here?
     msg = []
     for name in self.argNames:
         if drawer.isList(self.switch(name)):
             msg.append('%s' % self._scrubList(self.switch(name)))
             msg.append('%s' % typeset.anyDataToStr(self.switch(name)))
     if format in ['argsOnly', '']:
         msg = [self.type,] + msg
         return ', '.join(msg)
     elif format in ['noType']:
         return ', '.join(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def clear(self):
        """processes init value and replaces history with first generation
        will always add an init to the history, meaning that there will always
        be one more generation than expected in most cases

        stepInit = self._getTemplate()
        if drawer.isStr(self.init):
            numStr, junk = drawer.strExtractNum(self.init)
            if self.init == 'center':
                centerIndex = self._getCenter()
                if self.dstValues == None:  # continuous case
                    if self.DECIMAL: val = decimal.Decimal(1)
                    else: val = 1.0
                    # should add one here, but need -1 for list position shift
                    stepInit[self._getCenter()] = val
                else:  # center value is dependent; must provude as variable
                    stepInit[self._getCenter()] = self.dstValues[
            elif self.init == 'random':
                for x in range(self.size):
                    if self.dstValues == None:  # continuous case
                        if self.DECIMAL:
                            val = decimal.Decimal(str(random.random()))
                            val = random.random()
                        stepInit[x] = val
                    else:  # discrete
                        stepInit[x] = random.choice(self.dstValues)
            # may be number as a string; treat as a list
            elif len(numStr) == len(self.init):
                for x in range(self.size):
                    # must be integers, use force to limit at min / max
                    if self.dstValues != None:
                        min = self.dstValues[0]
                        max = self.dstValues[-1]
                    else:  # continuous, unit interval
                        min = 0
                        max = 1
                    val = drawer.strToNum(self.init[(x % len(self.init))],
                                          'int', min, max, 1)
                    stepInit[x] = val
        elif drawer.isNum(self.init):
            for x in range(self.size):
                stepInit[x] = self.init
        elif drawer.isList(self.init):
            for x in range(self.size):
                stepInit[x] = self.init[(x % len(self.init))]
        self.stepHistory = [stepInit]  # a list of arrays
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def __init__(self, args, refDict):
     >>> a = StaticParameterTexture([], {})
     # note: look for first arg as type and remove
     if not drawer.isList(args): # single tuple not evaluated as list
         args = [args,] # add to list
     if args != []: # if not empty
         if args[0] == self.type:
             args = args[1:]
     Parameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
     self.argCountOffset = 0 # dif b/n kept and shown args
     self.parent = 'textureStatic' # mark as a special type
     self.outputFmt = None # output values from dictionary
     self._switches = {} # dictionary that stores switch valuess
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def __init__(self, args, refDict):
     >>> a = StaticParameterTexture([], {})
     # note: look for first arg as type and remove
     if not drawer.isList(args): # single tuple not evaluated as list
         args = [args,] # add to list
     if args != []: # if not empty
         if args[0] == self.type:
             args = args[1:]
     Parameter.__init__(self, args, refDict) # call base init
     self.argCountOffset = 0 # dif b/n kept and shown args
     self.parent = 'textureStatic' # mark as a special type
     self.outputFmt = None # output values from dictionary
     self._switches = {} # dictionary that stores switch valuess
Ejemplo n.º 32
def _scrubEntryLines(entryLines):
    """run over entry lines and make sure each sub list is a list and
    not a tuple; return None if empty"""
    entryLines = list(entryLines) # make sure its alist
    i = 0
    empty = 0
    for line in entryLines:
        if drawer.isList(line):
            entryLines[i] = list(line)
            if len(entryLines[i]) == 0:
                empty = empty + 1
        # maybe do other conversions here too
        i = i + 1
    if empty == i: # if all lines are empty
        return None
    return entryLines
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def clear(self):
        """processes init value and replaces history with first generation
        will always add an init to the history, meaning that there will always
        be one more generation than expected in most cases

        stepInit = self._getTemplate()
        if drawer.isStr(self.init):
            numStr, junk = drawer.strExtractNum(self.init)
            if self.init == 'center':
                centerIndex = self._getCenter()
                if self.dstValues == None: # continuous case
                    if self.DECIMAL: val = decimal.Decimal(1)
                    else: val = 1.0
                    # should add one here, but need -1 for list position shift
                    stepInit[self._getCenter()] = val 
                else: # center value is dependent; must provude as variable
                    stepInit[self._getCenter()] = self.dstValues[self.dstIndexCenter] 
            elif self.init == 'random':
                for x in range(self.size):
                    if self.dstValues == None: # continuous case
                        if self.DECIMAL: val = decimal.Decimal(str(random.random()))
                        else: val = random.random() 
                        stepInit[x] = val                
                    else: # discrete
                        stepInit[x] = random.choice(self.dstValues)
            # may be number as a string; treat as a list
            elif len(numStr) == len(self.init):
                for x in range(self.size):
                    # must be integers, use force to limit at min / max
                    if self.dstValues != None:
                        min = self.dstValues[0]
                        max = self.dstValues[-1]
                    else: # continuous, unit interval
                        min = 0
                        max = 1
                    val = drawer.strToNum(self.init[(x % len(self.init))], 'int', 
                                                 min, max, 1)
                    stepInit[x] = val
        elif drawer.isNum(self.init):
            for x in range(self.size):
                stepInit[x] = self.init               
        elif drawer.isList(self.init):
            for x in range(self.size):
                stepInit[x] = self.init[(x % len(self.init))]
        self.stepHistory = [stepInit] # a list of arrays        
Ejemplo n.º 34
def caInitParser(usrStr):
    >>> caInitParser('center')
    >>> caInitParser('junk') == None
    usrNum, junk = drawer.strExtractNum(usrStr)
    if drawer.isNum(usrStr) or (len(usrNum) == len(usrStr)
                                or drawer.isList(usrStr)):
        return usrStr  # not a string, a data obj
    # only parse if a string
    ref = {
        'center': ['c', 'center'],
        'random': ['r', 'random'],
    usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
    return usrStr  # may be Non
Ejemplo n.º 35
def caInitParser(usrStr):
    >>> caInitParser('center')
    >>> caInitParser('junk') == None
    usrNum, junk = drawer.strExtractNum(usrStr)
    if drawer.isNum(usrStr) or (len(usrNum) == len(usrStr) or 
        return usrStr # not a string, a data obj
    # only parse if a string
    ref = {
        'center' : ['c', 'center'],
        'random' : ['r', 'random'],
    usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
    return usrStr # may be Non
Ejemplo n.º 36
def pyToXml(parentName, name, dict, indent=1, levelManifest=[]):
    """convert nested python dictionary into an xml data structure
    indent is current indent level
    dictionaries found at node, that consist of all str keys, will be recursed
    levelManifest is a list of labels for each dictionary level
        None will use the dictionary name as is
        pairs match TagName, DisplayName"""
    if levelManifest == [] or levelManifest[0] == None:
        levelMatch = {}
        if not drawer.isList(levelManifest[0]): # match all
            levelMatch = {'all':levelManifest[0]} # match all parents
            #levelName = levelManifest[0]
            levelMatch = {} # embeded pairs of possible matches
            for i in range(0, len(levelManifest[0]) - 1):
                # stores pairs in dictionary
                levelMatch[levelManifest[0][i]] = levelManifest[0][i+1]

    #print _MOD, parentName, name, levelMatch
    # if a level match is given, only name for that object
    msg = []
    tab = '\t' * indent
    msg.append(_resolveOuterName('open', tab, levelMatch, parentName, name))

    keyList = dict.keys()
    for key in keyList:
        tab = '\t' * (indent + 1)
        val = dict[key]
        # only recurse into dictionary if dict keys are strings
        if _dictionaryStrKey(val):
            # remove this levelName form the list
            # enter name as parent name
            msg = msg + pyToXml(name, key, val, indent+1, levelManifest[1:])
            valStr = xmlScrub(str(val))
            msg.append('\n%s<attr key="%s" value="%s"/>' % (tab, key, valStr))

    tab = '\t' * indent
    msg.append(_resolveOuterName('close', tab, levelMatch, parentName, name))
    return msg # do not join
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def _reprWeightLabelKey(self, raw):
     """provide a string representation of a weight label
     expressionis may be used and must be handled separately"""
     msg = []
     for element in raw:
         if drawer.isList(element): # its an expression
             if element[0] == self.EXPRESSOR:
                 elementStr = self.EXPRESSOR.join(element[1:])
             elif element[0] == self.EXPRESSNOT:
                 elementStr = '%s%s' % (self.EXPRESSNOT, element[1])
             else: # must be self.EXPRESSALL
                 elementStr = self.EXPRESSALL
     # join w/ step symbol
     msg = self.STEP.join(msg)
     # always add one at end
     return '%s%s' % (msg, self.STEP)
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def _reprWeightLabelKey(self, raw):
     """provide a string representation of a weight label
     expressionis may be used and must be handled separately"""
     msg = []
     for element in raw:
         if drawer.isList(element): # its an expression
             if element[0] == self.EXPRESSOR:
                 elementStr = self.EXPRESSOR.join(element[1:])
             elif element[0] == self.EXPRESSNOT:
                 elementStr = '%s%s' % (self.EXPRESSNOT, element[1])
             else: # must be self.EXPRESSALL
                 elementStr = self.EXPRESSALL
     # join w/ step symbol
     msg = self.STEP.join(msg)
     # always add one at end
     return '%s%s' % (msg, self.STEP)
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def _keyParser(self, usrStr):
        if drawer.isNum(usrStr) or drawer.isList(usrStr):
            return usrStr  # not a string, a data obj
        # only parse if a string

        # may need to add: 'd' for dimension
        # 'z' for z axis?
        ref = {
            'f': ['f', 'format', 'form', 'type'],
            'k': ['k', 'colors'],
            'r': ['r', 'radius'],
            'i': ['i', 'init', 'initial'],
            'x': ['x', 'size'],
            'y': ['y', 'steps', 'gen'],
            'w': ['w', 'width'],
            'c': ['c', 'center'],
            's': ['s', 'skip'],
        usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
        return usrStr  # may be None
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def _keyParser(self, usrStr):
        if drawer.isNum(usrStr) or drawer.isList(usrStr):
            return usrStr # not a string, a data obj
        # only parse if a string
        # may need to add: 'd' for dimension
        # 'z' for z axis?
        ref = {
            'f' : ['f', 'format', 'form', 'type'],
            'k' : ['k', 'colors'],
            'r' : ['r', 'radius'],
            'i' : ['i', 'init', 'initial'],
            'x' : ['x', 'size'],
            'y' : ['y', 'steps', 'gen'],
            'w' : ['w', 'width'],
            'c' : ['c', 'center'],
            's' : ['s', 'skip'],

        usrStr = drawer.selectionParse(usrStr, ref)
        return usrStr # may be None
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def __init__(self, argStr, stripComma=False):
        """Note: `argStr` can be either a string or a list of pre-partitioned objects. 

        >>> a = ArgOps('test 1 2 3')
        >>> a.get(2)
        >>> a.get(2, evaluate=True)
        >>> b = ArgOps(['test', 1, 2, 3])
        >>> b.get(2)
        >>> b.get(2, evaluate=True)
        >>> b.get(1, sumRange=True) # will realize values as strings

        >>> b = ArgOps('test, stip, comma', stripComma=True)
        >>> b.get(0)
        >>> b = ArgOps('test, stip, comma', stripComma=False)
        >>> b.get(0)

        if drawer.isList(argStr):  # accept already partitioned lists
            self.argList = argStr
            argStr = argStr.strip()  # clear trailing white space
            self.argList = argStr.split()  # will split b/n or more spaces

        # strip trailing comma
        #if stripComma != 'noStrip':
        if stripComma:
            counter = 0
            for entry in self.argList:
                # only remove comma of last line
                if len(entry) > 1 and entry[-1] == ',':
                    self.argList[counter] = entry[:-1]
                counter += 1
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def __init__(self, argStr, stripComma=False):
        """Note: `argStr` can be either a string or a list of pre-partitioned objects. 

        >>> a = ArgOps('test 1 2 3')
        >>> a.get(2)
        >>> a.get(2, evaluate=True)
        >>> b = ArgOps(['test', 1, 2, 3])
        >>> b.get(2)
        >>> b.get(2, evaluate=True)
        >>> b.get(1, sumRange=True) # will realize values as strings

        >>> b = ArgOps('test, stip, comma', stripComma=True)
        >>> b.get(0)
        >>> b = ArgOps('test, stip, comma', stripComma=False)
        >>> b.get(0)

        if drawer.isList(argStr): # accept already partitioned lists
            self.argList = argStr
            argStr = argStr.strip() # clear trailing white space
            self.argList = argStr.split() # will split b/n or more spaces

        # strip trailing comma
        #if stripComma != 'noStrip':
        if stripComma:
            counter = 0
            for entry in self.argList:
                # only remove comma of last line
                if len(entry) > 1 and entry[-1] == ',': 
                    self.argList[counter] = entry[:-1]
                counter += 1
Ejemplo n.º 43
def anyDataToStr(usrData, sigDig=None, seqBrace='tuple'):
    """convert any data to a proper string, taking type into account
    lists are recursive examined with the same function
    note: this will convert a list [] into a tuple representation
    depending on optional arg
    will automatically remove space between comma-separated lists

    >>> anyDataToStr('test')
    >>> anyDataToStr([3, 'mixed', [3,4,5]])
    >>> anyDataToStr([2.35, ('a', (234, 34))])

    if drawer.isStr(usrData):
        return usrData
    elif drawer.isInt(usrData):
        return '%i' % usrData
    elif drawer.isFloat(usrData):
        if sigDig != None: # force a certain length
            return '%s' % str(round(usrData, sigDig))
        else: # adaptive by size:
            sigDig = sigDigMeasure(usrData)
            return '%s' % str(round(usrData, sigDig))
    elif drawer.isBool(usrData): # does not work, evaluates as string?
        return boolAsStr(usrData)        
    elif usrData == None:   
        return 'none'
    elif drawer.isList(usrData):
        newData = []
        for q in usrData: # recursively apply to each element in list
            newData.append(anyDataToStr(q, sigDig, seqBrace))
        if seqBrace == 'tuple':
            return '(%s)' % ','.join(newData)
        elif seqBrace == 'list':
            return '[%s]' % ','.join(newData)
        return repr(usrData)
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def _loadPulse(self):
     objList = []
     if drawer.isStr(self.srcData):
         # if whole argument is a string; not yet implemented
         # this is not going to work, cannot devide a compelete string w/ ,
         strList = self.srcData.split(',') # split
         for element in strList:
             obj = Pulse(element) # will raise exception on load error
     elif drawer.isNum(self.srcData):
         obj = Pulse(self.srcData) # will raise exception on load error
     elif drawer.isList(self.srcData):
         if self._tripleMonadTest(self.srcData): #    a single triple
             obj = Pulse(self.srcData)
         else: # get individual chunks; a pulse list
             for element in self.srcData:
                 obj = Pulse(element) # will raise exception on load error
         raise error.PulseSyntaxError
     return objList
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def _loadPulse(self):
     objList = []
     if drawer.isStr(self.srcData):
         # if whole argument is a string; not yet implemented
         # this is not going to work, cannot devide a compelete string w/ ,
         strList = self.srcData.split(',')  # split
         for element in strList:
             obj = Pulse(element)  # will raise exception on load error
     elif drawer.isNum(self.srcData):
         obj = Pulse(self.srcData)  # will raise exception on load error
     elif drawer.isList(self.srcData):
         if self._tripleMonadTest(self.srcData):  #    a single triple
             obj = Pulse(self.srcData)
         else:  # get individual chunks; a pulse list
             for element in self.srcData:
                 obj = Pulse(element)  # will raise exception on load error
         raise error.PulseSyntaxError
     return objList
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def _expandRawTriple(self, data):
     """take an int, 2, or three element tuple and provide defaults
     returns None if nothing expandable
     if third element in list exists and is a string will be converted
     does checks on div and mult, divide by zero error and all raise exception
     defD = 1 # default values
     defM = 1
     defA = 1
     if drawer.isNum(data): # assum its an acc
         return (defD, defM, self. _normAcc(data))
     elif drawer.isStr(data): # assum its an acc as string
         return (defD, defM, self. _normAcc(self._dynStrToVal(data)))
     elif drawer.isList(data):
         data = list(data) # convert to list for assignment
         if len(data) == 0:
             return None
         elif len(data) == 1: # its an acc
             return (defD, defM, self. _normAcc(data))
         elif len(data) == 2:
                 data[0], data[1] = self._normDivMult(data[0], data[1])
             except error.PulseSyntaxError:
                 return None # error
             return (data[0], data[1], defA)
         else: # other info in a list will be removed
                 data[0], data[1] = self._normDivMult(data[0], data[1])
             except error.PulseSyntaxError:
                 return None # error
             if drawer.isStr(data[2]):
                 acc = self._dynStrToVal(data[2])
             else: # its a number
                 acc = data[2]
             return (data[0], data[1], self. _normAcc(acc)) 
         return None # error
Ejemplo n.º 47
 def _expandRawTriple(self, data):
     """take an int, 2, or three element tuple and provide defaults
     returns None if nothing expandable
     if third element in list exists and is a string will be converted
     does checks on div and mult, divide by zero error and all raise exception
     defD = 1  # default values
     defM = 1
     defA = 1
     if drawer.isNum(data):  # assum its an acc
         return (defD, defM, self._normAcc(data))
     elif drawer.isStr(data):  # assum its an acc as string
         return (defD, defM, self._normAcc(self._dynStrToVal(data)))
     elif drawer.isList(data):
         data = list(data)  # convert to list for assignment
         if len(data) == 0:
             return None
         elif len(data) == 1:  # its an acc
             return (defD, defM, self._normAcc(data))
         elif len(data) == 2:
                 data[0], data[1] = self._normDivMult(data[0], data[1])
             except error.PulseSyntaxError:
                 return None  # error
             return (data[0], data[1], defA)
         else:  # other info in a list will be removed
                 data[0], data[1] = self._normDivMult(data[0], data[1])
             except error.PulseSyntaxError:
                 return None  # error
             if drawer.isStr(data[2]):
                 acc = self._dynStrToVal(data[2])
             else:  # its a number
                 acc = data[2]
             return (data[0], data[1], self._normAcc(acc))
         return None  # error
Ejemplo n.º 48
def strongType(usrArgs, argTypes, defaultArgs=[], argCountOffset=0):
    """Argument checking tool.

    checks raw arg type and number, one level deep
        (does not recurse into list)
    will supply defaults if missing args after last given and 
        self.defaultArgs defined
    two arguments required, both lists:
        args = a list of arguments, of proper python data types
        argTypes = list of one-level deap types, specified w/ strings
            'list', 'num', 'float', 'int', 'str'; see drawer.py
    one optional args
        defaultArgs = list of default args to substitute
    returns: newArgs, ok, msg

    >>> strongType([[1,2,3]], ['list'])
    ([[1, 2, 3]], 1, '')
    >>> strongType([.5, 3, 'three'], ['float', 'int', 'str'])
    ([0.5, 3, 'three'], 1, '')
    >>> strongType([3.2], ['num', 'num'])
    ([3.2000...], 0, 'incorrect number of arguments; enter 2 arguments.')
    >>> strongType([3.2, 5, 6], ['num', 'num'])
    ([3.2000..., 5, 6], 0, 'too many arguments; enter 2 arguments.')
    argCount = len(argTypes)
    if len(usrArgs) < argCount:
        # try to get from defaults
        if len(defaultArgs) == argCount:  # defaults exits (default is 0)
            for retrieve in defaultArgs[len(usrArgs):]:
                usrArgs.append(retrieve)  # add missing to end
                #print 'argTools.py: adding default', retrieve, defaultArgs
        else:  # nothing we can do: failure
            msg = ('incorrect number of arguments; enter %i arguments.' %
                   (argCount + argCountOffset))  # add incase if name offset
            return usrArgs, 0, msg
    elif len(usrArgs) > argCount:
        #print _MOD, len(usrArgs), argCount
        msg = 'too many arguments; enter %i arguments.' % (argCount +
        return usrArgs, 0, msg

    for pos in range(0, argCount):
        argTest = usrArgs[pos]
        # can be [list, num, float, int, str]
        typeCandidates = argTypes[pos]
        if not drawer.isList(typeCandidates):
            typeCandidates = [
            ]  # add to list
        for type in typeCandidates:
            if type == 'list' and drawer.isList(argTest):
                match = 1
            elif type == 'num' and drawer.isNum(argTest):
                match = 1
            elif type == 'float' and drawer.isFloat(argTest):
                match = 1
            elif type == 'int' and drawer.isInt(argTest):
                match = 1
            elif type == 'str' and drawer.isStr(argTest):
                match = 1
            else:  # dont break; need to through other possbilities
                match = 0
        # should covnert types to better strings
        if match == 0:
            msg = (
                'wrong type of data used as an argument. replace %s with a %s argument type.'
                % (
                    # provide 'or' to show that any type in candidate is good
                    drawer.typeListAsStr(typeCandidates, 'or')))
            return usrArgs, 0, msg
    # all good
    return usrArgs, 1, ''
Ejemplo n.º 49
def findNormalT(pcSet, setMatrix=None):
    """finds normal form of any pc set and returns forte number
    as a scTriple data structure, and transposition from normal form
    pcSet may contain psReals, and as such, need to be converted to ints

    >>> findNormalT([3,4,5])
    ((3, 1, 0), 3)

    if setMatrix == None: # use forte as default
        setMatrix = FORTE
    MONADscTuple = (1,1,0)

    # check for bad data
    if drawer.isStr(pcSet):
        return None # error, no strings supported here
    if drawer.isList(pcSet):
        for psReal in pcSet:# make sure all values are numbers; no strings allowed
            if drawer.isStr(psReal):
                return None # break, return None as error
    # check for unusual data
    if drawer.isNum(pcSet): # its a single number
        pcVal = pitchTools.roundMicro(pcSet)
        # second number is transposition from 0
        return MONADscTuple, (pcVal % 12)
    if len(pcSet) == 1:  #filter out monad!
        pcVal = pitchTools.roundMicro(pcSet[0])
        return MONADscTuple, (pcVal % 12)

    # scrub and go
    pcSetClone = []
    for psReal in pcSet: # pcSet may contian psReal, w/ floating values
    #check fr non base 12 numbers, negative numbers, redundancies
    pcSetClone = list(pcSetTransposer(pcSetClone, 0))

    i = 0
    chord = []
    for i in range(0,12):  # remove redundancies
        if i in pcSetClone:
    card = len(chord)    
    if card < 1: # monad has already been filtered out
        return None # 2nd no is transposition from 0
    if card == 1: # this is a set like (3,3,3,3)
        return MONADscTuple, (pcSet[0] % 12) 
    elif card > 12:
        return None # 'irrational cardinality error'

    rotIndices = range(0, card)
    foundIndex = None                #control variable
    for rot in rotIndices:
        r = rot # dont need to add 1? + 1
        rotSet = chord[r:card] + chord[0:r]
        dif  = rotSet[0]
        pSet = pcSetTransposer(rotSet, -dif)
        iSet = tuple(pcInverter(pSet))
        maxRange = len(setMatrix[card])
        # check all sets of given card for match
        for index in range(1, maxRange):     # start with 1, not zero
            # this is a default; may be a symmetrical set and have no inversion
            foundInv = 'A' 
            # test each set in this cardinality; "0" gets pitches
            testSet = tuple(setMatrix[card][index][0])  
            if iSet == testSet:
                foundIndex = index
                foundInv = 'B'      #nt sure yet if 1 or 0
            elif pSet == testSet:
                foundIndex = index
                foundInv = 'A'      #nt sure yet if 1 or 0 
        if foundIndex != None:
    if foundIndex == None:  ## no set found
        return None #'failed!!!'
    if foundInv == 'B':
        # has inversion that is non-redundant (variant)
        if setMatrix[card][foundIndex][2][1] == 0 :   
            scInv = -1
        else: scInv = 0
    elif foundInv == 'A':
         # has inversion that is non-redundant (variant)
        if setMatrix[card][foundIndex][2][1] == 0 :
            scInv = 1
        else: scInv = 0
    return (card, foundIndex, scInv), dif
Ejemplo n.º 50
def strongType(usrArgs, argTypes, defaultArgs=[], argCountOffset=0):
    """Argument checking tool.

    checks raw arg type and number, one level deep
        (does not recurse into list)
    will supply defaults if missing args after last given and 
        self.defaultArgs defined
    two arguments required, both lists:
        args = a list of arguments, of proper python data types
        argTypes = list of one-level deap types, specified w/ strings
            'list', 'num', 'float', 'int', 'str'; see drawer.py
    one optional args
        defaultArgs = list of default args to substitute
    returns: newArgs, ok, msg

    >>> strongType([[1,2,3]], ['list'])
    ([[1, 2, 3]], 1, '')
    >>> strongType([.5, 3, 'three'], ['float', 'int', 'str'])
    ([0.5, 3, 'three'], 1, '')
    >>> strongType([3.2], ['num', 'num'])
    ([3.2000...], 0, 'incorrect number of arguments; enter 2 arguments.')
    >>> strongType([3.2, 5, 6], ['num', 'num'])
    ([3.2000..., 5, 6], 0, 'too many arguments; enter 2 arguments.')
    argCount = len(argTypes) 
    if len(usrArgs) < argCount:
        # try to get from defaults
        if len(defaultArgs) == argCount: # defaults exits (default is 0)
            for retrieve in defaultArgs[len(usrArgs):]:
                usrArgs.append(retrieve) # add missing to end
                #print 'argTools.py: adding default', retrieve, defaultArgs
        else: # nothing we can do: failure
            msg = ('incorrect number of arguments; enter %i arguments.' % 
                    (argCount + argCountOffset)) # add incase if name offset
            return usrArgs, 0, msg
    elif len(usrArgs) > argCount:
        #print _MOD, len(usrArgs), argCount
        msg = 'too many arguments; enter %i arguments.' % (argCount + 
        return usrArgs, 0, msg

    for pos in range(0, argCount):
        argTest = usrArgs[pos]
        # can be [list, num, float, int, str]
        typeCandidates = argTypes[pos] 
        if not drawer.isList(typeCandidates):
            typeCandidates = [typeCandidates,] # add to list
        for type in typeCandidates:
            if type == 'list' and drawer.isList(argTest):
                match = 1
            elif type == 'num' and drawer.isNum(argTest):
                match = 1
            elif type == 'float' and drawer.isFloat(argTest):
                match = 1
            elif type == 'int' and drawer.isInt(argTest):
                match = 1
            elif type == 'str' and drawer.isStr(argTest):
                match = 1
            else: # dont break; need to through other possbilities
                match = 0 
        # should covnert types to better strings
        if match == 0:
            msg = ('wrong type of data used as an argument. replace %s with a %s argument type.' % (repr(typeset.anyDataToStr(argTest)),
                # provide 'or' to show that any type in candidate is good
                drawer.typeListAsStr(typeCandidates, 'or')))
            return usrArgs, 0, msg
    # all good
    return usrArgs, 1, ''
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def __init__(self, ao=None, barHEIGHT=10, winWIDTH=None, fmt='pil', 
        # bar height is the height of texture in pixels. the total height of a
        # of a window is determined by the number of textures         
        if ao == None:
            from athenaCL.libATH import athenaObj # update need for color prefs
            update = athenaObj.External()
            pcsPath = [(4,3,10),(1,5,4,3),(2,11,4),(7,5,3)]
            scPath  = [(3,2,1),(4,14,0),(3,2,-1),(3,5,1)]
            mapDict = None
            activePath = 'testPath'
            update = ao.external # rename update from AO
            pathLib = ao.pathLib
            activePath = ao.activePath
            pcsPath = pathLib[activePath].get('pcsPath')
            scPath  = pathLib[activePath].get('scPath')
            # gets a dict of (sourcePosition, destinationPosition) : map entries
            if pathLib[activePath].voiceType == 'none':
                mapDict = None
                mapDict = pathLib[activePath].voiceLib[

        fontTitle = 'micro' 
        fontText = 'micro' 
        COLORfgMain = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORfgMain') 
        COLORbgMargin = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORbgMargin') 
        COLORbgGrid = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORbgGrid') 
        COLORbgAbs = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORbgAbs') 
        COLORfgAlt = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORfgAlt') 
        COLORtxTitle = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORtxTitle') 
        COLORtxLabel = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORtxLabel') 
        COLORtxUnit = update.getPref('gui', 'COLORtxUnit') 

        self.totalSets = len(pcsPath)

        self.vertEntries = 0 # max number of vertical cells
        for set in pcsPath:
            if len(set) >= self.vertEntries:
                self.vertEntries = len(set)
        # add ont vertical entry for the set-class key accross the top
        self.vertEntries = self.vertEntries + 1
        self.noGutters = self.vertEntries + 1
        self.mapGUTTER = 3 # in pixels, space between cells
        self.rMarginSize = 4
        self.tMarginSize = 4
        self.lMarginSize = 96 # same as imagePmtr; was 100
        self.bMarginSize = 4 # half of imagePmtr
        # this calculate the height of the entire window
        self.winHEIGHT   = (self.vertEntries * barHEIGHT) + (self.noGutters * 
                          self.mapGUTTER) + self.tMarginSize + self.bMarginSize
        if winWIDTH == None:
            self.winWIDTH = (self.lMarginSize + self.rMarginSize) + (66 * 
        elif winWIDTH < 200:
            self.winWIDTH = 200
        elif winWIDTH > 3000:
            self.winWIDTH = 3000
            self.winWIDTH   = winWIDTH  #600 #
        # get size of just the data region
        self.mapHEIGHT = self.winHEIGHT - (self.tMarginSize + self.bMarginSize)
        self.mapWIDTH   = self.winWIDTH  - (self.lMarginSize + self.rMarginSize)
        # map height includes all gutters; dont need to add belwo5
        self.heightAllGutters = self.mapGUTTER * self.noGutters
        self.heightAllEntries = self.mapHEIGHT - self.heightAllGutters
        if self.vertEntries > 0: #round to nearest pix
            self.cellHeight = round(self.heightAllEntries/(self.vertEntries+0.0))
        else: self.cellHeight = 0

        self.cellWidth = round(self.mapWIDTH / (self.totalSets + 0.0))
        self.cellEntryWidth = 18 # pixels for each pc entry
        # offset of lines above cell bottom
        self.vertCellOffset = round(self.cellHeight * .5) 

        # create canvas
        self.c = imageTools.Canvas(fmt, self.winWIDTH, self.winHEIGHT, 
                                 COLORbgAbs, 'PVview: %s' % activePath, master)

        # draw margin rectangles
        self.c.rectangle(0, 0, self.winWIDTH, self.tMarginSize, 
            COLORbgMargin, None, 0)
        self.c.rectangle(0, 0, self.lMarginSize, self.winHEIGHT, 
            COLORbgMargin, None, 0)
        self.c.rectangle(0, self.tMarginSize + self.mapHEIGHT, 
                              self.winWIDTH, self.winHEIGHT, 
                              COLORbgMargin, None, 0)
        self.c.rectangle(self.mapWIDTH + self.lMarginSize, 0, 
                              self.winWIDTH, self.winHEIGHT, 
                              COLORbgMargin, None, 0)

        # set name in upper left
        self.c.gridText(self.mapGUTTER, self.mapGUTTER + self.tMarginSize, 'nw', 
                             activePath, fontTitle, COLORtxUnit)

        # draw key for sets
        xCurrentPos = self.lMarginSize
        for keyPartition in range(self.totalSets):          
            xStart  = xCurrentPos
            xEnd      = xCurrentPos + self.cellWidth
            yStart  = self.tMarginSize
            yEnd      = self.winHEIGHT

            # commented out portions create filled rectangles
            if keyPartition == 0: # first needs to be bkg color
                # removing first grid to remove ob1 error w/ vector graphics
                #self.c.line(xStart,yStart,xStart,yEnd, COLORbgAbs, width=1)
                scName = multiset.scToStr(scPath[keyPartition])
                # this adds numbers to key
                    self.mapGUTTER + self.tMarginSize, 'nw',
                    scName, fontTitle, COLORtxUnit)
            elif (keyPartition % 1) == 0:
                self.c.line(xStart,yStart,xStart,yEnd, COLORbgMargin, .5)
                scName = multiset.scToStr(scPath[keyPartition])
                # this adds numbers to key
                    self.mapGUTTER + self.tMarginSize, 'nw',
                    scName, fontTitle, COLORtxUnit)

            else: # this are the lines that divide verticalities
                self.c.line(xStart,yStart,xStart,yEnd, COLORbgGrid, .5)

            xCurrentPos = xCurrentPos + self.cellWidth

        # sets
        xPosition = self.lMarginSize
        axisDict = {}
        columnCount  = 0
        for chord in pcsPath:
            xPosition = xPosition + self.mapGUTTER
            yPosition = self.tMarginSize + (self.mapGUTTER*2) + self.cellHeight
            rowCount = 0
            for note in chord:
                #yPosition = yPosition #+ self.mapGUTTER #+ self.cellHeight
                yLineStart = yPosition + 8 # needs to be shifted down
                xLineStart = xPosition - self.mapGUTTER - 1 # shift left 1
                # axis dict used for drawing lines
                axisDict[(columnCount, rowCount)] = (xLineStart, yLineStart)

                pcString = '%i' % note
                self.c.gridText(xPosition, yPosition, 'nw',
                                     pcString, fontText, COLORtxTitle)
                rowCount = rowCount + 1
                yPosition = yPosition + self.cellHeight + self.mapGUTTER

            xPosition = xPosition + (self.cellWidth - self.mapGUTTER)
            columnCount = columnCount + 1
        # draw even if voices are not possible
        if mapDict != None:
            for i in range(self.totalSets-1):
                thisSetIndex = i
                nextSetIndex = i + 1
                # this has been a source of error, but not clear why
                # some keys have produced a key error
                mapDictkey = (thisSetIndex, nextSetIndex)
                map = mcObj.fetchMap(mapDict[mapDictkey])
                for j in range(len(map)): # go down vertically
                    startCord = axisDict[(i,j)]
                    nextRowPosition = map[j]
                    if drawer.isList(nextRowPosition):
                        for subRowPosition in nextRowPosition:
                            # get next position
                            endCord = axisDict[((i+1),subRowPosition)]
                            (endCord[1]-self.vertCellOffset), COLORfgMain, 1)
                        # get next position
                        endCord = axisDict[((i+1),nextRowPosition)] 
                            (endCord[1]-self.vertCellOffset), COLORfgMain, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 52
def findNormalT(pcSet, setMatrix=None):
    """finds normal form of any pc set and returns forte number
    as a scTriple data structure, and transposition from normal form
    pcSet may contain psReals, and as such, need to be converted to ints

    >>> findNormalT([3,4,5])
    ((3, 1, 0), 3)

    if setMatrix == None:  # use forte as default
        setMatrix = FORTE
    MONADscTuple = (1, 1, 0)

    # check for bad data
    if drawer.isStr(pcSet):
        return None  # error, no strings supported here
    if drawer.isList(pcSet):
        for psReal in pcSet:  # make sure all values are numbers; no strings allowed
            if drawer.isStr(psReal):
                return None  # break, return None as error
    # check for unusual data
    if drawer.isNum(pcSet):  # its a single number
        pcVal = pitchTools.roundMicro(pcSet)
        # second number is transposition from 0
        return MONADscTuple, (pcVal % 12)
    if len(pcSet) == 1:  #filter out monad!
        pcVal = pitchTools.roundMicro(pcSet[0])
        return MONADscTuple, (pcVal % 12)

    # scrub and go
    pcSetClone = []
    for psReal in pcSet:  # pcSet may contian psReal, w/ floating values
    #check fr non base 12 numbers, negative numbers, redundancies
    pcSetClone = list(pcSetTransposer(pcSetClone, 0))

    i = 0
    chord = []
    for i in range(0, 12):  # remove redundancies
        if i in pcSetClone:
    card = len(chord)
    if card < 1:  # monad has already been filtered out
        return None  # 2nd no is transposition from 0
    if card == 1:  # this is a set like (3,3,3,3)
        return MONADscTuple, (pcSet[0] % 12)
    elif card > 12:
        return None  # 'irrational cardinality error'

    rotIndices = list(range(0, card))
    foundIndex = None  #control variable
    for rot in rotIndices:
        r = rot  # dont need to add 1? + 1
        rotSet = chord[r:card] + chord[0:r]
        dif = rotSet[0]
        pSet = pcSetTransposer(rotSet, -dif)
        iSet = tuple(pcInverter(pSet))
        maxRange = len(setMatrix[card])
        # check all sets of given card for match
        for index in range(1, maxRange):  # start with 1, not zero
            # this is a default; may be a symmetrical set and have no inversion
            foundInv = 'A'
            # test each set in this cardinality; "0" gets pitches
            testSet = tuple(setMatrix[card][index][0])
            if iSet == testSet:
                foundIndex = index
                foundInv = 'B'  #nt sure yet if 1 or 0
            elif pSet == testSet:
                foundIndex = index
                foundInv = 'A'  #nt sure yet if 1 or 0
        if foundIndex != None:
    if foundIndex == None:  ## no set found
        return None  #'failed!!!'

    if foundInv == 'B':
        # has inversion that is non-redundant (variant)
        if setMatrix[card][foundIndex][2][1] == 0:
            scInv = -1
            scInv = 0
    elif foundInv == 'A':
        # has inversion that is non-redundant (variant)
        if setMatrix[card][foundIndex][2][1] == 0:
            scInv = 1
            scInv = 0
    return (card, foundIndex, scInv), dif